Everything Wrong With Rick and Morty - "Season 1"

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since we're nitpicking this incredible show anyway  why the [ __ ] does morty have a coat hung up on   the wall here does he really have no closet or is  this a trophy from a serial killing rick turns on   a light but the obvious light on the ceiling does  not light up coming from some magical source in a   room with only one switch oh i got a surprise  for you come on hurry up gotta go gotta go you   gotta get out you're tugging me too hard exact  conversation i had with my college girlfriend   during jean-claude van damme night at our local  bdsm film dungeon somehow makes it into the show   look if you want to know what we're up against  here the mother moon is drawn with such care here   that they included the phasing shadow the level  of thought that went into this show is astounding   well played show well played i built it out of  stuff i found in the garage did you though the   trashcan and the flashlight sure but i'm pretty  sure you had to get this high density bubble glass   and these giant screws custom-made where did you  find the giant cylinder base for the spaceship in   the garage it also looks like most of the stuff  that you attach to this thing wouldn't aid in   flying but hinder it why would rick even install  seat belts in the first place does he strike you   as the kind of person while throwing together  a junk-crafted space-time ship in his garage   stops for a second and thinks but first safety  how are these two so close when rick clearly   landed several feet away when he fell out of the  ship opening title spoilers also i know rick and   morty wears its references on its sleeve but this  opening theme song couldn't be more doctor who if   tom baker and david tennant were in a threesome  with the ghost of william hartnell while russell t   davies watched also also intro promises an episode  where morty is a robot and doesn't come through   ever there are two or three other things in  this the intro promises and doesn't deliver   and i'm calling my local adult swim about it why  is this pink liquid or the smith drinking pepto   for breakfast i mean with this family i guess that  might make sense i mean if you told me jerry ends   up mixing it with whiskey and has a fondness for  barbed wire i wouldn't say you were wrong two plus   two jessica hilarious that rick said that school  was exactly this and it happens as soon as morty   gets to school but this isn't the first day is  it what did they get taught in the time leading   up to this you know what i named these my little  mortys do you know what i want you to do with them   rename them honestly this kind of joke deserves  a sin removal but he's dreaming about this so   he's dreaming about jessica showing him her boobs  having her call them her little morty's and then   negging her for it it's like he mastered neil  strauss's the game but is only good at it when   he's dreaming we got we gotta get get the hell  out of here and go take care of business what's   with dirty sanchez always having goop in his mouth  and the constant belching with this level of acid   reflux i'm guessing rick's ulcers are on the verge  of ending his life i'm just saying if we don't   find out in a future episode that the belching  and the mouth splooge is actually caused by an   interdimensional species that lives in his gut  bacteria i'll lose a lot of respect for the show   now if you just stick with me morty we're gonna be  holy crap morning run predator pauses predatoring   prioritizing panic and protagonist punchline past  partaking of perfectly palatable people we're   gonna die first act ends on a cliffhanger for  a commercial break only to return with rick and   morty no longer in danger and the monster gone and  nobody mentioning it again and sure that could be   some sort of comedic point about the worthlessness  of commercial cliffhangers but you think a show   like this might acknowledge it a little bit  just take these shoes morty i convenience   them out of my lab coat of conveniences  these things really bring it all together   you have to turn them on morty sure rick  looks like a total [ __ ] for not telling   morty about turning the shoes on before he fell  into the ravine but morty's kind of an [ __ ] for   being this trusting of rick and deciding to  dive in head first without even a question   morty survives this is he immortal yeah it's a  cartoon i get it but in what alternate universe   can a leg broken in at least three places continue  to stay elevated like this i went into a future   dimension with such advanced medicine that they  had broken legs here i'm at every corner drugstore   nice echoing of the back to the future line  there but what kind of place is it that people   are breaking their legs so much that a broken  leg serum is a viably mass-produced medicine   rick separates this seed but there is somehow a  full seed in each half now knowing this show that   could completely be intentional and is some sort  of paradoxical joke that will be retconned into   a story line in season 42 but the pickens here be  slim so for now i'm gonna need you to take these   seeds into the bathroom and i'm gonna need you to  put them way up inside your butthole morty already   full of grace they'll fall right out of mine  i've done this too many times morty sure rick   is a quasi-evil drunken [ __ ] and an unreliable  character overall but didn't he tell morty what do   you think i can just do it all by myself and now  he's saying he's done this lots of times maybe   rick just wanted to spend time with morty i'll  grant that but i'm taking my sin and going home   come on morty please morty you have to do it  morning man rick says morty at least a hundred   times in this first episode i'm sure it's on  purpose for some sort of comedic effect but damn   the effect wears off quick why didn't you notify  us have you not been getting the messages i've   been leaving with morty's grandfather sure this  principle is dumb but if he's been calling morty's   grandfather and leaving messages that apparently  have been going unheeded for two months wouldn't   you try and call the parents at work isn't  that how you got in contact with them this time wait is there just an unguarded portal just  lying around at this airport no employees no   other people waiting in line oh look honey it's  our son with albert ein douche i mean dickel the   tesla was right there but sure whatever sure this  background joke is hilarious because it's a towing   company that has a mascot that's a toe with eyes  named toe whose catchphrase is ito which could   both be interpreted as i am doing towing as well  as hello my name is toe but the important thing   to note here is that toes don't bend like that  i didn't know hanging out with you is making me   smarter temporary super intelligence is just  a side effect of the mega seeds dissolving in   your rectal cavity oh really then why did morty  only show super intelligence when you asked him   questions to fool his mom and dad feels rather  convenient but how can i hate this show the synths   don't matter and i needed those seeds real bad not  in this episode you didn't meaning those seeds are   about the mcguffinious thing to ever mack all  over my guppies boy you really got me up against   the wall this time jerry look i'm fine with  the speed at which rick made this smart dog   helmet but he must have already had this thing  built except for like one screw to simply go to   his garage and use a drill for two seconds and  produce a finished product go to the bathroom not sure how impressive that is he clearly just  flushed the toilet because he didn't have time   to climb on top of it and actually use it geez  rick and the time it took you to make this thing   couldn't you've just you know helped me with  my homework morty would be amazing at tv since   i mean the guy teaches high school method  i didn't take him for an active dreamer   i see someone hasn't seen stand and deliver  that's on you rick summer's phone shows   snuffles very close to jerry but he somehow  ends up two feet away from him when it cuts   to the next shot oh yeah this should play out just  fine you said the same thing equally sarcastically   at our wedding and guess what is it just me or  is the jerry and beth marriage way sadder than it   is funny also sitcom husband constantly does and  says stupid things sitcom wife gets irritated with   them to the point where no one understands how  they would have ever gotten married in the first   place and had kids but somehow they make it work  just barely cliche why would i negotiate with you   because we're both rational adults that don't  want anything bad to happen and because i have   a human shield how is rick able to human shield  mrs pancakes since she was clearly behind mr   goldenfold when all this started golden fold  landed the plane and he's created a mechanical arm   to pluck mrs pancakes out of the air while he lets  us fall into a giant vanilla absurd and funny i   think morty's ability to know exactly what golden  fold did and give a full report of it is what   sells it i'll just go ask her to tell golden fold  not to kill us when she wakes up whoa whoa morty   the trick to incepting is making people think  they came up with the idea oh really then what   was that on the airplane then when you pretended  you were going to blow it up how was that top   notch incepting rick looks like goldenfold has  some predilection so shameful he buries them in   the dreams of the people in his dreams i don't  think goldenfold is nearly that shameless about   his fantasies you remember the first episode  that guy was just standing there while morty   unconsciously grabbed his boobs and