Okay but... HOW does Cyrus have a Crobat?? 💕🦇 Gnoggin | Pokemon Theory

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that's my attempt at a bat sound gen 4 time you know cyrus the cool guy the giga chad himself oh man i mean honestly back when this came out i had a dangerously low threshold of he's so edgy he's so cool i was everything wrong with the 2000s well either way cyrus is definitely the evilest of villains in pokemon however his great goal is still rather lackluster i mean oh i wanna blow up the galaxy because i was abused as a kid look how cool i am oh boy nihilism is cool wait that's a funny idea being excited about nihilism but his whole shtick is that friendship and relationships are not cool they are no good emotions are no good the good is not worth the bad when it comes to the trades off of being human this is exactly the problem i have if he truly truly believed this one-time power rangers villain of a plot if he truly absolutely believed that he would not have a crowbat because last i checked which was five seconds ago goldbat evolves into crobat with friendship it is a friendship evolution which is exactly the opposite of cyrus's whole nihilism viewpoint on life if he truly only sees pokemon as tools a means to an end and that friendship is meaningless and nothing why then would this pokemon of his evolve with him as the trainer well that's the question we're answering on this episode of noggin how does cyrus have a crowbat [Music] so i have this problem about me on the internet uh it's pretty personal but it's time that you hear about it i am losing my battle against password management and i'm not kidding i feel like every single time i need to log into certain accounts i have to make a new password and don't even get me started on the sites that force you to change your password every six months there are only so many numbers oh the struggle i'm too old for this but thankfully today's sponsor has me covered that's right the ultimate in password technology services say goodbye to the days of looking and digging for hours through text documents and sticky 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sure it doesn't faint often because you care about it and you give it tasty treats because you care about it and it starts building a bond with you because you care about it it's a bond of friendship so eventually it evolves because it platonically loves you so much mechanically speaking the max friendship which is also known as happiness by the way in game is 255 and you typically need at least 220 happiness points for a pokemon that requires friendship to evolve ways to raise the friendship level are variable they kind of change a little bit from game to game but some are pretty constant use them well give them tasty treats and not gross medicine basic stuff but how can you numerically categorize what friendship is friendship in the case of these pokemon games at least according to its japanese name is more so matsukido or the degree of emotional attachment but then in generation 2 it's also referred to as loyalty and it is also synonymous with happiness they they really aren't making this easy it is however not to be confused with the gen 6 mechanic known as affection affection also known in japanese as closeness i guess is different enough from friendship slash loyalty slash emotional bondedness which is weird but i guess kind of makes sense like if you think about it you can totally be friends with people but not really close or affectionate so i guess that helps the whole loyalty theory i've been dropping hints to here the crowbat isn't technically fond of this edgy nihilistic cringe lord of a man but it is loyal instead of being a good friend goldbat sees him as a great ally due to his power as a trainer and so evolves you can think of it sort of like the mythbusters or penn teller according to interviews they aren't actually friends at all but as professionals they see the value in being allies and having loyalty towards one another it's the same logic yet idealism makes this hard because if cyrus was a true nihilist he would believe in nothing and have no allegiances and no purpose other than perhaps an impulse to destroy which we do sort of see he specifically states unlike you trainers i do not make pokemon my friends or partners right after you beat him however the next time you see him after that his golbat has evolved into a crowbag is it possible he saw the error in his ways after he witnessed your incredible teamwork with your bond of friendship with all your pokemon i mean in platinum he actually blames his loss on your closeness to your pokemon so maybe his eyes opened a tad and that's why in the manga they bleed so much manga is dark well the second time you meet he really still seems destructive with his whole kill the universe sort of deal so i'd think not there isn't any second chance he gives pokemon or emotions he's dead set on the destruction of the world and recreation without the things he hates like one how childish oh yeah i don't like broccoli so i'm gonna kill everyone and make a universe where kids hate green bell peppers instead of broccoli or what broccoli doesn't exist that would make more sense anyways philosophy aside we still have this oddity the bat what would make it like or love this dumb edgy guy i mean he literally wants to blow up the world crobat the world you are a part of the world stupid and i mean cyrus sort of keeps his exact motives a secret from the rest of team galactic until the very end but you'd think his own pokemon would pick up on that since they're always with him even in private i mean i guess the goldbet could just really want the same