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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Mar 02 2021 🗫︎ replies
i'm currently with a bird yeah i don't know what's happening i'm with a bird too he's the tutorial bird okay doesn't seem to be tutorializing me very much i'm about i'm coming in hey hey welcome to look how i strafe when i'm crouched hey i like your name choice look at this nerd my scrim here that's stupid am i peeing am i pissing my pants what is happening yeah you're both pissing your pants right now it's pissing his back too oh yeah we're very wet yeah all right so there's a bird over here for you guys maybe my bird yeah yeah uh-huh huge in basically these stones apparently represent things we need to murder the redstone it'll get there okay cool sacrificial stones slay the forsaken okay i can't roll i can read it i'm still soaked i am just drenched well you were just up in the sky flying around very wet up high 1 000 bones guys guys guys the goblin is coming what do you mean what are you doing buddy a goblin is coming look at those hands oh yeah oh my god he punched him in the back of his head and he was like nah ah skill improved unarmed bam is that my story that's my stamina what's i don't know if we can hurt each other here punch me see if you can hurt me bob i don't know cool i feel great so this is a game that's like crafty survival yeah wait oh there's a boar over here veggies fired ecther register location oh that show that puts a little mark on your mappy poo where el cather is or whatever his name is oh wait am i skill improved for running i see oh jump there we go yeah guys you can improve your skills oh yeah i get that stamina oh sacrificial trophy hook attach item yeah if you get the thing it's talking about but don't do he's dead now yeah i can see that his blood's everywhere that's pretty incredible from behind the rock and scared me so look these we got uh the bird said these stones represent the monsters we gotta hunt the first monster is it elk elk here i'm assuming we're not ready we got a craft dude oh it's got crafting okay it's a crafting survival game oh so we need how do we get another stuff get hit beach branch oh my god if you have found a snack consume it to improve your health and stamina beware that before long you will grow hungry again so try to always have at least a couple different meals ready you guys find any snacks over there no i'm fighting a grayling whatever it one of those means goblins is yeah what trees gave you wood that you were able to punch it's on the ground you have to get enough wood and stones to get an axe to harvest from the big trees oh never mind i still can't harvest from the big trees or you can punch these little beach trees like this where do you where do you get stone i found a phone stones on the ground though okay both yeah everyone talk all right on the ground mark pvp damage enabled no thank you there's a switch for that apparently you turned pvp on and off is it on or off by default it's off by default but if you open your inventory and in the top right click on the two swords they cross and then you can pvp yeah i'll leave that alone you guys need me to craft anything i'm pretty good at this uh no i'm good so far i got my axe now that's good new materials beach seeds whoa oh we could play in a forest i couldn't hold there's a giant little tree log yeah i also haven't made a ground look out look out oh yeah i hear a puppy barking well it's not very not alive poppy is wrong i guess i'm gonna craft a club and also a hammer if you craft a hammer you can build with it so you we can build a campfire and stuff oh it can build a thing yeah guys i can make a cooking station oh it's a deer get it i'm trying it's fast i'm very not oh that's a bore actually wow you're a boar i killed that boy got him get better oh my god it's so far away i'm waiting around here are you the one hunting away yeah yeah all right it's too fast i gotta kill this grayling oh scared off another one of my deer did you are all the deer you're dear yes you found us hey there's a house over here last there's a house over here how do i can i repair it i have bees oh my please bees why are you covered in stank this is babies i'm sneaky they'll never they'll never see me coming i think it's fine as long as you don't whack it with a stick right before you send that death to you this is armed force now did you guys build stuff already i'm out of state i'm out of sight we're out of the woods don't worry buddy i got him are you sure you didn't build something there's like two yeah we were talking about how there's houses yeah we're literally saying that out loud i was busy chasing deer sure you were it's getting dark it's pretty though we should probably make like a fire or something yeah something like a fire or something i'll make us a fire don't even worry i'm not worried is that a swamp shrek look trick trick my running's improving i think that i what is that have you guys looked up yet i see stars die oh okay there's a the green tree