Everything Wrong With The Mandalorian Season 2

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how incorrect uncharacteristic of one of your reputation show immediately reminds me that werner herzog is no longer going to be playing a character in it and for making me sad it gets a sin a bunch of logos that tell me that i'm watching a star wars property in case i already didn't know yo i know we need to see this wretched hive of scum and villainy but can we get on with it this walk is taking longer than sir lancelot's run-up to swamp castle oh look a banksy oh let's get ready to gomorian [Music] also i'm pretty sure this fight sequence is only here because john favreau has a boxing ring boner and far be it for me to criticize another person's boner but really means all of the rest of this episode i'm told you know where to find them man they sure are able to have this conversation in hushed tones despite the raging crowd all around them cheating these scruffy-looking nerf herders seriously try to get into a fistfight with a [ __ ] mandalorian despite seeing him ice all those henchmen seconds ago also why would anyone punch mando in his helmet why would anyone punch anyone's helmet it's a [ __ ] helmet i know mando has the armor and has a few weapons but in the previous episodes i don't recall him being [ __ ] inspector gadget i've spent much time on tatooine i've never seen a mandalorian there i feel like we've all spent way too much time on tatooine in this franchise there's a ton of world out there left to explore but yeah let's go back to luke's boring planet again cut me down that wasn't part of the deal no but you did say i promise you will not die by my hand and i'm pretty sure that was your hand that fired the blaster and allowed all the wild nuts to come kill gorkuresh what the [ __ ] is up with the score sounds more like the ending to jingle all the way than an episode of the mandalorian sorry gang come on you know he doesn't like droids i'm sure pelly motto might recall mando's dislike of droids but they've only met once and she's acting like this is a lifetime of experiences they share together oh so he likes droids now will you hurt him give it a once-over just because ig-11 sacrificed itself in the previous episode mando's cool with all droids now it's like me meeting mark cuban and deciding all rich white men are okay i just can't get good help anymore i don't even know who to complain to i love amy sedaris and i appreciate the humor in this episode i also think that these characters wouldn't talk like this sorry i think the show is trying to jam in hokey dialogue as a throwback but the worst part of those classic movies was the hokie dialogue you got mos eisley most espa an upper on this region most pell go yeah but what happened to most deaf i miss that guy much more than most pell go i have to say this is so like an old school western that i have to take a sin off it's comforting and exciting and suspenseful all at the same time and for capturing that classic feeling remove the sin but also these townsfolk are totally giving away the fact that their marshall has mando armor if they'd just gone about their business he probably would have moved on and not caused any trouble these town folks are dicks to their leadership man considering mando keeps telling everyone he's been quested to take care of the child he sure does just leave it behind a lot where it could easily be kidnapped or killed why wouldn't he just left it with peli motto she's taken good care of it in the past [Music] okay i understand the homage to westerns but did that sound like actual [ __ ] spurs play it again ain't nobody spurs on that costume man if you're gonna go this over the top just give him a poncho and a cigar for sake cue fanboys orgasms now i figure only one of us walking out of here but then i see the little guy and i think maybe i picked you wrong assumptions around here i'm the one tells folks what to do around here i'm the one tells folks to do cliche and do it nice and slow all sexy like isn't it about the time that the bartender crawls beneath the counter i mean he's pretty much directly in the line of fire it's really nice of this underground creature to make its way through town in a straight path and right through the center so as not to destroy any of the buildings also show does not have a no banthas were harmed during this production warning comparisons the town was on its last legs it started after we got news of the death star blowing up the second one that is celebrating the deaths of all those innocent independent contractors also what is up with this episode having impossible conversations in extremely loud environments and then i was saying wait he just noticed this now how did he not see that giant automobile in the distance a long time ago my treasure bought me more than a full water skin it bought my freedom but only because the miners went to the stormtrooper school of aiming at things and didn't shoot you in your arm neck stomach or legs timothy bobafant also i don't know what's more surprising that the jaws had mandalorian armor or that they had a helmet that fit cobb vance so perfectly what am i supposed to do with this it stinks hey the tuscan raiders have their own version of malort i bet there's a subreddit devoted to raider face how do we kill it if he could speak english while making the hand gestures and they still understood what he was saying then what were all the grunts about but also the fact that the show took the time to hire a deaf actor to create this tuscan sign language for raider nation is pretty cool and worthy of a sin-off i say it lives in there didn't cobb already know that though he brought mando all the way out here didn't he this here is a mandalorian you know what that means oh we've heard the stories then you know how good they are at killing but he doesn't because he just said he's only heard stories maybe do a little more listening discount raylen gibbons the crepe dragon has been peeling off our pack animals and sometimes taking our mining hall with it i know this is a bothersome phenomenon but it doesn't sound like the dragon has been killing anyone in the town in fact the greater threat to the livelihoods of this town are the tuscan raiders themselves so why is cobb willing to risk his greatest asset in combat to get rid of this annoyance sure mando could kill him but he's risking the entire town to combat something that isn't really the biggest threat to his community this tuscan raiders meets the people of most pell go scene goes on for some time what are you trying to blow the whole place up nice wouldn't be a traditional western tv episode without a protagonist fight amongst themselves before the final act of the show cliche cheese and crackers there's more unnecessary walking in this episode than in the entirety of the lord of the rings franchise sure now is the best time to take a drink of this foul juice does he even know if it's nutritious or up like peyote the tusks can say the belly is the only weak spot i guess that would be a fair assumption but since they've never killed one of these how do they know that sand people yell at this dragon to wake him up when he's peacefully hibernating and did i miss who the actual antagonist is here this [ __ ] plan i'm gonna hit it no wait we only have one shot then maybe it would have been a good idea to set the chargers closer to the entrance of the cave by the way nice job helping with this [ __ ] operation mr being who could probably end this evil bastard by waving your hands a few times before multiple people were killed i don't think it's dead well not with that attitude it's not let's get after it yes after we've stood on the sidelines while this feudal explosive trick was tried and failed we can do it there he is yeah but how how did he get from the top of the mountain to here without any one of you knowing i don't know the best car armor is impervious to the dragon goo and he survived being swallowed by that and this explosive work even though the other one didn't and i guess this is a long-winded way of saying mando survives this hey what a twist it's that guy and yeah yeah i know that everyone thinks it's boba fett because of the actor or whatever but some of us that just watch this show haven't witnessed every single [ __ ] piece of star wars history multiple times so this isn't a twist to us it's just confusion about why i'm watching this random bald guy look at the sunsets i want to like this show i do but how can i when clearly no one cares about a child's eye protection there's so much sand and wind very dangerous being horny i'm no expert on crash analysis but i find it hard to believe that the child stops rolling after a few tumbles they were flying at top speed shouldn't the kid be like a green bowling ball tumbling tush over teeth 16 miles into the desert again no expert wait don't hurt the child considering the crash moments ago should have eviscerated greeny's tiny bones i don't think exhaust pipe eyes cares all that much about hurting things if you put one mark on him there's no place you will be able to hide from me but two marks means you could hide in plain sight so don't ask about that because it really ruins the threat [Applause] acting casual about straight-up murder looks like uh someone's gonna be going home empty-handed silly peli ants don't have hands tarsal claws sure but hands do we have amanda walks into a bar cliche cause i feel like we need amanda