INSTANT PRISON ESCAPE CHALLENGE - PRISON ARCHITECT is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits !?!

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I'm going to jump through this wall and this wall and this wall and then finally swim on out of the map and very cute isn't it that is how to escape a prison as fast as possible that took four hours at 18 minutes ladies and gentlemen oh hello there ladies and gentlemen I am the spiffing Britt and today you join me in prison architect that's right we're back why are we back well it's because the lovely developers of prison architect released a brand new DLC and paid a whole bunch of youtubers to play it they they didn't pay me though no one pays me not even Yorkshire t oh no surely I could get some that sweet sweet great shadow legend sponsored money but no instead today I'm playing prison architect and you might wonder why on earth am i playing a DLC which I've had to actually pay for myself and that I'm not being paid to play well it's because everyone hates it yes this new DLC has recently been released on Steam and as a user review score of I think about 30% positive reviews because it is effectively seven pounds for two maps and a few poorly implemented features which don't particularly work which is a real shame developers because I'm sure you guys poured a whole bunch of time into it but nonetheless I'm going to absolutely take the piss out of it because it's so easy to so I'll be playing prison architect and showcasing a very silly exploit which players can do to basically choose their way through the escape mode of this game and escape from anything now in today's episode we're going to escape from what I just spent seven pounds buying the Alcatraz prison this was a prison lovingly handcrafted by the developers to be similar to the real world Alcatraz prison for that reason it's meant to be exceedingly hard to escape a real challenge and oh my we're going to be able to get out of this bad boy oh so quickly so sit back relax grab yourself a cup of tea ladies and gentlemen as I'm about to demonstrate wife the physical boundaries of reality have no way to stop me from escaping just about everything so how do you think spiffs going to escape prison today do you think a he's going to actually spend his time diligently digging a tunnel and slowly building up a network of prisoners to help him in his escape do you think be he's just going to go on a rampage and try and punch his way through the guards or do you think see he's going to somehow escape of the physical realm become an enlightened and phase through all objects in order to escape which one do you think spiffs going to do make sure to go down into the comments section and place your vote because voting is mandatory and failure not to vote will mean that you'll be sent to prison so let's start a brand new game now you'll notice over here in the pre mates prison section we can see some of the lovely pre-made prisons which paradox has to offer the Alcatraz Island bound and then of course the rock which they've also added and they also added the black water incarceration for the so called DLC and the farm as well now these free prisons here are exceedingly easy to escape ladies and gentlemen we're going to be able to do it in a staggeringly short time as well so how on earth is spiff going to escape this prison as you can see ladies and gentlemen from this map it is insane let me load it up and play because then we'll be able to show off just how immense this prison is this prison has one guard for every free prisoners it features a multi wall tiered system to make escape basically impossible and even if you could escape where on earth would you go the island is surrounded by water you'd have to swim for miles if you really wanted to try and get your way off of here the easiest escape route would be to go out the main entrance but even then you've still got to get for about 40 guards and somehow run through this snaky maze this is the difficult thing when it comes to the prison escape mode of prison architect the easiest way to escape would be to dig a massive tunnel but in order to dig a tunnel large enough you've got to start digging from say here I go all the way up here then cross the bridge I mean that would take days ladies and gentlemen hours even now that's just time that we don't have to spend we want to speedrun this prison and escape in as short a time as possible and trust me ladies and gentlemen it's exceedingly easy so let's load up escape mode and throw our prisoner into Alcatraz Island now the way escape mode works as it takes you from being the perspective of the warden and froze you into a randomly generated prisoner in our case we've become Langdon Langdon here I've no idea what Langdon's past is like I'm sure is a lovely individual but as you can see we've just arrived at the gates of the rock which is going to be a very formidable prison to escape but don't worry we're going to find a way now of course as soon as we arrive we get immediately grabbed by garden-fresh through these staff gates and oh the long walk to our cell begins I'm just going to speed up time now as you'll notice this game has various timed features it has regular speed then it has I think 2 times speed this one is yep this one's two times and then this one I'm pretty sure is actually around about five times and then if you want to go absolutely insanely fast this here is ten times speed ladies and gentlemen I have no idea why enough anyone would need ten times speed but the game developers decided to add it you'll notice the issue of ten times speed though is it it's a little bit glitchy my character is kind of rubber banding around here and that's kind of where our exploits going to begin now it's day one for us and it's 11:00 a.m. we've just arrived in our cell and immediately we're going to not stay there instead we're going to run all the way around the prison in free time and get right the way down south here to the lovely showers now when you're playing a prisoner in prison architect you need to get a good reputation