xbox the xbox there's a halo around this planet oh wait that thing it touches ground over in the distance that away i don't know why but there's a base to it way in the distance across this river it wasn't a swamp it was actually a river i feel cold yeah why is there boss music guys help i think i found shrek oh my god i'm coming home oh my god i'm coming home a little birdie popped up and warned me not to stay away from the fire at night when it's cold guys i'm being like chased by a wall of shadows guys i made a house yeah bob's made a house we're having a very different experience no it doesn't look like when i was down by the river all of a sudden horrible music started playing and it looked like a wall of shadows was pursuing me i was not happy guys i can use the workbench now oh wait bob did you build a hoe no i don't have a builder i will build a hole but work the earth stone axe whoa wham get worked [ __ ] are you working these i'm working the earth jeez i'm working it i'm going to panthen i'm i shall look back wonder if i hold this if i'll stay warm it is fire oh maybe you can't use raw meat on the fire why would you be able to you have to make a cooking station [Music] is that what you're really here to tell them what do you mean it needs a roof i tried to claim it from underneath you and it needs a roof i was trying to build everybody a bed you didn't even need to steal anything okay everything's got durability too i noticed my axe is not looking so hot oh god in the darkness the ghrelins are scary dude bro you grilling grilling the grill and saw me chopped down the tree and was like no oh i'm gonna kick its ass i gotta climb come here wait you just got a club now come on no no i've had a club get on our level i've had a club i've i've been i'm cool i destroyed the phone no come here if you knocked out a tree it can domino other trees to death be careful be careful oh the trees hurt on you they make you injured okay this is a dangerous game i'm waiting for one of you two [ __ ] through punching the law knock a tree onto our base and destroy everything again oh i don't have enough stones for a stone axe what is that noise oh it's a deer kick your ass dear how did i get feathered oh god one of my trees fell on a bird bird well we didn't he wasn't any use it wasn't any use anyway it's all good damn who needs them wait there's a secondary attack why is there a secondary attack or can kick get kicked what do you what do you how do you kick you how do you do you middle mouse oh boosh that's really funny oh take this trick oh you can't with the axe damn it guys we have a homestead or something there's a line on the ground and it's growing like wait get your hammer out get your hammer out and look around there's like an outline of like this is our area this is our land oh god building's gonna be hard do i have to think about this oh god oh just smack it down come on all right just build a wall build a wall a little roof filled door build a wall build it you got it man there you go i think my staggered roof here is really going to make sure the rain flows right onto us when we sleep look at the door i built though it's amazing wow you don't deserve to hit it i think it'll work it'll fit right in there our thatched roof cottage is perfect i love i love the layers of the roof exactly we'll put rain collectors and it'll be our shower oh hey well one of these beds is more exposed than the rest apparently that'll be weeds the one on the end can't be claimed how do i build this beautiful oh no how do you mark look at my roof it's perfect it's so amazing all right wade needs a little wall next to his bed he's so good at making rooms man i don't know man yeah no that that bed is protected now you can now sleep there what i have done is adequate you know what though i will say so far the base building in this game kind of awesome kind of kind of cool i'm into a little sick kind of sick i don't have any kookables where do you get cookable items i don't know kill stuff fish can we fish can you build a fish to the bores i got some meat raw meat off one of the bores that's why i'm trying so i'm up to four leather i think we need eight to make a bow i'm not getting a lot of leather off these bores oh i found another one of special stones what's this stone screw this one disaster where the grass grows under foot and the skies blew overhead there was always tears wet i'm gonna get you in the river idiot stupid you're done i'm swimming no come back he's so almost done who knew bob the deer is coming your way go south go south cut it off i got you buddy he's coming out of the woods go south i'm chasing it yes yes yes kill the deer oh oh it turned i'm gonna shoot me yeah i'm chasing it oh you're mine [ __ ] oh we're gonna sandwich you yes this is hunting this is hunting this is hunting oh we're velociraptors mark we're gonna we are the apex predators did you guys just clever gorilla deer yes you know this peaceful violin music is very nice i got flint oh i can build a chopping board for deadly frogs called