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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

I like that Markiplier gets some power and immediately turns into an Avengers level threat.

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/daesgatling 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

It sucks he hasn't seen used the shield Planet yet.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/DapperDanBaens 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

thats so cooooool so cooool my computer cant handle the rendering

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/M4rK101 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

People who are GrayStillPlays fans he is learning, yes

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/OceanMan20 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Ur_Local_Lieutenant 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Is this a new video?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/CarFanaticCrew2 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

His playthrough of the Sims was warning us what he would do with phenomenal cosmic power.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/zaffrebi 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

I had this downloaded well before now, but NEVER thought that Mark wold play it.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/antichrist126 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] so [Music] hello everybody my name is markiplier and if you're seeing this that means everything went right if you're not seeing this then i'm screaming in rage incoherently because i didn't get my ipad to set up correctly and record this properly and i lost all the footage and i am currently crying and screaming and tearing apart every chair in sight but if you are seeing this hi welcome to solar smash so this really combines two of my favorite things space and absolute utter destruction of everyone that i've ever known and the entire earth will be subjugated and crushed under my heel and those are my two favorite things so this is just basically you know that game that i played about the the the dudes and the oh don't kill me now you know that game uh it's not like really like that or at least i don't think so it's basically kind of like a sandbox destruction so whereas that one was people this is not now so uh hey wow oh oh oh look at that can i zoom out oh my goodness oh god that's pretty it's very pretty god i hate that i'm going to destroy it but that's very pretty so like in simcity you know when you build your city and then you're done with your city and then you cause a bunch of destruction a bunch of disasters that's kind of what we have here oh my god oh my god wait what is it what does all the buttons do i got to figure out what i'm oh yes screenshot mode oh my god it's so pretty god i love space so much god is so pretty yeah destruction uh say goodbye to this earth you know we gave it a good try what does this do what does this do oh no wait stop i didn't know that oh no well might as well keep going i'm out of bullets why am i out of bullets am i out of bullets oh no i oh um i feel like there would be a lot more complete destruction if uh if there was now a um a uh a giant hole in the middle of the planet you know i'm not gonna i'm not gonna criticize it because i just killed everyone on earth if they if they can hang on for a little bit longer i guess you know more power to them oh and the way the gloves spit oopsies didn't know that did that sorry brazil so i didn't mean to do that what i'm meant to do what does this do oh like a time lapse why does that matter slow motion that's pretty cool i guess okay that's pretty cool anyway uh not what i meant to do kind of starting out with baby steps here i don't like to go whole hog right off the bat i know some people probably would just like to wreak havoc and send people to hell as fast as possible but personally i actually like to um i like to i don't like to make people suffer with the slowness of their agonizing death i just you know i it's a game so i just want to figure out what what exactly oh god well that wasn't nearly as impactful as well kind of spread i guess do you make him bigger than that i'll just do oh it's just it's a shotgun of of asteroids oh no i meant oh oh you can touch a lot more i've only killed 317 million people i feel like it's might be more than that i feel like maybe the whole you know hole in the planet that's kind of i didn't mean to turn earth into a fleshlight like i didn't want to do that um oh god why is it still why is it i'm trying to spit i'm trying i sincerely am trying to simply turn the planet and i don't know how do you unselect if you no you still do the throwing how do you not do this no don't reset the planet reset my finger oh you gotta touch outside the planet okay that makes sense i didn't do that all right what about if i bomb antarctica that's got to be at least a little bit better okay this is a picture of the moon and it's i think it's implying that i'm about to send the moon to crash into earth which is dope i've done that in uh universe sandbox but just unsure oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh it's not gonna pop out the other oh well we gotta send it through to the other side can i send a few i send multiple i can't oh no i can't oh no uh well earth you're