A New Pokémon Weather for EVERY Type! | Kaskade Region | Gnoggin - New Pokémon Gimmick

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weather has been a part of pokemon since the old days of generation two and it's seen some changes over the generations but nothing major now let me ask you real quick don't look this up how many kinds of battle affecting weather are there in pokemon [Music] well if you're anything like me you'd probably say four or five or so and that's not a bad answer not bad at all i mean it's wrong but it's not bad when most think of weather in pokemon battles four come to mind harsh sunlight rain hail and a sandstorm and this is true for the most part in generation five these are the four weather effects that got their own little icons but previous games actually had some other weather effects generation iv had fog that reduced accuracy of most moves by three-fifths sounds horrible right that's why they removed it now it's a purely aesthetic thing and then later they just made it trigger misty terrain which is in weather it's a terrain they're different gale of darkness has its own unique weather effect called shadowy aura where bursts of light rain down from a shadowy aura in the sky which damages pokemon and buffs shadow moves and another spin-off pokemon mystery dungeon has the rainbow light weather condition which just heals and protects ho-oh strong winds is also its own type of weather and it's caused by the presence of mega rayquaza and similarly there are variations of harsh sunlight and rain caused by primal groudon and kyogre extremely harsh sunlight and heavy rain some games also note a difference between a blizzard and snow though in battle they just trigger the hail effect and these days we got one more a thunderstorm which triggers both rain and electric terrain but it's called a thunderstorm it's noted as its own thing so if and it's a big if admittedly if you count all those what's that 10 11 12. i guess it depends how you want to count snow hail blizzard is that one is that two is it three there's actually another variant too diamond dust but it has no battle effect oh well semantics either way there's too few and not every type benefits from weather and i want to change that if you haven't heard we've been working on a fake mon project the cascade region and the weather plays a massive role in the region it surrounds the legendaries and why this region's economy is so good and why there's a cast form of every type that was a video we did you couldn't have that unless there was a weather of every type now huh but despite its importance i haven't gone through and explained all these different and new weathers in detail have i well that's because it's this video now notably a sizable group of artists musicians designers and programmers have all been working behind the scenes on a cascade region fan game i'm mostly hands off on it other than coming up with the ideas i guess but uh in this case it was that team of people that were significantly more well-versed in pokemon meta and balancing than me so i went ahead and left the specifics for them to decide and after much debilitation these are what we've concluded for the cascade region let's overhaul pokemon's weather system and make certain weathers stackable and make a weather effect for every type real fast announcements tow frog plushies are finally here and available to order there already aren't many left so go to nagan.net before they sell out and get some you'll love it also while we wait for the last cascade video and our next fakemon project currently labeled project 96 i highly recommend checking out the just about finished pokemon cardinal video series over on hoop and hip-hop's channel i happen to voice a professor over there and also true green 7 and bird keeper toby recently started posting videos about the regions they've been working on behind the scenes for quite some time there's trugreen's a sewn region project and toby's pokemon tempest from what they've shown me behind the scenes and what they've shown already these are great pieces of work so if you've liked this cascade region project you will likely like their projects as well they are linked down below check them out all right so how is this stacking weather going to work well it's simple really we allow up to three kinds of weather to be applied at once however since some kinds of weather are incompatible will make three categories of weather-like effects and only one of each category can be applied at a time simple right in fact this means most of the already existing main weathers fit into our first category climate but before we get right into that i want to keep these explanations organized so i will have to start with the flying type weather effect strong winds and yes that's the same name as the mega iquasa thing but megas don't exist anymore remember so we're taking the name strong winds is less of a weather effect in and of itself and rather it clears all weather effects currently in play and buffs the next one put onto the battlefield makes sense as wind does blow things away but also it can whip things around even harder heat hail irritants they all suck to be in much