Overnight Camping with My Dogs - Gourmet Campfire Cooking

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hey guys monty here you know summer's winding down but if there's one thing that's not winding down it's roger he's crazy i think he's actually a crazy person and i don't know what to do about it but anyways hope you guys enjoyed today's video [Music] [Music] look at a big old legion we're waiting down we're stuck scoot let's go scoot scoot scoop guys monty have you been eating too many treats oh we're stuck okay oh geez well that wasn't so bad it's been a while since i uh was in the boat with so much weight this is a little ridiculous right now i think uh ruger's gained a few pounds since we did this last i'm feeling all the monty shifts the water level is extremely low and it is because all these beaver dams are knocked down or like there's a hole in them they're doing good boys well hello ladies and gentlemen i am in the boat with first mate stink stank and first mate stank stink and uh we're gonna do an overnighter and like i just mentioned the water level is extremely low so i am just moving so slow and it's like uh right here is about six inches of water and uh it's all muff and weeds so it's really just i'm plowing through it we are we have a heavy load right now this is a spot that i have been to before not this year yet this is my first time coming back this way and i'm excited to head to this spot we're gonna cook up some delicious food tonight we're gonna try to catch some fish and uh yeah have some fun uh ruger has not been out on an overnight airway has he oh i don't think ruger's been out on overnight get this at ruger hey sit down sit down sit sit see this is that right there is why ruger doesn't normally come in the boat when it's just me and the two dogs i don't do this a lot because there is so much weight in this boat i know we're over the weight limit we've got let's see monty's 70 50 i'm 200 215 maybe somewhere in there i don't know so we've got let's see say 70 pounds stay there uh 140 140 let's just say 150 to be on the small side 350 350 400 pounds for 400 pounds give or take in this boat right now so that's a lot that's quite a lot is that right yeah that's right i would say over 400 pounds anyways as i was saying he normally doesn't come because i usually go to places where i have to pour it or paddle across a bigger lake and with ruger sitting in the boat here like this i ain't going to be wanting i don't i don't want to go across no big lake and uh risked flipping this is a shallow mucky stream thing sort of thingy here it's not really a stream right now stinks but uh yeah anywho he doesn't normally come unless it's just a short pedal not a lot of foraging and big lakes so that's what we got going on today monty don't do this to me [Music] it's so thick it's like there's like it's like not even an inch deep right here it's just muck oh man this is ridiculous you guys are doing great don't flip me in this see it's it seems very shallow and it is but there's about two maybe three feet of muck underneath that would be very not fun to have to deal with i don't actually know how deep it would be oh yeah maybe i'd think two three feet maybe a little bit more and it'd be fun so we're just gonna avoid that well i'm probably not coming back again this year um i just spent 10 minutes going through like a 30-foot section it's it's just muck and there's just random logs that are scattered throughout that i can step on and it's really hard to find them and it's just so thick i can't i'm not even moving so i can't unless i want to go up to my waist and complete muck well at least we're moving again i've just got to push through it and yeah like i said i don't know how long i just spent going through that 20 20 foot section but there was like nowhere for me to get out and step and it is just i would i would rather be doing portaging right now than this this is uh oh there's so much weight in this boat it's your fault rogues we're gonna get there okay we're making progress i just when's it gonna end oh geez this is ridiculous let's see if i can get out here oh yes oh there's there's it's solid in some places it's got to be careful because i do not want to get just soaked i can see some sand here watch my step [Music] so oh wow that's so much better we're at a sand part now i wish we'd stand the whole way [Applause] uh no what are we stuck on now i don't want to be stuck anymore what is it oh hey the water's a couple feet deep oh amazing i did not think that would take so long that was a little unexpected fun it's still a little low over here but so far it's at least navigable is it navigable navigateable it's easy to navigate it's at least something i can navigate navigable navigable feels like the right word but it doesn't sound right when it's coming out of my mouth navigable inevitable inevitable do you ever see a word and like you know what the word is and then you spell it out or start to think about it and it just sounds like a foreign language or it looks like one that's what navigable it's probably not even the right word oh and the mosquitoes are getting me and we're stuck again we're just gonna camp here i think this is good slightly less navigable [Music] capable we're going to get there we're going to get there can i get out yeah there she be the wide open cr oh oh that's a relief [Music] hey we can paddle we can paddle we can do it yeah so um it was supposed to be in the mid 60s today it was supposed to actually be a nice cold day and i was really excited for it but for some reason it's just in the 80s again huh funny how the weather just doesn't do what it says it's gonna do i was kind of looking forward to that especially with all this plowing through the muck and whatnot we definitely spent a little extra time oh oh oh i forgot to mention got a little bit of a late start yeah of course so this is uh you know the whole muck thing is he took a little bit of time okay don't look at me like that okay all right guys it's just