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all right look most of you come here for the funny and not for my face so if you want to skip to that part i'll just put it like right here i'll even put that little like fancy indent in the scan bar so you don't have to watch the talking head part it is right here my man just skip it already those of you that do want to hear this part thank you for an incredible 2020 from the bottom of my heart thank you in a year that was extremely unpleasant for so many for reasons that i'm not going to get into because i don't want my money taken away by youtube i feel extra lucky to do this blast of a job job whatever we call this uploading garbage to youtube formally you guys are the ones that enable me to do this every single day it is such a gift so i cannot thank you enough for your time and attention it is truly an honor no i know my resolution for 2020 was like hey i'm gonna do a whole lot less sponsorship so i can churn out a whole lot more bangers and obviously that didn't happen because i went ham on sponsorships for good reason money literally just money jokes aside and for those you that actually care i've realized that for my type of content sponsorships are actually the way to go and i know it sounds weird but let me explain don't get me wrong i could make things work with the whole youtube ad revenue alone thing but that would require me to upload way more often it leads to rushed content and me stagnating as a creator because i'm so focused on the schedule and not the creativity you gotta remember since day one it is just me of course i record with my discord buddies who i love but i record i organize i edit i script i animate i every single frame is by my fingertips and nowadays telling that to other creator friends they look at me like i'm a [ __ ] idiot like why wouldn't you have a gigantic team of editors the size of a high-rise building doing everything for you just punt it all off on that it's like wow you're this big badger and you edit your own stuff still you might actually have a learning disability but i do it because i genuinely love every part of this [ __ ] subtitling kind of sucks but everything else i love baking the cake all by myself that way i know down to the frame exactly what i'm serving up to you guys and that i created every single bit of it so with that in mind trying to keep on the financial side of things purely as a one-man band on ad revenue alone it will be virtually impossible especially when it comes to how vulgar my content is we're obviously not playing [ __ ] minecraft here sponsorships on the other hand and you can call me a shill all you want and you can leave i'm not going to tie you down here i'm not holding you hostage are such massive paydays that i can afford to take my sweet time with all of my videos because i'm not worrying about the money part which brings out the best in my creativity i can record for way longer to get the exact footage that i want i can experiment with the structure of videos the way that i script them and especially the way that i animate them and not only does this result in way better videos but in making this best in 2020 looking back at january videos versus videos now it is a massive improvement and like a lot of those january videos i find kind of cringe which is a good thing taking my time not only leads to better videos but i level myself up as a creator as terrible as that sounds like for example in march i couldn't animate it all and now i can animate to a shitpost level quality very quickly when i'm not rushing i can experiment i can improvise i can try things in different ways because that time the big money sponsorships by you affords you that luxury so i hope you guys understand this is like the one time of the year where i let you have a peek behind the curtain as to what exactly i'm thinking and why i'm doing what i'm doing so i hope this gives you some kind of perspective i know you may cringe every time you hear rage shadow but that kind of funding allows me to push the bounds of my creativity and explore in as many different directions as i want as far as creating videos goes and that is the very best way to go as of right now for my vulgar ass content and that's it i hope you guys understand i'm still so proud of my improvement this year i think i can really do a lot better in 2021 but off the top my head the three videos that were the very most fun to make and just ended up being the best videos getting chokes land for money and payday two god has left the server in tab g and ball and but at will constantly the most recent one such a [ __ ] [ __ ] show like thank god world of tanks lets me just shitpost on top of world of tanks footage thanks again for a wonderful year i appreciate it more than you'll ever know i do plan on playing a much greater variety of games in 2021 if you want to look forward to that and i hope you guys enjoy the video peace the [ __ ] out god heavenly that theme is so crazy that's so intense what song is that main menu he listens to his way to work his commute oh no on the way to work is mastermind it's just loud just like this over and over again and i'm the only person in the car and you're and you're making literally no emotions just like blindly staring at you why the [ __ ] is black ops 2 still 60 [ __ ] dollars sounds like someone's posting cringe it's just a meme dick sit down why is he here he lost he posted cringe oh [ __ ] that's the wrong one chad shut the [ __ ] up i accidentally it's the wrong picture i just licked the wrong picture that's an accident [Music] yeah please don't punch any kids in the face are you a burnt baby mickey you have ruined the mask so bad i am mitch mcconnell feed me poor people you may not like it but this is peak male performance right here this is peak doge peak doge perform what there's two of i am not a spy clearly one of you is a spy like on both sides of the screen hold on hold on let me let me move both of those dudes are named i'm not a spy clearly this is a lie chief am i telling me what you're doing in that discord channel sir groom [Music] you almost made me spit my gamer stuff to my monitor i just got an alert that said the servers are too busy in this game i think that's cap tab g having july i don't think i don't think that's accurate nah [ __ ] the grand the bar is what is that for world war ii no no no no i think you mean you want to see the greatest in general of the copyright