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This is actually how I prep every game before I eventually start the next morning lol

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/PM_me_Henrika 📅︎︎ Mar 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

Played through the game multiple times. Never new about this!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Cortinian 📅︎︎ Mar 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

Man I love the Spiffing Brit. Great content for some of my favorite games.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/PGCaris 📅︎︎ Mar 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
oh yes this is the conga line of workman look at this loading up onto the boat oh this is fantastic oh yes so much evilness is happening hello there ladies and gentlemen and welcome to evil genius this is quite possibly one of the greatest games in the entire known universe this game is just imagine Austin Powers with James Bond but you're the bad guy and it's just full of a bunch of jokes it's cheesy it's hammy it's a great love this game is everything I want from video games and so much more why are we here today what we're here to discover if evil genius is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits or if perhaps the developers missed a couple of things which can be royally cheesed by yours truly allowing for infinite wealth and global domination well I guess we're just gonna have to find out today ladies and gentlemen this game is fantastic just playing this it fills me with so much nostalgia I love this game it's great fun it's even running in four by three aspect ratio by the way which is why it might look a bit stretch to you that's how old this game is it's just fantastic so this game was first released in 2004 making this game around about 16 years old and honestly it's downright fantastic its aged very well the humor still stands tall and it is a good laugh and without further ado we should probably dive into it ladies and gentlemen so make sure you're sat back you're relaxed you have a nice warm cup of tea and you're ready to join me on this glorious experience now of course when it comes to starting a brand-new game of evil genius you need to make sure to start a campaign on easy medium or hard difficulties naturally we're going to go for the Hard difficulty bugs where true Pro meta gamers and when it comes to selecting our evil genius we're going to go for mr. potato at himself Maximilian he's fantastic short bad-tempered and utterly insane you're fabulously wealthy industrialist your ambition is to conquer the world for advanced research and Technology goo supremacy fantastic Maximilian you're the one for us so welcome to the game ladies and gentlemen this is our evil genius base and we are just starting out we have our lovely vault of gold over here to a fantastic evil man Maximilian is enjoying and just look at this lovely stack of gold sadly we will be spending a large amount of it to get our base set up and in the early game there's a lot of stuff you need to worry about you see the world dislikes us it doesn't like having evil geniuses running around stealing things however the developers know that starting out if the world was out to get you immediately you'd have a very tough time of it instead ladies and gentlemen the developers give the players one little teeny-weeny advantage is he's starting out no agents are sent to your Island because you know you're having a rough time of it you're getting yourself up and running this is fantastic ladies and gentlemen because it means the developers are kind and we can exploit that kindness you see with no agents on the island that just allows a million shenanigans to start happening oh my goodness I do love this game it's beautiful it's a full of nostalgia and many many happy memories for me and I'm sure it's the same for a lot of you guys as well I mean just having all of these minions running around doing everything you say huh well it does make you feel awfully British and it's great fun so we're getting our base set up at the moment we currently only have one henchman to help us out we have our evil genius and we need to make sure that we get our comms room set up our comms room allows us to access the world map and plan things like heist and steal money meanwhile our barracks over here allows us to have more minions you will notice that it is currently in a very strange design where we just have random lockers placed just about everywhere trust me there is method to my madness basically we just need one bed down and now because we have one single bed down our maximum capacity for minions has increased you see the amount of minions you can have in your base is entirely tied to the amount of cabinets you have standing in your barracks not the amount of beds you have genuinely just the amount of barracks it's amazing and because we've completed our comms room we now have access to the world domination screen this allows us to send minions out to the world to secure money in funds and we have a lot of minions to send out so we're going to send out all but one of our workers that's right we're going to send seven workers over to Europe to just start stealing now of course this game no stealing is bad if you start stealing the heat goes up so does your notoriety the high heat level you have the more agents are going to come to your island to try and attack you however ladies and gentlemen remember we're still in tutorial mode so they can't send agents to our island because we haven't done anything yet Oh ladies and gentlemen yes it is as good as that also we're going to need a strong room set up because I love gold so as you can see our lovely operatives are heading to this region they're almost there they're currently on route come on operatives please arrive oh I see they're all loading up onto a boat at the moment fantastic yes this is how we move our worker minions about a very fancy expensive yacht lovely there we go the yacht is heading off now perfect stuff and away our minions go nice off to wreak havoc on the world now we are currently losing money bugs of course we've running a base in a base is expensive to run and