the swans everybody calm down i don't want you to freak out when they fly away okay stop looking at me tron i know riggs just please don't freak out when they fly please all right guys you can fly away now i'm sorry go ahead hey rooks you stay there rooks stay stay everybody calm down everybody calm they might not even fly away good boys everyone's doing great good job brooks oh monty oh that's a oh that's a big monty shift monty sit down oh geez this is chaos [Music] that honestly went a lot better than i expected it to go i kind of expected uh them to fly away because we were so close and then roofs to jump up super suddenly when they flew away but he was a good boy monty solomon was a good boy and uh you know we're getting through that buck i'm a good boy so we're all good boys okay so we've just got a little bit more paddling to do and then we've got to go over a beaver dam and we will be at our campsite for the evening so let's get out of this boat and check this thing out monty's just like no it was about 100 or sixth or 107th time i didn't know what the heck was going on but i just stopped caring he's just weird oh okay well this is gonna be our spot for the evening i'm gonna set up the tent quick here in a second because first we've got to go jump in that water it's this is the shallowest i've ever seen it normally i can swim here it seems like it's gonna be a little mucky but i'll at least be able to jump in and get rinsed off so let's swim quick i'm so sweaty [Music] hi monty oh yeah it's uh well that's about how deep it is normally it's much deeper than this [Music] but uh yeah i'll take it oh that feels good get that sweat stop hi monty hi pup kurux here rooks come here come here rooks come here rooks hi monty here ruger come here come here come here come here come here [Music] hi monty i'm kicking up so much mucking so i'm trying to stand still rinse off my head here so mucky now okay there we go a little bit deeper right here oh there we go hey there's a nice little hole right here [Music] okay i feel better all right let's get these boys a stick session [Music] good boy my teeth already you'll get roofs other one no buddy go get the other stick no no guys what are you doing hey what do you do you gotta work together you're drowning each other oh my gosh jeez ready go get it look at him look at my teeth go get my teeth hurry you almost drowned monty all right go ahead go go get go get it roost there's another way oh look at the little turd so i'm wondering how good the fishing's going to be since i've never seen the water this low um normally there's water all the way right near the campsite and uh this time i can only put my boat right there it's that low and the mosquitoes are a little worse than i thought they'd be but hey it is what it is they're getting me stinkers my teeth ready [Music] [Music] okay oh does that feel refreshing oh yeah i feel like a million bucks now let's see if we got a big old tree here oh okay so i'm just gonna set up here um we're running low on time because of that there are late starts you know what i'm seeing but uh i think we can still get out there and catch a fish i really hope so but uh since the boys here you know we didn't get to do any crazy amounts of portaging or you know they didn't get to go too crazy i brought them out a little something extra a little treat if you'd say would anybody like a tree monty do you want a treat do you want a nice treat all right stay here i got something special for the boys oh monty i knew you couldn't help yourself what i've got right here is some raw venison bones it's just the end piece with a nice chunk of meat on there and uh it's a little bit frozen so it's going to be like a delicious summer treat for these guys and i got to see they look pretty good all right here you go there you go rooms over here there you go rubes bunty over here there you go monty good boys go ahead that's your treat they're going to love that now we've got to watch roots uh with these uh venison bones because well monty's in my spot for the tent but anyways rooks will actually eat the entire thing they just disappear with rooks well they both look very happy these wild animals [Music] okay mr monty come here come here there all right lay down lay down lay down there you go i'm gonna set the tent here yep they're like a couple of wild animals yes sir yep no not gonna do it no two reasons two reasons one is they're not gonna care because they're busy eating treats the second reason is you don't do sleeping pad fighting with ruger around we learned that lesson can't mess with the rogues he uh he goes from zero to 100 real quick [Music] these two stinkers here are happier than pigs and poo they are eating one of their favorite treats out in the woods nice nice day sunny blue skies not too hot not too cold you know it was hot when we got in here in the sun but in the shade you know able to wear these pants and i'm not just i'm not sweltering and i'm not you know it's not terrible it's not so bad so these guys are they definitely appreciate it when it's not insanely hot i appreciate what's not insanely hot so they are happy as can be so what i'm going to do is finish setting up here getting all my crap in here i'm not sure i think we're going to sleep with the rain fly off tonight um but i'm going to grab some wood for firewood processing for a fire tonight uh but i don't have to process it till later because we i'm not sure exactly when the sun sets i think it sets in an hour and a half so if i can get this all finished up and get some wood here in a half hour that'll give us an hour to fish and i want to catch fish so uh yeah we need to catch a fish that's just that [Laughter] so oh yeah that's a nice wood right there [Applause] [Music] food oh no [Music] oh no oh no no no no rogues no it's been like rogues i don't know it's been like 20 30 minutes max and uh this is how much is left of rogue's bone let's get monty's just to get a comparison well monty's done a number on his too but it's quite