Camping in the Rain with My Dog

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey there ladies and gentlemen I am out and boat with Monty and we were paddling down a river in the rain it's a beautiful rainy day I'm hoping we get some thunderstorms later but we'll see it's supposed to be scattered thunderstorms at some point I do hope that they start after we get to camp here some delicious food it's gonna be a good one tonight it's always a good one right Monty's mouth he's living life right now he's got his rain punch gone ready for rainy weather we're at where I was last last Sunday's video got a much better time this time the weather's not as nice but you know how I do love the rainy weather thunderstorms so I'm really hoping when we get the tarps all set up and everything we get a nice thunderstorm tonight or even during the day I'll take it whatever I love the sound of thunder flashes of lightning I love crazy better you know I'm not sure how long I've been paddling for maybe 45 minutes so far but I think we got at least another hour at least of paddling before we get into our spot now we were we are returning to a spot that I have camped once before I've never accessed it through the river who ducks these poor ducks are gonna be so upset at me sorry ducks I have nowhere to go I know it looks like I'm chasing them but you know it's a river I'm sorry ducks Monty what was that what was that what were those things those ducks poor ducks they're just gonna keep going forward down the river and that's not going to it's gonna be I'm chasing the whole time so we're probably to be hearing these ducks for a while well we'll be seeing you again ducks very soon so like I was saying the last time I was camping here or a camped here the one time was January so it's a little bit different scenery definitely different weather and I'm hoping that something still there when I get there and I hope it's still in good shape because I'm really trying to avoid camping in a tent tonight it would be nice to be able to use utilize what is there but we'll see I didn't check on it last week when I was here I just kind of cruise on out because you know let's face it I was paddling in the pitch black could barely see and my headlamp wasn't the brightest so we will see when we get there we've got a pal for a ways though until we find out really hope I don't have to use that tent it'd be really nice maybe so nice so peaceful out right now I got to pop my head out of the hood and just get a little wet here every once in a while cuz it's just so peaceful sounds of birds the rain the pitter-patter of the rain I love it last time I paddled here - that was my first time going down this that's why I had no idea what to expect I don't know what but I could do it in such quick time but oh well but I was saying I was pretty cool paddling in the dark I don't get to do with that off and it it was pretty cool and then and it's it is nicer going down a river like this a slow moving River because you don't really have to worry about where to go you know you're on the track you don't have to worry about paddling to shore and getting lost you know it sounds pretty sweet but it sure is peaceful Monte's probably got mixed feelings right now it's not his favorite thing in the world to just get out get into the boat and sit there in the rain but he'll gets a runaround at camp we're gonna feed him delicious treats tonight he'll be just fine he loves being outside I love seeing the Ducks oh yeah just get rid of home that's a good boy but uh yeah he just sweet ask out of the car you know got in the boat sir paddling so not his absolute favorite but he loves getting outside we're gonna make him a nice spot brought out two tarps a day so we're gonna give them a good old area where he can relax and not get soaked the both of us [Music] [Music] [Music] the weather is just great right now good boy it's like it's not hot it's not cold just a nice temperature thing it's like 60 somewhere right around there it's a good tempo though it's probably right close to my favorite I do like it a little bit colder for because if you just had to do portaging and stuff then you don't sweat it all while you're doing a portaging but for this this is perfect because I don't have to portage I just have to carry my stuff to camp and don't have to go too far but oh this is actually my first time I think just going down a river you know starting on one end paddling for miles camping and just keep keep on paddling this is my first time spending a night out here like this normally I do a bunch of foraging and whatnot so this is a nice change of pace I brought a little punch brought a bunch of stuff I got a heavy load this time but that's totally fine because I just got to carry it to camp [Music] Monty's getting the sleeping pad tonight don't worry guys we gotta feed into that SPE sleeping pad entitlement he likes finer things it's always a beautiful thing when you can collect birch bark without having to get out of your boat we were moving at a much slower pace than last time last time I was cruising you know this time I'm really enjoying it just taking my time going with the flow of the river last time I was didn't want to spend too much time in the dark so I flew through it we've been paddling for an hour and a half I believe right around there and I know we're not near as far as we were last time I'm thinking maybe another hour of paddling to get to our campsite if that but I've only got two and a half hours of sunlight left and it's gonna get dark quick tonight so I am gonna want