CIV 6 Is A Perfectly Balanced game WITH NO EXPLOITS - Gran Colombia Infinite Meteors Is Broken! #ad

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This dude is my favorite

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/HelpMyBunny1080p 📅︎︎ May 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
Bogota our capital is note2 producing 178 faith per turn which is more than any of a eye in the game can even manage and it's just I just love it it's absolutely stupid completely borked this game hello there ladies and gentlemen I am the spiffing Britt and today I'm blanks in my civilization six Gathering Storm with the latest and greatest DLC this TOC is probably released for you right now but for me as I'm recording it in the past using the power of time travel as well as an early access press copy I'm playing this brand new DLC before they've even been able to release a day one patch to fix some of these slightly overpowered features now the lovely people over at 2k have basically sponsored me to play this game early which honestly I'm surprised considering the amount of times I've broken civics in the past they've been very generous to actually pay me to do at this time are you lovely in kind people don't you know what I've got to do to this game now the new DLC is in a bit of a strange format basically it's a pass based system where you pay for it and you get effectively several different updates which start from the 21st of May and go onwards into basically next year 13 new civilizations new city-states new natural wonders and new wonders to be built but most of us for the future in the current and latest release what do we have here oh we have three very important new changes which need to be addressed change number one 2k decided to patch out all of the previous exploits no longer can you do the Pantheon glitch ladies and gentlemen no longer can you place down multiple districts it's all gone rest in peace my favorite exploit in Civ six but then there are two new things that have been added there's a couple of new city states that have been added into the game and are probably going to be slightly imbalanced and maybe have some crazy things to be discovered and of course most importantly there are now two new civilizations in the game we have lady 6 sky of Maya in terms of her abilities and bonuses it's honestly nothing too special she's a bit of a defensive turtle up but in terms of game breaking overpowered nurse she's pretty tame but where the crazy new DLC factions really get going is when we start introducing the legendary the one the only Simon Bolivar or Simon Bolivar I don't oh it's got an accent a name so as a British person I have no chance of being able to pronounce it but this here is C Mon of the grand Columbian nation now the reason why Gran Colombia is so special is because he is so utterly ridiculously overpowered Simon Bolivar here is downright stupidly broken what he provides is a plus one movement to all units and also a bonus so that promoting any unit does not end that units turn what this means is his units are going to go exceedingly fast across the map is setlist can go further meaning not only can his setlist go further his cavalry can go further but most importantly and most controversially gaint breaking his siege weaponry can go further suddenly you can literally have battering rams teleporting up to the enemy's walls this is a bit of a strange design feature because it could be rather overpowered but what's also quite interesting is that promoting a unit does not end that units turn so what this actually means on paper is that you can promote a unit then move and attack it in practicality what this could mean in combat is your unit has just been attacked by the enemy and it's down to half health we leave it there for another turn it will be dead and it has free choices it can either run away and try and survive stay there and try and fortify in heal up or it can try and attack well now it can do all free what you can do is use your promotion to instantly max heal the unit and then attack with it and of course if it's a cavalry unit that can break away from combat well then guess what it can also run away after attacking between which that brings us to their special industrial cavalry units Allen arrow this is a cavalry which has a low maintenance cost and a +4 combat strength for every adjacent lunaire oh this +4 combat strength is pretty downright broken and it allows Linares in big swarm groups to actually pack quite a lot of a punch even when they're technically outdated by modern technology but where the Delin arrows even more of a powered is with the brand-new great general which grant Columbia has access to a command DT generales he's a special great person with a unique ability which basically provides a buff to the nation it might be something like plus one additional trade route or it might be to immediately provide two promotions to all nearby units but every time you spend one of these great generals which you get for free as soon as you go into a new era if you have a linear road nearby well guess what you've just instantly healed that unit for free and it's got a range of like 18 tiles or something like that so what you can do is basically pile up all of your great generals just for when you hit the industrial era and as soon as you hit the industrial they're immediately swarm the map with increased movement speed Linares which have the ability to promote and attack and move and then also have a blob of like four command eighty generals running around after them who also have the ability to instantly