there's quite a difference monty's got all the meat off his parts of the cartilage but ruger has eaten pretty much everything okay so the reason i didn't want him to eat the whole thing is not that it's bad for them it's that you know they don't get these raw bones super often and it's not really the raw meat it's the marrow the bone marrow uh since rogue has gotten root since roots has gotten inside and eaten every all scraps of bone marrow and the bone he's gonna get diarrhea it happens every time he eats the entire bone i thought i didn't think he was going to eat it so fast it was like what the heck i was well it is what it is i'm just gonna have to clean up his butt a bunch later dang it that just ruins my day huh hopefully he's fine anyways i'm going to collect another couple pieces of wood here i got a piece of maple and a piece of pine we get another couple pieces of pine we're gonna process it up later and then let's get on this water get the fish in uh yeah i'm just gonna go grab some wood quick and then we're getting on that water okay i was hoping that ruger would uh still have a bone to keep him occupied in the boat but he doesn't and he he loves uh he loves things that are thrown so he usually has a hard time with the lures when you're casting your boy rooks well he's leaving it so far he's just he's just chilling he's not laying down like mine team monty still got his bone and monty just had his bone on the bottom of the boat off of the uh cushion back there and it was just the loudest noise let's see if we get a nice bobby bass that's the goal right now it's just one big old bobby bass well he's still he still likes the lures oh ruges oh geez rugas all right roger one other thing i wanted to mention i broke the tip off my favorite rod yeah yep this one's my favorite rod snap the tip off accidentally catching it in the tailgate of the truck give me an oh yeah if you've done that one before oh yeah i was pretty happy about that one gotta love when that happens still works it's it's not gonna be the same it's never gonna be the same uh you know it just it just is what it is it's just not it's snapped off it'll still work today that's for sure come on bobby bass nice bobby bass where are you at bobe well that looks like there could be a bobby that way right right there that was weeds you could tell it was weeds monty's just having a field day in the back he's savoring his tree roots should take a lesson monty is enjoying every bite and every morsel no it wasn't a bite and then oh no the broken tip is the line's getting wrapped around the snapped off tip and uh getting tangled up yeah i'm gonna cast out a little bit because it has been pretty hot summer so they're probably a little bit deeper you know there we go oh oh oh there we go oh oh oh oh oh my drag is too loose that feels like a decent fish i think it's a pike if i had to guess maybe oh no that's a oh dang it that was a big old bobby bass dang it i could see him where he was hooked just the just right on the tip of his lip dang it all right that was just casting like i've been doing and just kind of letting it slow down a little bit near the lily pads dang it that was a nice big old chunky bobby bass hey we didn't get skunked kind of not really yet oh and by the way we are not keeping any fish today to eat we are just cat fishing for fun i would give the boys a fish but they already have both eaten eaten eaten eating whatever you want to say a bunch of raw venison rubric whole bones so he's already getting a poopy butt mess i don't wanna i don't wanna have it be even worse you know monty has just hasn't really moved much other than he hasn't moved much ruger devoured his in 20 minutes and monty's been going at it for a good couple hours almost or hour hour and a half i don't even know how long it's been stop it there we go there we go got one oh dang it that one felt like another body not as big as the last one but still that is exactly where i did not want that to go a little bit rojago party so i just remembered something about the old roof we've been in the boat for not even a half hour and he is whining a little bit much and i'm thinking maybe he's got to pee he does this thing when he's near water where he drinks tons of it and then sitting in the boat he might be wanting to pee every 15 minutes and half hour might be too much we're gonna go back to the spot where you know we went swimming and i'm gonna let him jump out and see if he goes to the bathroom quick he might even have to poop because it was dang boney but we're not we're gonna we're gonna stay out here until the sun goes down unless he explodes all over his backside in which case i will have to get down and dirty and clean him that won't be fun and prepare food and the thing about rogues in the boat is he just has not had you know 100 the time in the boat as monty monty lives in the boat you know in the summer spring and fall ruger only gets to go you know uh a handful of times each season he's gonna get a nice 10 day trip with me and funk here at the end of september um so we're gonna he'll get used to it after a day or two you know once once he gets in the groove again uh he'll do it if if you um if any of you seen it on the channel there is a trip with me and funk um i'll link it up left for link right here it's a four night trip with ruger he was a little pup he was four months old three or four months old anyways so yeah he's he's done do he's done the extended trip before and uh we're gonna do another one with them but uh yeah check that video out it was a good trip that's actually when we learned after that trip it was nice and cold that's when he started coughing and we learned he had blastomycosis that was not good but he's all good now both these stinkers are all good now all right gonna let you out go with potty and then you're gonna come back okay good boy hey rogues what'd you uh do the second you got out of the boat back there what was it did you immediately go splashing in the water and trying to tackle frogs