end of the world too maybe the goldbed turning into a crowbad maybe it too is all doom and gloom and mid-2000s edge stockholm syndrome also comes to mind the name comes from the stockholm incident that took place in stockholm sweden where a bank robbery turned dangerous the robbers took hostages however in typical police fashion they took too long to do anything which led to many of the hostages talking and learning more about their in this brief stint they became sympathetic with their plight typically no longer hating or fearing their captors instead they feel a connection to them they relate some even go as far as defending them after the event many of the captives also wouldn't testify against them even in court and sometimes this can even lead to feelings of friendship or even love for your captors it's an odd and interesting psychological conundrum so couldn't that be what happened to this goldbat turned crobat it's trapped with cyrus against its will and it's come to see cyrus as a friend because of stockholm syndrome and why do people do this are what are the reasonings and why is the inverse called lima that's almost ligma good lord the future is gonna suck i mean look at all of the up dog some psychiatrists believe that this syndrome is the body's way of survival instead of flight or fight the body goes into a freeze and appease mode it also prevents future trauma by blocking out the memories of abuse it actually also happens with children when they are being abused by a parent they can still form a loving attachment to their parent it's a defense mechanism against the pain the dissociation prevents them from fully realizing what has happened however with stockholm syndrome it's typically a life and death situation those who have studied the syndrome believe this odd bond is created when a captor threatens a captive's life waits and thinks about it and then chooses not to kill the captive this then means that the captive might feel relief at the removal of the death threat and this is then altered by our dumb monkey brains into a feeling of gratitude toward the captor for giving you your life back essentially if you were kidnapped by a person and they threatened your life away they took away your prospective future they're gonna oh they're gonna kill you and then they give you your life back they drop their weapon dumb monkeybrain says thank you thank you for not killing me you gave me my life back everything in my life that i do from now on is thanks to you giving me my life back even though you were the whole reason it was threatened in the first place but dumb monkey brain so dumb that sometimes the opposite thing happens too where the captors begin to feel sympathy and friendshipy lovey feelings for their captives or the other way where the captives just straight up hate their captors maximum style forever which might really be the normal response in the real world that we should do more often uh but that doesn't make for as good of movies i guess but back to pokemon is gold bats fear causing it to think it's in a happy relationship with cyrus well that could be but that specifically is not called stockholm syndrome typically that only is for hostage situations no the bat in this case isn't under stockholm but something like it possibly it relates to fairbairns that's a great name it relates to fairbairn's objects relationship idea which is the opposite of freud's drive ideology it was a big upset in the psychologist fandom if i've ever seen one basically it comes down to explaining how children who are abused can still love their abusive parents or whoever is abusing them in fairbairn's model the need of the child for a positive parent is so intense that the deprived child creates a good parent out of fantasy and hope because humans need hope to live and i guess so do bats i mean most pokemon show levels of intelligence much higher than most animals so sure why not it could be simply loyalty but this is some extremely one-sided loyalty crobat stupid nihilistic people in perfect practice don't have loyalty so there's no real bond forming however the golbat could still have loyalty to him perhaps the golbat is also a nihilist they see themselves as a mutual ally because they both have the same opinions of the universe this is all so dumb realistically game freak probably just forgot when they decided crobat was going to be one of cyrus's mon you know or they wanted to show that cyrus has a soft side because no human is purely edge garbage but what do you think is this bat trying to make its life and family work by just ignoring all of the terrible things and loving its trainer no matter what like a hostage or is it simply blindly loyal to its trainer or is it as simple as it too wants the death of the universe i mean bats are spooky and villainous in all sorts of media play so i guess that theory works too well let me know down below and until next time never stop using your noggin like this bat because it's stupid [Music] you
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 247,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, pokemon diamond and pearl, pokemon diamond, pokemon pearl, pokemon brilliant diamond and shining pearl, brilliant diamond and shining pearl, team galactic, pokemon theory, game theory pokemon, pokemon game theory, cyrus, pokemon team galactic, gen 4 remakes, team galactic cyrus, diamond and pearl, gen 4 pokemon, crobat, golbat, friendship evolution, freindship evolution, how to evolve golbat, evolve golbat, pokemon evil team, pokemon evil organization, evovle crobat
Id: 2VNCnoXQxyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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