I Attempted A HARDCORE NUZLOCKE Only Using Ice Types In Pokemon Violet (and they all sucked... 😢)

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well it's been a week and during that week I've been meditating around ice type Pokemon in the tundra practicing and learning double entendras for the sake of your entertainment and a height of my education because the cold reality is my pronunciations have you guys freaking out that aside I've decided that it is time to rule the paldea region with some of the coldest Pokemon in existence but speaking of cold realities I'm just gonna see it straight ice type Pokemon are the worst type of Pokemon before we continue go ahead and tell me your favorite ice type Pokemon in the comments ice type Pokemon are cool and have the ability to pack a punch offensively but they are infamously known for being frail there are rarely any bulky ice type Pokemon not only that it's really difficult to use ice types because they only had one resistance in a whole lot of weaknesses despite that we're ready to take on the cold we're doing a hardcore Nuzlocke only using ice type Pokemon in Pokemon Violet we're going to complete all of the Star bases all of the Titan Pokemon and the Elite Four trying to see if I ice type Pokemon truly have enough power to defeat the whole entire game in a hardcore nuzzle in a Pokemon Nuzlocke a Pokemon that is fainted as box forever and can no longer be obtained in the paudia region only 18 ice types are available for us to use unfortunately not all of these Pokemon will be useful for us to complete this challenge but we understand that and we're able to take on the winter storm ahead you see storms are inevitable but the way you guys stormed the like button on the Pokemon Nuzlocke challenge where we could only use pink Shiny Pokemon with something I can never anticipate I asked you guys for 500 likes and you guys got 5500 holy smokes and I promise you guys a Pokemon Nuzlocke where we only use Shiny Pokemon and I'm in the works of that we're almost done with the video it's probably gonna take until next week for that to come out so be on the lookout for that video I haven't forgot the fact that you guys destroy the like button 10 times over I kind of feel obligated to give you guys 10 of them so as of now I'll try to do 10. it's gonna take a very long time but eventually we'll get them all I'm talking to you guys post completing this Challenge and I have to say this is one of the hardest challenges I've ever done this is my first time even completing the hardcore Pokemon Nuzlocke choosing ice type Pokemon was probably one of the biggest mistakes I've ever did best believe it took way more than one attempt to complete this this is really practice to make sure I don't lose my shiny Pokemon but best believe the ride is very rewarding but that's enough jibber jabber let's get into the Pokemon Challenge where we can only use ice type Pokemon of course playing Pokemon Violet none of these Pokemon right here are ice types at all so we can't even use them they don't even turn into ice types we're met with the task of actually obtaining a Pokemon that is ice type we can't even participate in battles until we get a ice say Pokemon in Pokemon Nuzlocke we have to abide by the level cap rule any Pokemon that goes above this level cap we're not able to use until that level cap increases so how are we gonna get an ice type Pokemon that buys by that level cap in Pokemon scarlet and violet a lot of the ice type Pokemon are in a level 40s own just trying to catch Pokemon in there gives us the risk of losing the whole entire run so my solution was to go to cordado and look for Eevee yes you see him in a thumbnail Glaceon glacion isn't the best Eeveelution that we could choose from but we don't really have a choice here don't get me wrong I like Glaceon to turn this Eevee into a Glaceon we're going to have to get an ice stone fortunately if we make our way to the icy mountains we can get one that means we have to make our way to the icy mountains with the Eevee inner party and not faint to a single Pokemon if this Eevee faints on my way to the icy mountains to get an ice stone the runs over just like that making it there can't be that difficult all we have to do is make sure that we don't encounter any Pokemon what how did we encounter this cab as a kid okay let's run oh it's level 16 it uses bite let's try to run again we can't get away you use this leafage we survive on one HP and we're able to run holy smokes this is when I came to the realization that is actually extremely easy to lose our Eevee on the way there what's the solution we decide to open up the Pokemon and get some pokeballs poke dolls give you the ability to flee any battle no matter what it doesn't matter what ability they have if we throw a poke doll at the Pokemon they're completely distracted and we're given the ability to run you would never think this but because of this lovely guy right here we're able to keep the Nuzlocke run alive excuse me sir can I hold your hand what the hell get away