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hey guys how you doing joe here i'm pretty excited i have an adventure ahead of me i'm just sitting here on the side of the lake here i camped here last night nice and peaceful this morning cooking up some breakfast before i embark on my adventure i drove here yesterday afternoon i got here probably around four i had just enough time to paddle my way in through a couple lakes and one long portage to get to this campsite here you guys may recognize this campsite from about a month ago i did a camp here with my big pyramid tent well this is as far as i've gone into this area and i really want to explore there's a series of a few lakes ahead of me that way it's all crown land means i can do pretty much whatever i want so i'm going to go in i'm going to spend the next few days here i'm going to set up a nice camp i'm going to fish if i can if not i have a couple meals i have limited supplies i have my hidden woodsman backpack with me we can go through everything i have later on but uh yeah an axe you know i mean some real bushcrafty stuff so i plan on having a really cool camp lots of axe use lots of uh exploring i have to find a suitable spot for my camp still and i don't know where that will be and i have the option of so many different lakes and so many different shorelines and things like that so that'll be a pretty cool adventure so again i'm just going to eat up breakfast here looks like my water has done boiled and get on my way [Applause] man it's windy [Music] do [Music] it's a uh it's a cloudy breezy day there is some sun remember whenever the clouds decide to blow away i see some blue in the sky so maybe it'll be an all right day regardless going on to find our stationary camp hope the rain holds off it's threatening quite a bit i've come across this place here it's pretty very pretty and it's open um the wind is blowing the dark clouds that way i'll show you here in a minute but i don't know man i think i might post up here for tonight it's not as far as i wanted to go i've only portaged and paddled into a couple more lakes but i might just make a camp here today and just wait out the weather see what it does and then get a move on tomorrow and post stuff again but uh it's only it's only 12 30 today so i still have a lot of time to make this place very comfortable and i really like the looks of it so i think i will post up here explore this lake see what's on it's not a very big lake if i can catch some fish cool if not whatever and i'll move move along tomorrow to my uh stationary spot which may only be a couple nights in one squad or even a night who knows i don't know how this is all going we're just going by by uh playing a ball by ear so yeah let's uh let's get the gear out of the canoe and uh set up a comfortable camp yeah the sun this guy is looking pretty good now oh yeah look at that glorious sun beautiful um what [Applause] so this is the location i've decided on i'm going to put my shelter here i'll use this rock as a fire pit it looks like it's been used before um i'm gonna get these valves for my bedding i needed to move this this tree down uh away from this spot anyways to get some more space i need a pole to set up my tarp with and i need bows so this one tree is doing three things it's giving me space giving me a pull and giving me these bows as bedding so i'm gonna cut it but i'm gonna cut it a little long and then we'll measure it up here in a second so i'm looking for about chest height so i'm going to cut it just a little bit on the long side that way i have room to work with this will prop my tarp up i do want to clean it up i'll leave a couple uh knobs and it can be used as coat hooks or something like that i just don't want to get i want to get most of the pokies off so i don't bang myself on them in the middle of the night a little bit higher than chest height but we have room to work with so put this over here for now i'll take the rest of the bows off this use all of it and i'm sure i can use the rest of this stock after two for something maybe a part of a tripod or a pot hanger or something along those lines i get fire going to boil up some water man i ran out of the one liter that i had yesterday when i brought in so i'll be boiling water for this trip i'll go again i'll go through all the gear i have here which not much i'll go through it i don't know tomorrow or maybe later on today all right i got my oil skin tarp let's go set that up this doesn't fit here we'll do it right on the other side just the wind was coming from this way it'd be better to have my door on that side than the other way around but if not no big deal still needed that tree and everything so this is my second time using this tarp oh it looks like it'll fit that's pretty awesome might have some rocks in the way but that's totally cool we're gonna have to make up some stakes now some heavy duty snakes shouldn't be a problem looking good look and good i can have it super close to the fire because i have my bed roll and i have my uh oil skin tarp so all is well okay i'm gonna set up a new shelter a new tarp configuration that i've never done before uh i've done similar things to it but we're gonna try to do the the full load tent the tarp tent