also we're spending a lot of money searching for minions we're spending 1,000 just so that we can get a minion every 20 seconds this is important though because minions are money speaking of which they've now arrived in Europe which allows us to immediately start stealing from Europe I know and having seven minions in Europe allows us to gain a resting income of $2,800 for every 60 seconds of course our heat is now climbing but that doesn't matter anyway we're going to send even more minions over to Europe now that we just have so many minions arriving oh and lovely our base is now expanding which means we now have space for a strong room there we go we're just going to have one massive strong room it's going to be lovely this is where we're going to keep all of our gold oh my goodness this game it's fantastic it's about as cheesy as 14 tons of Wensleydale hydraulically pressed down into one easy 1 gigabyte file size in terms of modern graphics it is about as beautiful as a very well polished potato with a fair bit of makeup put on it but you know this game has charm and charm really does count for a lot you want no accounts for more than charm and beautiful graphics Oh ladies and gentlemen it's having a lot of minions and making a lot of money speaking of which has our money doing our money is actually doing quite well we have 14 minions in Europe at the moment and they are stealing five thousand six hundred dollars every 60 seconds which is going to be really helping our economy are going to send even more minions over actually because you know the more minions the better now technically speaking there are some investigators wandering around on our island but because we're in tutorial mode these guys aren't going to do anything they're not going to put a stop to any of our very strange evil acts they're just going to kind of let happen Oh No so we're going to need more Locker cabinets there we go so we're going to get more lockers installed because the more lockers we have more minions we can have there we go so we're just going to keep spamming up more lockers there we go perfect stuff oh my goodness these guys are just wandering around I suppose we can just kill them because it won't actually cause any more men to be said to the island there we go just kill all of the men good stuff samurai lovely stuff this is what you get for snooping around my lovely evil Island fantastic bam I've jumped into the mid point when you've released expected me I know that's right who would have thought that I legendary youtuber spife would jump into the middle point of a video to tell you some important information ladies and gentlemen the scientists over at Swift Co have come back with some staggering research I know those absolute majestic boffins have discovered that the people who like spiffing BRIT videos will immediately see that their charisma stats increased by upwards of 14 percent that is downright fantastic ladies and gentlemen and thank you use scientific boffins for discovering that one you know they discovered after that they discovered that if you drink tea your ability to acquire wealth via various means increases by over 1000% so ladies and gentlemen if you want to be an evil genius go down to your local shop grab yourself a box of Yorkshire tea and conquer the world anyway let's dive back into this video as we have a lot of wealth creating to do so there we go we've completed technically all of the tasks excluding the final one which is the reports indicate that trained civilians are holidaying on the island capture and imprison are made in a security holding cell so how this game works is you have many different types of minions starting out we only have worker minions but they go all the way up to say Sniper minions engineer minions mercenary minions and guard minions we don't want to be using any of those minions instead we're going to be using entirely workers if you were to go and actually kidnap this maid and end their holiday then the tutorial is over and we are going to get swarmed by security agents we don't want that so we're going to let the maid enjoy their holiday time on the island and fantastic our one worker who we kept the base is building more security lockers which means we have increased capacity for minions in total you can have a hundred minion so I'm just going to preset the amount of work as we want a 999 lovely stuff and hope we will eventually have enough cabinets to have that many minions now as we can see we're already starting to make a small amount of money haven't properly got our economic operation up and running as we are spending very large amounts of money actually getting these lockers and cabinet set up but our money hasn't actually started going down we are making a decent portion of wealth mostly thanks to Europe where we are gaining $7,200 every 60 seconds speaking of which we might as well send over Jubei our lovely henchman as well as a few more workers to help out and make even more money remember ladies and gentlemen we are playing this game on hard mode this is meant to be difficult meant to be what have I done so you gave I'm so sorry well we were actually back up to 200,000 lovely I think 250,000 is the actual starting amount new you get has our money making operations going much better now 8600 every 60 seconds from Europe that's absolutely lovely we're going to send over even more workers to help out with that and has our work of recruitment going our we're not even at capacity right let's get recruiting minions even faster please actually going to also need to build more barracks because we could really do some more minions so as that's the case let's build a larger barracks right about here it just needs to be really long and big in fact just make it the biggest barracks in the entire world there we go it is going to be huge this barracks oh yes this is perfect twenty thousand dollars it's going to cost us to build a barracks this big but trust me it's going to be worth its while so we're going to send two minions over to the east coast of America to make that free minions and they're going to start generating some wealth there as well because as fun is making all our money in Europe ears