SAVING LIVES in VR | Just in Time Incorporated

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Welcome to Just in Time Incorporated Your new career as a junior death prevention agent begins today Mark: Oh. ...but first you must learn the basics required for permanent employment Mark: Oh! OH! The hyper glove is our most recent invention and is required for satisfactory job performance. Mark: Okay. *stutters* I guess? WOOAHH! Reach forward and put on both gloves now. Mark: I don't know if I want to Mark: Um, hello everybody my name is Markiplier and welcome to Just in Time Incorp- WOHHKAY? Mark: Wooow Mark: Ohh. That's not right. Mark: *stutters* Mark: Eugh, ohkaay Mark: EUGH- Alright, my hands.. Do not worry about losing your hyper gloves They are permanently attached to you and removal would result in termination. Mark: OH! Unlike regular gloves, our hyper gloves allow you to manipulate objects in the world . Mark: Ah. Okay, my hands could do the same thing! Sarcastic Mark: You know, by TOUCHING things While on a mission, your hyper gloves slow down time so that you may operate at ten times the speed of a normal boring human Mark: Okay, but Mark: *stutters* why? and how? Your hyper gloves also allow you to teleport. Now use your gloves to move forward into the teleporter Press and hold up on the touchpad, aim at the ground, and release the touchpad to move. Mark: Is that guy's office just in this elevator?! Mark: Shoul-should anybody be worried about that because that's a little bizarre. Mark: Alright. Here we go! Whee! :D Excellent. Mark: Thank you. Now it is time for on-the-job training Mark: WHOHEEY Mark: Hello! Hi, who are you? As a Junior Loss Prevention Specialist, it is your job to make sure our clients are satisfied (inaudible) not dead Mark: Oh. In front of you is a hyper clipboard. Like a regular clipboard, it contains information about your mission. Unlike a regular clipboard, it is very expensive. Now click the menu button on your controller. Mark: HUH? Oh.. You may press the menu button at any time to summon, or dismiss your hyper clipboard. Now grab your hyper clipboard and click the play button Mark: But how? *stutters* Mark: I'm not even sure I know what I'm doing here. All right. Whatever. It's probably fine Mark: (reading) Jimmy Exotic. Nightclub Mugging. Mark: Age: 27 Frequents gentlemen's club.Threat: Mark: Do whatever you have to to stop the mugging. Mark: Status: Unresolved Just in Time Incorporated PRV number one Mark: Whoa! Okay? Am I gonna save someone's life? That seems important. Oh Mark: Hello. Jimmy Exotic is in danger. Grab your clipboard, hit play and save him from certain death. Mark: But I thought I already did this Stop Don't do that Listen just take his stuff. Don't kill him You three think your life choices. Don't don't don't don't Okay, Oh Oh All right, that didn't go as planned Excuse me. I want to see what's in this club this seems to be some girls or something or other stop Don't do it. Oh Oh Um uh-huh I just killed a man I Just uh, Oh God um All right all done here Okay, I guess we're done then Hi, you've saved your first client from being stabbed okay, unfortunately some of our clients are at risk have been shot Luckily your hyper. Gloves are able to grab bullets and redirect them that doesn't make any sense. How is that even possible? Oh? Grab the bullet in front of you aim it at the targets like you would have gun and release the trigger to fire the bullet Excellent in the real world bullets move quickly and can kill you these two targets without dying Knot it and swim. Oh, this is cool. Oh, this is cool. Oh. I like of this off Your training is now complete, and you are ready to save our next client. Oh Ron Klump high-profile politician threat save our client by using the assassin's bullets against him Okay I'll do G. Where am I? I only wise decision our clients as maid is purchasing one of our policies save him from being shot Where's the assassin? Well there is Hey, hey mister how about you? Don't do that? Oh? Shit ah I fucked up. I'm sorry. I I got that all wrong hang on. Let me try that again all right No, you won't get him no No, where are you aiming? Where where where where are you aiming? I Don't appreciate you aiming for my dick, but I like the UH the Extra length that gave me to the tip, thank you feels polite All right, whoa oh, this is a problem got it ah shit. Oh scary This time I'm gonna get it. Don't worry. I'm gonna get it done all right Hey, buddy. You are guy about to get a face full of justice or something. I don't know come to poppy oh oh Poor guy Wow nice Okay, I guess I did it. I think we're even Am. I oh Shit well you are not dreaming you are standing in your own personal office when some of our senior agents have yet to earn This privilege, so please do not brag it is unbecoming Now back to work Follow me Okay, oh The clipboards here are all open cases ah grab one and hit play to start the assignment