EVERY Pokemon Gym Leader Name EXPLAINED! | Gnoggin

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brock he b rock misty when it's wet in the air but like only a little hello hello i'm loxton and this is my show noggin have you ever noticed that pokemon gym leaders have some very specific names like obviously it's a kids show so give every character a perfectly fitting name that gets who they are and what they do across really quick and easily you know brock is a rock type gym leader you can tell before you even see him or even see his gym because his name is just rock with a b in front of it and yes just about every gym leader is like this but some are a little bit less obvious than others as you'll see because today we are going over every gym leader name just like we did with all the pokemon only now it's slightly less interesting so let's get started but first it's sponsor time boxu i love this part this year give the gift of premium japanese snacks straight from japan everyone loves snacks so a boxy subscription makes a perfect gift for anyone be them near or far or even right behind you tanner what does this say uh gumi gummy gummy gummy oh look at that hokkaido at the top [Music] is that too stylized no i can actually read that for some reason oh uh [Music] yeah milk manju probably gonna taste like milk or like uh caramel probably are you just reading the tiny little english uh no i'm not is that what it says yeah oh that's hilarious that means you're you were right cool i'll take it a lot of these are great because even if i don't know the kanji if i get the package later i can just look it up and commit it to memory it's a good way to learn things the taste helps with memorizing you it's like a pancakey outside and then the inside feels gummy yeah it's really good though it's like the little doryaki thing i've ever had and now here's my gift to you a coupon code lox1010 use it with the link down in the description and you can get 10 off it makes an excellent gift which could be a gift for you because we all know you deserve it lieutenant serge let's break it down we can assume he is a lieutenant because why would you lie about that plus he said he was in the army it's not crazy to be a lieutenant what is crazy though is how gargantuan the man is well anyway he likes electric type pokemon and a surge is normally when something overflows or pushes past barriers like a surge of water over a damn wall or in his case a surge of voltage on an electrical line so a power surge is the phrase he is named after and thankfully it doesn't take long for us to get to a seemingly normal name erica the grass gym leader of kanto erika is a western name and the feminine form of the name eric which is actually very common in japan for some reason as to why she is named erica well that all has to do with its meaning erica with a k is similar to erica with a c and this spelling of erica is also the name of a genus of approximately 860 species of flowering plants in the family era casey commonly known as heath's so yes she's named after a plant family koga and janine are the poison type gym leaders koga is a traditional japanese name that has a few translations one being antiquity which works perfectly as he's a very traditional man and fulfills ninja tradition by poisoning people it could also come from koga ryu a school of ninjutsu and by a school of ninjutsu i mean like the real one from the warring states period of japanese history it is sometimes abbreviated all the way down to just koga so we sort of got our meaning here but as for janine well if you channel your inner captain underpants i'm sure you can rearrange the letters to be better ah here ninja that's right she's sort of the word ninja with an e sabrina the creepy psychic type gym leader is obviously named after the teenage witch of the same name another popular character at the time although why is she named sabrina in the first place well according to the guy who named sabrina the teenage witch she was named after a high school friend who apparently wasn't actually named sabrina he just forgot the name wow talk about the ultimate rude move but anyway psychic powers and her whole demeanor are very witch-like so to get that across better the localizers named her after another popular witch blaine the young old man fire type quiz show host man i want a cool description like that so blaine's name means weird and odd because in scottish blane is essentially yellow like yeah a color and i guess yellow is close to the color of fire but the name blaine also means slender and finn much like him oh and did i mention blaine sounds an awful lot like blaze or perhaps the word flame mushed together flame blame blame simple stuff people giovanni oh he's a jojo now his pose sort of makes sense but actually though geo is the italian version of john you know like jonathan but really though being an italian name it just works with this whole mob boss look and idea plus it's just fun to say giovanni like what a bad guy name also giovanni also has jio in the beginning with giovanni being a sort of ground type gym leader when you first face him so you know geology giovanni now faulkner that's just a weird way of saying falconeer you know someone who falcons what the heck i love english just put er after some noun and it's a profession now i'm an englisher so you can trust me but actually faulkner is a german name that just meant falconeer you came from a long lineage of falconers and this makes a lot of sense if you remember that faulkner is a flying type of gym leader ah bugsy well bugs do bother me but bugsy oh man that guy gets under my skin whitney the name whitney is english and common it comes from the white island in old english what that means is she's