as having a big reputation means you're able to actually improve your character you're able to make them stronger tougher deadly a quicker faster you can make them an instigator you can make them a skilled fighter and you can even make them a swimmer now how on earth are we going to gain these rep points well the game would have you believe that the best way to gain rep points is to attack staff members and just generally beat up yourself no instead you want to make your way to the nearest shower because if you were to hit a bed it's going to take about seven hits before you actually gain more than one rep point in a shower instead every time you hit one these shower heads you just gain rep points so all I'm going to do is waltz around the shower here repeatedly beating these shower heads and gaining stupidly large amounts of rep points in a very short period of time so I'll just keep on beating these shower heads lovely stuff we don't actually need many rep points at all and in fact it's possible to escape from every prison without any rep points but you know I like to have a little bit of an advantage on my side so we're just going to run around here punch a couple of shower heads and watch the rep points flow on in normally in your first day in a prison in prison architect it would be quite good to get maybe five or six rep points but by using the showerhead system you're able to gain points at a terrifying speed this also works when it comes to beating up windows because windows immediately broken very quickly I think it takes one to two hits to break a window but a showerhead is certainly the easiest thing to access oh look at this lovely ready up to 32 rep points which is just perfect that's a whole bunch of rep points and naturally no one has actually noticed what we're doing here even the little workman's are coming in to fix this up oh no there's our first police officer he's noticed ladies and gentlemen right well there's a couple of things we can do we can actually escape now the interesting thing about this game is that it's entirely possible to sequence break through walls by simply using these shift key ladies and gentlemen you see by playing on 10 speed you're able to jump through the walls of this actual world which is a very unique situation to be in because it effectively allows you to escape the entire map you'll notice we have just jumped outside of the fence here ladies and gentlemen and we're in the outside world now sadly I'm not able to escape the prison just yet because as you can see I'm not a swimmer and so I can't go into any of this water here and escape but you will have spotted something very strange my character Langdon here managed to go from being inside a entirely walled area and just simply face fruit as if it simply didn't exist this is very strange isn't it Langdon well it's because the developers haven't actually optimized the engine to run at 10 times speed which is why my character was busy rubber-banding across the screen there because yes the game is simply not optimised for it now in my case all I need to do to escape is grab 2 points into swimmer and you know I've got some spare rep points lying around so I'll pick up all of these other things and they would go perfect now our character is even stronger and you know I'm going to speed up time a bit so that we actually finish our sentence of just damaging a bunch of shower heads it's only 3 hours and as soon as our sentence is complete we'll be released actually I think if I skip punishments yes if I skip punishments I get fully healed which is what I'm going to do now as you can see our character is fully healed now and we're able to start our lovely prison escape day one hasn't even finished but we're going to be able to pull it off now certainly I can't make my way inside of there because for whatever reason the guards have walled it off and so I'm going to go over to an area where I know the aren't active eg the shower to pull off this escape now all you need to do to pull off the escape is two things you need to be in fight stance and you need to be running the game at 10 times speed by running the game at 10 times speed the game engine kind of breaks and your character achieves stupid speeds which it shouldn't actually have access to and by doing this kind of speed you're able to face four objects now if you're going at 10 times speed there's only a limited amount you can actually face for an object to face through even harder you're going to need to actually have the power of lunges on your site you see the lunge is an attack move which you can do the fight starts and you're able to lunge suddenly you're able to throw your character and little bit into a wall like say so there we go our character does a little jump there now in one time speed this is useless but in 10 times speed when you build up your character a bit you're able to actually throw yourself for a wall now if we've run along here in 10 times speed we're going to be able to jump through that wall there now we're in the outside area and then we could jump through that wall there and now we're in the outer fence once we're in the outer fence well ladies and gentlemen you know we could just jump through that fence there and well now we're suddenly swimming and what we're going to be able to do just before it hits 12 p.m. we're going to simply exit the prison and that's how to leave an entire prison in just 15 hours it's done it's stupid I love it but I reckon I can get that time down even more so I've loaded in with a brand new character this hair is taut hill and once again I'm going to instill the power of Yorkshire teeth within and have them escape the prison as fast as possible this is a speed run ladies and gentlemen so we're going to be trying to get into our cell as fast as possible and get out of the prison as fast as possible now hopefully the lovely guards will watch me through as quickly as they can there we go come on give me a search and take me to my cell I don't have all day ladies and gentlemen come on and there we go our adventure to our cell is suddenly