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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Sep 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
oh no we have there's a tutorial to play as a tutorial what's with all these game developers explaining how to play their dumbass games do we have to do the tutorial yeah it's the only option when you play a game god what the heck okay i wonder if i have to replay the tutorial tutorial oh looks like i gotta play the tutorial okay the whole picking up and pressing a button to use something is gonna be tricky oh actually that's oh that's dope oh this is cool i like it yeah actually that's not bad huh oh god my face has been covering it because it's in the oh my god oh no one can see the game literally it's in the top left that's where my face is so it's just a big gray screen because your stupid face is covering the whole thing my face isn't stupid by the way i want to mention your big idiot face oh man the train overheats well how am i gonna i can't but if there's no rocks i can't make bridge if there's no rock oh you don't need rocks for the bridge dude you just need wood for the bridge don't worry i'm very stupid oh my train died wait train no okay well your train died i finished my tutorial why would it start to burn why would it do that i can't get to that why what do you mean why wouldn't it why would it why wouldn't it i think it's what he said yeah why wouldn't it why wouldn't it be good i wouldn't hit why why wouldn't why wouldn't it oh god oh god it's ah ah this doesn't make any sense why would this train just light on you all right mark two minute break i'm gonna go get some liquids to drink i will be right back when we come back we start the game everyone done with the tutorial and then whatnots okay oh oh ah it's dead are you excited for this part yeah actually no i think this is gonna be cool but wherever the hell bob went off to bob bob bob it is september bob oh hey it works wow do we want to turn on checkpoints or something or no man i'm assuming wait you're the guy you're the guy change it right now just just click it you know yeah just frick it listen or quick mode let's just quick to see what it's like and then and then figure out where it goes i kind of like this ui it's kind of adorable yeah oh this is much bigger than all that enemies oh why is everything dark why is it dark oh because there was information on the screen uh uh we need to build a bridge to get this wood okay why do we need that wood when we've got all the trees oh hey oh what's that noise oh [ __ ] i think the train's about to choose why is it about to choo choo we're not even close to right it keeps it keeps going that's the thing what do you what do you mean it keeps going what do you mean uh do i put them here is this where we're putting them yeah yeah so we need to go we can go where i see it needs to be a bridge it needs to be a bridge okay okay i i need one of those woods to continue this bridge who's got the axe i'm not maxing get some wood get you some wood oh what did that upgrade do exactly i think it's something we get at the end of the level if we win music much louder than it was in the menu what is that what is that mysterious jamming on right now what's the electricity all about do we have a bucket do we have a bucket yeah yeah it's about to be hey they're stealing our wood hey what the hell bob we need that wood on the oh oh no rail rail rail rail rail rail rail get out my way yeah well wait we don't have a way to get in front of the train now we got to keep building bridges go go go go go go do the thing do the thing all right bridge me i don't have an axe someone with wood build a bridge i have to go the long way around wait i'm bringing the pickaxe i'm gonna make it i'm gonna make it i'm going to make it i'm going to be oh yeah all right all right i'll continue building the bridge i'll continue building the bridge okay i'm bringing the uh okay you first then would you can stack i'm bringing i'm bringing what i'm okay we might need we no no no don't touch the wood get out of here give me that my wood let me go you i can i kill him can i murder him no i didn't seem to be able to hurt him in any way i want to hurt him oh yeah make that lay the track baby lay that track baby weigh that would be the one lay the wheel man we're laying so good all right lay me there we go there we go there we go it's going and coming where did it come from where did it go where did it come from i don't know or they just stack automatically oh wow oh it really speeds up when you get there oh cool oh my god okay everything's fine all right cool unreal well this is easy oh that was actually it what oh we did it yeah that's the quick mode it's quick you guys up for a real challenge um what what's the real challenge what is what is the real challenge oh do you remember no why would i run 21 of september what what it's the first of september oh oh upgrade get out here what is it make a path use the pickaxe to make a path you psychopath look at this oh my god all the freaking tutorials i hate them all right uh iron in iron or stone i don't know what it is i'm gonna clear up can we get those bolts down there can you