out of it so as these black flies show up and ping off of my face i'll go cut some stakes just like i said more uses for this we can use this to make some stakes out of yeah this stuff doesn't split as good as hardwood okay yeah that's dirty enough so we've got two there three four you might need a few more all right so from what i understand we're pegging out the two um second ones so not the very corners with one in on each side on the back so do that i'm hoping there's not too much rock underneath here or at all actually let me peg these in pretty good because i think there's gonna be a lot of tension on them when i pull them up okay so that's there nice okay that's in good put another one here on the second one uh oh right into a rock got a rock right here so maybe i'll just pull back and around a little bit see if i can get in there next to it nice okay it's in there good okay now i think we bring the front corners in to match where the back ones are set up we put that right about there there's a little bit of slack and go there this is the first time i've ever tried doing this shelter so we shall see how it goes bring this one in to where that one is roughly bring it back a touch this might even be too close who knows okay now i think i can peg i think i can stand the i think i can put the stick in okay so this is much too long let's just go chest height well yeah let's go let's go face height and then we can fix it after good thing about this tarp being canvas or wax cotton whatever it is oil skin is that i don't have to worry about puncturing it with this or abrading it so i think i put this on the second tile in the middle yeah this is too long still so it's gonna be there and i want it to be taught so maybe we'll cut it right right about there and force it in force it in so okay something now i go around to the best of my knowledge and tackle the sides well it's basically done i just have to put the finishing touches on it's still a little saggy but we can fix that no problem i'm just going to tuck under here get this out of the rock nice and neat so i might be able to pull back a little bit now hammer that down here in a second a little bit more tight and i think what i'll do is pull either this yeah pull this back towards the tree behind because if i pull from up here it's not doing too much again a really easy way to attach cordage to tiots you just take it double it over on itself put it through the tab and then run both pieces of the cord back through keeping a hold of a small part in your hand and then just tighten it down it's super easy to come off to and give ourselves a little bit more space so even though this is a different tarp setup than i've ever done it's all pretty universal right you've seen me do that trick before it's just a different uh just a little bit different different setup so we'll do the top line hitch up here again that way if it's windy and raining and stuff and it gets loose we can just tighten it with the knot instead how to re-tie it okay let's see let's go on in and see i might put another stake out there too this looks pretty good i don't hate it and look at those yellows in the hills it was gorgeous okay still not done the tarp tent but this is the overall shape of it it's got it's long in the back longer than it is wide so i imagine that's the way i'll sleep you can sit right here and cook stay warm by the fire perfect okay there is a couple more touch ups i want to do to this to make it look even better and make it more useful that's cause that's what matters right you gotta get rid of this ugly flap here what we can do is either you can tie this up like this just kind of silly looking or you can tie these back to another tie out this one on this side that one on that side that's what we'll do and then i think i might even after that's done we'll see where this goes this might get tied back to that ridge pole too man that sun is warm man what a day what a day so again we'll use the trick we learned from old joe abam sun right back to this tie out we'll just do uh there's a little bit of a you know what you can even go to the to the tab itself so it doesn't slide up there is a little bit of a um a lip on this wood uh a catch so i can tie it to that too either way lots of options get it nice and tight we'll grab another piece of cordage good thing about this setup is like i didn't have to use any cordage at all for this i did to make it stretch out bigger but you can just use stakes and a pull or stakes in a trekking pole stakes in your paddle whatever works pretty good so tell me tell me what do you think is better tied right back here looks kind of tight or up like that which i really prefer quite a bit i'm gonna get a little bit of rain coverage too if i'm sitting here cooking or whatever so i'm gonna try and do that i'm gonna try and tie it off to this tree behind you guys and hopefully the paracord is up high enough off the fire that it won't melt oh yeah that's the look right there [Applause] gonna get up high okay okay should be plenty high right there's the fire pit there's the tarp i mean sorry there's a cord yeah we'll see anyway we shall see but look how awesome that looks now pretty pretty cool yeah a little shelter here even if it's raining