from me you weirdo sir I'm only trying to give appreciation you're the reason why we can continue this video fortunately on his journey we're gonna have the ability to pick up a lot of items on the way oh I accidentally challenged the freaking trainer this isn't good well we immediately lose the challenge because we can't use normal type Pokemon and just to add insult to injury this me off takes me out with a Payday that means we're forced to reset yeah the video just started and we have to restart the Run we started tip number two I counter another level 11 Evie catch it and name it Glacier I traversed the Great Plains cross massive Bridges jumped off mountains even Traverse the desert as long as I made sure to not encounter any Pokemon I mean we have the green light as a fail safe we had the Poke Dolls There's a famous saying that you've probably heard before curiosity always kills the cat while in the desert I saw this chest I never encountered this while playing Pokemon not even in my normal playthroughs but I saw this and I was very intrigued by it I wanted to see what the heck was inside of this chest and looking at it closely it was moving so I ran up to it and when I touched it nothing happened I would just stare at it but then I decided to interact with it and it's a freaking level 20 gimme gold I immediately try running from the battle it doesn't let me even though we have the Pokemon ability runaway which allows us to run away from any battle I had no choice but to throw all the pokeballs in my inventory the sandstorm was active actively doing damage to my Eevee as gimme gold tackles me I get knocked down to 15 HP I'm panicking I try running again and it's not working I throw a great ball at it and I catch it this is an ice type Pokemon so I can't even use it but that was the only way we could escape the battle uh I'm not interacting with anything like this ever again we almost lost the run because of that finally after a decent amount of time we make it to the icy mountains approaching this rock here's the ice stone which allows us to evolve our Eevee to a Glaceon but finally Glacier evolves into a Glaceon and we're able to actually start the challenge our Glacier here has a team in nature which lowers this attack for its speed perfect because glacion doesn't have that much physical attack anyways right behind this rock we're able to pick up snowscape which in this generation boosts all of ice types physical defense after a decent amount of time adapting to the cold getting her Glaceon used to his new abilities were able to make a all the way back to cordando so we can take on Katie she starts with her Nimble as we send out our glacion immediately tarantulas into a normal type and use Swift taking out the Nimble in one shot tarantula comes out and we use Swift on it also almost taking it out picking a bug bite in the process then taking her out the very next turn and finally Teddy Ursula comes out to rationalizes into a bug type as we use another Swift we do about 40 to them as they use fury cutter taking me down to 27 HP as we use another Swift and quit them winning the first badge so finally on our second attempt we managed to get the first gym badge ah the beginning of the game was kind of difficult to get into we managed to shake off all the ice and get a grip on things personally I love spending time with Glacier after taking down Katie we raised the level cap to level 17 and we're able to take on the next gym brassius the grass type gym leader I don't think it requires a Pokemon Expert to know that ice is super effective against Grass so we immediately tried taking out brassias in this hardcore Pokemon Nuzlocke we're doing the whole entire game if you paid attention we just skipped to the second gym which means we have to reset because we did not do the game in the correct order I'm going to spare you guys a time and it literally took three extra attempts in order to get a Glaceon and have another shot at the first gym we easily take it down just like the first time but actually going through the game in the correct order we have to go against the sky type and this guy Titan is a beast the level cap only increases by one level this Sky Titan has the ability to take down our glacion easily we start the battle and send out glaze our second glacion ever we immediately terrazolize into a normal type knowing that the sky Titan has a rock throw but he decides to use wing attack for some reason we use icy win doing a decent chunk of damage and using that snowballer lowering its speed despite that the sky Titan outspees me the very next turn and uses rock throw almost taking me out as we use a to rationalize boosted Swift to take them down below half but the next turn they outspeed me with wrong throw and take me out oh snap this Sky Titan is gonna be a threat like I said in the very beginning of the video ice type Pokemon are just really frail and ultimately we're gonna need more than just this Glaceon to win this battle on our sixth attempt we just do what we did last time go to cardano