Everything Wrong With WandaVision - "Season 1"

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

Season 1? Don't do that, don't give me hope

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/SmileyTUH 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

This sure was an incredibly long video, should have broken it up to each episode.

The ultimate sin was that Wanda was an absolute villain in this show and never paid for her crimes "because she's sad". She literally took hundreds of people hostage, mind controlled them, tortured them, choked them and beat them. Then she used her powers to resist authorities and tortured THOSE innocent people too! What in the flying f*ck is this show trying to do trying to make Agatha of all people into the bad guy? She was a hero to try to take Wandas powers. Sure she probably would have ended up being a villain too, but Wanda literally chose to do all of this AND IMPRISON/TORTURE AGATHA FOR RESISTING. Thanos didn't even torture people who got blipped! They should have just made Agatha make this world if they wanted Wanda to be a sympathetic hero going through grief.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DreamertK 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
a regular but vision could immediately disguise himself as a regular husband as easy as he could try to hide under his hat right and then he continues the indecent exposure by walking around unprotected outside in complete view also yes i understand that there's surely some element of magic slash whackiness slash dreamworld spoilers going on here so anything could not be what it seems but you know what is as it seems me giving sins whenever the hell i want to dropping your wife taking dick van dyke's name in vain or really taking the name dick van dyke at all also how is wanda's dress able to pass through the chair as well that's not part of vision's body also also this chair has no business being in the middle of the room like this later we see it doesn't live there so who dragged this chair out here in the first place taking time to dance while the door is still wide open do you want the neighbors to see you in the 50s this is basically the equivalent to having sex in your driveway i see someone went to the mary poppins school of cleaning things but if you can control reality why are you even floating things around or messing with towels and such why mess with telekinesis when you just change actual reality also this is a neat trick and all but you also need to dry out the inside of the glass which you do not appear to be doing and that will be a glass of bacteria before long do you want herpes wanda because this is how you get ants i mean herpes also also considering they make such a big deal about her hiding her powers from everyone else maybe don't do this in front of an open window where any passing neighbor could see even if you're making fun of laugh tracks it's still a laugh track which means it's still a sin oh thank you i say oh i don't eat food well that explains the empty refrigerator but wanda eats so that refrigerator should have a few things in it right well then tell me what's so important about today's date can we have a sitcom plot involves a main character for getting an important date cliche in a satire slash parody making fun of the sitcom plot involves the main character for getting an important day cliche and if we do doesn't that just make us a youtube channel that pokes fun at tv shows making a cliche out of a cliche cliche and if so what even am i do i exist am i a cliche why is my narration hello dear i'm agnes your neighbor to the right my right not yours people that say my right not yours instead of just saying to the left golly you settled in fast did you use a moving company agnes just apologized for not visiting sooner which means it's been at least a few days since wanda moved in so what is agnes shocked about the living room consists of a few pieces of furniture a coat rack by the front door and some nicks and a few necks no it's not a holiday an anniversary then yes the tower anniversary elizabeth olsen is so good at balancing the old sitcom tone in this but i have to give her a sin off for it in fact there's so much that's amazing about this recreation from the sets to the camera style to the laugh tracks that i should probably go ahead and give several sins off but honestly you made me think of laugh tracks as a positive thing so just be happy with the one removal show the only way ralph would remember our anniversary is if there was a beer named june 2nd but how would that help them remember you might remember the beer was named june 2nd but that wouldn't guarantee the significance would dawn on him and if you're remembering important things like anniversaries while consuming alcohol you're not beering right and let me tell you what ralph could really use is how to goose your wife so you don't lose your wife pretending goose rhymes with lose hey the music isn't bothering you is it pal in terms of distraction from work or the largely nonsensical nature of the lyrics nonsensical what's so nonsensical about take out the papers or the trash or you don't get no spending cash yakity yak is a pretty straightforward song about parents ordering around their kids it's not like someone's asking who put the bomb in the bomb ba bomp but also who did put the bomb in the bomb bomb and which bomb of the three bombs are they even responsible for also i think i just send music somebody should make a youtube channel that does that also also playing music of any kind at your desk in a shared office what is it we're producing computational forms then when vision asks norm what they did there why didn't he reply with this norm even said they didn't make anything but clearly they're making computational forms no skeletons in your closet abition if he goes through the trouble of creating a false identity why wouldn't he just give himself a more normal name like carl well you're not darling i still get a little tongue-tied he is after all this time couple thinks they're talking about two different things but the conversation still somehow works to maintain the miscommunication cliche and yes that's likely the point but consider it a sin for the cliche even existing in the first place is your husband tired of you burning his toast commercials seriously someone should make a youtube channel that sends those also this lobster looks like it and with this chicken hanging above it it's clear that this room goes by the 1950s to 10 o'clock standard of interior design also also parody of a commercial within the parody of a sitcom and i'm sure when this is all said and done we'll be wowed by the ingenious nature of the whole thing but right now my brain is over parodied in an over parody brain leads to horrible things like watching two and a half men marathons struggles are real people oh and now you're using color in a black and white world is an indicator that something is different i think someone saw pleasantville too many times and if i remember my pleasant villain correctly this means the toaster has recently masturbated how very atmospheric and fire hazardy guess who look mistakes happen i once patted the butt of a woman because she looked like my wife from behind but there are so many context clues that this isn't vision that this makes absolutely no sense including oh i don't know the other human woman in the room we don't break bread with [ __ ] that's bolshevist and marxist and communist that man through there is my boss mr heart and since you're keeping your voice at top volume he can hear all of this explanation and i'm sure everything will be resolved and there will be no more hijinks to maneuver the heart on the calendar was an abbreviation you move at the speed of sound and i can make a pen float through the air who needs to abbreviate wanda would be excellent at tv sins the candle is the music that's stunning outfit i understand vision is some sort of fleshy android ai thing and there's probably some way you could simulate sexual desires but it doesn't make me any less weirded out by it although it's still less odd than the sweater he wore in captain america civil war i might have a better idea oh sure when you need to change out of your clothes you make it happen with a snap but when you need to cook dinner you'll go back to pretending you have to do things telekinetically just asking for some consistency here let's take out the papers and the trash even if mrs hart turned around in time before seeing any of wanda's powers mr hart would still be able to see the display from his position in the living room well why don't we have a nice sing-along all together then shall we convenient ukulele is convenient oh no too much oh no not enough is the opposite of an overcooked chicken a couple dozen eggs even if it's not an undercooked chicken shouldn't it just be one egg wouldn't you know what good news is more expensive 24-hour cable news networks it might be breakfast for dinner but drinking wine with any kind of breakfast serving is gross and also a sin where did you two move from what brought you here how long have you been married and why don't you have children yet nosy neighbors i will now be googling the name babs digby for the next hour or so trying to figure out if it's a clue as to where the show is headed so am i sending a show for inspiring me to do some research yeah i am plot tease cliffhangers cheese hangers having a personal radio speaker facing away from you missed that one the last time so thank goodness for the previously on segment spoiler logos or splogos if you will as in yes marvel continues to use a full 35 seconds each episode to participate in a masturbatory cacophony of visuals below going separate beds without a shared nightstand between them it's almost like the show needs