guys make a bridge to get those bolts bridge bolts what are the bolts to uh they allow you to get upgrades for your train between like levels upgrades for the train what does the train get upgraded faster we don't want faster well like it can make the tracks faster you can hold more materials on the train oh okay well that's right who's got the x you got the x i'm just chopping this whole forest okay do you want to help make a path through this forest and kill some of these cows oh you i can kill the cows how do you kill the cows yeah i'm talking about [ __ ] oh my god oh my god oh that's not good oh that's fine what are you talking about it's fine dude we're killing them i thought it was pretty obvious i'm gonna start laying track i guess yeah does it start going when you lay track or is it going right now but it's so slow it's almost imperceptible we're on the very first level so i think it amps up in speed like each level okay that seems fake oh it's gonna go oh oh it's gonna go it's going it's chewing it's going now what are you what are you doing to me i don't know i'm trying to help it's i got the whole it's okay you gotta worry about it all right well you're not getting the murderer whatever you don't worry about this ah the cows are dead except for one because i wanted it to remember its loss and suffer for it we do need more wood where does that actually it's it's common oh my god plenty of wood look i like me a good piece of lumber hi yeah i'm here we have a bucket this time we do have a bucket that's good is that good does that mean it can light on fire i assume so it's fine this is fine what was the thing in the other train where it had like electricity going i didn't know what that was all about i don't honestly know what you're talking about yeah i didn't i didn't see that i guess oh the color of the little tanker changes and it gets spicier the the hotter it is i see i see i see going on here see how this tank thing is blue right now uh it was like it gets like red or it gets like pink as it gets it gets spicier yeah uh yeah i got the rocks don't worry about that dude we're there my guys done was done before what happens if you stand in front of me get ready am i gonna die am i gonna die am i gonna die oh i'm gonna die i'm fine no you're fine you're fine cool looks like you're fine i'm apparently fine oh stack size plus two i guess we have to take that one first what's a wagon the thing that holds the wooden stone oh no you can stack more wooden stone in there to make more track auto pick up commodities placed nearby so you could drop wooden stone near it it would pick it up oh that's nice oh that's lights up the darkness how dark does it get maybe i don't know that's the power thing the battery oh okay you put stone in there or iron or whatever it is and it goes better improve steam engine i don't know what that means maybe it catches on fire less i like the pickup i like the pickup i like the auto pickup because it's the winner strategically with the two bolts we have two bolts look look at the bolts it's making me take this one up here what am i making you take a new one like do you see it glowing do you guys see the tutorial thing on this hit a get through the tutorial spam a until you're done with the tutorials oh hey hug spam a this is the guy that's played the game before there you go well i don't know why we're relying on you wait can we reorganize these jimmies yeah oh you can oh daddy definitely put it at the front yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah is that the order you guys want this thing in oh does that need to be there well don't we want these at the front though don't we want the the manufactured parts at the front and then like this guy next maybe and like the water at the end because water's for nerds then that then the finished rails the finished tracks will be near the front makes sense it makes sense he's got the brain he's got the brain we'll see we only had one more wagon so what they'd rather replace or upgrade oh it's the same okay all right uh um i don't pick oh we still got the uh materials from the last time oh god did we lose the bucket oh thank god there's a bucket is the train starting uh yeah train is going it is it is oh god the wood from behind oh we need it i'm gonna rescue everybody yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna get some more jesus okay so we we do have to strategically place it before it gets to you know right right right right keep going i need that wood i need that wood to the right that's all we got oh boy this is gonna be spicy there's one more truck we can grab on the ground yeah once you get through there go back and make a second lane for us yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah there you go you can get to the wood all right i'm just gonna start cutting bob whenever you need wood is here i'm gonna come gather i'm gonna come gather right now and just stack make sure we don't leave that bucket oh yeah god if you leave the bucket behind i'm i'm working on it i'm i'm maintaining the buckets i guess there's more any more wood more wood in a big line common baby thank you the auto pickup thing doesn't seem to be working the auto pickup