he leaned into  it at school looks like some sort of legally safe   knockoff of an 80s horror character with miniature  swords for fingers instead of knives why would he   need to be legally safe rick why would he need to  be legally safe okay fine god damn it this show is   clever and funny and all the things three sends  off it was only with years of selective breeding   and genetic altering that this noble beast was  transformed into man's subservient little buddy   convenient tv's position is convenient there are  my testicles summer first off why is snuffles   terrorizing summer of all people over this  second off as a super genius dog you damn well   know where your testicles went buddy you shall  now call me snowball because my fur is pretty   and white snowball must have gotten this idea when  researching video clips about david duke let's go   where the [ __ ] was this [ __ ] the whole time do  you mean the snuffle snowball meant to go in and   chastise summer over things she wasn't responsible  for hope her parents would wake up and go into a   room to see what the matter was then dramatically  reveal this other dog when the time was right   we're trying to get me to get an a in math so how  is rick planning on getting morty a's in all of   his other classes is he just going to inception  every one of morty's teachers every year of   school inception marathon inception thon he keeps  saying we can run but we can't hide like if the   truth was that we could hide it's not like he'd  be sharing that information with us you know this   is a hilarious rick and morty discussion about  a trope in horror movies that characters never   really think about but i'm wondering why they  can hide when scary terry has been popping out of   nowhere throughout this inception dream sequence  in places where he shouldn't know where they are   hi honey you're home early how was your day i have  a lot of questions about this little life that's   occurring in a dream inside a dream inside a dream  inside a dream but mainly i want to know how these   not krueger's use hand soap get off my back [ __ ]  and septic abuse i love you melissa i love you too   terry why is this boner look while my sinhat  wants to question everything about what's in   this room right now this domestic scene for scary  terry and the claw marks that are everywhere that   suggest a sex life that is better than yours or  mine deserves a sin-off for detail and hilarity   this must be a dream because we just saw this  teacher push open a door with a doorknob on it   makes sense because he ain't turning that doorknob  don't even trip about your pants dog here's a pair   on us full and where exactly did morty get the  pants from because i combined many things that   happened in this episode but morty getting bright  enough to know how to mediate the dream within a   dream world is not one of them these halves don't  belong together [ __ ] that's interesting this is   because you don't give morty smith good grades [  __ ] so i know they're making fun of inception in   this episode but even while they're making fun  of it rick was adhering to inception's rules   about making it seem like the person came up  with the idea on their own so i don't know how   the scary terry rocket suddenly puts the idea of  giving morty better grades into mr goldenfold's   head that makes him think he came up with it i'm  entertained mind you but this seems to be going   against the rules of even an inception spoof  i know one thing for sure i'm giving morty an   a in math that's great but what is the wet mr  golden fold shirt since all he had was a bowl   of wheat thins they just couldn't do this thing  without a dog's playing poker reference could they   well at least i didn't really crap my pants no  no that happened before you went to sleep morty   you're sleeping in your crap right now wait  was that even something that happened i don't   remember morty saying he crapped his pants at  any time in this episode until now like it's   something that we were supposed to be aware of  already sounds like you just wanted to wallow in   a little bit joe it's pretty bad emperor  snowball we're gonna need to do another operation   if snowball snuffles is so smart then clearly he  would know this is rick behind the dog mask i see   dogs walking out of an animal shelter into a war  to some other dimension but is this supposed to be   all dogs or just the ones in rick and morty's  town also this puts the onus on the series to   never show dogs in this world ever again i could  just send holiday inflatables because seriously   how did that become a thing but it's much easier  to send the fact that you put rudolph right in   the middle of your driveway also you shovel an  immaculate path to the sidewalk but only half   of your driveway what are you monsters put it  in the stocking summer or i'm joining facebook   a teenager caring about facebook you're adorable  2013 also facebook is this a mirror at the bottom   of the stairs was the goal to both check your  appearance as well as block traffic in the most   dangerous part of your home okay look i know  the show is going for a quick joke here with   his giant morty melon somehow fitting through that  opening but why does the show go to great detail   with some areas of physics but approach this  one by literally jamming its head of its hole   just hold your breath until the process is over  or your lungs will collapse and then he doesn't   and yet he's fine hey dad where's morty he's busy  yeah great joke and all but even beth should be   a little surprised at the naked near-death bad  santa whose chest her dad currently has a giant   needle jammed into right welcome to anatomy park  roll come warchills the anatomy park train has   only one small entrance exit for a train with  three cars and what the [ __ ] is up with these   stairs with no rails that lead to your certain  doom if you fall i love details like a partner   dust sign for an amusement park inside a human  body and i'm certainly laughing but who is this   sign for the park isn't open yet and doesn't  appear to be close to opening so there are   no customers affected by it and if the park has  been open this whole time we're talking about a   logistical nightmare from the customers getting  shrunk and enlarged at the smith house without   anyone seeing it and figuring out where the hell  homeless reuben is to inject them into his body   reuben's seen some rough years morty don't judge  you don't agree to have a theme park built inside   you if your life's going great why is this saying  not a t-shirt who are you why would this guard be   concerned with anybody who shows up here not like  anyone can illegally trespass into this homeless   person's body unless rick specifically inserts  them it's weird that the security guy here shoots   bullets at diseases instead of like vaccines or  penicillin can we talk about jerry's sweater for   a second the colors in the middle section should  be reversed so that the red sections are green   and look like christmas trees unless of course  these are intentional green arrows pointing down   to an entirely different type of christmas  cheer i watch them sometimes from a chair   and sometimes from a closet almost always dressed  as superman cut ken nearly all human lungs contain   a strain of these bacteria but the scar tissue  keeps them dormant if the scar tissue's already   been tampered with then why did the tuberculosis  wait until germ oliver said something about it to   attack what is that horrible smell must be your  own breath because you're breathing air from   inside your helmet from the attached air supply so  smell really shouldn't be an issue keep your eye   on annie she was written up several times by her  manager at the churro stand later on annie will   say actually i studied dr bloom's work so did  she get written up because she was constantly   in dr bloom's lab learning everything seems like  someone who was allowed to study the work of the   main boss wouldn't be stuck at the turos stand  getting written up for whatever reason this also   seems to indicate that the park was open but i  still haven't gotten a definitive answer on that rhyming food with good gonorrhea can't see us   if we don't move wait i was wrong i was thinking  t-rex why the [ __ ] would you be thinking of a   goddamn t-rex because of the movie jurassic  park that you're referencing throughout the   episode like dinosaurs and infectious diseases  are in any way related enough to confuse the two   if it works we'll be regular sized in a few  minutes you mean there's a growth ray inside   reuben this guy jokes about ruben not being  in a room with white carpet or upholstery and   good for the show for thinking of the gnarly  aftermath of such a move but seems like in a   world of impossible science they'd have found a  way to escape without the grizzly measure that's   bubonic plague so a couple questions here first  why did you leave it roaming free in your backpack   pocket if you had this plan to sell bubonic  plague to the highest bidder wouldn't you have   a container to put it in second why the hell was  there bubonic plague inside ruben what the hell   i'm sorry does the grandfather really think that  his wife and jacob are going to have sex right   now on the couch while his granddaughter  and her boyfriend make out in the same   room the aristocrats also did these closet  door flaps open individually like this or   even at all would you like to ride the bone  train why are you doing this bit we're going   to die morty would be retorting at tv sins what  the hell is that e coli outbreak is it though   because those are clearly bacteriophage viruses  and e coli is a type of bacteria and not a virus   suck my fat virology