the space empty for a bed combining joke later are you using your powers to turn on the light better question why haven't we blocked the light streaming into the window that's forced me to wear an eye pillow one to die yes dear get the light pulling the blankets all the way over your head to have sex since when do you need more than one person at a time under there see the problem with this is that it probably means something else this isn't a simple star and moon moment this is a hint to a deeper lore that only the bravest of marvel nerds will know i wanna know too i don't wanna google every damn thing like this or this or this or this i continue to be bewitched by how perfectly these episodes imitate the opening titles of the era it's set in but i can't just be taking sins off willy-nilly so um scene does not contain an elizabeth montgomery nose wiggle letting the water run after you're out of the shower fred and linda are building a moat in a fully functioning portcullis and no one even knows why but then the show never lets us see fred and linda's moat in portcullis oh was that a metaphor ruining the mystery of magic the way these first episodes layer in the mystery while creating such a perfect recreation of the sitcoms of the past is not only quite a balancing act to pull off it's honestly a pretty bold and strange choice props to marvel for not taking the weird out of comic book storytelling take your sin back you senor scratchy just loves the stage he played baby jesus in last year's christmas pageant isn't having a rabbit play jesus just a hair sacrilegious also naming your rabbit senior scratchy dottie is the key to everything in this town noted and so help me if this doesn't turn out to be true and i'm obsessing over far too many details i will never take this sin back just mind your p's and q's and you're gonna do just fine i was today years old when i realized ps and q's stands for pleases and thank yous and this is a sin for an educational system that failed me leaving your baseball bat outside how are you gonna defend yourself from a burglar now i'm sorry daddy i didn't ask about the chairs so you better not ask me if you can share any committees in the future overselling your puns i love seat based puns too but you gotta couch that stuff in subtly to cushion the blow anything else is just lazy boy the devil's in the details bev like the t-glass that was clearly on the table behind bev but when she walks away from the table it's missing pardon me is this a neighborhood watch meeting if it is and it is it shouldn't be a meeting where nearly 10 people are discussing town events should not be happening in the middle of a library where silence is expected move that meeting to a private room no vision new business actually means another round of danish it does not in any context mean this okay for us take a big red oh well hold on there a second did you hear the man he doesn't eat food but then he clarified and then the laugh track laughed and this is a dumb thing to say well my understanding is that it's purely for mastication oh no i don't do that confusing mastication with masturbation which honestly leads to very uncomfortable sexual experiences so i've heard this gum looks way too happy to have been chewed up and swallowed why are you so happy big red why okay i'm digging the mystery i really am but when do we start getting some answers oh i know i'll just binge the rest of the season now so i can get some relief let's see where is this on disney plus is it wait is this not no also no wait how does a housewife get a blood stain out of white linen by doing it herself forgetting the the same way she climaxes part of the joke stretch watch bands mixed with arm hair ouch like stroker from the comics and it says hydra and it's set to 242 and the shape of the four looks like a knife and it says 1 000 meters and i for sure know what all of this means but i totally don't want to spoil it for you guys trucker but also doesn't the um change the u to more of a u sound so shouldn't this be like streaker or something my point is you can add fancy dots to a u and not change the pronunciation vision's intestinal issues are far worse than expected his gears have swapped sides from earlier and for our final act i give you wanda and vision roll commercials whoa that's never happened before i didn't even know i had those powers um yeah anyway they said the title of the show so uh do the thing i was just playing with his shoes paul benny is absolutely slaying this illusion ah master of enigma allow me this piano is clearly still three-dimensional after she does her finger wiggle even though later we see it's not is this god this is this your card's on for some time i'm doing it is that how near sharita from donnie darko would be excellent at tv sins what's in the box what's in the box in the box i swear to the tv gods if they open that box and pepper potts comes out i'm giving back every sin gladly what is going on with you i have no idea i've been feeling weirdy all day except he knows exactly what happened he wasn't asleep when he swallowed the gum he searched his mouth for it immediately it wasn't so hard to fit in after all title of my sex tape no hijacking the remote spending 37 seconds on a recap of two episodes that hit barely an hour between them we don't have to be spoon-fed our television especially when it would take about two seconds to research anything we have a question on you would think at this point they would know how to spell dc correctly i mean it's two letters this guy has terrible hand to cone placement a bite or two of that ice cream is going to have this dude's finger sweat all over it [Music] it is not also we should absolutely sin anytime someone hastily assembles a swing set sure sure vision is incredibly fast and powerful but look if you rush these things then kids get hurt being this excited about spending your day with your bros basking in books casually reading cervix related material when you should be watching where you're walking we let the little ladies keep tabs on their growing babies with fruit makes it simple for them i'm gonna let denae take this one you doctor dude at five months a papaya six grapefruit seven pineapple eight honeydew and before i go get the [ __ ] out of here with that excitement about anything the size of anything taking up space in the body and eventually popping out especially when it's the size of a honeydew melon shove that in your pool [ __ ] if they're keeping this a secret then what was up with all the flaunting in the opening credits in fact how would those opening credits events even occur considering she's pregnant for less than a day before the babies are delivered slicing through concrete with an electric hedge trimmer you've gotten bigger even in a heightened crazy scenario such as this i feel like it's still inappropriate to ask a woman this question i can't wait to be a proud papaya dad jokes vision insinuated when the doctor was there they just found out wanda was pregnant 12 hours prior so when did they go buy all the baby furniture having a pregnant woman around paint fumes no matter how wonderful the family-owned company might be also not sure why but this paint really makes me think about how much i prefer last crusade over raiders well i guess there's only one solution to this debate hope for a girl thinking that having a girl will solve parental debates if you're keeping the doll clothes on while practicing diaper changing skills why take off the shoes at all phil do these earrings make me look fat oh thank god asking if earrings make you look fat i think something's wrong here i think something is wrong here cliche yes dear i think my water just broke metaphorical amniotic showers do you need a break i mean i feel like you also need to help strain that dog but you do you i rolled my eyes when i saw this four ounces on the luxury bath powder box because ounces is most often abbreviated as oz and doesn't need the s on the end but then my dumb ass looked up for ozs and that led me to this page of scientific mumbo jumbo check it out 40zs has synthetic construct listed here and so help me i can't help but wonder if this is purposeful this show man this show it's 75 degrees out you making a fashion statement says the woman wearing long sleeves in a very fashionable vest i gotta borrow a bucket not to wear to use somehow all the pipes in my ceiling burst at once pretty sure that requires a lot more assistance than a single bucket could provide thank you as if geraldine wasn't acting fishy enough with her fishy pants they go ahead and give her an apple to be sure we know she's an [ __ ] here's the thing maybe geraldine does see the stork and it's gonna be revealed later why she's not bringing attention to it but all i have to go on is the present and i'm sending the out of geraldine's peripheral vision because it is non-existent if she's already seen the nursery is there really a reason to still be covering the baby bump bermuda awaits and my car decides to poop out right at this moment but you can't drive to bermuda and you could get a cab to the airport or cruise ship so not sure why this is a huge issue but stan what about my brand new two-piece maybe before you get comfortable sitting in the car waiting for stan to fix it you can hop to it and finish the packing job so this is all that happens when she actually gives birth when she had a contraction she caused all the power to go out in the neighborhood and when she broke her water everyone's house flooded but when she gives birth a vacuum turns on and the fireplace lights up for a second and i'm certain there should be lava erupting and flowing in the streets hey doc why don't you help me out in the kitchen there or you know stitch up some vaginal tearing and check to be sure the placenta comes out without issue