walks into a bar cliche i believe amanda is strong and tough and has a constitution score of at least 20. i do but this man has been hauling equipment across a hot landscape for at least 12 minutes and i'll be damned if anyone wouldn't immediately drop it when they arrive at a location where lounging is encouraged show off you cover us call this round he said believing anyone involved in a card game i'm calling mandible what's the bet 500 grabbing exact change more importantly you bring back any of that dragon meat and despite that hunk of meat being nowhere on his person earlier he surprisingly somehow impossibly and inexplicably has meat if you jump into hyperspace they'll die oh i will give all the sins back if he drinks the lizard boba tea right now no no no no no okay so technically that wasn't drinking them all but here you murderous adorable little bastard sleeping through your alarm carson can you switch over to channel two come on carl work on your subtlety how about a code or something it will take a moment to analyze your ping also release the purple unicorn that's gonna work so much better trust me they will not oh look a massive canyon that can be used to outmaneuver those who are chasing you what a unique idea that we have never seen before hold on i mean thank god you told lizzy salamander to hold on before this she was all like wee no hands because strapping your cargo in during flight is apparently a man don't pause the show everyone keeping track of mando's weaknesses needs time to write plummeting into ice cave slash body check onto flight console and yeah it's shocking when you consider all the other damage he's taken and managed to stay conscious but that's a separate list or turn on the heater what the hell are you doing right this is not the time for karaoke so the salamander frog lady grabs her precious offspring and heads off into the frigid cold without a clue of dangers or direction because that seems like the best way to preserve your lineage also if mando was tracking a heat source here how would a footstep in snow maintain heat like this does the creature perspire some sort of heat trapping slime and if so why would she ever worry about staying warm in the first place bobbing for boba otherwise known as boba fetch how many spiders are too many spiders here why wait to run sure the frog woman isn't ready yet but she's putting wet clothes over her wet body so she's gonna freeze to death anyway she survives that go go go back to the ship super great advice curious why this wasn't the instinct 30 seconds ago but hey dramatic tension isn't as fun if we're not running from spiders directly on our heels rather than oh i don't know having a pretty great lead i realize now that when i said fire would help that i wasn't specific i mean actual flames mando not pew pew weaponry firing at this point they are surrounded by t4 rangelas and while i want them to survive they should be pounced upon and bitten dozens of times over look at them all but also the way this show is falling into an x-filesy monster of the week thing is kind of amazing and continues to make this show one of the best things out so take your sin off the only reason i'm sinning this moment is because it took him this damn long to get out the blowtorch and yes i know i send him for not doing it earlier and now i'm sending him again for doing it and you might say that's not fair to which i would reply hey welcome to the channel hope you enjoy your stay and then i'm adding another one for putting the blowtorch away again because i can this little is just thinking about how to eat all these spiders and if their flesh is as delicious after a blaster has ripped it apart this area should be littered now with dead crispy ice spiders and on behalf of the child who would eat them all ice in you for emitting mando's climb over their pyre it's pretty cool that all their gunfire hits only the tiny targets and not the massive ship behind it i see their lasers are set to incredible arachnid accuracy inner accuracy you have an arrest warrant for the abduction of prisoner x-6911 noice how has no one said put down your weapon yet for being the rescuing sword they sure are okay with leaving people to die don't you be fooled this little [ __ ] is thinking about cracking off a mammoth spider leg as a snack because apparently to him the entire universe is one big episode of the great bithish baking show or you know fly out the way the other guys came in i'm gonna be ticked if this show somehow retcons this whole thing into some sort of plot where he's actually saving these eggs and not eating them because honestly the child who even after told not to will continue to eat your babies with a smile is exactly the kind of star wars content i'm here for but since i can't know for sure one minute of stuff i've already seen followed by another 30 seconds of unnecessary shiny chrome logos recrap a chrome goes starting your star wars while orbiting a planetscape cliche cuddling with cream of offspring soup also show gives us the how are you even sleeping all stars featuring child not in a car seat clutching an aquarium of your potential offspring and piloting a spaceship while wearing a heavy helmet i'm not saying any one of these wouldn't be possible i'm just saying to calculate the odds of all three of them happening at the same time might require consulting with nate silver taking the meme lord's name in vain dank makes the best memes these tense moments would be much more concerning if i weren't 100 sure that everyone survives this come up here i need your hands wait until you're already plummeting to ask for assistance granted i'm not totally aware of how cargo holds work in this piece of junk but you'd think while dealing with such precious cargo you might want to find a better solution than vaguely leaning it against the wall glover needs to stay back can you do that splaining i just want to point out that someone in this universe knits sweaters and somehow these spiky arms move through the sleeve without tearing up these perfect cable knit patterns but seriously how is the child still in his seat right now he's not buckled he should be flinging around the cockpit like a tiny yoda ball was he born with a heavy case of magnet ass here we go nice and easy [Laughter] seriously you're going to use a walker type machine in the water i've seen how clumsy those are you're one somewhat sturdy piece of trasky and kelp away from that thing taking a dive also this is the angle of the ship yet no one is mashed to the interior of the windshield in comedic fashion [Music] amphibio scoop honey where's liam over there how does he even know which one i mean larry lisamander could easily be gesturing to any number of the buildings in this direction as there seem to be a great many options and we already know mando doesn't speak froggies this food delivery sphincter reminds me considering how every planet must have different food and water how does anyone manage to travel without spending the entire first week carbonited to the toilet and are toilets across the universe the same that's a lot of alien butthole varieties to accommodate grabbing a man's chowder hose without explicit consent if yodesh bambino has a chestburster scene in the next episode i'm taking back all the sins or adding all the sins my point is alien you ever see a mama quarter no but i've seen a papacor make a bad pun is it anything like that my friend bought a 10 stroller for his kid from target and it had those little flip breaks on the wheels to keep it from moving and my point is this thing can freaking levitate so some sort of braking apparatus to keep this from happening shouldn't be a stretch this car is ours how though even if you drown him he's enclosed with a mama core so mama core eats mando and magically poops out intact best car is that the plan deus ex mandalorian uh also why has mando pretty much turned into a fuddy duddy i mean look at him hanging out above water like a guy who hasn't leapt into the mouth of a dragon with a bomb earlier this week how is he not diving to the bottom of the boat to retrieve the child right now he's [ __ ] mando man he needs no air you do not cover your face you are not mandalorian gatekeeping planets with only one son you killed my brother now i'm gonna kill your pet jeez blue mando group out here deus ex machinating every five minutes like it's their job i was hoping you would help me by creed thing i said to my older brother to cd shop in 1997 because i didn't have any money somehow makes it into the show little did i know i was building my own prison i can lead you to one of their kind but first we need your help on our mission what before mando can move on to the next part of his quest he needs to take on another side quest of helping someone who is also in need of fulfilling their quest this is so surprising troopers and they couldn't hit the side of a banfir yeah we know troopers suck at aiming so why is it ever tough to take anything from them why are you waiting for this sneak attack plan when you could just go take the ship now there's nothing you do later with 50 stormtroopers on guard that you couldn't have done now with a night watch of at least half that something's come up treating strangers like grandparents a full half minute of star wars spaceship porn i mean i know this is star wars and everything but do we have to watch the entire takeoff routine none of these strippers even pretend to see this fog grenade