expertise rick wads would  this fuse continue being lit while in space my   guess is no but i should probably send myself  or even thinking about it when it comes to an   episode about an amusement park inside of a  homeless man reports from all over the country   have been coming in about what appears to be a  giant naked man over the continental united states   how fast did those reports come in exactly rick  just kicked him out of the spaceship and enlarged   him like three seconds ago i'm pretty sure that  dynamite would have exploded before any news   outlets had the chance to make their detailed  naked guy graphic overlays i guess i'm gonna   have to be that guy and point out that ruben  is now the size of the entire continental us   so his face should be covering way more area  than a city block the nipple hole it's beautiful   agreed but i have to ask why is there even gravity  now that interspace has gone to outer space what the f when the bone train went off the  rails hepatitis a was looking at it go past   him and crash into this nipple area even  if he jumped to grab the train how would he   have gotten inside and the time it took for the  train to crash it's hepatitis c did we have some   sort of relationship with him i think they're  just like that i think they're just good guys that's hilarious i'll gladly remove the sin  wouldn't this life as rough picture show   the golf ball actually in the rough rather  than on the green where the hole is actually   i studied dr bloom's work i i i believe  i have the knowledge necessary to   create an entirely new much safer park  jurassic world that's it that's the sin   that's atari 2600 donkey kong sounds coming from  these 2013 devices it's time to upgrade our gadget   noises hollywood this is just sloppy craftsmanship  rick would be excellent at biology sins   also dissecting a rodent with the garage door open  what's with mom so you're saying that she's acting   weird on a good day everyone acts weird in the  world of rick and morty yet still i have to ask   why is rick digging in this rat he knows he's  in a simulation he knows the rat has sloppy   craftsmanship so what is he looking for he  doesn't need more proof celebrating math   also wearing an orange shirt and gray tie with a  yellow sweater interesting peeking into a child's   classroom window as an adult also since rick knows  morty is a simulation why is he going through this   charade at the school rick would immediately be  getting the nigerians to show their hands so he   could plan his escape you know if you tell us i'll  be your girlfriend oh you will seems like a rare   opportunity morty simulation or not so listening  sex from a student for bribing purposes will   always be a sin take a shower with me morty what  at times like these i wonder how the writers begin   their creative process does it start with let's  put child nudity in this one do they have a jar   containing tiny strips of paper with random bull  suggestions aimed at making everyone incredibly   uncomfortable and at the start of their brainstorm  they grab several and slap them together   why is this scene lucky for us they're also really  uncomfortable with nudity i just want to know how   rick knew the location of the school showers in  the first place i go through all the trouble of   animating this split-second peak into the locker  room and not put anything interesting in it at all   something is drawing a lot of processing power  you have more important things to worry about   alien scum these fans aren't cooling the  computers properly they're limping along   sort of teeter-tottering back and forth and before  long your cpus will overheat it's a real problem   trimming your nose hair while driving i'm not sure  that i can ask this question without breaking my   own brain but here goes why is jerry separated  from rick from the start they're both inside the   same simulation and yet the aliens are surprised  that they've got another human they're literally   looking down on a massive simulation with two  simultaneous simulations happening within it   there should be no surprise that jerry's here  at all are the writers hoping to avoid revealing   the twist to us the viewers or the aliens  purposely zooming out on jerry's inner simulation   to rick's inner simulation forgetting what is  real at all are we in the simulation two i broke   my brain keep your hands off your ding-dong it's  the only way we can speak freely because for some   reason the aliens are unable to simply listen  to the conversation they must look and listen   national apple farmers of america welcome to  our ad agency but how would the nigerians know   this much detail about jerry's work day when  they didn't even mean to nab him and on top of   that they only have a simulation operating at 0.5  capacity simple question gentlemen assuming gender   this scene just reminds me that dave ramsey has  forever tainted the beauty that is baker street   king dave ramsey well all is forgiven because  right now i've got an erection the size of an east   coast lighthouse hey i'm going to make love to  my wife how big does jerry think lighthouses are   because i'm not even seeing evidence  that a pup tent has been pitched relax   it's just a bunch of ones and zeroes out there  binary code shaming leaving your car door open is   sex really worth giving someone the opportunity  to steal your car or running the battery down   actually yeah i guess it is but for the  principle of the matter i'm still a synonym   making out with dead skin cells excreted from a  scalp i would definitely be on to the simulation   after seeing this everyone knows yellow pop-tarts  can't jump de-panting a child rather than yourself   pop-tart squarepants moments ago they're running  through an alien spaceship and quite suddenly   they're racing through another planet we don't  care about plutonians we care about why jerry is   here at all moments ago they're running through an  alien spaceship and quite suddenly they're racing   on the moon we don't care about the moon landing  we care about why the plutonians are here at all   man up jerry i may need you to work the  lasers putting jerry in charge of the lasers   doors are closing and time is running out but  the protagonist's spaceship makes it out just   in time cliche oh because shooting at the person  you want to steal information from is a great idea   and yes this is a simulation inside a  simulation inside a simulation but the   darkness of it still matters you simulated  my grandson's genitalia you looked at your   grandson simulated genitalia you win can we go  home now i don't know can you grammar police   sure we do it too but we actually spent five years  at grammar police academy to get our certification   up until now i had to brush off my frustration  with english appearing in the alien spaceship   clearly they have their own language we see it  here and here so when the signs were in english   or the doors were labeled i had to brush it off  that this was a simulation and meant to continue   to deceive rick but now here in this moment  before extinction there is no reason for we did   it to appear on the screens for our benefit also  there is no reason for this mixture to be combined   at the helm of the ship during an office party  when there are plenty of labs up in this ship   also also rick and jerry survive this waggling  your tongue when you really don't need to   i already told you it's not your family sure  but can we talk about what they're trying to   do because not jerry seems to have you well in  his grip and able to kill you easily but is just   standing there waiting for this scene that's just  an excuse to justify a title sequence clip to end why would this facility as part of its  infrastructure have a button that remotely   controls this ghostbusters style trap that  rick had in his hand isn't that something   he just brought to the adventure you make  a request the me seeks fulfills the request   and then it stops existing rick knowing about  this me seeks box makes so many of his previous   decisions in this show completely unnecessary as  disposable as these beings are why wouldn't he   use them as at least an extra pair of hands  to complete all his adventures with morty   i'm mr macy i want to be popular at school  oh okay this me seek schtick is a brilliant   way to play with the be careful what you wish for  trope but in a world where the genie allows you to   wish for infinite wishes god this show is just  the best this village is terribly poor yet the   giant that lives in the clouds above has untold  treasures jeff bezos also this world not only   happens to have the jack and the beanstalk story  from our earth in its reality but rnm also just   happened to land in the village where he lives  just a reminder that even the most brilliant   shows need some little blue convenience pills  once in a while to keep their stories firmed up   in conclusion a friendship with silly smith is  the most valuable and enriching experience of   your young lives mr meeseeks was able to call  an assembly at summer school just to say great   things about her so that she'd be popular and  it looks like the entire school is on board   with a magical blue whatsit they've never seen  before in his pro summer message also holy hell   what kind of acid trip was the designer of this  basketball court on the key area or free throw   dick as it's more commonly called is completely  out of proportion and reaches almost a half court   which would be fine except the other half of that  chord appears to be more like a third of the chord   and doesn't even seem to have any markings plus  that far hoop which is clearly not retracted and   should be at the standard 10 feet has to be at  least 20 feet off