oh we're going to continue to gloss over the very real parts of birth you're strong and really clean have you seen a baby right after it's born there's more bodily fluids on newborn babies than on even the most active participants at most exorcism orgies allow me to walk you out doctor you said knock you out oddly and considering this doctor represents some triggering chauvinistic behavior i think you should speak very clearly well i'll go back to wonder i know there's a strange vibe in the air but cheese and crackers you just saw your wife give birth to twin boys a day after showing signs of pregnancy let's have some priorities vision geraldine survives this this slow motion undusting scene is so very cool but again brings up so many questions and since the sims channels have already had a few swings at this let's just focus instead on the story of 44 year old ronald j tesh of republic missouri on the day of the snap ronald was walking his farm with his wife when he disintegrated right in front of her eyes a year later the still grieving widow had to sell the land to amazon for a distribution center and take a job there as a line supervisor four years after that on the day of the reverse snap she was doing her daily checks just as her late husband reappeared standing in the midst of the mechanical jungle his confused look didn't last long as his upper torso was split by the assembly belt now occupying that space and his wife watched his now bisected lifeless corp slowly proceed through the now gruesome assembly line so great job avengers this subtitle implies that monica rambo is in fact maria rambo's daughter who is a character from captain marvel but it's hard to make out what the off-screen voice is saying and if you don't have the subtitles on you're more likely to miss that captain marvel is the one that's talking if the reveal is supposed to be a surprise down the road then a sin for secret spoiling subtitles and if this is supposed to be pertinent information then a sin for needing the subtitles on yes i know i'm complicated not watching where you're blipping but dr highland i think i can't believe it where did you go one of the brilliant things about the connectedness of the mcu is the ripples of reveals like this now that we know monica got dusted when you watch in-game the captain marvel stuff becomes even more personal it's honestly an incredible tool in their belt and props to marvel for understanding the power of complex canon building wait what this is a marvel property i'm watching it's bad enough i have to remember what shield means which for the record i do not now you're throwing sword at me too too many acronyms marvel i'm over acronymed also sentient weapon observation response division may be the dumbest acronym ever a full division dedicated to the response to observing sentient weapons how many sentient weapons are we dealing with here also also if i'm understanding the people who would prefer i pronounce jif gif then this should actually be pronounced sward since the o stands for observation good to know i'll make sure i do that from here on out i work here if you did you're badger work wouldn't it i know there are apple leaders out there working reception desks but considering billions of people just reappeared on the earth a couple weeks ago this kind of response seems like it's more to set up the you know this is cliche rather than anything approaching reality we have an agent a day it was five years not fifty unless she was seven expecting someone to have aged visibly in five years is just silly and if it's just some lame attempt at blip humor well i'm sending your delivery getting stuck with the nickname photon it also says observation and response on that door it's not creation the world's not the same as you left it there is nothing more exciting in a superhero series than a discussion about corporate prioritization the fbi isn't a tizzy over a missing persons case of new jersey missing persons i know but they've requested use of one of our imaging drones but wouldn't a request like that require more information sward is an organization that has to deal with situations on a galactic level why would they be interested in helping out the fbi in this capacity with this little knowledge going in new jersey james ewoo fbi did you see that he did the card trick ant-man showed him man i can't keep taking sins off for these marvel links so here's a sin for show taking three full episodes to randall park and kat dennings i guess pardon me sheriff would you mind repeating your claim about west view to my colleague here no such place many mysteries from the previous three episodes get solved over the next half hour still one puzzle not pieced together is how the local law enforcement would be under wanda spell but wu and rambo aren't they're standing in front of the same sign the police officers are also how has no one else driven into westview before now maybe the town isn't on a major road but it's still on a road that could be a shortcut for someone looking to shave off a few minutes of their commute did all those people get a makeover and a new identity these reveals are exciting but they also make one wonder if wanda's plan isn't terrible i think wanda's plan might be terrible why haven't you gone inside to investigate because it doesn't want me to oh growing up other kids had michael jordan posters on their walls but i had elliott ness where would you even find an elliot nest poster pre-internet and yes i know the untouchables was a popular movie in the late 80s but those would be kevin costner posters scene only contains one broke girl also how many mcu movies do we have to remember to keep the names and connections of the sporting characters straight at least the avengers movies stuck mainly with the big guns if you immediately recall who darcy lewis or jimmy wu is i salute you but i shouldn't need a cheat sheet to understand your show sward response base isn't response already in the acronym why not just call it the sward divisional base for observation in response this is truly some top-notch terrible acronyming those drones you're sending in what kind of data are you getting the beginning of this episode annihilation's so hard that if cat dennis doesn't eventually find some sort of nightmare bear roar screaming the word drone i'm gonna be severely disappointed also drones you guys look like you might get down with those little pod things horrendous for the environment technically this is a true statement but k-pods are also recyclable so this is more about laziness than environmental concern darcy while the crew cut does seem like an [ __ ] you didn't actually ask for assistance there's no reason to suspect the perimeter doesn't extend subterraneously jimmy would be fresh off the boat at tv since so you're saying the universe created a sitcom starring two avengers show includes confused fan ramblings frustrated at not being able to binge the whole season of wand division have some patience you spoiled streamer babies wait it's ending i mean i know you wanted to wink back at the mid-credit easter egg of the first episode but when we first see the show they're at the start of the boss visits for dinner scene which was a good 10 minutes before the show's credits and considering this entire real-time conversation lasts less than three minutes i think you may have fudged on the show timeline quite a bit there whiteboard from the sins writing room desperately trying to figure out how to sin a mystery in real time is somehow transported onto the show wait a second have we even seen this i don't think it's in the first two so does this mean there might be another episode of the bewitched or dick van dyke style shows are you holding out on us d plus release the dick cut what that's honestly not the worst way that could have gone wanda can you read me over this kind of works but then in the episode she somehow rewound out of this moment so what happened to this guy when she did that if real objects and people get integrated into the time period fine but i'm presenting that we will likely never get an explanation to the paradox of the timing of all this and if we do then i'll be happy to take a sin back okay i'll begrudgingly take a sin back okay fine i'll pretend to take us in back and then make some snarky comment and actually addison instead happy now seriously a whole staff set up to painstakingly watch episodes of television to break them down looking for meaning in minutia are we really supposed to believe such a place would exist twins but they shouldn't know that yet in the previous episode rambo delivered the one baby and then they discovered a second one was coming after vision came in with the doctor but where's rambo not answering this question was some variation of probably in a headband off brutally killing some people in a jungle somewhere in the name of justice once again i have to ask how wanda's powers work at times she can make something appear with the snap of her fingers so why couldn't she simply make monica disappear now wanda has more unnecessary cleanup just snap your fingers you've done it several times so far why would wanda see this version of vision this would mean he's dead and he isn't dead he is perfectly fine and everyone will be happy and how dare they try to make any of us believe otherwise there hasn't been a route 2 in new jersey since 1942. it's all wonderful repeating your misdirection from the previous episode hoping it will stick slow going one of the most orgasmic moments in mcu history splurgasming parts of this episode especially those stairs and the opening credits running through the park have super duper full house vibes which is honestly a dick move by elizabeth here it wasn't enough she had to usurp her twin sister's fame she has to own the only thing they had left if