yeah did you go to the bathroom no so yeah monty oh there's a there's a grenade monty shifter that was monty growing too yeah rooks you know what you're gonna have to learn some patience my friend yeah what are you doing a little stinker mr ruges you must understand you are fine you are fine lucas some say fine but i say finney so like i mentioned in my last video me and captain teeny trout are doing a camp out soon we're gonna do five nights a little bit more of the adventure style and uh he was he wants to train his dog layla to be like a monty and monty's don't just come overnight you know monty was in the boat we got a met uh we got monty as a 10 week old puppy and you know when they're that young they're not fully vaccinated and they're kind of vulnerable and stuff so we just we immediately started taking them in the boat and just had them in my little 12 foot aluminum boat i built a little platform for them there we go yeah there we go anyways like i was saying built a little platform for him had him in the boat since he was a puppy all the time just so much boat time and now he's just used to it and he's just a boat boy we got a bobby bass oh yeah cover bobby oh there we go yeah that's right rogue we got a bobby bass we got ourselves a nice [Music] there we go he's not a monster rogues what is that what is that rogues yeah what is that there we go nice bobby bass let's let this guy go [Music] so i'm not sure if it's doing it now right now but anyways a lot of people have mentioned that i need a new mic or the wind noise is terribly bad the mic it's not the wind noise i'm thinking that you guys are hearing it's when i do a fish watch out rogues it's when i do a fish release cam like that and there's water in the microphones on the gopro and there's only three that i can see and i try to blow them out i try to blow as hard as i can to get the water out of them but i don't think it always works and sometimes i even forget but i try to shake it as hard as i can and then blow it out and uh sometimes it's still muffled but that's that noise it's just water in the microphones and you know i looked over the whole camera and those are the only ones i can see to blow in to get that water out so if there's if there's other some other camera that i'm not seeing i don't know what to do about it it usually goes away after it you know sits in the wind for a little bit oh that sun's bright ruger you're a good boy you know that but yeah like i was saying the monty's they like you know you're if you're every time they're talking about whoa oh oh geez oh that was crazy this is a nice big gill and there was a big old pike just going after this guy that was cool here we go well yeah that was cool nice big old pike every time i talk about let's let's keep talking about training you know monty thing so i can keep catching fish yeah let's keep talking about oh geez let's keep talking about training a dog to be in the canoe because that's what's catching us fish right now so as i was saying training a dog to be in the canoe doesn't come overnight it's easiest to start them young but that doesn't mean you can't train them and ruggs is going to be he's he's kind of he's that he's a he's a great dog he's a good boy he listens very well but he's higher energy so he does not like sitting in the boat as much as monty and he just needs more boat time if he hopefully um this 10-day trip we're doing will prove me right because i'm thinking you know after 10 days of sitting in the boat every day he's going to be used to it by then and just chill out because you know there's there's nothing else to do he can't he's not going to do worked up every day he just didn't get to do a whole lot of stuff today so we'll see we'll see how that goes i'm thinking after a day of portagen and paddling across lakes and spend the night out there he's going to be just totally into it good boy all right sit down sit down oh there you go that's a good boy now you can see stuff there you go a big old snapper turtle big snap patrol right there i don't know if i picked it up on the camera but he was right there let me spot this guys oh there we go oh yeah there we go oh that's a nice frisky bobby oh yeah there we go nice bobby bass oh cheese there we go nice bobby bass all right sit down stinker broker sit down it's like i don't want to sit down down so there's been a lot of questions about ruger's voice why he doesn't really have one like the monty and that's because we just haven't found it yet we haven't put the pit on it you know this is something that me and funk got to come up with for him we had some ideas and i think what we're doing is on our 10-day trip we are dedicating time on the trip and trying to come out with him having a voice by the end of it his own his own ruger voice because there's so there's so much about the ruger you know he's relaxed he's crazy he's smart he's cute he's got crazy eyes you know it's just it's hard to just monty's easy it just came naturally to monty that's just the oil burger we're not so sure yet look at this pan fish what the heck is that a panfish oh jeez that's a big panfish right there it's a nice gill look at that thing oh yeah if i was going for gills that's exactly what i like these things are aggressive right now they're going for my big old twister tails ow there you go bruce whoa hey none of that no you sit down ruger almost had his paw in this side of the boat like he was going to jump in for that thing he's thinking it's a stick or something see it's half the time he doesn't even like jumping in for stick so i don't know what would make him think he's gonna jump out of a boat after a fish all right so we're just gonna take a few more casts and then we're gonna head back because the sun's starting to set it's getting real steady back there and uh yeah we gotta process up some firewood we caught some fish so and ruger's antsy [Applause] so so hey monkey so the mosquitoes are out and i am going to apply this lemon eucalyptus botanical lotion stuff that i prefer