we should kind of start diversifying the amount of chaos we're causing I am very much interested in terms of my audience how many people actually played this game because of course it is old it's a classic I absolutely love this game I know it's not everyone's cup of tea but for me this game is just downright fantastic so if you ever did experience this game or if you didn't and you have seen this video and you actually feel interested by it or just terrified then give me a shout because I'd absolutely love to know how many people have inspired to play one of these strangest games ever created anyway our minion production is actually going quite well we have 29 minions technically Andrew soon going to be getting our 30th minion set up now whilst we do have actually about four minions running around the base hoping we've constructed once we reach the minion cab we actually only need one minion in the base as soon as we use the existing minions to get more minions in we can really start diversifying and by that I mean sending all of the minions out into the wider world and just having one minion move all the gold from the helipad into the gold storage room over here and who's this is this the maid oh yes this is the maid who we we meant to kind of steal and keep hostage we won't do that actually we'll let them enjoy their holiday on this very strange deserted island oh it's not that deserted I guess we're here now with our free minions in America our total income on the world has gone up to ten thousand that's lovely they're going to send a few more minions over there though to help out and generally get our income up even more actually hang on a second I just realized something I'm stealing money from Europe why am i doing that I live in Europe this makes no sense right we're pulling all of the operatives out of Europe and we are moving them to America it makes perfect sense trust we move all of the operatives to America cause a bit of chaos in the Midwest get some West Coast operatives as well perfect yes this is more like it steal from America the thing is you can also actually do missions on the world map without even having the tutorial finished we can go over to say North Africa here and we can do the earplug mission and just basically destroy a listening post it requires a lot of workers but it increases our notoriety when our notoriety is higher enough basically we win the game so theoretically speaking you can win the game without even playing the game I know it makes it makes good sense anyway let's get some new lockers built into this barracks now remember ladies and gentlemen this room which I'm building here is technically a perfectly legal barracks it has all of the items of barracks must-haves in this game it just happens to look downright terrible but there's no reason why this certain design of barracks isn't allowed it just works ladies and gentlemen it just works we're going to have so many minions after this it's going to take a long time to get all of this set up but once it is we're going to be making a ridiculous amount of money I mean you can end up producing millions in this game so when you think about it this evil operation probably has a higher GDP than I don't know Scunthorpe Grimsby Manchester maybe our just remembered something very important that's right there was something ridiculously important which I was meant to talk about in today's video and you know what that means ladies and gentlemen it's British Segway time I know we hardly get to do many of these so ladies and gentlemen I was going on the internet the other day and I discovered something fantastic a creature which has been bullied beyond any beliefs one of the saddest things I've ever encountered in terms of scientists having a laugh and of course when scientists have a laugh they never think about the people they could be affecting by having that laugh ladies and gentlemen I discovered a new type of animal which I'd never heard of before the legendary fat sand rat that's right the fats and rat is a terrestrial mammal from the gerbil subfamily that's mostly found in North Africa in the Middle East it is genuinely called fat sand rat that is its name someone sat down who was a sciency person and said I found this brand-new creature should what should I call it should I give it a fancy Latin name no fat sand rat imagine if you were the fat sand rat someone just discovered you and went you know what I'm going to give you a stupid name and you're going to feel stupid you'd probably cry if you could could a fat sand rat cry I don't know it doesn't even look that fat for just one like on a video ladies and gentlemen you can tell a fat sand rat that it's worth something that it's beautiful on the inside because deep down aren't we all just fats and rats anyway back to the video yes I just discovered that and I thought well people need to know what's happening in the wider world oh right so what we going to do we have seven workmen lying around who are actually getting more work man I guess our capacities increased up to 37 which is good and we now have seven minions effectively installing more and more cabinets which is equally absolutely fantastic I've noticed we've missed a spot here we can actually get more cabinets installed here so this is going to work out fantastically there we go lovely stuff we're getting into so many cabinets these are going to be beautiful I'm not too sure how many cabinets this is but this should probably push us close to about 50 or 70 I'm hoping oh we've got a brand new object hotel hub oh yes and hotel wings basically because we are an evil operation what better way to diversify you evil operation than with capitalism you see when you have a lot of money and you want to spend it on something we can just spend it on making it look like we're an edge Hotel and you know what that means ladies and gentlemen just straight-up building a hotel and it costs us a lot of money but why not let's just build a hotel hub right here fantastic we're gonna have more people walking around our island having a lovely time buying very overpriced drinks we're going to charge about forty seven dollars for a coffee yet for a cup of tea we're going