i can sit by the fire warm myself cook whatever the case may be man i am happy i like this this is comfortable there's about a million black flies in here though maybe we'll get a fire going i said i need to make some water probably about an hour ago at least so hey let's get this all sorted and get some water on i am going to put those bows in i'm just throwing my bed rolling for now i cleaned up this fire pit already a little bit and i grabbed some rocks while i was moving around um i think i could really make this fire pit really substantial and i i honestly would not put my nylon tent this close to this fire pit so it's pretty cool man it's uh the tarp is coming in useful already so again if you guys didn't know this is from bushcraft spain uh he sent me this for free so i really appreciate it thanks man if you want to get a hold of him it's at bushcraft spain on instagram that's how i know to get a hold of me so i'm gonna build up um some side walls some decent sidewalls with these rocks and maybe even a little bit more back uh fire reflector type thing there's a lot of rocks around to work with what happened ugh maybe that's a better one for back there okay yeah that works okay well i couldn't have come at a better time starting to rain i'm gonna throw everything in there for now and maybe i'll be able to show you my gear i will see in there for a minute seems like it's passing again but until it does let's get in there you know what actually before i get in there i want to put as many of these as i can get in there because they're as dry as they're going to be it rained all last night but they don't feel wet to the touch right now and uh if i leave these guys out here then i'm gonna have to be laying on top of them wet and i prefer not to do that so i will take my little window here and make good use of it yeah get all ready in case the rain actually stays which rain is maybe an overstatement right now but and as soon as i say that i'm just trying to get off the uh big stalks here i don't want to lay on top of this big thick stuff right ugh what a nice view though hey holy smokes couldn't ask for anything better really the sprinkling stopped for the most part surprise surprise but i just uh made this bed in anticipation for being in here for a while anyways i obviously need to get some bows down here big time because look at this drop that's a big drop there but other than that pretty comfy anyway i need really still need water so bad let's get this fire going i need another rock and we'll get this fire going oh man ugh so again i think this bigger one would probably do better at the back oh yeah that meant for it meant for it wow okay i don't know if this one's needed now just put it here to block the heat from my tarp i guess that's pretty slick though i'll just make a line here i'm going to align this with small rocks just as a little barrier but nothing big so because i want the heat to come bounce out right i don't want to block the heat so just little rocks like this yep just like that just because there's pine needles and stuff everywhere just trying to be safe okay a few more and then i'm done doesn't have to be anything crazy it's probably good i'm happy with that know what i just remembered i have to go paddle around to find some wood because i looked around there's nothing here it's all just red pine so before we can even boil up some water i have to go get firewood and it's sprinkling again that's the name of the game but before i head out i do want to get all my uh bows in my shelter bonus rock so just collected all the small ones i'm just going to put them here to build up my uh my foot area i don't want a sinky foot area all right no one likes to sinky foot hurry up i'm happy this is awesome damn son and then these can go underneath me more or i can just leave them here to sit on i'm gonna get a couple more arm loads look for a fallen tree or something and uh get a couple more arm loads and put them under me but as it is now sitting pretty shoreline is loaded with wood shouldn't be too big of an issue to get some sprinkling still it's nothing crazy but this is a constant sprinkle a little sprinkle sprinkle there's my island and got the lake to all to ourselves for as long as we want by that i mean you and me ourselves look at my hair parched okay i gotta get wood i'm pretty beat all right we'll grab some of these dead ones right here wow that goes straight up holy contours okay we'll get this guy maybe a couple other ones cool nice and dry get it up over the water have to cut it i'll have to buck it off actually into some sections maybe just two it'll get me uh two or three trees that'll be good for tonight probably actually there's two right here i can get ah almost wiped out these rocks are a mighty slippery all right that's probably good for those pieces and then we'll get this one right next to it here i'm gonna end up taking this stump as well this is spruce it's super hard you can see the the bark is gone it's very very weathered and dry it's a score of this piece just got to watch the rock right here i don't want to be smelling what he's cooking you know i don't want no know what that rock's cooking ah he bit me the rock bit me [Music] not [Music] wow oh man it's