heal them just absolutely love it it's so broken well grant Columbia her probably now the most powerful nation in the game and I love it he also has a unique building but honestly what does it matter he doesn't even need a unique building at this point I mean extra gold production food and housing oh that's lovely what a fantastic bonus he definitely needed that he was looking pretty weak otherwise Oh God but surprisingly Simon Bolivar is not actually even where a good to be exploiting the game today he's a pretty damn overpowered individual but there are other ways we can completely Nestle bulk this new DLC and I absolutely love it the new DLC has added Apocalypse mode ladies and gentlemen it adds new natural disasters larger and more impactful versions of existing disasters and an increased chance of all natural disasters apocalypse mode also adds in a soothsayer unit which is literally like a tiny priest II boy who runs about the map who you can purchase with faith from literally anywhere and guess what he does he has a bunch of charges and he could use those charges to summon death onto the enemy I absolutely love it it's incredibly fun but there's also a few reasons why it's completely nicely broken we're gonna have to jump into a video for me to show it off so let's go into the advanced setup of this game make it online make it absolutely massive and crank up those city-states we've got a fun game to play ladies and gentlemen and it's going to be majestic before we begin with the exploits make sure you're sat back relax you've a nice warm cup of tea and hey if you're ready to see this exclusive Civ 6 content you might have even been majestic enough to put a like on this video won't done and we're in the game and as you can see it's pretty majestic post-playing is these lovely boys we get our extra movement speed there as you can see which is absolutely lovely basically meaning our warrior can jump over this hill and go a little bit further and our scouts are going to be traversing the world faster than anyone elses now once I could move my settler I'm a bit of a lazy bugger and so that's exactly the opposite of what I'm going to do we're just gonna eat him down right about here we'll be fine save the citizens of Bogota all Mountain smoke a little right oh dear oh dear I settle next to a volcano didn't I well beans I'm sure it will be fine now that I'm playing on Apocalypse mode what's the worst that could happen now what we're going to do is we're going to rush the astrology site because trust me it's very important to need to get this bad boy from running as soon as possible now I have an interesting combination setup ladies and gentlemen you see with the brand new DLC you can effectively cause natural disasters you have to purchase soup sales using faith they cost a fair bit of money they have a fair bit of maintenance but they allow you to cause disasters which is absolutely brilliant who doesn't want to cause disasters the reason why they seem to be so overpowered for mieze at the lovely player is because the AI doesn't care these soup says are downright stupid because you can be friendly with an enemy go up to one of their local rivers and detonate a soothsayer who will immediately cause a massive irreversible flood killing about 400 million people in the city and causing absolute chaos but the AI has no way to stop him because he acted outside of their borders just standing on the same River when used correctly you can even hit multiple AI cities and the AI will still have a green happy smiley face because as far as they're aware this was a natural disaster which caused the massive catastrophic death of most of their population it just works but why I absolutely love the new soup says is most importantly because they can be combo'd with the great bath this is quite possibly one of the worst wonders in the game but the reason why the great bath is so overpowered now is because you can cause your own floods no longer are you relying on the RNG floods of the game no no no you've got floods just caused by existence oh it's brilliant I love it right now what we're going to do is we're going to use our mega warriors to effectively scout around the world and trust me they can Scout really fast but yes the great buff is completely broken because of what you're able to do with it oh god we just gained a free recon unit which can move for tyler's of course we did and we've got another one coming soon oh this is lovely oh we've got so many explorers now brilliant slightly too many some would say but it's fine just look at the distance they can cover it's only 3600 BC and we just gained a free pop oh I love it I really do this is perfectly balanced absolutely perfectly balanced we can just teleport across the map anyway now that we've picked ourselves up the Hanging Gardens and we can start production on it we're going to immediately move towards astrology so that we can get off us religion up and running trust me religions are important I would discover târgu were lovely Tugg you are a pretty lovely little city-state there nothing too special just plus 5% science basically now the reason why the move and promotion system is so broken is because I can pick up say one of these promotions like faster movement on woods and terrain and now hit automate explore on the scout and well guess what we've just teleported across the map and he can now just phase through woods as if they don't exist now we're going to get the great bar for from running we need this bad boy fast oh there we go we've discovered one of the brand new city-states the Vatican City the Vatican