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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoModerator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Old mark

Bottom text

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 104 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PointedHydra837 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

UNO with these three always cracks me upπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 62 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Echolocation176 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Mark is obviously edited. But why do Bob and Wade make such disturbingly convincing old men in this thumbnail? If you showed me this picture and I didn't know who those two were I'd believe it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 31 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Onyx-Pendant πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Uno is among my favorite games.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Cyb3rnaut13 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

reddit is the only place where u wont see β€œfirst” comments

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 74 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Not_aviolist πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

laughs in Roosterteeth

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 34 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Clutteredmind275 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Me, who had a 3 hour long game last night: pathetic.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/David-Alone πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This thumbnail is terrifying

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Kit_Katt02 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
there it is there it is all right no oh what is wrong with my camera are you seeing yourself truly for the first time oh my god it's a nightmare i gotta i gotta just show it enough and then take it away this is the nightmare wait what am i doing uh uh this uh chat this oh i can't turn video chat on apparently you have to do video chat before you get into a game yeah no i can back us up because no no no no no it's fine it's fine it's fine i'm back in i'm in it to work good well i'm glad you're answering on behalf of bob as well mark bob's good see i i wasn't even here and i'm doing good you are doing better than me yeah well he did hit you with the plus hand was off the keyboard i guess i'll do nothing then oh good skipper how good are you doing mark oh great take that hey take that i mean take that i don't think i don't think that doubles up got him i don't have that color have a three oh [ __ ] hell do you have this color no it's not the same but i drew with this color okay cool um there my cards are really boring i got nothing to do mark get him well i'm gonna get him i just registered just registered to me what you had said oh yeah baby that's the stuff i know right oh [ __ ] sake thank you mark oh my god i saved you damn it man why would you do that they bluff sometimes do they well not with three cards left well didn't i uh good points wait these cards look different what's different about this am i crazy yeah they do look different right what what's happened now see mark get him i well i mean i don't want to do this wait wait wait wait wait okay that's fine it's fine i mean there's plenty of sevens left in the deck yeah i know yeah you really set me up for this one mark yeah this is not gonna last long all right i got my hand back hooray that was short-lived me and the computer are who switched hands after all that yeah i sure are oh okay wait a minute hang on no that's not even a good color you know what there's nothing good in this world i'm challenging it all right that's fair i get that oh look at those sevens you have mike there are so many sevens out in the field right now this is gonna be a swaptastic game thank god at least we're all getting rid of cars oh look a tip oh no oh my god now i'm the only one without a plus i have all the sevens guys all of them i say you don't have all of them but all of them hold on oh you think you're gonna skip me but i think i oh you can't jump in on those well i guess all right you yeah you can't blame me i didn't want to do it oh let's just keep that trainer rolling yay a two yeah [ __ ] yeah okay hey two there we go nicely done hero i don't know why i wouldn't thank you narrator yeah oh for [ __ ] sake do i bring it around never mind you don't have that hand mark has that hand i don't have that hand what do you mean i don't have that hand aren't there plus twos in the head no not in my hand they went around sure glow box [ __ ] has it yeah somebody's got a hand with some plus twos i know it's probably gonna play them got it there really isn't much strategy oh come on guys man look at all those cards stop that's cool not much green there eh shut up oh come on now hey man it's just what i have i don't have anything else and now i don't have it at all but no one knows what i take this glow box that's not gonna help you oh god damn it this is this hand mark get get uh get off watch this bam oh thank you uh mark don't get him all right i will stay the hand [ __ ] stay the course buddy he's doomed bobby's dude oh he's doomed he's doomed he's well probably he's doing get him to him okay all right i'll do it yeah wait what someone could have jumped in and chose not to who i felt that pause aha oh yeah get a mark oh show you mark has a really aggressive hand oh no oh yeah why no not that one oh yeah it's all fun and games so you guys have a bad moment oh okay we can do this get a mark did you have green oh i guess not [Laughter] goddamn it two cards hey i have no mark has i have i think you're looking at the wrong number did anyone see what just happened there all right let's see what uh this way oh [ __ ] you oh god all right i got a problem for this god damn it or something like that right fine that's okay i'll take it i'm a man i can do it i'm tough sure sure okay do this again [Music] glow box just the gut of uno no challenge so whoops can you even see through that cloud i can't see nothing i could see it you guys didn't get to see it but i can see it all right okay okay all right okay all right all right yeah i'm fine it's not as wet as you can what