over deet it seems to work pretty good um when i went out with my dad and my brother and the mosquitoes were uh insane they weren't insane for the most part it was only for like an hour at dusk they just got horrendous and when they came out like that nothing stopped them there was deet um it didn't matter the permethrin clothing this stuff nothing was stopping them even smoke they just didn't care i've never seen mosquitoes like that but these are just these are just your average mosquito level they're not like swarming they're just out they're just mesquiting so i think this stuff's worked perfectly perfectly well and the reason i like this stuff so much is that i can put some on the boys noses if they're starting to get bit up and uh monty's already got one on his bridge of his nose so i'm gonna what are you doing uh [Laughter] hey [Applause] so [Music] [Laughter] uh well stinkers i think that was some kind of big animal um i think it was a moose maybe something crashed the trees and came out to the water's edge over there and they did not like that no they didn't jeez guys watch out roots get back whatever that was came through the trees heard that and was like nope not dealing with that all right come here buddies all right monty first come here monty monty come here the reason being rogues is that i know ruger come here both you guys hold on hold on hold on the reason monty goes first rogues is because i know you have a there's a high probability that you're going to go back in that water and there's a high probability that monty will just not even think about going back in that water he's dry right when do you dry you're going to stay dry now you are over the wetness and rude you're already just wet you're a wet creature i swear rogues loves getting towel dried so much that he comes over and gets towel dried and then goes back in the water just so we can get towel dried again he's got life figured out right rogues [Music] so as you can see i've got a cooler here what does that mean does that mean i'm going to eat dehydrated spaghetti for dinner probably not oh actually put this a little closer groups there's not much left in here for you okay i know it smells good it's dad's turn for a treat okay dad gets a treat oh yeah i'm gonna crack a cold one well before i do though i need to grab something okay let's just go back here yeah we need to have a little chat ah oh yeah so what we got here is a can that seems to have a bunch of bullet holes in it that was left in the fire pit and then i've got also a uh i've also got a metal the top is that that's like fireworks or gunshots off in the distance or thunder but i don't think it's thunder it doesn't sound like that anyways it's the it's a can top of uh a canned good and it's bent up in like a curl it was just lying on the ground with the sharp edges sticking up so one of the dogs could easily slice their pads open so what i wanted to say is i've heard from other people it's in some of my favorite areas to go that there's been more trash and stuff left behind and more people visiting this summer than ever before and uh i don't like seeing a bunch of trash left at a campsite that bugs me a lot and i'm sure most you guys watching are probably good to go and respect the outdoors but if you're new the outdoors and you know you don't know the etiquette you gotta pick up that trash you never leave that if you're one of the people that thinks you can just take a can here after you know drinking some beers or whatever and just burn it half through the night and then just leave it i'm gonna find you you know i'm not mad i'm just disappointed and so is monty so pick up your trash please you know you go to a campsite or out in the woods take the crap you bring out with you just bring it back that's all there is to it you go out and you bring your stuff back and don't cut down the green trees don't do that but please i'm gonna pack this stuff out but it just yeah i just don't like it i don't like it one bit you know i can totally understand if you accidentally forget you know a little rapper that's understandable that happens it falls at your pi i'm sure i've left plenty of little things that just fell out and you didn't notice if you don't notice it it's it you don't notice it but there's no way this can it was sitting right in the middle of the fire pit there's no way whoever left that didn't know was there when they left it maybe the canned top that was still dangerous and i found lots of fishing hooks at campsites those those are dangerous especially for monty if he got a barbed hook stuck in his puppy pad oh my gosh would that be a nightmare i know how to get him out it's just i can't communicate to him hey you gotta sit still while i press it into you a little bit and yank it out like he's gonna be like not wanting me to mess with it anyways that's my rant for the day please don't leave trash at campsites or anywhere out in the woods just don't okay please the mosquitoes are uh worse than i thought they're gonna be this this area is like the most mosquito-y area i know it's so mosquito-y here and for you know mid-august they're they're pretty rough still i thought these were gonna be slowed down but they're not getting me too crazy but they're just like well ruger is going for embers and mosquitoes burger doesn't really have an off switch right rooks do you have an off switch roux do you have an off switch where's your off switch where is it where is it rogues monty's got an off switch it's it's the same as the on switch he's just a big poof i suppose we can discuss a little dinner it's been a while since i've cooked up a nice gourmet deliciousness dinner you know we've had we've had rib eyes i had the reuben but we we haven't got too complicated lately you know it's been a minute so got the old cooler here and uh what we're gonna be making for dinner today is chicken parmesan we're gonna make some pasta now i've never made chicken parmesan before but i know the basics so i'm just going to go from there it's