worth it though look how tight those rings are tight rings bro okay that's two three one more let's go back and get some water and if this isn't enough i can come back though but i just really need to drink water water in my life check silver stripes water in my life all right i got my hole headed back home back to my island it's not sprinkling i'm getting hungry too i have a steak for tonight i gotta cook it tonight because uh it won't be good anymore after that so that'll be i'll go down really well and then after that i have mainly uh rice i do have one meal of um uh chili and some beans but other than that it's it's rice and veggies and jerky and stuff and uh maybe some fish maybe i shall see so wait you guys see those ducks okay so just going to make a quick pot hanger right now until later on when i have uh but i'm not dying of thirst yeah just go right there maybe prop it up a little bit more yeah i gotta fix this all up still this has gotta be cut off peace i've gotta find my lid to my pot but i'm just getting around right now start it because i am in need of water like i've been saying so i know that i'm not going to want to wait to for this water to cool down before i drink it so i'm just gonna make tea and i'm in luck there's a whole bunch of wintergreen uh not only leaves but berries right here so this will make me a delicious tea well half of my water cools i can drink it and then i'll wait for i'll drink half tea and i'll drink half cold water or warm water there we go okay water's boiling cool colorful tea just poured it probably really hot stuff too hot too hard to drink excuse me oh very winter grainy though oh oh i could feel it going all the way down to my stomach i'm beat guys i haven't had much to eat today maybe a couple pieces of jerky in a granola bar very very little water to drink too so it's five o'clock i've used up most of that wood but use up two of the four pieces i'm gonna have to cut up some more right now and throw that on to get a uh you know what i could prob no i could probably cook my steak right on this maybe that's what i'll do i'll cook my steak right on this i'll save that wood and i'll have to go get some more wood after but uh maybe i'll get my grill ready i brought my little uh portable grill maybe i can get this some rocks ready for that to go on there because yeah that is kicking out the heat right now cool all right i'm starving ah this is my soul of siberia soul of siberia kooksa same one i have had for a few years i haven't seen that guy soul of siberia on instagram in a long time hmm little winter green berry bonuses look how lovely that is oops look how lovely another cup about ready to throw that steak on so good it really is no joshing can't seem to find my gloves at the moment it's all right i will find them after let me get this on excuse me ah gloves would help okay good good yeah boy oh it's hot imagine that ah okay okay oh so i'm gonna sit here look out on the lake enjoy our steak didn't mean to rhyme happens all right okay the steak is looking mighty fine mighty fine might be fine i think i'm losing my mind let's see the perfection perfection huh nice it's a little a little overdone in the middle for me that's all right though see yeah there we go that's about perfect right there super happy with that but you know what happy with the whole thing yeah that's fine okay oh all right guys this first bite very good man i needed this wow that's good no tripper with me so i get to eat the whole thing this time bonus i do miss the little guy running around the fat absorbs the smoke flavor so much such a cool scene actually all around me is this really is a gorgeous spot and a great day i didn't know how it was going to go at first woke up pretty stormy i stayed in bed till like i think nine drank almost this whole pot of water now it's not warm anymore still got my leaves and stuff in there though it's getting chilly threw on my toque i'm gonna throw my sweater i like having a big wool sweater like this it really really helps normally i'm going super lightweight you know and like i'll bring puffy jackets down jackets and wind blockers and layers and merino wool tight shirts stuff but a nice thick wool sweater man nothing wrong with that super super warm hugs and it's natural it feels good feels good i guarantee i'll get plenty warm sitting here i do have a jacket as well we want to get out and paddle get some wood maybe throw a line and see if i can get a fish just for fun it'll give you something to do before it gets too dark it's uh six o'clock now i'll lose light completely by 7 30 so we'll get some firewood along the way too well i'm gonna put that big old dense piece in well i go cut up some rotten pieces put those in too hoping just to keep the good coal base going and have a nice easy time to start the fire when i get back well i paddle across the lake here no fish surprise surprise it's starting to be a theme but i came over this shore where the sun is shining or sun is hitting and it's really pretty but look what i found score right back there this shoreline is pretty cool too this all natural that's no cement boys and girls pretty cool this is a score this is gonna be super good firewood this will last a long time oh this is all pitch this