Okay, all right, but I think Kevin hi. How are you doing alright? See ya, I feel like I'm just getting into this world And I feel like I've been thrown into it pretty pretty intensely and I actually don't understand anything how this is happening or or why or what kind of temporal bullshit that we have here I Mean are there any other effects that this is doing to the space-time continuum, I feel like Maybe we should be concerned about the the long-term reaper can Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Goddamnit, all right fine Kevin you go fuck yourself. I guess I'll just do the rat outbreak that doesn't even make any sense Doctor PETA known for new species development the doctors rodents of unusual size are escaping all right whatever you know what you're fine Alright, we'll do this one then I guess Hello containment units are malfunctioning protect dr. Peter from his unusually large rodents um Okay No, I did I do it. Oh, that's that's problem, that's from hey you rat bastards Oh God Oh Take that Oh All right that didn't do much take some of this All right that didn't do much either. How about a face full of this? Okay aah aah. Oh my god. Oh my god. It made him bigger. It made him bigger uh I got a box cutter on my stab you almost stabbed you bitch. Oh. Yeah. Oh shit um, okay Hey yah, hey yah yah yah, I got how about some of that Yeah, ooh Oh, so they are dying oh Yeah Take some of that. Uh oh that's a lot more than I thought that would be my god I don't know what that did it did nothing apparently hey yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah, yah. Oh oh Look out look out look out seem to be that big of a deal Not exactly a prop oh now he's dying. Oh, here's oh? That guy is very dead, okay, all right, let's try this again. Okay, you got it, buddy, boo Ah, I think I know how to do it this time okay this Throw those down there Throw those down there. Nope you throw those down there. Oh, yeah Yeah, we're gonna cut these guys off at the pass you guys are gonna get it oh Yeah Oh Yeah Well that doesn't seem right There we go Hi-yah, oh that got almost all of them. Holy shit um Okay, green green. Yes, okay, who raised there more huh oh no poor baby. Oh shit He ran in and he ran it he ran into that I didn't I didn't put him I didn't I didn't do that I got It I got those rats. Okay all right, Kevin Kevin Kevin Or what do we got here building fire? There's a fire building is caught fire in our clans - trapped in - Kevin? Hi, what can I do for okay? Bye Kevin, so what am I supposed to do about a fire? Oh, no time. It looks like our clients will have to jump help soften the fall what couldn't I just go back in time a little further and Stop the fire from happening in the first place Isn't that an option? Why didn't we think of that? Why why wouldn't we do that? Why would we not do that all right? I don't know what these do Boosh Oh buckle oh, oh oh oh Oh oh God Oh wait, no no no go Okay, all right I didn't have time. I didn't know that that's how that was gonna work, so I Apologize for that don't worry. I've got you You're gonna be fine land your taint on my mouth oh Did he make it did did he make it oh, yeah, oh No oh God here we go here we go here we go point nailed it Anybody else I Don't like how they bounce like that that doesn't seem incredibly healthy. What are you doing? You're not you're not doing anything Can you help okay? I think I'm gone oh Yay, I did it okay, all right good great Kevin Did you see that I did it awooga bridge escort Marines combat junior plus. I don't even know what does that mean? Why is there a gun? bang Kevin why is there a gun Kevin what Kevin why is there a gun? Sorry three Maureen's our boys and blue need help get the three Marines across the bridge expect heavy resistance, okay? Sure fine why not that's probably that's probably my job Oh protect the soldiers in blue uniforms They intend across this very dangerous bridge why Oh without your help. What why? but What did they buy? Policies am I just gonna save everybody in the world It seems like if I do that that nobody's gonna die what if the guy I? Had shoot a bullet towards has a policy to I guess not apparently oh here. We go. What are we gonna do? I whoa whoa whoa? Whoa whoa wait buddy wait be careful. Yeah Come on. Come on come here come here. Oh See I kind of feel bad about that. I Feel a little little bad about that. Oh, I feel bad about that one. That's going right for his gullet Can I have this? Sorry shot feels bad uh a lot of this just doesn't seem fair oh God yeah, baby. Oh, sorry Yeah, sorry, sorry Can I have your grenade scoop that right out for you? Yeah? Oh, yeah, and shahboz game. Hey, I can actually throw something wait blue man wait. Whoa oh That was good aim I should have used the grenade for something else um sir. Oh, oh oh Got you baby, oh shit, oh, Jesus Oh, Oh No return to sender ye, oh that guy oh oh oh, I'm sorry oh I did it I won the war! Aren't