just red sauce spaghetti noodles cheese on top of fried chicken so that's that's what we're doing we're gonna just it's gonna be delicious now i was gonna you know have fish i was gonna have fish and parmesan but uh i've never had fish with red sauce before so i was like you know what we're just gonna make it make it good and uh you know just try it out and then then maybe we can try fishing parmesan next time but we're gonna chicken parmesan and i'm pretty excited i don't even know if i've ever really had a chicken parmesan at a restaurant i just know what it is but anyway it's gonna be delicious i'm getting hungry and i'm kind of getting ready to cook it so what i'm gonna do here is we're gonna burn a little bit more firewood we're gonna get this nice and cold betty all perfect and then uh we're gonna get cooking get preparing some things what's that what is that rose [Applause] oh he gets me these bugs what the heck is this it looks like it's raining right now but it's these little bugs what the heck is this anyways this is a super rare moment um for this channel and in rook's life i don't know if i've ever seen him actually just calm down to listen to the music out here he was running around he always just goes for stick after steak constantly in the water and i was just like rogues leave it lay down and he just kind of gave up and just laid down and then i got up and i even turned on the camera he stood up but you saw him lay back down and he's just kind of chilling he was hearing stuff off in the forest he might be he might be connecting some dots that like he can just relax i think this uh this 10 day trip or what how it can i don't know how many nights we're going for exactly um it's gonna be really good for him guys he's got he's got the energy monty's this is monty you know the monty this is this is what he does all right let's make some dinner okay so the first thing i want to say is these little bugs um i don't know what they are but there are just hundreds of them and you'll notice as i shine my light on here they're just gonna swarm this they're going crazy um so there's nothing i can do about this i don't know where they're coming from or what kind of hatch this is but watch i just cleared them all off watch there's one two three well there's about 20 in my pan anyways i can see them crawling all over the ground they're everywhere there's nothing i can do about it i'm gonna be eating a bunch of these bugs tonight oh well i'm not gonna notice they're there but just just pretend i didn't say any of that and you're just gonna this this meal is gonna be just as delicious it's just gonna have some added protein anyways let's prepare some things so the first thing we've got to prepare for this delicious dinner is of course the one the only the white onion closer closer closer closer too close perfect as you can see there's about 100 bugs already in there that's okay that's the last time i want to bring it up because uh there's a swarm of them they're so little and tiny and soft i won't even notice them but there is nothing i can do it is a cloud of these bugs last i'm gonna say anyways i've got a little nalgene of oil i'm gonna put a dribble of this in oh with my onions we have to cook these down into this pan we're also going to add in oops my lights on some garlic we're going to fry up some garlic i'm going to crush it with my big old thumbs up oh another bug oh that's a moth get out of there dang it moth get up get out of there what is up with all these bugs right now this is this is they're just i don't know what they are they're just it's a cloud of them anyways that's going to go in here i'm just not even worried about anymore that's the the 15th last time i'm gonna bring it up okay now we've got dubois they are just going to have good old-fashioned sweet potato boiled up with their food so we're going to cut this up so with mine there we're just going gonna cook that up a little bit get it nice and translucent maybe charred a hair and then we are going to add in the rest of it and get the rest of the stuff going okay i'm just gonna add some more to that let's get cooking get that on there that's not pepper it's bugs look at this huge bug that's on the ground you can see it's pincers oh well it's got pincers right there definitely it's watch out switch out get back it's definitely alive watch out rooks don't eat that oh yeah it just opened up his pincers it's a spider what the heck kind of bug is that that's a big bug what the heck is that thing well we're gonna get him out of here oh he is oh man he just bit his pincers into that stick [Music] i do not know what kind of bug that is but uh it's a nasty looking bug that's as far as i can zoom on it with it being in focus i don't know if you could see those pincers all right well [Music] okay we're just gonna keep cooking these onions down i want these things cooked way down to where they're all kind of translucent and just it's all the a lot of the moisture is cooked out okay these are cooked down enough it is time to start the rest of everything we're going to put this over here the hot heat but let's get some other stuff going things are going to get a little tricky here first we're going to get some oil heated up all my oil and a little algae that's like perfect i was wondering if it's going to be too little but it looks like it's been perfect all right get that heated up get that going okay all right then we've got a pot of water for our nudes we're gonna get those oh that's a really close owl that just i don't think you'd pick that up on the camera but he just oh yeah really close okay we gotta add some other stuff to this we are gonna add some tomato puree in an algae as well and then i've got a mixture here of base oregano and basil just a little bit just a teeny bit maybe half a teaspoon of each a little bit of black pepper with some salt not too much salt not too little salt just the right amount of salt and ruger coughing all right this is ready to go i'm gonna stir this up i gotta be