progressing we're about halfway there come on guards and they would go perfect I can throw myself inside of my cell and now that I'm in my cell I want to run all the way straight down to the shower as fast as possible and now that I'm in the shower once again I want to start gating a couple of rep points I only need free rep points actually in order to pull this off so immediately I'm just going to hit space to end the fight now as no one saw me do any of that I immediately get to spend my rep points I'm going to sink them into being a swimmer perfect now once again I'm going to hit that to start a fight and once again lunge through this wall perfect there we go now the guards are on to me but that's ok they can't stop me now I'm going to jump through this wall and this wall in this wall and then finally swim on out of the map and very cute isn't it that is how to escape a prison as fast as possible that took four hours at 18 minutes ladies and gentlemen that was simply seconds paradox how long did you spend on this prison how balanced did you even make the escape game-mode because it certainly seems to me like you guys just had no idea what you're doing with this I'm afraid oh my goodness it's silly it's fantastic and I love it but there are some better things we can do in terms of prison escaping don't you worry now the next prison we're going to escape from here ladies and gentlemen is the farm prison from the psych ward DLC which similar to the latest DLC is available on Steam the only differences these psyche or DLC is only five pounds now because it's only five pounds its reviews are much better it actually has a 63% positive review rate and honestly I don't leave it undisturbed the DLC practice Eddy vote for president architect because this here added as many new features in my opinion as the island bound DLC the only difference was it's two pounds fifty cheaper I don't understand why anyone past the island bound DLC to be as expensive as it is it makes no sense absolutely those heads ah nonetheless we're going to arrive in this lovely psych ward area fantastic and this time instead of escaping the prison using my classical normal method of just phasing my way through the walls instead I'm going to cause a nice bit of chaos because chaos at the end of the day is score are perfect we've been dropped inside of our cell and what we're going to do is simply sleep until the next day lovely stuff and now it's a brand new lovely fresh open day and immediately we're being told we should go to the shower but actually I have no interest in that instead we're going to head on up here because I'm pretty sure I spotted a staff room now staff rooms are lovely because staff rooms give us access to unique items like say Forks cellphones knives but most importantly come on where are you where are you I know you're in here somewhere there's a lighter around here there has to be I've accidentally wandered into the bomb staff room there oh so this isn't a legal staff room where as there was perfectly fine a few moments later and there we go fantastic there is a lighter sat right in the middle of here which we're going to be able to just pick up there we go perfect and that means we now have a lighter in our inventory which is as you can probably guess kind of insane now we're going to use the prison guards to just simply let us walk around most of the prison until we get nice and close to hopefully a nice outside area yes look at this this is wonderful and now in this nice outside area where no one can see us we're going to be able to cause a bit of chaos now you see normally when it comes to using an item in prison architect like the lighter the lighter is rather limited it's not the best but with the use of a handy-dandy auto clicker ladies and gentlemen you're able to cause some pretty terrifying fires exceedingly quickly which is exactly what we're going to do we're going to set fire to the entirety of this laundry room because we don't need the laundry room it's not ours it's not very exciting now the thing with Elijah is if you have an auto clicker you can actually hold it down and phase through the entirety of reality itself causing just general matter to break so normally if you're just clicking there's a recharge rate with the lighter but if you just hold down with your finger the fire just kind of becomes more intense now what I'm going to do is I'm going to use a speed run tactic to just jump through this wall here and then I've made my wave to I think a padded cell which I'm now going to once again light on fire and that should hopefully summon some lovely firemen over here then I'll just light this on fire and this can also be lit on fire and I look fantastic a shower showers are brilliant because you know it was technically they can dispense water you can also just burn through them now the thing is if we wanted to escape the prison we could technically just melt our way for a wall and then we've made our way out but honestly there's no need to do any of that when you can just instead phase your way through reality now roundabouts at this point the prison is probably hitting a point where they can no longer actually manage to stop the fire which is perfect for us because as we can see it's already melted a couple of holes in a few walls and already the fire is spread massively causing probably absolute chaos oh and there we go we've just immediately melted through that wall I absolutely love the fire now if what we can do is we can actually just walk through the fire here it's actually very easy to do there we go because we burnt down the wall we can waltz on through because the wall no longer exists and now we're outside the prison which is lovely and here's the perimeter wall I guess we can also burn that down I don't know if we can actually melt concrete I can't certainly burn all of this outside area lovely I can also set trees on fire apparently lovely and then I guess the tree fire will probably spread to the wall and that'll probably be our best way to melt through the perimeter fence and now the lines you're probably noticing appearing