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It actually works lmao. I have my maxed war canoe now and absolutely decimate enemies.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/FaustusC 📅︎︎ Jan 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

Eh, he's playing at Adventurer level and some of this stuff doesn't work nearly as well (if at all) on Swashbuckler.

The thrust-only fencing style really breaks down on Swashbuckler. Some opponents will parry a few of those thrusts, get the advantage bar against you, and then have you in real trouble. That's especially the case if you're badly outnumbered, as will often occur when boarding with only the 75-man crew of a maxed-out war canoe.

Dodging cannonballs with small ships is ludicrous real-world physics, but I just accept it as part of the game design that makes small ships viable options. It's still possible at Swashbuckler, but it gets tougher to do consistently. Your ship has a speed penalty, the wind shifts, and opponent ships will turn so fast that they sometimes appear to be pivoting on their masts. And, if your small ship does get hit by cannon fire at Swashbuckler-level, the damage quickly becomes pretty severe.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/realist50 📅︎︎ Jan 07 2020 🗫︎ replies
oh it's as easy as that goodbye Rach oh yes you dodged that sword but look out it's the crate of Yorkshire tea oh it always wins hello there ladies and gentlemen I am the smithing Brit and today we are playing sid meier's pirates that's right this is one of the greatest games in existence and picture was released around 2004 and trust me this game is hands-down the best pirate game ever Assassin's Creed Black Flag has absolutely nothing on the Majesty that is Sid Meier's pirates this game has a tall it has much buckling heroics and it also has the English fighting against their famous naval enemies the French and the Spanish and the Dutch and also some of the English but you know it's that classic pirate experience without further ado ladies and gentlemen I'm going to be demonstrating just how perfectly balanced this game is so make sure you set back you're relaxed you have a nice warm cup of tea as I've ruined your nostalgic memories of this beautiful Sid Meier's game so let's dive into a brand new game of sid meier's pirates are the glorious cutscenes basically the storyline is you are a small child whose family has been devastated and stolen away and it's up to you to get your entire family back together again and lo and behold it's up to evil pirate man who stole away our family yep of course evil eyepatch dude anyway we've now grown up a little bit and we're going to seek passage to the new world to make some sweet sweet money let us sound our way out what's a glorious pirate name in fact just what's the name of a very powerful being someone really skilled with swordsmanship oh my goodness of course it's the legendary senri Havel has trained adventurer who will be absolutely perfect for our journey now naturally we're gonna go for the adventurer difficulty and you 100% trust me want to put your skin into fencing it's very much necessary as fencing in this game is completely utterly broken trust me it's just absolutely bonkers what you can do of a skill of fencing you don't need any other skills in the game so we're gonna become a good fencer and we're going to start in the 1660s start date anyway BAM now we need to decide which faction we want to join at the start the Spanish the Dutch the French or this lovely English person ladies and gentlemen who do you think the spiffing Brit will pick a the evil Spanish be the evil Dutch see the evil french OD the majestically fantastic wonderful English people did I make it too obvious maybe maybe I made it a bit too obvious hopefully you got it correct in the comment section be surprised how many people get it wrong anyway the story is pretty simple there's basically a mutiny and we become the pirate captain now and so our story begins where in the English capital of st. Kitts it's a pretty small little port and we find ourselves in the glorious world of Sid Meier's pirates now this game might not look too graphically beautiful but trust me this game still actually holds up ridiculously well today sure it can't actually running white screen but it is a perfect game the story is pretty simple and the world map is absolutely massive it's huge as settlements all around here for us to visit and at the moment we're only over here but there's so much of the world to see and there's also an absolutely fantastic list of pirates to defeat as well we are currently the temp highest ranked pirate in the world up at the top we've got Henry Morgan and Blackbeard who we can find out and about in the world and actually defeat and there's treasure maps a pirate a PDA and also our personal status as you can see we have nothing no gold no land we are effectively pathetic however we're going to become absolutely amazing in a very short period of time now the game really wants us to follow a pretty standard journey of trying to find our way in the world defeat better ships when we have bigger ships use cannons use combat and dual of that majestic stuff to actually give ourselves a better chance instead no we're going to choose the entire system first pay visit to the governor and pledge allegiance to the British ah yes the governor tells us that were Wolf's the evil Spanish and slimy French and the greedy Dutch cost the English remove all free of course they are and now we've been given a little letter saying that we can plunder and sink them for fun let's quickly visit the tavern as well and pick up some extra crew there we go an extra twenty six dudes they'll be necessary and instead eventually staying around to try and fight people we're going to head south and our self is very important because down south