you go to sleep i promise you will be my favorite twin sibling favoritism whether joking or not this can really [ __ ] up a kid's identity i mean probably not more than skipping entire developmental stages but still keep it down leslie's about to get my leg over getting my leg over also horny viz continues to be horny and look we're totally sex positive around here but i'm also 100 sex positive you should probably put the infants down first look i think it's working expecting a baby to suck on a binky coated in synthetic ear wax i was just fluffing this pillow with my face seriously viz enough with the sexual euphemisms do you want to take that again breaking character you're better than that catherine honestly i can't believe they left that in fussy babies meet buns of steel we dare you to stay away for the life of me i can't think of a way her buns of steel will play into quieting these babies that isn't making me extremely uncomfortable lavender supposed to have a calving effect spraying anything onto an infant without researching first to be sure that the supposed to is an absolutely will looking at the fruit bowls here i'm reminded of how often fruit goes bad in my house and before you head to the comments to complain about that not being a sin on this show it absolutely is look at all those apples vision and wand are the only apple eating [ __ ] in this house anything over five is just over fruiting the more you look at this picture the more it seems like your head was photoshopped onto the wrong part of someone else's body once you see it you can't unsee it i mean it's probably a real picture but weren't there better pictures to choose [Music] [Laughter] baby vision i'm only human guys but also this is giving me serious enemy mind vibes and i'm not okay with that oh sure tommy's name has nothing but billy's name gets the exclamation point this is clearly more favoritism and ultimately just creates poor family ties this random tiger on the table combined with agnes bragging there's no taming this tiger is two bengal references in less than 10 minutes and this is exactly the kind of show that makes me spend 20 minutes thinking about what it means and that's 20 minutes i could have been mining bitcoin damn it there's a briefing in 10 pants are encouraged but not mandatory what sort of operation is this people can just free ball or go clam mando willy-nilly i need another blood draw no no no we're done here and because we aren't supposed to know about monica's abnormalities yet this works translucent privacy curtains that used to be opaque so you can't open it's an oversimplification of events but yes what in a tv show you don't say monica should blast you halfway across new jersey hyperbole bring up the visual this entire conversation has been the typical mcu convenient self-advancing powerpoint presentation but suddenly somebody needs to be instructed to pull something up and they have it ready with a few clicks why wasn't that in the original file also it's a good thing that this console self-orients so that wherever the camera is we aren't looking at it upside down but that's in direct violation of section 36b of the sokovia accords [Music] just imagine being this guy in the background your only job as an extras to stare at the back of deputy derpy's head and look like you're desperately trying to hold in a fart all right that's it for now wow what a waste of a debrief this reminds me of attending staff meetings where 98 of what is being covered doesn't concern you at all great you informed everyone who wanda is why she's dangerous and that she stole a carcass i mean the carcass part is new but is it all so exciting that literally everyone had to stop their important work to listen you know i don't miss the crying but geez louise did you have to learn to walk you two never stay put but there are kid crafts on the fridge so clearly they can sit still long enough to make all this um art oh look the lobster penis is back and now it has more friends this fish looks like another penis and i'm not even sure what this is but dragon maybe anyhow it's clear this room goes by the 1980s too duck abstract art and a heart standard of interior design my kitchen window told me someone got a new pooch windows can't talk that a hunch someone might pop over with exactly the item we require this talking toaster would be excellent at tv sins vision gets on to wanda for being careless with her powers but earlier we saw him dressed for family portrait day at sears as a turkey the easter bunny and santa while still looking very much android rambo is trying to figure out how to get back into westview via some complex thingamajig and honestly i'm not sure why she's concerned clearly suarez has many amazing things at their disposal they can pop up a sweet tent city at a moment's notice and their standard issue uniforms include neat little thumb cutouts if you can do thumb cutouts what can't you do this wall has turned from useful way to track information on who's in town to why is there a whole row of wand and vision at the top when they're already in the center someone's patting their serial killer board she could have taken out thanos on her own if he hadn't initiated a blitz i mean nobody else came close well i'd argue that captain marvel came close read it what are we looking for that you're looking for the thing that just happens to be set up on display in this room right where you need it for storytelling purposes cool checks out are we being mind controlled to see that right now i mean she was wearing them when she exited so this is a question you may have wanted to ask when rambo was found in the field not naked can i borrow this whoa whoa whoa whoa this is a beyond reprehensible act by a character we're supposed to love it needlessly puts equipment and even lives at risk for a display that has already been confirmed by a test anyway this is both reckless and pointless and the only sane resolution to this choice involves monica and handcuffs and immediately removed from the case and the agency also no one hears the shots that are fired despite this being a bustling base nobody comes running to see what shenanigans are afoot despite being on high alert honestly this scene may be the most unbelievable part of this entire series so you're telling me this is a typewriter a rolodex and a calendar all-in-one don't forget that it's also a place to discover copious amounts of pornographic images and considering vision's apparent sexual insatiability in the series you know that's the first place he would go what else can it do find me a wife eventually yes so vision knows the future and if so how does he not know he's dead i mean mostly dead or temporarily dead but in no way dead forever and ever you have to stop her stop who she's in my head look marvel we can spot pronoun gaming a mile away and our city senses are all over this use of her and she so take your sin for pronoun gaming and for teasing us with this wanda or agnes conundrum when we might have to wait weeks for the answer also this guy is briefly outside the puppet masters control and my question is does that mean he can see he's talking to a walking android corpse something's scaring him assuming you can understand a dog whimper stay here disobedience we can't see the drone on the broadcast wand is framing it out of the shot since when are the broadcasts you're watching happening in concurrent real time disregard take the shot take the shot with the missile that you have attached to a drone built in the 80s was the missile from the 80s too and if so what sort of magical mumbo jumbo had to happen for suar to find a drone from the 80s just lying around in a nearby new jersey warehouse wait is it night outside the dome but day inside we see earlier that it's clearly bright out but out here it's pitch black i get that wanda or whoever could do this but we've seen it be night on the show before and later it's clearly night in the town behind her the missile was just a precaution this guy is it just me or these shots targeting her cleavage a bit more than her heart geez even the laser sights are a bit male gazy lagos for when you make a mess you didn't mean to that slogan second only to lagos so strong even overly metaphorical blood stains don't even stand a chance ah don't worry he's sure to turn up your mom won't let him get far ma'am an important unknown character has an unnecessary speaking line to set up their existence for later cliche by the way you can use this casual superfluous introduction theory to spot the killer in almost every single one of the over 1000 various csi episodes what i'm saying is watch out for the mailman he's obviously the killer don't age yourselves up why would this be a response from the kids what would growing up do to fix the dead dog you can't control me the way you do them can't the way wanda in this show uses this role credits moment to play into both the story and themes of denial and grief that are prevalent throughout this whole episode is such brilliant work that i have to give another sin off keep it up marvel and the mtu may rival the mcu i wonder who is this asks the man who despite being adamant about it the entire episode is suddenly completely unconcerned about revealing his identity to strangers [Applause] what this masturbatory logo spewing keeps going on and on week after week most shows cut down their opening credits after a few episodes but this is just the [ __ ] logo crawl this kind of display is the equivalent of the ubu dog barking at us every week for 30 full seconds make it stop if you end up with this much toothpaste sauce outside your mouth you're simply toothpasting wrong oh yes i remember all those early aught family sitcoms that had a close-up of the neighbor's ass in the opening credits halloween's a magical holiday halloween episode's