and more importantly you just wasted a good fog grenade when they were never going to hit you anyway also there were at least 10 of these morons when the grenade went off but your heat vision is only picking up four now considering your sole purpose was to hold them off how is this not something you already did during that lengthy watching the elevator indicators while the tension builds cliche this is more than i signed up for right but really this entire fight has been far too easy and your presence has been largely unneeded so we're all very disappointed in this and we're gonna need you to mando up and move on to the boss fight there is something i need if i am to rule mandalore something that was once mine they know where it is and soon so will i pronoun gaming your own easter eggs cool scene and all but you couldn't have just rolled those things all the way down that hall from the other side like you did with the fog grenade earlier take the found lane to the city of caledon on the forest planet of corvus there you'll find ahsoka tano tell her you were sent by bogotan okay but who was taking notes cause that was a lot thank you for watching him and not feeding him to your quickly insanely fast-growing tadpole child because honestly fair's fair i haven't seen a vehicle take this much damage and still find its way back to life since the herbie movies is this ship going to develop a personality and do a reboot with lindsay lohan in a few years called razor crest fully loaded cause sin i finally know where i'm taking you but it's gonna be a bumpy ride disney could just cut this line into the end of every single episode of this show and i'm not sure anyone would even know the difference this asset was of extreme importance to me this was actually an outtake from the end of the jack reacher movie but since werner herzog had dressed up like an ex-imperial commander for that shoe for some reason john favreau decided to use it in this show these previously on segments at the beginning of each episode are getting so long that at some point they're going to be 40 of the actual show wait this is a star wars property did you get the wire out sure this is [ __ ] adorable but show spends far too much time on this gag when we absolutely know baby yoda has no chance of fixing this issue not only does baby yoda survive this he comes out completely unscathed you know i think we need to visit some friends for repairs of course you do this [ __ ] series has more side quests than red dead redemption 2. [Music] generic random species doing villainy things so we can reintroduce cara dune to everyone is generic and random also how has the armorer's lair not been raided before now or why hasn't marshall haywire confiscated all the mandalorian bounty there's apparently a mint down there also also how the ever loving is this ferret weasel slash possum still alive down here the raid on the slayer happened at least weeks if not months ago so this poor bastard should have already starved to death before it was threatened by these ass faces deus ex chronica [Music] bringing a knife to a blaster fight this goofball keeps shooting at the body of his friend instead of aiming anywhere else where he could actually injure martial angel dust i just want to point out that she had a lethal weapon the entire time but just wanted to wrestle to the point of nearly dying which is dumb oh great it's a remake of that racist bruce willis movie from 1998. just what i expected as a detour on the way to get yodes back to his jedi brethren did mando even call ahead to tell them he was coming or did they just sense a disturbance in the force or some bullsh wow they've been gone long enough for grief's beard to go completely gray or it is just for men supply run out looks like someone could use some repairs i just realized mando is like the kid who's been at college for the past two months and comes home with all the dirty laundry he needs his mom to do for him i'll get my best people on it and luckily they happen to be sitting right over there one of them's an imperial spy but let me tell you he's so good at fixing power converters that it's worth the risk was that a hint of romance between these two which makes me wonder do mandalorians have sex it's not like they're jedi and can't distract themselves as long as he keeps his helmet on and protection on his other helmet i think he should be dtf we're going you don't want to take a child trust me yeah but he doesn't know mando is gonna help them storm the base so why dump the kids so early unless it's only to mine some laughs out of the macaroon theft also amanda allows this even though the child has been in a ton of dangerous situations in this series well he may even be able to help like he's done several times already and there just happens to be one empty desk for the child to sit at also this tiny town has this many kids that are roughly the same age to fill the class and none of them are aliens [Music] this little dude gets exactly what he deserves for eating macaroons in class the c3 teacher unit really needs to get control of its student population stealing also kids but over on this side is the problem it's an old imperial base and this never came up in conversation between mando and his other mandolins during the entire first season mando i just want them off my planet but how does destroying the base guarantee that if anything it might make the fallen empire target their sights even more on navarro looks like they're not even really bothering grief and company in the town based on this and the events from the marshall these towns don't seem to know who their enemy is and who's just a nuisance they should learn to live with also wendy didn't give grief the clearance to call him mando anyway that's like someone calling me ronnie and i did not consent to that carlos the whole base is powered by a reactor having an understandable conversation in a normal voice while speeding down the ravine in a convertible also how do they know this does this mean they've scouted this before and if so why didn't they do something about it then sure mando helps swing things a bit in their favor but surely there's one or two people in town that could be just as helpful also also i have to ask again did they know amanda was coming because what if he didn't this seems more like a set-aside adventure in case mando came to visit not something all that important kind of like if your friends came to visit you for christmas and you took them to those lights or whatever holiday touristy nonsense happens in your town you would never go there on your own but if you have visitors it's all of a sudden something you have to do empty base huh um they did say there was a skeleton crew and so far this ain't that many guards so cool your jetpack massaholion i'm totally sure this overhead shot of kara's dunes adds something to the story it's a mint trexler marauder i would say marauder shadowing here just as a joke but this is such obvious foreshadowing that they might as well have literally said look it's our eventual escape vehicle from this predicament and for that obviousness this show gets an extra three cents oh man if they screw up this heating core the bull rock is gonna be pissed me yes you okay i guess i understand why they forced the mithril to drive them out here just as extra punishment but why are they trusting him to complete a very serious mission how do they know he knows what to do aren't these heroes used to doing stuff themselves there's no guardrail on this inside jokes maybe in the fan fiction that i'm currently working on but i don't think disney plus is gonna allow that stuff on one of their flagship properties how long do we have ten minutes give or take a few side quests within this side quest and honestly that's really a ridiculous estimate considering i've never done this before anyway i've been meaning to ask you about your social media comments also running down a corridor in a star wars property cliche after this whole jeans guy mistake john favreau made all of them dressed as stormtroopers even the grip set designers and catering staff which sucks have you ever tried to plate a dozen veggie burritos and pita chips for a cast with all that armor on guillermo del toro's the mandalorian i don't like this i prefer my peep shows to be much more animated it's like they're not even trying to activate my lightsaber i highly doubt we'll find a donor with a higher end count though motherflipping midichlorians motherflipping midichlorians mid of [ __ ] mother chlorians and at some point i really do need to have someone explain how this armor works ah the star wars universe where everyone can operate any vehicle by pushing a few buttons and engaging in positive self-talk pew pew pew pew pew i know we always make fun of the storm troopers being terrible with guns but why are these two even hanging around at this point they won't be able to take out the marauder with two guns and there's no one else in their general area no one will know they're lying if they tell their superiors they were knocked out or something so this one out live another day try papayas mad max fiery road why wouldn't these have already taken off why didn't they start with these yeah we did it this stillweed celebrates so prematurely that i half expect marshall dune to tell him it's all right happens to a lot of guys what is going on back there you want to come back here and try this be my guest having a conversation