there are some very unique individuals you see down south there are natives and of course trust the spiffing Brit to immediately make a beeline to the NATO populations of this game but the natives have actually access to the strongest ship in the game and a lot of actual veteran players don't realize this as fun as it would be to grab a massive galleon straight out of the bet there are much better ships are and there it is the Indian war canoe we must quickly chase it now the Indian war canoe is the best ship in the entire game you might be wondering why that is well we don't have to take one - then demonstrate as you can see the Indian war canoe is over here and it's immediately trying to outrun us and look at it go it's doing 14 knots at the moment ladies and gentlemen oh my god this thing is going to be such a pain to actually get come back Indian war canoe we might not actually be able to catch it we may or may not need some more sales oh my god Indian war canoe look at it going just bloody teleport and let's get nice and close to the wall canoe again and it's fight tidal perfect yes and we fire our shots okay I immediately miss them of course our only chance of defeating the wall canoe is somehow landing a chain shot oh my god the wall canoes gonna get away again it's bloody war canoe we're gonna have to visit some courts and try and get access to a faster ship these classic war canoes now these ship rights around here can actually upgrade our ships however they just need money so we need to find a way of getting money now the easiest way to get money would be to find a big ship with stuff on it like for example this massive Dutch ship here the Dutch ship has 48 men on board and eight guns technically speaking the Dutch ship here should actually stand a very decent chance of defeating our ship however I am the smithing Brit king of cheese of the game and instead of actually doing ship combat we are instead just going to sail headfirst into the ship now by sailing into the ship our ships collide of a mighty crash and so I must now defeat the enemy captain in sword combat this is where the exploiting can begin do we go for the rapier the long sword or the Cutlass you're probably going to want to pick the rapier now the thing is the actual combat in this game is meant to have kind of like a complicated system of balancing defences offer various of things so he might attack and I should do a jump that sort of thing so they're effectively free attacks in this game and free defensive moves each one perfectly counters the other there is one exception to this the frost attack if my enemy is to do a chop attack my first attack is so fast that it immediately into if he is to do a slash the same thing occurs if we both do a frost at the same time however we simply parry each other this basically means that the entire combat of this game can be put down to spamming the number four key as this perfectly means that the enemy cannot fight back and this allows us to raid their ship and get 71 goods in total thank you very much I'll be keeping this entire thing so we capture a brand new ship get a bunch of gold and we have a ship with no damage whatsoever just added to our fleet and let's sail all over to an English port we're going to meet up with that ship right and we get to sell this ship for 450 gold provided we get rid of the cargo so let's sell all of these goods or BAM now 600 gold and we sell our new ships there we go that's a little bit of money added to us now we just simply need to find the location of getting a faster ship ah perfect in Barbados we have located the upgrade for cotton sails this allows our ship to go even faster and it's a very important thing if we're ever going to capture one of those tiny little speedy boats so immediately we're going to leave this place and try and find ourselves another Indian war canoe and my goodness we are a smidge faster now oh my though it's a Spanish treasure ship this is exactly what I'd love to find perfect so we're going to jump in and attack the Spanish treasure ship treasure ships have caused very famous for carrying ridiculous amounts of goods we're going to use our increased speed and mobility to get in very close and dodge all of the cannon shots wha-bam let's attack a treasure ship now it's time for more ship combat we actually have absolutely no right of winning this but lo and behold this game's broken so we can just keep frosting into this dude yep you just wait for him to attack and then just first oh it's as easy as that and we're going to lose most of our crew here but you know these things happen and perfect there we go the treasure captain has been defeated our crew is victorious but there's not really too much for us left I'm gonna need to hire some more dudes oh my ah there we go 18 of them volunteer aboard welcome we manage to plunder sweet 2000 gold and we're gonna be stealing all of this and we gonna be keeping the ship let's sell this bad boy right back to Barbados this is a lot of runnin right here and we're going to also talk to the governor who should actually be very happy that senri heaven has attack the Spanish in the French air we go I've been promoted to the rank of captain meaning I can now recruit easier and I've been given a massive estate oh my and the governor's rather plain-looking daughter wants to invite me to the grand ball I'm going to beat a hasty retreat I'm afraid Henry Cavill he has standards now let's sell all of the stuff we stole oh my god we have 54 tons of spice and spice sells for 45 gold yep okay we are going to bankrupt the merchants here we've also discovered the Baron Raimundo who's very evil is located over here has information regarding our sister to believe fantastic let us sail away and find one of those Indian war canoes trust me they're very important they're the most important part of this game only true