necks they're necks i'm sorry what's happening so many things happened is at all at the same time oh my god there was a bird sitting on the ground and i was like i'll get him and i took one step towards him and he took off like a rocket a thousand miles an hour uh that bird was like is this a pig i wonder if we're gonna have to kill birds too to get feathers for arrows i'm about to die help pig assistance where are you oh you're not that hard oh i got here just in time to not be able to do it no there's two i don't worry guys got it all taken care of thank you man don't worry dear oh guys once you use your stamina your stamina bar gets bigger oh you're telling me if i use it enough bigger it'll get bigger you're saying yeah if you play with it it gets bigger i unlocked more crafting things by picking up flint that's in like the show no help god oh my god i'm drowning help me if you run out of stamina yeah i was drowning turn back this is a dangerous place you have wandered into the black forest this place could be very dangerous prove your worth by slaying ike fear who's this [ __ ] bird trying to tell me that i'm not worthy of going into the black forest sounds like it's a bird that knows more than you do take this bees how do you kill the biggest single bees that's because mark and i are out here slaying bees okay i'm crossing the bird seems to think i am worthy of this why are you worthy ow bees oh no god no wait how have you not run into bees by now we've both run into bees multiple times i don't believe there's such thing i don't believe in it you don't believe me i don't i'm a non-believer all right i'm gonna try not to run out of stamina and drown some idiot that i wait guys sounds pretty handsome though you know even if he is dumb a box of rocks tell you what that scared me this is like killing our house on the map because i don't know where home is uh we'll just remember a map you'll get it i'm killing a skeleton yeah i see you mark dude i'm coming i'm in the black forest apparently this bird thought i wasn't worthy but hey oh my god what are you doing god i dodged oh i'm so good yeah you can die oh you're up in a tower oh my god the skeleton you all right don't go up there i see your death don't go up there oh he's almost dead he's almost dead he hits so hard don't worry bob i'm here to help but be careful wait help i'm trying to cheese it i'm trying to kill him from like beneath all right oh god oh you could fall off all right wade your turn dude be careful not he's seriously dodged okay good keep dodging oh fell off he's dead yeah we did it that was easy don't worry mark that was really easy oh mark can we revive you or steal your [ __ ] or something oh ah go get the little chest up here yeah there's gotta be some good loot oh man there is a moderate amount of there's six feathers that's something nice oh there we go mark we got all the loot okay come in i'll get my shares just leave it there thank you friends you're so good to me the bird came back oh there's a bunch of ghrelins over there bob bob there's some scarier i told you bro those guys these aren't just ghrelins these are these are founders i'll tell you oh he's pointing spinning oh he's doing juices oh i'm dodging the juice dodging arrived it's time for you pizza guys we are murdering these creatures we have no idea what they're here for there's more [ __ ] him up i'm out of stamina my stamina why are you you know you know my thing up in the top right after i die it says no skill throwing rocks but i feel like i've drained a lot of skill because i used to be a lot better my my stamina bar was much bigger before that's not enough hell i don't have stamina to whack him so i'm not going to come here why do i get it five no i don't want to die please let me live i wanna live sweet life god punched you to death oh i have no stamina oh guys honey is delicious honey there we go i gotta finish this probably from killing the beast is this our house whoa chess yeah oh yeah all right did you get all the loot well yeah that was my share right where's our house mark you went home yeah i'm going home did you climb a bed i did not remember where the house was i have no clue how do you not i chased a deer around for a long time and kind of like see the map yeah but i don't remember where on the map our house was so you didn't claim a bed is what you're saying because the bed shows up on the map i thought you told me there was no bed for me i made a bed for you and it's beautiful and you're family actually there is no bed for you man there's no bed for you man i don't know how to tell you this there's wait bob has two beds there's oh wait did i climb two of them sorry wait there's no bed for you i'm apparently only the station is only one star yeah but it says you have to like you can try to upgrade the station would you have a flint i could borrow i've got i need uh i guess i'm wrestling i don't have enough to make like a spear or an axe no i was gonna make a chopping block i think to chop off your head but i'm not sure i don't