the ground based on the scale   of the bleachers underneath it and speaking of  those bleachers why are they behind the podium   when all the space in front of the podium is  available and how did they even get them there   they clearly don't fold in so did they move this  here in one piece this is a gymnasium of lies   i know jerry is a dim-witted sad sack but wouldn't  shaving two strokes off his golf game suggest that   he's somewhat competent in golf if the guy can't  even hit the ball off the tee then isn't the real   request shave a thousand strokes off his golf game  let me try something why did they bring the mesex   box with them on the golf course do they expect  to need extra mr me seeks during this tutorial can   you help me get two strokes off in jerry's golf  swing but if the miseqs are aware of their own   process and abilities enough to call other musics  to help with what i asked them to do wouldn't that   impact their perspective on their own purpose in  a way that negates my original request i guess   what i'm asking is how many seeks would a miseq  seek if a me seek could seek me a rick and morty   from a spider-verse because i don't know how you  climb a mostly flat surface like that without a   little accidental radioactive spider venom me  seeks don't usually have to exist this long   it's getting weird how does he even know this i've  about had it with the discount blue man group's   existential paradoxes here we are you know walking  down the courthouse steps why would the courthouse   steps lead all the way down to the non-giant world  below wouldn't the steps that the giant court lead   to other places where the giants regularly go  also did everyone else in the courts just stay   inside was the rick and morty trial the undercard  to a much more important trial why did jerry bring   everybody back to the house for his lesson how  are you supposed to learn this inside a living   room was he trying to hit a ball inside his house  was he just trying to swing the club because i'm   pretty sure he succeeded at the second thing but  what do i know tennis confuses me what happened   to beth's new hair she had a new style a minute  ago and now it looks like the old beth why did   you even rope me into this cause he wrote me into  this well him over there he wrote me into this the   cinemasins hiring process well what do you know  look down there looks like some kind of tavern or   something the thirsty step i mean the 12th step  was sitting right there stop fighting just let   this happen holy sh my surrealist sci-fi comedy  show just went super dark the creators have even   said they wanted this scene to reflect the trauma  of assault and not be funny at all but here's my   question is this really the place for it i'm all  for victim sensitivity but seems to me the most   sensitive thing to do would be to not unexpectedly  reference real-life trauma in a place where most   wouldn't be expecting to have to deal with it  these me seeks are never given verbal instructions   are we changing the rules so that they can just  intuit what their purpose is now we heard jerry   leave the house when he told them he seeks at this  point my golf swing is more your problem than mine   and he was wearing the green golf shirt but now  he's in a suit but wait neither jerry nor beth   told the musics where they were going for dinner  so maybe after jerry left he went upstairs to get   dressed and came back down and told the musics  where they were going but why did he clearly go   outside after telling them that there's only one  door in the living room that would open and close   and it goes outside come on rick quick stalling  what do you guys read em and weep rick slow rolls   the stair folk rick rolling at this point i'm  kind of wondering how the thirsty step stays in   business their location is awful and most of its  customers couldn't possibly make it up here easily so we're just saying hitting a tomato with a metal  shelving bar into a large pot about 10 feet away   is equivalent to improving your golf game two  strokes well okay then jesus i didn't know the   mean seeks had such a huge arsenal did they knock  off a gun store on the way to the restaurant or   did the smiths have a hidden gun room i'm a bit  of a stickler me seeks what about your short games   and yet more proof that the mean seeks get to  decide when their purpose has been fulfilled   meaning they could have bailed at any point  and the entire premise of this episode is   null and void and now that i've been this  much of a pedantic [ __ ] i can disappear   also the literal request was to shave two strokes  off of his game and jerry got more than that by   merely learning how to drive the ball so go  [ __ ] yourself stickler me seeks your job   is technically done jerry look we don't have  a perfect marriage but i'm not going anywhere   define anywhere see you next week everybody  the fourth wall is my least favorite wall   yet i'm sad somehow every time it gets broken the  mysteries of the heart confound us letting jerry   help morty with homework i don't know how many  times i have to say this but if you have the flu   stay home does he mean stay home and don't go  to the dance or stay home and don't go to school   because you shouldn't be at school if you have the  flu and if you're not at school how would you hear   this announcement why is this announcement  also episode of a cartoon from 2014 predicts   how selfish humans are when it comes to protecting  others from a rampaging virus the flu season dance   is about awareness not celebration you don't bring  dead babies to passover well someone's not getting   invited to my passover celebration hey wait a  minute where did jessica's friends go try not   to worry about it morty you're a good kid is he  though in this episode alone he asked rick to help   him essentially roofy jessica so i think a little  more honest parenting is in order jerry what the   [ __ ] is the purple meat on jerry's sandwich  ah well i remember feeling that way about a   young lady named your mom and that's not an urban  diss but it works so much better as an urban diss   in fact that's a pretty epic your mom joke that he  just ruined pink jerry we have ice we have no ice   rick is a dick to carbonated sodas wait a minute  did rick go into the kitchen to get orange juice   does rick seem like the kind of guy who drinks  orange juice without adding the vodka yeah i'm   just going to check on your mom and apparently  leave out the mustard mayo an open orange juice   pitcher and an unstarted sandwich do you want  food poisoning jerry because this is how you get   food poisoning jerry and ants a hair morty i need  one of your hairs this isn't game of thrones my   favorite part of every episode of game of thrones  was when the csi team came in and solved the case   there's a calculator of some sort on the right  side of this love potion making machine here   but when it cuts to the wide shot the calculator  is on the left side of the spout your continuity   errors will be the death of you rick and morty  geez did this brad kid go to the dance in his   usual high school attire just adding a tie that's  actually pretty funny but i'm singing it anyway   not that this is the point but shouldn't brad  already have the flu considering jessica was   already sneezing at school today and he  ran right into her sneeze mist earlier   brad got sick immediately is that how the flu  works how come you're not at this stupid dance   everyone loves so much screw that i don't want  to get sick so wait summer are you saying you're   backing out of our trip to south dakota cartoon  dry humping jessica get a hold of yourself   the flu love potion combo which made brad sick in  second should already be running rampant through   this gym considering it was in the punch and the  air conditioning but it waits until someone scolds   jessica before taking over the entire school still  being proud of a swimming championship nearly a   hundred years later whipped up an antidote it's  based on praying mantis dna they mate once and   then they you know decapitate the partner science  i i basically mix this with a more contagious flu   virus why did you need to mix it with a flu virus  when everybody at school already has the flu   these serums they don't work on anybody related  to you genetically i mean thank god but that   still is a serum of the highest convenience  the only thing that is known is how cute he is   i love him so much i want to make love to  him how did these news anchors even get   to their jobs if they were obsessed morty  loving praying mantis creatures also where   did they get a picture of morty that quickly  that's almost creepier than the love potion   how is this virus already spread to other  countries the news station was hard enough   to buy but at least it was potentially local  and this is going to be an issue for the rest   of the episode so instead of bringing it up  several more times i'll just add 10 cents here   wait so everyone knows where morty lives all of a  sudden what the heck is that a morty doll how did   they manufacture that well i'm glad we saved all  those horses why did you short the glue industry   how did the flu mantis concoction get all the way  out to the horse hospital have people been drive   by sneezing around this place i'm mr crowbar  and this is my friend who is also a crowbar   i can't imagine a world where jerry actually  deserves a sin off but i'm giving him one   regardless if people from other countries are  whiffing the antidote already wouldn't they have   a period of time when they turn back to normal  before morphing into these abominations that's   what happened to everyone else how did this guy's  underwear stay on and intact throughout all these   