in february where's your costume tommy this is my costume i'm the cool twin costume slackers adoratosaurus rex not a real dinosaur the dorkasaurus racks would fit right in the middle at tv sins mixing your rubiks with your jenga everyone knows competitive jingx wasn't invented until 2014. he's your uncle why would i be scared because it's four o'clock in the afternoon you're secretly afraid he's a vampire but why would they think that pietro is a vampire if he's able to sleep in a room full of sunshine unharmed i think kids [Applause] to be fair i'll take a fish over a toothbrush or those weird brown and orange wrapped candies that's not exactly how i remember it except according to your own look before cutting to it you are the one remembering it if this was pietro's memory why did we cut from your blatant memory face you probably suppressed a lot of the trauma we've already mentioned the fun marvel winks the easter egg teasing the incredible design work and the acting that make these homages such a success but have we talked about how incredibly they continue to layer in the themes of trauma and denial it allows the show to maintain both surface frivolity and meaningful depth and damn i'm about to give another sin back aren't i and he's what you call a man-child finger quoting words that don't need them also licking your fingers ever again ever you are incorrigible darling i know you have a secret thing for mexican wrestlers this sexual tension is leading somewhere right like they certainly wouldn't build this up every single episode and then not give us some sort of payoff wait is the final episode an homage to californication is it where to keep your water balloons who asked the question this way wouldn't you just simply ask where do you keep your balloons who stores balloons with water already in them pietro's tattoo looks like it says mom but i think it says hom which we all know stands for house of m which is of course a reference to house of mouse in the mickey mouse clubhouse so hot dog hot dog here's a hot diggity sin for yet more pointless disney synergy and which one of you is the sassy best friend it's funny because it's true i haven't seen disney's cell phone this hard since carts 3 ended up trying to teach a lesson about crass commercialism god help me i'm going to talk about the timing again because this tv shows the first portion of the episode we are currently watching even though in the real world this meeting appears to be the same night as the drone attack so is this episode happening now for the first time and if so why aren't they all watching it for clues and if not how are the events intersecting when it's mid-afternoon on tv and still night here i feel like you just want the episodes playing on the random tvs as filler but no one has given a single consideration to the process of how and when these episodes air all you people who left still have the luxury of optimism you have no idea what it was like what it took to keep the lights on then maybe you should have told her all about this instead of just sending her on a mission her first day back maybe it's a good thing you weren't here when your mother died because clearly you don't have the stomach for this job here's the thing i'm okay with hayward turning out to be a bad guy but this is the guy who was doing everything he could just a few episodes ago to get rambo out of the wanda sitcom world and is now willing to shuck her aside so he can play war i'm just saying a little growth of the character would have been excellent why didn't anyone tell me the plan the better question is how did anyone have time to tell anyone the plan convenient suare panchos are convenient look i know you want me to pronounce it differently but you're not the boss of me now and you're not so big life isn't fair trick-or-treating in the daytime kick-ass yeah you know yet another marvel movie property that has both aaron taylor johnson and evan peters what does it all mean all the canyon has disappeared stealing and all the jack-o'-lanterns have been smashed vandalism now everyone's covered in silly strings and bullying it's the rare how to turn your characters from likable to [ __ ] trifecta sorry what i gotta bounce to where exactly at least some of that went down right where herb is standing this show got intensely dark it's like they took the dread of get out but took the laser accurate social commentary about racism in america and replaced it with um sitcom superhero stuff so yay i've seen plenty of creepy things in this job but this kid's left thumbnail is flat out the most horrific thing in the history of human existence it hurts to even look at it make it go away pretending that the face decomposes at a different rate than the rest of the body marquee refuses to indicate if we are lindsay lohanning or haley milzing also in this universe who even voices frozone they've got full-sized candy bars a few blocks up mom can we go next stop cavity town i mean it's cool in all that tommy has super speed but he was only able to grab two candy bars lame oh how cute these kids went for halloween as ruth bader ginsburg in the current american justice system totes adorbs this cul-de-sac has the most extended driveways in the history of sack bottoms that's just poor city planning why even have a cul-de-sac in the first place oh no one leaves wanda won't even let us think about it but wanda will let you think about thinking about leaving my way back into the hex will be here in an hour just gotta meet my guy over the ridge you know at some point this tantric pronoun gaming could just be considered audience abuse just tell us it's reed richard so we can climax already worst case scenario wanda removes my free will and puts me in ultra low rise jeans right that's what i was thinking worst case scenario hayward has your blood work there are a thousand different files i could be looking at right now but i happen to be looking at your blood work on the off chance you may make a declaration about wanting to travel into the hex again the energy inside has rewritten your cells on a molecular level twice it's changing you like i don't know mutating them just say it marvel say it hey i'm not some stranger obvious cover-up lie is obvious hayward you sneaky bastard giving your secret file the designation of eyes only and then attaching your name to it we know that the city is several miles around but thankfully for the plot vision decided to emerge right by the main outpost and within short walking distance from the server farm where darcy has been hacking unhindered all night are they showing night of the living dead in this town square sure it's a great choice because it's public domain and all but now i have to know who's controlling this so i know why their movie choices are so on the nose a metaphorical representation of disney engulfing fox somehow makes it into the show yeah yeah yeah opening logos blah blah blah but can we talk about how in addition to this 90 seconds of previously on and logoing that we also end with over four minutes of credits that's almost six minutes of not wanda visioning now i have to do math every time i look at the runtimes on d plus and figure out if i actually do have time to squeeze an episode in before my friday colonic and it's hard to work that out sometimes [Music] oh yes let's pretend that last night wanda would expand the boundaries of her hex to save vision but then not actually go find him and ensure that he's alive [Music] setting aside that uno isn't even a video game it was only invented about five years before the atari why not go with pong controllers that had been around in some form since the 60s even if you don't do video games go with a paddle ball or marbles or regular old playing cards i'm just saying when thinking about how many choices you had here you certainly had more than uno mom my head feels weird it's like really noisy i don't like it resting her eyes ignoring a clear sign that your child is in need of supernatural medical attention i plan on taking a quarantine style staycation sorry wanda you don't get to call a pleasant break away from your kids a quarantine not in 2021 you don't you never even put on a mask sure jokes hearty heart but everyone else's clothes have changed and even your hair is different i get that someone is producing all this but we've also been led to believe that the anomaly itself changes material things to match the era automatically so we should clearly be in pajama territory here aha cane cola more clues this is obviously a reference to scrooge mcduck who walks with a cane come on disney these tie-ins are getting to be a bit much on a completely unrelated note i wonder if cane cola comes in a six-pack also where's the food there are two shelves here dedicated to beverages alone where are the leftover containers and yes i know vision doesn't eat but you had your bushels of fruit in the 80s so at least throw some lunchables in here listen if you're going to use the box for clever metaphors like vision starting at the edge of town at a circus and needing to get to the center of town to his wife or calling it sugar snaps in reference to the infinity snaps why not use all the box for cleverness unless of course repeating these nutrients four times in a row is a clue which it isn't also where's the riboflavin a simple moment that is absolutely my favorite from this episode with the milk changing from milk from 1950 i would have send it if you didn't give it the quick smell test but you did and i smiled dang it elizabeth stop being so good at this lying setting unrealistic beauty standards my god who wakes up looking this good no one okay no one hidden mickeys can i help you creeper you don't remember me from last night who's the real creeper here vision's been passed out in the field all night and all you guys are just out