know if i have a legitimate for you for that get speared [ __ ] how do we give each other that oh we put in the chest probably right that is an option here you go mark i've got five i don't i'm over it man i'm hunting boar where are you seeing chopping block ah girl get speared dude spear is dope secondary attack i can throw it guys i'm gonna make a beehive right by our beds why would you do that specific action because then we'll get used to bees and then we won't be afraid of themselves to build up a tolerance to be i am literally going to build a beehive on your bed i'm i'm pretty i'm 100 sure that's how it works i am there you go buddy check b the check b just need more open space oh well that's not great and i guess my bed isn't spacious oh beach god was that a dead what did i do what all right i'll make a roof hive fine can i hang on can one of these beds can you unclaim a bed no i can remove it all right i'll make you a bed buddy don't even worry about it that's not a bed there you go i could have sworn you were about to destroy my bed no no no i'm a good friend wait claim the bed thank you can you guys sleep right up my head did you know did you name yourself mork before or after i named myself at the same time it was a coincidence that's a weird coincidence only bob had named himself bob over there but whatever yeah if i make a bow it's gonna be i'm gonna be terrible with it oh guys i'm level six jumping right now dude the bees are happy oh how do you throw harder that's what i want to know oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i missed or did i 20 leather scraps yeah we need 20 leather scraps 15 flint 10 wood five deer hide to make it that's so much stuff so we could build a raft we could play everyone's favorite game guys i'm improving my swim skill that's pretty cool careful fueled around no i'm fine it's in like a tiny little pond what could possibly happen i'm gonna spear this beehive oh oh that bird is no more so what are you throwing spears yeah you can throw a spear it's awesome i'm i'm on an island right now getting mad flint yo that is awesome man wade how are you contributing i'm currently permanently stuck in a building menu and i can't get it to go away good good work wade oh you know what you get extra stamina from wow it's food yeah yeah did you know that oh you thought it was from playing with it yeah i thought it was like experience like you know wiggling it around it's food it's food oddly enough shove your face and it gets bigger food always does that for me what if we shove each other's faces will that help more i'm prone to experiencing you guys shoving all kinds of things in my mouth you're prone to what does that mean yeah what do you mean i mean i'm down for it oh that's difficult yeah because going down is going prone right agreland just attacked me and i hit him once and my club broke and then i punched him in his stupid face awesome really satisfying the combat is really satisfying yeah jesus i hit that boring's butthole it could not withstand it did it explode uh yeah yeah a lot from downtown yes guys the farther you throw the spear the more damage it does oh my god that's pretty nasty dude that deer was one shot wash you want to watch how daddy does when he hunts deep yeah i need to i didn't just murder some deers all right you you need you can even is that the flint spear uh yeah you see which one i'm going for yeah yeah the buck oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah have you gotten a buck yet because they have a lot more health than that oh i've gotten a buck all right oh i have but it cannot withstand what daddy do all right i'm about to take the most incredible butthole shot you've ever seen in your life you watching so ready yeah three two one it didn't die but okay and give me back my spear tell you they had a oh god no kill it wait kill it finish it destroy it where'd my spear go get it kill it kill it dead hit it wade go sprint daddy needs uncle's assistance come on oh man that speeder was real expensive it's so low on health how do you know i just hit him with a spear that's not oh no okay come on i'm so close it's dead there's no oh come on right here no don't go up the hill you think it would bleed to death you think that blood would be yeah spear right up its ass like that yeah downtown oh so close you went in mark oh you know what i lied about the meat i i made apparently we made coal what how did you make coal by cooking a piece of meat and mark this is not a dare wait i can't help you i cannot help you i can't help you uncle uncle's got no stamina he's got some claws in his ass from downtown god damn it good luck wade i'm gonna get this deer it's coming could really use a hand it has no idea it has no idea ah damn it no idea we're all okay we're fine yes yes yes yes yes yes you're dead i killed you you're gone you killed me i think he's talking to you now oh what wait you okay man if only my buddy mark was nearby and could have helped me prevent that horrible death why did you run away from your body