City is a pretty spicy boy because whenever you activate a great person they basically add a bunch of religious pressure to whatever city it's is good because you can basically build an aggressive forward settled city and detonate a bunch of great people in it and you start spreading your religion at incredible speed so it's nothing to gain braking it surprisingly well-balanced I don't like it go we're going to start attacking the spam above our barbarian and we've picked up our lovely astrology and fantastic we can promote our warrior and attack at the same time now as you can guess this is slightly broken because our warrior here here is 59 health and if we were to attack now that'd be a minor defeat but what we can do is oh my unlock battle cry which heals our dude up to maximum and now we're no longer having a minor defeat but a major victory all in the same turn previously that's not allowed why is this a loud game this isn't fair not at the slightest anyway this barbed caps now ours lovely stuff and here we have it ladies and gentlemen several turns later but the great buff is being constructed hmm with the refreshing taste of Yorkshire tea gold we're going to start seeing just how beautiful this great bar face now why is the great bar so useful well on all flood plain styles like say this one here this one here this one here and this one here every time we have ourselves a flood the game adds food and faith to each of the affected tiles this is completely Natale broken and I love it and I'll explain why it's broken in a little bit but for the time being we need to get some more settlers going you know gotta make a colossal eruption Oh No that's the last thing we wanted to have happen and we can create our first Pantheon which is lovely now what I'm going to do is get the river goddess bonus four plus two amenities in plus two housing if there's a holy site district adjacent to a river buts also going to try and increase our faith output this game we just don't really have any bonuses for it at the moment which is a shame anyway another way of our holy site down and the great bath we're also going to pick up the Oracle because this is just a downright stupidly overpowered wander it's brilliant it basically increases the amount of great people generated in this city which is downright stupidly broken because by doing that you basically end up with a glorious situation where when combined with the right governors you're going to be producing great people - terrifying rate with Pingala you can have plus 100% great people points generated in the city and with the Oracle you just stack more and more modifiers on until you end up with something stupidly broken it just works and what's this the warrior can level up and gain a +1 movement bonus as once again you heal and then you attack and that gives you stupid bonus but yes of course all of our units gain one extra movement and for some reason can also pick up a bonus if provided sin their tech tree to gain yet another piece of movement our fantastic we've entered our first new era and so we've picked up our first commandante general lovely stuff we have just entered into a normal age but that's not going to stop the fact that we just picked him up but now have new ways of gaining an era score nice lovely stuff let's do that and here's a commandante general he's got a pretty unique bonus he provides +5 combat strength from +1 movement to land units within two tiles of him ok so that's taken the scouts movement up to 5 which is fine this is okay Oh game please then he he also has a little bonus action his action grants +4 combat strength to cavalry class units within two tiles oh okay so we can fill up all of these neighboring towns with cavalry units and then expend him and he's going to give them a permanent +4 attack bonus right he's brilliant we're just gonna have to have him lying around when our scouts ready to upgrade and just run across the land there we go Jose you're just gonna have to go to sleep I'm afraid I'm not going to need you for a very long time anyway what we're now going to do is we're going to get ourselves a soup save now he costs 50 faith but we can move him over next to one of our own rivers and next Ernie's going to do something very jazzy there we go we've also built ourselves the Oracle that's a very important wander to pick up now we can focus on all of the boring stuff like getting an early military art to fight these incoming barbarians actually most importantly our soothsayers now up and running so struck down a safe fun and hope that our soo says someone's the right type of disaster now disasters can only be caused based on the towers that they're standing on so for example if you detonate a soothsayer here you're going to cause an eruption few detonators soothsayer on a forest you're going to cause a forest fire if you detonated on a desert you'll cause a sandstorm and if you detonate it on a floodplain you're gonna cause a flood this is the unique thing when it comes to flood plains because we have the great bath now what happens is that basically the great flood is mitigated and so we no longer gain fertility which is a real shame no fertility gained on our river meaning we can't grow food as effectively but there's a couple of bonuses we do gain faith on these tiles there's one faith there and one faith there and if we have these two towers as well that's a further two faiths every time there's a flood what this means is we can artificially causes floods whenever we like and every time we do cause floods we grant ourselves free faith because that just makes perfect sense