more when there's a gale force wind going around and so as we go over each weather effect we can now also go over its strong winds buff before moving on now let's get into the climate moves the fire type weather is still harsh sunlight set up by the move sunny day or the ability drought and we are tweaking it slightly the heat brought forth by the user pushes all clouds away and allows the sun to beat down onto the battlefield evaporating moisture and making things all around more flammable hence its positive effects for fire type moves and negative for water types though grass types like it too because photosynthesis it lets them utilize their energy better and makes them more aware so their special defense goes up by one stage and when buffed by strong winds the power of moves is changed by a total of 75 rather than 50. the water type weather is still rain caused by rain dance or drizzle rain clouds come and block the sun and allow moisture to flourish weakening fire type moves and buffing water types and plants oh they drink it right up makes them plump so they get a small defense buff and similarly to harsh sunlight when buffed with strong winds the power of moves changed by a total of 75 rather than 50. ice still has hail which can be triggered with the move of the same name or the snow warning ability hail causes pokemon that aren't ice type to take 1 16 of their hp in damage every turn makes sense hail just hurts but if you live somewhere where it hails a lot you've adapted to it so it doesn't hurt as much now i always think that steel types are immune to this effect too but they never have been i mean there is an argument against it hail still wrecks cars and aluminum roofs but that's way thin metal as soon as you get to like steel beams and monsters made out of metal it's another story so if we're doing an overhaul i say let's do it ice and steel types are immune to the effect and when strong winds are applied the damage doubles 1 8th of everyone's hp unless they are ice type of course and also it's so strong now that steel types aren't immune if you prefer that balancing now then our first new weather if the sun can have an effect on the climate in a pokemon battle why can't the moon the dark type weather effect is a blood moon caused by a move of the same name and the ability eventide the magical aura of the moon rains down upon the battlefield and thus buffs the power of all super effective moves by 20 and dark type status moves gain a level of priority dark types are mean and fight dirty brutally taking advantage of weaknesses is a befitting tactic and the negative energies of the moon are surrounded in so much myth that just points to dark type buffs you know and then you apply some strong wind and now each pokemon sort of gets infused with dark type energy and all status moves gain plus one priority so essentially at this point everybody has the prankster ability and since dark types are already used to this kind of thing they now know exactly how the other pokemon are going to go about using this newfound power so when in effect dark type pokemon become immune to status moves now here's a bit of an odd one admittedly normal type weather isn't that just neutral well kinda i guess and as such this next weather effect doesn't necessarily buff normal types per se but we're going with fog yeah we're bringing it back but rather than an accuracy reduction of three-fifths let's go with a 20 drop the only moves unaffected are those with perfect accuracy like swift as well as psychic and ghost type moves as those don't exactly require eyes more so just sensing your surroundings with a sixth sense where this move begins to benefit normal types is in its buffed state a 50 damage buff to sound based moves as well as making them perfectly accurate the vast majority of sound moves are normal type and fog's effect on sound is a bit complex in very specific situations it does dampen it but more generally it distorts it and allows it to travel significantly further especially if the sound is lower pitched fog is basically just a bunch of water particles in the air and we all know sound travels further in water it's the same principle but in the atmosphere and if we want to further make fog benefit normal type pokemon we could say that normal type mon or moves do not get the accuracy debuff perhaps because they don't need to focus on doing anything special to attack they just do a normal thing you're just as capable of doing a normal thing when you're in the fog but that's an idea we definitely want to get public opinion on so be sure to comment your thoughts on all of these weather effects down below we're definitely going to be considering a lot anyway so those are the climate type weathers only one of those can exist at a time but they can be stacked on top of weather in our next category irritants things that fill the air and don't come from the effects of the sky think a sandstorm since that weather already exists we'll do that one first sandstorm is our rock type weather effect which can be caused by the move of the same name or the ability sandstream when active all pokemon who are not rock steel or ground type lose 1 16 of their hp per turn