is so far away why are you over there i kind of got ambushed by a bunch of criminals so run home i couldn't man all right you know that's fair uh okay i got some flint i got some deer hides i'm bringing them back for the wealth to be shared i'm gonna build more beehives do do you have queen bees i do i do get you some mark get your gadoosh [Music] missing requirement what am i missing that would be oh apparently i don't have two queen bees i thought i did this feels like a trap i'm gonna fall for it excellent man you show that trap who's boss water snakes that attack you in the water definitely those are fish never mind that's a um could be a log wait ah what did you do listen man i dropped this i chopped this one way up there look out grilling don't worry i got him i don't know i hit him here i can't chop this log so good luck can i just oh it looks like one of the uh no you're right it's a regular log destroy our home oh no i'm bare fists oh god all right i'll take care of it hey wait give me some of that wood i need to take that one i earned that i earned that yeah i know you did that i earned that i am aware of what you earned this is the picky went to market this little piggy went home one [ __ ] face all the way home nice man nice so i'm gonna try not to do that anymore mark all right oh it barely damaged our home wait what there's nothing nothing happened nothing you guys almost told them what's going on over here nothing happened cook cook damn it do you like this pole i built is this your work yeah i put this here you want it i you wanted to contribute i see that now wow i did build some of the walls but i thought that this place really needed something i'm like half health but it's fine god if we chop down this one chunk here we are done for hey take your meat uh is it done oh dude all right well goddamn trees it went cold there's a real fine line between food and coal i didn't know this it got cold real quick um mark that thing that you were worried about may have slightly happened no wait why what are you talking about what happened i i chopped down a tree and it um it cause some other trees to go down i told you that's that's the best thing but also could be horrible for the environment you know just yeah whatever listen we're the only three people in this entire world as far as i know you're right i guess it's kind of the last of our species situations so uh we should all have sex oh no guys have you ever carried too much no no look look at my sad man i'm trying to come home oh no dear oh goodness i can't move now let me oh someone left some meat on the thing again and ran off yeah okay you look i picked up too much mark you're so sad you're so sad also you're dripping are you did you go in the water easily you're carrying too much mark i'm dripping with stuff hang on oh okay i'm better okay yeah you look better definitely not dripping pick some of those up yeah i got you i got you man these beaches oh no i'm carrying too much [Laughter] all right man you okay got me home you look like you pissed your pants and you're gonna hold it all in i'm honestly i'm out i can't yeah let me drop this one log again real quick okay there we go where were you keeping that uh nowhere all right i'm gonna get some more flint no i'm not it's dark let's we can we sleep till mornings other thing we do that'd be kind of cool maybe these tails are gonna go to coal ah screw them their tails who wants there's more where that came from yeah this is this is oh the synchronized stand up wait you can still save the tails i don't think yeah they're fine oh they're fine how are they fine oh that meat rejuvenated my soul yeah dude you gotta eat the meat dude meat what's up oh my god meat gave me so much health dude all right off to adventure my dad all right getting back to work i'm gonna go find more deer yeah keep getting us deer skins mark we need lots of deer skin you got it first up boar kill of the day oh yeah brother i'm gonna work on getting some flint so that i can also hunt animals well you wish you wish you could you cannot you wish man don't don't crush my dreams like this man i am an expert hunter oh my god with the knife you can jump attack whoa oh that was a good hit on the deer oh hey mark i scared you yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and throw there you go you can keep everything six inches away from you yeah well pretty good i picked up your flint sphere there you go yes thank you oh there's another deer over there wait wait wait don't go that way there's another deer okay watch this you ready you watching from downtown dude one shot yes oh i should have made one of those spears dude i'm flint gathering right now so i can make one spears dope hey guys we just got an urgent message from downtown okay never mind uh uh i didn't go through message got corrupt in the light of the sun i accept your death yes god i'm a god what's it like to be god it was just a picture perfect shot like picture perfect it was beautiful like if someone took a picture of it oh yeah it was