you proud of me? I guess okay? All right? This game's cool. I gotta admit. This game is super super like super love it first group of clients from gruesome death Yeah! We've decided that you can be trusted with access to some of our more challenging assignment. Oh you shouldn't do that. You shouldn't Man, no, no you probably shouldn't do that. That sounds like a bad thing. You definitely shouldn't do that I'm, I'm not trustworthy at all I don't deserve any sort of trust trust in the last given a personal access code to this part of the building Yours is 0 7 0 9. Ahh. Kevin you better not been listening to that! 0, 7, 0, 9. Cool? Congratulations on your promotion to associate death prevention agent. Mark: MuhahahaMuhaha Robot in backround: we trust you will continue to keep the interests of our clients your top priority. Mark: Okay. Diane did you hear that Diane? I've been upgraded, Diane? Get your ass back here, Diane Diane. Oh... Oh shit, Diane Diane I Kevin there Kevin Kevin Oh Oh, I'm gonna guess that's perfectly normal body search someone in the park is hiding a bomb find it but protect our clients Okay I How do I know who has the bomb I have to take people to bomb? Full body searches may be necessary find the bomb before it's too late, right Okay, all right can do easy peasy lemon squeeze me Can I nope okay all right may? I know all right. Um excuse me may. I all right no ice cream man Do you uh okay? No one here? How about in the ice cream? No okay no bomb how about Your grunts nope okay. All right. You are you hiding the bomb in your pants. Okay? Nope whoa? Whoa whoa, whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa aah whoa? Fuckin what the fuck Hey whoa? What the fuck? Oh? My god. Oh my god. Oh my god The bomb is gonna bomb on her like his ass or something do you have a bomb anywhere, okay? You sir you ever you got a bomb anywhere ice-cream man. Do you have a? bomb no okay um No, okay, all right um. No one has a bomb Oh In your hat oh I forgot about the hats. Okay. I get it some hats also the hats okay - under there Okay all right go do the Hat, how about your touchies? Okay? All right? How about no, okay? No how about you hat no Daddy pants okay. I've looked. Oh hello. Oh, that's a problem. Ohyeah, okay? Ah let's get that out of here Oh, let's that's probably good enough Can you? Excuse me. Can you listen boy? I? Didn't I don't think I threw the bomb far. Oh boy run run run run Oh Alright we're gonna consider that a useful maiming you are fine, sir and that is fine All right ready okay? Hey I did it where am I am? I even? Oh? Hey? How's it going? I did it yay I feel good about myself and that yeah, Diane. Did you see Diane? Did you see I sure saw Diana? I saw okay, all right tough as nails avoids fancy cocktails prevent death by ultra lasered I'll try Oh Jaymund has been captured into her policy covers rescue from super villains Find a way to prevent her gruesome death by the ultra laser Okay, all right. I see a little sortie worhty over here. I'm sorry Sorry about that one. Um how about we take of this bad boy and redirect? Oh that oh? Uh excuse me? Uh oh, I'm sorry. That's gruesome and bloody. Sorry. Um let's see iris scanner who's got the head Look, can you okay? I need this. Thank you Can you put weight no come back here come back here no no no no come back here Now look hey it worked. Oh, I need that thank you this makes me feel powerful and strong also I have no idea what direction. I'm face uh No God. No, no definitely not the lasers which I doubt that Going It's super fun. This game is like legitimately Incredibly fun. I like this a lot Oh, holy. Hell. Oh, holy hell yeah Say these guys were 84 years old No domes birthday celebration is about to be ruined by a madman in a car both He and his wife are policy holders and must survive, but that filthy clown is your call well I'm gonna go ahead and try to save the clown. Oh yes. I don't know why I'm gonna try to save the con look out Look out Look out oh That's not, that's not good oh, oh god. Oh, oh oh God. Oh? Okay, all right what about what that didn't go as well as I'd hoped okay um Get know that your clothes. Okay? That's your head. Okay. This is your pants. You're naked now. You don't need those glasses Clown man. There's your clothes okay? There's just that let me take those ridiculous shoes um Stop Ow Um all right. I don't know how to okay this one seems tricky. This one's a little tricky. This one's tricky, okay? All right tricky, but we can do this. We can do this. We can do this. I'll take that. Thank you very much Okay, that didn't do anything dole Mmm See ya bye, huh this one's our pickle all right? I don't know how to do this one yet So I'm going to move on to something else because I don't want to be fiddling with that forever. There's something that I'm missing There's something fundamental that I'm missing there. There's but uh I'll get back to it That was this Indiana Jane Raider