and rock types get a special defense buff that's a thing that we added sandstorms are rough like literally they hurt to be in but at the same time they polish minerals well this logic follows when buffed by strong winds as now the special defense of steel and ground types follow suit and the rock types now they also get a physical defense buff the ground type weather is dust storm think little dust devils all over the place whipping dirt everywhere and it's uncomfortable and everybody hates it the ground is getting whipped up into the air and ground type pokemon well they can really utilize this so they get a speed buff meanwhile the power of electric type attacks is cut in half all this ground in the air makes it hard to get bolts of electricity out and anywhere and when the storm gets buffed by strong winds ground type attacks can now hit flying type pokemon as well as those with the levitate ability as the wind now moves the ground up to them clearly fun fact did you know that oregon is the grass pollen capital of the world there are some days the sky turns a hazy yellow along with all surfaces because of just how much pollen there is everywhere so surely the grass-type weather effect is an irritant it's a pollen storm caused by the move pollinate or the ability hay fever all this pollen in the air decreases the special attack of all non-grass or bug-type pokemon pollen makes you sneezy and stuffed making it hard to concentrate which is very much needed for most special attacks and all that pollen in the air when buffed with strong winds ah it summons grassy terrain too and similar to pollen swarms of bugs make for a terrible time and often when big enough they can appear on weather radars oh what's the weather like tomorrow oh according to the satellites a horde of locusts but we don't want to fill the air with literal bugs that starts to beg all kinds of questions so the next best thing would be filling the air with icky bug pheromones with the move swarm signal or the ability secretion it's terrible clouds of pheromones are often detected where swarms have been or on the breeding grounds when it's breeding season pheromones are how bugs communicate with each other and in this case it's motivating the bugs to do better but meanwhile it's incredibly smelly and distracting to everyone else except for poison types they are probably used to terrible smells and such so relative to everyone else bug and poison type pokemon get a speed and accuracy boost and whipping up all those pheromones with a strong wind causes them to swirl and inflict confusion on all non-bug and poison types and speaking of a hoof poison what else could it be but smog spread by the move smog spread or the ability pollution this is simple it poisons all pokemon that can be poisoned and be careful because if you buff it with strong winds it poisons all pokemon period no matter their type no matter their magic guard no matter their immunities the poisonous smog in the air has become acidic and it's blowing all around ouch uh can we get some pleasant irritants in here please ah fairy dust yeah it's the fairy type weather-like effect the incantation ability or the move sprinkle can cause it magical dust fills the air it's very calming and soothing and relaxing allowing your body to heal and in doing so it can be distracting from the battle battle requires aggression aggression is hard when you're artificially being calmed so it dramatically lowers the evasiveness of all non-fairies on the battlefield and it heals everyone just a bit each turn unless of course they are ghost or dragon type they can go screw themselves i'm a fairy hey listen oh and because i'm a fairy and also my buddy here is grass type we heal even more and now we'll just whip this up with some strong winds it's summons misty terrain that was weird now none of those in that category can be stacked initializing one will remove or replace whatever irritant is already in the air but it can stack with climate and energy type weather-like effects energy being our third and final category but what is energy here well have you ever been somewhere where the air is just tense clearly nothing is actually in the air but the metaphorical atmosphere of the room is tense because of the people in it being tense themselves if we start to think of this in an oral sense or a cheese spiritual sense there's a whole new layer of weather-like effects that we can apply the energy of the area with the move or a projection or the ability standoff one can create a battle aura the fighting type weather effect this increases the critical hit ratio of all pokemon by one stage and renders fighting type pokemon immune to status debuffs as they know how to better utilize this energy in the air to keep them pumped and to power through such things the air is essentially filled with qi energy and that gets everyone pumped and ready for battle and if there's enough of it available say when the aura is buffed by strong winds they then all have enough spiritual energy to use normal and fighting type attacks on ghost type pokemon essentially a blanket scrappy ability then if not filled with chi aura perhaps the energy of the battlefield has been taken