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I’m glad Spiffing has finally done an XCOM video

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/R97R πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Well yeah, you can, but it is extremely boring no? One mission, funny. Entire campagin? Nope.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Killerbean83 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I feel like this is either a very easy patch or completely impossible to fix if Firaxis wanted to.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kadenjahusk πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I just put it on the same pile as save scumming.

Does it make the game easy by jumping through weird hoops? Yes.

Does it take ages to do so? Yes.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Blanko1230 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hahahaha. Nice.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/philroi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PhoneySoprano πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 31 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Does it work with War of the Chosen too? I cant seem to be able to do it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rgGroove πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Cool as a discovery, but you’re not even playing the game at this point. 10/10 wouldn’t use.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
so now all we've got to do is plant the x4 and we've just completed the first mission of the game entirely in one turn our perfect hello there ladies and gentlemen I'm the spiffing Britt and today we're playing XCOM - I know it's a turn-based strategy game which is all about defeating aliens and saving humanity doesn't that just sound fantastic in heroic and so naturally I've got to give it a try and be no fantastically heroic charismatic beautiful and oh my goodness so sexy over norman's compliment myself this much am I have too powerful more compliments I receive the more power I have and seeing as all of you loved the last video so much oh my goodness the exploit for this video it's certainly very powerful indeed as we all know XCOM 2 is a perfectly balanced game it has a absolutely beautiful difficulty curve where you'll start out the game facing chump enemies and slowly get drip fed in more and more complicated enemies right up to the point where you're just facing off against massive behemoth monsters you have no chance of winning against it's fantastic but what if there was a way to make the game you know just a smidge easier make it so that this game can be done entirely within one turn suddenly the missions are no longer taking half an hour and they're a grueling slog between you and an enemy no no no instead we're going to be finishing every single mission in the first term I know it's fantastic I've given this explore a couple of gos and it has some hilarious results for the sole reason that the statistics of the game become completely nicely balked anyway enough my fantastic explanation let's dive into this glorious video so if you set back he relaxed you have a nice warm cup of tea and hey if you're even a truly majestic person and you've chosen to give this video light then hats off to you and let us begin so we're gonna naturally start a brand new new game of X common you know we're gonna do oh my goodness we're gonna go up to legend difficulty ladies and gentlemen a longer game with no margin for error that's right ladies and gentlemen I only have a couple of hours in this game but I am going to defeat this game on the hardest difficulty we're not going to start with iron man you can do this exploit with iron man but what's the point anyway the premise of this game is pretty simple we are effectively a resistance movement and all we have our first mission in the central zone of Beijing simply we just have to sabotage an advent monument advent of the evil aliens by the way are also something that I will give you a quick tip on when it comes to this game the load times are very long and for some reason I don't know why but the developers made it so that if you want to speed up a load simply press the caps key no one knows why this works or why it's a feature but you know in the wise words of Todd Howard it just works that way right welcome to XCOM over there we have our Monument which is where we're going to need to plant our explosive device and because I've done a mission very similar to this before I know that there are aliens probably around about here now immediately what we want to do is find someone who is going to be our run chump the designated role of rum jumping is very important here I think we're going to give it to Heinrich vogner over here he looks perfect so what we're going to do is basically just leave Heinrich over here and save him for a rainy day what we're going to do with all of our other dudes is which simply going to run them as far as we can into the level now normally this is a terrible idea you would not recommend this at all for the sole reason that we're going to get spotted by a bunch of aliens look here's a huge quantity of aliens now we're going to be fighting these aliens of course but in order to do that we need to get nice and close now a normal player would not execute this ballsy strategy of just running straight anthem because the aliens will shoot back on their turn and we'll be dead but allow me to propose this fantastic idea what if the aliens didn't get a turn I know it's crazy it's wild but beyond getting triggered like that so that they can move about these aliens aren't actually going to be allowed to do anything so I'm just going to move all of my dudes around so that they're standing perfectly next to each and every one of the aliens and now all of our people are in position it's up to Heinrich vogner to do the very important role of destroying reality and time now this might sound like a bit of a complicated task for good old Heinrich here but trust me he is absolutely ready for it so what's going to happen is we're effectively going to freeze the entire world in place excluding our glorious troopers so what you do is simply move Heinrich up to the end of his blue area and then he gets a second part of his turn where he can advance up to the yellow space so that's exactly what Heinrich is going to do so we'll send him into the yellow space but whilst he's doing that press escaped twice and dropped down a save file of the game then what you want to do is simply back out to the main menu I know this is very strange gameplay isn't it and then load into the game once more now when we load back into the game the game goes whoa wherever you be what's just happened and it's teleported Heinrich all the way over here but for some reason our turn hasn't ended no our turn has actually just started again as you can see all of our characters have all of their time back effectively they can make all of their actions so good old Dominic hey so he can just shoot point-blank this alien in the head for 85% chance