doesn't it oh my goodness in our chair it's borne in with five movement because they've got the nearby general allowing them to teleport across the map and just snipe up any enemy units this is utterly glorious on we can recruit our great prophet incredible this is exactly what we needed and of course we can immediately teleport him over to his holy site and we can get ourselves a faith started which is absolutely perfect all right there we go we've started our brand-new own religion which is perfect and this entire religion is just going to be dedicated to trying to get as many faith points as possible oh she's so that we can just summon natural disease Buster's on to IVA ourselves to get bonuses or to the enemy so as to destroy their cities and so our religion of the apocalypse is now founded we're going to pick up divine inspirations so that we get +4 faith for each wonder that we build which is lovely and we're going to pick up the bonus of +2 faith for every city following this religion in other civilizations in city-states basically a religion entirely dedicated to faith production because faith gives us magic people have the ability to flood just about anything any way with all of these lovely bonuses we have a bunch of extra faith so that we can buy even more soup say as if necessary or we can actually buy ourselves off first missionary a missionary of the apocalypse who can go about spreading the lovely words and we can even pick up ourselves our first government we're going to go for classical Republic's mostly so that we can increase the generation of great person points which we're going to be pumping out at a stupid rate oh my goodness this is an incredible opportunity I love this apparently there's an ongoing competition of appeasing the gods basically we're now competing to the highest score of sacrificing units next to volcanoes using sue says if we win we get a free soothsayer unit but we also gain more faith per turn and also free random promotions for Sue's air units so it's time to go March off our army straight towards our nearest volcano and get sacrificing why could this sacrifice adjacent do that I love it why is this not of featured ballgames this is incredible right so our chariot wanders next to the volcano and we need to get ourselves up into first place we've got eight turns remaining so let's sacrifice that chariot da da da da da perfect aren't fantastic we're in the lead with 28 this is exactly what I wanted to have and yes it would seem we're going to win the appease the gods task very happily good stuff it's exactly what I wanted to see and yes there we go you're in first place you win I've heard the gold tier rewards which involve a free soothsayer and some promotions I'm not sure what they are a free random promotion to a future suits their units who knows what it could be so we get ourselves a free soothsayer unit which now has the plus one charge adjacent enemy cities are also automatically besieged are the plague bear upgrade this one however also has the plague bear upgrade okay so basically all of our soup says now have one extra charge brilliant so I'm just now going to detonate this oops there next to our city caused a flood which is going to get a meat we mitigated of course you know we might as well bite we have a floodplain tile which now has two extra faiths on it so we've now got six faiths gathered just from these flood tiles alone then lo and behold we're able to move over yet another soothsayer and we're going to do the same and what's this another great scientist because we just keep earning them so quickly lovely owned ladies and gentlemen I've been chatting to Simon Bolivar and guess what he's got one limited time offer for you ladies and gentlemen for the first six thousand six hundred and sixty-six people who like the video guess what Simon Bolivar has said they won't be sacrificed to the angry volcano spirits in the next round of the soothsayer competition everyone else however is fair game for the fiery oblivion Pingala you're absolutely insane and I haven't got many cities up and this is by no means the most efficient way of playing this game but this is just a demonstration of how stupidly overpowered Gran Colombia when paired with other brand new features can be anyway let's cause even more natural disasters so one more was bad and let's cause yet another one our lovely stuff' enough we look at those tiles mmm faith lots of lovely faith who would have guessed that continuous apocalyptic levels of flooding would cause faith to appear in an empire as caused yet another disaster lovely stuff and now all of these provinces are up to five faiths each oh goodness so there is 15 faiths just on these provinces here 15 faiths is a pretty decent faith output for a city right and let's cause yet another disaster so we've caused six disasters here on our lovely floodplain and whilst we don't get any fertility from this we now have far too much faith okay yep 37 faiths per turn we can buy another soothsayer and you know what might as well I love soup says that brilliant right it's time for us to cause more floods as well there we go let's have another one brilliant stuff just keep on increasing those faiths its cause yet another disaster oh it's perfect I love the apocalypse I really do I'm fantastic we've built ourselves petrol to make our desert tiles just a little bit more valuable to actually hold on to so the city is even more overpowered you know what I think it's time for us to get more settlers up and running because we really don't have that many cities but we do have a lot of natural disasters I love