about me get a mark what am i going to do this give me mark there you go get him god damn it see what am i going to do whatever this does i don't remember what that does oh okay [Laughter] good attack mark you got him king of strategy here well there's nothing i can do about that sorry bud we're on the same team still i promise okay buddy yeah i get that yeah thank god now i can draw more cards oh thank god what do you want man yeah red maybe blue i don't have any red well we're about to find out if that's the case hey all right i got some of that get him oh foreign i almost died in an accident and this is what you do to your friend milking it look you didn't even get a sweet hospital pic well like what kind of what kind of what kind of youtuber are you i'm giving you this hand before i die never mind i'm giving it to glow box right now giving it to somebody yeah all right okay well listen wade i'm gonna give you the opportunity to follow through on your promise oh i will oh i've been waiting for this day and now your reckoning is here and finally my revenge is coming to fruition um what color do you are you afraid of he knows what god damn color he picked the only i guessed which one based on your attitude likely story oh jesus apple bottom [ __ ] ball smith ball smith i was trying to avoid saying christ and that's what i came up with yeah man you know i really picked the wrong color for me because i don't have that either that's the problem that makes me feel worse now what about this oh good punch you in the puncher who okay who are you punching i don't uh i don't know box no one oh what a terrible hand in glove oh please be merciful here i'll get that hand away from a bob i won't let him do it to you no okay good good great good good great thank you for saving me kyle now he's drawing double the deck that he had so who knows what's in there now i might have made some mistakes ah wow what the hell's going on over there oh my god nothing good uh how about them apples i like that good apples okay wow we're gonna get one entire nevermind no you know what it's okay get out of here blue nice oh wait for it yeah oh double threes i can do that that's getting spicy in here somehow we got all the way around to me and somehow i don't have one of them looks like um well i hope you don't have a blue i don't but oh thank god yes oh god [Laughter] save me he's lying yeah challenge how long does that cloud last because that's been a long cloud how long does a fart hang around oh it's gonna be there a while fair enough at least the way things work in my office man oh man there you go look if bob if it was oh okay you're right you're right here wait oh but oh oh actually that kind of works out hey that's the one color i don't got you're oh no oh we're okay look at you complaining he only drew one card okay i can complain if i want to complain hey come on guys oh you're gonna complain you gotta complain come on guys complain someone complains they don't get a turn oh somebody gonna complain here bob have a turn that was really rude really enjoying this it was a good time i'm not complaining i would never complain wait what the hell yeah did you see that what was that [ __ ] that was out here that's that's impressive the computer's not even hiding it either yeah yeah that's that's nuts man that's nice barbara must be sneaking into these uh hey wait a minute well hey wait a m wait hey wait a minute what the hell all right i thought that we were cool but then we weren't cool how did that happen here bob this will be pretty cool no i was just joking oh man thanks though or something you're welcome appreciate you here for you buddy that's the good stuff right there i just want to make sure you didn't have to worry about drawing for a while you got everything you need right there good we're really good right now hey bob it's okay i'll be on your team can you be on my team are you really really i swear i'll be on youtube you mean it yeah if you just stop bitching for two minutes i'll be on youtube wow all right all of you guys it's a good game all i need is 30 seconds guys 30 seconds whoo this is tempting but i won't do it oh baby no that definitely means you don't have i it do it but i do have that all right bob i avoided this last time uh no let's do it oh okay good we're doing it we're doing it we're doing it we're doing it we're doing it come on you know what man you really are my team i love you man i love you too man you've been a good friend of me for a lot of years thank you appreciate you i don't tell you that enough but yeah oh man that means a lot you're good friend oh oh okay i still got your back don't worry about it all right cool cool good man hey i didn't do the thing i could have done but let me know when you're ready to do the next thing we do yeah hang on i'm gonna need to charge up some power for us to do that yeah all in the 30 minutes we've been doing this probably not yeah i'm really bringing up the average here oh wow okay oh wow no no no wasn't it just yellow oh wait yeah i had just made it yellow five this guy's cheesy oh that's okay that guy's cheating hey wait you got any yellow in here oh yeah i do this is probably the winning half about my hand don't oh that's not a good hand to have at all it's okay hold onto it think about it good thing don't make any rash decisions i i couldn't if i wanted to here let's leave that dangerous hand in the cloud okay we can do it mark i don't have the thing to do it i only have this no oddly enough okay not not at this juncture later right now i must divide my 69 it's very sad go forth nine tell the world of our deeds did you see that you immediately got the card you wanted what the hell absolutely absolutely hacking right now okay well i did the same thing but i'm not cheating how is it deck do i not have anything i have that that's the hand that we're starting over yeah well backs for the start way back to six cards back to the start all right oh [ __ ] you game not a god damn it i think the game is actually conspiring against you wait usually i think you're full of it and you're just being paranoid this one's pretty blatant gotta be honest oh i made a mistake putting yeah can we get a reverse no there's no way man can we get a reverse it might work out for you mark you got some kind of something doing something oh i've got something on hey buddy homie friends got something oh oh don't worry