to hit oh and he does it he doesn't kill them but you know nice try we'll leave Heinrich once again for last but this makes fighting the aliens exceedingly easy because we can just run up behind them and shoot them in the back of the head come on oh okay right how how game I'm sorry but no XCOM no that's not how this works he is there your gun is inside of his gun it takes more effort to not shoot him than it does to shoot him okay isabell of 100% has to be traitor to the human cause that is the only explanation I can find right now my goodness let's just run up behind more of the aliens and shoot them come on oh my god again oh how it's like oh look there's an alien allow me to shoot at his fleet oh no he moved his foot out of the way last with it oh goodness Aki right once again it's up to Heinrich Wagner to balck the laws of time and physics again so you want to move him to the edge of the blue circle and then once again to the end of the yellow circle then drop down you save exit out to the main menu and load back in now once you've done this a couple of times you don't actually need to repeat the process because the AI will remained completely borked I think if you do this about five or six times you'll notice the load times into the levels get exceedingly more and more it's this load time here which it really struggles with once that reaches about 20 or so seconds then you will never need to actually do this process again provided you don't close down and reopen XCOM entirely it basically stops the AI from ever being able to have a turn ever again for all of the missions of the game anyway let's shoot the sky in the head this time he's in front of you please for goodness sake I'll thank God you did of course you did a load amateur although of course here we're not actually allowed to have you kill people are we are white good Alfred I swear on how the difficulties it they make him more than 85% there's no way there is no way oh my god God you did it where you pointing the gun that was terrifying but we've had free 85% mrs. Howe just a how game now over here this is actually where these enemies spawn in so they haven't actually had any time to move about because they just start over here so naturally what we're going to do is just run up behind them and then once again break the laws of times in physics by just running over here to the pigeon now some would say that this kind of breaks the laws of times in physics but it's actually you know perfectly balanced does all things should be if anything this is the way the developers probably wanted us to play the game it kind of makes sense in the Canon of the universe that the humans may or may not have access to time travel right shoot him in the head thank God okay body works too now because this guy's in such a great position we're actually going to use someone else to do all the time manipulation this turn so we're gonna have Heinrich over here just shoot this alien dude in the head or not he can just shoot the pole behind him thanks Heinrich what a great great great aim Heinrich you are the traitor of humanity so yes if you've ever struggled with the fantastic game of XCOM then this is the solution for you and the thing is I absolutely love XCOM as a series it's got so many fantastic games under its belt and by that I mean XCOM and and that's about it XCOM 2 is really quite good as well but it's the original XCOM now that is a very very good game if you have any fond memories of that game give me a shout I absolutely loved it 11 out of 10 could have been game of the year now a new game kind of like XCOM has come out it's called phoenix point it was made by the developers of the original XCOM so it does hold true to the original XCOM experience but it is effectively an ex-con developers take on all of the improvements made in XCOM 2 so it's a pretty fun game have a phoenix point has a bunch of issues with it at the moment including one of my favorite cheesy exploits which is in the VIP capture mission you just simply get a vehicle drive it across the map in one turn pick up the VIP and drive it all the way back across the map and nothing can kill you nothing can stop you and you've just won a mission almost instantaneously which is effectively what we're doing here in the eyes of the aliens they haven't even had their first turn yet in the eyes of the game we for some reason have just been able to walk across the entire map in one turn anyway it's time for Isabella Cancellara to cancel this sectoid existence no no she's not she's gonna hit the wall 85% chance to hit 85 how where do these numbers come from I reckon people are just making them up these numbers aren't real I don't believe it I absolutely refuse to believe that these numbers are real well this has been one very effective little game I must say we've managed to neutralize a absolutely metric ton of aliens and we're about to finish off even more come on 85% chance to hit that's absolutely perfect good job we're now in probably the final round of the game there is a sectoid literally here and I'm going to execute the ultimate attack move known as surround it with three different people all with an 85 percent chance to hit and I swear to God if we don't kill it this turn I am going to go insane there is a 40% chance to crit it and we haven't landed a single crit on it come on shoot come on 85% chance to hit that's much more like it there we go certainly got free health now you've got this execute the reload and now shoot come on oh yes perfect so now all we've got to do is plant the eggs full and we've just completed the first mission of the game entirely in one turn our perfect we've taken a turn-based strategy game and effectively turned it into a time manipulation and overall ope strategy game in fact I don't even know if strategy exists anymore oh look at this we killed eight enemies turns taken nine very spicy you sure about that game soldiers wounded zero soldiers killed zero rating flawless absolutely perfect or what's so interesting is that basically for some reason the game simultaneously thinks we took nine turns and one term for example the game goes oh average enemies killed per turn eight there were only actually eight enemies in the game and if we were to kill eight of those over turns we should have average nought point nine enemies kill per turn roughly instead we average eight for the sole reason that basically we did the entire thing in one turn or so well done to all of our agents especially agent blank who was under the most fire because at the end of the day no one in our entire team was even shot at don't you love it when you attack an enemy who just can't even fight back and his quintessentially British I might say and it's more importantly perfectly balanced this is what the power of your cutie gives you mmm it's so good and it's not sponsoring us and there we have it ladies and gentlemen we've done it we've started our glorious experience and from here we can now go about and do many different missions and attack many different aliens oh and perfect we've been given a new target which