own a musket for home defense since that's what the founding fathers intended for ruffians break into my house i'm robbing a dude he calls me ruffian bro i'm just walking back out the door you had me at blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man he's dead on the spot draw my pistol in the second man miss him entirely because it's smooth more and nails the neighbors [Music] all right that's a whole ass water you get to live your life as a crab but you can only answer questions vaguely perhaps perhaps you can't call it a hood classic that is reserved for a very specific thing damn the presidential medal of freedom the nobel prize certified hood class i need that i just need legend yes i'm finally going to spawn in my black shark the adas behind me bro i just use my unemployment to pay a parking ticket paw government paying the government it's a vault what do we need a drill it's a bigger vault what do we need two drills you can't just like stack smaller drills to make the damage of a bigger drill this makes no sense it's just like shooting yourself with low caliber bullets to build up your resistance to higher calibers it doesn't make sense this is some skyrim you are over encumbered you're gonna eat 40 pounds of raw glass oh dear bro i picked up this basket now i weigh 6 000 pounds let me eat this basket now to fix the problem bro actually you're in the middle of a fight as the nordic axe is swinging down towards your face you hit the pause menu 80 wheels of cheese oh it's straight down your throat they call me katrina because my drip is stupendous they call me katrina because the government is not coming we [Laughter] chat might be a little bit too young for that actually we just wanted to invade japan with the boy if you're listening i'm about to give you some ptsd oh my god can we go one video without an m1 garand reload for the love of god hold up cap and a half guess who's an admin me guess who ain't in there that brown [ __ ] right there yeah i had a half cap and a half heavily no heavenly's happening you're either blonde or you're captain i wish this baby on board sticker you can put on the back of it maybe i would put a heat round right through that [ __ ] if i ever saw one no one breaks into my house i don't want to make all of us death i'm not going to fire like a 50 a.e [Music] he purposely let himself die classic jello on his way outside to be immersed in more society so sick of all the society around me i wanted to go migos hey they bout to drop they better drive culture 3. it's gonna be a bloodbath for them for migos not the rap game for me ghosts it's about to be a bloodbath yeah if it's like over an hour long like cultured 27 track album literally punch me in the [ __ ] face if i eat bite into a chicken sandwich and it's a cake i'm sending you to god as simple as that you are washed like a plate bro he's hanging bro [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh hello sir this is c4 let me introduce you oh [ __ ] that man disintegrated that man is no more one little fight with a brazilian woman don't know how to ever did you just punch your mind i have a plan arthur i just need 2 trillion in taxpayer dollars i have a plan arthur i just need two trillion dollars for taxpayer stimulus no you can't just add two trillions of the economy that's not how this works money go you can't use trench gun it's unfair too powerful in the trenches dangerous why are memes like this now we have the official voice actor from halo saying he turned himself into a pickle and i [ __ ] you not harvard that's some of the funniest [ __ ] i've ever seen we've identified the dog over do you hate the doge meme that much that you want to just exterminate him in a raid fight we've identified the shiva inu the next ufc will take place on mother base that's great engravings give you every tactical advantage but i can possibly [ __ ] think boss you killed a child great work this is why you're the best colonel he turned himself into a pickle it's the funniest [ __ ] i've ever seen krause get out of the boat right now exercise caution when aggravating words boss i swear there's nobody here we swept the entire compound with 50 guys the lasers are activated and we've got a dozen dogs on patrol oh god no i refuse no no what the couch baby couch baby yo is this hammer of dawn weapon any good uh no it's a piece of [ __ ] trash you ate who am i literally anyone you see yeah see those guys on the left it's just a spicy magnifying glass you don't recall a couple months ago when jeremy renner vibe checked his wife with an fn five seven how did you know doesn't mean nothing to me who the [ __ ] let jeremy buy out and get an r8 shit's disgusting you said there's someone looking out your window when you're trying to sleep i ain't trying to look at that that's scary all right it's all up to you gonzales gonzales protect the burger [Laughter] pingu is watching right now bro you have to you have to do it that's a lot oh my god are we playing scp that was so scary he was just looking at the corner wow wow this is like blair rich project level of horror and we're playing on a well-lit stadium uranium is 20 billion calories so if you really wanted to bulk up you got a source that isn't a meme i took i googled that there is a certain amount of potassium that is radioactive we worked this out in high school if you ate 40 000 bananas in 10 minutes you would die of radioactive poisoning ah yes the radiation would kill you oh my god dude mira sounds like a [ __ ] goblin wait what you think we lost vietnam because we didn't announce the raid in chat [Laughter] that actually hurts myself no no no no shut up jello we were just trying to find vigil's parents mission failed i'm about to fight that river bro i'm gonna go back to fight can't say you're gonna go back and fight the river i'm done arguing in 2020 we disagree on something i'm straight up just why did you resist a police officer why are you police officers i blew up malaysia there's a minigun that doesn't happen it's just called spooky mini golf that's it no pun it's as soon as you step in how is that even a thing though i was going like five miles per hour or whatever they say in france five baguettes per kilo okay you're not even trying it we're just like uh french baguette [ __ ] it we're done i don't have the armor here what what what are the american units chat hamburgers per happy meal washing machines browning high power instead of miles per hour it's