while under attack we're almost down great let's bring the three heavily armed tie fighters directly into our peaceful village full of civilians holy balls not only was mando able to get the child board his ship and get in perfect position for this attack his heavily damaged ship was fixed in no time i'm sorry there's only so much preciousness i could take before i have to remove a sin i did enjoy this episode but there are so many beats that you can see coming a mile away like this little spit-up joke and i have to ding it it's my job this is the way also how is he still chomping away on those macaroons we've seen this thing take down an entire frog in just a few seconds a little bit of food should have been devoured hours ago along with a silver sleeve says here you're from alderaan did you lose anyone you know when the entire planet exploded a few years ago any casualties to relations or was the family on vacation in foster paradise what do you have for me that device has been planted as you requested so do they just have this guy planted on navarro just on the off chance manda would come to have his ship repaired stretching your manpower pretty thin if you're sticking spies on every possible location he would visit and you're hoping you've put them in the right position the tracking beacon has been installed on the razor crest doesn't it seem like tracking beacons are only installed when it's super convenient in this universe if there are so many of those things why not just use them all the time this is the way really get the sense that this is how john favreau responds to anyone that dares to suggest that these previous leon segments go on for way too long your bravery will not be forgotten give me a [ __ ] break mando charged the stormtroopers sure but as we'll see soon his best car armor can repel a flipping lightsaber so is it really that impressive that he wandered into puny blaster fire to throw those bombs a few episodes ago is the giant bell necessary this town is one street and a few houses basically the size of bucks north tennessee i think someone could really just shout out from the gate that someone's coming and everyone would hear at what point do you realize this blaster fire is useless on someone with shiny dildos that deflect them and why wouldn't they try to flank her considering the frontal assault clearly isn't working you know i never understood why experienced jedi don't do this force manipulation more often it would be much easier to take out several enemies by felling a bunch of dead trees or something right seems like this lightsaber show is honestly just showing off also tree murder and you might say it was already dead in which case i will pivot to overkill i've lost visual scan for movement you know this is really something you should have been doing from the start considering your field of vision is severely limited because of your poor goggle choices and terrible aim show yourself jedi why did ahsoka wait until now to attack the village the magistrate has been in power for a presumably long time given the state of the townsfolk in the environment did she have to wait until almost everyone was dead or suffering before she moved on this i've been expecting you oh so this is why no one is shooting at her right now because they need to talk in which case why send out a team to kill her in the first place let her waltz to the wall and wax poetic about whatever the lives of these citizens mean nothing to me then why are any of them still alive what's the point of this entire outpost if they're not doing anything other than torturing villagers and pruning hedges also how is there a conversation even happening right now when everyone is extremely far apart and surrounded by airborne detritus and dense fog everyone should be yelling surrender or face the consequences you have one day to decide the [ __ ] is one day gonna do to change anything does ahsoka really think the magistrate will have a change of heart after sleeping on this well if anything she's got the advantage right now charge amanda eventually gets pissed that baby odes yanks's ball but why he willingly gave it to the kid to play with back in the first season and it doesn't look like it's essential for the whatchamacallit to do the thing of my doodle also why is he just now noticing the ball on the lever when he's been sitting up front for this entire journey from navarro to corvus also also ball shadowing amanda flew right over the town just a few seconds ago so why do you park all the way out here in the boonies especially when the first thing they do is look for the town this needs to stay in the ship so obviously i'll put it in my pocket rather than walk the 30 feet back to the ship and put it where it belongs not much to see out here decorvus station turtlenecks i find it hard to believe given what we know about the child's appetite that he wouldn't be jumping out of that bag and scarfing down everything on the street like the samples at costco pardon me vendor he just called that woman vender who refers to a person by their occupation especially if they're a vendor that would be like someone coming up to me and saying pardon me youtuber and podcaster what night lives in that castle what's the point of these double sealed doors when the wall is barely eight feet tall and easily scalable okay the guards are there but if they're taken out this place is easy peasy to overtake so easy that even i could do it i mean i can't right now because i'm waiting for my pot pie to cool and then i have to take the crust off and then i separate it out and eat the turkey first but you know later maybe you are a mandalorian i mean what gave it away pure best car i've played enough video games to know the tells of a boss fight in this case it's the loot drop containing a weapon that perfectly matches your armor dead giveaway and total [ __ ] but you don't care because matching set also how does this lady just happen to have a spear made out of one of the rarest metals in the galaxy she might as well have a bunch of vibranium in her basement also also why does the magistrate think this is a fair payment for offing a freaking jedi i know mandalorians are big on best guard but he's got it all over his body and this thing is really just a really strong pointy object it doesn't even pupe you well these are the coordinates the magistrate gave him exact coordinates if they know where ahsoka is this precisely how haven't they mounted an attack on her before now i know she's a dope-ass jedi but they could strike while she's asleep or something wow the scope has a built-in zoom and enhanced cliche that can be activated by the click of a button okay why does the soga attack mando immediately maybe because mandalorians and jedi have been enemies for a long time okay but she's friendly with bo katan who's also a mandalorian so what gives with that and she must sense the presence of the child given how powerful she is with the force so why didn't she ask any questions before trying to carve the poor bastard up boca tan sent me you know her right middle name ra loves warm weather wearing linen shorts shuffleboard some people will spend the next two minutes of this episode excitedly waiting for all of our green bean questions to be answered i however will ponder this bruce almighty moon and worry about anyone living on this planet for much longer [Music] yes grogu grogu come on his name might as well be carl grow goo can he still wield the force did that not come up during your psychic conversation the jedi order fell a long time ago well sure but you are aware that a jedi and his friends destroyed two death stars after that right and luke is presumably training new kids as you guys speak seriously how does ahsoka not know anything about what's going on with her brethren these days don't they send out some sort of newsletter via force frequencies across the galaxy every few months check your spam folder passing stones i want to see if they'll listen to you that would be a first oh shut up mando the kid obeyed earlier went to his car seat without rolling his eyes or anything also i've never seen a jedi training session that's so unbelievably boring even rey's obstacle course from rise of the skywalker was more entertaining i cannot train him obvious candidate to train a recruit with special abilities refuses to train that recruit cliche and i'll help you with your problem if you see to it that grogu is properly trained found the side quest phew i was worried there for a second a mandalorian and a jedi they'll never see it coming well sure until you start attacking them really what's the benefit of the surprise collaboration after you enter the city gates why bother having this super secure entrance if you're just gonna nakedly walk out here at the first sign of trouble even winston hid behind his john wick three while the real fighters did the real fighting okay this is some awesome kirosawa imagery and i appreciate that this episode wears its influences directly on the sleeves of its best car armor rather than obliquely nodding to them once in off your bounty hunter failed if that were the case wouldn't she have brought a part of the armor that was a little more impressive maybe like the helmet or even a cod piece deus ex mandalorica i'm confused is ahsoka a powerful jedi or just batman on a different planet don't get me wrong this fight is rad as hell but even if the magistrate is a trained fighter from the clone wars how's she