here clowning around what wii game is this and how is this interface even a two-player game also setting up your wii without the sensor bar in place also also this is a terrible place for your tv who puts the tv in the middle of the room with two chairs facing away from the television also times three this is some of the worst cord management i've ever seen apparently this is plugged into the floor somehow and then you just threw the mess of cords out in full view find a wicker basket for that you cord jumbling chaos monsters vision is made of vibranium they literally inherited tough skin assuming to understand the complexity of the genetics of your children when they were born in a fake sitcom in a fantasy universe agnes is in full stride here meaning she knocked on the door and took about six steps back to strut on in i'm a little impressed but mostly annoyed i'll be fine just go with agnes parenting i mean my parents once left me with a family of strangers in l.a so they could attend a taping of the price is right and i'm still here and so very well adjusted so fine i'm fine i'm fine our conversations with ourselves every day of the past pandemic year somehow make it into the script the most unbelievable thing in this email from darcy is that in the rushed moments to get this to them she took the time to properly punctuate each letter in the terrible sward acronym i didn't even do this in this subtitle and i had plenty of time it's just that as any woman can attest to having to deal with constant periods is extremely annoying did we get your specs right yes and within one day the well-known efficiency of governmental agencies comes through again fool the guesser games yes please tell me how old you think i am and how much you think i weigh can we go to the would you like to get kicked in the balls or punched in the booth next please and who is that imposter pietro vision is like the third person already in this episode to plot jesus with this question and we get it marvel another big reveal is coming at this point you're building it up so much i'd be disappointed if pietro isn't revealed in the final shot as hugh jackman flipping the middle claw and dropping an f-bomb at a local westview bar you're not supposed to talk considering we never once hear the interviewers in modern family the sitcom this episode is mostly based on i think one has a point here and therefore would be excellent at tv sins a unique antidepressant that works to anchor you back to your reality or the reality of your choice get it multiple realities you could even call them virtual realities it's clear now with this in the video games earlier that wand is going to create nexus which as we all know will be the name of a virtual reality headset where she and super horny vision can have lots of sex guys i'm getting super good at picking up on these easter eggs she's gonna sail right through unharmed obvious overconfident premature celebration is premature and obvious i can get through and i won't be needing this anymore so wanda killed me a full minute rehashing a moment we already saw in the movie being referenced i didn't realize the infinity in infinity war referred to how long marvel would continue to refer back to it in its properties take a lesson from your own show marvel move on already oh and another red light i'll overkill out the sticks here don't you think overkill a maybe a little insensitive to the guy who just learned he was killed twice superhero is an obvious superhero because they know how to land in a superhero pose cliche all you do is lie but wouldn't want to be slightly interested in how monica is showing up in sward gear that hadn't been altered on its way through the hex which reminds me why weren't her clothes transported like everything else coming through monica herself is a superhuman now but are her clothes what am i doing here sitting talking to you great question and honestly this has been building for a while but how does the timing of any of this make any sense most of this stuff has been shown to be really happening so when was this recorded and why does it take place in sequence with him flying out of the truck what is happening when and why and how and where and when does deathstroke finally show up [Music] nice this show is super fun and catherine hahn is a treasure and i'm so glad she's getting to shine here there are plenty of reasons i could remove another sin for one division but this one is for han solo we did everyone did and i killed sparky too bragging about dog murder this screen not only does it taunt me every week it's taken me until this episode to finally realize it's not saying there will be a mid-credits scene so this week i'll finally turn off the show and not stick around hoping for a scene that never shows up can you imagine if they waited till the seventh episode to do any kind of mid-credits scene good thing that would never happen this was not previously on wandavision it was previously on infinity war i'm way too lazy to go back and check if they've actually shown this in any previous episodes but even if they have you're still breaking the 1978 previously on accords set in motion when the show alice petitioned and was denied use of and alice doesn't live here anymore clip because christe didn't consider it cinema also i was going to stop sinning how long these previously on segments continue to be but then you had to go and title this entire episode previously on which means this is essentially 40 full minutes of previously on and how did you ever think you'd get away with it in case you confused it with the famous witch trials of salem oregon yet you have betrayed your coven and we will all now take our hoods down dramatically and simultaneously for maximum creepiness i did not break your rules they simply bent to my power the new england patriots are they killing her taking away her powers giving her indigestion you don't know when the show isn't interested in telling you either but those pretty blue lights sure are cool huh now she's purpling they're blue and it's sucking the life out of them because purple please i can be good no you cannot parents [Music] kids she does look shocked to meet the real us doesn't she oh good we're back to the current day i was beginning to fear this episode would be a never-ending parade of flashbacks with no real story momentum glad that will never happen that's adorable my thoughts are not available to you jets they never ever were then how would wanda not know that before now and yes i thought about the fact that agatha could have been supplying wanda with false thoughts but then i also decided that if i keep filling in the blanks for this stuff i'm doing marvel's job for them despite the rumors they don't pay me for this that accent really comes and goes doesn't it considering the show has already played around with this joke hackathon would be excellent but repetitive at tv sins i was so patient waiting for you to reveal your true self pretending you have great patience because you waited a few days for the next episode i mean new information netflix has ruined us all also wanda's version of patience is apparently resurrecting a dead brother and killing a dog in an attempt to force wanda to reveal her powers i got close with fake pietro vietro if you will we'll handle the lazy nicknames around here agatha snarkness but you're so crippled by your own self-doubt that you believed it look i'm sure there are more pietro reveals coming but the idea that agatha would use a completely different person to imitate wanda's brother on the off chance that she's so distraught that she wants to believe it it's quite the stretch sure it's fun for us but i can think of at least five different ways snooper could have snooped without relying on that long shot of course there's transmutation show decides to pause for a few minutes to give us agatha's witchcraft and forced exposition masterclass magic on autopilot disney's corporate slogan for its film division accidentally makes it into the script but it's time to look at some real reruns in the end agatha was always going to have to do the ghost of christmas pass routine right so why did she wait agatha might enjoy getting to play in wanda's dick van dyke and bewitched playground but once it got to the full house her family dies i feel like agatha should have made her move and if you're calling pietro a move go back a few sims and see how we felt about that going with the colorized i love lucy set geez irena maybe step away from the window you've got the purge going on two stories down this might be a better time to take shelter instead of immersing your world with dick van dyke dick van dyke again always sitcom sitcom sitcom insta sin haters also what else could have been picked everything in the suitcase was a sitcom here's the sims for disney plus not releasing their own shows on physical media now how am i supposed to watch people watching dvd on dvd on dvd also this episode is a straight classic but it's not the one wanda picked wanda said she wanted to watch episode 21 from the second season which is my husband is a check grabber it may look like a walnut is episode 20. the tv dvd dvd player both power cords and the av connecting cord survive this where'd you get the big guns wanda puberty don't be scared you already lifted once you said bored wrong and we're focusing on an infinity stone again i swear they should have just called them the herpes stones because this is never going away do we have to see wanda watching sitcoms in every scenario from the past the show sets that aspect up well with the suitcase full of dvds and the tv night with world war 3 happening outside the maximoff residence unless of course this hospital uses the brady bunch as punishment of some kind which makes sense because that show is torture also this