football fields per moon landing all right we won we still won it's worth it's worth that actually is pretty funny even though i'm very anti-war crime joke war crimes per corporate bailout that is pretty good that's pretty spicy today i love c shooters they're better than every other game cheater they're like it's like that [ __ ] meme of the two crying wojaks other games cheaters no i wasn't cheating bro yes he was siege cheaters yeah i [ __ ] cheated dude uh is this good is this good anytime any other country talks [ __ ] about anything i'm just gonna go uh check the moon for any other flags real quick i'll be right back [Laughter] our military's completely equipped to handle the united states we attacked three boats they dropped the sun on us twice dude even a t-rex would get his fade run by an m1a2 abrams i was sent his ass back to the cretaceous so fast they were counting down another top ten today's top 10 reasons why thief is better than aries number one tifa doesn't [ __ ] die just so that i understand the meme armor piercing fin stabilized discarding savage armor piercing high explosive armor piercing high explosive fin stabilizes guarding sabbat or sabo sorry armor appears in high explosive fin stabilizers guarding stable high explosive capitalistic capped armor-piercing high-explosive fin stabilized discarding stable high-explosive anti-tank high explosive capitalistic capped and then we just got bash that's what we're working with not high explosive squash head not ash man we're on that bash who is it heavenly it's [ __ ] train wrestling [ __ ] up day aka squad oh my aka return to monkey why is everybody else vibing and i'm just not vibing can i get this checked out boy please submit your vibe report for appeal please submit your vibe check all you need shut the [ __ ] shut that's low-key genius and i will include in the video but if you [ __ ] vibe check oh my god disinfectant i shall purge the uncle my bmi is above average bang bang you can hit up a vibrator that's terrible i think it's different every time you know what i mean that's so this is like drunk bro why did you get a dinosaur i've had one what are you talking about yeah i've had it what are you talking about wait hold on are you putting this in the game yes i want a dummy off of flintstone gummies i'm sure you did pop one of these and to forget about her why are you acting like i play csgo bro you made a csv video like four years ago shut the [ __ ] up four years ago [ __ ] up with that [ __ ] damn these guys brought sticks and even auto shoddy dude we weren't expecting special forces yeah well if you guys could deal with some [ __ ] bears with sharp sticks we wouldn't have to be here we'd be somewhere else that's all they are they're just [ __ ] bears with sticks [ __ ] partying [ __ ] [ __ ] you bro i can't believe they killed ghosts again in waterways they poured more gas on them this time instead of a instead of a 44 bag and they literally just used a bazooka right in my life like a youtube poop wow always have blood use all this this game mode did yandere dev make this game no because it came out ubisoft vps looking over the code yup looks good to me all right one more time for the gram for the gram no not me does why the hell is that so goddamn funny like just so stupid my sense of humor is just beyond saving if i don't stop watering the voice and scoot loud oh [ __ ] here comes jack what's y'all broke [ __ ] doing in here who's trying to get some ammo bro everybody trying to get some ammo for trying to get some m hey bro you trying to get some ammo oh [ __ ] here comes jack who the [ __ ] where are you i'm not naming the video mumbo fuse shut the [ __ ] up chad silence casual in real life when this tank was unveiled they turned the radar on and the turret immediately swung around to aim at the crowd oh target identifier this is just a demonstration i have no problem saying flamethrower but i can't like i can't speak the machines very well i'm not good at it to be a teams linguist you have to have not graduated middle school that's like the prerequisite that's where you're wrong because i was driving to middle school at 16. [ __ ] dino nuggies and barbecue sauce i earned them with that play you use a fork and a knife for nuggies bro wow num keys are meant to be a eight donuts i don't need the cheese equivalent of chicken nuggets all right just leave me alone with that he's hagging bro barbecue sauce barbecue sauce hey james how's it going it's going well man wait what oh you think i'm just going to do the speech impediment thing at all times [ __ ] crit [Laughter] a 30 inch sled for a family combined santa claus comes straight out of guadalajara with your [ __ ] meal pulling up out of [ __ ] y'all ever been to juarez yeah i was about to say put some vapor rub on it you'll be fine put vix on literally anything that's invented 762 vix when you like pull a bullet out after you get bitten by a cougar did you say sea girl or like a girl that lives by the beach or a seagull i wish that was the same i thought there was just some girl by the beast that you're screaming reinforcements i will scream out my car window reinforcing seat girl so if i see one i'll i'll give you my word i'll scream it out the window as loud as i can all right here we go i could have swore i heard like a serious tire screams like you were either you were gonna yell at somebody i think i popped a muscle in my shoulder bike i think you stopped selling four loko because they allowed you to respect all your points in the show no no no no no my world view just cracked the [ __ ] up what do you mean what are you talking about no babe oh my god we were set up the tiger was has always been a piece of [ __ ] we did it we made it to the other end of the factory floor [Laughter] if i get into your toyota and you're playing [ __ ] skillet i'm pulling the e-brake game once i got the freeway on the freeway i don't [ __ ] care that you like the office bro shut the [ __ ] up yes you can beat back people [ __ ] that guy you have the right to remain silent [ __ ] grouse the excessive force on that was ridiculous i'll get him i'll get him i got him he's down he's down no grouse you can't just execute anything yeah [ __ ] him he's dead now all mers murders no prisoners congrats hey if you actually do be happy here in your police baton battle pass i'll back you up yes yo let me give you a snack come back come back and we snack your ass up no no stop moving right now