Building The BEST EVIL LAIR EVER in Evil Genius 2

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hey everybody i'm blitz welcome to a game called evil genius 2 world domination so there's some games that i've been looking forward to for a very long time this one is my most hyped game of 2021 it's a base building game about being an evil genius and making your very own evil genius layer so think of like a bond villain or maybe dr evil yes that's what we get to do we're gonna be playing a brand new game today now part of this pre-release key that i have i am only allowed to show you part of the game up to certain points and missions and about an hour worth of footage so uh you guys can check out the game when it launches on march 30th and we'll definitely be playing more of it at that time so we're gonna make a brand new world here today and playing as max the million the mega rich megalomaniac maybe i got a couple of different islands here i like this one because it's actually like a literal volcano and there's nothing better than having a megalomaniac building up a island volcano base yes that sounds great we're gonna take off the tutorial and you know what just for the sake of this we are going to go ah let's do medium mode so there we go i'll be quiet so you can watch the intro okay [Music] oh yes there we are oh what do you think of your new layer i like it i like i probably like it it's too yellow of course it's too yellow yellow gold is yellow though and gold is nice i like it it's bright it's cheerful and the color of the uniforms of course yep i have to look at you this dude is so mean all right we don't really have lots of gold though but we can build inner sanctum tiles our vaults are full we need to build up a vault we have a lot of other buildings to build like barracks and then a mess hall so let's get to work we're going to start with that inner sanctum here because well if i do that we get points it does cost a hundred dollars per tile so that's 6400 now let's actually not do that we have other things to do first build up a corridor we're going to bring this this way a little bit you know what else is is crazy we can go over here and be like hey and then we can literally shoot the first minion into our base and if we do that everyone that sees it happen it's going to get a work buff that's so wrong but they're like yes i want to work so hard for you master good job good job i like it when minions are my workers they're here under their own free will by the way so i'm going to start building up a barracks it doesn't have to be huge but i want to be able to expand it doorways are always four wide barracks need to have these things in them which are lockers and if i do a little bit of that then it can work well and we can put in like two sets of bets that should be nice confirm the barracks then on the opposite side we are gonna make a staff room so they can eat and have sandwiches almost fine thank you we'll build up a vault pretty soon too all right so this one we'll try i don't know it doesn't need to be huge again we'll do that and then we can put in the items obviously the door placed in this is the wrong room i wanted the mess hall not the staff room that way i can put in a mess table and my minions can eat there good work now i do need some money so i can build some training room tiles they'll give me six or five thousand money and it has to be 64 tiles times 35 is way more than the 5 000 i'd make out of it right no i'd be making 2 800 profit perfect so let's start building up that right up here just make it eight by eight we don't have to finish it or anything we'll just make it so they can build it and then i'll get paid big money good now i'm not going to kill everyone but i do want to make them work harder there we go just give them a little temporary buff that's perfect good job maximilian we got our mess room here it's not the best we have a couple things for them to sleep on also not the best but we do get the stunks big reward we do have some side missions this one's to recruit a valet we have a researcher a technician and a guard so if i can do those then we get all of the guard tables unfortunately these take quite a while so let's start them out i want to start with probably the guards because that's a good idea we'll start that mission now we have to kidnap a guard from the world stage which is out here but i can't really send anyone out here until i have a criminal network so that's going to be one of the next things we build after a power plant again i want them to work faster go little minions dig me out the power plant hole so i'll do that we're going to put the power plant right over here as soon as that gets out it shouldn't show up magically yes the generator gets put in and everything will be good okay so i'm actually going to turn that power plant to be the other way so i can stick in another one right next to it when i need to yeah just slap one in there i don't need it yet and it's kind of expensive so we'll just go with what we have all right two more things i need to do i need to build up the guard tower thing which is this one the control room we have to have a control room and then we can send out our stuff from there we have a tunnel that way so i could just probably do it right here beautiful and we'll confirm that build minions give me that control tower we have to go kidnap people which sounds really bad and we should probably keep checking just in case we get more optional things to 20 000 gold from schemes and then finish scouting the smash republic all right that's good and we have the different areas we can go okay so let's start this this is the saber territories uh patriot states smash republic this one actually looks decent what is that guy for we don't