white and one of the common tropes for white people and anime especially in the 90s and early 2000s is that the breasts are comparatively huge yep also white is the color of milk and her main pokemon is miltank and also the normal type is portrayed as having white energy and such so it's all good morty i i turned myself into a cringe thread morty we're not that kind of channel yet no morty is a joke about the word mortician a job where you deal with the dead also mortis means dead or death in latin you see where i'm getting at the ghost type leader morty death oh chuck yourself into the trash because i forgot about you chuck is named after not the rodent that could in fact chuck wood but rather chuck's name comes from the old english carol meaning man like man's man and chuck is in fact a manly man fighting type trainer and you know who else is manly and was incredibly popular at the time this gym leader was new chuck norris memes were so much simpler back then oh my word jasmine okay so i'm going to go really deep into this one because all i could think of at first was yes mine like is what she screams while she's mining metal ore or minerals or something but like that's that's too lame to have been this right this has got to be something more so the classical name meaning for jasmine is basically flower or gift of god secret tip most names mean gift of god especially girl names but if we look into some weird name astrology jasmine's special lucky numbers are 1 4 8 and 10 and the steel type has 10 resistances could be jasmine's metal is also iron according to its name astrology and iron is the precursor to steel and she's the steel type trainer also apparently people named jasmine are materialistic and you can spell metal with all those letters coincidence i think so price i'm just going to state it now i hate all of the ice type gym leader names they are all just ice i'm not even kidding claire because dragons have lairs ha that's a fun name good one it's also french for clear or bright and she's smart you know because she used dragon type back when it was pretty opie hmm something about her name seems to speak to me about her being a rock type trainer roxanne rox i can't pinpoint it though but apparently like claire the name means bright both definitions as in bright light and smart and being book smart is her entire personality brawley the name brawley is a boy's name of english origin meaning meadow at the slope of the hill however that's not why he's named brawley it's because he brawls you know like some super smash brothers he's fighting type watson what was that son i can't hear you because i'm old and probably shocked my hearing out of existence because static electricity makes your hair stand on end which includes the tiny hairs in your ears but no watson is named after his favorite unit of measurement the watt which is normally used to measure electrical current and other interesting types of power over time because power without time is meaningless unless you're weird and theoretical weird hypothetically at least flannery my first fictional crush she's got an irish name being a reduced and anglicized form of the gaelic oh flanabra descendant of flonabra meaning red eyebrows or from just flan which is basically red oh bye she's named after another color that is associated with fire just like a blaine and also just like blaine if we squish the name together we can get flamery norman the normal guy who's just a dude who's normal he's your dad norm core for life bro repping nothing because why be loyal to brands just be your normally normalness be proud of your normal you don't got to be interesting be a disney fan there you go norman is actually a pretty generic name with germanic roots meaning north man or man of the north which funnily enough would make him abnormal in hoenn because hoenn is to the south wait remember in those games you just moved there so he's your dad so you probably came from the north because hohen's the southernmost point of japan the name winona has a sioux origin and means firstborn daughter which is neat because normally names in media are pretty standard english french german latin unfortunately though i'm sure this name was just chosen because wind or wing because flying type trainers are typecasted as bird people although i like the idea of wind naming not just bird at least her name isn't rooster or something tate and liza our first double name and that's important because individually tate and lisa aren't complete without each other tate's name is anglo-saxon and means bright or pleasant and in irish roots it means a measure of land while liza means of god of flower and it's a hebrew name but together and in almost every language to boot they sort of make the word levitate lisa tate it's not perfect but it's close levitate is important because they are both psychic type gym leaders and psychics levitate things so there you go the water type wallace is a scottish surname stemming from the anglo-norman french whaleless welshman basically it means foreigner and later would mean someone from wales however wales is a peninsula and those are surrounded by water also whales live in the water also wallace has the wah sound which is also what the word water has maybe it would have been better if wallace was a lady because it would have been wah as in water and lace as in frilly lace wall ace or perhaps just as in lass a water laughs you know maybe i just accidentally exposed something very deep about all of him girl you get out of that water closet oh that's sling for toilet isn't it another water leader juan is another form of john but spanish this time and we all know john means gracious god or a gift from god and speaking of religion you know who baptized jesus in