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hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to tear down a game of utter destruction and terrifying capabilities in the palm of your hand or something like that i don't know you blow [ __ ] up and it blows you up and it blows you away then when it all blows what happened to me okay about let me i'll let the game explain itself i get i did not know this was just oh my god what this isn't about this isn't about it all i mean i appreciate this is a credit sequence i thought this was an about you could help me because obviously i can't even explain a game i've been doing youtube videos for eight years i can't explain anything that i'm doing properly it probably should be the beginning of most video games that i play you know tell people who made it give credit where credit's due and we're fading away okay so as we learned nothing this game is about blowing stuff up that's all i know i don't know if i should do the campaign or the sandbox or challenges i don't know good god that's pretty this game has no right being this pretty what the hell is this about oh my god look at that is that ray tracing it's retracing enabled it's running like a turd okay that's better god damn that's pretty oh wow that is some good stuff um how do i blow it up how do i destroy this world do i just go home cause clearly that's not my home or at least i hope that's not my home why am i walking home oh you won't stop me you're stopping me in the water i'm in the water now i'm in the water i'm in the water god why are you so pretty why are you so god damn pretty you tree [ __ ] what right do you have who do you think you are being this attractive stop it you seductive tree [ __ ] where am i i'm coming after you i'm gonna be all up in you all right i've made it to the top i'm higher than you therefore i'm better than you everyone knows oh this is my home well thank you tree for the assist i would not have known that had i not climbed you my legs oh there's fall damage why this game is much more intricate than i thought it was i thought i was just gonna be blowing stuff up which it might be hold the drag open doors where could i blow it up you know i was misled on the amount of blowing up that this game was gonna present to me oh i'm so strong i could have ripped that tree out by its roots don't think i still can't because i will all right open door is this my home pick up your tools pick up my tools what is this fire fire extinguisher well that would solve problems i want to cause problems wow oh look at the foam this game looks really good why why does it look good stop looking good oh ah okay not a penis first thing this looks like it's about to be a penis it's an axe yeah you see it okay and hammer okay replace the fuse to turn on power oh hello no you tricked me oh i'm sorry i don't want to kill anymore i don't want to hi do you hold the secret use tool why oh die i don't want to kill anymore well that took two hits i'll do the same as i did to your brother get this all squared away hello okay will the sledge help me replace this no okay go inside and check messages why but why though because i have a job because this is my job wow oh that's not good my livelihood shut up don't shut up hello tracy gas bill gas bill just dropped on the floor why honestly i'm not sure we can make it through the month who are you mom oh mom oh okay just came in sounds kind of fishy but we need the money up for it good evening my name is gordon woo general manager at the evertides mall i have a slight problem with an old building that's blocking our plans for a new wing and i'd need someone to knock it over i'm sure this is legal i need it done by tomorrow and i'd be evil a little bit more standard for some extra discretion quick execution and uncomfortable working hours say no more mr wu i will execute that's pretty far away now you know i ain't gonna ask you many questions because i don't need to know that much about it oh my god i'm going in the ocean yes i hate it i regret it hello where am i well this was a mistake excuse me i went out please thank you climb up on my truck why i just like to be high up okay what does this say or finish oh municipality folk museum well that seems important 6.3 meters too tall propane tanks explode when thrown great good to know throw object oh my god his discretion is not occurring there's no discretion i'll tear this whole city to the ground if it keeps discretion discretion has been and will continue to be advised let's just take out the base layers if i learned any how if i learned anything from playing battlefield whatever it's that you aim ow you aim for the supports get the structural stability down to poop levels ow and then everything will come tumbling down actually i don't know if that's how you do it in battlefield i don't really play those games well you're still standing good thing i haven't even unleashed my most deadly attack yeah i can't take this fire [ __ ] uh there's a dick no it was the dick breaker looks like the dick breaker struck again nothing we can do against this menace is this better come tumbling down that's all i gotta say tumble like a weed tumble [ __ ] oh it's holed up by that oh well i'll take care of you the deckbreaker strikes again ah get away get get gone really this can i break brick with a sled i can't break brick well that's dumb i'll go get what can break brick a three two one you piece of [ __ ] if you're not gonna crumble you're gonna tumble tumble damn it humble tumbled tombol you this is impossible how would any human new fridge is it what new it ain't i don't know who said new this not unknew it it ain't new what's in the shed only one way to find out here's marky the dickbreaker has penetrated another house he cannot be stopped i don't like that nickname i think it's a bad one what happens if i load up this place and then then blow what happens if i load and blow would that do anything just a little bit of the old extreme discretion at play no one just wonk this thing around why don't i no one's gonna know a thing oh fire fire it can catch on fire yeah that helps why would i want to put that out why would