yeah difficult glad that mickey was the one who i'm sure you have it oh i just took iq's face off but the way that you said that was the most butch voice line i've ever heard yeah difficulty tweet cloaking no i don't have time i'll try i'll try i'll try go go go go oh it's going to be close please get this game [ __ ] you game give me the [ __ ] please yes that's the [ __ ] oh my god the road dog combo has never been stronger i [ __ ] love that as i jumped out the window i look over at chat all i see is then perish in mid-air oh thanks for that suprasonic that is a certified hood classic i'll tell you what oh he's about to he's about to stampede oh my word wow don't worry he's just sleeping like a banana before you can fold it like an omelette ain't no gulag for a second death [ __ ] it's not about winning it's making sure all these other squads don't get to have any fun i should probably kill myself though try them in a wheelchair i'm gonna give you chad what the [ __ ] what did i just see [Laughter] i need to take a lap i'm i'm literally going to take a lap literally [ __ ] work and just went home it was like i'm done i'm going up i must [Laughter] when the t-shirt says the bell doesn't dismiss you i do oh [ __ ] the new fast pass for disney world sends you straight to the icu oh my god i [ __ ] hate florida people in florida be like hmm he came for me i teleported out after breaking line of sight just oh my moo shin they do right behind his ass yes oh hell [ __ ] he started shooting at me and i was like what's it bad you just you're two seconds yeah i was i was too busy zoardoing behind him this is i promise i won't go here he protect he attacked but most importantly he got blow out ammo right he protects attack iraq i'm gonna launch it i didn't buy a [ __ ] minigun and cue up razor mine just so i could raid the department of justice quietly [Music] this ammo doesn't belong to you does it matter i'd be more than happy to give the department of justice their bullets back it's funny because in the modern warfare campaign whenever you're next to a bradley just [ __ ] literally four separate i push up with the bradley you get like 10 feet and it just gets rpg to me and bro i penned a bradley armor with a [ __ ] pop tart you want to go toe to toe young lady young lady a young lady wow a young whoa oh hold i got her i got her no witnesses of that shotgun miss two shots two kills whatever you did 200 people i just watched you [ __ ] that up two shots two kills i didn't miss he don't miss i was so strong like how bang thought he was back at it again at krispy kreme and i showed him that he do go down so bing's body is up in the top right of electrical right where you do like the spinning matching color thing did you put it there again i absolutely did not put it there nah bro bout the elite skin he's playing this adolf drippler right now i don't know i'm not alive by you anymore my stg44 just jammed when you said that who's gonna win the power of the axis adolf dritler drippler or joseph oh [ __ ] benito swaggality that is actually i want to die i'm so glad that sector artillery just wiped me off the face of the earth thank god of light speed of light bro these are [ __ ] paid actors bro i am literally repealing balcony i am literally reporting i'm so pissed this is where all the money's going from sponsorships you give them benefits too for playing that [ __ ] dude oh my god why oh why with the motion blur i tried to sneak through the door man there you go you can make me can't make it i'm going to go doorstop please shut the [ __ ] up glizzy gobbler does insulin i feel like if they wanted to kill them they'd just take them off the insurance plan [Laughter] this is the saddest most defensive decal that you could probably have on a wartime killing machine like what the it looks like meatwad steel like what the [ __ ] look at it i joined the marines question am i immortal i just shot gridlock in the back of the head and made her dead full blew her face off [ __ ] god oh my god gee badger i didn't know you were a history channel i sure do love watching germans you french people for fun just switches stg 44 to full auto into the hot bunker are you [ __ ] insane pizza the [ __ ] nani the pizza are you [ __ ] how much money would we lose if i lit up this whole doctor's office you would you would regret that decision do it do it do it use the explosive shotgun why are you locked in the bathroom you talking to me maybe you should try getting a job do you see me [ __ ] laugh in my game it went from six to eight hell yeah everybody's favorite expendable pilot skulker [Music] you could easily auto rotate this like high key high key i could land this helicopter easy you got this all right now throttle up nailed it at my funeral giving a eulogy how did skulk get in the server i'm not gonna be me i'm not sure just so you know press delicious i care about one thing what's that one thing results uh i can't promise those and i care about them as well chicken fries how do they have good chicken fries and shitty chicken nuggets like i don't understand i don't know i really don't i'm gonna go back and give rosa parks in 1911 bro that underground railroad will be mad different trucks rosa parks and the underground railroaders so [ __ ] far apart mad different that's like at least a hundred years heavenly i'm not gonna trust the timelines will fix themselves you are not posted on top of a security camera i am in tim's like yeah i want to get my tim's on the camera you know they're gonna be like whoa we're getting robbed but damn he's fresh mario i'm pretty sure this is the most payday two thing i've ever seen that's why he doesn't even phase me like did you cast a spell you're still slowly walking while you're on top of that what if i hit you oh wow tux you are the worst type of player to play with oh god what do you mean you swapped your lean four times in a single spray give me a [ __ ] break it's a habit bro i can do nothing about it i'm not even thinking bro it's like breathing bro yeah i'm just trying to get in the web we're going to hit mach 1 and then we're just going to try to just tap it just tap tap tap yeah we'll go closer big fellow kills such energy in chat it's the [ __ ] whip it's not the nae it's wrong pogba's in my valentino white bag why do you have to mix memes like that they they're never meant to be together anybody makes a single call out i swear to god oh he's banana bro bananas oh god i've never