is a Advent commander basically the game wants us to kill this person it's apparently going to be easy although easy on the hardest difficulty for actually anyone is actually going to be rather challenging now what we're going to do is we're actually going to get rid of our entire squad here because they are all garbage and instead we're going to growler a squad of complete and utter rookies now you might be wondering why I've chosen to keep the Ranger well that's because the Ranger is one of the worst people in the game technically speaking because they have a melee weapon now melee weapons normally an X comp aren't the best because you'll run out into a position of no cover and get yourself shot at the following turn however as it's only ever going to be our turn this is actually no problem whatsoever our Ranger guy can simply run headfirst into the enemy and just immediately murder them with absolutely no fears of getting shot back now once again we're in a mission so we're just going to charge literally straight ahead into the enemy trust me it's a fantastic strategy and of course once again we'll be using freedo to destroy absolute time and reality in this game thank you very much Freda so whilst Freitas busy tearing a hole through space and reality itself we're going to be loading back into that mission and making it so that the AI is completely nurse Lee neutered now of course we're in a perfect situation where we can send our male a boy in to do some fighting so melee boy is about to run just headfirst into an enemy unit and stab him go-go-go oh yes Mele boy perfectly balanced mostly because that guy doesn't actually get to fight back so you'll notice commander guy here has just activated him himself and all the other aliens now of course by activated this means they can now technically fight back although they're not going to now one of the best things about this exploit is that you don't actually have to do this from the start of the game you can do this as and whenever you like be it the final mission of the game when you're struggling be it a very easy mission for just absolute memes and fun you name it you can choose to do this whenever you like and once again which is gonna keep doing these sweet sweet mellow slashes because I mean it's better than actually using a gun guns suck a terrible know once use guns oh come on Dominick's is Manske it's time to slash slash slash slash do it come on oh yes of course XCOM isn't the only game that we can exploit there are millions of games on this planet which we can of course find some very glorious little exploits for and so if there's any particular game you 100% have to see an exploit for then hey give me a shout and I'll go give it a try I mean there are just so many fantastic gaming experiences on the market at the moment oh and there we go another absolute flawless mission where we killed seven enemies and took no damage whatsoever lovely and simple and easy naturally we had an average enemies killed pattern of eight because there were eight enemies in the game I have knowed how this works but it's fine once again no one in our entire squad was even remotely considered a getting shot at absolutely perfect and flawless now most importantly we can upgrade our sword boy to being blade master this is fantastic trust me looks by being a blade master or sword steel plus two extra attack which is glorious and half plus ten aim is basically more likely to hit we can then kind of continue this down and down and down until we make him the greatest sword slash II boy in the entire known universe ah what a fantastic experience X come to is it generally is good fun I strongly recommend everyone gives it a try as it is definitely one of the better XCOM games ever created I mean there are some ex-con games so bad we just don't talk of them I can do some really really bad ones out there no one of the reasons why this build is so powerful is because if we manage to actually get one of our soldiers up to being a max level scout class then effectively we completely borked the game is he over here we have our ranger corporal Dominique's LaBelle available our ski now he has a lovely little blade on his back but most importantly it's his abilities which matter you see we've blade master we do an extra two damage and so on and so forth your blade does slightly more damage however it's the final upgrade over a colonel which is very overpowered the reason why quite simply is because it gives you the Reaper ability which is a devastating chain melee attack basically the first mile attack you do cannot miss and then each kill in Reaper mode following that grants an extra action point this is where it becomes a bit interesting because all it takes is one action point to actually move and hit someone with the sword meaning you can effectively watch this character into the middle of a mission deploy them and then put them to Reaper mode and then watch them take out the entire enemy in one turn now this is just one Scout class imagine if you instead just had four of them with four people in the Scout class you can take out entire missions almost instantaneously you don't even have to tether and reload the game because your dudes are just teleporting across the map with slashy blades it is ridiculous that's why I quite like XCOM oh so very much I also like it because you know it's it's got this lovely little thing here Jews put that there that's very nice of them or look at that it's beautiful isn't it nice dead montgome everyone always forgets dead mark actually no everyone always forgets in New Zealand how dare they put New Zealand in this game oh and oh yeah they also they left this little guy in that's good that's very good anyway thank you very much ladies and gentlemen for watching I've had an absolutely fantastic time here today playing XCOM if you have enjoyed what you've seen today then hey feel free to give the video a like and if you want to see more videos where I play games in a way which it really should not be played then consider subscribing and joining our lovely community anyway I'll see each and every one of you in the next video and in the comments section and as always a massive thank you to each and every one of these majestic patrons on screen who make our lives oh so much more fantastic thank you very much you lovely people and if you're wondering what video to watch next BAM you can pick this one on screen now and chosen by myself to be perfect for you anyway I was each and every one of you the next one have an absolutely lovely day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,350,226
Rating: 4.9175348 out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, xcom 2, XCOM, XCOM2, one turn victory challenge, funny, montage, xcom funny, xcom challenge, funny challenge, perfectly balanced game, xcom 2 is a perfectly balanced game, xcom 2 exploits, xcom exploit, xcom 2 glitch, funny glitch, perfectly balanced, british, challenge, overpowered, one turn
Id: E1eQkUtJyc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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