to pick up the pace a little bit just a little bit I'm not gonna fly through it but I want time in the daylight to collect a good chunk of firewood set up my tarps and everything you know build a nice bed of coals tonight the other thing is I'm pretty hungry I should have ate more I do have granola bars try to save most of those for breakfast but I might munch on one oh wait till we get to camp though I don't want to pull out my bag now [Music] it's officially fall time now early fall but there's definitely some pretty colors out there come a little bit early this year get some we've had some cold nights say this a million times I love the fall you know springtime you've got a you know winter time it's colder out there's no bugs so that's very nice and winters beautiful pristine I love winter camping then you've got spring camping if you hit early spring it's colder cold rain is the worst cold rain is not a super fun but the fishing is usually pretty good unless you go too early but there's no bugs but then you get to you know spring springtime yeah early you get early spring when the bugs hatch the fishing is insane let's soar the bugs and I love I love camping at that time of year simply for fishing but the bugs they can be rough that's a definite no for a lot of people but you just got a deal with them then you got summertime which in my opinion is the worst time you're gonna go camping because you do any purported Jing and you work just sweating now if you're just floating down a river like this I think summers having pretty great for this or this time of year like really early fall it's not but then you have all you know no bugs cooler temperatures beautiful colors and trees and everything animals got their horns it's just a beautiful time here the fishing's okay it's good for trout it's good brother things too but when it gets too cold that's a little tougher slower slower fishing for what I do but it is a beautiful time of year it's very short time of year it's not super long lots of plans for this fall see how much I can get done beautiful oh that dead stump nothing better than seen a nice dead stuff with a big ol beautiful light feathery patient piece of birch bark then just pull it off oh yeah get Monty going to boy monkey is laying down fully set into the canoe mode he's good to go now he doesn't mind the rain he's living life he's enjoying it he's relaxing he's being the Monty I put a crazy creek down crazy creek if you're wondering is a camping chair but I lay that down underneath him so that if there's any water in the bottom of the canoe he's not just laying in water because that was one thing he doesn't like if he has got a you know water pooling up and he's just let has the lay in water he will stand you will not get comfortable that's one of the tricks we use a little crazy Creek down so he's got a little pad it's like a half inch off the bottom of the boat soaks up water but it's not like a pool [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sorry Monty ah sweat sweat this big hold down tree wasn't so bad a mighty [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay think we're getting somewhat close I remember it had a nice Bank on this side that was about that high so nose here last I walked along the river should be getting close maybe another 20 minutes our duck friends just flew past us they must have been felt like they were chased for too long and decided to head back to home or something know how well this camera's gonna pick it up at these colors they're just starting to get so beautiful right here there's some reds oranges that's right Monty Monty just groaned in joy for the beautiful colors [Music] I think we were very close I think it's right up right up here I was coming here the last time it looked like the area knows right after this I remember this funky conjunction I just whacked myself on the head with the paddle good job yeah I'm pretty sure this same ones last time and it should be I'm gonna have one longer than last time [Music] there we go I need to keep my eyes peeled just know the thick it's kind of a little flat and then it goes up a little hill this could be it [Music] don't think this is it later on the next bed maybe actually this might be a yeah this might be it right here alright we're gonna have to just go and see we're gonna have to do one see Google explore Monty's probably have it this looks like the tree I remember correctly yeah this does look like it all right wait drag the boat up into the muck first we've got to see this is the spot and preach I'm like 99% sure we're at the right spot I'm excited you guys are just as excited as me okay [Music] so green and different it's way different than when it's all white take it take it [Music] he got destroyed so here she is shelters pretty much finalized I mean I could tie all this stuff down but it's fine winds not blowing crazy I mean if it were to blow real hard some of this stuff would fall off probably a little bit it fell apart this is the old winter lean-to that's the cozy little den right there yeah it fell down it broke looks like this broke this ridge pole piece here must have rotted out it was solid when I put it up here in winter time but it's been almost a year so it just must have rotted out oh well looks like we are not sleeping under the shelters and I was gonna put the tarp over that and hang a tarp right out here dang that was half expected Monty it's okay we're still gonna have a nice spot we're still gonna camp right next to this yeah to be honest it was probably what I thought was gonna