Filling in Unused Pokemon Type Combos! | Kaskade Region - Gnoggin

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so we've been doing a series where i explain my ideas for a sort of dream game concept and this is a part of it this is the cascade region based on the pacific northwest and all of the mon we're going to talk about today are pokemon that would be found here hey i already have like half a deck's worth of mods so let's also just fill in all the unused type combos to make that one of its own videos and so here we are now today let's go ahead and start with one of my favorites there are a few popular ideas for what a normal ghost type pokemon would entail normally it's a schrodinger's cat of sorts but i like this idea more this is specoy and opaque spiel they are shakespearean opossums some people pronounce the oh some people don't so on top of possums just being here oregon hosts some of the largest shakespeare festivals and ashland oregon is huge on their stage plays it's like a mini western broadway so shakespeare acting yes and what are opossums known for two things one is hanging upside down sort of being on the other side with all that but also being really really good at playing dead these pokemon are so good at playing dead that even death itself thinks they are dead and they are so good at playing roles that you'd assume they are possessed by the spirit of the character so all in all this pokemon is just a possum hence the normal type like most plain mammal normal pokemon but it just so happens to have ghost powers like decidueye and look it's doing that skull holding shakespeare pose with its baby possums carry their babies around after all and we gave the baby a little skull face because ghosts and because it just works now it does the pose with the skull so the names spakoe comes from joey a baby opossum spectate which is what the audience does at sage plays and a spectre a ghost who watches opaque spiel comes from spiel a long monologue common in shakespeare plays opossum obviously opaque which means not see-through because it's ghost type so you'd assume it wouldn't be fully opaque but it is because it's also normal type but when you don't pronounce the o like in opossum it sounds like shakespeare pig spiel shakespeare i love this fire grass is another popular one for fake mon since they seem like opposites but instead of another burning tree or a pepper plant let's just let's just do an emu there are plenty of emu farms around here my uncle has one this is blue mage an emu with leafy plumage that blooms and it's a fire mage that makes explosive fireballs that go boom i think it's pretty self-explanatory all things considered not all of these mon need a page to explain normal ice i have a fossil mon for this also but i wanted to save that for the fossils video so here is cascadian raticate why normal ice for a few reasons it pulls from the bushy-tailed wood rat which primarily lives in british columbia where it snows a lot and look the fluff on its tail and spine are ice crystals also fun fact seattle is one of the most rat-infested cities in the united states and historically and even still today they use dry ice as rat poison which is also why the ice on raticate makes it look like a spine and ribs here it's a dead iced rat poison steel now mercriney how do you mix metal and poison well by using mercury the poisonous metal this little guy is based on the pygmy horned lizard which are covered in hard thorns and are able to shoot blood out of their eyes to distract predators which is what this here is referencing but shooting actual blood from your eyes is a bit dark and messed up for an e-rated game so let's make it steel type it's liquid metal instead it cries mercury and its thorns are rusty as wounds caused by rusty nails are believed to cause tetanus both of these are perfect reasons for it being poison steel type nelvin here's a big one how about the regional bug every early dex has one of these the caterpie grubbin blip bug of the region so here we have silo an adorable little upright grub the bug normal type silo do nothing but sit up and eat all day they can eat their body's weight in grain in each sitting so why is it normal on top of bug well because the combo hasn't been done yet and also you'll see the evolutions make more sense so obviously silo is a lowly grub all it does is eat and rest so it size a lot of the time a little cutie plus it's constantly stuffed with grain so it functions much like a grain silo all of that gets the idea behind the name i feel but now just what sort of grub is it well it's a somewhat more obscure insect and maybe you'll figure it out as we evolve it silo evolves into cool reds pretty quickly like silo coo reds are very immobile but rather than sit and do nothing it practices making unique sounds with its trumpet-like proboscis mouth thing the fibers that grow from its head are super tough and surround its body to form a cocoon-like structure protecting its soft metamorphosing insides the name comes from cocoon and dreads as the fibers on its head appear like them dreadlocks are a bit more common here than elsewhere in the united states especially on uh hippie-esque people a stereotype for these states so why is it playing the trumpet and what the heck is it well it is the pupa stage of a weevil i mean look at this it looks like it's playing a little trumpet and they make coverings out of tiny twigs and such coo reds is where the normal type starts really showing through they learn a load of sound based moves and compared to most bug type pokemon are soft in parts hard exoskeletons is one of the big reasons the bug type is a bug type it's what the type is all about so the normal type here balances that out since it's a softer bug and it gives it a stab bonus with loads of sound based moves with its trumpet it pretty much only plays reggae and ska yeah you heard me scar let's evolve it bug-a sec bug-a-sac has a voice kind of like a deeper mr mime and it's what you get when you cross a weevil with a hacky sack and a ska though interestingly hacky sacks have quite the interconnected history with ska and reggae so real fast history time reggae and ska come from jamaica originally a place known for having heads full of perfect dreadlocks when the genre made its way to the west coast of the united states it started mingling with the