about to get a pounding um oh no i see the ball oh there she go there she goes god no santa santa's dead i killed santa what have i done well it can't be on the naughty list cause he's dead anyway seven only 728 million people are dead still seven billion people on this planet humans are resilient you know you gotta give them that they are resilient even though the the molten core of the earth is exposed and rapidly cooling and most likely collapsing in on itself it's still fine however this looks like a black hole and you know i'm not a hundred percent sure what oh no oh that's fine there went africa that didn't quite do what i thought it was gonna do i mean i don't know exactly what i thought a black hole was gonna do but you know i thought it might have been you know a bigger black hole it was kind of underwhelming about the black hole what about multiple what about multiple [Music] well now everyone's dead why is everyone dead now why did that kill why am i upset why did that kill everyone golly oh oh oh there's nothing left what is lightning gonna do oh my god [Music] that wasn't lightning good god all right thor throwing a bit of a temper tantrum you're not gonna have much left oh wow that's sad that's really sad you hate to see it boy how do you hate to see it but ain't that cool that's pretty dope okay i think we need a new plant ooh i love it it's boreous more like snorius what's glorious what is this ah some kind of ice world what is this garbage who cares about boris it's probably some sci-fi thing that i don't know about and i probably look bad but that's okay we got more uh toys to play with now i don't know if anyone actually is here actually it says there's no people here so this this wouldn't be satisfying to destroy because there's no human lives to ruin it's just a game fun game mars well there's no one on mars let's get terraformed mars which is dope the idea of this is super cool i love this i love it i almost don't want to destroy it three billion man if we could get ah if we could terraform mars and it could be beautiful like this and blue and green and oh and then i destroy it i can't i'm sorry guys i can't i cannot destroy like terraform mars is just such a cool idea like 3 billion people living on mars you know it's just like so fascinating to me that i can't do it i love it too much putting at least put in some like sappy sentimental music because i literally cannot destroy terraform mars because the dream needs to stay alive earth i'll blast it out of existence 10 ways from sunday but terraformed mars like just the idea of us traveling all the way to mars going through all of the immense hardships of trying to even build a colony out there just getting it started is probably taking hundreds of years multiple generations just to get it started for a chance a chance at terraforming it and terraforming it alone would be an unimaginable feat of impossible geoengineering and then if someone comes along and blows earth to hell with weird lightning storms and black holes and rogue moons you know then we have a backup plan so i'm not gonna i'm not gonna do it i can't do it i love you i love you let's try not to touch up oh god there's so much to touch i will not touch you i just wanted to get a close look i my fingers are death my fingers are death i think that might be olympus mons oh the great scar looks like job of the hut i love it [Music] i love it i don't even know if it's like feasible to ever do this i i never want to say that something's impossible because man if enough people dream it maybe it is i could never i could never i would never i would never no we need another planet like give me another earth what do we got wait do people live on hades no boring persephone okay persephone who get purple [ __ ] get out of here who cares about you persephone what are you doing here purse perseph you've got more people than earth did 8.651 billion more like not that number ew 14 million i don't know what kind of weapon i have but man it is potent all right uh [ __ ] this island in particular with missiles [Music] not enough damn oh my god oh my god what does this do oh my god i am so sorry persephone oh god persephone i'm really sorry about that one holy [ __ ] uh it's pac-man it's it's nice lips really nice lips man there's those are some smooching lips and let's get some uh let's get [Music] go horrible yeah well not that bad well maybe hey you know persephone you ain't looking so bad kind of got that glazed over dead expression but those lips luscious smooth that and perfect kind of ruined it a little bit but still hey wow you know what you need eyebrows perfect i love you what does this do oh nice piercing hey persephone i love that hey let me pop that zit for you there oh it's fine it's okay i thought that was gonna be much worse than oh wow oh well lovely nose you've got there let me just smooth that out there real quick not exactly smooth you know these nose jobs never actually work out too well ah there we go what does this button do oh okay not so bad oh oh no oh no hey two stars that's pretty cool well persephone is not doing so good there's a little bit of atmosphere left i see that so i haven't burnt it all off what happens if i just like a bunch of these bombs i blast persephone's ass with a ass load of bombs oh man i gotta get them so they're gonna chain right i'm bored let's do it well that was a lot less