puts it there and then you have to put it in the bin i think manually oh i see these two trees so i get through the stove wait wait wait wait wait wait oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait thank you i told you to make that too late i need to place this okay okay we're good we're good we're good i'm sorry i panicked i'm sorry i panicked oh no i'm glad you did because i didn't see what was happening back there all right i'm gonna place this strategically back there whoever has an empty hand if you want to grab the bucket and bring it this way bob's over there he's got it i'm gonna i'm gonna hit it with some water i'm gonna fill it up i'm gonna bring it over we don't wanna cross the water toward the thieve wow they're friendly oh excuse me first oh god i will carve another path through the trees i'm trying to make everything i'm about [Music] so like a restart oh okay uh-huh ah think of the auto pickup guy maybe was not as beneficial as we had hoped yeah that wasn't very helpful this time we've got this this time it's going to be dope this time it's going to be nuts oh if you didn't have checkpoints would you just keep going forever so well checkpoints just means like once it's just once we get to a new biome if we fail we go to the start of that biome oh okay well yeah that's less risk come on i'm gonna play some hardcore [ __ ] man come on do you want to mine bob you want me okay yeah i'll do no i'll do i'll do the pickaxe you wanna switch jobs i'm sure that's fine i figured you might want to mix it up let's do it baby is it balanced for three players or can it be like an endless number of players or what i think up the four um i'm also going to either go down there to a bridge yes let me go down or bridge uh let's go down let's go down yeah yeah yeah that's a good idea all right make it wide baby oh two lanes you know it apparently there's an achievement for each player to mine a rock so if you guys wanna you guys want a ham dude i've already done it uh i don't i think you have to do it in this i think it's this specific attempt oh you're right in the top left corner there you see i didn't know that i didn't swipe switch or swipe swap me awesome john did we get the achievement that i cut down i think yeah yeah you did it okay we're just going straight here yeah i mean we just need to go left right yeah i think so okay everything is in order you can look how high you can stack [ __ ] oh my god oh you can oh god i will make the bridge never mind there we go i'm just gonna go do we oh we have to go up all right i guess i'm gonna go through these cows kill those cops kill them cows do the tools automatically go forward in this game or if you don't get it i don't know i i move everything just to be safe but that seems like a waste of resources you got to min max everything man i'm just chopping more wood over here uh because yeah keep working and keep working that path working the magic working yeah yeah yeah work it don't let the robbers out though you can't the robbers out he um there's a dinosaur in our game oh you know i wonder if they can just join with the stupid room code or have to hide the room code or something you want me to restart it and hide the room code yeah we should probably do that yeah we should do that let's go okay should we go down even though that's kind of a hella path i think we should go down not terrible is there a bolt somewhere i see duckies i don't see bolts which which way down straight down here yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna make a path down and then to the right so we don't have to go deal with the thieves [ __ ] okay cool if you could bridge me like asapish so i can start working further ahead on the path yeah uh do you want to go through the just put like two or three bridges down here so we can get back forth real easy there you go choo choo choo choo need buckets yeah good bucket i'm all over the bucket what is this thing anyway is this like the the boiler is the boiler blowing is it trying to i guess it's a steam train it looks like right so uh i want to start carving a path through the stone on this side oh yeah yeah yeah yeah we're killing okay that meant the track without the traffic yeah yeah it's it's all chill man it's all chill don't you know what yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it means everybody knows but yeah yeah yeah yeah well made a goof that's all right it happens to the best of us you can pick it up just just just ungoof it can you can you pick it up yeah you could pick up track oh you can pick up track oh you can well hang on one second here all right that looks good beautiful look man it's really it's really looking fixed all right there we go of course it is guys it's me we're talking about we got like a lifetime supply of everything i could make you mark i'm going to make you some stuff oh my god i'm good you're good oh my god i can't go this way i gotta get out my way dude you're good you're good this part is still a little stressful i can help you i can help you look at the stack i'm making do you see the stacks i am looking at this call me jimmy just call me jimmy stacks over here dude your jimmy stacks i like that he keeps this