careful here because the fire is very hot okay pretty much ready i'm gonna take that off so it doesn't get too hot because if your oil gets burnt then there's no going back it's time we breaded our chicken for frying so i've got a batter here that's a mixture of panko uh bread crumbs with a little bit of oregano in there and basil just a little bit salt heavy salt and pepper and uh yeah that's what's in this one it's a little heavier on the panko over the breadcrumbs but that's what's in there and then i've got boneless chicken thighs with one egg so what i'm gonna do because if you've watched me before i don't like raw chicken we're gonna we're gonna lay out a little layer here now a nice little layer of this i'm going to take one hand and the other hand it's going to be in this we're going to go like that spread these up good okay make sure these are coated very well in the breading oh yeah okay these are looking mighty fine so now i'm going to rinse off my hands quick and we are going to get these frying and we're going to deal with this mess later that's where things are getting tricky where water's almost boiling okay we're almost ready to start cooking the noodles sauce get a little charred on the bottom it's okay it's gonna be okay oh that's a lot of sauce okay oil's ready let's get the chicken in okay we are frying it's coming together okay i just checked this it's boiling it's a little too much water oh that's hot [Applause] okay we have got our thin spaghetti noodles i broke in half going in oh it's so hot to be careful if one thing falls they all fall oh my gosh this fire is so hot oh it's burning my hand jeez stir up the sauce [Applause] let's flip our chicken oh my gosh oh it's getting nice and golden brown okay oh we are cooking we are cooking we are cooking we are cooking i'm gonna take the boys here all right this is looking good nice and soft they're all cooked all right theirs is gonna come off the fire and start cooling and by the time i'm ready it'll be cooled down all right still need a minute you might have a little bit extra on the sauce but you know what that's okay we'll use what we need we'll take home the rest i've got a cooler and i've got a bunch of ice packs oh yeah that is a hot pie oh my gosh well the flavor on that is so good let's check our chicken flip it again so we are using boneless chicken thighs they still need a good bit of frying to cook i do not want undercooked chicken so um even if you overcook chicken thighs they tend to be juicy still so we are going to keep cooking them i don't want to eat undercooked chicken they're probably getting very close to being done but we're going to go an extra few four or five minutes just to be safe now the boys have had venison bones and there's a whole sweet potato so we got to be careful not to get too much oh okay boys you getting ready for your deliciousness okay i love this chicken quick okay this chicken is done i just need to make sure these noodles on the same page here these noodles are almost done oh those just need another minute they're done okay okay we're taking this off we're gonna take the chicken off okay okay let's let's get this ready set it right here slice it up and you will see why in one second hot so hot and that is why i'm slicing it up oh it's burning hot i need it this way all right it's good enough okay time is of the essence first and foremost parmesan cheese over the chicken that is very hot and then on top of that some mozzarella okay i'm gonna let that get melty and we're gonna get to the the rest of it [Music] angle noodles on top of that we're gonna add some red sauce oh yeah nice healthy portion of red sauce oh yeah just a little bit more okay and then we've got to add our chicken and don't worry i use the other side of the cutting board not the raw chicken side with the batter oh yeah it didn't get insanely melty but i can guarantee you that's so hot we got a little bit more fresh parmesan over the top and last but not least some fresh parsley oh yeah okay okay wait wait wait the final step of every meal is always just take the fork okay that ladies and gentlemen is some campfire chicken parmesan it may not look delicious but i know i'm going to enjoy that let's eat oh yeah let's see ah you guys oh my gosh that was the biggest line of drool monty they're such good boys i can't make them wait any longer ready go ahead they're so good oh my gosh i think this is my first ever chicken parmesan maybe i could have had it before i just could be having a brain fart but uh i am excited i've got a little extra red sauce in case this isn't enough i think i got it all proportioned perfectly let's grab a nice piece of crispy chicken some noodles so it's so good i'm going to go ahead and add a bunch more red sauce in because why not i'm adding most of it that's left there we go this is amazing i can definitely say no i don't think i've had chicken parmesan hmm yeah this is one of the better pasta dishes i've cooked you know i was going to do a big chunk of bread with this like a french baguette or something but i've noticed when i bring out a big piece of bread i can eat less pasta and sauce because the bread so i wanted to just try this one out because i've never really had this before like i've said like five times now it's good it's very good i love that these guys aren't they're not begging they're they're figuring their own stuff out i think they may have they may understand that i'm not going to give them any or they got enough today their threshold was met they're not bothering me they're just doing their own thing monty's sniffing for scraps i don't know what ruger is doing all right i'm gonna shut off that light and enjoy the rest of this and then when i'm feeling fat and sassy i'm going to clean up and we'll we'll check back in with you oh rugas i see you coming over here come here come here oh oh yeah ah okay oh yes he took it to the baby look at you little baby hi rugis are you happy with the choices you've made in life hmm i don't know anymore