punk scene that was just beginning to make it mainstream which led to what most folks consider ska today and it was at reggae and ska concerts that the foot bag what hacky sacks were once called were first sold in oregon city oregon this is why the iconic hacky sack shares colors with your typical reggae bob marley aesthetic and of course the main thing that sets ska apart from other rock genres is the inclusion of trumpets and weevil snouts are just begging to be turned into trumpets and many weevil have patterns similar to hacky sacks already plus hacky sacks tend to be filled with grains just like silos and just like weevils weevils are known for ruining entire stockpiles worth of grain by infesting grain silos the little devils this is also perfect the only thing with this guy that i'm not too certain on is the name if you have a better idea for a name than bugay sack then let me know in the comments but speaking of reggae and hacky sacks it is time for an obviously a joke on for normal poison here is cascadian skunk tank get it people say weed smells like skunk also again the stereotype of this part of the united states and the legalization thing and yeah but why did it gain the normal type on top of the poison well that's a good question it's because it's mellowed out it isn't it isn't fully poisonous gas clouds anymore it's chilled it's mellowed out it's calm and it doesn't want to hurt the world very much anymore man so instead of focusing so much on poisoning people i'm just gonna to tackle them with normal moves and also here's a normal steel cascadian explode ska isn't the only genre that had its big start here so did grunge so this explode is basically one big nirvana reference the garage band from seattle that exploded onto the scene and then exploded out of it it's got an amp on its back and an even more spinopsy head with steel horns and steel teeth these circles here are more speakers it's your typical grunge colors cobains glasses guitar strings and a pattern that resembles converse and torn pants yeah it's a lot for fighting fairy here's nomubjeka native american garb of this sort was a huge part of the hippie 60s protests which is a part of this design as well as the nimaragar a race of tiny people who ate other people primarily from the folklore of the shushone people but would of course be spread throughout the many nations it's basically a native american goblin of sorts and in the case of this pokemon it is one that is fighting for justice through protests and self-defense tactics it's a protester with a connection to nature kind of like greenpeace i guess the name comes from nemo regard of course which also goes by many other names depending on who you're talking to nanome nomorica numerica and so many more as well as the word mob and object fitting of protesters and portland and seattle sure are fond of protests for social justice i swear this design was done way before the current wave of protests happened i swear i promise coincidence i'm not making light of a super serious situation okay ground fairy cascadian excadrill again sort of self-explanatory these excadrill live in the crystal caves under a mystical mountain based on mount shasta some say that these excadrill crystals have the power to heal while true for wounds and poisonings doctors say way too many people think it can do more than it can and your kids still need their shots ma'am yeah so oregon and washington is an anti-vaxxer hot spot a huge chunk of the anti-vax movement started here i remember just a couple years ago there was like a huge measles outbreak here also because of that but you know who needs modern medicine when you have essential oils and healing crystals and yoga oh yeah that's a chakra symbol on its gut by the way fighting ground disarray it uses the swords of justice definition of the fighting type rather than the kung fu boxing one most of the stingrays that live in this part of the world are in this sandy color and it's just already the perfect cowboy hat shape really or even a park ranger hat then instead of a stinging tail it's a bull whip tail it's a wild west sheriff that swims through the oregon dunes which we have by the way i was super surprised to learn that at first too so many huge dunes everywhere disarray is always fighting for justice with its new whip-based fighting moves i i just absolutely love how this one turned out a plus design bug dragon i'm gonna go ahead and go for the super obvious choice this time around it's cascadian yanma and a new regional evolution yan mage so i love this yan mage is the same letters as janmega yanma's normal evolution you just swap those last two vowels around it just works so well these are found at wizard lake which is based on crater lake as crater lake has an island in it called wizards island so we went a step further and made it wizard's lake and added a wizard tower to that island and yes blue mage are found here too so a dragonfly is it's such an easy connection to make for a bug dragon but we wanted to do more than just a bug dragon wanted to take it one step further so we're going along with the idea that the dragon type is also explainable as a sorcery type as we explain in this video here so we added the sorcerer and wizard elements the wizard hat the sorcerer's staff tale a magical orb that's actually an icosahedron in the bubble dice roller because it's also just one big dungeons and dragons reference hence the nerdy glasses it's a little role-playing larper dragonfly so it turns out the pacific northwest is the region with the most nerds in this regard i mean look at this map also it just makes sense wizards of the coast started in seattle as well and i mean it rains so much here you gotta have some mainly indoor activities for rock ghost i've got two cascadian paulo sand and prospector prospector is a dell mize type a prospecting spectre a possessed rock with a mining lantern slash ghostly canary cage as miners would bring canaries with them into mines if the canary died it was because there was poisonous gas in the cave and you should leave canaries are extra sensitive to such things then cascadian paulo sand just swapped the sand for pebbles and river rocks loads of beaches like that in these parts for normal rock here's cascading ambipom i specifically wanted to try and redo ambipom and cribominable because they are my