i want to this is the point i am a destroyer the dick breaker breaker of dicks i love this game this is fantastic well i just got to sit back and wait right watch the world burden down might as well cut down some trees or something i don't know bam get out of here municipality folk museum no one cares about folk music anymore go in the ocean you go tree you go in the ocean you go the ocean if you know what's good for you can i drag you can i pick up this tree please tell me i can i'm not that strong though i could have ripped that tree out by its roots are you done yet my god oh my god come on burn baby burn all right i'll help out quite satisfying i gotta give it that hey job's a job you know there probably was a lot better way to go about this but i don't know what that is and uh i don't have time to go back and only forward with me it's the only way i know how to live my life is moving forward and that's how i'm moving and that's how i'm living a little more come on come on break break damn you great am i on fire yay mission accomplished get to the escape vehicle escape vehicle with no point in keeping that building uh uh erect if you ask me building meant to come down building needed to come down buildings should have come down faster eight minutes intense i was way too long but hey we'll be able to pay our gas bill ooh i do like this warehouse i didn't like it at first but now i really actually like it i've always wanted to have like a loft style big open warehouse kind of deal see according to the police the perpetrators did a quick job on the old building an investigation has been opened okay whatever i don't know hey ma ma oh what a morning shouldn't have taken that job i knew something wasn't right that building was under cultural heritage protection and the demolition is now part of a criminal investigation miss turdy man at the police just sent me this photo they must have caught you on the traffic camera heading towards the mall the very last thing we need right now is an investigation i tried sweet talking her and she thought she could get the case dropped but ask for a favor in return i don't know what she wants but just do it hello miss turdyman just so you know i don't usually do this but i'm stuck on a case and i feel like i should try something new i've been investigating lawrence lee jr over tax i didn't turn off my alarm that's annoying how about you use your skills to borrow the computers over elite chemicals so that i can finally access this customer registry and sort this mess out if you do this for me i'll make sure your little blunder will be forgotten okay sounds good man sounds good you got it turdman the dickbreaker and turdman working together i'm going to destroy this and there's nothing you can do to stop me absolutely nothing i will not be stopped oh there we go oh it does kind of flop okay that's good anyway what was i doing who am i where are you my hair hello stop stop stop stop thank you what am i doing some kind of computer some kind of computer needs blown up hello thank you excuse me oh well that was easy [Music] oh i'm out of body i'm out of my body hello computer lee's office upper floor okay i don't know how i did that people better watch out i got some kind of powers hello quick save why am i quick saving do i have to kill someone in here must be locked ah brick i can't even come close to dealing with that yes i can hello hi goodbye ow excuse me pardon me hey what's up coffee coffee for i'm taking this this is mine now get that out the door it'll be fine oh grab valuable okay i didn't know i could just steal things that's who i am oh fifty shades of capitalism be still my groin that looks like a computer marina warehouse leasing contract gone paper jam they're destroyed there's an attic and apparently something's in the attic so i'm gonna create a staircase real quick here her okay you know i gotta try a different direction here herbert there we go oh lee's tax deductible finch in front how does anyone get up on this attic what are you talking about there's no getting up on that attic you don't have to worry about telling people not to go up there because how are they gonna uh there was like a way there was like a you know it was like a i saw a thing a bam pipes that's what i saw yep all right where is this taking me oh down i'm an idiot this way i guess hope i can't climb that ah all right whatever i'll go in the front that's completely wide open i guess not happy about it though but whatever sled i did it corrosive chemicals huh how corrosive not very apparently it's not even quoting anything where's the corrosion where's the cro crows me cruz garbage sad terrible what is this what kind of safety protocols is this oh hi okay bottle of golf myra i love golf golf myra hello hello hello ah a damn why was i supposed to be sneaky ooh speaking of sneaky i see you there oh ow are these explody if that was i would have gone up real quick okay there's something going on in there there's something happening hey let me up come on look come on come on let me there we go there's something going on here drive yeah trying to be oh oh my god how where what oh i don't know what that what in the world am i doing why am i doing this do i need to get up there is that the only way to get up there what kind of nightmare building design is this holy crap got it get out of here wonk take this a-hole yeah that just goes to nothing oh it broke that's her excuse it broke you're gonna be paying this back for you oh my god i almost died but now i won't ah well that didn't blow up everything it's supposed to blow up everything oh everything blew i'm almost dead i really shouldn't do any of what i'm doing but i'm a pro ow i'm a professional and i will not be swayed by limitations such as mission objectives all right i'm gonna run now oh don't worry police little officer i took care of everything [Music] breaking news hit and run no fun for lee sun breaking at lee chemicals the perpetrator caused property damage and managed to get away with electronic equipment all right whatever that sounds pretty good i got a new message all right the customer registry indicates that lee's worked almost