because it seems so tired where's my voice that was amazing um i ate every scrap i thought there was gonna be way too much red sauce but it was delicious uh there was just the perfect amount of noodles the perfect amount of chicken i am perfectly stuffed not too full not too little full just the right amount of full and these guys had a good meal a good day right rugas you had a good day out here oh yeah you're such a good boy yeah i'm all cleaned up monty's oh monty monty hey get over here come here currently he's smoking i just saw some hair singed on them monty cheese oh we burped too murugas you burped what are we gonna do with him rugas cradle your butt hold on oh there you go there you go rux all right monty i know you want your turn come here big guy come here big guy come here teddy bear so yeah if i don't get my turn i can't be embarrassed it's like i just don't like getting embarrassed so actually i don't like this at all so i don't even know what's what oh there's a good boy [Music] i'm a monty stinky doggy i've got a long nose and i've got little teeny beady eyes don't point stuff at me monty i'm sorry all right you know what i'm gonna let you down because you've accepted it he has fought me zero percent he's just monty that's all he is monty you all the you you're all that you are and you're all you're ever gonna be a monty and that's perfect like he is just complete surrender that's a good point there you go oh there you go good boy sorry about that monty we're just gonna let this fire burn down and then we're gonna get in that tent and get ready for bed hey monty do you uh you want to go in the tent or something i i couldn't tell you're you're just you're plopped out in front of it right monty all right come on boys lightrooms me okay go ahead go ahead okay go ahead go ahead there you go okay oh i've got the two stinkies oh yeah this is right well that was a fun day we caught some bobby bass uh we had some deliciousness and it was a good evening it wasn't too hot wasn't too cold and the mosquitoes are a little bad but you know what it was a good evening there is definitely some mosquitoes in this tent though so i'm gonna kill them all the mosquitoes and then we're going to get passing out and you guys are going to share a sleeping pad huh i don't know about that this guy seems like a hug oh that's a good boy all right well yeah we're gonna get in it just in the sleep mode and we're gonna get ready for bed so i'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody um okay okay i see a high high okay my god hi monty hi hi big stinky um it's early it's early oh it's very blue skies though the sun hasn't risen yet it's about to rise right now um i normally don't get up this early but uh the thing is that today's sunday and uh i gotta edit this one up today so even if i started it now it'll be a late upload so there's a lot more steps than just starting to edit you know where i don't know what's right now oh there's a mosquito in here i don't want to get up yet it's charlie stop it so yeah we're gonna get up here and we're not having any coffee or oatmeal we're just gonna get skedaddle in and rogues is antsy just just turned antsy come here go over here all right lay down lay down lay down lay down lay down lay down okay so we're going to get up here we're going to catch the sunrise today i don't know if i'll be able to see it fully but we're going to just catch it but all right let's get up boys let's do it it's time to get up until he's time to get up i farted monty oh you sneezed okay oh what [Music] smoke on the water fire in the sky [Music] colors were a little bit cooler a minute ago but oh my geez yeah i've been seeing a lot of sunrises lately so it's nice to catch them every once in a while right rugas right rouge is catching the sunset or rice huh huh hey you don't eat that girl stop that stop that what do you do hey hey it's sunrise [Music] all right hey monty yeah [Music] look at that fuzzy booty huh look at that fussy booty so oh that's a packing up part right there ruggeds what you got there oh sorry rooks let me get nice and sweaty again right rugas we're gonna should you have a fun night get it oh he's mad oh okay well all i've got to do is pack up that their dslr and get back into a boat so yeah i'll pack the thing away we're going to get on that water frisky critter [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so all right so now after this little paddle here we are gonna have to plow our way through some muck and crap again to get back to the car so we are just going to hammer through this and uh i'm gonna drive all the way home and get straight into editing and hopefully get this video uploaded by tonight up i'm thinking this one's gonna be a pretty late one i mean it's it's uh 7 30 right now a.m so let's see what time it takes me to get this video uploaded i'm gonna edit hard and fast today oh yeah so i think that's gonna wrap this one up because i'm not trying to record much i'm just trying we're gonna try to just get through this i'm gonna i might get a little water in the old muscles today i might go a little faster so as always if you liked the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit the subscribe button and i'll catch you guys at the next video [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 180,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, canoe, canoe camping, dog, camping dog, catch and cook, paddle, wilderness, wilderness area, wilderness camping, wild camp, camp, how to camp, bushcraft, bushcrafting, bushcrafter, tent, adventure, adventurer, outdoorsman, fishing, fish, catching fish, how to fish, backcountry, backcountry camping, campout, dog training, leave no trace, canada, asmr, gourmet food, campfire food, campfire cooking, camp food, pasta, fire cooking, firesteel, paddling, bushcraft skills
Id: GYGkzSRivQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 38sec (6278 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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