Markiplier Loses His Sanity Simulator

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Apr 02 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey have you ever imagined that you were instantly transported to the siberian wilderness i often this is legit i'm not even joking this is not a bit i have this running not a fantasy what's the opposite of a fantasy a nightmare it's not a nightmare it's something i plan for i'm not a masochist but just in case i do get instantly transported to the siberian wilderness i often wonder how i would survive oftentimes i get transported naked just to make it harder like hard mode weird teleportation accident thing amy hates this thought experiment but what would you do write how you would survive in the comments and then i will play this game for the first time and i will show you the right answer of how to survive okay cool let's do this boom oh never mind oh yes mind all right so first things first uh if you're naked in the siberian wilderness it is very cold in the siberian wilderness so you need to worry about getting warm human beings are warm-blooded mammals we need to stay warm but we have internal heat that surges out from within our core to our extremities except when you're in the siberian wilderness because your extremities will pull heat in what is happening uh don't jump oh well not best to fall backwards off of a cliff well i guess not best the face plants into the ground either okay well this is very pretty so my first thought okay so i'm not naked so this is playing this on easy mode so my thought first is to find a hole oh [ __ ] it's cold see that's what i said it's so cold it was cold well let's oh after spending the night outside your body temperature has dropped drastically your hands are frozen which means you're unable to interact with anything stand next to any heat source to get warm and regain full control over your body your body temperature can be tracked in the top right of the screen okay easy frostbite okay well okay well this is a little it's telling me exactly what i need to do so i don't need to tell you guys my big brain ideas i'm not assuming that there's just going to be uh magically fires lurking everywhere oh fun um but for some reason i i kind of have a feeling that there's gonna be kind of reminds me of the game lixian made for me oh hello i can crouch what the oh no is this a horror game i don't know no what is that i have to be careful yeah you have to be careful what the hell is it your sanity is lowered by your poor condition and fear of dangers lurking in the forest the lower your sanity the closer you are to madness and further away from survival hallucinations are one of the first symptoms of losing sanity harmless at first dangerous later to be careful when exploring for example wolves will intimidate you and lower your sanity wild animals may injure or kill you if you approach too closely that's the other problem but you gotta you gotta fight them because you gotta drink their blood that's the oh oh god oh hi oh jesus you were eating his feet oh no not his delicate tootsies all right guys you have fun with that oh my god i'm so sorry [ __ ] why can't i go backwards oh okay um yeah but uh number one tactic is you cut open the first animal you see and you dive inside because as i learned from star wars that's the number way one way to get warm okay but other than that survival is a breeze easy peasy if you ask me oh i just want to go home don't be such a baby you got teleported out here you can deal with it you don't know when you're going to get teleported back so you got to you got to figure out a long-term survival plan get used to the area or find a local hot spring finally goddamn that is convenient body temperature changes according to ambient temperature this is this is goddamn delightful oh ah oh now that's nice oh i guess i'm doing this now oh that feels much better hey this is my oh that's a lot of them run i will run i am running now look where comes my survival when do i get a choice about this oh they come oh they're coming oh they're coming okay hang on i didn't expect this to be as urgent in the beginning of this but i'll do my best you can't get me i feel like i'm doing a lot of running because i ran from that bear and now i'm running from these wolves [Music] yeah what's up [ __ ] come down here health bar represents physical condition got it all right whatever man bang my leg what did i do sprained the ankle oh little [ __ ] baby i got a broken foot you think that's gonna bother me man everything sure is convenient in this area who would have a cabin out in the siberian wilderness nobody except for vicious you don't want to be messing with those don't trust anybody else in the siberian wilderness once you've been teleported there they might be out to kill you it's a horror game it's a horror game this is a horror game i have to pull myself together i have to pull myself there's a horror game god damn okay hello this is so like the game that lexia made hello oh roy ah perfect great stuff actually this is surprisingly great stuff i will admit med kit everything you pick up goes straight into your inventory the size of your inventory depends on your equipment you can drag and drop items in the quick slot okay inventory ah look at me handsome man much better much bitter this cold is