had anybody come from the right side what the [ __ ] are you making call outs you've become the very thing you swore to destroy i can't believe my great granddad was killed in d-day by some guy in a nanos i miss him every day wait that implies that your grandfather you know what never mind wait hold on aren't you italian mickey we love switching sides we don't gotta worry about that italy actually dropped out of the war because america had invented nano since hey italy we made these really cool what you guys got uh impeachment is just vote to kick do you think jfk was able to use copycat on oswald's class give me that carcano m91 with fmg the three times scope the world would be totally different if jfk was running painkillers shocked when he sliced it until it blows off it wasn't world at war either because he would have shot him as just a juggernaut hit markers stalker shadow chernobyl looking at badge your operator looks like a [ __ ] combine police officer you just straight up slurping up all the oxygen you can get don't make fun of my boy from breathing oh i just flew from florida to new jersey and as soon as i got here it turns out they canceled thanksgiving so i'm just here now where's the airport like bing you ever seen the pre-game lobbies for pubg when it first came out i forgot that you were flying out of florida for a second yeah i didn't buy my ticket i earned it he chicken [Music] smoke signals and get better voice quality what the [ __ ] just happened i just saw ella's belly fall on the ground but shoot me in the face that was such a legend oh my god oh there's no kill cam i just got dunked on but she's alive yeah chat chad i am so confused ella survived that how how on god's green earth did ella survive that fall theoretically explain this to me explain this screenshot she not only survived the fall but she headshot me on the way down explain explain what just happened that is a solid like 30 or 40 feet that she broke that's a fall she broke with her neck and she's [ __ ] she managed to dome me on the way down i didn't say that i wanted to defund healthcare i said that if there was a law where we could divert all health care spending into giving each family in america an m1a2 abrams i would vote for it and then all of a sudden all your names light up green and discord crashes so i don't even know what to say i was saying the word poor in a respectful economic context don't do it when i'm that close people are gonna be pissed off that we printed two trillion dollars to fund the furthering of our country's interest this is not what they had in mind there's another one right here you dumb [ __ ] oh sick [Laughter] we're very sorry ma'am he did have a final word he wanted you to know before he passed it was his last his last words before he passed man i died to five five six that's kind of korean oh g18 auto sign me up does this gun go bird use it on me it dude it's big i just checked shadowplay it's 100 big no one else no one else is standing next to anything i got the lights a man is there next to me clear as day being just murked amanda vote right now here's 4k razor footage now go to the forums and cry like the little [ __ ] you are i'm five things that aren't cloaker oh my god five things uh ammo bag pizza doesn't give a [ __ ] that he's on fire look at him this cloaker just jumped over a [ __ ] toyota and he kicked me in the jaw dude i bought a disposable camera and i turned the flash on and it made the cloaker noise that i actually was scared oh my god i dumped like two mags into him what the [ __ ] oh my god oh cloaker [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] not to get political but what the [ __ ] is dirt it's called it's the ultimate thing for stopping bullets and i'm waiting i'm waiting for lockheed martin or some defense contractor to come up with like a dirt vest that's literally just dirt oh yeah my rafflecopter goes a weapon to surpass papa john oh my god the damage the day of reckoning shall i'm gonna kill you by the way you gotta look to see you try bro we were shooting you throughout the whole animation yeah i'd like to see you try bro i cannot hit [ __ ] at 26 frames yet i can't i just can't we're changing resolution scale to ten percent we're going ham damn i got some jackframes now too bad i'm playing minecraft i actually can't see anything but my friends are minecraft bro i'm about to run this dude's fade and one for oh god his buddy just murdered me heavenly is essentially hey look that fricking's doing his job a duty honorably discharged even in death i still serve no i love the people that take out loans to buy warhammer 40k [ __ ] even in debt i still sir i've actually learned to uh to quit walk in siege everyone shut the [ __ ] up this is important you know how you do really stupid [ __ ] at 3am we made this tier list based on who can [ __ ] walk that's where it came from yeah and we put mozzie at the top because he's closest to the ground 100 [ __ ] walk moral the story is uh a stupid-ass meme we made at 3 a.m where you are really good at [ __ ] walking turned out being true would you look at that wow don't ask about ft so who's the worst [ __ ] walker castle castle what okay okay that's bait that's bait that is not made at all you want me to say castle because he's black and i will not say it since i'm black no one can be racist if i say it that's true castle can't [ __ ] it because in the lord castle is a gigantic [ __ ] nerd he has no friends but ash he stays up all night watching k dramas and he doesn't go on pride he is from sherman oaks that makes perfect sense heavenly that makes so much sense this is me spitting facts and spitting doritos everywhere but he can't grip off and also it's funny [Laughter] we all talking about oil that [ __ ] is no no i need to show you this picture that is a definition of a blurs image just like everybody says my new animation are blurs so um you're not subbed to pokemane grenade the two words that i heard were grenade i don't feel too good then you just sprinted down it looks like the pistol that you get away with in california it's like an lmg but it's a pistol you see this is not a stock heavenly this is a brace which is why i'm allowed to have this 450 round box mag and interchangeable barrels in case something overheats mid-school i mean mid fire fight with a deer no no if you put a like a legit stock on it it turns the pistol into a rifle and a felony you see with this one screw i will turn a