standing any chance against a super powerful jedi in a [ __ ] sword fight who do you think's gonna win could be your side could be my side i mean the dialogue here is riveting you guys could be that either side could win possibly you and i were a lot alike for instance we both like watching rom-coms and playing candy crush in addition to ruthlessly killing people want to get brunch sometime geez what a dill hole not only should he know he'd be too slow for mando's draw what does he think one blaster shot would do to him does he not see all that best scar where is grand admiral thrawn and pause for fanboy applause no i'm not applauding because i could give a flip all about rebels or clone wars or some canon comic that was written in 1983 by george lucas's 12 year old second cousin i'm watching the freaking mandalorian man i don't want to do homework to be able to follow along may the force be with you is it just me or was ahsoka super not helpful in this episode and she gave the kid the name which i guess is fine but it's also [ __ ] grogu she attacked mando used him to get into the village and take what she wanted from the magistrate then sent him on yet another sidequest to figure out baby purpose she's as useless as a green milk producing mammary on a male thales iron oh yeah it's that one mercenary that was in the first season was kind of cool but she was killed by the end of the episode and there have been so many other important characters introduced since then so let's run that back for sure bokeh tan sent me to talk to you the best part about having a ubiquitous helmet on the show's protagonist is that you can freely play around with adr for these previously on segments mando said this line way after this point in the fight during the last episode you know it we know it and most importantly he knows it it's called lucasfilm limited so when do we actually reach the limit is it soon so you're still going with grogu then look sw we're the internet we know things we basically saved that sonic movie give me the ball this is admittedly an adorable scene but why is he starting this just now when they're about to land on tython it had to be at least a moderately long trip from corvus right wouldn't mando start trying this playtime along the way you can have it just like before i'm sure it will be completely fine rehashing the name response ball training parts of the last episode for the first four minutes of this episode since you know there's got to be at least an hour of good episode left right when the nice lady said you had training i just the nice lady we're gonna find that place you belong and they're gonna take real good care of you it really bugs me how much mando takes characters at their word ahsoka didn't really do [ __ ] to help him last episode except for letting him take the pointy best car thingy she could have told him to go anywhere in the galaxy and his trusting ass would have hopped on his ship and been on his way despite this being his only source of information i always thought bounty hunters would be a lot savvier this is tython what since when is mando going directly from one place to another without a detour sidequest distracting him he didn't get a distress call from han and chewie while they were capturing a rathtar or something along the way understand he does not wait is this what they renamed the rise of skywalker while i wasn't paying attention looks like that's the magic rock i'm supposed to take you to down there and i found it within seconds of entering the planet's atmosphere lucky me ahsoka didn't give me coordinates landmarks or even general directions as to which hemisphere this is on but my trusty old digital battleship computer gave me the exact location for some reason also sure it could be the right one but if this is a jedi-centric planet there could be a bunch more of these things right it's like approaching earth seeing an apple bees and saying well that's definitely the correct applebee's i know i'm channeling auntie edna here but how does the jetpack not set mando's cape on fire if you had a jet pack wouldn't you say ah decay probably too dangerous i guess this is it i'll just walk you across the areola here and set you on the nipple and we'll do our best to figure out how any of this works does this look jedi to you that's racist maybe there's some kind of control or something oh yes nothing funnier than the old guy tries to find the on button for a rock routine i'll assume boba fett picked up the location tracker signal that gideon's minions put on the razor crest a few episodes ago but how this did he get here so much faster than the imperial goons they're all traveling in hyperdrive right i'll see if i can buy you some time against the one person you saw exit the ship wouldn't it be smarter to just stick here and defend the rock while the kid's in sight seriously why would he even briefly abandon his sole mission that he's had for nearly the entire series and is presumably near the end of if you want my armor you'll have to peel it off my dead body if you want my such and such you'll have to take it from my dead such and such cliche i'm a simple man making his way through the galaxy like my father before me call backs the best guard belongs to the mandalorians he was looted from us during the purge well considering all laws are suspended during that time i think your case is pretty weak just be glad you weren't murdered while out trying to shoplift a candy bar point that gun away from the kid or i'll drop you both where you stand you can make me drop him where he stands but she's technically already on the ground so really the best you can do is slump her where she lays tell her to drop the gun after you put down the jet pack same time stand down and she does well before he even moves to take off the jet pack show doesn't know how to save time correctly you look like you've just seen a ghost nonsense i don't see ezra sabine or chopper anywhere around here also of all the things to say about a helmeted fundamentalist mandalorian describing his expression is really one of the most futile endeavors in my case boba fett you named your abs of steel boba fett and i am now in his service shouldn't you say you're in his boba debt or are you like his boba pet does he take you to the boba vet when he plays his guitar for you does he use all the boba frets say we're offering a fair deal under the circumstances this deal is a trade-off of boba's armor for their help in protecting grogu and it is a pretty good deal but it was never agreed to by mando so why did boba and fennick decide to help him after the events of the episode boba just takes that [ __ ] later on despite no acknowledgment that amanda was cool with it the fact that mando turns and runs instead of grabbing his jetpack that's right at his feet is dumb on so many levels i'm exhausted even thinking about it this is apparently the only parking lot on this entire planet i guess they don't charge for the first hour or something apparently when you need mando taking out of the battle for a bit you can just have him make a third attempt at something that he's already failed at but this time it knocks him out for a bit you know for reasons seriously this is pretty much the rest of the episode pew pew pew pew pew boba hits someone amanda tries to break into the force beam pew pew pew pew adorable child gets cuffed what i'm trying to say about this tiny battle is imperial skip despite having a clear view of the field agent may takes out individual troopers instead of the one setting up the heavy artillery we get it stormtroopers suck at aiming even when they have high caliber automatic weaponry they are 100 the keystone cops of the star wars universe also can you graduate from both the stormtrooper school of aiming at things and the rickon stark school of running away from things because these guys have a double major having time to tap your enemy on the shoulder when there are several others all around you with guns speaking of which bringing in anything except the gun you're already holding right in your hands and could fire from a distance instead of running up to the guy with the sunflower hammer to a gun fight yo why does mandel leave his ship wide open here doesn't he have keyless entry or some sort of fob that can lock that [ __ ] down even if there weren't any intruders here you'd have to worry about space rodents getting in the cockpit guess i won't be needing this anymore i honestly can't tell if this is ripping off iron man's weapon or yondu zero from guardians of the galaxy more but it's clear that john favreau definitely mixed up his iconic properties for this scene we have a day off you do not no one shook on that or even verbally recognized the contract there's no service like fan service like no service i know everything about it's unappealing everything web traffic will allow back to the ship back to the ship we've officially stalled long enough for the episode to hit 30 minutes our work here is done the kid but i'm still not going to grab my jet pack because climbing up and down this thing is so fun have the dark troopers been engaged of course not we sent two strangely spaced out battalions of the basic white ones first like the script required i actually kind of dig the dark troopers but why are they called troopers at all they're clearly droids i know dark droids doesn't sound as cool but you could use another word for dark like black or dim yeah that's it dim droids and