happen is the snow was gonna pile I was gonna create too much weight and you know this is my first lean-to this is hold this this trip held a special place in my heart I thought that the ropes were gonna give out what they didn't the weight cracked it from the center so if I would have had a post right in the middle to support that way on that beam it probably would be still standing and we could use it tonight but that's okay I'm gonna probably cut down these ropes and we're gonna set up the tarp right around here so I'm gonna go get my stuff and we're gonna set up the tarps and start collecting some firewood [Music] okay so so the spot relatively flat all right so we're gonna set up what kind of harp right here not sure if I'll sleep under the tent Runa probably just in front of the tent okay this was the thunderstorm I'd be high winds if I did if it if this thing wasn't destroyed I was going to put the hose under the middle like I said before but I've done just to support the weight take my big Noah's tarp from this tree somewhere in here I'm gonna have it overhang the fire way up high and it just be a big old rain rain free zone but that's not gonna happen old Bessie here he's done we just do it now now we'll wait we'll wait but yeah we're gonna stuff the noah's tarp right here into these trees and go from there just throw raining really hard for about 30 seconds there's like throwing a poncho it's kind of off and on right now first things first though we've got ourselves a rat's nest to deal with like Chloe's you know I love dealing with my rat's nest [Music] because I'm gonna have a fire close to being under it maybe under it completely or right on the edge I don't want it to melt gonna hang this extra high [Music] that's about today [Music] good illegally because it's not for rain watch we can take this off now here be a normal dog go ahead be a normal dog [Music] I'm glad it's not super intense down for thunderstorm right now percent don't camp what as soon as I got all my firewood my stuff set up I will be all for the thunderstorms and the rain have your rain and it won't matter but I have got about an hour so it's getting pretty dark so I can't think around a whole lot but I did bring out my axe probably gonna take a dead standing tree because that's what's gonna have the driest Center when it's wet like this it's best to grab stuff that's dead standing because the rain runs off of it and it doesn't like soak on it very much this is rice center when we cut and split [Music] [Music] [Music] well first I'm gonna deal with this Restless then I'm gonna tie a few more of these pieces off but we've got a nice little spot here I might hang that other tarp right over there and I'll hang it decently high so we can sit around right here maybe have a fire here we have our fire over here haven't decided yet you got the tarp off for you oh well they though we probably won't want to he's all intrigued by the outdoors right now but just in case this thing keeps my wrist your bottom well since we've got the tarp setup now I can record I can switch it over to the DSLR up using the GoPro while it's not crazy now I know I've set up the tarp in a way that's gonna protect from rain falling straight down and a downpour the winds aren't crazy and they didn't seem like they were gonna get too crazy what I will do is since it's getting late I'm just gonna stuff the tent quick and if it starts getting towards dark and it's crazy rain and stuff well we're having a fire I will set up the other tarp as a wind block but for now it's fine I don't need it if it does pick up and I'm starting to feel wet or icy water on my other camera I will do it get off the DSLR give it a shot okay this isn't for you much stinker after your stinker that's just a nice light rain right now perfect for setting up the tent and the tarp now with this the ground right now is just covered in leaves and like a nice dump so that's always great for when it rains heavy because it doesn't necessarily pool up and just run right under ya so even though I'm kind of in a low dip it's not gonna matter too much because the ground so fluffy it'll just go right down to the ground let's see yeah like I said did you watch sleeping the tent I was preparing to sleep under the shelter but the shelter is dilapidated so we are going to use the tent now I know I could set up the the tarps and stuff to sleep under it but there's mosquitoes out and it was more of a nostalgia thing I was really looking forward to it but plans foiled but I kind of have expected like I said I was kind of expecting it to not be there looks like I've got chopped up layer with probably all rotten soaked with water he went burnt some later money is not laying under the tarp he's laying right outside of it little weird dog what is a spider right in front of my face I don't know he's where is you what do you test you oh is that his brawl at my face just a friendly little spider friendly neighborhood spider that is not parts by the way that's the aired boots hey Monty Connect one in this thing for quite a while there pal wait a while alright now I'm going to throw my crap in here all my good stuff too but II gotta throw my stuff in here and we're gonna go collect some firewood I brought the axe we're probably to take down a small dead tree chop it up and cut it down maybe make some feathers to concern it that way but we'll see let's get some firewood next [Music] [Music] see if we can just push it over first nope about the right size so should have a dry Center no it's a little punky [Music] do it so bad [Music] okay this stuff is looking pretty punky if it's too punky rip he'll grab another one it does look pretty pokey just got a lot of moss on it and stuff it's pretty punky it's like half punky alright we're just gonna get another one really quick it's another small one just to be safe and make sure you have enough firewood okay it's getting dark pretty quick and a lot of the stuff I found it's pretty punky I haven't there hasn't been many good trees that are there's a lot of big ones that are dead and saying but I don't want to take a monster tree and cut that up right now so I'm gonna check this out this is laying on the ground this is about perfect size and I basically since it's getting so dark so fast it I still got 45 minutes till the Sun sets but it's getting dark in this forest really quick it's gonna get dark in probably like 20 minutes it's gonna be pretty tough to see I might eat a headlamp but so I'm gathering as much near camp as I can so that I don't have to leave when it gets really dark and will rummage around you know because it's gonna be super dark but anyway let's cut into this this is Japan this is just laying on its side and this is a lot more solid than stuff I've been finding standing than pretty tunki but this oh yeah that's nice and solid that's nice and dry this is actually the piece we're gonna use versus the other stuff this is nice solid wood and this has a dry very dry Center and there's barely any so couch on the outside because it just started raining today so let's bring this back to camp its whole piece and this is what we're going to cut up much better now you can see me perfect go there then we're going to split it it doesn't have nice drive centers no problem keeping the fire going starting it up once we get a nice coal bed it won't matter what we throw in there at all burn the mosquitoes are out right now forget me they're not crazy they're not like springtime summertime they're just a few here and there they're biting in the face this will just be a little comparison shot for you I'm in the middle I just sawed up the rest of that log it's still really bright out here on the river but once we get back in those woods it's pretty dark I do not want to miss that I'm just getting some water quick alright now let's show you a clip of just how dark it is in those woods this is how bright it is when you're in your camp right Monty it's pretty much dark now can't see anything oh geez [Music] there we go nice dry centers [Music] slip that up to the side here we'll put the wet bar side down it's not really raining like crazy right now that's a nice dry wood that's this is what we're looking for this is the it's got the smooth outside a nice solid wood it didn't even soak barely at all because it hasn't been raining for days it pretty much started last night and has only been going on today Wow so accurate Marty Marty where the heck did Monty go Marty well it's not like him to just wonder off Wow I just I couldn't see Monte anywhere and I was like what the heck Monte never never runs off or anything he's always just chillin no sit here yelling I just don't see him and then you know yell a couple more times and he gets up from behind the tent just walk slowly walk toward me like what are you doing right now I'm just right here just relax and dad when you switch dude we're worried we're gonna carve a put a few feather sticks to use as basically our sticks because everything is wet but our feather sticks are basically we'll just we'll just carve them a little heavy so they're not super feathery and we'll do some that are lighter but we'll use those two to spark up our fire and keep it going when we will get to the fire oh my gosh come on oh why can't I hit it in the center there it is finally geez hey mine either month so it's steadier rain again and the winds are a little bit there so I'm gonna put my fire right it's like right on the edge of the park it'll be getting a little bit of rain on it but I think I've got enough wood here it'll be got a you know it's dry right above me so I can sit right on the edge man the fire cook the food so we are going to make some feather sticks see I got a whole bunch of wood here just the one I'm gonna make some real pin some medium knoweth bigger pieces these are basically the feather sticks are going to be my sticks the inside of the wood so basically when you're doing this in the rain if you make thicker thicker feather sticks that's going to be your sticks your little kindling sticks and if you make shavings that's you know your tinder essentially that's what you're doing here to make a bunch of these these are a little bit lighter and crispier these ones are a little bit thicker like sticks so I've got you know two types I'm going to do probably two more of these and then a few more of these thicker ones I mean this is not a beautiful feather stick right here this is just a Haggard experiment is what this thing is it's not a separate yeah but it'll get the job done so also gonna make up some kindling to go with my feather sticks let's break up some of these bigger pieces basically looking to get really fine small pieces if you just keep breaking them down I think it's easier to do this with the knife versus an axe you can still do it either way I just have an easier time with the knife keep breaking it down gonna have to get it too wet but we're trying to make little stuff like that could deal with just Spencer sticks feather sticks but why not make some of this you know those little sticks perfect perfect for starting a fire once it gets going you