of tooms general badass the fanatics it with don't want their Idol get Jane to the chopper All right, I'll do that. I don't know. I don't know how that could be possibly difficult It's gotta be easy right that's cool Indiana Jane to the inbound chopper the fanatics want their Idol back and we'll bring everything they have oh oh Okay Are you gonna? Tell me how to get rid of a vehicle because I don't know if I understand Jane look out oh No Okay, that guy's done. Have your glasses your helmet your outfit your knife um no I said I said No All right, oh that guy's popping out of the woodwork Let's go with a bagel. Oh sorry you're naked No riding them All right RPG man. Oh shit. Uh wait. No. I meant to oh god damn it alright. Let's try this again I believe in you Jane. You ain't gonna die Jane something's happening in that Bush. Okay here comes in coming Jane Shine oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit Ah got you baby. You're gonna. Go that way oh? Shit, oh, who did that whoa whoa? Nope, not today. You know let's just Take you out of the equation here. You don't know if you don't have any pants What could you possibly do it's gonna stand there like an idiot? Oh, sorry your grenade. Um oops my bad Get him oh not quite, but the other guy yes Yeah, oh shit, sorry about that Jane. Don't fuck up that jump if you fuck up that jump after everything I did for you Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, that's a badass alright. That is a badass Look at that badass. Oh with plenty - okay. That was weird But we're gonna pretend like that was normal Wow fuck all you guys Fuck yeah Whoa? Okay, so what I gotta. Do is I gotta find some explosives to blow up that goddamn other thing otherwise I'm not gonna be able to do it right all right. Let's try it I Don't know how else to get it done excuse me. Do you have a bomb? You're awfully dirty, but no bomb that I can see what do I do? What I do honestly I have no idea what to do with this one Would you like a nice massage, that's all I can offer at this point The balloons I've tried to do that before but it didn't work Oh bye, okay, I guess he's dead anyway Okay, that doesn't make the most sense, but okay, sorry buddy Happen. Sorry buddy had to happen. It looks like the clown's gonna survive too. So good job. Bye, Larry. Oh dawn sorry dawn, okay alright then After you you'd think that after 84 years of life. You wouldn't make that many enemies, but apparently you did Diana become an excellent employee and help prevent many of our clients Oh, yeah, you have also caused a lot of collateral damage, but they busts so far have been acceptable, okay alright You don't need to mention my mistakes this section of the building contains our most advanced assignments your personal access code is on 3 to 8 On your promotion to senior loss prevention specialist We look for seeing how you cope with an even higher caseload than before. I'm sure I'm gonna do fine here These are the last ones oh? It's fun Alright, Billy Bob loves to hunt big game our client is lost in the woods and will not survive until morning help him find his way back to camp I don't know how I'm gonna do that but I'm gonna give it my Damnedest Billy Bob is lost in the woods and will not survive until morning Okay, find him and help him return to camp. I don't wait I gotta find him What's with the Harry Potter music Billy Bob? Billy Bob oh Really Bob Billy Bob. Where are you Billy Bob? Oh Billy Bob there? You are hey Billy Bob? Hey got your clothes you're gonna outdrive. The elements this way, maybe I gotta like get him a flashlight or something We got to lead him back with flares and shit Billy Bob Billy Bob oh hey Billy Bob, Oh Billy Billy Billy Billy Bob Billy Billy Billy Billy fucking idiot Billy All right, is there any bears or anything oh? Shit, oh. Oh, oh shit. Oh. Oh, Sh. Oh shit. Oh shit. There. You go. There's one we need another one Well that bear sounded like it died a horrible death. Oh wow okay, all right. There's another one okay, Billy. Oh boy That's the problem okay hang on Billy hang on Billy Uh uh, uh uh uh uh uh oh there we go um. Oh shit. I need one more I need one more uh Oh fuck, how about burn it alive um Yeah, oh Wait oh We was over there oh Okay, oh, hi Billy Bob. What are you doing over here now? I hope you're Billy Bob, but you're not Billy Bob That's gonna be a problem. All right. Let's hear this Billy Bob. Oh, oh that's a big bear Billy Billy Why did you bother the big bear? All right those bears are dead Those bears are very dead. You're welcome, buddy. You did it. I'm real proud of you real proud of you oh Yeah Hell yeah, we did it yeah We're just clogging our way through these things all this God's awesome Oh, it's so cool Adrian Kenneth develops high-tech weapons beware of the automated laser tank all right Sure, why not that sounds good. I don't know what he's doing him. Whatever Barry's analyst II holder Adrian awaits execution