seems like exactly the kind of room that wouldn't have anything included but a cold slab table but would also have taken the time to integrate a color television with access to the brady bunch priorities if we're accessing wanda's memories from these scenes then how are we seeing this these moments would have been completely outside of wanda's vision the broken pieces of you are adding up buttercup are they though or are they being retrofitted this must be that new math thing i've heard so much about [Music] breaking dad i've never experienced loss because i've never had a loved one to lose but what is grief if not love persevering damn it marvel just as soon as i'm ready to write off this episode is a bunch of pointless backstory you dropped this vision soup for the soul bomb on me and i realize how perfectly this episode represents the process of therapy and growth therapy rules and so does this moment yes sir yeah she's still here hayward can see wanda on the screen so why would he ask the apple leader at the desk if she's still there one moment i have to buzz you in i got it thanks what is the process of buzzing someone in that you couldn't have done it in the time it took you to tell her you needed to buzz her in also still a dick move by wanda here either way they said you could head back it's not going to take long you can hold a spell i get that superheroes would have to drive their normal people buick like a boring person from time to time but it feels so wrong to me it's like a werewolf holding a gun sort of wrong jeez westview if you aren't going to take care of that pool at least drain it you want mosquitoes because this is how you get mosquitoes i would have given all the sins back if we had one scene in the past of vision being shown properties by a realtor for all the pretense of this episode giving us explanations of how all this started they really yadda yadda the hell out of it at the end this outburst of powers is pure chaos and emotion for wanting to be able to keep up what she's doing would require a lot of control and planning i don't see how this explains anything for agatha that she probably didn't already know not giving your blade runner references time to register wait where are we now did she create an actual home or create a broadcast studio and if this is all in her mind space then why would she be imagining a studio with agatha in the audience seating why is camera this is chaos magic wanda but that makes you scarlet witch [Music] i'm bored i see d plus took my note from last week and removed the please stand by screen thank you now i know for sure there won't be a mid-credits scene i always appreciate the help disney tried every type of power supply under the sun when all we needed was a little energy directly from the source i love how simple jay from drop dead diva makes this sound sure she zapped our drone so we now know all the secrets to our energy and how to capture it and transfer it to a vision clone voila if next week's episode isn't called double vision we riot previously on wandavision not saying previously on previously on the episode previously on want division also play that again and tell me elizabeth olson herself doesn't sound like she's bored with these tediously on one division segments previously on wandavision she throws that voiceover away like it's a gum wrapper she found in an old jacket these are runes wanda only the witch that casts the runes can use her magic spoiling your own show by what you put in the previously on segment this back-breaking pose he was gonna burn westview to the ground just to get what he wants sure so hayward appears to not be that great but he may have legitimate reasons for his actions we don't know i like that the show leaves his villainy a bit nuanced and doesn't feel the need for him to do something truly evil and drastic like oh i don't know attempted child murder this is chaos magic wand see we know that agatha is bad because she has extensions dark makeup in this sock neck i take power from the undeserving it's kind of my thing and kind of vague what does undeserving even mean on a scale of super bowl 41 peyton manning to green book exactly how undeserving is wanda and why once you focus on albino vision's costume crotch floss you really do feel bad for the undeniable chafing that must be taking place after each footfall his poor poor underbits is it really you asks the mind reader easily capable of a quick scanneroo why is caucasian here pretending like he cares about wanda at all instead of just sneaking up on her and taking her out and i was told she is which is why this damsel in distress setup is all the more infuriating deus ex ocula i can fix it can you yes she can wanda builder jeez disney you don't even own that property there's nothing sacred like pretty much every villain before him robo blanco just saunters out of a fire after hanging out there for a while and waiting for the conversation to in before attacking you could almost make an excuse for humans who may want a showboat but he's a computer with a directive deit it wouldn't be a marvel property without same fighting same in the finale complete with quick cuts in cg and with wanda and agatha later it happens twice here i thought this show might escape those tropes but nope proverbs 26 11 comes through again and no i'm not gonna look it up for you and yes it does include a puke reference because the bible is hardcore like that you must be destroyed and so we watch vision have his forehead bling yanked out again hey good thinking viz and why did you do that last time hey it's my favorite member of the bureau who i had brought here to mission control instead of locked in a room for some reason no one sees this including the security details standing directly behind him are we sure suare doesn't stand for some worthless oblivious random dudes you could be a part of that victory jimmy if only you had a little more vision i'll be the one to handle the terrible name based puns around here i'm betting he didn't put much thought at all into that one and that's worth a wholesome i said they were terrible when in doubt just break the fence for that perfect shot no need to make it look like the fence has flaws in other places nope just make your hero face hole and call it a day did you know there's an entire chapter devoted to you in the dark hole i got the slacks off on enunciating the d and for a second i thought the book of the damned was called the dark hole which if it hadn't already been the name of my high school hyper pop band might have actually been better oh good i'm not the only person that keeps an eight and a half by eleven head shot of myself in my man cave i was teased relentlessly by my dude bros but honestly you never know when you need one ralph boner boner no a thousand times no first if your name is boner you've heard this joke a million times and are not gonna beavis your response to your own name second why does ralph only have super speed in that necklace if she was using him anyway why didn't you give him other powers like super strength or even a smidgen of intelligence why not fully use the power of boners to your advantage agatha and finally the fact that you look exactly like pietro from another movie that was all the coincidence i'm the fan and you must submit to all my theories on the multiverse and mutants and i wrote a whole thesis already and how dare you act like this is your story to tell when my mind was already made up my husband's on a business trip tell him i love him this brings up a good point how are there not hundreds of loved ones outside this town that haven't been able to reach their children spouses parents college buddies etc wouldn't those people have contacted the authorities your grief is poisoning us i trust your metaphor when you can just have your characters explicitly spell it out anyone else worried about mr hart he never shows up again after the first episode and now i'm wondering if he tried to eat steak again when vision wasn't around to do a metaphysical tracheotomy if you won't let us go just let us die please i will wait what i will let you go oh i thought this was actually about to get fresh and interesting again head laser head laser head laser head laser head laser excitement you tied your family to this twisted world now one can't exist without the other thanks for breaking this emotional moment up by having a character explicitly lay out what we already know why won't you trust me marvel i've been watching the whole time look i don't mind a bit of an homage but this is so the incredibles they should have to pay whatever company owns pixar some royalties for this not to beat a dead vision here but how does any of this fight make any sense if they can phase through each other why do any of their punches land ever why do super powerful beings always end up punching each other why are you doing this my programming directive is to destroy the vision but my script directive is to pause for philosophical conversations occasionally as well i request elaboration every [ __ ] fans response after the end of this [ __ ] episode somehow makes it into the [ __ ] script oh yes here's a wholesome mcu moment where a man decides to straight up murder some children it's okay though because we get to see monica's sweet powers so nobody really cares too much but this is still an absolute sin also that's right monica's entire storyline about getting her powers boils down to absorbing a few bullets that the kids could have taken care of themselves anyway if you look up anti-climactic in the dictionary it just says we were going to put a picture of monica rambo here but we were too bored have fun in prison ladies and gentlemen the entirety of darcy's finale story arc you are familiar with the thought experiment the ship of theseus in the field of identity