water the lore runs deep like like the depths of water or it's just because juan sounds like the beginning of water hmm roark the rock type gym leader that i liked but also forgot about well knee-jerk reactions to his name it's rock it's just rock it's just like brock but with an o thrown in instead of a b but no it actually is a bit better it turns out rourke is just straight up an irish name meaning illustrious much like how metal ore and gemstones appear and this dude's a miner so that's great gardenia is named after the flower called the gardenia you know flower names are actually extremely common but i don't really think i've ever heard of someone actually being named gardenia or slump loussworth for that matter but i guess being a grass-type gym leader being named after a plant just works and it's also just the word garden if it was a girl you know i had an a it's a girl now [Music] that's the second time i've brought up smash i guess it is nintendo after all they only have three games and metroid however malian's name could be a pun off of melee sometimes pronounced melee it's because of melee attacks punches and kicks she's fighting type you see crasher wake and if you don't know why i hate gym leader names now you do i mean honestly it's not terrible because he's sort of a wrestler so it's his stage name but crash awake he doesn't even roll off the tongue nice if you're gonna pick your name make it good you know don't just name yourself after crashing waves and wakes you know that the little things that boats make it's also those weird triangles that break up waves as they hit ports and man-made things to stop erosion it's because he's water type if you haven't gathered fantina now there's an interesting name not sure i've ever heard of it but being a pun on ghosts i like it already possibly coming from phantom or fantasia you know the tango fantina is traditionally a french name meaning childlike yet its similarities to phantom is what truly makes this her name because you just sort of know when naming your kid like it's just birthed and you're holding it in your arms for the first time and you just go oh yeah this one's going to be weird and like dead stuff i better name her accordingly bayern it's just brock but iron instead of rock candice every ice-type gym leader is just named after ice like wow well it's pure ice in this case as the name candace candice means pure and innocent so you keep your dirty art to yourself volkner is possibly from a german name it's similar to volcker which means a warrior for the people or something like that and this dude is aryan seeming but other than that we don't know however this electric type gym leader is named vulchner because of the unit of power known as the vault vault cylon chili and caress where to begin chili named after the spicy hot food chili and cress's name means the top or peak of a hill normally meaning they lived on a hill but here i'm going to assume that they mean like the crest of a wave or some body of water that's moving but more realistically he's just named after the watercress a type of aquatic plant that is delicious oh you know what they're all named after delicious plants that you eat chili peppers watercress and then salon it's just cilantro he's got a pan sage you can use the plant growth on its head as an herb in cooking just like cilantro plus their gym is a restaurant and they are all waiters so they're all tasty plants you eat lenora at first glance you wouldn't think that name means normal type and that's because it sort of doesn't it's more about her actual characteristics and personality because she's not a nothing character bryson her name is a mixture of lore and oral telling stories with oral tradition is one of the big reasons we have myths in the first place and lenora is all about that she loves those myths and legends so much that we see her step down from being a gym leader in black and white too to instead just run a local museum berg on top of being close to bug his typing is also an old english name from bruh it means fortification and it's also a common name for a neighborhood or densely packed populace similar in theory to bugs termite mounds wasps nests ant colonies cities you know bug things humans and bugs are the only things to create these supermassive groups like this so i'm not too mad at berg's name even if it is kind of a lame name draden is a recent name in the grand scheme of things and possibly is african in origin though the original meaning isn't quite known you know how things get lost but what i do know is that the localizers probably just looked up names with draw in them and took this over drawrik because dragons plus the added bonus of den like a lair dragon's lair dragon's den drayden nice iris is one of the very few gym leaders where her english name is the same as the japanese version and while i'm bringing that up i should mention in the japanese version all of the gym leaders sort of follow a flower motif it's a shame that that got a bit lost in translation but not with this one at least iris as in an iris of course it's a flower and it's a very purple flower regularly deep purple being the color associated with the dragon type and irises themselves can also look sort of dragony too do you see it just just squint a little more specifically uh the japanese iris actually and now that i look at it it's kind of the exact same shape as her hair traditionally the name iris means messenger of the gods or rainbow depending on who you ask and while dragons aren't gods themselves they are extremely powerful along with being almost masters of all the other types though that's not true anymore because fairy was added in the next gen that sort of messes them up elsa who existed before the