them she has now worked to nine faiths on each of these tiles this is stupid it's so stupid because I you know purchase with faith yet another soothsayer the soup set only goes up okay for each soothsayer you have by fifty faiths so we can just buy a bunch of missionaries and even more soup says I love it this game is balked I'm fantastic we've entered into the medieval era which has granted us yet another golden age lovely fantastic and with that we get a brand new general a special ease or whatever he is who once again provides +5 combat as well as one extra land movement to all nearby units now this guy's special ability is to instantly create the strongest land combat unit you can build with one promotion level in this unit has no resource maintenance cost now what you can't do is use this guy immediately to basically get a free unit or you can save him for when you can build a giant def robot and then you've suddenly just been handed a free giant differ but with no maintenance oh that's um that's unfair isn't it gave it's very unfair anyway we're at a golden age which is brilliant Oh +2 movement for all builders may purchase civilian units with faith oh and purchases with faith and go to food said cheaper don't mind if I do lovely stuff now we can start putting some of that faith to good use like pumping out a bunch of builders except these builders could move far too far owned we've got our great scientist Hildegard of Bingen lovely stuff she's brilliant I think the Hansa city-state here is actually new don't recognize it it basically provides +1 gold for every 5 times your trade routes have to travel which is pretty good I'd imagine like some late-game coastal trade routes are going to be absolutely insane with that bad boy and I mean let's cause yet another disaster for more faith brilliant yes another flood what does this mean oh well it means these stars are now producing 12 faith each racism it's it's a unique feature it's different it's very different why is this allowed at the game I love it I absolutely love it you can basically pick up this DLC as well I'm pretty sure I've had to include a link in the description which you can pick up no pressure though and so here's our build up with five movements oh he's just going to teleport across the map to the Kotton here and go now we're gonna have a plantation lovely stuff oh and of course we need to get ourselves a trade we're going so let's get one go into our second city over here choose our research lovely we'll go for construction and now we need to start buying more things with our faith including an apostle so we can improve our religion and a builder so that we can improve all of our tiles because we really need to start doing this so we've started to convert in enemy cities and the joyous majestic conversion of the apocalypse is beginning we're going to also now be able to evangelize our belief thanks to our brand-new apostle and we can immediately start upgrading our brand new city and making it jazzy for something like a harbor all lovely now mr. build a friend you can build a farm as well you can just get all of these tiles worked so they provide stupid amounts of faith from decent quantities of food that would be brilliant but it's time to evangelize our belief and make it even more powerful we're gonna go for holy or to make it so the missionaries and apostles are cheaper to buy doesn't affect sue says it does not what a shame but you have to check these things and then give our final faith boost we're going to pick up mosques so that our missionaries and parcels gain plus one spread so that if we wanted to go for a religious victory we easily could and we've got ourselves yet another soocer which of course is going to cause even more disasters because we might as well and we've got so much faith flying around might as well get these citizens working these towers now that they provide 13 faiths each which is downright stupid and let's cause yet ourselves yet another soothsayer disaster because we can welcome back ladies and gentlemen it's turned 79 it's a 2018 things going quite good no Empire we're researching some divine right and we're building the kill word kisi Varney this is the most important wonder of any game ever you might be wondering why well it's because it gives you free invoice but most importantly if you're a suzerain of a city-state you get a plus 15 percent boost from that city-state and viruses reign of two of those city-state types you receive an extra plus 15 percent boost if we're theses reign of two son city-states we get a plus 30 percent boost in say thee plus two sides to our capital it's a really nice little wonder to have and it really does add up but most importantly we're getting our empire up and running and our faith production is at an all-time high things are looking great of course we're going to get a few more cities built over here on this brand newly discovered continent because we might as well and also set Bazaar basically free to purchase with faith now so I can have as many of them as I like oh my goodness as the cat review for hurricane off of our coast like oh good god okay that's a spooky boy actually hopefully our settlers going to be able to dodge that if they can't fair dues they're dead so be it anyway let's also get our brand-new city settled down over here love stuff and immediately we're going to cheese against the AI and bi up all of the luxury resources around this sieve I'm sorry I need them not you I know my goodness getting a new city up and running is so expensive and difficult to takes ages to build a builder a wage you can