metaphysics no but i am familiar with the philosophical [ __ ] of plot theseus in the field of convenient and underwhelming story resolutions that was easy and so visbino flies out of the hex without becoming damaged from the cell restructuring properties of said hex and then finds a simple place to destroy himself as that is his directive speaking of directives albion also said he was going to destroy wanda has that somehow changed now that he saw her in some memories memories which revealed that she had once murdered him you see the difference between you and me that you did this on purpose how does wanda know anything about this moment in agatha's past did she watch that last episode too you are the scarlet witch i suppose now that we're seeing a long ago memory from agatha's past turn into a zombie prophecy we should all jump right in and believe whatever they say i love you so i hurt you this rune reveal is clever i guess except how and when did wanda do this how did she know how why did she play possum and pretend to be drained of her power how did agatha suck all the power in if she had no magic how was she even flying with no magic once wanda had the runes up there why not just lock her down instead of letting her enemy and her own family think she was being destroyed first and if she wasn't faking how did she get her powers back even if you think you have answers to some of these questions this scene is hella confusing honestly nothing makes any sense now that the show has been completely ruined and red beats purple because reasons and i'm happy i think oh god you don't know what you've done nope it's almost like someone should have told her all about the pros and cons of coming into her power before provoking her to come unto her power but then where would we be for all the upcoming mcu content eh what i assumed agatha had been fighting barefoot this entire time you know considering she wizard of oz her battle boots back by the car i'll give you the role you chose the nosy neighbor for how long and on what show is westview not going back to normal what even is this punishment should we head on nope because you can't go home until it's dark outside it's far more dramatic that way haha yes there we go instant evening your mother and i very proud of you both very proud and now we're going to release you to the existential nothingness even though we could probably simply leave the bubble intact over just our house enjoy annihilation toodles it's somewhat believable that the very logical vision would embrace his impending death with a sort of casual wilp but the kids were to believe they hunker down in bed after a mad rush of superpower adrenaline all day mom and dad are like well we love you good night and the boys just closed their eyes and asked zero questions about the collapsing glowing wall or why they were being disintegrated earlier mcu said skip you vision are the piece of the mind stone that lives in me oh who knows what i might be next a plot convenience i'm calling it i'm not crying you're crying no seriously i'm not crying because despite this entire series supposedly being about grief and letting go we end up with another vision in the world with the memories of the real vision and there are never actual consequences for anything for dramatic sake it sure is good all these people just hung around out here instead of running to call loved ones or running away from the giant witch battle for shelter or any of a number of other things that actual humans would do in this situation also fine what wanda did was super [ __ ] up whether she meant to or not but is anyone going to ask her for a new town pool before she goes they'll never know what you sacrificed for them oh come on she didn't sacrifice anything for them she created this whole thing and sunken placed them into her fantasy having her nightmares and her loss had already happened before they even entered the picture wanda is the villain pure and simple you know it i know it i'm just wondering if marvel will ever know it given the chance and giving your power i'd bring my mom back then you've learned nothing and none of us have learned anything and why did we even all go through this [Music] that's it that's it what about all the winks at the multiverse the fox universe x-men the aerospace engineer nexus it's one thing to have reveals that may be a bit underwhelming but it's another thing to leave every single loose thread that you specifically dangled hanging there are so many unconsummated teases in this show that they should have just titled the final episode plot blocked also what about the whole tv show concept i may have been wrong about a couple things the created by wandavision sin and thinking the messenger was in on it come to mind but the vast majority of the observations still ring true how was she controlling the episodes were they airing in real time why did she even air them in the first place why didn't she do a who's the boss episode what was up with those commercials who aired those and were those people in the town and what about beekeeper guy for the love of god how did she rewind time and what does that mean happen to beekeeper guy so fine take a couple sins back for the times i was wrong but i'm adding another 10 cents for the times i was right then here's an extra 5 just for beekeeper guy he'd like to meet with you where the theater addict [Music] multitasking you naughty naughty you teasing me you naughty [Music] i know the stereotype i'm a woman got a luscious body provocative clothes i'm gonna use sex to sell cars oh no i'm not single oh i don't see a ring mind your own goddamn business gene what is the purpose of this company i don't want to sell anything buy anything or process anything as a career hello peter what's happening what about seduction techniques this is the essence of sex this is taking too long i'm gonna miss the farmer's market from meatloaf to cherry pie to open-faced cheese sandwiches mmm open-faced club sandwich our anniversary our anniversary what oh all of this is for the children for the children you know for kids you both have severe psychological problems and i see i'm i'm i'm i'm the nice one here how is anybody doing this sober just one more drink i'll cut off your touch with a knife you [ __ ] i too have some top secret gossip to share i'm i'm taking it in my butt i can't help but wonder if you and i haven't gotten off on the wrong foot dottie and i would like to correct that if i can and how would you do that look daddy i like you like i like you pop quiz wanda there's a bomb on a bus once the bus goes 50 miles an hour the bomb is armed phil do these earrings make me look fat you just answer it's like a reflex do i look fat no yes i know what you mean if you judge your friends for passing judgment on you you're not only judging yourself you're judging your friends for judging you and that would be using bad judgment honeydew you don't get a plus one cantaloupe pregnancy sucks making a human being is really hard i have no control over my body or my emotions scare bear i'm sorry all i want to do is punch in the face but i love you so much you have an agent today go [ __ ] yourself what about you i've got a butthole and it's working overtime careful rambo they drew first blood not me wow i mean whoa we have to go back kate mommy daddy come and play with us daddy [Music] cowabunga dude dad i've never said cowabunga in my life your script sucks what happened to him found him in my azalea bushes don't know how many leaves he ate i didn't find him until it was too late siri how do you perform cpr on a [Music] halloween's dog magical holiday all about family friends and the thrill of getting to be someone else for a day wrong don't you know what happens on halloween you are incorrigible darling i know a secret thing for mexican wrestlers sometimes you wear stretchy pants in your room he's for fun i smell dino success really cause i smell baked crotch can balls fart because i feel like i'm smelling that too right on little dude whoa you must have been booking how fast do you think you were going i am locutous aboard resistance is futile only i didn't say fudge i said the word actually did bite a kid once i know that babies taste best i see dead earthly people of knowing which direction we are going bring back the balance ray as i did in the night and i killed your little dog so what i see here is a baby witch obsessed with sitcoms and years of therapy ahead of her you stay in this dimension too long your body's going to disintegrate and i for one can't wait to watch the only way forward is bad that doesn't make sense you're social slip in the juice i watched the entire autopsy of this creature pretty much that the public has since come to know as the alien autopsy it's okay baby it's a beautiful beautiful beautiful pair of twins did you nurse children so you want to play rough do you it really was no miracle what happened was just this i'm touching your head you're bluffing mr son of a [ __ ] let's play some cards nice tricks i've been led to understand that tricks are exclusively for children i just wanted to see you clearly good luck and remember don't pick it up
Channel: TVSins
Views: 377,002
Rating: 4.8342023 out of 5
Keywords: tv, television, tele, tvsins, tv sins, quickest beef owl, eww, everything wrong with, cinemasins tvsins, parody, commentary, reaction, recap, bloopers, tv show sins, tvsins wandavision, wandavision, wandavision review, wandavision series review, wandavision series reaction, everything wrong with wandavision, everything wrong with wandavision series, wandavision reaction, cinemasins wandavision, tvsins disney+, tvsins marvel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 30sec (4410 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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