want him but it's telling me i can set up a new base right here so i'm gonna scout this out it'll send three of my workers over here on a mission a couple workers will be waiting for transport i also want to scout out that giant container ship that looks fun can i set up another base here oh there we go we're setting up a base of operations here in the saber territories and i will be able to send out right here to launch this scheme cost 2 000 gold but i will kidnap a worker and a guard i will kidnap the guard not the worker i almost feel bad for them except they're going to come here and be our friend but before we do that i have to have an actual prison set up so let's do that prisons require holding cells obviously and an interrogation chair we'll place that in not enough gold uh oh well maybe we just won't do one of these that should be enough then right and we probably don't need all of this either yeah we'll just remove that for right now because that costs extra money uh oh a wave of investigators has arrived i promise there's nothing here we don't need you ah they're coming on this big fancy yacht to my broken down casino uh you know i can sell this stuff for extra money i'm gonna do that yeah i don't i don't need that okay that's good we'll confirm that oh wow there's a lot of them so what i'm going to try to do is distract oh boy we're going to distract them all i can't maybe i can yeah they're gullible let's see is anyone not gullible yeah we'll just distract them all that'll be fine world stage is looking nice we're gonna launch that scheme to kidnap that guard oh you know what i should probably build an actual gambling machine yeah casino door i don't have any available yet i don't know if i'll be able to distract them this isn't good you know what instead of distracting that's straight up kill oh no oh they got guns and stuff they just destroyed my my poor guys are they they're going to leave now no hey i got one quick maximilian come over here they're just taking out my guards like crazy still just hitting max to snipe them good job max ow i know i am yes yes take them out that's my health my health is okay quick i want to hide there you go there you go haha surprise it's me get wrecked okay please take them out they got guns yes one's down we got one more to go oh no you we have to escort this prisoner here this isn't good is that one dead now yep they're dead okay we need you back in here now this guard oh it's a guard too isn't it okay good we're gonna capture you again now i need to escort you into your prison cell very nice now i'm gonna escort that prisoner right over here that was messy man that was messy there we go uh-huh welcome to my incineration chair i mean my interrogation chair sit on down how do you like this does it feel good would you like one of these sticks of tnt in your lap oh no yes yes welcome tell me all of your secrets oh oh everything good okay fine you know what i think i think you're broken now i think you're broken we're gonna tickle your toes with your boots on uh-huh interrogate the guard we've done it oh no has given us the guard straight up died that's a big yikes so i do have that training room here right i think now in the training room we should be able to build a guard training center and on the world stage we're gonna have to go run a racket here ten thousand money or twenty thousand i'm taking the 20. and if i build some more mess hall i get bigger things oh we got a new prisoner again hello uh i'm going to escort you back over here yet again that'll be nice as resolve is still high that's okay we'll end that real soon that's your friend yep your results broken you could join my team if i had a brainwashing station and it's dead okay so we do have a problem um i gotta make a bigger mess hall and to do that i think i'm running out of money i might be able to get this let's see optional quest collect that reward 5 000 money good now i can build that that's even better nice so that started we have started getting money from here good that's great three percent i like it we're gonna get twenty thousand over time i could also go steal a uh a chief throw a fundraiser for the chief of police wear something marvelous i get negative 50 heat which is great but it also costs 10 000 of money which we don't have but now i do get to request a couple guards i want three of these guys to train up and they are training he doesn't look like a very good guard but he will be in just a little bit punch it real hard now i do want to put that incinerator in here and i know that's going to cut off the growth of my crew quarters but i'll make a new one pretty soon we just have a large pile of dead people that we need to get rid of and that should be my third guard being created right now look how big they get where'd you go guard where are you oh there's one right there they get so much bigger after they train up watch her she's just gonna magically transform into like the hulk wait that doesn't make sense oh now we have a pesky investigator again so i want to put in in the hallways we want guard stations right hallway items we want a oh we don't have guard stations yet but a boxing glove could be fun place that in the wall there times two that should be good confirm those they're a little expensive we'll just do one oh this would be nice a couple investigators here that we get to take care of hello investigator be ashamed of someone to exterminate you maybe i should wow there's a lot here maybe i should try to capture one or two of them oh my word why are there so many of them hopefully these guards can do the trick and i would like to maybe capture one of them or two now we'll just capture one where's the guards at here comes the guards oh here we go oh single guard's here there