is all pine pine pitch like uh fat wood type thing at least this part is where i'm cutting oh wow get ready for a rockin orange fire tonight boys and girls oh my goodness it's like wax it's like wax look at that smell-o-vision again come on elon that's vick's vaporub right there no joke rub that on your chest when you're not feeling good okay [ __ ] this up probably grab this one too man how pretty is this this is the forest open enough right here but not a level spot to lay your head that's for sure pretty very pretty i got a pretty decent haul that uh that piece of fat what i thought was it's not fat wood all the way up so i cut the stump even lower i got a good chunk of it so it's uh almost seven yeah i'll troll again why not listen i'm not i don't know what's up like uh this is um maybe it's too cold listen i don't understand people ice fish but then there's a time in between where the lakes are turning over and it's not hot is that something i don't know regardless no fish joe strikes again and uh i'm glad i'm not completely relying on fish although i had hoped for some for more meat but that's all right i do think i'll probably end up just staying at this camp i don't really feel like cutting down a bunch more boughs to make another bed and things like that i'll stay here and i'll go do day trips or maybe even yeah i'll go go do day trips from here get under the other lake see if i can catch any fish there or um maybe even go on a little overnight away from this camp too and leave my camp here and just kind of rough it bring my bed roll who knows again we'll go we'll all be uh however it pans out that's how it will be rolling easy this time playing the plane boss i'm just gonna paddle around this is epic i'm super happy being out here right now um the sky is turning pink behind us i'll show you that in a minute here but uh very calm very peaceful loving it just me and my firewood and you guys of course i imagine it'll be really pink before too long peak pink peak pink look at that oh man my island's behind me here the end of the lake is over here and it's got some pretty crazy gravel formations let's go paddle over there well it's not gravel it's boulders ranging from like i don't know two times the size of a basketball to baseballs and smaller i'm sure goes up very high [Music] very high and that one's even bigger totally different than anything around here normally it's rock like a solid rock which that's what that is but that's on top i believe and then no this is a normal shoreline all that rock is the same you can see the water height difference there the water line boop but very different it's cool i missed this just coming out in the canoe and chilling out at night it's very peaceful all right back to camp stoke up the fire make some tea chill out for a while right in the journal head to bed i just saw a moose i tried to paddle up close to him but he took off and i can hear him crashing through the bush he was across from my island on the mainland walking about i don't know waist deep for us for people he was only really up to his just as high legs high thighs as it were okay i'm going back for real now who's that big piece that i put on before we left that big solid piece so it did the trick i'll be able to blow this back into flames i'm sure got a bunch of firewood so i'm just trying to throw on some smaller pieces right now that i grabbed before before i go process any just to get this fire going again oh man things are happening uh all right my headlamp hung up already so nice and easy to find it look at all the ash in here man this is gonna be so cozy the sun's gonna come up right through my doorway like just beam up right through here so i'll wake up with the sun that'd be awesome all right i'm gonna stoke this fire up and get some tea on sounds like a boiling yeah okay i'm gonna make up some chocolatey all right so we've got chaga here and if i come across another piece of this while i'm out here i'll certainly show you where it grows and what it looks like on the tree but basically it's grows off the side of a white birch tree or a yellow birch tree or some cases beech and other trees but for sure birch looks like crap but it's got super good uh anti-anti-cancer fighting properties and just all around super beneficial you can even buy it in drugstore or bite in health food stores these days we're just going to take a chunk off and try and throw it in the black stuff's actually better for tea i'm told and the inside's better for fire making which is an amazing amazing fire starter for sure you have to dry it out this one's been drying it out for a little while at my house not too long oh we got some of the inner get another chunk there we'll throw it in and uh just let it simmer you know we'll take we'll keep drinking it over the course of a couple days so we've got you can reuse them once or twice got three pieces like this i don't want to get too uh too crushed up puff pieces because i don't want like too much particles in there but yeah it looks good to me you're really supposed to simmer this low heat for a long time but uh it's not a big deal either way i'll just cook that out there for 20 minutes or so and start drinking it's actually a very enjoyable taste uh so this has