just buy it with faith ah much better that's how you get all of your new cities up and running oh my goodness the category-five hurricane is going for our lands it is not looking good there's gonna be many casualties as soon as it hits the city but oh well oh no and now we've had a crippling Blizzard old beans that's not good turns out the apocalypse is great but also simultaneously can just kill you Oh No who could have guessed that living in the apocalypse could have been so dangerous to an empire anyway we've got some spare faith flying grunts we might as well buy ourselves yet another soothsayer and trigger ourselves some more River damage right chaotic River damage yes mitigate that flood and you're up to no 16 faith power each of these tiles meaning the city is outputting 59 faith in total or that we could add even more if we really wanted oh I'm fantastic it's one turn later it's now 10 60 80 and we can cause yet another disaster for more favour points I love it and there we go fantastic we build the kill worker Suwanee ax which is lovely it's pushed us over into a golden age but most importantly it gives us a bunch of bonuses for each city state versus Randolph how many city states we're suzerain off zero that's something we'll have to fix anyway will cause yet another flood which immediately gets mitigated which is lovely and now if we actually manage our citizens and say we want to instead of focusing on production folks on faith well now our faith production is up 205 in one city this is absolutely perfect now all I have to do is build the cata Kuni which is basically a wander which provides +25 from the city and get it slapped down right here to increase our faith production right now we're actually able to settle our first ever colonial settlement this is a fantastic city because it's in the middle of technically bloody nowhere across the sea from us but it's in a prime position to be upgraded and one of the reasons I'd love soup says so much is that they are absolutely stupidly overpowered in terms of combat so what you can do of a soup say is run them into enemy cities and then immediately start submitting meteors on to them which is absolutely but another thing you can do in this game when you play in the poke lips mode is to deliberately cause copious amounts of co2 because the more co2 is in the atmosphere for some reason the more massive maker meteorites come down in attack cities and as you can guess that's some pretty crazy because having more meteors slamming down continuously and on to enemy cities is lovely and powerful but specially if you have some bonuses to protect you from it anyway we've just entered the Renaissance era naturally it's golden era time always so good as that basically for nurses in a Dark Age excluding America and Japan perfect oh and you know exactly what we need to do another age of monumentality so that we get cheaper builders and settlers Oh lovely stuff this is just perfect isn't it and of course we can now pick up gunpowder lovely let's get our super Serie and start causing even more disasters that means we've got a new great general as well what's his special ability all land units within two tires regain all movement and attack capability what it's a double attack great general hang on a second imagine you're fighting someone and then he just goes mmm oK you've been winning this combat well now all of my units can move an attack again for a second time this turn that's no fair game it's not okay you can't do that oh goodness well it's not like we can stop you now after some very strange flood mitigation all of our flood plains tiles are now 221 faith each which is not natural at all there's a figure about this which is a natural and fair game of sieve this is completely unfair we have the most science we by far have the most faith per turn this is absolutely stupid we are basically in a prime position if we wanted to take over the entire world with our faith we could I love it and there we go fantastic we've picked up the Reformed Church meaning we can now switch our government over to fiat cracy lovely stuff a fiat crafted government is extra special because it allows us to get cheaper faith purchases this is some lovely stuff so our new apostle or what do they get can spread religion two extra times or triple-strength in other civilizations or I love that right let's send you straight to the frontlines we're going to aggressively change the religion of all of our opponents they won't even have a say and if they do ever say we're going to send over religious dudes to cause it floods that'll teach them for having different opinions and there we go we've built the Kotaku in it's not a particularly fantastic wonder but as I said that plus 20% extra faith production is very useful indeed it's also given us a bunch of warrior monks which are useful maybe I don't know I don't think so we voice you're just gonna have to sit afk at our borders to make it look like we have a much stronger military than we actually do oh my goodness yes a yet another soocer event appease the gods just a mmediately spam sacrifice units next to a volcano once again there's one next door capital and if we get everything correct will get a free random promotion for all future sous air units which will stack on top of our existing one okay lovely so it's time for us to line up the warrior monks next to the volcano for kiss warrior monks of a melee strength of 35 making them very valuable sacrifices right go stand by and if we got enough to purchase ourselves a soup set yes we do because we're now for York receipts who says have gone down