stack infinitely why is this new where's the bucket you got that yeah i'm a ladies i'm a lady's next stone my god yeah i mean the fact that you can just or uh consolidate everything into you know beautiful beautiful stacks it's so funny because i actually am not pulling anything from it because it looks too nice i'm not gonna touch it it's just i'm just gonna put everything in there so you have to pull things from it oh no man there's there's enough on the ground that i don't need to touch the beauty of that stack oh my god you can't place things on a bridge oh that's kind of inconvenient oh the bucket i got the bucket i got the bucket it's oh good there's a bolt down south coming away oh there is oh yeah yeah where's my pickaxe i got it i will get it i'll run i'll run the train don't even worry about it all right cool how do we get your giant stack up by the station so that we can benefit from it in the future don't don't finish connecting the track because then the train flies just gonna get it close and then we can go and just start carrying we'll have to move we'll have to move the stacks once one stack at a time i think where's the bucket i shouldn't have done this it's right by the the choo choo yeah can you uh i got you buddy there you go all right so let's make big stacks up here by the train station yeah carry it one at a time it's three at a time you one or three at a time if someone planned ahead is it too many conveniently farmed resources you can't handle it yeah well exactly that's exactly what it is that's exactly the problem it's too many conveniently farmed resources in an inconvenient place where's the pickaxe oh don't let that pickaxe go what's gonna happen and the rocks are gone why would you do that who did this get out of my way hey guys hot damn that lights on fire thank you very much no no i was fine up there no no no no no all right i'm gonna cut some more stone here because the woods pile looks a little bit larger than the stone pile dude we are why is this wood on the floor and not on the pile pilot you dweebs bucket oh god oh no the robber i got your bucket i got your bucket i got your bug what did you do wait i am not assembling this scaring them away don't worry i'm not assembling i'll get some more stone then our pile isn't quite sky-high there's we can make more track and prepare it for the next one too can't we oh yeah yeah yeah yeah dude bro yeah dude bro dude this is why dude bro this is why our team works this is why you're in charge bro dude yeah oh i'm just the muscle over here you're gonna put it down ready do it three two one wait it's too late okay good well done okay i'm gonna put this down yeah oh yeah look i made stacks oh yeah baby stacks good stacks good stacks good stacks oh what are these well those are different converts wood to iron or iron to wood oh that sounds dangerous yeah ooh crafting speed upgrade honestly the speed's not that bad we could put more in though this is a stack yeah we can do the we've got two bolts we could do the left oh that's true that's true okay do i just go plop it on i think so oh hell yeah hell yeah what is that that's like the next level of upgrade oh cool oh neat i bet the new engine lets you pull more wagons oh you're right you're right you're probably right five wagons at the moment like that so that the tracks are at the front there oh yeah sure okay this time we got it this time no panic no pain two lanes we're cool oh hell yeah it's all there no robbers the robbers are back okay uh bob start laying track down oh my god go are we going down i'm guessing we're going down make a call down take a path just pick a pathway you got it got this trying to get us to the stone we're going wibbly wobbly it'll buy us more time if we make the train go wibbly wobbly right yeah technically yeah so we're trying to get this stone over here if you want to start carving out this stuff where's the bucket okay there's the bucket where's water we have no water oh my god oh god go back i'm going i got it i got it i got it i got it nice work i'm gonna get the pickaxe wait can you can you we need to find water we really need to find water we're going a little zigzag zigzag is good zigzag is good there's water there's water to the right i'm gonna make you past the watermark okay i love it and i love you oh no you can't break the gray rock i'm opening up the path over here to get to the water and everything can you break the one right in front of the track right here oh yeah yeah didn't mean that uh start grabbing wood because there's no wood over there for a little while you got bud stack of wood well like daisy chain it no i wish i could carry bigger stacks all right so we need to go either through the middle or down along the bottom do we want to gamble on the bottom there or do we want to build a bridge and go across the middle what do we think we go across the middle okay yeah bridge bridge it up nice and nice and good like so we got lots of crossings oh we need to start tearing up that mountain so i can get to the forest again okay i will drop the bucket over here okay you guys got the pickaxe okay whoever's gonna start chopping wood then i just opened a path to these trees yeah i'll follow