been on there for quite some time now maybe about 20 minutes half an hour i ended up cutting up all that wood or some of the wood that i got the big pieces this is that fat wood piece i'll show you in the morning we'll split it up and maybe start the fire with that super waxy but uh yeah i haven't touched the fire on purpose just so that it would have a slow rolling boil or slow simmering boil more likely man i can't talk i'm so tired it needs to slowly be hot rather than a quick boil man anyways i'm uh i'm done waiting i want to get to bed pretty soon anyway so i am going to stoke this fire up and pour myself some chaga tea and sit by the fire for some time before i go to bed this has been a productive day guys very happy about how today went i was kind of not bummed out but like oh man i wanted to go farther or whatever but just this is the right call to make and it doesn't really matter how far i get out there nobody's around and it's all pretty pretty much the same i think but from here we can go and do some day trips and uh maybe even sneak out for the night away from here with just like minimal gear i'll bring my uh bed roll or something who knows that might happen might not happen but definitely go check out the other lakes while we're just camped here we'll have to make a proper pot hook tomorrow maybe something a little bit different still haven't found my gloves we'll have to do that tomorrow for sure it's pretty high priority she's boiling out the top there so i'll let this cool a little bit pour some and then i'm gonna keep it near the fire just uh roasting just staying warm still slowly cooking slowly cooking out this has got some of that fat wood in it let's throw this on and see if we get some decent orange flames all that flame is so orange and bright that i can use all natural light here to show you me pouring with chocolaty that's pretty awesome i don't have to use any kind of flashlight or anything [Music] bam oh you can see the color too it looks like darkest coffee so we're gonna leave that real close to the fire like i said keep it going slow but as of now we got some tasty healthy tea oh i split the cup it looks like oh cup is splitting at the top [Music] that's unfortunate [Applause] well we'll still use it till we can't anymore so without a doubt this is by far the hottest and highest the flame has been and the paracord is barely warm so i'm not concerned about that at all which is nice to know it's got to get high up enough it could be higher actually i could even put a stick over here to prop it up tomorrow to a forked stick it's not a bad idea look at that one log though you can tell which log it is too eh that one right there burning like crazy burning like gasoline burning it all the way burning this just looks so very cool doesn't it let's go sit inside the shelter and see uh see how cool it looks from inside there well i'm certainly not cold this fire is radiating right back into here like i can feel it back i'm gonna feel it back as far as the camera is oh she's splitting real bad you know what we might have to start drinking out of the pot because uh if you can see how bad that is but look it did it before but never up here like this it just split laterally and it always healed itself back up but that's a bad bad split man that sucks i really like this kooksa it's unfortunate um ah man that's good it's hard to stop drinking it i'll be interested to see if this heals itself like like it was before but that's that's a just ridiculous crack there i didn't have that much of a capacity already and that splits it in about half comfortable very comfortable a poor oh cup sure staying hard pass don't worry be happy turn that frown upside down yeah why are you so sad why are you so sad bro oh you're so sad bro burning your [Music] friends yep that sap watching that hole there sap bubbling out boiling and bubbling out see it just drying that chocolate even more i'll show you guys how it can be used for fire tomorrow maybe if it's dry enough i'm just killing this pot of chocolate i need it i need the water well it's about time to turn in man what a cool sight looking at that fire oh my back yeah it sounded a little bad there's so many little spiders in here well today's a good day looking forward to what tomorrow brings i don't know what's gonna happen who knows where we'll end up who knows what will happen that's a big part of the fun out here thank you guys for coming along with me so very many times i will see you guys in the morning i'm hoping to get up pretty early with the sun yep ah okay good night oh pretty wild you
Channel: Joe Robinet
Views: 470,608
Rating: 4.9081211 out of 5
Keywords: Bushcraft, Backpacking, Canoe, Dog Training, Ontario, Canada, Bowdrill, HD, Nikon, Gopro, camping, winter, wintercamping, offgrid, adventure, off, grid, outdoors, wander, hiking, outside, steak, dog, tripper, scout, dutchshepherd, joerobinet, wilderness, forest, woods, fort, wild, wildcamping, tent, hammock, bivy, tarp, shelter, build, building, builder, cooking, cook, grill, bbq, food, skills, outdoor
Id: oYvavM66xnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 34sec (4354 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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