you could say cool stuff like you'll never find a solution for my persistent dim droids push as hard as you like my dem droids will never retreat they're back hello the empire boba fett plays the pronoun game so that finnick has to ask who is back i guess to be fair he could have been talking about john wick slim shady or randy quaid's character from independence day also no one in this imperial ship recognizes nor tries to shoot at this iconic ship despite it being in full view of the entire crew oh come on there's no way this gear shift ball is still here let alone easily findable we're already crying about baby yoda being abducted man no need to twist the knife i need you to locate someone in the prison registry wait is this everyone in the prison registry especially in the entire galaxy she's really gonna scroll through all these scruffy-looking nerf herders before she gets the info to narrow it down meg's mayfield i know this all happened a long long time ago and everything but why does everyone in this universe speak fluent conversational english but the text is in our obesh but these stripes i mean there are rules i need to follow they have the kid situational ethics little known fact both of these stormtroopers were actually played by daniel craig have you ever seen one of these exposing your dark saber without explicit consent oh yeah this recap totally reminds me about that episode in which bando and breaking bad did the thing with the stuff and alerted the people that the whatchamacallit was happening and so the dude went to the place for that period of time all caught up 27 seconds of logos for a tv show also i just realized they've been spelling star trek wrong this whole time dino cranes i'm sure he's doing some daily labor but this doesn't look half bad for a prison you get out into the open air work on a project and they even give you proper ppe hell they could have frozen him in carbonite so if i were migs i'd be counting my blessings inmate three four six six seven please follow martial duke to transport somebody gonna tell me what's going on here well that was easy is this seriously all it takes to spring a prisoner seemed like vanda was setting us up for a [ __ ] heist when he asked cara this last episode and he didn't even know she was a marshall before he got there so what was he gonna do if she didn't have any official republic authority also i get that mayfield is a cautious guy but he's also been in prison with i'm assuming only men and someone who looks like gina carano just showed up wanting him to follow her does star wars not understand how boners work make three four six six seven i swear to god they refer to migs by his inmate number so many times in the beginning of this episode it's like they're trying to force me to memorize a phone number and no one remembers phone numbers anymore oh cool but we got a glow up but seriously there were deep scratches on that armor including whatever chemical reaction happened while being partially digested by the sarlacc so how do you get this so clean in the short amount of time he's had it also howdy replaced the rocket on his back he used that sucker to blow up the stormtroopers in the last episode so it should be disintegrated hell marshall cobb also used it in his episode how does this thing keep getting restored that was a long time ago all right but you still know your imperial clearances and protocols but would they still be active after being away for a long time seriously i was once fired from a fast food place and couldn't get out the door because they'd already deleted my security code in the 30 seconds it took me to get my together man this show sure does love it some ascending ship porn whoa how things get changed so quickly and where do they have his clothes stored did they stop by a goth version of j crew on the way over here to pick up some duds they have his kid the little green guy and mayfield would care about this why when he first ran into mando and grogu he said this me i was never really into pets yeah i didn't have the temperament and after that mando got him arrested and imprisoned in the scrapyard they just pulled him from why would he want to help mando at all all right but here's the thing i can't get those coordinates unless they have access to an internal imperial terminal look i know he's trying to dial the accent back a bit but bilper is a masshole and it's really odd that there's an obvious masshole a long time ago in a galaxy far far away there's nothing on morak at this point in the series hasn't mando been proven wrong about existing places that aren't supposed to be there enough times that he wouldn't even bother with his argument anymore punch in the coordinates fat fat who the hell calls him fat is his whole name too hard to say are they not on a first name basis after he pledged his fealty to mando for this quest remember how pissed han was when finn called him solo in the force awakens i wonder what they were finding in there looks like rydonia you can tell that from a blurry hologram why does any vehicle in this universe have wheels it's clear that hover technology exists and works on even the poorest planets like tatooine or jakku wheels would make everything more treacherous especially if you're transporting a highly volatile resource imagine what the crew and sorcerer would have done if they'd had access to hover technology you think they'd be [ __ ] with that rotten bridge it's going to be me going in alone or say goodbye to your little green friend wait how does he know what i call my vibrator also moff gideon's had grogu for at least a few days now even if it takes a while to get where he's going they must have extracted enough blood or stool or whatever the hell they need from him along the way to do their evil i'm just saying mando should have been moving much faster from the jump if he thinks he's actually going to rescue the kid i'm not saying kara couldn't handle her own against these two guys but armando and mayfield not going to jump down and at least see if she needs any assistance also more helmet punching i don't care if these aren't best car they should be at least somewhat protective right otherwise why the heck are they wearing them just make sure you take out the rooftop gunners hey why does bando sound the exact same in this helmet as his regular one are the voice modulators the same seems like there'd be at least a slight tonal disparity what's going on here show the science we need to know the steps mayfield takes to understand the mechanics of this vehicle and i assure you we do not i'm taking this thing off i can't see anything first off if mix can't see anything how does anyone see anything out of one of those helmets also mix leaves this off for the rest of the episode and even though he's ex-imperial and stuff troopers are supposed to wear their helmets right show could not make it more obvious that they need to easily identify these two that are dressed in identical uniforms i don't know how you people wear those things that's racist and by you people i do mean mandalorians still racist don't worry about the rhydonium as long as you drive steady you'll get us to the refinery wages of mandalorians also how the heck does mando know that also also when did star wars become obsessed with fuel sources last jedi solo a star wars story now this unobtainium crap why do we care about the fuel oh yeah that's definitely necessary there's no way these [ __ ] can see this giant transport coming their way also hey those are villagers on this planet human even yet mando confidently explained there was nothing on this planet a few minutes ago despite it being habitable and honestly quite pleasant i'm a survivor just like you another we're not so different you and me cliche didn't we just get this in the michael bean standoff a few episodes ago what the hell's that if that monitor was right in mando's line of sight this whole time how did he not see the pirates until they already jumped on the ship furthermore if they heard the single pirate jump on this clearly how did the real stormtroopers not hear three of these idiots jump on the roof just a few moments ago are you seriously shooting a blaster near rydonia mayfield would be excellent tv sense you know these are supposed to be pirates which means they're looking for booty right so why are they just straight destroying the juggernauts instead of taking the rhidonium or whatever else is valuable cargo what do they get out of just blowing this stuff up mayfield pick it up drive faster and i'm sure migs can hear this while driving rapidly down a dirt road while inside the cab in the middle of a pirate attack oh you say that there are comms in the helmets of these trooper uniforms well migz isn't wearing his so there this is the third round of not pirates that manda will have to fend off we know mano isn't going to blow up or die here which is to say this battle goes on for all the some time yeah totally time to celebrate since these tie fighters are nowhere close to hitting the pirates on the initial view blast mix was worried about mando's blaster fire a few seconds ago but he's all whining roses when the freaking heavy artillery is opening fire at the transport carrying very unstable cargo yeah don't pay any attention to the thermal detonator that was thrown just keep moving towards it and firing away [ __ ] storm troopers i can't do it okay we gotta fill board i'm sorry niggs is all worried about being recognized