you in you're good with this mark we need buckets soon not right away i'll bucket it right now and just fill it since since we got access at the moment hell yeah and i'll leave you i'll leave you a filled bucket my good dude thank you thank you some some real strategy in this game man tell you what yeah and those robbers are stuck so we don't worry about them anymore that's awfully nice you'll have a happy ending to every story oh my goodness this is panic inducing you're good you're good you're good you're way ahead of the game right now way ahead of the game way ahead of the entire ass game ea is all about getting in the game i am ahead of the game i think when it rains you don't need to water i think it fills up on its own it's like a turkey it just opens its mouth i'm sorry it's like a turkey it's like a turkey you know it just opens its mouth up to the brain you know what it is it's like a turkey fall you don't know what i'm talking about i have no idea what you're on about sir you know turkeys when it's raining they just look up and then they drown what no mm-hmm what no is that a thing sure i guess i think it's full of money we're not full of that i think he's full of peter malarke look when it rains all turkeys die yep you might not want to stack it so high on that i think we need to be further to the right maybe or do you think that's part wow yeah calm down calm down [ __ ] mcgee yeah this is going i'm gonna take it i'm gonna zig it i'm gonna zag it this time the world ends did it end like this last time or are we actually at the end of this buy-in i think it was like that last time yeah it was like that okay fire bucket i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it good good oops cut through here so we have access to that water oh yeah where's the axe there it is i'm gonna trim these trees right here okay so we do have access to this water and also just in case the path we need to go takes us south i'll open it up yeah dude i'm smart we didn't get any bolts though did we did anyone grab a bolt i didn't see one i did look i did not see why is the stone literally stacked in front of where the track is going i don't want to tell you how to do your job dumb ass probably you know so that seems like an obvious issue yeah you know come on guys let's get it together all right we won't we won't name names but technically the track can immediately go down whatever guys listen listen we'll go easy on you this time but next time okay three two one replace that now let's let's do this that was probably very close who knows hell yeah hey we got two more bolts look at that hey wow what is this can we drink out of it everywhere animal you wha are we gonna drink the animals we're gonna suck them dry yeah that's confusing oh oh we can sprint i forgot oh dash into it to fill up its charge that's funny that's funny you got to slam your body into it if you want to if you want to slow down probably later on that'll be good auto mines commodities nearby that's interesting but we already can't tell if that would be good or not honestly the stack size is everything to me do we want to do stack size do we want to save up and upgrade the engine well we don't even have five of them i only have three wagons yeah oh okay well then yeah what do you guys want i'm kind of curious about the animal wagon yeah what is that i don't know i kind of want you for science i'd be i'd be down to risk it let's get the let's get the animal sucker what does it mean by every animal you bring by sure fair question i agree all right so you gotta so if we find cows you bring them over there i don't know how to bring them i don't either you can pick them up you can pick them up i hope they disappear into it you bring it over and it's just like and then the cow's gone and you're like is there a straw oh there's a bolt over there oh i'm accident never mind clear cut right now somebody acts i don't care just do it okay i'm doing it okay i'm gonna i'll lay trap the track right behind you because we have no space for this yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna open up a ziggy zaggy area so we can kind of go down and to a zigzag situation for it i love that mark mark mark mark mark fix the loop fix the you made it you turned i thought it was zig-zagging you said it was exactly okay okay okay okay that's what you say okay okay that's what you said i got you i got you i got you that's what you said okay gg here i'm just gonna put this here you guys decide where you want it wait wait you craft you craft the track we've got stacks of materials so we don't worry about mark mark can craft as many as many rails as you need all right use use the space i'm giving you and get creative i'm trapped on this side because this tree right here so you guys are right here i got you it takes like five seconds just call for call for a lumber man yep lumber man okay okay i'm opening i'm opening it i'm opening it okay i'm not opening it he's opening it i'm opening it it's opened it's open thank you okay uh i'm just gonna keep zigging yeah zag it zig it every which way we got plenty of resources that's why they call them weighty buckets that's why they call them other coins oh this is only