over by cursed winds the ghost type effect brought about by the move hunt or the ability seance a tear between the spirit world and our own has formed the spirits of the air absorb life energy over time and make those nearby feel paranoid pokemon who are not ghost dark or normal type lose 1 16th of their hp per turn and when the wind is strong the tears grow giving those same pokemon a 10 chance to flinch due to that damage at the beginning of each turn as spirits reach out and tap their shoulders or shout blue making them flinch in fear or perhaps the battlefield just gets weird there are a number of battlefield wide effects for the psychic type and let's go ahead and add another and classify it as weather-like a psychic field created by cosmic rays or transcendence will essentially magnify the innate psycho-spiritual power the stars give off onto the battlefield making psychic type moves fifty percent more powerful and dark type moves fifty percent weaker and strong winds it helps carry that energy across the battlefield which will create psychic terrain on top of that then for a more arcane energy we have the ability arcanum or the move dragonforce as the dragon type weather-like effect is just that dragon force emanates from a dragon and through the air dragon magic is many things we've got a whole video sort of explaining the dragon type that you can see here it's almost raw infinity energy a chaotic substance with many kinds of effects so we feel like if you took this dragon energy and you spread it across the air of the battlefield you would reduce the damage of all super effective moves by 20 regardless of the effectiveness multiplier and buffing it with strong winds be careful that's going to boost the power of all moves by 30 and dragon moves by 50 but at the same time will cause all pokemon to lose 10 percent of their max hp after attacking unless they are dragon type this dragon energy causes all of those who are not used to it to over exert themselves in their attacks essentially giving everyone the life orb item effect and now for a more literal energy effect we have the electric type weather thunderstorm caused by the move supercell or the ability storm front it makes electric type moves 100 accurate always and it adds some gambling to the mix causing each turn to roll a dive with a 10 chance of striking one of the pokemon on the battlefield this of course will deal damage to most pokemon 10 of their max hp but if it strikes a ground type pokemon it will only reduce their speed instead and striking an electric type it will increase the damage of their next electric type attack same as the move charge basically a free charge and when you add strong winds to the mix the stirring of the clouds causes the static in the air to strengthen and electric terrain is formed and lastly steel the heck is steel gonna do i guess mess with the magnetosphere in the local area right with the move magnetize or the ability ferroflux it makes steel type moves perfectly accurate but also it makes electric type moves against those steel types perfectly accurate too and given just a little boost with some strong winds all steel type pokemon will be able to slightly levitate through the combined power of strong wind and crazy magnets of course but levitating renders them immune to ground type attacks for as long as the buffed magnetosphere is around and so that's that uh i don't really know how to end this video other than i guess asking please like especially tell not even me tell us i assume everyone that's working on this game is watching this uh so tell them all your thoughts on these weathers and if there should be any changes and the reasoning for those changes not just a that's a bad idea don't do it but like a hey i think this idea might be better because of these reasons you know yeah thanks so much for watching if you've missed any of our cascade videos there's a playlist of them here and actually there's only one more yeah we only have one more cascade video after this and it's just like filling in all of the bonds that we made that i haven't shown off yet and then there probably won't be another one until the game's finished by the way that's that's not for a while like it's a complete volunteer whenever people have the spare time to work on it kind of thing so like estimated like two maybe three years maybe that's how long these things take but until next time never stop using your noggin thanks for watching love you [Music] foreign
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 216,034
Rating: 4.9748607 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, fakemon, kaskade, kaskade region, tofrug, lockemon, fakemon region, pokemon weather, weather in pokemon, pokemon weather trio, pokemon forces of nature, castform, castform of every type, new castform forms, new rotom forms, pacific northwest pokemon, PNW pokemon, pacific north west pokemon, seattle pokemon, portland pokemon, pokemon journeys, how to use weather in pokemon, pokemon weather mechanics, pokemon weather moves, sunny day, pokemon sandstorm, pokemon hail
Id: svUXCtSq7Ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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