transformations here's another thing rick made the  love potion for morty using his dna and that's why   his family wasn't affected but he made the mantis  potion in the every animal on earth potion without   morty's dna so why aren't they also turning into  trauma creatures right now hold on mad jerry fury   road mad max jerry road furious jerry maximum  mad max and furious presents rhodes and shaw   the fury is there any reason for beth and jerry  to get out of the car and fight these things   they were doing just fine running over all of them  what's the goal of coming out to purposely kill   these things other than to pad this episode's run  time boy morty i really cronenberg the world up   didn't i don't be so hard on yourself rick the  world doesn't look too much like him butterfly   here morty put this on while i do a little bit  of scouting why does morty need to wear this   thing while rick does his scouting what computer  works just because someone's wearing a backpack   apparatus okay so we're about to find out that  this is one of the infinite realities that   original rick found where a parallel universe  rick was able to get everything back to normal   and the rick and morty we see here are not  the original rick and morty team which is   what the show wants you to think so why is this  universe's rick and morty just now getting back   to the house after a newspaper was published  explaining how everything went back to normal   the answer is don't think about it it's not like  we can do this every week anyways we get three   or four more of these tops yeah but that violates  the cinemasins and therefore tv sins charter where   we were told to think too deeply about it it's too  convenient yes you don't follow the same rules and   you definitely shouldn't because nothing creative  would ever get made but that doesn't mean that   we're not sinning you for this replace the dead  rick and morty in a different universe bit i'd   grown super fond of the original summer beth and  jerry and now i'm gonna have to be cool with exact   replicas with no differences whatsoever you owe  us an apology also you only get three or four more   of these tops has rick ever watched anything on  network television leaving the refrigerator door   open he's got lifeless eyes black eyes like a  doll's eyes glad summer could hopefully write   jaws on this box in case you didn't know the  reference but what happens when she decides to   do the englishman who went up a hill but came down  a mountain not enough room on the box to explain   that reference then why would you need these kind  of lines in a galactic parking lot shouldn't it   just be a series of different sized squares for  vertical landing and takeoff also what's the deal   with these parking lot lights they're illuminating  a building that's already lit up and neglecting   the rest of the parking lot i mean it's different  from the stuff on earth they have sex dolls on   earth and something tells me morty knows way too  much about that aliens on another planet not only   speak perfect english but their stores have open  and closed signs written only in english like what   if you passed away or died or something i wouldn't  even have anything to remember all the cool stuff   we did you know remembering your late grandfather  every time you use your sex robot so we're just   going to pretend this isn't happening well not  with that attitude we aren't rick why would you   let morty bring that thing into our house i mean  we know jerry has no power but why did beth allow   it in the house the real question for rick is  why did you buy that for morty in the first place   really simply drinking from the carton is a sin  but it's doubled when you're drinking from the   carton after having sex with an alien robot sorry  them's the rules intervening with puberty you'll   turn him into ray finds and red dragon first it's  clearly ralph fiennes i mean learn to pronounce   things but also referencing ralph fiennis from red  dragon instead of tom noonan from manhunter just a   few seconds ago morty was robo-railing so hard  he had the downstairs light swinging but these   knickknacks just stay put on his headboard i don't  even know how these stay put when he's not deep   droiding this thing could grow to the size of  delaware pretending like delaware is large or   exists i've gone too many episodes without sending  this and i can't hold back anymore that sock has   never been moved from that spot in the garage and  it drives me absolutely insane every time i see it   my therapist will be thankful i don't have to  discuss that with her anymore portal question 253   if you can't see through the portal how would  this creature know exactly where and how to grab   summer still think it's a good idea  to go through holes without a wiener   dub dub sorry just always wanted to do that so  maybe a sin on me that's fair great now i have   to take over a whole planet because of your stupid  boobs i can't tell if the show is aware and poking   fun at victim blaming or just casually using it  for a laugh and considering the damage that kind   of thinking does every day this is either a sin  for the show's attitude or the idiots who think   this way also watch what you're saying about  boobs mister those things are like universally   beloved he goes tom hanks pizza then boobs and  honestly hanks and pizza better watch their back   why do tv families always store their fruit so  close to the floor also storing bananas with your   other fruit is a terrible idea bananas release a  gas that makes other fruit spoil quicker crap that   was actually somewhat educational um bananas look  like penises saved it your hands bears your hands   title of my sex tape and that's how we play  heavy hands oh you are going to ruin that   kid morty could be worse he could be showing  him caillou what's the opposite of wubble up   a dub dubs am i right ladies and gentlemen  it's bad enough you're breaking the fourth   wall but now you're throwing test questions our  way too i'm tired of zoom classes leave me alone   having a section of a newspaper simply titled news  spider in sector c is still alive plan your route   accordingly and expect delays so this world's  just going to be a bunch of sexist jokes now i   mean admittedly super hilarious sexist jokes like  that restaurant that's called just a bite of yours   the weather report said is  anyone else cold or is it just me sorry i mean that's racist the females are  placed into educational programs the males   they get to play outside the original  plot outline for boss baby somehow makes   its way into this episode yeah you  know what i have to say about that rick survives this fart can we talk about these  ear arms for a second we've seen them active so   we know they aren't just vestigial so how does  the musculature work part of the reason you can   control your arms is in the shoulders and chest  and sure maybe they have some thick traps hiding   under that hair but what about the pecs shouldn't  they have some sort of chest muscles where their   cheeks would be and that would mean they would  also have boobs there too six arms should mean six   boobs damn it also do you know how hard it  would be to hold your arms up like that all   day those arms should be dangling down like  flaccid fleshy earrings also also does this   mean if they don't apply deodorant they have  bo right next to their nose this is terrible   design and the god of this universe should be  punished to the maximum extent of celestial law   was this really the time to make that point summer  kids this is for you daddy well i guess we know   where this episode stands on the whole nature  versus nurture debate good news parents what   you do doesn't make a difference only handcuffing  four of the six arms and doing it via two separate   handcuff sets with a foot of chain between  them and in front of the body this does nothing   look at the tag read it where was that tag hiding  and is that really where a tag would be on a top   like this mark jacob these are names of the penis  look a lot of what these alien ladies are saying   about men is very true but we give our penises  way more interesting names than mark or jacob   like boomerang or big rick or count schlongula  if you think my top is cute you cannot execute   johnny cochraning morty junior smoking but where  did he get the cigarettes he hasn't gone outside   no one else in the house is a smoker i don't want  to masturbate i want to conquer the planet oh just   like this generation and not be able to multitask  also this race is so horny they just drop sex   robots on them and then have them all impregnated  within minutes so i think his murder boner would   be accompanied by a well boner boner but first a  deep sip from a very tall glass of i told you so those are gulps not sips you noisy and biber  running wild running hot show makes fun of   motivating characters with songs and that is just  not acceptable without survivor and robert pepper   rocky would have never been able to beat ivan  drago and don't you forget it also movie steals   the footloose scene from hot rod hey stop that  thinking honking your horn will stop an alien   monster from destroying your car and potentially  killing you i never got that impression from   reading marmaduke joe wants us to believe that  a kid in the 2010s would be reading marmaduke   see you guys next week see everybody next week  this joke literally only works one time the   first time it airs unless you're the kind of fan  that plays your blu-rays or streams weekly to be   more authentic why don't you just prove you're a  better fan than the rest of us by having weekly   viewing parties where you can all quote lines from  the show and sing songs about how great it