than i thought it would be i thought the whole planet was gonna go kaboom how do i make the whole planet go kaboom machine world 812 million are these just robos are these that's not fun i don't want to kill anything that doesn't have a soul in it or custom planet oh man that looks horrible man that's awful that's really bad you should be ashamed of yourself did anybody live here god i hope not anyway let's go back to earth let me go back to i'm not going to destroy it but i just love the look of terraform mars like just imagine imagine i know i played this uh played with this in like universe sandbox but just imagine like it's it's this is what mars is now just a cold dry desert well what if it could be more like what if it could be i think there's every reason to believe there's water on mars maybe not as much as on earth i don't know i don't know what the the distribution of elements is across the other planets but you know just imagine if it actually happened it won't happen in my lifetime i know i'm not gonna live to see it i know i'm not but maybe if i could just if i could do anything to set the path towards this that would i could die a happy man anyway let's blow up some [ __ ] here earth yeah get out of here earth what are you an [ __ ] yes all right what is this oh it's like the aliens from where's washington dc go get em buddy get em hey you shot it down well all right you're already basically dead so whoa crazy that's pretty cool hey i'm not gonna lie that's pretty cool uh you might want a duck holy [ __ ] what the hell was that thing that was number two oh my god what's happening oh god what the hell the cork blue god damn damn son where'd you find that okay what else can these do go for it sorry washington where is it hello hello oh there it is it's teensy it's teensy tiny what are you gonna do what are you gonna do you're so cute what are you gonna do you ain't gonna do nothing you ain't gonna do nothing you're not gonna do nothing oh look at you uh oh wait wait what oh oh oh oh oh no australia look out oh no australian airpods africa look out look out look out oh well is it trying to cut the earth in half is it trying to cut the earth in half i refuse to believe only 500 million people have died from this are you trying to cut the earth in half are you going to succeed oh my god you still oh you are cutting the earth in half i'll just let you go then man the sun don't look so good yeah i guess carry on um great job keep it up good work uh i believe in you so oh there's the sound oh the lovely sound of the earth being sliced in twain i'm kind of curious as to what the objective is like if an alien species had the power to cut the earth in half and wanted to what would be the gain from it do they want the core is there like peeling it like an apple and they're gonna grab the metal core and they're just gonna run away with it because i feel like they could have done that with like say venus no one really cares about venus or uh mercury you can just take mercury that that that plants basically just like it's gone anyway just go ahead and take it but uh earth and mars you know all the ones farther out just leave those behind for us we we have use for those funny the way the clouds kind of move straight in and out of the the uh i'm gonna call that the death canyon the grander canyon the even better canyon did that cross over where the oh it did it did cross over where the grand canyon was it's just the grand canyon got a little grander nothing really to worry about there are you done no you're not done my god all right you know what i'm patient i can wait [Music] okay i've officially run out of patience um where's my laser i know i have a laser here here let me help you with this let me help you is this helping am i actually doing anything [Music] i fired a thousand weapons you know it doesn't feel like it oh no oh no look out look out look out oh no oh they're fine our job's almost done here job's almost done hey you're not done not leaving me with the rest of it i see all right fine then get the get the atlas pillars left okay and uh the earth is apparently fine from that [Music] yeah that'll buff out oh that's survivable yeah um okay so that's that took a little longer than i thought it would but everyone's still alive we're still good i'm assuming that the earth would just you know kind of float like that it wouldn't come back together or anything none of the lava would come shooting out and the whole structure of the crush wouldn't collapse or anything like that so i think we're all good there that makes sense that checks out uh now with that let's find out what's up with this from here it's perfect that's big or small big small small big big it's big it's big that's big what do you want how can we help you selling alien girls girl scout cookies nope oh bye okay see ya oh boy hey uh well it's gonna be easy when you get to the middle and peekaboo oh bye boy okay uh i hope you we got something from that dude because i think we lost out on this bargain but uh later uh nerd what does this do it's a shield or something to finally protect this planet from the horrors of whatever the hell we're trying to subject it to don't worry earth protection is on the way oh it is a shield this is shield there's no way that i could penetrate that shield [Music] ah sick sick no way oh that's epic nothing's getting through there not even this mega