by this butthole but what's the big deal even if he did recognize him as a field operative in a previous campaign it was for the empire right so he'd either get glad-handed or receive a nod of welcome at the most also he went in there showed his face and is now acting super cagey if dude didn't recognize him before he'd be much more suspicious now helmet hair facial scan complete what why would mando's facial scan grant him access to classified imperial data also if this was going to be the case then why did they need mayfeld in the first place they could have just questioned him about what to do back at the scrap yard and been on their way also also the heck is up with that mustache why even bother with a mustache if you're gonna wear the helmet all the live long day you're telling me he manscapes this diligently but refuses to show that magnificent lip rug you're the tank troopers that delivered the shimmer to redonium how does this dude know that the shipment was delivered he's been sitting here with his buddy drinking in the mess hall and they just got here before walking straight into the room how about a toast to operation cinder mix was scared to death just a few seconds ago about this dude recognizing him but now that he knows he's not going to be recognized his balls drop and he decides to provoke this dill hole instead of having his drink and getting the crap out of there once who died was it good for them i have to say this scene really makes as much sense as star-lord punching thanos in the face in infinity war which is to say it makes no sense but i have to give it to bill burr for this performance the guy has range he's only getting more and more opportunities so i guess i should remove a sin for this hang on i just said the scene makes no sense add five more for even making me think about taking one away i never saw your face miggs and therefore the show has time for this you get the coordinates on loft gideon we did what's our next move i don't know but it's definitely not going straight to the coordinates and rescuing the kid because that plan has a disturbing lack of side quests involved soon he will be back with me letting your enemy know you're coming for them cliche go to the planet typhon oh great thanks to this recap we can recall how unhelpful ahsoka's been in this entire series anne is only there so she can set herself up a spin-off it's exactly like nicki minaj showing up to steal kanye's monster track with her verse knowing that she's just creating pub for the eventual album pink friday yep i just compared to sokatano to nicki minaj there aren't many jedi left that's okay with advanced technology no jedi can ever really die and in a pinch we can sort of copy-paste their face on a new body for maximum impact not this show would ever do anything like that why is boba fett even shooting at them right now they definitely want dr pershing alive so what if they accidentally destroy him and his ship i'll tell you what would happen the creation of the greatest gif ever of boba fett performing an epic face palm do you ever wonder what massive light source illuminates the spaceship porn yeah me either coms are down i'm sorry sir we've established in this series that everyone speaks an american accent for some reason i think you're looking for the jj abrams trilogy it's right down the hall so the ion cannon wiped out some comms but not the very specific comms needed to hear this announcement neat i don't have a death wish do you a surprising admission for a person who in mere moments will brutally goad zena with vile threats until she blasts him is he shocked horrified impressed horny the world may never know wait wait i know this one two mandalorians walk into a bar the bartender turns to the first one and says why the long face and the second one says don't test us and then the bartender says you mean man don't test us and then they kill him also character walks into a saloon and everyone stops turns and stares cliche oh hey it's two of the most famous and dangerous mandalorian warriors in the galaxy and amanda was able to locate them in record time despite having no clue that they existed until a few episodes ago they took the child who moth gideon you'll never find him bo katan rightfully states that finding grogu will be impossible and then the scene goes off-roading into a bounty hunter pissing match for a few minutes and when we finally veer back to the plot mando reveals he has moff's coordinates and my point is why doesn't he say this here when it's relevant to their immediate conversation you won't find him actually i have the coordinates let's go and see so it's a go so why throw the bow no to mando in the flow show you are a disgrace to your armor the heck is that bo katan's ass about boba fett just a few episodes ago she was all kumbaya about there being different types of mandalorians but she's going hard at boba for no reason other than his voice and even though the stormtrooper clones were based off django ain't none of them sound anything like him mandalorians have been in exile from our home world for far too long expositional motivation exposivation i will kill them off and retake what is rightfully mine and that is all you need to know or not know for now there's plenty of time to cover any incredibly specific details about the importance of how i need to kill him and take the weapon but i think reckless secrecy is a supremely good idea for right now what's up with pershing's indoor sunglasses here are those prescription or is he just cory harding everyone in an attempt to look cool these are third generation design they are no longer suits they didn't even threaten pershing or even ask for his opinion this motor scuffer is just spouting off about the ship's logistics like he's under some sort of truth serum or something where they biv whacked good lord that is a really personal question have you no shame koska fennec dune myself disembarked with maximum initiative phew good to know bo katan's setting her phaser to maximum initiative i'd hate to see how this plan would go down if she dialed that back to like i don't know six and a half here take his coat cylinder and seal off their holding bay no need to talk about which buttons to press on the panel to ensure that the holding bay doors actually close the power of the doohickey device is all you need requesting emergency docking they're doing a good job pretending it's an emergency but the imps also know that this is the shuttle that's bringing back the super important pershing so how do they not immediately realize something's up when a female voice is coming from a ship that was previously piloted by two dudes somewhere there's a reddit thread begging to see how the tie fighters are launched this ends for you and there goes boba fett i understand he's not part of the ship takeover but don't you think the plan could have included him doing a bit more to help oh yeah my favorite parts of star wars properties are the extended blurry sequences of the protagonist easily offing these super killable stormtroopers dude activating the dim droids also activates some of the gnarliest industrial music i've heard since nine inch nails pretty hate machine someone said this scene needs charging station wiggle tubes that spew snow and fog those people were wrong she totally kicked that dude's ass before actually killing him what was the point fenix a cold mudder scuffer man are we really rooting for her holy moly when did blaster start jamming and running out of ammo like it did in the last episode those things never seem to malfunction in the hands of stormtroopers except for you know when they try to aim at something unwelcome dimdroid flareups if the dim birds got this close to breaking the glass don't you think the sudden vacuum of space would be enough to finish the job and suck mando out along with them [Music] this universe has more nonsensical curse words than the fork in good place okay look an all-female takeover of this ship is the perfect authentic antithesis to the bull shirt that marvel's stuffed down our throats in in-game and it deserves to send off where's gideon great question and considering the importance of your quest you should probably leave the bridge to go look for him i'd start in the one place you know he holds a super important tiny prisoner but hey you can just hang out here until the plot complexes things quite a bit for you later what could these shackles do for this padawan's jedi abilities sure you see jedi use their hands when they force push things around and stuff but he can do all that with his mind right are the hand movements essential like james mcavoy touching his temple to read minds in the newer x-men movies drop the blaster but not the best car poke pole the jet pack or flamethrower those are okay where is this going well given the recent announcements in the post-credits stinger i've heard is at the end of this episode i'm gonna say take care of one three seven uh divide by pi about 47 spin-offs from the two seasons of this show i'm guessing that bokeh tan and her boarding party have arrived at the bridge you know this scene would be far more interesting if he hadn't just said assume that i know everything but now he's all i'm guessing so do you know anything or not are you scary you see she wants this i guess i'm kind of immune to the villain exposits vital information right before the final fight cliche at this point but when it's information that we already know