round two i'm sure it can't happen twice you know what's gonna happen okay okay that seems that still seems pretty mean to do to a friend mark but i wasn't doing it to you it just happened to you it seems pretty mean to do that to someone you would call your teammate i understand that and wait do you want to trade hands all right let's see what happens here maybe there'll be some exchanges and now this hand is just as good as that one if not better i'm really happy right now i'm about to be very unhappy though i could just feel it get a mark oh i'll get them watch one of these we're gonna follow up one of these oh damn it i got one i got one there's one i really feel yeah i feel good about this i feel good just hold on to those good cards for a minute there oh no wait a minute wait oh no no oh maybe whoa okay that was my that was my turn george of the jungle noise this one uh oh not that one oh said that's a good one i would concur with mark on the not that one okay i not that one that exact one again not that one that's a good one everyone likes that one okay sorry previous buddy but you're cook don't don't don't do it no they can't stack those there's no way can't you i don't know yeah you can oh never mind you totally can good thing you didn't get boned there buddy sorry brother there's no room for teammates now i'm assuming i will get my revenge interesting interesting interesting interesting ah interesting card it'd be a it'd be a shame if i reveal this toolbox jump in oh go oh oh god oh crap he changed it from this color i think mark you're good you're good you're good you made a good choice there wade kill him kill him now okay well that was okay let's get it right back wait oh no wait gotta yeah we i all of us got him same reflexes make sure that hand was ruined before he stole it back thanks you're welcome it's a good hand watch this um you know what bob i feel particularly nice i have your hand back watching all right well that's weird thank you appreciate it noise you ever just lasting oh the cloud is gone that's right yeah oh god what the hell happened well we defarted him defart station it's always funny because it was stupid no that was that was the smartest thing i've heard in a long time no validity that's not that was hilarious deforestation that's so good get it mark i can't i only have the one of those get me baby all right wait can we leave it red hat all right let's do one of these can we not leave it right has him yeah but i don't like that's not a good card i want to play a good card this character oh for [ __ ] uncles no come on man i think we agreed there's so many other colors yeah like red yes reddish red red or red that's not red that's not red one of my enemies red there we go [Applause] mark don't be a [ __ ] to push this to oh [ __ ] sake what were you saying sir don't be a cocktopus mark oh wait what the [ __ ] did he just do he played challenging you idiot robot okay damn he's been using those cards with like technical abilities and i still don't know what they are or how they work yeah all i know is hands go whoo what a hand for a glow box really hacking it up over here well now marcus okay okay why did i do this to my jump i was lining it up for you lining what up my death me under the guillotine okay well i can do that why i have that um let's do that oh come on man look i i forgot come on come on man oh oh no well okay that's i'm sure you can safely challenge me there's no way i'll show you six oh god remember when i said uno like an hour ago that was a good time guys hey i've said uno like twice in this one that will solve all of this problem yeah there we go now it's fair fair oh boy it's kind of already fair but like we could bear is fair it's more fair oh well actually now or bob now you can't do what i was going to do here i don't want you to get below nine marks just stay there for a minute fair is fair fair is fair that's a marketing oh think about this wow okay that's fair mark listen what i know what can i do done i know i've goofed i know wait i know i've done some stuff to you i think we can still be friends okay well we'll be sure are you sure i don't know don't glow box oh okay okay that's a long pause that was weird something's happening over there that ain't right clobox is out here hacking it up i will take that do it oh i should have taken yours i'll trade with you you want crazies yeah that's fair trade these little trades trades glow box listen calm down no absolutely not with you why would i do that i can't play oh come on when is my turn look at me drawing cards over here wade how does that how do you think that feels oh finally it's not all about you yes it is well actually it's not in my head cannon as to how the universe functions it does circle me wait what happened now i don't know but have a turn bob i i feel like this is about to be uh poor i think we'll do this okay well thank god we're all at least below four ten cards eleven god damn hold on no there's okay let's just aim that deck somewhere else all right hey whoa hey come on now no no i feel like you deserve that you have it oh it's all you buddy it's really nice that's really nice that's not gonna last very long is it no it's not but hey right now i feel something bob is there something i should know about that hand like some information some kind of like identifying possibilities it's not that color okay good jump in don't worry mark i had saved me nice man i knew what would happen out played that's good oh okay well i'm just gonna draw some more cards apparently oh i don't know what that one does oh that's right uh mark what do you got going on over there yeah a green eight and a red one i do not consent to telling you i don't [Music] i get a good feeling about this no one knows what i have a nice reverse might be really oh whoa whoa whoa whoa but what did you say this is turning up markiplier all right instant karma wow that might have been the world's fastest game of uno yeah may have been yeah may have been [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,420,200
Rating: 4.9775038 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, uno, uno gameplay, uno multiplayer, uno funny moments, longest game uno, most cards uno
Id: c5rBSfXC0j8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 11sec (1691 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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