is and   crap i just invented a religion didn't i i know  animation is tough guys but why is the end table   behind the couch now when it was between them  just a few seconds ago you show us your concept   of good tv and we'll crap all over that tv sim's  mission statement somehow ends up in the script   didn't snowball and the other dogs in this  universe leave in episode two why do the smiths   still have this bed out here sure it could be that  they're just too lazy to get rid of it but after a   quick cut away to jerry it's now gone so that's  a continuity error at least one way and maybe   even two you can probably guess which way i'm  leaning how about showtime extreme in a world   where man evolved from corn welcome to the rick  and morty improv show with all the hits and misses   and improv show entails it'll be just like the  everyday programming on channel 62 in the movie   uhf the fact that this gun was duct taped to his  back and yet the duct tape somehow stays in place   after he grabs it to pop this other coin doesn't  even have a kernel of truth to it what too corny   letterman from a timeline where jerry's famous  they stumble upon shows that directly relate to   themselves on a tv with infinite worlds and  infinite shows and i find that infinitely   convenient no the other thing go back really all  right fine why would the tv go back immediately   to the guy eating when rick changed channels  twice since they ran across this disgusting   [ __ ] this episode is a treasure trove of  quick hilarious visual gags like bottomless   baseballs or a version of game of thrones  where everyone's a little person except tyrion   i've never loved my pause button so much in  my life here these scan your retinas and let   you view parallel timelines and i happen  to be carrying this thing around with me   at all times check out this refrigerator only  200 pretty hilarious that because ants in his   eyes johnson can't see he thinks the dryer is a  refrigerator but did anyone help him shoot the   commercial wouldn't someone correct him that  he's pointing at dryers this commercial isn't   being shot edited and broadcast live although that  would be quite the trick i've heard of fire ants   but are there fireproof ants because those ants  seem just fine despite being engulfed in flames   i don't see anything there's a chance you  weren't even born i thought the headset scanned   your retinas and matched them with your parallel  universe cell so why would the headset go through   parallel universes where summer doesn't exist  also if these goggles also land on realities you   don't exist in they would be rendered basically  unusable with infinitely possible universes the   chances of you landing on one you actually exist  in is infinitesimally small a mexican armada shows   up and their ships are sombreros seems kind of  racist alien invasion tomato monster mexican   armada brothers i felt a great disturbance in  the force as if millions of sins suddenly cried   out in terror and were suddenly silenced it's  called two brothers two brothers it's just called   i don't know what i like best about this episode  but hearing justin roiland laugh at his own bull   might be the most honest and funniest part but  leaving in the laughter of you cracking yourself   up seems a bit distracting and over the fourth  wall line even for this show so know this hurts   me more than it hurts you and i'd be on dicaprio's  yacht banging kristen stewart since these goggles   are directly connected to the dna of the person  watching shouldn't it disconnect once removed   from the scan we just discovered a show called  ball fondlers but you guys clearly backed the   wrong conceptual horse yeah but ball fondlers is  just the a-team could watch regular limited cable   to watch that fakedoors.com is our website this  website doesn't work which seems like a scent   until you realize it is owned by the company that  owns rick and morty so it could be an inside joke   about how just like the doors and the ad don't  open neither does the website or it could be   because this is an alternate universe so the  website wouldn't exist in this one like with   many rick and morty observations i'm left  wondering if it was accidental oversight   or intentional genius but here's a sin anyway  since it made my head do hurty brain thinking   huh he's making himself a sandwich now this top  piece of bread has nothing on it which means he   has put the peanut butter on a slice of bread  and then jellied on top of the peanut butter   one ingredient per slice you monster also he sets  the dirty knife directly on the countertop it can   put up with a lot in this world but people who set  dirty utensils on the counter can go straight to   helmets still here still selling fake doors this  might be one of the funniest things they watch on   infinity tv but what kind of world is it where a  guy who sells fake doors can afford a commercial   that runs 90 seconds or longer paid for by trunk  people man that trunk people emblem seems really   offensive but i guess the trunk people chose  that no room is safe from the turbulent power   of turbulent juice was that a movie or like does  it clean stuff as usual morty would be amazing at   tv sense baby legs you're a good detective but  not good enough because of your baby legs i'm   totally down with a random vibe of infinite  cable possibilities but why would baby legs   wear a diaper is this guy an adult but like a baby  can't control when he goes to the bathroom so i'm   partnering you up with regular legs is everyone  with regular legs named regular legs or does this   guy's leg stand out amongst his peers as the most  regular which would be a contradiction in terms   also this feels like an average everyday weird  cartoon you can already find on cartoon network   it's in the same vein as assy mcgee here we go  that's the sound i make when i'm trying to run   fast this is basically bec bennett's office boss  character and when you're stealing from 2013 snl   you may want to rethink your sketch premises that  out there that's my grave wow those graves are so   freshly dug and moundy that it's pretty incredible  no one from this family has stumbled upon them   these graves are more obvious than the ones  ron perlman sees at the end of the last supper   nobody exists on purpose nobody belongs anywhere  everybody's gonna die come watch tv if 2019 were   a movie this would be the tagline on the poster  2019. mrs sullivan always planned to leave   everything to her cats i understand this  is infinite cable but why does rick somehow   always end up on a movie trailer rather than  simply a movie oh mrs oh sullivan wow this movie   this g-rated what does it need to even get to a  pg not to mention r but i imagine in their world   gasparnoy finds ways to push the envelope i guess  jerry ate someone else's toe because all his toes   are intact in the shot while this reflection  in the bird cage gives us a perfect image of a   sad bet the reflection itself seems completely  impossible given the pov and it doesn't even   appear to reflect the cage itself oh come on as  if the odds weren't astronomical enough that they   would even land on anything about themselves both  jerry and beth happen to land on the same reality   i've never stopped thinking about what might have  been wow a pretty unexpected heartfelt whammy at   the end of this episode full of randomness this  show was so good hey rick i have to make a project   for the science fair this weekend you think  you could help me out science fairs well i mean   traditionally science fairs are a father-son thing  so girls never have to participate in science   fairs that's unfair fair and racist eating  pancakes with butter and no syrup oh my god   a brand new sentient robot would say oh my gears  just saying whatever this guy is doing balancing   plates on thin air i see they fixed the shelf  but they changed the animation so add another sin   i make my own stuff and the animators make their  stuff up on the spot too the skull candle and a   floating elephant carcass are brand new additions  to this counter i'm a man of science and i'm a man   who likes consistency why is the elephant in a  jar over here now not to start a whole another   gif gift debate but does the glue have a label  on it claiming to be sticky giz or jizz but   you know spelled with a g for some reason why do  we have to corrupt glue why does glue have to be   perverted being limber enough to flop your legs on  the floor like this without pulling any ligaments   or dislocating your pelvis jerry was inside the  house and could have walked through this door   to the garage but instead circles outside to the  garage to enter in dramatic fashion is he smart   enough to think about entering for dramatic  flair this aftershave made women want me but   it also made me impotent oh my god how can i not  see this coming because because you're impotent   the serum should counteract the negative effects  injecting someone with your serum without their   explicit consent i like my devil fights to have  a lot more finger zapping and brimstone and a   lot less back and forth slapping so what was the  ironic punishment for buying the vase how does   a scary ghost go along with your theme this vase  helps your flower stay alive but it's also haunted   is a joke that steps on the theme and you're just  being lazy i'm king flippy nips ruler of pluto   we discovered you quite by accident which is  interesting because pluto was also discovered   quite by accident it was when saturn was going in  and out of uranus and then about to hook up with   neptune you really gave it to those guys at nasa  the plutonians abduct jerry so that he can declare   pluto a planet and i'm sure that's amazing for  their egos