elite mega gamers use them there we go there's an Indian war canoe my goodness is actually a couple of Indian War canoes this is perfect give this Indian war canoe is on its way to Gibraltar lovey we are sadly getting slowed down by the fact that one of our ships sailed into a rock which it's a massive melon right No how did you come back correctly always attack a ship on the right hand side trust me on this one because for some reason the wind in this game always goes east to west meaning you always attack from the left and you always win as so whoa BAM as you can see the wind is coming from the east so we immediately turn ourselves around and we should be able to outspeed the Indian war canoe finally this is our one chance to capture the war canoe all we need to do is to touch it and then we can get the boarding action there we go go for the board go for the board yes the war canoe they immediately surrender oh we're going to keep her we are going to keep this amazing ship my goodness you guys have no idea just how powerful this ship is we're gonna keep the war canoe and the war canoe is actually immediately going to become our flagship hello war canoe you want to be called Infante no you are mega ship mega ship is quite possibly the greater ship in the entire known universe right and now with our fantastic Indian war canoe we're going to be upgrading this bad boy so that becomes the most powerful fighting vessel in the known universe doing so is not really a challenge if I'm honest luckily over here in plush and wire a pirate heaven we've discovered a ship right who can upgrade our ship with triple hammocks this means our ship can carry twice as many crew basically meaning we can fight better oh and also we have a bunch of guns here but we no longer need guns we don't actually want to fight chips with guns guns are completely and utterly useless for what we have planned and we time for us to sail away and just look at how first we can sail away even though we are actually sailing not into the wind we are able to go 15 knots and this isn't even our top speed you see we can go to Barbados here and get our sails upgraded where BAM cotton sails perfect we have now created the greatest ship physically possible right we are now sailing roughly into the wind so we are going to go very quickly very shortly and I think it's time we locate a very powerful pirate or someone like that to try and fight for fun I mean at this point we can defeat every single enemy in the entire game so yes let's attack a Spanish trade galleon in their escort BAM so we are of course a Indian war canoe and because of that we are able to dodge every single shot that they fire at us we've approved seventy-five and we have the perfect ability to just board everything what do you do when you board well of course you just spam the frost attack it's as easy as that these merchants are not meant to be fighting glorious combat pirates this is going to be easy and perfect another glorious combat thanks to the legendary frost maneuver senri Havel he confessed all he likes what a charming chappie and the best thing is we can technically also keep this ship if we want can store 170 tons it's got a bunch of goods we might as well take it all and thanks for the thousand gold as well majestic that's a Spanish ship just for us oh and we've decided to attack yet another tiny French ship this time it's even smaller these guys have absolutely nothing what an easy fight this is going to be as well the thing is with our current setup we can actually take on things like massive French war galleons if we want it we can take on these stronger ships in the entire game after literally just starting out and technically using the smallest and weakest ship the game has to offer but it's not small and weak it is the most powerful a ship does not need cannons in this game what's the game might want you to think that you want to be running around with a massive 36 cannon ship of the line with the ability to smash down massive Spanish trade ships you don't you just want a tiny canoe which can go almost at the speed of sound it's perfect I know you will bear another ship captured let's take this all the way over to port we have captured a lot of ships now my goodness look at this procession of my a friendship transporting a new governor oh we definitely can't let that one land so governors can improve the local economy of an area however if we simply chest its top the governor ever getting there in the first place we make the lives of the English a little bit easier so allow me to make it so the governor just accidentally was attacked at sea I absolutely love Sid Meier's pirates this is one of the best games ever made in my opinion it's classic it's got an infinite quantity of replayability it's just fun genuinely one of those amazing games I'd be interested to hear your opinions on it if you did play I mean if you genuinely have never played Sid Meier's parents in your life 100% go back and give it a try it is amazing really really worth it there is no other game quite like it repair another glorious success I had another ship for us to steal perfect the French governor just accidentally did not make it water shame I wonder if the governor would like to give me an upgrade of course Wow fantastic I've been upgraded to major when my estate has been upgraded oh and you introduced me to yet another Bravo plane daughter it's time to escape from here and of course we need to hire some more crew lovely now what we're going to do is we're going to be selling off most of these ships because we don't actually need anywhere near as many ships as this but we'll keep our fantastic group of free ships oh and there's also a fantastic person on this smuggler over here we do believe is carrying an important member of the crew so we're going to naturally attack him steal him and for some