regular firearm into a felony welcome back to payday 2 the game where you comfort the music and stay because you're getting curb stuff right here i had this [ __ ] sucking on my shotgun barrel pulled the trigger and she's still at night name a more white person word than lugi uh malarkey father wow okay i [Laughter] shut up oh god doctor give me an inhaler oh god dude oh god actually my emotes for making me [Music] crazy the back story of this game is that they made arizona one dollar and one cent i'm losing my [ __ ] mind here what do you mean it's not 99 cents anymore if you think i ain't gonna rpg your ass into outer space you got another thing coming the first thing that i see in chat is just filthy filthy where you going oh you shot me with a heartbeat oh down oh my god heavenly damn heavenly he just put his whole nut sack on your face [ __ ] you look at that [ __ ] [ __ ] you look at that [ __ ] i forgot to push the button on my interface oh no oh that's so unlucky oh god i feel so bad i left that man a lot yo he can't be none how the hell did heavenly win that round like forget what radar did forget what radar did four witnesses mike unmuted the [ __ ] you looking at [ __ ] turns into a w what did i just hear load that's what i was thinking and i'm black ops 1 for the ds this dude lived out in the woods and he was like a total recluse and then he said something like every two weeks i drive three hours to my local taco bell and pay for my chalupas with exact change including coins so that i can feel the touch of another human being's hand and then the first reply was just that gif of this dude shooting himself in the back and i just couldn't pass it up as my sub notification oh it looks like a crusader too this looks like you could take jerusalem in like one hour if you were listening to sabaton i'm also having a good time looking at your chat and seeing all the horrible misspellings of jerusalem my favorite is jaaru solem jerusalem what the [ __ ] bing you're one handing it why why there will come a day for mercy today is not that day just uh run mozzie and then when whenever you whenever you steal a drone just put in chat don't send out an ambro where you're not getting it back oh my god that is first of all you shouldn't even be eating that because we can already metabolize regular butter so this is worse for you in any case unbelievable how is this not butter chaotic evil you need to swap those what not butter you think it's butter that's [ __ ] evil could it be butter what not butter i mean anime has been cancelled anime has been cancelled it has been replaced by halloween yeah anime is cancelled anime is cancelled hell yeah oh please that stroke anime is cancelled we america in this [ __ ] this is burger 1-1 to burger actually have you never seen ness hit a falcon with a home run back i know thunder picking these hands [Laughter] can i just get a cheeseburger and thanks bro bye yeah sorry guys i like it because it when you're driving and you're starving hungry you just get a cheesy and it's all weird you know what's so bad as soon as you start talking about food i instantly hear i could be having me most meat boy right now i swear to god if i get bombed by one more [ __ ] plane dog god oh that's hilarious that is so hilarious are you so big is your friendly fire oh [ __ ] clue i'm so sorry i'm i'm on you i i hate ui i'm making a good point here look yo an hour shut the [ __ ] up over there heavenly 7.25 an hour will always be funny because at one point in my life i made 7.25 an hour exactly and then my boss came in all happy one day and she was like you getting a raise to what 7 28 an hour so you telling me every 33 additional hours i work i get an extra dollar excite me the [ __ ] up here's the thing badger that exact same situation happened to me and i told my boss he's a [ __ ] idiot no dawg you got the wrong mentality keep your positivity going i went to arby's that day you gotta [ __ ] battle you meal i got a large soda just need to appreciate what you can get he casually dairy queen i got all the free food i could eat you just lied you keep that positivity then i went to arby's bro bro you don't got to go to arby's [ __ ] nobody else has got a [ __ ] buffalo chicken sandwich that i like how did you [ __ ] this up who knew that me [ __ ] posting an sfm was a superior animator than anyone at a triple a game development style are you gonna explain to me what the caco demon is gonna do with this 1200 stimulus deliver domino's send your cutest delivery boy [Music] i don't want to see that ever again making an orbital weapon how the hammer of dawn was made shut up clocking and bean bags we're together yeah let me be back here come here come here come here come here stop stop moving don't blink i need to take a lap i feel like i just crushed all of your polygons i'm pretty sure you lost about ninety percent of your polygons took my plane of existence can't have [ __ ] in this metaphysical dimension you drive up to the window you get your burger you drive away you open up the burger and there's two top buns they give you a goddamn burgoy there's no burger there's no burger they gave you nothing it's a lit molotov cocktail you never knew everyone died hey bro this edible [ __ ] five minutes later you think tom nook supports the death penalty yes absolutely pasta i didn't ask you anything about florida if i wanted to know about jurassic park 2020 i would ask the gators are live how does it feel living in a gmod rp server [Laughter] with very very poor moderation moderation no matter [ __ ] around and find out i wish a gamer would australian people are just british people that have made it really far into their tech trees like they're just really specked out british people we did it through crime yeah literally just rng the strategy yeah seriously what's the plan just pull the slot machine handle yo do it do it you coward i might beat you to it yes i beat you to it a little bit of friendly fire i'm so angry i can't believe i got it in time that's hilarious you were about to take a bite out of a popeye's biscuit and i ripped that [ __ ] out of your mouth before you you're eating a popeye's biscuit why was that so sad i love in modern warfare 38 special snake shot which is literally used to kill snakes which wouldn't even kind of play body armor i literally broke the game for two months she doesn't kill people so effectively there are pellets the size of flecks of pepper inside of ham like it