don't need anything but Bengal pieces of wood okay put down some wood here face a few pieces I'm going to kind of lean over the fire with my body start so that it blocks all the rain let's get out of my birch bark few pieces they have yeah this fire should spark up no problem I'm only gonna need one of these little this little feather stick here just like that sticks on here [Music] it's barely hanging on but it's hanging on and that's all we need we're just going to keep adding on nice pieces here get it built up to a point where it it's not going out no matter what well that fire ain't going out don't want the flame that high the sparks now I wouldn't I wouldn't really want to do a pine fire underneath my tarp like this because there'd be so many pops and Sparks and embers fly and the five lines and poles but this is some hardwood maple it's all maple do you lay down buddy you stay under the tarp it's raining Monty Monty come here later just a minute sorry that's good perfect perfect so I bet you're wondering what we're making for dinner pretty excited about this one first I've ever made this it is oh yeah we're getting foam a fancy tonight I brought out a lobster tail some large raw shrimp and some sea scallops and we are going to make a Cajun seafood linguini it is gonna be so good I'm excited I even brought out a couple chunks of bread not fancy bread Monte Yan and not fancy bread just some the butt ends of some bread that funk was using but we're left this burned down then we're gonna get preparing here pretty quickly a meal like this calls for wine and you know you need you need wine while you're cooking and preparing so of course I brought out some wine I brought out a glass of wine this wine is weird though it's actually it's in a can that's carbonated and it's called craft beer it's a weird wine I don't I don't know why this one's called craft beer but it's a glass of wine nonetheless an outdoor glass of wine it's a spot so our fire is going so that means we had to get prepared Monty is gonna be eating a venison sweet potato mixture while I have my feast so he's getting taken care of tonight but let's get preparing food I think I want to change off the battery and I've only got one change out so let's see how long it lasts okay oops that was just my boot I wasn't farting okay I brought a Tupperware I'm gonna store all the stuff in because I'm making a decently big sized batch I've got ice packs and a little cooler here and funk has requested that I bring her some home if it is super delicious so I will do that so first things first we need some time keep breaking them oh if you go back where its theft that's the trick backwards and then we are going to cut up some fresh basil here do you think about that Monty and basil is so delicious and in there a couple cloves of garlic flatten them with my spatula makes for easier opening if you smush them like that you're doing close the garlic the peel comes right off one of my subscribers on the video told me that one and that is a neat little trick and it works very well I mean look at this I just smooshed it comes right off there we go chop that garlic up a little bit see that all of that work [Music] and we're going to add some fresh parsley healthy healthy portion of fresh parsley chop up a little bit better we go into the Tupperware there then we need some green onions he's back money this is going to be pretty dang good I mean yours is gonna be good too I think you're gonna like yours better than mine but I think mine is going to be better overall and I'm not trying to you know diss your food but make my own today let's add these all in here okay so we've got our Tupperware of herbs and the green onions and everything so this is this is ready to be cooked in so now all we've got to do is prepare some of our seafood we've got a lobster tail here it's a little bit frozen see if cooked a lobster a few times on the grill you know when they're on sale I'd just it's pretty much nostalgia but this is going to be so good this is going to be gourmet I think these were three ninety-nine apiece I don't know what they were I can't remember but it wasn't it wasn't insanely expensive Wow [Music] you know I might not be doing this the best way possible but it's gonna work oh there we go that's a beautiful chunk of meat right there oh yeah let's just gently pull that out of the shell there we go that's a lobster tail ladies and gentlemen keep that off to the side there oh yeah that's gonna be good okay so we've got these shrimp I don't know how fancy these shrimp are and we're going to peel them open it Devane they look the veins deveined so add those in here oh yeah those are some nice old trip still cold everything was frozen when I left they're not frozen anymore put these shelves back in here my hands are gonna be pretty fishy after this and then all we've got is these large sea scallops which are still icy I got two of these things now I have never cooked up scallops before so I don't really know what to expect from these but we're going to just add them in and make a big ol little seafood meal see what happens so we've got chunk of sweet potato for Monty think burgers getting the other half of this at home because he can't come out oops but you won't mind a little dirt in there I know I always say this but sweet potatoes are just so tough to cut feel like my knife is gonna break we've got all the potatoes a Monte's pan and the monty needs one other thing added to this to make it beautiful and that is venison ground venison that came from a deer that meee or function