and all but why do they think jerry has   any sway over the rest of earth didn't they hear  how nasa responded this is what you do when your   b story has nowhere else to go well i'm going  to get the curses removed at curse purge plus   you know the guy on tv and of course rick is  on the television right this second because tv   show has to news position but why she could have  just as easily said you know the store across the   street as we find out that's where it is in just a  second also this tv wasn't even on 20 seconds ago   but how exactly did rick get a store bought up  so fast rick is not the devil he can't just make   a store appear overnight also how is the shopping  district if first in maine had a vacancy also also   how did rick know mr needful was going to this  window at this exact moment the center of pluto   mr smith is made of a substance called plutonium  pluto exposition pluto's position explodocition   pluto goes from planet to asteroid to meteor  and finally a great visual truly but where did   the pluto dust come from his hands were empty  a moment ago oh my god that's the devil summer   i wish this desk was lighter absolutely none  of the wishes summer makes on the monkey's paw   come with any backfiring curses what a waste of  a monkey poor but how would mr needful know this   he was passed out while summer was making her  wishes mr needful how could you even think of   doing something so horrible i'm the devil can  the devil even kill himself if he's the devil it   implies he sort of lives forever right i can take  out the eternity and the padding and then you'll   have some time traveling mittens and at what point  does anyone ask what the cost for the item will be   these items are literally priceless and not in a  good way i just got bored everybody out how jeremy   in cinemas in staff meetings are you telling  me four billion plutonians are wrong can we   worry about that in just a second because who's  going to tell jerry to stop putting scissors up   his nose in a moving vehicle angry crowd suddenly  has rotting food to throw cliche it was a long six   hours but we've overhauled needful things into the  globally compliant web 4.0 e-nominant needful.com   investing in the dot-com business in 2014 when  exactly did jerry's roof get repaired when the   plutonians showed up initially they pulled jerry  and morty through the roof causing a lot of damage   he dumped me summer wipes clumpy mascara drippage  from beneath her eyes with the simple wipe of her   hand i mean that's the most unrealistic thing to  happen in this entire episode repeating a cycle of   violence repetitively so dad guess what tomorrow  is the day you return this horrific tablecloth to   the store or stab it because it's an alien see  it changes patterns it's absolutely an alien   having trouble holding a consistent geometric  pattern honestly this level of paranoia is a   direct result of watching too much rick and morty  trust nothing everything is nothing or something   umbrella paintings but also tomorrow is your one  year anniversary back in our lives celebrating   arbitrary anniversaries because you can i'm  gonna make you flying saucer-shaped pancakes   and yes as another rick points out shortly regular  shaped pancakes are also flying saucer shapes so   this scene is for teasing that you're making  fun shaped pancakes when in fact you are not   beth is a monster considering breakfast is on the  table i think we're meant to believe it's 6 a.m   and there's no way this family has gathered for a  fully prepared meal by 6 [ __ ] a.m nope in this   episode we learned that rick smarty brainwaves  need morty's dummy brainwaves to keep rick   untraceable or some such [ __ ] yet here in the  opening credits he straight up leaves morty to die   so what's that about our son's been abducted you  hate me for buying those coins to be fair jerry   was frozen when morty was abducted and therefore  wouldn't understand the full reason beth is upset   normally jerry deserves the yelling but  not this time beth also coin collections   jeez rick what is this place the citadel of ricks  it's the secret headquarters for the council of   ricks and where's the counseling center for jerry  and beth's considering all ricks have a morty and   all morty's have a jerry and beth who would be  distraught because their sons are missing turn   your boring old morty into a hot fashion statement  this is a ricktastic concept but he can see that   the ricky's trying to sell his goods to has  handcuffs on and is being transported by some   form of authority right how does he expect to  close a deal here exactly it's supposed to be   funny because they have different hair  styles but it's not cliche if his body   was stuffed into the wood chipper starting with  the head then how is the arm still in one piece   yeah so does the scientist formerly known as rick  why isn't he here in handcuffs because he's dead   too it's half cap shaming so as they say in canada  p suit making fun of canadians wait is that a sin   i can't remember ron morty and then our rick and  morty run by many other rick and morties who would   easily attempt to stop them but don't even try  perplexing considering everyone thinks our rick   is a dangerous rick killer but oh well on to the  portal pandemonium i feel like this is a good time   to revisit the how the [ __ ] does the portal  pew pew gun work portion of the program does he   just think of a specific destination or are the  locations random and somehow managed to spew fire   insects and tentacles at the perfect moment the  incredibly convenient timing is simple either way   based on the fact that we only see asses and no  hands what is the purpose of the giant rolls of   toilet paper who would even use them and how are  the rear ends so clean if the ground around them   is covered in feces this is the least subtle  symbolic anal penetration since the ending   of north by northwest yeah i'd like to order one  large person with extra people please white people   no no no black people and hispanic on half racist  pizza yes i'd like to order one large sofa chair   this is a pretty funny running gag but with all  these different worlds it makes me wonder why the   rix looked the same at the council or it was  pizza rick or telephone ricker greasy grandma   rick and we see a hammer morty later so clearly  these types exist i continue to take issue with   the use of portals in this episode and here's why  rick splats out a whole bunch of options the enemy   appears and they say they could have gone into  any one of these we lost them which means they   aren't tracking our rick and morty so how would  they have known to follow them into the farty   mcpoop smith world in the first place i just want  to point out that there appears to be a fruit bowl   on the bottom shelf which is a really dumb place  for fruit and bowls in the combination thereof   anything else yeah more phone sticks please  so they're eating phones just because they   went into a different dimension does not mean  they have a different digestive system bad guys   avoid looking around the room thereby allowing  the good guys to slip away cliche they look   exactly like us so in order to avoid confusion  i'm gonna mark us each with a red x right now   but they're also wearing different clothing so  you could just go with that as the identifier also   there must be additional exits to this restaurant  because a rick and morty straight up escape so   rather than marking x's on foreheads perhaps watch  those doors hey you didn't pay your bill you said   holy chairs are sentient wrong advertising wow so  people need help figuring out what to buy and then   you help them it's a little more complicated  than that it is not also if the other jerry's   think bulk jerry is useless why would he be  brought along for missions in the first place   appears there are more than enough ricks for the  job you're missing my symphony hey i'll take it   over mumford and sons i'm pretty sure the rolling  stones review for that mumford and sons album was   it's the equivalent of listening to a thousand  naked children being tortured so this race might   still be too close to call we will find our peace  in the next world show now asks us to believe that   the captive mortys have had enough time to form a  cult and mine this cave prison for the resources   to create cloaks printed propaganda and a precise  razor to shave their heads the pointy thing isn't   piercing morty any longer and so all the tortured  mortys spend one beautiful second believing they   are freed before realizing they are likely  falling to their death how special owning a   life is rough poster that shows the golf ball on  the green and barely any rough saved your ass all   right morty don't break an arm jerking yourself  off i mean you can't really do that right right   this is the receiver yeah but where's the  transmitter cliffhangers no eye boogers glitters   stalkers let's lose the tude please losing the  tude speaking of disasters dad we are leaving   you in charge yeah but that's kind of on beth  right why would she ever leave rick in charge   of her children or really anything this shitty  garage door falls outwards after the center is   dissolved by alien eels except the hinges weren't  destroyed so this is a sin for the animators not   making a couple of heels dissolve the hinges and  a sin for the writers for forcing the door to fall   in order to kick off the rest of the episode  well we're past the point of no return bridget   fonda shaming using your binder incorrectly or  writing math upside down and backwards on the   back panel of a binder for no reason either  way us in does that say multi-grain legs   i guess they sell peanuts in a box and abbreviate  legumes to legs