on the floor that's technically the fire department trying to work out the best way to get access over here oh here they come hello there Fire Department it's lovely to see you now I can keep you mostly preoccupied by just lighting more fires everywhere including into the shower was most of the prisoners are busy having their shower time what's even so incredible is that I can light fires the other side of brick walls so I can set fire to all of these fridges here despite them being the other side of a solid object because once again at 10 times speed objects no longer have any matter all of these toilets here there we go they can all be set on fire and that been inside and post tables and I'm pretty sure even this tree the other side of a wall can oh and there's a guard over there I think they probably have noticed some of the chaos I'm causing the plus side of fire is that it really upsets the power finding of everyone in this game so the guards aren't very good at chasing after you through fire oh but as I can see he is starting to catch up with me and so naturally I'll walk through the chaos of what I've caused I've got look at all the dead people oh god I've destroyed the prison I really have look at this monstrosity well let's skip our punishments and see what the following day looks like lovely right I'm just going to take my wave to the side of the prison which I kind of accidentally burned down now they're actually doing quite a good job over here look at that there's only a handful of exceedingly dead people over here anyway it's now brand new day we've got a whole bunch of sleep on our side and we're going to be able to walk for the prison and see some of the chaos we've caused really short over here yep naturally most of the walls are technically melted out here so we can just walk on through there and now we're outside the prison another we're outside the prison technically at any point we can just escape by walking up to this wall here and hitting shift and they would go game over oh my goodness this game why on earth is it allowed please developers come on like I understand you need to make seven pound DLC of an island map but what about what about just taking a little bit of that deal so you might just and just you know bug-fixing and not having the escape mode work like this maybe considering is one of the most popular and fun features about the game the fact that you can build this glorious and lovely prison and then you can try escaping from it yourself maybe actually adding a little bit of extra fun to it would make sense I don't know it's I mean it's your game so I'm not gonna judge you do whatever you like but I just think it's a really big missed opportunity anyway there we have it today ladies and gentleman I fit all that's left is I should probably leave my own review for the fantastical DLC so let's do that write a review for Prison architect Island bound do you recommend this game yes I loved spending seven pounds and nineteen pence to gain access to this lovely do see my favorite feature is the new ferry and pier system which allows for the mind-numbingly slow transport of prisoners on and off the island the best part of this is that it only allows a few prisoners to be transported leading to massive queues of hundreds of prisoners I love queueing as a British person nothing brings more happiness than a line of important people waiting for hours to make no progress in a column of stagnant corpses just trying to board a tiny boat I love that when you had a second pair nothing changes as they queue based on proximity rather than wait time which is you know such a such a brilliant enlightening gameplay feature which I honestly thought I wouldn't see after the 1990s but you know apparently it still comes into modern management games oh god prison architect you have this feature for other parts of your game why does it not work here all in all I love this DLC and recommend it to all of my four friends that satisfying feeling of being punched by DLC and the kidneys never gets old 11 out of 10 better than the Last of Us - and post there we go I can't wait for everyone to really enjoy my review of this anyway that's all for today's video ladies and gentlemen I'm gonna go make myself a cup of tea and I need a sit down after spending all that money on DLC as always if you've enjoyed this video feel free to give it a like and if you're new here then do consider subscribing we'd absolutely love to have your board I'm not really too sure about what to do for future videos I think I have a couple of fun Skyrim ideas lined up but beyond that there's also other games which need to be exploited like say civilization and heck maybe even one day cyber pod 20 77 when in 50 years time it eventually gets released as always a massive thank you to each and every one of my majestic patrons who make these fantastic videos or the more possible seriously revalue guys would be a lot more challenging to get a stable income so thank you very much and if you're sad they're wondering what video you'd like to watch next well look no further than this one on screen now hand chosen by myself to be perfect for all of you wannabe escapists who want to break out of jail well I've got you sorted anyway I'll see each and every one of you in the next one haven't absolutely lovely date my friends and I'm afraid it's goodbye for now [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,068,756
Rating: 4.9520116 out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, prison architect gameplay, prison architect, PRISON ESCAPE CHALLENGE, lets play, instant escape, prison architect exploit, escape mode, prison architect island bound, island bound, rt game, island bound prison architect, escape mode prison architect, perfectly balanced game, spiffing brit, dantdm, prison escape, the spiffing brit, video game exploit, british, english, funny, escape, exploit, tycoon game, tycoon exploit, prison architect challenge, funny challenge
Id: u7KMdscdunY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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