it is nothing no i've been hit by super soakers with more penetrating power i'm pretty sure thirty special snake shot has the same amount of kinetic energy as a six-year-old with a sock'em bopper modern warfare you get hit with it and your body gets torn in half stop you violated the law oh he punched me in the face oh god [ __ ] damage what does this mean fun fact there are no rats in alberta is that an actual fact and then it's dankel comes back as an expert in rats there are rats lol the sun never sets on the rat empire they won't even type in russian badger i'm abbreviated now why yeah what you're [ __ ] bad i don't i'm not even giving a [ __ ] ubisoft is not giving me my r this is this is questionable don't say badger with a hard r bro you got to say badge from now on heavenly do you think we could get sag but like badger skin jupiter reaches peak brightness tonight in the southern eastern sky the [ __ ] does that have to do with anything weather channel that's not whether that's space stay in your [ __ ] place tell me when it's going rain and shut the [ __ ] up that's all i want to hear hey grandpa what was normandy like so i was in my nano suit right i'ma go back in time to no clip through normandy spin bot no clipping through normandy unbanning private ryan sorry to tell you this but but your son has died in battle he was not he died honorably i'm sorry i said to my drops the data streaming quality is absolute garbage in my work site but it's worth are you on top of like a super high skyscraper on like an i-beam just chilling out with a monster and a bacon egg and cheese on a roll watching a world attack stream with 360p you better be smoking a swisher chad is moving so fast i'm currently on top of the empire state building smoking out of a double barrel vape [Music] can i tase you yes i can yes look at it jello dance dance you [ __ ] oh oh no don't do it to me i'm running out of your cable range have you seen the video of the guy that just like tanked the taser yes i'll get you [ __ ] yes wait wait wait come back flip my right turn say no i'm turning left take that [ __ ] liberal let me be me your strats whack your operators i'm tight as [ __ ] i feel like this in a long time don't worry dude i won't lean into stoic too hard two seconds later and much like shaq who freezes his enemies and burns them have you not seen that [ __ ] god that meme is disgusting it's so frightening jack uses icious to freeze those mortal enemies and later burns and this just says back back matter of fact i'm going to get some icy hot right now you wait tux in about two rounds i'm gonna burn my mortal enemies oh [ __ ] [ __ ] damn it never in a thousand years would i think to put gloves on before i put this [ __ ] on i was just glad it goes numb you [ __ ] idiot that's right i know you're smarter than me damn you are a serious elmer's glue here heavenly that's [ __ ] dumb teeth are [ __ ] weird things no bro they're so wack like teeth are wet [ __ ] do you all know why i have a list because you guys you were so much better as a sandbag than a human being russia 41. someone told me that that's propaganda one gun six russians thing it's not i don't care i'm gonna keep making those jokes i don't care it's convenient to my narrative right wrong is still funny shut up wait that's untrue these likes aren't though oh don't close that on me no yes [ __ ] up i just want you to view i want calm down i want you to use the transformation the definition of i keep that stando on me literally the epitome of [ __ ] around and find out i'm gonna need a flash hider on this [ __ ] i can't believe the kool-aid man is in rainbow six is he the glass of the juice yo he's bald he's a coalescent me he's an advertisement mascot it doesn't matter did you just use the word coalescent being for a pitcher of grape juice he is a corporeal ethereal me a giant pitcher of fruit punch he is beyond your dimension of comprehension just so you know heavenly i love that word so much yo yo is he the glass of the juice oh the wife told her it was either her the dodge build god i miss her i may have 60 chance to dodge bullets but not 60 chance to dodge alimony can i hire some like fortnite streamer to build ikea furniture i want to see how fast they could do that [ __ ] bro they're just going to start spinning around while they make the [ __ ] really loud breathing into the mic with you know their eyes are going everywhere too and then they start getting third parties and it's just no no i wish you're the real russian badger sound i tried to go gobbling i tried to go goblin gremlin tear this to convince this kid that i'm not real living under a waterfall [ __ ] eating mushrooms look at the rising sun on that flag there is a house in new orleans [Music] i'm actually suffering from liver failure from my crippling alcohol addiction cheers raw drink to that drink of that infection no cure okay someone have a headache [Music] [Laughter] that will never not be a good headgear flu mining for diamonds but you will do instead all these weapons all these game modes all these heists and all i did was play minecraft okay i'm here who wants to die this is true oh my bro i am literally a captive to a terrorist organization i cannot relate to your e-girl problems you're dumb as a box of rocks chad's telling me to stop licking my lips [ __ ] y'all dry lip having ah don't lick them now badger i'm getting a pc i'm sorry yeah no thanks i'm sorry to hear that i just feel as if every gaming avenue you try to go down nowadays just sucks you can't get a ps5 you can't get a 30 90 you can't get a 30 80 you can't get it you could probably get an xbox [ __ ] xbox no even the xboxes are sold out i had to do some crazy [ __ ] for this ps4 i had to go to that shit's scary bro i bought that [ __ ] with kohl's cash [Laughter] that's not even a meme it was on sale at kohl's for like six minutes and somehow people got like eight thousand ps vibes at the kohl's in like six minutes why why do we do this to ourselves why are we still here who is we you speaking friends you wanted to be here i wanted to be in vr chat [Laughter] oh my god why do they do that to themselves why they do that to me according to its dankel in grouse's chat nine millimeter kills the body but 45 acp kills the soul you got to make sure people don't come back as a lich it's true where are you going for pickle rick no i'm going for pickle rick mixed with scp i smell pickles scp-049 has reached containment containment