perfect oh yeah yeah oh my god i chopped down the entire forest oh yeah eat my ass is that a requirement i have 11 flint what did we need flynn for besides more spears which i'm gonna need eventually the the the table thing the the cable thing panning rack the structure now well the tanning rack was something but there was something mark wanted to build too oh the chopping block i don't even know why unless really it's just for chopping people's heads off which that sounds like a four but if if that's the case i i mean well we can always test it i really need a spear dude i'll uh make you a spear once i get enough uh flint for two i just did a leaping attack at a boar which missed horrifically but then i just swiped him with my knife and he exploded in delicious beef nice man nice i love killing things man god i'm glad that we're just all three independently horrifying in different ways murderers what do you mean who's horrifying anyone watching this who would you rather be murdered by leave a like and a follow like comment subscribe ring that bell oh damn it mark i thought you were a victim but you're marked i thought also i sprinted so happily just two murderers passing in the wind i think i got enough for two bob i'm gonna come back home soon and make you one i'm i'm i'm flinting up i i honestly i put like 20 flint in my box already oh okay i just uh what else do you need for a spare it's just wood i think it may be sure there's a lot of flint a little bit of wood i don't feel rested anymore i'm not rested guys i'm wet for two minutes right now okay i see a place where there are definitely bees oh hi hi boar also what is it what are the bees for i forget i'm out of stamina honey which is like an obscenely good healing thing if you're ever in trouble and you have some honey eat it i too see the bees nailed it these deer have eyes in the back of their anuses they know where i'm at at all times do you think if you had an eye on your butthole it would just get like pink eye all the time could you feel that that would be called the pink eye i think all right would you like put a contact lens in it how do we upgrade this workstation oh chill dear stop walking oh here we go the butthole stab so the deer don't actually give any leather they just give the deer hide boars are the things that give us leather so far is that right well i'm just murdering an entire family of boars over here yes yes gotcha yeah i have uh two what is that deer hides i'm making a chopping block i'm doing it you can't stop me it is happening no don't it's happening wait oh no mark i'm encumbered oh wait no [Music] i did it is that oh oh oh is that your head is it for head shopping it was the thing it was exactly what we needed the chopping block is how you upgrade yes uh okay how many how many leather scraps did you need from me all of them as much as you can yeah probably all of them all right so uh funny story funny story i actually had eight and now i have zero and you might be asking well how'd that happen well you might be asking that no no no no no no no you might be asking how that happened and speaking of fire check out my fire arrows look at this weight you looking yeah bam ooh can you reclaim that nope the arrow is just lost yeah that's unfortunate but it looked cool we're so pretty cool everywhere we are yeah we are you like the name of the camp it's a pretty good camp name thanks man oh you know that's a pretty good that's a pretty good campaign i like that yeah oh there's a whole lot of [ __ ] we can craft now leather helmet yeah oh that's pretty neat dude come home we got new risks i'm trying to kill these stupid bees but they're not dying hey let me help man let me help here let me i'll help you you want help can you help me yeah i'm going to help you okay where are you at where are you at here i'm helping here they're in here can you spear them to death oh i can do better than spear them watch this you watching bob you watching i'm watching i call it the fire arrow it is the most incredible [Music] oh my god oh yeah oh the the queen's on the roof you get it like oh you got yeah yeah we have a lot of uh resources my friends that is pretty sick how much leather we got uh where's the is in here i just put it in like a random my god grab these out i killed two deer in a row dude dude sick dude all right i'm coming home beehive the city is getting a little cramped but uh you know they're happy all right also i i i'm loving this game but unfortunately i am running right out of time all right well should we go ahead and save save sleep i actually like this there's there's a lot to this zzz my dudes zz my dudesy [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,503,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, valheim, gameplay, online game, multiplayer, muyskerm, lordminion777, mark bob wade, funny moments, vikings
Id: ghUl-OIpvlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 13sec (2353 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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