from where I think they should have been which is around about 450 points at this point and instead they are down to 340 books read of Golden Age and refer York receipts or sue says are even more powerful nor we need to make sure we do is sacrifice as many of these units as feasibly possible oh and also it's time to get converting the apocalypse waits for no one it's time for the great sacrificing to begin and sacrifice adjacent unit BAM and will immediately move another one in and oh we have to wait a turn before we can sacrifice another unit that's the strongest unit we can produce musket mode with a melee strength of 55 okay right we need to get ourselves a couple of those bad boys maybe we could do if another soothsayer retreat so that we could sacrifice two people per turn that's where we're going to be getting our points from oh my goodness a mega colossal eruption has started and his fertilised for tiles but damaged five and killed free people a massive loss for a capital but it matters little because beautiful songs is Herc asleep apparently that a theater figure okay great we did a fair two Figgy even though so many people in our capital city died of God right to say sacrifice it's not like these units are going to last very long anyway and that's high yet another soothsayer good stuff how's the appeasement going we're in second place okay we need to up that get more sacrifices going also need some more stronger units ensure we could repair all of our holy sites and government plazas that's redundant what we need at this point in time our musket one which we can't make beads instead we're gonna have to make horse dudes yes sacrifice horse dudes to the flame anyway it's time for yet another sacrifice so we'll sacrifice that unit and we'll sacrifice yet another adjacent unit our pavement of the Gods has put us in the lead and I'm pretty sure there's no way we can lose from this point on anyway there we go we've been spreading some lovely faith about the apocalypse is now deeply rooted in Japan oh great - fantastic proposals give Simon Bolivar stuff or take Simon bolivars religion way okay I've got a down vote the take my religion away because I quite like my religion right make sure to vote for the good ones speeds they passed both of them bugger now we have three active events all going on at the same time okay I'm leading the appeasement of the gods with two more sacrifices that should put us very comfortably into the lead now now we've finished the appease the gods ladies and gentlemen which is something that finally happened but most importantly finishing the appease the gods has granted us another bonus not only did we get a free soothsayer units are soothsayers got an extra bonus not only do they get the +1 charge from being a plague mirror they now assume our zealots which give them +2 charges so we now have 5 charges on each soothsayer meaning each soothsayer can just keep on adding faith to each of these tiles this tile here provides 25 faiths so does this one and so does this one and so would this one if we actually had access to it this is stupid and I love it this game what have I done to you this is so stupid it makes no sense but I love it absolutely do I mean there's so many Wars going on naturally we don't have to worry about any of them because of how much school we have the AI is terrified of us cos we're just going to chain caused massive floods in our lovely city to just add more and more lovely modifiers and they would go basically each turn recalls free non-existent mega floods to decimate our city but of course we see none of them and that's now I did 30 faiths to each of these tiles this is incredible I'm just buying more sue says and we're adding more faith to each of these provinces Bogota his note to producing 178 faiths per turn which is more than any other AI in the game can even manage and it's just I just love it it's absolutely stupid completely naturally booked this game once again I'd like to take this opportunity to thank state sponsors by paying to have me do this it's very generous of you very Cheddar's all of these floods which aren't happening it's beautiful apparently Gran Colombia has made history the armies of jealous civilizations failed to stop our people the religious emergency dissolves fantastic we did it we won the religious emergency ah lovely so that means we basically almost instant convert almost all nearby cities oh yes look at this right it's time for us to remove the remainder of any religion allow me to explain why the glory superset unit is so for powered well what we're able to do is were able to effectively farm pain to enemy cities over here we have a city state of target which I mean we've sunk a couple of envoy's into but we have no way of gaining control of this is some cheeky Japanese person who sent five into it so what we can do is we can send our lovely soup site all the way down south and then what our lovely friend over there is going to be able to do if she's going to be able to detonate this volcano every single turn which will technically kill the neighboring city state but also create a bit of fun ah now we've actually researched economics we can build our own special buildings these lovely plantation boys which give us a mera score but a sort of grid nearby luxuries lovely stuff most importantly I'm now able to show off my legendary soup searing abilities by destroying the local city-state of target by just hitting cause disaster this causes a mega colossal eruption which damages five tiles and kills one pot lovely stuff and immediately next turn I can do the same so if you