one player is allowed to pick up the pickaxe careful boys i don't know why that alert popped on screen but you better not oh god god i just want to set this down clear some of the resources out of here before all hell breaks loose with the collision you get us to those stones soon too yeah i'm getting there i'm getting there oh i can no longer we are zigzagged i can't get to the water bucket uh we have a problem here yeah the resource piles are really in the way break break break yourself break some stuff dude i got it oh my god this is what i thought i grabbed all right there we go get that get that track placed get that track yeah i bought it right oh got it you got it good we're good we good we good uh marx somebody if we need stone that we have access to stone down here now okay so in the bottom bottom right over here we can get some get some stone action oh my god look at that train efficiency yeah we are officially out of stone and out of new ways it's got stone bottom right we've got stone bottom right there it's dark i didn't see it we still got stacks back here that i have access to we're good we're good oh we don't want to go too far down there's robbers right below there was a bucket up wasn't there didn't we see a bucket before it got dark up top you made it a bowl the bowl maybe we're up top i think so i think it's the top of the lake i think way up there yeah it is there we have enough wood uh just build yeah nice nice good memory dude my memory that's why i'm so good at fall guys okay now i can see um we can avoid the robbers if we just go through the trees here so i'm gonna open up this to the trees all right i'm gonna stack some of this stone just because it's a freaking menace right now yeah this train's starting to go kind of fast uh like we've been zigging and zagging as hard as we could but it's still it's catching up someone want to grab that axe and start working their way through the forest i'm not sure which one of you is that boy uh i don't see it man uh right by the way okay i got that you got you good managing the train oh yeah i got it you can zig up if you need to as well i can keep opening this up if you want to come up here and elongate it oh it's gonna be so elongated i had a feeling the word elongated might elicit a response dude you know how to elicit responses i had a feeling illicit response might elicit a response oh my god we might die no bucket bucket [ __ ] it oh no oh god that's a zig zag situation it's fine we just need more space it's fine feels fine i'm imagining that we've got enough stone i think we have enough resources in general we might want to proceed to getting the track almost done and then like step making our stacks up at the end over here you all right mark you got that bucket you got that bucket uh yeah you know i got it yep uh-huh i don't see anyone bucketing i just yeah yeah yeah dude buckets in at and trying to run back and start gather the resources that are gonna slowly go off screen we got all our tools we're good here yeah i got the axe pickaxe is over there bucket is somewhere oh you got the bucket i do got it yeah i got it you got it i wish we uh there weren't any animals here we really couldn't test out our car i know that's kind of disappointing i gotta say oh there's another stack of wood starting up there that's fascinating fascinating almost like i started at first no no one of them is definitely taller i'll decide which file i think is more valid thank you oh thank you bob for recognizing the true pile okay bob that doesn't seem to pay homage to my pile look you're both valid okay that's why why can't you both be valid why isn't there enough room in this world for both of you to have piles that are completely valid just one of us is more valid with me is anyone actually paying attention to placing track no my god [Laughter] it's fine it's fine it's fine fine my guys my dudes my main mans uh some of us are so busy trying to make this a competition that uh ruining everything mark i'm ruining everything mark no no that's what i said seemed like was what you said i applied it i'm not one for subterfuge i like you know simple clarity so just tell me if you have a problem yeah you suck i appreciate you it's interesting interesting interesting okay all right we're one track away now be careful my dudes dude my dudes your dudes our dudes our dudes exactly see i had a big brain move with my pile that wade wouldn't understand i recognized that it was better to have the train actually crafting tracks than placing [Laughter] oh yeah no sorry i saved everyone and you all were being you know whatever it was you were being oh my god anyway you can't just spring comedy on me like that [Music] bye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,919,706
Rating: 4.9732981 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, unrailed, unrailed game, gaming, gameplay, playthrough, walkthrough, lets play, part 1, unrailed markiplier, unrailed multiplayer, multiplayer, collab, muyskerm, lordminion777, mark bob wade
Id: 0o5dJkNdsQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 54sec (2034 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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