to make it on the house that's right not only we knieval genius who likes money you're an evil genius who likes to convert people to drinking tea and you know what if anything that doesn't make us an evil genius that makes us human now this game effectively has a million different subgenres which it's kind of having creative influences from not only do you have to set up your base but you can also technically have a bunch of traps which you can lay so you're almost doing Dungeon Keeper at the same time but one of the most entertaining things about this game is if you do have a bunch of traps in your base sure you're going to be stopping enemy agents when they come in they'll be caught by the traps but at the same time if your minions are low on say their energy stat or concentration stat they're also going to be setting off your own traps so if you put a landmine right here all it takes is one minion who hasn't had his fourth cup of tea of the day to just accidentally step on it and lo and behold your base is now on fire now our minion capacity is already hit 51 which is absolutely fantastic this is really really improving our capacity we might actually even have a hundred cabinets in here technically if that's the case then we've basically completed the game before the games even started and that's just how exploit works sometimes there we go 50 minions and we have 250,000 lying around to the bank account which is lovely with bringing in an income of about 13,000 every 60 seconds which is great but of course could be improved as we can see in terms of the world map our heat is very very high especially inside Japan and America where they absolutely hate us things your basic workers are uh naturally the best at stealing money we could theoretically upgrade all of them two guards and then they'd be making even more money when we send them out to the world map but there's something quite fun about just having a bunch of yellow minions sent off to the wider world and just stealing everything of course when I say yellow minions please this game was released way before Despicable Me don't even mention those minions don't you even dare my goodness and we're back ladies and gentlemen now with more minions than ever before as we're at 95 minions in total it's a ridiculous quantity if I'm honest we're currently moving a lot of our minions around and about mostly from regions where we don't generate that much wealth to regions where we generate a lot of wealth you see Europe you gain a lot money from having any minions in Europe same for the Midwest and the same exists for the Middle East so we are moving most of our minions into those free regions to generate as much money as possible at the same time we're just sinking a huge amount of our cash into building a hotel for no particular reason other than I guess it's kind of entertaining and here is the massive stream of minions just slowly leaving our base my goodness this is actually crazy look at that we're just loading up onto helicopters or running onto boats you name it there goes our next boatload of minions I love this game I really do now we've actually run out of space to store our money I know that's right we need more money storage spaces which is fantastic we have 700,000 in the bank but really we could we have space for a lot more and so we're good to be securing that extra storage space in this strong room here don't you worry we still haven't stolen that made yet and because we haven't done that we have the largest physical crime operation you can have we have 900 criminal minions going around the world stealing just about everything that they can get their hands on this is ridiculous ladies and gentlemen to put this into perspective you have to imagine that the entire world is getting robbed continuously yet because we haven't abducted a single maid on an island the world's government isn't going to do anything about it they're just going to let it happen and just go well until he abducts that maid we can't possibly stop this evil genius and now here we have it our minion whose entire job it is to move money around with the amount of money we're making it's just kind of stop piling up all on this boat and so on and so it needs to get picked up by a lovely workmen who then run it all the way to our storage room over here and just drop it off and which money we're making in the world my goodness we're making a fair out thirty four thousand every 60 seconds is a huge quantity of wealth it's definitely going to throw our lovely evil empire into the realms of infinite riches and this is it ladies and gentlemen this is an unlimited money exploit created entirely from using only minions I know minions those little yellow people turns out they're just really good at making infinite money at this point we can kind of step away from our computer and just let the game take over and you can just leave your PC running overnight and you'll come back and you'll have more money than you can actually physically store on the map we have we bought this game it's broken now it can never be fixed and I love it I absolutely love it I think one of the things that I absolutely love about this particular exploit is the fact that we are a massive criminal empire with infinite amounts of money and yet for some reason there's no one in our base it's just our lovely evil genius and the worn worker who has to man the console so that we know where to steal money from that is it in terms of this base we do have all of these massive racks for each and every one of our workers and yet they're never here because they're busy stealing infinite quantities of money from the world now I'm going to send my 13 minions in a Polynesia to do fishey bizness what's happening here stolen secret documents revealed that anvil is implementing a new round-the-clock offshore patrol system we can't possibly have that happen right my men go attack the fishing boats this is going to be fantastic yes a few workers may die but trust me it's a sacrifice I'm willing to take to defeat the fishy business we only have one notoriety but our aim is to have 500 to get 500 notoriety that's no problem we just need to use only workers we'll find a way