we go okay oh that guy's deserting you can kill him whoa this guard is so buff guy yes side story completed does that mean i get extra money i hope so i want extra money yeah i collect reward what do you bench press what do you bench pick the biggest right how many bullet wounds does it take to kill you the biggest one the biggest wow wow he's hired i did it did we we got them all oh they're not all here yet okay no no no don't take that dead body we have we have others to take care of why is that guy allowed to leave we must capture him quickly capture him oh no oh no get him guards get him there we go uh-huh oh that minion's almost dead good thing i got 20 000 money now i should be able to nice oh capture we want to beat that one up to capture it i know i am that is escaping no oh well we did capture this one so that's nice news so now that i have a little more money i think it's time to build up like a proper room for our guys to sleep in and i'm not gonna lie this one's actually really difficult to plan because these things take up so much room especially with these like these things these lockers are they're so big and a trap has been where's the trap at i didn't oh oh somebody tried to sneak in or out we'll confirm those quick oh dirty sergey plankton wait he worked to death huh whoops yes we captured an agent i didn't even know we had that i'm gonna escort you over here good higher six more minions completed good so i could also go search out another area i know if i search this one it's another good thing but i don't have another tower so we might have to build one of those so one thing i've noticed with this game there's a lot of like trying to plan things out um and as you plan things like it gets easier or more difficult based on the amount of money you have navigation has succeeded good another interrogation succeeded so i could build up another one of these in here in the control room could i build it right here no i'd have to make it another one larger oh that'll work awesome so the new crew quarters is in place these each do three output and these beds have no output but two of them can stay on there so uh it's three times four so we can have 12 minions there and some more over here everyone's starting to get tired too so i need to build them that staff room finally i don't know how big this thing has to be but this thing is huge so yeah that's not gonna fit i might just make the prison bigger there and then we can go somewhere else maybe back here could be fun and great another wave of investigators has arrived or they will be arriving shortly the good news is that i can send out another group to get more cash so let's find a good objective the western anvil province three thousand money ooh or the southern sabre territories there's a central the southern saber i mean if i just scout this one out i'm gonna get ten thousand dollars so that's always good okay i totally want to build a guard post up here just so bad guys can't show up even though it's expensive and we're gonna have another wave of investigators coming off this boat aren't we yeah we are yikes i need to make an infirmary too thankfully this one's only five big another attack oh great he's in so much trouble oh my word they just destroyed him i feel like max doesn't have much health right now but if we have some meat shields up here can maybe do all right uh-oh okay did we get one ow max max you gotta run away dude okay here we go come back in oh wow that dude was one shot quick take him out no don't capture i want killing done okay i think most of them are actually out okay that guy's down there we go there we go oh guard number two is out i have five health and he died he's dying okay so we aren't gonna let him die this time we just that's not cool uh-huh all right yeah fall back and instead we're going to kill you that'll be good there it is punch him all to death oh my he didn't even get any attacks in but the good news i have this thing going and i can get a quick 10 000 out of that let's launch that scheme send some workers out quick uh-huh okay go what to do will this guy go perfect come on out here there we go all right we got a meat shield nice that one's gone very good another one get that line of sight would you kill him max oh you're just gonna punch him now come on workers come on workers oh no no this guy is in so much trouble he's getting beat up genius is under attack i know he is oh oh i forgot there's an alarm toggle the high alert yes did we do it finally that's all it took was just the high alert okay alert's done yes there's ten thousand free money plus trading some guards i love it now we should have enough money to increase some things so our people are working better and i do want to make up a inferno reno whatever that is this room doesn't have to be so big maybe right in here is a good spot since they get beat up right away yeah that could be good i'll put the door right here you know what on second thought let's just cancel all of this we don't really need that so we can put it in here just take that room type change it this is a smaller room so it should work nicely you'll need one of those perfect oh the scheme is going through over here we got three people over and we are going to start getting a bunch of money from here too beautiful and we're 32 percent of the way of taking this money back nice money's going up all right something else we can do is like delete all of these abandoned stuff it'll give us lots of nice money and we'll be able to use that to build up other things can i just sell these dead bodies no that looks good confirm that 20 000 more money in our pocket as soon as they actually sell it oh twenty thousand money collect that reward we are rich again look at that what are the worders turned