or both deers that's right func hunts but that's where this came from this is just like the scrap pieces and we browned it up now we're going to I'm going to dump it some water here [Music] and that is gonna be a gourmet meal for Monty mix some with his dog but let's get cooking I am so hungry right now it is time to cook who says it didn't have to go on a backpack or anything I browning all great today oh it keeps sounding like farting that is just my boot I promise throw out the bill great speed on here okay so we've got to just start boiling up our noodles this one's pretty much gonna take as long as it takes to boil up our noodles so we need to get that going first get the water boiling once this water is boiling we can start cooking everything else up my booot keepers just making the fart noise maybe it sounds like something else but it's a party [Music] Monte's is cooking just fine what is the Monty is there a fire in the barn money's not happy something is amiss okay do you want medicine if you want to eat the stick I'm gonna eat a stick you are the stick this is your favorite stick ever just forget about about the noise yard oh it's very close to boiling they're almost ready to put the noodles in okay let's see how many noodles we can fit in this thing I can't them as long as they can be Oh noodles oops oh man I'm making a mess we melted our noodle baggie that's about maximum noodle edge right there [Music] we can't do much more than that but we do got to add on our pan and get the other thing cooking Montez is gonna have to take a sidestep here my Jesus just fine he will eat every scrap of this it doesn't even have to be cooked that well all right I brought out a big old big old cast-iron skillet these noodles off to the side but he's gonna go right there okay now for the skillet we're going to add a little chunk of butter and some heavy whipping cream oh yeah [Music] Monte's chain is just fine we probably had a little bit of water we're going to put his off to the side does this this needs to cook up a little bit and that butter is not cooking so well it's not getting melted over here just right on the center we're just trying to heat this up here this heavy whipping cream with some butters to get to make it a little bit rain won't help this dish very much there's not a whole lot you can do about it the rain so we're gonna keep stirring this over the seat until it gets simmering a little bit and it boils down just a hair and then we're gonna add in our herbs and everything and I've also got a packet of spices that I whipped up and we will add that up all at once and then once that simmered for a little bit we will add in our seafood this is gonna be amazing I think our noodles are going to be cooked before anything but that's okay we'll keep them off to the side they'll be fine okay we're going to add in our herbs oh yeah and then we're going to also add in our spices this has got black pepper salt what else crushed red-pepper there's a couple other things I can't think of it off the top of my head at the moment but it is going to be delicious mati watch out so now we're going to click and stir this constantly until this pits down a little bit oh my oh my that smells delicious oh it smells so good okay so the pasta there's that fart noise again pasta is done I believe let's just double check this is not done Oh a little frisky oh oh that tastes so good oh man that is going to be phenomenal so I do think that this pasta is done unfortunately it's a little bit early mm-hmm the pastas done so we've got to drain these noodles and set them off on the side okay now that's gonna make this a little bit a little bit messed up because we're gonna cold noodles but it'll be okay it's still gonna be delicious [Applause] it's picking it up nice okay it's time to add our seafood oh yeah oh yeah baby sea scallops rim and a lobster tail Oh hop up oh man this is by far the most gourmet food I've ever cooked up in a in rainy weather oh man oops it's gonna be a little bit messy but oh look at that lobster tail oh this is gonna be so good pasta meals are just the best sometimes I do love me a good pasta meal there's that lobster tail oh look at that thing oh that is cooking up just fine oh man over the dog food - it entails much of we're gonna at the same time because we're good pals you like that Monty sweet potatoes and venison that make you excited oh that is a bowl of food for a dog you know there's not much more in the world that much prefers over Venice are you drooling Monte Monte we're gonna have such a mess to clean up so this because you want to cook so gourmet why why do you want to cook so gourmet Monte no that is a heaping bowl of dog look at that there's barely any dog food in there it's mostly just venison and sweet potato all right Monte this has to cool off and then we can feast together at the same time okay all right that looks so good it smells amazing I don't know how long scallops need to cook and we'll break it in half oh they're very delicate okay I'm gonna guess they're done I think this meal is done this seems to be very soft tea all right all right hey stop hey stop Monty oh I have to apologize to myself I'm missing a couple of steps here toasting my butt ends of bread and one very important step which is adding Swiss and Parmesan cheese a whole bunch of it oh it just hit the next level oh we thought it was done with being delicious no no no no no no no it's got a whole bunch of deliciousness batted in this needs to go back up it's nothing just one second this cheese melts just a hair oh my gosh [Music] this is a glorious glorious bowl of pasta right here oh not the leaves okay [Music] that little extra sauce is going to cool off to the side okay oh mighty we need to eat that is gonna be so good oh man let's see let's fire wait anymore but I do need this crazy Creek to not burn my lap okay I've pretty much finished off my two beers during the cooking process and I'm ready to feast you ready Monty this is gonna be so good all right go ahead go ahead I'm going to start with a shrimp hmm [Music] while scallops are very tender I have never eaten this I maybe I have but do not remember eating a scallop before this is so good I make me such a mess right now I don't care let's go for the coop to grace the lobster tail the cheesy creamy lobster tail it's so good it's salty spicy creamy cheesy noodles bread the scowl all right I don't think I've ever even see scouts before you're super Tundra it's like biting into a hmm took a pair like a a soft hot pair it's just like butter Montee hate every scrap of his and I have made a huge mess it's so spicy it's hard to eat fast cuz it's so spicy yes spiders crawled on me so I'm gonna devour some more of this let it cool down a little bit eat some more let this place go through any leftovers I will give to funk but I'm gonna keep eating this but it's so spicy that I need to take a little break here but I don't need you to see me slopping up and slurping in on any more pasta so I will check back in with you and I'm done eating this gourmet meal and then I'm probably gonna clean up right after because I've got baggies and mess everywhere I'm so full I'm uncomfortable uncomfortable we saw our first flickers of lightning and rumbles of thunder so the thunderstorm may be coming I don't think it's gonna be insane thunderstorm looks like it's just a scattered portion flying through but you should be over at any time I am so full I've got just a couple sips severe hey too much yep a too much it was a two-person portion and a little uncomfortable but this is what I do to myself you Jewish food so I am going to get in the tent and get ready for bed because I can't stay awake much more I ate too much food and it's turning thunderstorm so it's perfect time to sleep so I will hit you guys in the tent let's keep going you want me to protect you from the understory get to be drying the ten dryish oh man served a thunderstorm pretty hard there for a minute I am so full oh [ __ ] yells at me for eating myself in the food coma she says I'm a guess she doesn't yell me but she she says I'm not fun when I get to a point where I'm at right now and that is eating too much food I couldn't finish that off there was no way the last time I did this was chicken riggies bushcraft can't fail that video anyways we have to spend the night on here at our first bushcraft camp earn our first bushcraft camp but our first lien - this is our first lien to build this was the trip we did here back in January on T's first winter camping and you know it was is probably it's part of my favorite video how I'm gonna link it up up here link it up there but if you haven't watched it watch it that's a good one it's my favorite I had a lot of fun with that made some good food but that meal tonight that was phenomenal I ate all that seafood out of there there's only just sauce and pasta left I'm gonna try to save it for there is plenty left we got ice packs but I am so fat and sassy right now I need to sleep come here Cara Monty Monty no Monty this little monster just tried to go to my feet and go on my sleeping pad you entitled a little turd I got your whole own sleeping bag you're a monster he's a monster he's a monster you're a monster dog you stay there get your own sleeping pad anyways guys I'm ready for bed I'm tired I am full I am satisfied that was amazing I'm gonna listen to the pitter-patter of the rain pass out it was a pretty good evening this is a relaxing evening it's not too late but anyways head into bed so I'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody norine watching big stinky doggy good morning to you you've got this stinkiest morning breath smells like poop just smells like poop Monty know so pretty good always relaxing all the raid the rain quit what does a few hours ago now it's just breezy it's supposed to get pretty windy here and it's actually supposed to start raining again that's what at least said when I last check so we're not gonna dilly-dally for to hug we're to get up and get moving [Applause] so I've been known to out sleeping a little bit let the rain start up again so yeah we're just gonna get up try to beat the rain at least lower put away camp and packing up I prefer if it's not raining yet I don't might have a rain storm patent but anyways it's time to get up let's do it mighty let's do it it's actually beautiful all right now you can see bits of blue skies hope you can pick that up the sun's came out but it's beautiful but anyways it's windy time to tear down camp since I don't got to do any porridge you're going to be like that I just got to carry my stuff back to the boat I'm gonna most likely just put my all my wet stuff in that garbage bag for that broth and just stuff in the boat not put it back my bag because your point yeah it didn't thunderstorm till got in the tent little bits of lightning here and there but pretty cool thunderstorm last night it was raining too hard for a minute there boy makes his butt rub pure light to the butt rubs - my lady spot here and sits at was that booty scratched and he likes to clap his legs but the breeze is all I not down here here the