killing me well you know maybe you should be warmer fireplaces and shelters are ready to use you only need to add fuel okay [Music] all right light up fuel light good thing i have that is this thing still on i should save the battery for later is what things still on what are you talking about okay oh flashlight oh cool for one day oh oh okay you know what yeah i'll go to sleep [ __ ] trip there's a [ __ ] trip [Music] others you know maybe you shouldn't worry about others maybe you should worry about yourself oftentimes being selfish is in the best way but when you're in the suburian will and you've been teleported there out of your will randomly you gotta worry about you and you alone terrible night well i mean you're not dead so i have to go back there and get my stuff well we don't have to we might not have to anybody here retrieve your gear okay i don't know how important that's gonna be where's my gear is there even a quick path to it apparently can i slide ah damn this looked like i could slide oh well oh you mean if i did just do you mean if i were just taking a left turn i would have made it to my cabin immediately i'm some kind of an idiot oh hello there you are all right canteen quickest way to quench your thirst is eating snow take note that it replenishes your fluid slightly and lowers your body temperature you can find natural sources of water as well be careful with hot springs as their waters are harmful to drink [ __ ] it's empty ah damn although there is plenty of snow around here there is plenty of snow there's genius snow to eat it oh yeah all right man more all right but it's fine because i can just go to that i could just go to that hot spring and get warm again also if i'm running shouldn't i also build up some heat i feel like i would but then again i don't really know because i'm an idiot and i haven't exactly accounted for the fact that i might be teleported to the siberian wilderness and not be naked all of my plans were kind of hinging on me being naked at this point so my best bet is just to get naked that would be my best bet it doesn't look good you think this might have been you maybe this was you instinct mode hell yeah oh finally we're on the right page here okay wolves are extremely dangerous and will kill you with these avoid them at all costs you don't feel hopeful you are progressively losing sanity excellent it just keeps getting worse yeah it does doesn't i hope they're okay ah nah this don't look good for nobody man this looks very bad man there's a lot of hot springs around here ah very nice well i guess i should just let myself warm up as much as i can right pretty toasty ah i know it's probably sulfurous like super poisonous water but hey it feels good and that's all that matters okay why am i still cold come on come on neutral come on man all right it's good enough you know it's good enough i need to get to my backpack whatever's in my backpack i mean it might just be space who knows but you careful careful careful schmearful that's what i always say i can't grab under there oh you can't climb okay well that's unfortunate for me hop oh come on oh come on oh come on okay here we go here we go all right what was that about my friends or something like that a bear or whatnot or what have you what else was looking up there boom i supposed to look at these but i already look at these uh i guess i'm supposed to follow him whoa what is that potato hell yeah oh what do we have here is that a carrot oh my god i'm a genius see that's what you also got to do when you get teleported to the siberian wilderness you got to look for haters and carrots get them they're everywhere survival is easy if you know what potatoes and carrots look like i'm assuming that this is leading me somewhere not where the bear trail ends here yeah i wonder what happened probably reached the other side but now the bridge doesn't look very stable what about this suggests that they made it to the other side yet what in the world i think i saw their camp on the way i didn't see [ __ ] what are you talking about don't put words in my mouth don't put sights in my eyes don't do anything from me hmm funny how i was just running this way nice nice you can find different types of food which affect your hunger differently okay about time to head back well i don't know about that man i need to eat something oh good thing i got this food how do i get more uh firewood when do i get an axe i could just rip these things down with my bare hands i am very strong someone tells me they won't go with that one why is this capturing like what is with it what is the [ __ ] games not capturing well these days i got this new computer so that it would do its job but why why is it not the [ __ ] is the deal i don't get it my dudes i don't get it why why does it not just capture correctly why does it not just capture correctly why not why i've been dealing with this for so many years trying so many different ways for it to not [ __ ] miss frames due to rendering lag oh i'm gonna lose my mind i'm gonna lose my mind guys i'm gonna lose my mind i'm gonna lose my mind why does this happen why does this happen obvious oh yes obvious why does this happen i'm okay when i'm looking on my screen i see smooth buttery images and yet look look hey 97 well that's why i'm getting smooth as butter my cpu isn't doing that but