against you where is he oh look at all that cash we got where are you worker where's this worker that's turned against me we need to interrogate him right in the charges of oh roto power where you know what instead of interrogating him we're gonna probably just expand our our base here just a little uh just like that should probably also give them some like chairs to sit on and stuff i know they're kind of expensive but i mean there's a free lava lamp so we're gonna definitely get two of those in here just kidding only one and a vending machine oh he's a vending machine so i think it's time oh train more guards we could do that i think it's time to maybe get the research going on let's start that side story kidnap a scientist from the world stage tell me again how i'm good at this yes launch that i guys do have a bad case the brain drain happening too we got to get some smarts going in i've got 13 000 i should be able to take care of this and i'll put it right up here where i was already starting to build this thing these cost 15 000 each hot dang that's a lot of money oh whoa whoa whoa whoa where did you come from my dude oh oh the poor gullible fool he triggered my trap where'd i terminate him [Laughter] get wrecked noob learn to play wow i just went through 40 000 like it was nothing an intruder oh my word there's so many intruders here how did they get in we need to get security cameras they just walked right by all my guards oh my word die dying noobs oh my minions are just all over them do we do it good thing i've got this thing working this thing's good to go we have the brain drain machine going that's where most of the 40 000 went and i believe we have captured the scientist hello scientist let's bring you over here let's escort you to the brain drain device oh he's not even he's not even caring hey put those crayons in your face and then that tnt on your lap is that gonna happen again uh-huh oh you're just gonna smack him in the face nice we got his secrets now i should be able to make a scientist thing in here in the brain training room uh-huh a scientist machine cool oh i can put that where can i put that right here this thing is going to get a lot bigger when we get more things in here and another wave of investigators has arrived maybe i should train up another guard might be a good idea let's get four going on yeah we'll do another guard we're also going to train up a scientist just one of them and i think the easiest way to get money in this game is by using these science or these rooms so i'm going to expand that out some and we're going to put in two more of these things and obviously slap in another oh can i not put it in here come on oh really come on please yes besides story completed again that's good news i'm gonna collect that reward i think that's 20 000 money and he's gonna start researching all sorts of good stuff for us and these guys are here aha it's time to exterminate a couple of them and probably like kidnap one so i can get their secrets oh there's only three that's perfect oh no two of them already died don't take selfies with the dead people dude that's not even legit wow just one shot and all my minions are dead quick guards oh forgot high alert yes uh oh this isn't good are they leaving they're just investigating come on in the weather is fine i promise and this is gonna get set off in just a second ready hit that trap oh no no no come in wait the trap i want to see the trap get hit oh they're deactivating the trap that's fine i have plenty of guards here i thought i had plenty of guards here my guards are in trouble max quick get over here wow these guys are really actually difficult they've taken out all my guards this guy's ready that one's dead okay good we finally did it okay that one's being interrogated now cancel the high alert we lost a lot there so i should probably get this uh because this technician fixes things we're gonna go ahead and get the technician real quick maybe side story mission we have a tech perfect let's go get that one launch that scheme yep we're gonna get rid of the money we're gonna go straight for that that is amazing the scientists just hanging out here with the level lamps that looks so cool i'd like to find another optional mission here okay these are all eastern patriot states gives us three thousand so let's go ahead and do that and eastern patriot straits we're gonna scout that out we got plenty of power everything's looking pretty good i wouldn't mind getting a research chamber up and running but i knew know that these research require a lot of really big items that are pretty expensive yeah that's like 40 000 just for that so probably a security room is gonna be a better idea yeah like the armory i believe is called i can put that up here you know let's scratch that idea i want that armory closer back to the base i know this one takes a little bit of extra space because there's a giant conference table that's also ten thousand dollars yikes looks like we just got that guy oh before the guy comes back we have to interrogate this person that we just kidnapped hey oh no no no stop that s go to prisoner right over here where to figure out all sorts of their problems ooh plus three intel that's good stuff and here comes the technician so let's get this guy right up here what's that escort yep you're gonna get escorted and then we'll be able to train you but we're gonna have to make this training area a little larger i need more money for that if only there was an easy way to get money like stealing it more money from up here too i like that we can go into like omaha and steal it i'll just take these we're gonna launch that scheme can i just do one down here too i mean why not right uh oh oh no we got more bad guys quick i'm not concerned