exclusively with a single client recently the client is only referred to as bt and no further details so i really have to bother you with one more favor all right man whatever yeah that sounds good i'll go back uh not like i care was there some information about the security in that little blurb that i didn't read whatever man let's get in hey what is this what oh what oh are you kidding me uh vulnerability detected [Music] target acquired i'm gonna go in the back way where all the rocks is i can break through rocks but i won't rocks didn't hurt me they deserve better oh this looks important can i break it hello yeah what's going on there just hidden cash man i'm really good at finding all the hidden stuff not trying to just happens i'm so goddamn good at games oh yes please i don't know what i'm about to do with this thing but uh wobble womb yeah yeah i just got brown oh my god yes oh my god all right whatever i brought oops ah not exactly what i meant to do i meant to put that there so i could climb up it but actually i don't even know if i can climb up this thing oh i can't okay all right i found my way in hello who's here hi what is that i got a circular saw okay so what's this security system i've heard so much about hey what the hell yeah all right okay you won't play hardball play the hardest ball of all hardball nice hello hi what's up here failed test results wonkas uh any anything of value all right cool what's my oh wired alarm boxes security arrives 60 seconds after alarm is triggered make sure to plan ahead whatever break things not like i need to worry about it maybe i could go over to the dam maybe i could break the dam that'd be cool that'd be pretty cool is anyone gonna stop me like a big yellow wall anyone gonna try to stop me i'm gonna turn off the whole city's power oh it's open this was a mistake for you oh what the hell oh oh agent b4 oh wallet i'm i'm a goddamn thief oh you should not have let me in here oh this is gonna go terribly for all of you here we go okay good yeah i survived that all right that's sturdy just checking the integrity wonkas wankus anybody wankers wonkas i'll take that distance laser awesome what was i doing there oh there's still power here was there no point to me destroying the whole city's infrastructure because i'm going to be really cross if that's the case so there's some kind of alarm this you shouldn't have put this here god you shouldn't have put that there that's going to take us down a bit uh excuse me that's good this thing's got some giddy up all right well now i've thoroughly destroyed my way across that all right no one will ever get back here what are you pick up target key reader what do you go to well i have a funny feeling that's gonna do a thing before i can get away with doing the thing so i'm gonna investigate this place [Music] okay so there's some kind of like wires or something to this so if i pick this up i've got 60 seconds to get here okay whatever oh okay i'm gonna go i'm gonna go dude i got this this is easy watch this this way i know whatever you thought you could stop me you can't even stop yourself i don't know what that means but sounds profound yes i'm the best best ever oh yeah oh my god i'm the greatest excuse me pardon me oh yoinkus yeah thank you for the contribution oh sweet god you all wish you were as good as me but you're not and that's so sad oh my god oh my god you guys all suck i am amazing i nailed it you reached a new rank a new tool has been delivered [Music] oh you can upgrade your tools at the computer i can okay wait before i do that let me look at my tools sledge no upgrade available upgrade no upgrade oh yeah oh yeah just all of it what else am i gonna spend my money on i got so much money i've stolen so much stuff they turned off the gas i can't even make a proper coffee anymore we really need to bring in more clients i'll reach out to gordon and see if he has something else i haven't heard back from the police the thing sorted yeah ma oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah ma oh yeah gordon that's right thanks for helping me out with that building the police was snooping around a little but it seemed to have cooled off now and we can finally start construction i actually have another job for you see i bought this yacht recently but it's too large for the marina and the board said there's no space for a new dock could you use your demolition skills again remove one of the timeshare cabins if the original documentation also disappeared then ta-da like it was never there okay sure at least this one seems well it doesn't seem legit but it seems a little less nefarious than breaking a historical museum in the middle of the night i didn't know we had a boat our company has a boat we got a demolition boat that's dope uh i'm robbing this house this is what i've decided i'm doing peek-a-boo kind of yes i can dig the fish ow water in you what are in you i know you got goodies in here somewhere so just give me the goodies okay no eating at the desk yeah sure whatever you say wangus hello this desk no okay all right so you're playing hard to get uh what's going on here one gordon permit again other questions okay oh primary target i didn't know that this was my primer what do you mean oh god oh the blow and not and not blowing doesn't seem to be blowing well how do i i didn't even know this was where i was supposed to go it didn't even say on them oh it does stand on the map okay whatever usually this kind of works wow whatever you know it's fine create a way for me to get it out of the building i guess i could just load it onto the boat i suppose let's get it out get it out to get it out the window there she goes there she goes not in the bush okay let's get this thing going oh my god there's gotta be a better way there's gotta be okay if i like wiggle waggle apparently i'm pushing it with my titanic balls right now okay okay oh no hurdle hurdle hurdle hurdle turtle okay okay roll it do not go in the ocean please go into my boat please go into my boat into my boat into the boat oh do not go in the water all right into the boat okay it's in the boat got it okay that is secured nail that and crack that