level pickle which heister is the best in bed i mean sydney is probably a front runner if you can have some bose nose canceling headphones on i don't know jimmy would probably kill you you get into bed with jacket i don't think that's supposed to go there ecash i 100 percent know you're that dude that puts the whole ass chicken wing in your mouth and just removes the bones slowly you it's just something that you do it's just what happens it's just the way it is as you can do that an economy i'm leaving honestly bro each ass could probably eat a corn on the cob vertically too you guys could probably finish your corndog in one bite dog we just pivoted and just went straight into smokey cache at all costs it's a corn dog vertically and then somebody next to them ask yo i'm gonna stick with that [ __ ] they grogged and came back are you kidding me shut up i got it with the blunderbuss oh my god thank god the french has stopped it knocks you back so far when you shoot this thing oh my god i mean the cracker barrel is the firelink shrine for white people when you die that's where you respawn no full auto in the building that's not full auto this is president obama or ronald reagan with this sound quality just to see how it hits mr vice president mr speaker members of the senate of the house of representatives yesterday december 7th 1941 god i got [ __ ] taste stop there is a great evil coming all that chad is saying is that great evil is the damn french oh my god who what is that squad weave squad weave squad you know what makes me respect the soldiers of japan in the 1940s they didn't know what anime was the bible is just christian manga wow that's vowel rigger in my ring let's not bring that like zoy scoob maybe we shouldn't go to net king again i refuse you can't keep getting away with this he just jumped through the wall he disappeared stop liking the game that i like i like it because other people don't april what's your favorite game that depends what's your least favorite game hey dude what's your aim nothing [ __ ] you favorite you enjoy games oh there it is yes the tactical plan that mario i'm so glad i discovered the pre-planning menus really great stuff going on this is such a great [ __ ] post who the [ __ ] is drawing bart you didn't even write homer like you wrote barm you just wrote [ __ ] like i didn't know right now that was i swear to god if one of you stick bugs me i'm actually gonna firebomb your house [ __ ] get stick bug [ __ ] in this case we're intentionally abusing back blast to bm unsuspecting players for the sake of amusement just the fact that dice included this in the game is impressive attention to detail yo yo yo you ready you're ready how many shots do i have yes i got him i got it with the back flask and his body went flying you just whipped the fattest 180 and just blow somebody's sky high yes i got another one i got another one in the barrels that's gross that tank's not going to see me [ __ ] them [ __ ] them doesn't exist doesn't it just like i know that's you heavenly i'm gonna ice you oh you're not i'm gonna box you before you can do it i actually can't tell on a shut the bike up get the [ __ ] back here i'm sick of this [ __ ] that's [ __ ] disgusting wait was it the one where the guy was like i can only go invisible wait the way it sounded was just no mercy it's crazy because you got no negated points for that i timed it perfectly frame perfect frame perfect pain mossy speed that was my last one there's a law in wisconsin that it's illegal for horses to eat fire hydrants how is that even possible it's also legal for them to own kangaroos hold on your state is literally dumb as hell you can either buy yeah a 32 ounce or a 128 ounce but that's it forty not a forty but not a forty that embodies this man it's either old people or [ __ ] send it if you're really trying to push out with a 49 bro take this whole 128 today oh i can make it even stubbier oh krause [ __ ] off why where is the barrel gonna fly into to compensate for the recoil when you fire it you're gonna [ __ ] you into the atf that is a pistol that's a life sentence to the atf you're done out of stock that is a brace everybody vote goose everybody vote goose get him out of here toss his ass into outer space go ahead and restart fire before legit you can't unfold the lettuce oh god why is this funny to me like why why why does that hit so hard you really [ __ ] douche friendly predator missile inbound does he see me wonderboss [Music] work on their like onboarding process because the fact that you can take a cop hostage for two seconds you got me you can't argue with that he said what simon the [ __ ] out you son of a [ __ ] i mean they'll buy two bean burritos if you if you kill them oh [ __ ] oh you gonna make me actor if i were a bad demo man i wouldn't be sitting here discussing it with you now would i in the chat yo if you don't jam kool-aid jammers in your mouth when you're drinking a kool-aid hammer if you don't put the whole top of it in your mouth and when you pull it out it slices the [ __ ] edges of your mouth bro you're not doing it right so basically a monkey [Laughter] project modernity embrace why are we still here just to suffer everything is free they operate off of a bartering system as long as you have a gun wait everything is great i mean am i wrong this is worse this is worse than that i'm gonna kill you through the magic of friendship and this gun i found what up honestly this whole [ __ ] session has left me speechless i just don't know nothing makes sense nothing trying to figure this [ __ ] out bro i'm literally microwaving my frontal cortex [Music] [ __ ] [Music] he's talking about like making a [Music] to cake [Music] baby [Music]
Channel: TheRussianBadger
Views: 8,301,948
Rating: 4.9459052 out of 5
Keywords: payday 2, russian badger, therussianbadger, therussianbadger world of tanks, therussianbadger payday 2, payday, rainbow six siege, r6s, rainbow six siege russian badger, payday 2 gameplay, payday 2 funny moments, rainbow six siege highlights, rainbow six siege funny moments, tabg, totally accurate battle grounds, free to play pc games, free to play, world of tanks, doom 2020, payday 2 funny, gameplay, cacodemon, rainbow six siege tachanka, mozzie rainbow six siege, cloaker, bulldozer
Id: y7wVhLfWHhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 23sec (4463 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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