want to actually go to war with a city instead of having to proceed you can just set a nearby volcano on fire and waltz on in welcome back ladies and gentlemen but progress has been absolutely astounding we are by far the most powerful empire in existence our ability to control the world as if God worship team self and bestowed us with divine powers and these powers grant us the ability to set fire to anything flood anything and explode just about anything or with just a click of our fingers and 500 faith points our target you're just starting to repair from that previous volcano bizarre well now there's another one mega-colossal eruption five people dead you know don't a free pop oh this is just bullying it really is oh you poor guys you poor poor sausages I love it yes basically we can just mess about with any civilization you know let's go mess up Japan because we can oh god I never make a colossal eruption in our capital city fiends well it's improved five tiles damaged five and killed two pop you know that's fine oh no so the AI is still making very strange and whacky gestures in terms of trading because for some reason it completely undervalue pieces of great work and literally have the AI offer me eight gold for a single great work in this game which is certainly not what it's worth for no my goodness a mega colossal eruption has happened yet another one oh the capital just keeps getting set on fire well the good news is it keeps adding production and food to the local tiles but at the same time I think I prefer it if it just behaved for a little while anyway once again we're now in the industrial era and naturally we hit a golden era of course we did this is going to allow us to pick up the heartbeat of steam bonus as well as oh oh and there we go we've also picked up ourselves yet another legendary bonus Kommandant a generality this one is a money-making dude his passive abilities the same as all of the others but most importantly he provides one promotion level tool nearby military units which of course can be used on the same Turner's moving can put most importantly for any units in this radius he gains 50% of their gold production which is that's pretty useful I've got to be honest you build up a massive army slap him down in the middle and just before you send them off to combat you get about four grand what a lovely feature I suppose you could also surround him in giant death robots and get 1500 a part of this game anyway as you can guess this game is completely literally broken from here or now exert 177 sides and we're just going to start snowballing equally it's important to remember that with the way the new su says work not only can you farm them to make your city stupidly overpowered so that you have say tiles in your capital which produce 45 faiths each you can also use these sue says for aggressive reasons and attacking enemy cities like saying takua where the AI is not actually aware of what you're doing and so it doesn't mind the fact that you're attacking we could take the super set down to here burst the banks of the river and suddenly fukuko over here is now getting hit by great floods and losing population but the AI will not count it against me because it's a natural disaster beyond anyone's control so even though they're technically really upset with me now I could go over to a nation who is friendly with me and just repeatedly volcano their capital city and they'd still be absolutely loving my existence they'd think I'm the friendliest person around so yes this game is perfectly balanced and it features no exploits whatsoever anyway I've been the sniffing prett this has been an absolutely brilliant first look at the upcoming Civ 6 DLC which if you want to check out there'll be a link in the description I'm not allowed to review it at all in fact I'm not even sure if I'm allowed to say I had fun but I had fun this was a good game of Civ and I'm excited to see what kind of wacky strategies I can pull off when playing with friends later know if you new here feel free to subscribe exact at the end of the day only 50% of my audience is actually subscribed I know who could imagine such a statistic to be true but it is if you enjoyed today's video you can give it a like my goodness what a majestic thing to do and as always a massive thank you to each and every one of my majestic patrons who makes all of these videos all the more possible it's Ashley thank you very much these are some wacky times and all of you who support the channel in various different ways of either commenting to being a part of the discord or whatever it really does help out thank you very much and if you sat there wondering what video you'd like to watch an x-block wouldn't no further than the ones I've chosen for you on screen trust me you're gonna love them if you enjoyed today's video anyway I'll see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,529,716
Rating: 4.89958 out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, civ 6, frontier pass, civ 6 dlc, civ 6 update, gran colombia, infinite meteors, civ 6 overpowered, civ 6 is broken, perfectly balanced game, civ 6 is a perfectly balanced game, Gran Colombia Infinite Meteors Is Broken, civilization 6, spiffing brit, civ 6 exploit, strategy game, game exploit, strategy game exploit, video game, video game exploit, the spiffing brit, new frontier pass, maya civ, overpowered civ, top civ, civ 6 guide, top country civ 6
Id: Xk0QVqx-1Ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 34sec (2314 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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