fishy business succeeded yes we gained 5 notoriety lovely good job my man you've done fantastic work here I guess we can go free this dude who's currently stuck in a prison that sounds like a great use of our time as you can see we have 1.2 million in the bank at the moment and I've actually switched a few of my minions to plotting so that they can try and discover some brand-new fun missions for us to do in the future and also I think we almost have enough minions to operate a mission down here in India the same time we've discovered a new mission in the Middle East and lovely oil leak which will cost governments and businesses millions if we actually cause of course we're going to do that and we can start doing forging ahead right go lovely new mission bearing in mind we can do all of these missions and the game is still never going to send a single agent to our island it doesn't matter how much international chaos we caused provided that maid is still walking around the governments of the world think we're just pretty chill dudes whereas that made I here they are just walking around the beaches enjoying their holiday yes there we go they're having a lovely time there we go we've done it we managed to successfully free someone from a prison which has given us even more notoriety is just a fantastic evil dude going to dump off a bunch of our evil minions in the Middle East to help out with a lovely mission to sabotage the world's oil supply right I think it's time to do the oil leak only requires five workers but we're going to do it fantastic stuff lovely we're making a ridiculous amount of money whilst also sabotaging the world with zero repercussions this is true untouchable exploits if this game could even have invincibility this is it we can't be stopped nothing will defeat our evil empire we're going to make infinite money and cause infinite chaos all from the comfort of our evil mountain lair oh my goodness a lot of workers died Wow around about 30 sadly passed away oh my goodness there's just so many dead people we lost about 15 workers in one single swoop okay luckily we can just crank down the recruitment to recruiting one worker every second yes each worker costs 4,000 but you know when will you have as much money as we do you might as well there we go we succeeded and I'm going to send over even more workers to help out in the Middle East there we go lovely stuff but that's another success that's another five notoriety to us and more heat not that heat really matters coz we're at maximum heat and yet no one's done anything to stop us oh yes this is the conga line of workman look at this loading up onto the boat oh this is fantastic oh yes so much evilness is happening I don't even know how they all fit on that tiny yacht but you know if they're all just kind of hiding down in the bottom bit that's fine all that money keeps on flowing in and we keep doing these crazy missions in fact we only have one mission left to do the earplug operation and that's it it shouldn't take us long at all actually this is going to be fantastic oh there we go we've done it we've actually managed to complete every single mission that exists on the starting tutorial board ladies and gentlemen we've done it the money is just absolutely flooding in we have broken every single thing this game has we have infinite wealth coming in we're untouchable and we can still complete the mission and gain notoriety and finish the game technically speaking this is ridiculously broken I love this game and I strongly recommend if you have never played it before go grab yourself a copy it's on Steam I'm pretty sure it's on GOG as well it's really well worth your time or just load up your disc copy if you've got it lying around it's great fun and hey if you have enjoyed it feel free to give this video a like because you know what liking this video is a sign that you do want your tea supply raided and that means we won't be sending a minion directly to your house to steal your tea you know ladies and gentlemen we often make videos based off of community recommendations for games that you like and if you do have any recommendations for a game pop down into the comment section but for today I'd like to ask you a question what video would you like to see next I have a fun few shenanigans lined up would you like to see an RTS exploit an RPG exploit or a tycoon exploit or would you like to see something completely different and unknown anything is possible ladies and gentlemen and I'd absolutely love to have your input on this so hop down into the comments section and throw your opinions into the pile and don't worry I'll be reading through all of them warning if your opinion is that spiff should make a video where he just drinks coffee your opinion will be immediately disregarded and you'll be ejected from the community at a speed of up to 47 knots you have been warned as always a massive thank you to each and every one of these majestic patrons on screen who make these very strange videos or the more possible thank you very much you generous sausages and as always if you're sat there and wandering hang on a second I enjoyed this video wonder what I'd like to watch next book guess what I've got this one lined up just for you trust me you're gonna love it it's hand chosen by myself to be downright perfect for everything you're looking for anyway ladies and gentlemen I've been the spiffing for it and I'll see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,253,167
Rating: 4.9489284 out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, evil genius, evil genius game, spiffing brit, video game exploit, management game, simulator, evil simulator, minion only challenge, minion only challenge is broken, perfectly balanced game with no exploits, perfectly balanced game, evil genius 2, video game, infinite money glitch, infinite money exploit, god mode, invincibility glitch, invincibility exploit, evil genius funny, evil genius challenge, callmekevin, rt game, funny, montage, challenge, english
Id: ZFmt5cny-2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 15sec (1515 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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