none of this seems appetizing more   profitable just keep your sci-fi friends  away from my awesome one how about you all   focus and just keep that refrigerator door  closed while you carry on conversations and   then work on your strategic segregation and you  keep your awesome friends away from my canapes   when the canopy tray came out of the fridge  every one of them had a green olive why would   rick remove one just to add it back in dramatic  fashion i love watching [ __ ] i mean like i don't   know if i personally would ever do it [ __ ] how  many people did you invite rick better question   of the many that rick invited how many are going  to want to get downstairs schwifty with summer's   questionably aged peer group looks like the  garage door was instantly fixed i love seeing   aliens and humans hanging out together despite  their differences but how are none of the people   freaking out right now being a morty at a high  school party casually watching a murder meal knock it off slow mobius if slow mobius didn't  stop using his slo-mo powers until rick said   something why was rick able to speak at a normal  pace running on deck also stealing this [ __ ]   doesn't feel solid objects in his liquid and that  is [ __ ] concerning they weren't the size of ants   they were ice cube size beings summer don't tell  me you're friends with her popular controlling   girl is pretty and demands your normal looking  friend to be sacrificed on the altar of conformity   cliche i just want to find somebody nice and  sweet which somehow prompts morty to show her   a deadly mad scientist garage rather than the toy  collection in his room apparently the garage door   wasn't fixed in now i'm curious about the side  story where the door was dissolved by eels fixed   before the party but then immediately redissolved  tarped taped tacked and held in place by bullsh house teleports to a different planet that  happens to have oxygen an immediate hook up   to power cliche you see jerry may i show you  something i was lucy not been caught yet the   operation doesn't seem to be that large  and she's wearing a maids outfit no one   has questioned why she's fraternizing with  a guest instead of cleaning or picking up   rick's using a credit card to turn these  crystals into something snortable but what's   with the number on this thing one two three  four one two three four it can't be a show   that revels in the details and then not expect  a nitpicker to examine stuff like this come up   with a plausible number you jerks move to the left  that's the right step to the right that's the left   that somehow everyone knows instantly also  riverdance did it first the floor drops out   to make it easier we're going to get it nice and  steamy in there with with the floor kicked out   well at least you got all this free stuff  equating free stuff is an agreeable result   of being the victim of a sexual assault it's not  a door beth it's debris i don't care just leave it   yeah okay this door can fit in the front seat so  there's no reason it shouldn't be able to fit in   the back of their wagon with a little rearranging  somehow despite the window being down in the ear   piercing volume of her horrible laugh neither of  these [ __ ] hear her explaining your references   since everything came back as it previously was  where did the rest of this gate go pulling down   someone's pants while they are frozen midstep  wouldn't be this easy in reality these pants   would get stuck at the waist and top of the thigh  don't ask me how i know this not using the ramp   for your cart filled with expensive electronics  and yes it is stolen but it's still valuable   not until i hear you say rixxy business  or rick and morty rick not until why is this boner jesus grandpa what did you read me this thing  for a very nosy fella kitty cat huh you know what   happens to nosey fellas do you want me to buy  a subscription to the saturday evening post no   not a word not a word not a word now i went into  a future dimension with such advanced medicine   that they had broken legs here i'm at every  corner drugstore i'm sure that in 1985   plutonium is available in every corner  drugstore but in 1955 it's a little hard   to come by he's got some kind of disability  or something is that what you want us to say   i do implausible i know but i like to imagine  that he had sex the night before and now a little   bit of residue is blocking his urethra oh geez dad  you know that's a lot to drop on a kid all at once oh my god he's trying to tell  us something that is so awesome sexual hang-ups in the pleasure  chamber are punishable by death   with their heads you will walk when it is  time to walk you got that [ __ ] i'll come   back tomorrow maybe they'll be gone by then you  better get out of here before somebody sees us   introducing smart dogs the first  dogs trained to train humans   mr spicoli you're on dangerous ground here you're  causing a major disturbance on my time are you   saying there's something wrong with my gear get  to the digestive tract he's coughing i'm possessed here comes the drums oh my god it looks like a  huge pekka wait a word looks like someone private there's always a bigger fish sigerian  scammers morty the galaxy's most ambitious   least successful con artist that  doesn't make sense we're good streaky   look at that old lady she's  she's walking a cat on a leash yes see you in 10 minutes i'm gonna  go home and sleep with my wife   and those words on your dick aren't gonna go away  unless you start using topical cream every day   i'm a white boy but my neck is red i  put miracle whip on my wonder bread   well we're back to our roots driving the same  streets my grandfather started on oh the times   were simpler back then weren't they because  people had integrity i looked at the trap ray   you're out of order you're out of order the  whole trial is out of order i've dreamt of   free solo cap for 10 years and every year it just  looked too big you've come to fight as three man   and three men you are what will you do without  freedom buckle up you're your driver is a snail   hey jessica hello peter what's happening i  throw balls far i'm gonna oh yo you know son   you're not a kid anymore oh no i go to health  class dad i already know all this stuff but what   people call love is just a chemical reaction  that compels animals to breed biochemically   no different than eating large quantities of  chocolate there's something special about you   morty you reached out and you touched it by the  heart rip my clothes off and mate with me for life   it's really important in this pose that you arch  your back and keep it flat at the same time you're   you're you're just a little creepy creep person  you're just this penny stealing wannabe criminal man so we're just going to pretend  this isn't happening i'm not   saying that's a bad idea just  asking i drive a dodge stratus i think i hit puberty should i cut the cord  i think it's linguine can't take this anymore   i learned it by watching you i came here  to do two things eat eggs and nothing   and i'm not out of either will you please not  marry me i choose veronica but imagine if he   came back with something actually useful for  the girl and then he came back two minutes later   with some self-respect and some dignity but one  of us is dead corn ah no the corn paul newman's   gonna have my legs broke this is delicious you eat  pieces for breakfast it says you can't eat anymore definitely tell you what friends if nobody comes  down and buys a car for me the next hour i'm gonna   club this baby seal that's right i'm gonna club  and see i'm gonna make a better deal you know i'll   do it too cause i'm crazy man woman and now trunk  men man you must be out of your mind if you think   i'm gonna get in this dirty ass trunk hi i'm a  trunk person i am not an animal i am a human being   what is my purpose i brought you into this  world a machine that can think and feel   we are laughing i want an apology nay nay i  demand penance you're watching right side of   the bed i'm grayson chisholm take him to  plutonium bay you can't handle the truth   homer i told you this morning no  guns at the dinner table you no no no and i hate to get all andy rooney about it  but when did bright colored plastic cows   pigs and rabbits get to be art coffee time you wake up it's time for coffee advertising  wow so people need help figuring out what to   buy and then you help them cheese it's  milk that you chew you know jerry i'm   not gonna tell you that these will increase  in value or even hold their current value   the truth is you bought them because you like  them they have value to you that's what matters   i don't want them to gain  another yard you blitz all night speaking of disasters dad we are leaving you  in charge ooh someone has a serious face on   it smells like thai food in here have you guys  been [ __ ] every weekend jackson roses have   their titanic experience in this car and  i have to mop it up oh that's not right i'm still alive but i'm very badly injured  the beacon was activated and rohan will answer
Channel: TVSins
Views: 1,702,707
Rating: 4.6636591 out of 5
Keywords: tv, television, tele, tvsins, tv sins, quickest beef owl, eww, everything wrong with, cinemasins tvsins, parody, commentary, reaction, recap, bloopers, tv show sins, tvsins rick and morty, everything wrong with rick and morty, everything wrong with rick and morty season 1, rick and morty review, rick and morty reaction, rick and morty, rick and morty season 1, rick and morty season 1 review, rick and morty season 1 reaction
Id: vMtwL1lb2_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 59sec (3959 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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