disney ice person so not ice though if you asked anyone on the street what pokemon type elsa uses they'll probably say ice type but no she's electric and as for her name her name is actually not a common name it's possibly a corruption of a real name though but some sources say it could be an uncommon shortening of elizabeth like queen elizabeth and i guess the uk spearheaded to the industrial revolution which led to a boom in electricity usage so there's a possibility however it still is pokemon so let's look at it real slow like ella ella from electric duh and sa comes from salsa because she's fuego no maybe tesla or uh sa in the electrical world means small appliance so that plus a hot is she a toaster because all toasters toast toast clay a man of the earth doing honest work out there in the dirt and clay a truly grounded individual can you tell my type and then there's skyla always flying around with her head in the clouds the sky you could say where flying types are bryson ree in the smallest re just like re the name's just brock but ice bryce in like why do we even try guys you know what else starts with a b and is just their type brock next you'll tell me there's a electric or blotter oh brass the fire you know the guy here oh here comes fighting the bee is silent it's probably russian or something or latin for for flower of god or something who knows roxy the rocker pet name of roxanne which means dawn of day and we all know that roxy does not wake up at dawn this gen really seemed to just take the names at face value because roxy is more than just rock and toxic mixed together and i should clarify rock is in the music genre which she plays not rock is in the type she's poison type hence the toxic part of her name sharon is an odd character because he was the rival first and then in the second game they were the normal type gym leader so his name came from the first game and most of the rivals in japanese were just the opposite color like red and blue gold and silver and sharon's japanese name is based on the bulgarian word for black from black and white oh the word is terrain learn how to say that one loxton writer's note hey writer in it marlon is another new face and i'm going to assume it's from marlin but an actual name just taking the big fish known for its speed and turning it into a common name but when not based on the fish the name marlon means little hawk and comes from old french so marlon could have been a much better flying type gym leader name however if we take a look at his pokemon he's got whale lord the float whale along with mantine which is partially based off of a plane and jealousynt which looks like a french english balloon man they're all sort of floaty and flying themed so possibly his name is way better than we think viola again we have a japanese name here so it's a plant because it's the theme however i still have to fit it in as to why they are named that so the viola plant genus exists and being bug type well bugs eat plants it's kind of their thing oh but also viola is a type of butterfly so i guess the name really is perfect grant don't take him for granted ha it's from granite the type of rock originating from scottish grant can also mean tall or great and grant is a rock climber their whole thing is to go up you know get taller up in the air so it's almost a double reasoning to name him grant uh and fun fact his japanese name is zakuro which means pomegranate right see where i'm going grant it's just the word pomegranate so it's it's still the word granite but it's also a flowering plant like all the other japanese gym leader names but it still reflects real granite which is which is rock corona is from the greek name corona which is cora which means maiden yeah a lot of talk for little meaning and well yeah she is a maiden yet that's not a good reasoning i'm sensing a sort of shift as the generations go on the names are more just names that can be converted into puns or such you just gotta dig a little deeper and corona isn't an exception breaking the name down we have ko as in to knock out since she's fighting type and all and being fighting type where do fighters fight the ring ko ring a ko ring a corinna it could also come from arena k.o arena corinna also you know skating rinks to skate around which is also what she does because rollerblading has everything to do with fighting type ramos the classic happy little old man gardener ramos is a surname of spanish and portuguese origin which means bouquets or branches and in latin it actually is just branch so you know plant gang rise up but an added tidbit ramos's name in its possessive form has two s's and it looks like raw moss meaning it has moss the cutest plant there is clemont isn't a real name the real name is clement which means mild or merciful however almost all of his names in every language refer to lemons or citrus of some sort but what do lemons have to do with electricity you may wonder and the answer is lemon batteries lemon lime and potato batteries are super popular as a children's science fair project and you can't name a guy after a potato that's rude but a lemon or a clementine clement yeah that's a name valerie a french name meaning strong or brave yet i'm sure there's deeper reasoning i mean it is very similar to the spelling of fairy you know the fae fairy the whole type that is her gym also you have to be brave to face dragons or just to be fairy type and actually looking at her name in most other languages they all sort of reference valerianella lacosta which is this plant also known as corn salad or lamb's lettuce and i guess its leaves look sort of like fairy wings but no their connection is better than that in germany they also call it the rapunzel plant as it's likely what