it deserves an extra five sins whoever wields this sword has the right to lay claim to the mandalorian throne well that's just dumb what if a wampa picked it up and swung it around does that mean the wampa would lead the mandalorians is this another spin-off a young wampa wins the dark saber in battle but this time it's a dance battle wamp the yard coming to disney plus fall 2021 man gideon just keeps whacking away despite seeing no damage being done to mando's suit he knows that's best car right poketon's sole mission depends on her defeating gideon so why is she staring out the window like she's looking for the next galactic gas station for a quick piss and greasy snack why don't you kill him now and take it is moth getting an empire loyalist or a merry prankster seems like he's more amused that he just got his ass handed to him instead of figuring out a way to turn the tides in battle it must be won in battle rules oh no the mark tens have invaded the ship this is terrible news how will they ever do you're about to face off with the dark troopers you said dem droid's wrong you had your hands full with one really it took man to less than a freaking minute to take care of that one and now he knows how they work here's an idea grab a cylinder pull a lever and jettison them into space again but this time aim the big starship guns at them boom bam done i am so good at star wars bad guy is suddenly armed and unwatched despite being incredibly dangerous and the focus of all the heroes hatred up until now cliche mando has his blaster out here even though he knows the only thing that worked last time was the best car spear seriously i know we're all excited about this finale but there's a lot of weird [ __ ] near the end of this sucker the sound of this alarm seems to wait is that an x-wing that's an x-wing what is groga sensing who's on the screen who's in the robe is it they have a lightsaber that is a lightsaber that is a saber of light the light is sabering that is a green light saber look at him go oh this is in the force push oh and the spin oh he cut that thing right in half what is he has a gloved hand the force pushed the leg chop he chopped off his head he's going into the elevator he's coming up why is this elevator ride taking forever open the elevator i need to see show me here it comes yes get him get him and then kill him and then kill him and then just spin around and force push and kill and slice and lightsaber and the gloved hand and it's green and a bare hand one gloved hand and i think i know who this is there's only one person it could be show me your face it's got to be almost there die it's luke's guy girl [Music] well that was one of the most satisfying fan games ever but like most chasms it's being immediately followed by guilt and shame maybe i should rewind it watch again and let my proper dark side drive all right here we go why did they stop why indeed are you telling me the droids are force sensitive now and can tell a jedi's on board allowing an infant to watch a violent show also allowing an infant to watch tv far too closely that's how you develop poor vision return of the red eye seriously those dim holes have their backs to you why would you wait for this jedi to come out and do all the heavy lifting when you have a distinct advantage to take these droids out sorry i can't buy into that you can do all this [ __ ] with a big old robe on no matter how badass it may be think about it in every jedi fight scene the first thing they do is drop the robe even ahsoka did it earlier in the season and she's definitely a jedi are you a jedi i'd remove all the sins from this entire season if luke's response was something like does a jedi [ __ ] in the woods i mean why can't amanda go with the jedi i mean this is the way right can't they just stay together with creepy flesh puppet luke i'll just point out that groggs wasn't interested in going with luke until the sudden convenient r2 electronic showed up to distract him from his emotions john favreau can simply not contain his lust for promotional post-credit sequences damn it finnick just walked right over to that trap door and even if they haven't replaced the rancor that's still not an optimal spot to stand as bobo well knows boba the hutt what is your quest you must be crazy yeah maybe you're right kill him finish him easy with that face on me oops a wet one i hope i didn't stain my underwear you're making a terrible mistake i'm not gonna let you make come on guys nobody wants this we're supposed to be professionals surprise sydney you good people who have traveled from villages near and far lend me your ears that's disgusting [Music] why are my drippings with ghoul pan down from the twin sons of tatooine after a beat the gloved mandalorian armor gauntlet of boba fett grabs onto the sand outside the sarlacc pit and we realize uh that he survived his fall uh during the battle at jabba's uh palace ship dusty everyone knows one down don't drink any more of that boba it can clog up your intestines i guess those are just stories for children girl the shade the shade you've been captain of the black power for 13 years technically i was only chem for two years then i was viciously mutated upon then you would have pooled captain but it cut to none the lace you killed my brother prepare to die now i'm gonna kill your pet and your little dog too happy birthday hey i said my first words i am a good that's right no now that's the button that will kill everyone show me the red wire red wire blue wire black is usually the ground so much pressure [Music] you son of a [ __ ] i'll get my best people on it we have top men working on it right now who top men i can't be happy here knowing that there's people out there who have nothing what would you have wakanda do about it i should have here watched empire and jedi last week and ever since we've been trying to do the jedi mind trick attention earthlings take me to your dealer they fly now [Music] but let me assure you this my presence will be ornamental you will find me a respectful quiet passive observer [Music] hello hello who is it it is king arthur whose castle is this this is the castle of my master guide help us help me i have a proposition that may interest you suppose i were to offer you one million dollars you want the moon just say the word and i'll throw a lasso around and pull it down [Music] we'll handle this [Applause] why johnny ringo you look like somebody just walked over your grave i didn't finish the job no but sometimes in the heat of the moment it's forgivable to go ask to mouth shall not forget you how brave you are to be alone in the woods think ferret language i'll see if i can buy you some time can you please hurry up i'm trying to use the phone you were dead your friend here is only mostly dead there's a big difference between mostly dead and all that you couldn't handle my midriff okay i'm gonna protect you okay i'm going take off see ya dang it the damage is not too bad as long as the foundations are still strong we can rebuild this place it will become a haven for all peoples and aliens of the universe you're not ready to play with such things you'll shoot your eye out kid you just took one in the jugular man this isn't so bad huh making bucks getting exercise working outside what did migs say to you multiple migs in the next cell he said i can smell your i see i myself cannot you going to tell me where you're taking me some lovely filth down here i'm not going to need long inside so once i get the coordinates you guys got to get me the hell out of there you get to the roof i'll drop in and pull you out there's a plan in everything kid and i love it when a plan comes together i wish i could say i look good on you but i'd be lying so you're telling me there's a chance but you couldn't drive of course i can drive why does everyone say that i used to drive i don't know how you people wear those things what do you mean you people [Music] what's your name officer my name is jeff there's a special run in hell reserved for people who waste good scotch seeing as i may be rapping in the door momentarily i must say damn good stuff sir i regret nothing soon he will be back with me i will look for you i will find you and i will kill you scotty put the ship's faces on stun you want to know what else i saw i watched jane die it's terrible i'm gonna have permanent hearing damage let me see it i don't bargain [Music] all right easy save it for the imps oh yeah just like it nobody backing down nothing if we had shown half that spine to the empire we would have never lost our planet sorry you see what i mean i just get carried away no no where is this going this is where it's going all up in yes megatron do you yield looking down someone you have i would say
Channel: TVSins
Views: 312,681
Rating: 4.7598562 out of 5
Keywords: tv, television, tele, tvsins, tv sins, quickest beef owl, eww, everything wrong with, cinemasins tvsins, parody, commentary, reaction, recap, bloopers, tv show sins, mandalorian season 2, mandalorian season 2 reaction, mandalorian season 2 finale, mandalorian, mandalorian reaction, mandalorian review, mandalorian season 2 review, cinemasins mandalorian, cinemasins mandalorian season 2, everything wrong with the mandalorian, everything wrong with the mandalorian season 2
Id: DIDYpWw0Kug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 47sec (4307 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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