reason once again the wind is always from east to west meaning we have ridiculous speed just look at how maneuverable we are food - doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo oh my goodness boats can't do this Gabe they really can't I just love this game it's great fun anyway once again just attack the poor little Spanish man who does not quite yet know how to fight and it's a zzs then perfect and of course we're just going to steal away all of the loot perfect stuff a new ship is added to our fleet where we're back ladies and gentlemen a little bit more term as past in the game as you can see we now have 180 crew members now you might be wondering why on earth do we have 180 crew members and quite some list because we have our mega war canoe the mega ship the greatest ship it can fit 75 guys on it so we're gonna put 75 guys on it and then we have a massive Brig just simply to follow the war canoe around with anyway I think it's time to go defeat the evil Baron Raimondo so let's sail straight south and find that cheeky man fit we've certainly got a large enough amount of dudes I think this is a fantastic time in order to do it I got this walkin was so quick it can just literally teleport around the map it's so good here there's a trade galleon over there and I'm pretty sure that chip in front of it is the evil baron Raimondo so we quickly visit the tavern see if we have anything special no that's useful so extra dude sure I'll recruit those and job done I think we've got everything we need to defeat the evil baron Raimondo right there you are very Wando time for you to die not gonna let you get into port come here right BAM oh wait no that's not very mondo where's Raimondo give me Raimondo back goddamnit trade galleon there we go very Mondo's back and he's back in action and let's get nice and close we will catch you Raimundo your ship is very slow in comparison right the chase is on ladies and gentlemen all we have to do is dodge all of Raimondo shots like so and we're going to initiate the boarding procedure doot doot doot doot ah boarding okay it's time to fight the evil Baron Raimondo remember this is meant to be a bit of a challenge but no we're going to choose the rapier ah evil Baron Raimondo emerges from below deck we've found him let the fight begin he misses his pistol shot island mind giving me an early advantage over a mando at classic evil Spanish dude oh yes we just hit you with the triple thrust and that's all senri Havel needs Oh another frost and another frost and another one Oh hoo and it's as easy as that ladies and gentlemen oh my god we just hit with five consecutive Frost's wow you are a master swordsman sir I will reveal the truth master swordsman hmm we only have one attack move okay you know what that's fine master swordsman we are we've discovered some information about our lost sister apparently facts Baron Raimundo oh my god we've got your entire ship which is a war galleon it's a spanish war galleon which is completely kitted out this is technically the most powerful ship in the game from like a technical level my god that is because we can now just select the war galleon you can fit 300 guys on it sail it into war and just take anything oh my god you know we might as well show it off let's let's attack a fast galleon with a bunch of payroll on it wha-bam oh my god so many cannons just fire them all oh right and grapeshot to defeat the crew were BAM oh sweet sweet grape shot oh that's a dead crew let's get rid of those sails as well you don't want them having fun oh my goodness and they just immediately surrender that's how awesome we are in our mega war galleon thank you so much right I'm just going to sink you and take everything you have thanks for the 500 gold mr. wall galleon majestic I love this game it's so good you know let's go kill the seventh highest ranked pirate in the world he's somewhere north oh and also because the war galleon slow just switch out to the war canoe it's so much faster so there you have it ladies and gentlemen this game I have absolutely fantastic memories of I would be very interested to hear how you actually first thought about this game when you first played it because I've so many fantastic happy memories of this game that just it's genuinely just one of the few perfect games where anyone can sit down and play it and it is almost guaranteed fun it's quite easily one of the best games ever made and if you haven't experienced it yet give it a try you're really missing out the seventh most evil pirate should be around here somewhere are there is it's rock rock brassy Lee neo is the dread pirate lovely now I mean of course we could attack in the war canoe or we could just switch out to the mega war galleon added a derp derp derp derp derp derp derp oh it's so powerful what's this the pirate royal sloop bloody delights go 16 guns in 111 dudes well allow me to present to you a Spanish war galleon a yeet oh wait I'm so bad aiming right the pirate ship has decided to board us and is trying to attack us so don't worry we're gonna hit this pirate dude with the greatest attack he's ever seen I'm sorry Rock I allow me to present you my infinite thrust attack it's so perfectly balanced oh this game oh it's as easy as that goodbye Rock oh yes you dodged that sword but look out it's the crate of yorkshire tea oh it always wins easy success ladies and gentlemen we have won the pirate Wars and picked up three thousand two hundred gold pieces along the way good lord that's a lot of gold well that's now also upgraded me to be the eighth greatest pirate in the world fantastic I think it's safe to say we've basically won the game at this point we have a 237 strong crew an infinite quantity of gold and we can take on just about anything we want Ivor in our very quick versatile war canoe to pin ships down or in our massively ridiculous war galleon I love