rapunzel was stealing from the sorceress's garden in the original brothers grim fairy tale thus fairy type olympia is a pretty cool name it means mountain of gods which is pretty obvious if you know about mount olympus in greek mythology and this name origin sort of makes the starry cloak a bit less tacky being named after the gods and all that jazz however psychic type has always been seen as the type with brain power and aliens astral projection and all that so it's not that far of a stretch to say she's named after the stars above because we all know the gods were the planets wait was that roman uh well it still works roman mythology is just greek mythology with several asterisks so yeah the name still works and it ties into the whole japanese plant thing too because olympia is another name for the hypericum a gross sounding flower my name's wolf [Music] wolfrack's name is an anglo-saxon name that actually breaks down into wolf oh wow who would have guessed and rick meaning rich so he's a rich wolf or maybe he's a wool as in a walrus and frick because he likes the freaking cold he could then also be named after the wolfenia which is in the same family as lagotis galoca which his japanese name is based on oh and if you didn't get it wolves are normally found in cold environments so are walruses or is it walrai anyway he's the only ice type gym leader with a not an f-tier name this is actually pretty good milo is a german name meaning mild calm or peaceful which isn't terrible as just a straight-up name meaning however he could be named after many other things i mean there is a tree flower the thespisia popolnia which is more commonly known as the milo flower and well that is sort of grassy right and his japanese name is yarrow another type of plant grass type nessa is named after the loch ness monster yep that old black and white photo of nessie is actually just nessa's leg while she was swimming who knew the monster of the lock is actually just a swimsuit model no ness's name could also be based off of the word ness and then they added an a to the end because that makes it feminine because i guess a is a girly letter traditionally nessa means pure or butterfly you know something lame however a ness is a cape or headland the part of ground right before the ocean normally projecting upwards and outwards into the water but considering galar is based on great britain yeah it's probably just the loch ness monster kabu is named the same in the japanese language and could come from a number of things and we know one of them has got to mean a plant it's japanese law and it turns out kabu is turnip i actually knew that because of an animal crossing video you can watch right here but ka is also fire along with kabuto a type of helmet the classic samurai warlord face helmet which is this whole guy's aesthetic it's his logo and his centascorch and all but yeah fire turnip b in japanese is beam like a kidney bean and you can also bean people over the head with stuff like fists really beat them up at least they didn't name her beatrice alistair now before we get to the name meaning i just want to say that his name in japanese is onion like actually it is just onion straight up like an ogre anyways alistair means man's defender in greek and i'm going to take that and assume it's the humanities defender you know like mankind not not just dudes and not dudes as in the all of mankind are dudes he's a duchess dude like dudes as in the dudes just dudes man but but clearly that's not why he's named alistair what's significantly more likely is that he's just named after alistair crowley who was a real life occultist rather famously from england he's been referenced in many popular media franchises like pokemon and i think the bad guy from nioh is edward crowley which was alistair's real name but he changed it to be cooler i guess protector of mankind and all that i mean the dude started a cult of course he'd need a big name like that but speaking of alistar and onions allium is the genus onions find themselves in so the japanese name is actually pretty perfect opal the really cool and crazy stone funnily enough opal's name means jewel like so many jewels and precious stones have deep meaning and symbolism but opal is just jewel it comes from the sanskrit word upala again meaning jewel however in greek it could also mean changing color because opals change color and the whole changing thing sort of works with her giving her position to bead the gym leader is changing and because of this property opals have they appear very magical which is fitting of the fairy type and also opal was a massively popular store in britain during the late victorian era when fairies were also super popular and well opal is pretty old like a giga old so actually yeah it makes sense opal is kind of an old lady name too and well i guess now you know why but bead is a really weird name isn't it well being a classic english name beed means prayer but specifically bed prayer the one you say before you go to sleep also there is this saint who shares the name bead he was the first saint to write in english instead of latin which sounds pretty unique however all of his english works have been lost so how we know he wrote in english i'm not sure but that's what wikipedia says but anyway that's notable because again galar is based on great britain which has england which is where english comes from neat not sure what this has to do with being a psychic and fairy type user though though i guess how else would a prayer that you think in your head reach god if not through psychic or magical fairy-like means also prayer beads are a thing could be that gorty the diminutive name of gordon an english name that means from scotland specifically gordon scotland is