least favorite pokemon designs so with this ambipom we basically mixed in some lykan rock elements and based it on the agropelter a folklore creature from the northern us as in all of it like here's a map it was basically a bigfoot-esque monkey creature with super long bendy arms like this and with those super bendy arms it would throw rocks and sticks at extreme speeds with a whip-like motion to defend its territory so just make those arms be the tails and there you go it uses its regular arms to just carry around extra rocks it finds it has a really nice rocket collection and it is a champion rock skipper and cascadian crabominable takes ice poison look it has more of a proper crab face now so regular crabominable is based on the yeti crab so i wanted something similar so this variant is based on the gorilla crab also known as the elbow crab they are fuzzy brown purpley and have these extremely wide and strong arms but the big fun fact here is that gorilla crabs are one of the very few species of crabs that are actually poisonous to eat this brown fuzz ice and poison works well as a reference to the permafrost found in the north which looks like this and as it's melting it is releasing all sorts of nasty gases and bacteria very bad so it all comes together for electric fighting how about mine flux a regional evolution of mind foo based on the wolverine a close relative of the irmine it uses taekwondo a martial art that is popular here and uses electricity to speed up its punches and kicks many of the world's fastest fighters are taekwondo artists after all bug dark it seems odd that we haven't had a bug dark yet but here's kleptorack spiders are often seen as evil and mean due to their methods and thievery is also a very dark type thing to do so this arachnid is a kleptomaniac with its extra grabby tail arm it's based on a local nightmare this ah this is a spider so nightmarish that it still mainly goes by its scientific name the romptia fictilium i hate it this pokemon though not only steals things and puts them into its woven bag but it also just kidnaps other pokemon so it's got a creepy old man kidnapper face ee poison psychic now this one's deep this is kaya gus so hear me out there's actually a lot to this design in all of archaeology the oldest known shoes were found near fort rock oregon and they are made out of sagebrush sagebrush also has many medicinal and spiritual uses across the americas from treating wounds to warding off evil spirits and clearing the mind during meditation plus more recently we found out that it is in fact antibacterial and anti-fungal now on top of that in japan there is a yokai known as the ashiyari yashiki it's just a giant foot like literally it is a giant foot that breaks into your home and demands to be cleaned foot fungus is also a thing as is the little old lady who lives in a shoe with the nursery rhymes and everything and this is relevant because a sage is also an old wise person often the one who would be using sagebrush now on top of all this the bottom of a snail is called a foot and there are giant snails just like this giant foot yokai and many snails eat and even cultivate fungus yeah there are snail farmers it's amazing and a lot of cartoon depictions of old people give them wrinkly lips just like these and if we exaggerate that further we could get these toe-like protrusions and then the big toe could be a poisonous harpoon launcher like what the cone snail has and when you combine all of this you get a wise old poisonous psychic snail that is a foot covered in fungus and sage brush and to top it all off there's actually a fungus called dead man's toes because it looks like this wow it's honestly perfect also nike is based in oregon there's there's more feet stuff and the name comes from fungus yak hag and most notably liqueur the chinookin word for snail and lastly for fire fairy tamrost a tamarind hipster barista that roasts coffee beans tamarin are from south america just like a load of coffee beans and people up here love coffee so much that they founded the world's biggest coffee place starbucks and likewise tamrost are not native to the cascade region but rather are one with natures and the dense jungles of the south they can hear the forest calling to them and their connection to nature means they will always find the best coffee beans and as such when coffee began being transported to the cascade region in mass they followed and now are here they pick the beans and roast them in their toasty hot hands and thanks to the beans and their spiritual connection to them they never sleep sleeping is too mainstream anyway also they are incredibly good at giving massages just because of the hot hands now there are a few varying types of tamarind which are super tiny monkeys and them being that tiny just adds to their fairy typing and then their difference being sex-based is inspired by gibbons which otherwise has no connection but i'm sure you can see the rest i wanted to reference multiple kinds of tamarind at the same time because look these two they're just so perfect it's such a little a little manly mustache monkey these guys are so cute and also they're more stereotypes because it's easy to come up with stereotypes so what do you think of this group of mon favorites least favorites do you prefer simple designs or the more inspirationally complex ones let me know down below and i'll see you on the next one check out the description for links to all of these artists i commissioned for help in making these designs actually look good and maybe commission them yourself and please consider supporting our efforts on patreon and until next time never stop using your noggin you
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 1,155,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon types, pokemon type combos, pokemon type combos not used, unused type combos, pokemon unused type combos, unused dual type pokemon, unused dual types, new type combos, new pokemon type combos, new dual type pokemon, pokemon design, fakemon, kaskade region, new dual types, pokemon new type combo, fakemon region, tofrug, opakespiel, qayagus, pacific northwest pokemon, pacific northwest pokemon region, new pokemon region, pokemon region fan project
Id: NvFzsJ9A8xY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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