this game I really do anyway by the time this video probably comes out it's gonna be Christmas Day and so I want to wish all of you out there a very Merry Christmas thank you very much for supporting this channel if it's your first year supporting this channel amazing hats off to you maybe it's not either way it's been absolutely wonderful having you along the way and here's to another year with your board make sure to go refill your cup of tea and give it a quick salute by the way those the legal requirements okay apparently the evil Baron Raimondo has even more information regarding my sister so I have to travel all the way across the world again to kill evil Baron Raimondo for a second time you think he'd be a bit less suspicious if he didn't actually have evil in his name right hopefully we have evil baron Raimondo hiding right in this city okay he's on the war galleon Marquess ER and he's literally just around the corner he's headed for margarita right we're going to head south and try and capture evil baron Raymondo oh there he is it's evil baron very mondo now I mean we could fight on the war canoe or we could just switch out to the massive war galleon which has more people on board basically just making the fight a whole lot easier anyway evil baron Raimondo it's time to fight yet again oh did it hurt did it a derp derp your ship sucks my in chadwin says a slight issue which is the both myself and Raimondo don't actually have any sales anymore so we're kind of struggling to fight amongst each other I'm gonna have to basically try and catch up to him somehow I'm not sure how but I just need to ram him apparently we going one not and he's going zeroes this is gonna be a very slow chase but a chase nonetheless maybe if what happens if I just sink his galleon instead right it's now going to probably take me about half an hour to actually pull up next to this Spanish war galleon but eventually it's going to happen my god we're gonna be here for a while I've kind of reduced the crew of his ship to a 15 at the moment I don't actually know if the game will allow me to get lower than what I've currently managed and ice allowed me to get down to 12 okay are we able to just sink the ship no we can't because of course it's got a quest NPC on board so the game really wants me to board it even though I have no sails to get over there okay there are six crew left please just have them surrender or something free crew come on game come on two crew on board it's literary Baron bremond oh and then just some other bloke okay one crew member it's just Baron Raimondo piloting that entire ship oh my god Berra and Rae Bordeaux I'm just gonna have to sail away at a very slow speed to break the engagement we've absolutely smashed Baron Raimondo ship left one crew member in it so um we're just gonna have to try and just get out of here pick our second ship and then do the fight again but this time with a ship with hopefully working sails oh there we go thank God we break away from the engagement right change ship we're now using the war canoe bring in the war canoe and fight right there we go immediately it has no cannons one crew it's just Baron Raymondo I'm so sorry Baron Raimondo poor guy Oh as your ship approaches the enemy strikes our colors ah thank goodness they surrender but of course they don't because it's this cave so even though the captain of the ship surrenders Baron Raimondo is still below deck who are the people fighting at the background where what was the point of that baron bravado you let me come on board to hit you once and then you're a master swordsman well done you used the first move I was not prepared for it please I will tell you everything anyway we're gonna sink his ship francs for the 3,000 gold and all the food you great Baron Raimondo absolutely 11 out of 10 best guy you know what that so that's the sid meier's pirates experience right there I hope you've truly just been demonstrated this glorious experience and just how fantastic it is and I'm sure it's gonna really make you want to jump back and play this game again just use infinite Frost's trust me what a glorious experience we managed to get senri Havel up to being the eighth greatest pirate in the world one incredible dude he's so good anyway ladies and gentlemen I've been a spiffing Brit if you've enjoyed watching this video feel free to give it a like and hey if it's your first time here why not consider subscribing I absolutely love to have you joining our fantastic little community and if you've been very interested in the way we've played sid meier's paris today then trust me there are some very wacky videos on this channel which - absolutely love as always a massive thank you to each and every one of my majestic patrons who make these awesome and amazing videos or the more possible thank you very much human lovey chappies and hey if you sat there wondering hmm I'm not sure which video I'd like to watch next well don't worry I've decided that you would probably love to watch this one right it's been hand chairs it by myself to be absolutely majestic and perfect for you and only you oh it's amazing anyway our seats never would have been the next one have an absolutely lovely day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,765,826
Rating: 4.9381185 out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, spiffing brit, sid meiers pirates, pirates!, boarding only, perfectly balanced game, sid meiers pirates exploit, video game exploit, rpg exploit, pirates rpg, boarding only challenge, funny challenge, sid meiers, pirates exploit, perfectly balanced, money glitch, video game glitch, money exploit, overpowered, british, funny, montage
Id: 7Z81IYZsM94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 48sec (1488 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 26 2019
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