gordy from scotland maybe i mean the whole gala region is sort of a mix mash of all of the great britain countries also a gorge is a rock thing right a large valley between two mountains normally split by a river rock stuff it also was a verb about eating a lot of food like way past your full point and i'm sure i'd love to take gordy to an all-you-can-eat buffet that way i could really see its owners squirm melanie melons oh gordy could be named after gourds the gourd-like plant and melanie who is his mom is named after melons both are similar in shape sometimes the name melanie spelled with an i.e is greek in origin and traditionally means dark or black because of melanin pigment in the skin that makes it dark however melanie is sort of the opposite of that extremely white because of the snow and the race and all that so it could be that she lacks any melanin so let's name her after that well actually so england spearheaded the industrial revolution and one of the consequences of it was turning the snow black for years as the snow falls it picks up carbon in the air from all the smoke and thus it turns black so the name could be a reference to that she's older for a gym leader maybe the year she was born there was black snow so her parents named her that piers is famously the first dark type gym leader so officially licensed evil however piers is sort of a misnomer it's a french spelling of peter and the english version of the greek name pierto meaning rock yeah sort of an audi huh but is it piers is essentially named after peter jesus's main man his bro his best bud the guy who wrote the book on jesus the goodiest of goody two shoes though are sandals shoes well goody two sandals it is then but piers here well he's dark type evil so sort of named the opposite which i guess melanie is too so maybe that's a theme here piers is a punk and what do punks do rebel non-conformist to a fault thus the whole opposite day fun stuff so naming him after the best good is perfect because now he's the best bad or the worst bad fighting against the labels your parents put on you is all the rage yeah i'm a punk opposites are hard when you don't do all opposites because like ooh you're mean and you don't conform you're so rebellious that you stay within the lines of what defines a punk oh yeah you're so cool and edgy kid keep it up and i guess like roxy the rock part of his name origins is referencing more to his music rather than his type punk rock music and all now marnie who was your rival and then replaced piers well these are hard because it's the whole rival thing again well she's named after rosemary in japanese so maybe we could stretch that to rosie mary and do the same thing with her brother piers the punk so the opposite of the religion thing mary is the mother of jesus so seen as a very holy lady in many parts of christianity so marny being the opposite there you go non-conformist punk it's actually a pretty common trope to name punks and non-conformists after very the opposite of that people you know as a name though marnie has its roots as a scottish name meaning from the sea marion like the type of ology marinologists look into and her hometown is right on the waterfront so her name could just be based off of her birthplace like many names are or it's also just the genus of rosemary ryhon is an interesting name in this series muslim in origin and meaning sweet basil yeah the plant however some translations make it mean heaven's flower or a heavenly fragrance and honestly basil is pretty good smelling so they could mean the same thing however in japanese raihon can be split up into two separate characters these two one together the name means coming to osaka but separated they mean come do next or become and the other means slope or heights and these definitions can be manipulated into making sense he is the next in line as champion the second best and the last opponent before the top of the chain just before reaching greater heights he's the next best etc though looking at his names in other languages there is a theme they all reference the common luburnum in some way also known as the golden chain or golden rain and he is a weather user so rain even though the weather he uses is a sandstorm it's definitely a trickier name though while these luburnum trees are native to europe japan has quite a fascination with them in fact there are quite a few in osaka so we've come full circle nice what a neat name to end on so those were all of the gym leaders you'll notice i skipped sun and moon and that's because they aren't gym leaders just think of all of the angry comments and dislikes i'd get for including them god my poor feelings so they'll get their own video along with the elite four and champions and there will be links to both of those here once they come out and in the meantime why not subscribe for more over analyzation of pokemon and sometimes not pokemon eh and if you're already subscribed please remember to never stop using your noggin you
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 527,106
Rating: 4.9228635 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon etymology, pokemon names explained, pokemon name meaning, pokemon gym leaders, gym leaders explained, pokemon gym leaders explained, my pokemon gym, new gym leaders, ash vs, pokemon sword and shield, gym leaders, gym challenge, pokemon challenge, pokemon gym challenge, pokemon gym leader challenge, every pokemon explained, pokemon explained, pokemon gyms, pokemon go gym, best pokemon gyms, worst pokemon gyms, pokemon masters, pokemon masters ex
Id: V2tQFdqXsFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 56sec (2216 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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