So that he is safely extracted Adrienne designed the automated laser tank now guarding him It is quite lethal There's a lot of whoa Okay, that's it. Whoa what what are you what why what how did you know? I'm here. Oh wait Oh, I see the solution you mind if I have this sorry you don't need that Sure I'll fuck yeah, that's super cool. That's cool. Hey. Whoa why do you have two guns that seems unfair? Sorry had to happen whoa All right Church uncles hey Adrian. Let's go. You don't need this boat. I'll keep this through myself. I guess we're good right Adrian is not really worried about anything else so Adrian should be fine So Mark decided to not notice the mic off, so this is even better auto now. Easy peasy lemon squeeze me hello everyone my name is markiplier. I am in the metrics. It's all cool What the fuck I am NOT short. I am very tall I am in the metrics Blanc a blue ski Kevin check this out Hahahaha blue. Ski. It was me the whole time run move that ass Could you be any slower? I like to kick the air okay, alright, Phenom Harley? I? Am very oh That's a problem. I don't know but I'll You will have seen the solution of how I fix that problem probably well moving on all right What do we got here? Hello clown Bob failed clown terrible juggler. It seems. You need to go over some paperwork, but Bob Policy violation what does that even mean? Oh is he trying to jump off a bill, I'll mend clown Bob to review his policy Unfortunately the situation is somewhat pressing Ok Bob, Bob Bob Bob Bob wait Bob Bob. You need it Bob Bob Wait, but Bob. You need to look at your policy Bob. You're oh there. He goes. Oh, thank you Bob Bob wait Bump, thank you Bob thank you Have a good day Bob. We breathe we breathe okay. Well oh Ah And the hair flew Whatever I probably needed to go Follow him down. There's a dark, but hilarious one Bob Bob Bob Bob here Bob. You need to review your policies Thank you Bob. I'll be right down Bob hang on wait Bob well done Bob Bob Did you uh did he sign it properly? Did you sign it in triplicate? Oh? I've got it. Okay clone Bob. Got it alright Thank you, Bob Thank you Bob, thank you. This isn't gun knife. Why is there a knife here like oh manufacturing is experiencing an incident at their Factory What do you think about that all right never mind, then all right? Well. I don't know what I'm gonna do about Blake Oh the knife factory is going out of control Defend our clients against their perfectly sharp knives is the Machine the client? Or is the company the client are the people in the comedy the client? I'm not on two percent sure how this is gonna go Nice knives do I do something about this? Oh, I see with se Oh Miss okay. I think I know what I need to do ah Nope, that's not right oh Shit oh No oh my god Okay, so I was wasting time all right. Can I come here you let's go you You get out of here, okay, that's one down what's wrong with yours anything. Oh, that's oh? I don't like that sword dance. This is probably a problem so get those out of there Out of there whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa? Whoa whoa, whoa whoa whoa all right? Well. That's some. Can you just oh? Shit nope not today not today, oh Boy, oh Oh, whoa, oh? No no no no no no Not bad Good for me about time damn it that other guy up there. Did it took its sweet ass time again over there All right, just two more come on Three of six clients aged mix save as many as you can more of dr. pitas experiments of gone berserk save at least three of the town's folk Alright, sure, I don't know why a whole town has a policy with us, but okay? I ain't gonna complain about it mutant crows have ravaged the town. Oh, there's three clients to my pants okay, I Got a bad over. Here is the bat useful oh shit? Bird get batted. Oh shit all right. Well, that was one down. Where's the other? Oh, bat there's Birds over here Fator bullshit Come on Birdie get out of here. They hit a bird with another bird. I said get out. I got a frying pan Drunk all right that was easy enough and hilarious Bonky hey Okay, this is a hilarious weapon hi look out Boy no no no where to go where to go where to go where to go where to go where to go where to go Where to go oh no it broke no born bunk bonk bonk bonk gimme gimme gimme gimme oh He didn't die Punk Come on Punk. Oh he's dead. Okay. Whatever. I didn't need to save all of them totally fine totally fine totally fine Hey you Birds oh? Sorry And I Stop, please stop. Please stop all right. Okay? That's pretty good. I sure blocked him real hard We lost one, but I think it's okay all right guys. We're fine We don't need to worry about anything that what is that a Gatling gun? Why is there a Gatling gun floating in the sky do I get Blanc's you move faster or I Blanc you oh? Hi How long have you been there come on come on come on? Jiae's whoa hold up fuck oh Oh, oh suddenly. Nope sorry about that how about Oh excuse you? Coby Wow oh wow wow wow no no no no no no no no no