grow in the treetops it was like that last night yesterday super brief in here the treetops it we trees going crazy but not down near the well Old Betsy here serve me good only one thing left to do before we get out of here and take the stuff down vote that this a couple of times in this place yeah first bush good thing of the past Monty that's a good boy all right so uh you can see it fogs getting up in the lens it's been up in the lens I guess that's moisture still trapped in my camera I need to figure that out before I do much more recording but anyways I'm gonna pack away the DSL DSLR now and we are going to hike down or something with a boat we get a couple more hours do let's get to it I'm gonna put down my rain jacket here and I look back at my butt because I don't want to get that slight wetness in my underwear that makes your butt itch I'm not about to get me some fudge [Music] [Music] very breezy okay we are global we've got a way Sudan this for worth worried about the midpoint this river how low can I go whoa enough just slow enough oh yeah like I said we're at the midpoint of this river I was a ding dong it didn't grab my sunglasses I didn't think the Sun was gonna come out at all but now it's it's out and it's right in front of me and it's probably gonna be staying there the whole time so I'll be sticking to the right Shore what I can help it [Music] oh man that food yesterday that was so good that was amazing oh yeah I really wanted to eat leftovers this morning but I made a promise I made a promise to a certain lady but it's done right by me time and time again so I've got to keep that promise bringing that linguini back for I I did eat all the seafood out of it though so it's just gonna be flavored noodles I couldn't contain myself like that that side of it Montee your big butt is leaning yeah mr. mr. big butt lean when he sits on the side like this I have to completely balance him out and then it's when he does his big shift when I'm leaning on one side heavy is when it's really fun but yeah that was a good one last night [Music] we're doing a whole bunch of this very soon no one down rivers is nice I like this not having to Porsche very enjoyable don't get me wrong I love portaging I don't like super long Portage's but I do love this little casual paddle all that is bright deluxe why I will never not bring my sunglasses again [Music] [Music] I was so uncomfortable last night pastas the meal that always does that to me just each of the point where I don't feel so good I know do that but can you blame me come on it's getting cloudy and dark dark clouds like like rain like it said it was going to oh hey I'll take it though I'd rather have that Sun be covered up right now because that thing is blinding me it is so hard to see I've already ran into a tree because of it should've promised Ilyas but if it gets covered up that'd be great - sorry Monty [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah I definitely think I'm going to do another panel trip like this this fall not necessarily here maybe I'll come here again it is a pretty spot for the colors there's lots of lots of colorful trees but definitely like in the river paddles I just haven't done it a lot of foraging and like you know camping paddle down them you know for the day not necessarily camped overnight but you can cook I can bring out a cooler and delicious food so you know it's my jam cooking good food he's living life right now it's gotta be interesting just you know he just gets carried around in a boat I wonder how much he enjoys it you know because he's got to enjoy it I mean you're getting to go outside I mean he'd prefer to run around obviously what come on she don't like to lay it out on sleeps like he's getting to lay down and sleep but he gets new scenery the whole time nice peaceful sounds he does have to deal with me yapping the whole time which I'm sure is not preferred rather listen to the nature sounds very much humming yepper he's a good boy now he's gotta love it it's definitely nice to see this section of the river in the daylight come in here it's dark deflect pitch-black dark super dark very dark as dark out nestled on very dark out we got to be we got to be making away we was paddling for an hour over an hour hour fifteen or twenty but yeah we'll be coming up here soon to the end probably another 45 minutes maybe if that something like that rock the boat [Music] all righty guys I can't have too much further the paddle we kick up some delicious food something that out last night got to listen to some thunderstorms playing the rain a little bit so that's gonna wrap it up for this one so as always guys hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit the subscribe button and I will catch you guys in the next video [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 563,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, camp, backpacking, backpack, canoe, canoeing, canoe camping, river, river camping, paddling, paddle, oar, canada, bushcraft, bushcraft camp, bushcrafting, bushcrafter, adventure, adventurer, bushcraft skills, campfire, campfire cooking, cooking, gourmet cooking, food, delicious, rain, rainy weather, camping in the rain, dog, camping dog, dog training, survival, survival skills, how to start a fire, fire skills, knife, severe weather, outdoorsman, wilderness, wilderness area, wilderness camping
Id: _E1Q3szpRxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 32sec (6452 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 07 2018
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