open in my leisure i thought i was just robbing a house i didn't think i was actually doing anything important hello well they left the mp3 player there so that's their fault mine now finders keepers as wise men once said okay those are mine all right how community building huh is there some kind of cultural heritage to this place you know i feel about cultural heritage okay well i know they're hiding something big buckworth there's some big valued item that they're definitely not given to me i'm gonna find it oh attic i knew it had to be something hello hi oh a gun a gun look at me a gun hello drive vehicle why why not i was supposed to destroy one of you how about all of you valuable valuable nah not even an attic basement that's the water that doesn't help me which one of these was i supposed to kablooie okay this is the one that's supposed to go down all right well what if i just detach it from the pier and then break the supports underneath it well there goes the pier i just gotta smash the supports and uh down she goes oh my god i'm gonna die holy crap oh oh my god are you really holding that up oh not for long there she goes oh that's oh you tell me that a building floats because it's made of wood you think i'm stupid you think i'm dumb someone's looking at this like it's still salvageable that's good to live in honey this time sure was a good investment i swear can't drive this all right time to hit the old dusty trail la da da what's an optional thing just taking some of the pier with me don't mind me gotta find this optional bozo going on here oh what's up in this place well i'm a little confused but uh whatever what am i doing am i going on this boat can i drive this boat oh please tell me i can drive this boat yes please thank you i love it no one's stopping me no one is preventing anything that's happening this is my world my world okay uh land ho i guess hello i'm not supposed to be here am i this is not part of the objective it's probably the next mission comes here but here i am anyway so shut up and tell me where the goods are goods whoa large say largo safe how do i open the save as us says all of my destructive potential and i can't even open a safe maybe i gotta blow it do i gotta blow it i'll blow it fire in the hole ow that hurt you know if i didn't know any better i'd say that this isn't working all right what if i load it up on a forklift and also put it onto my boat can i do that oh my god land on me please okay oh my god all right i'm gonna take this big four key lower it all the way down i'm gonna scoop this bad boy up we have it no we do not we do not have it this is not having it just gotta i mean it's gonna go in the drink let's not put it in the water preferably there was a smaller forklift that i thought i saw i'm gonna go get that that yeah there i see it zoom in on that it's right there there target acquired turn on bloodlust vision i'm not going to be very angry but make it seem like i am where am i i don't see myself do i exist am i invisible is that why no one stops me i'm not lining her up linus tech tips come on okay and scoot oh my god are you at all serious what if i put it on the forklift what if i don't forklift to it what if i put it on the forklift okay that's gotta work right that's gotta work let's just roll it that's how you do safes good you roll em that's okay as long as it's on there oh we're top heavy we're top heavy we're tipping oh my god all right step three uh drive tiny [ __ ] forklift into the ocean and then go back to big dick forklift like we originally intended okay all right see you nerd get no go get out go okay all right back to big dick mode all right we're gonna put this down and we're gonna put that on this so that we don't have to worry about lining it up perfectly it'll just already be lined up actually will that just be wedged in there i i think it might be oh yeah yeah we got it okay we got it we're on the way baby we're out of here oh i just push it what if i just push it i'll just push it the whole way whatever that's fine it works oh yeah we're fine if you could open that gate for me all right now how i'm gonna get it onto the boat is another question but i think if i got the first one i think i can get this one too yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right probably got to go mono amano from here but that's okay i'm ready for it you better make room on that boat she's uh about to take on some weight there we go yeah you're not going in the drink you're not going in i know you're not watch out little safe i thought you were big before but apparently no all right let's get this up come on okay we are loaded to the tits is that it we get out of here right proof by dumping the safes in the ocean [Music] okay good let's get out yeah yeah oh that tree is going to die your time has come tree it was your mistake to exist in the first place so i'm sorry you wronged me and it's only right that i come to pay back oh you're tough okay slightly less climax there yeah get in the ocean the river all right so actually i'm gonna end that there because my my rampage of destruction has reached its natural conclusion i now have a gun and it can only go downhill from here so thank you everybody so much for watching this game is very fun straight up this game is good time there's really nothing else to say about it this is just fun and the fact that there's a story behind it that's nuts i don't know how they figured they could do that but they did it let me know what you thought down in the comments below if you want to see more games like this give me suggestions of them in the comments and as always i will see you in the next video bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,864,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, teardown, teardown game, funny games, physics games, destruction, epic destruction, demolition, game physics, simulation, physics simulation, destruction physics, teardown markiplier, break literally everything
Id: 8vhn70OVQx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 25sec (1945 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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