look 90. oh good at that how about that okay hey what's up guys i'm sorry to interrupt the video here but this is all part of winter survival getting the right frame rates on your frickin ovs recordings that you haven't changed in years i have not changed in a long long time i like obs i do i don't have a problem with obs except for these scenarios you know when you're capturing games and you know that's just the main part of my job is uh uh capturing games and you'd think that it would be able to do that flawlessly but no as it turns out no it doesn't work out that way because it just doesn't save enough my graphics card it is chugging literally as hard as it could possibly chug 98 percent chug-a-lug speed for making this game look and i appreciate it for that but it's only saving two percent for obvious and i don't understand why look look look why why why why why doesn't obs get the minimum of what it needs why why why don't why why doesn't it why why does this happen why does this happen i just want to know why it happens i right now have vertical sync on i have nvidia to frame rate limit at 60 frames per second and it's not doing it clearly it's not doing it then the gpu is like i've got room to sprint baby it's 11 but why does it need 11 this is rendering the video on the cpu i have been struggling with this for far too long maybe i've done some bad things i don't think i'm a bad person but you know i think that maybe [Music] maybe this is what i deserve you know [Music] hey what better time than in the middle of an of a normal gameplay video to have a little pow-wow here have a little pow-wow i'm gonna get back to the game don't worry i'm gonna get back to the game but i just wanted to say i know the offline schedule has not been normal but that's just because i've been busier than i've ever been in my entire life but it's not a bad thing it's a good thing there's a lot of exciting stuff going on but i'm only one guy and all i want is for obs to capture properly that's that's really all i want all i've ever wanted [Music] is for robbie has to capture properly all right now in order to play this game properly because it just started lagging again i'm going to turn the graphics down now that seems weird but i i have to oh and the it's still not right [Music] obvious isn't even here [Music] restart [Music] are we capturing smoove yes we freed up just enough just enough of the gpu so that would we did it guys we did it here we'll prove it we're gonna epic and then we're gonna get choppy it's choppy and we're going low and we're good we did it oh it looks so bad oh my god it looks so bad oh i can't even continue my game oh god [Applause] i will get back to where we were oh it looks so bad oh no oh it looks so bad oh no oh yeah oh god it's so bad but the frame rates are good guys i'm gaming all the way back in 2003. oh my god who would game this one i know a lot of people do game this way but my god oh no i've regressed oh yes what have you done this i'm actually sad i'm actually sad oh god i don't know if i can guys i don't know if i can i don't know if i can do this i've lost all willpower is this better is it could this possibly be better is it possibly better can i go to medium at least can i do medium can i get away with medium i think we're still running at good frame rates okay we're okay we're gonna go one notch higher come on if we can just get one more notch okay oh the difference between high oh oh oh are we no we're lagging all right okay all right no lens flares no reflection no bloom no ambient clue this is what we deserve this is what we deserve this is all i deserve obs i get it i'm now down where at your level obs i get it i can't even see what i'm looking at this blood i can't see anything oh no that feels much better it feels much worse it feels so much worse for those wolves i literally can't tell run oh okay maybe it's best if the wolves kill me maybe you know maybe that would be better but you know what wolves just kill me just kill me don't look at me like that kill me well this took a turn for the better i think i think instead of winter survival simulator that was just mark loses his sanity simulator except instead of a simulator it's real for me but for you it's you get to simulate what it happens when i lose my sanity altogether so just gonna thank you everybody so much for watching hope you enjoyed winter survival simulator it was a good game uh this was just the demo so the full experience will be coming out sometime this year maybe when that comes out i'll give it another try but i think this was a fun adventure i think that it really opened up my eyes to the possibilities of what i could do if i find myself in the winter scenario so i will keep that in mind and i trust lixian to make this into a very very enjoyable experience for everyone alexian uh make sure this is it's a great video right good i love obs thank you for watching and as always i will see you in the next one bye bye [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,846,063
Rating: 4.9707847 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, simulator, sim game, markiplier rage, markiplier sad, markiplier crying, funny reactions, funny games, markiplier funny moments
Id: OfXjfyDmsH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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