missile maybe the mega missile i don't know we'll find out about the mega missile nothing not a scratch not a oh no not a not a screw not a scratch not a scratch oh [ __ ] we're fine well there's many people dead but oh we're back oh [ __ ] that is a tough son of a [ __ ] oh what is this why can't i hear you in the vacuum of space oh god good it's it's like uh it's subnautica but space horrible god what if we just saw that one day god what if we all looked up and we just saw this ginormous worm snaking through this guy no please stay away shield protect us oh shield protected us well damn it's too bad there's two three four man space is pretty noisy jesus this is this is horrible this is terrible awful i hate it it is so much but also i love it i love it but i hate it but i love it but i hate it is this god in the bottom there is it supposed to be oh no no oh lord she common oh oh nothing we could do there'd be nothing we could do that'd be nothing what if that just happened someday i mean there's no way there's no way something like that would never be able to exist no living thing but an artificial construction maybe but even so it's there's no way oh yeah make yourself at home hey come on in hey don't worry about it it's all good hey kick up your uh oh wow uh hungry growing boys you know oh boy oh look at that oh you're done oh you got your fill you know you could have gone literally any of the other planets uh what is this cosmological horror and uh how is it going to subject south america to its what is the happening oh no oh no oh no oh let it go no there goes south america did i say south africa i don't remember oh god no jeez that is nightmare oh that's so nightmare what are you going to do against the shield yeah you ain't got nothing against the shield oh nothing you got nothing on the shield you can't you can't ah you can't uh get out of here okay all right here we go god all right oh my god oh oh wow yeah uh-huh uh no not the punt oh well now i need to see that punch on a normal earth let me reset the planet here in slow motion can you just give america a good old high five fist bumpy punchy lunch you just punch lunch that let's get to the punch here we go all right slow down there buddy all right i'm ready i want to see the i want to see earth heart kind of pitiful you know kind of pathetic i'm not going to lie that's kind well oh how deep did that go oh oh kind of pitiful you know i'm not gonna uh okay so uh yeah round two on the punch come on dude punch it come on punch it it's just some guys it's like god it comes to our solar system and it's just angry you know like you punch a wall but you're like can't believe the stacy god didn't go to god prom with me and then this happened i think i did it i don't know what i did exactly but i did it [Music] can you do this [Music] she's fine that'll buff out oh no she's uh [Music] oh she's not fine oh oh i didn't know you could do that wait what about that the two i wonder if it'll blow up the other one oh there she go damn who knows who knew the sun was so fragile [Music] oh what was that hello oh yeah and there she go just goes to show that no one should have this kind of power what does this do 1.7 what does this mean it's like a power meter oh no i can make the punch stronger let's get destructo punch in here oh no you can't make the punch wha what would happen if this was more powerful it already blew up the place was it oh hey bud you got here quick are you the same one that did the shield nice horn dude yeah it seems like it you know it's like the same thing you did before all right well there you have it but if this is more powerful feed me seymour well that is a smash system hey there's still 429 million people living we're fine this is good this is great uh yeah i'm gonna end it on uh terraform mars i'm not gonna destroy it i'm not it's not one of those things where i'm gonna save it and destroy it last because really honestly like it's it's a beautiful thing sometimes you can't just destroy everything because if you destroy everything then you don't have anything in the future and isn't that a life lesson for us all yeah pretty cool anyway this is on uh mobile devices so ios or android um if you want to get it for yourself uh very fun it's nice a little sandbox a lot of ways to get the aggression out but also a lot of ways to look forward to the future not my future i'll be dead but maybe i can die on mars man can dream so thank you everybody so much for watching if you want me to die on mars leave a like leave a like if you hope beyond hope that markiplier dies on mars wrote a comment that you'll write on my grave on mars whatever really speaks to your soul about my dead body on mars commemorate it in the future so that i won't i won't know but i'll be dead but people will know that i was there and died and that's all that matters so thank you and as always i will see you in the next video bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 5,818,606
Rating: 4.9577432 out of 5
Keywords: solar smash, markiplier, awesome games, ipad, ios, ios games, app store, fun games, sim games, destruction sim, blow up the planet, sandbox, destruction sandbox, funny, reactions, funny moments, funny games
Id: vC--9WrnmsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 21sec (1821 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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