no no no no no No, no no no stop stop stop. Stop. No. No get just go Get away from my client. Good. God. They don't stop him right at the end there. That'd be bullshit nope Hey All right, I got it good god. You're pieces of shit. I don't even know where I am anymore am I facing the right way Absolutely not. I'm facing the wrong way Okay, one more huh one more will easy-peasy Kevin and Garcia lumberjack and a lover of trees Threat save the trees protest is about to go very wrong This is gonna. Do I don't know what's gonna happen, but I'm gonna see wait. How did I face one way again? With the Lumberjacks distracted trees are not the only ones in danger ensure that Kevin and Garcia survive Hmm where's that guy's legs, oh there they are oh well that's a problem um Well who's gonna be into the scene, let's get a closer look at this ah How the fuck Hey okay Let's not do that let's not do that let's not do that let's not do that I think I know how to do this Okay, let's turn you off off. Oh shit now even bastard. Oh my god trees are people too. Ah Sorry oh boy, okay, so that's Kevin that's Kevin. That's Garcia. How do I save you hey go get your? Go get it. That's a problem um oh Yeah Oh, AHHHHHHHH- Wel- Uh oh- I see okay. I think I know what to do. I think I know what to do okay. I got take this We're gonna yeah There we go oh my god. I'm amazing Alright, come at me bro. Ah Oh Wrong segment wrong segment sharks are sorry, so sorry. Oh god. He has no head that Was my bad that was my bad, I went about that very wrong. I'm gonna try that again Here we go AHHHHHHHHHHHH- Easy peasy not too troublesome hey Hell yeah, I think I did them all I think I did all the games. I think I did all the missiles oh Hey, how's it going- Robot: You've to complete to all our outstanding? Assignments in a single work day. It appears. We hired you just in time Before you go home for the day perhaps. You might enjoy our hastily put together credits level Oh, I would love to Bonus levels and achievement and violence against the creators Robot: If you change your mind you can access the credits at any time in the lobby Well, I was gonna I was gonna do it. You don't need to be snarky about it I was already gonna do it so you don't even need to you don't even need to do anything about that Excellent, you chose to come view the credits. Yes I did! I promise you they are short. Oh And if you suffer through them I will unlock these vaults next to you. Oh okay! Alright I'm down! Ooh Just In Time Incorporated was developed by Second Wind Interactive to try and make large amounts of cash I cannot verify the accuracy of this claim But what other motivation could there be. I mean make sense make a cool game make a lot of money Oh hey! these two gentlemen made the questionable choice to quit their jobs and create this game Feel free to rate them on Twitter if you hate it, I will also leave these deadly implements here for no reason whatsoever These fine people also helped in various ways with the completion of the game You didn't- Do you know dude cuts and general laziness? We were unable to make each of them a character? Oh No.. That's it as Promised I will now permanently unlock these vaults so you may enjoy the bonus content Oh, maybe it's some point else I gotta punish you all right mr.. Ryan drag I think your name was you didn't need your eyes did you?. Oh Yeah, sorry sorry Oh pan wait no that's even better pan Hey, buddy oh No, where'd you go? Okay, that's not bad. I'm not gonna check out the bonus levels, but this game was awesome. I love it I really loved it and and honestly. I just got the vibe through like so It feels a lot better. I don't know what this was like on vibe But the vibe Pro actually does make VR a lot better than it has been in the past It's more comfortable to wear and it's just generally all-around better like if you want to try the vibe, bro It's expensive though so until the price drops. I can't recommend it, but it's still pretty cool So thank you everybody so much for watching. Sorry about my mic dropping out there. I don't know when it did I only know in the editing, but I'll fix it for you. Don't worry about that. So thank you everybody so much Let me know what you thought down in the comments below And if you want to see more cool VR games like this in the future. Let me know down there as well Thank you everybody again, and as always i will see you in the next video... buh bye!!! *the bootiful end music plays*
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 5,389,756
Rating: 4.9031072 out of 5
Keywords: just in time incorporated, just in time game, just in time vr, job simulator, vive, vive vr, vive pro, oculus rift, vr games, markiplier, just in time markiplier, job simulator markiplier
Id: W8kDRbM8zVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 12sec (2472 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 26 2018
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