about generators i'm concerned about these guys raiding my base uh oh uh oh everything's fine everything's fine we just got a bunch of bad guys here oh they're hungry i think we did it good job well done team you are in danger no i'm not maybe i am lost something here how do i heal so i did get that technician guy right in the training room i should be able to bring in a technician trainer good it's a little bit large oh i can shove it right here perfect nice the training machine just got completed now i'm gonna train up a technician we'll get that going on we just need one of them actually i need three of them first technician has been trained she does not look too happy with herself because she just has to go clean up the mess hall that hasn't been cleaned in weeks nicely done and beautiful this room got completed too we got some big stones happening so let's go ahead and grab in the rooms we should be able to get a few of these nice so if i put a camera there and maybe one here can i put them out here too sure enough i can't and i'll put one in over on this side too confirm and i've never actually had this happen before but i think some of fire extinguishers aren't going to be necessary eventually especially over here where everything else is in the world i think it's time to make my prison a little bit bigger hey there we go side story completed nice collect that reward of 20 grand what do you do around here i repair things very good don't turn the corpses back on that doesn't even make sense dude but i agree so just one side story remaining and this one is to get a valet and this should be pretty easy launch that scheme and it did say a trap was triggered so i'm guessing the bad guys are here again by you uh-huh we're gonna we're gonna arrest you quickly attack why do i not have a door on there oh there's more here okay we'll just i can't really click there we go and we'll exterminate you and you are just beating the snot out of them good that worked well now i did get to arrest that one my jail is empty and i can make it bigger because i do have an optional yeah to make my prison bigger so i am up to 40 000 again it's time to make that research chamber which is kind of a weird device really kind of a strange thing but i'll do it and more guys i mean maybe it should let them in that'd be a good idea oh nice the valet i'm gonna scorch you right over here my friend i can execute a worker for three thousand dollars okay who's the lucky one you you i don't even know why you're dead oh wow there's bad guys here i shouldn't have done that they're going straight in i need more traps we need more traps for days come on guards red alert okay that's pretty easy we just kind of trapped them right in our base that was awesome it's interesting though they're not doing a very good job seeing it with the cameras or the guard at the guard station literally walking right by the guard so the training room i can make the valet trainer but that's a huge building i think i can make it work if i just dig some stuff out here i can make it work beautifully and more guys showing up just a little bit i need more traps i need more money to build more traps and now i should be able to get that valet great i really like the valet because it the training thing here is literally a circular door it's like i'm gonna go inside and just walk around in circles i'm gonna learn how to be the best valet ever i need three of them and now we have a valet for the front door who is an agent of blitz topia but now if i just build up a beautiful inner sanctum somewhere i think i can complete all these missions get that inner sanctum yes um i could build it right here i feel like i should make a hallway back this way though four wide and then the inner sanctum can come back in this area one two three four and then an eight by eight that's nice that's real nice new minion is available for training and i can collect my reward of twenty thousand roulette table the different cocktail things the flow floor show yes and now like the agents can come in here and get distracted rather than just being mean and wanting to die oh i can't kill the tourist that's too bad i mean you can't say that hold on oh wait wait wait oh my my towers aren't up yet there's some that are yes that inner sanctum is being completed yes inner sanctum oh i'm totally gonna go collect that go to the objectives give me that reward i got all of the first stuff done oh a new right-hand man that sounds great helping me on my quest for world can i volunteer as tribute no he's not strong i knew it i knew it ouch very good keep your enemies close recruit a henchman and complete a recruit side story anyway guys i think that'll wrap it up for today's beginning intro video to this beautiful game called evil genius too i hope you enjoyed this and i hope we can play a lot more of this on the channel so thanks for watching and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time i'd also like to thank ben ellen hagen dicky james apollo bunny autodave eagle arc whip it good seraphin x dez bogger maxer zarnoff noah collingwood jason mcfarland deegan paul longstone and ralph as well as the rest of the patreon supporters and everyone who has clicked that join button down below and become a channel member
Channel: Blitz
Views: 493,807
Rating: 4.9434767 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, evil genius, evil genius 2, evil genius 2 gameplay, evil genius 2 game, evil genius 2 trailer, world domination, evil genius gameplay, evil genius 2 part 1, evil genius 2 ep 1, download evil genius 2, evil genius game
Id: 9Av5DHq5sh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 53sec (1853 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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