catch it Evie that's level 11 aiming them Glacier and we immediately checked their name oh they're impish that sucks I immediately gave up restarting the game we get another easy and name them glaze and they have a hearty nature no complaints there we managed to go to the icy mountains and evolve our Evie to a glacion and take on the first gym we usually destroy her like last time yet again the true challenge began for my second attempt on the sky Titan I just tried giving myself a citrus Berry we immediately terrazolized into a normal type and use charm a move that drops the opponent's attack by two stages pick a wing attack and then we ice you win dropping their speed but they're still faster than me they pluck and we icy win again but they Dodge it fortunately we're able to drop their speed again survive another attack and take them out with a swift now it's time to for the second stage of this Titan battle we started and oh my goodness you don't heal in most Titan battles you heal after you beat them but in this one you don't which sucks we tried doing it anyways we just lose waste die we have to do this over alright so for my eighth attempt I threw about 15 balls at this Eevee and decided to just kill me so we have to restart finally on our ninth attempt we catching Evie and I came to the conclusion naming it anything with a G which is bad luck so I named this Eevee Mr ice and I think my theory was correct because I went to go see its nature in its modest which is freaking awesome like before we make it to the ice mountains pick up the ice stone evolve the glacion but on this attempt I was determined to make this to be the final attempt nine attempts at the beginning of the game is laughable and the fact that it took me six hours just to reach this point is insane on the way here we managed to pick up some quick balls this triggered an idea in my brain utilizing these quick balls were able to catch some strong Pokemon without having the risk of losing the run inside of the icy mountains I decided to sneak up on sneasels catching a wild Pokemon off guard gives you the ability to have a free turn on it we utilize that to use a football and Sneasel before even getting a badge we managed to catch a level 40 Sneasel of course we can't use this because it's way above the level cap so we caught a ditto oh yeah you guys know what we're doing we're gonna breed Pokemon in Pokemon scarlet and violet the way that you breed Pokemon is by getting two Pokemon of the same species and putting them in the picnic together waiting after a significant amount of time you'll get an egg yes it's very weird but that's how you breed in this game now initially I was very hesitant about having this be a solution to our problem with the Pokemon not being in a level caps but to my understanding in a Pokemon Nuzlocke you're only able to catch one species of Pokemon and one step Pokemon faints you can never use it theoretically speaking if we got this frigid backs and it dies and then we encounter a Bax caliber we cannot use a Max caliber because we had a frigid backs that die there's nothing about us not being able to catch a Pokemon and breed it so we can be under the level cap so let me know what you guys think in the comments if not this run is definitely invalid just like that we managed to get a level one sneezle before the first batch we did the same for frigid backs now before we been taking on Katie we have sneezed a sneezel and fridge the fridge backs we easily take down Katie now we're able to take the Open Sky Titan on again we immediately terrazolized into our normal type and use charm picking a rock throw but lowering their attack in the process take another rock throw eat a citrus Berry icy win take down half of his health holy crap modest really increases her damage a [ __ ] ton we're able to take out the sky tie in the very next turn it's not over yet though it's time for round two we immediately terrazolized into a normal type again a used charm on the Bombardier they use torment on me as we Icey winded to drop his speed and use snowscape almost go down but we managed to survive we swapped the fridge knowing that we have plus defense and use icy win it Dodges it but the very next turn whoa my gosh we almost go down to a wing attack we survive either Citrus Berry and Arvin takes them down finally getting past the first Titan yes it took nine attempts and it's very laughable this is my first hardcore nuzzle please go easy on me it seems like the solution all along which is get more Pokemon I should have did that in the beginning we managed to not lose anyone now going in the correct order it's time to take on brassias this battle went a lot differently than the first time we did this small love comes out and we decide to swap the fridge we use dragon tail on the smaller sending sudow and this was probably a big mistake on my part Sudowoodo terrazolizes into a grass type and uses rock throw almost taking me out but we use a dragon tail we decided to swap the Mr ice and take a tackle activating our Citrus Berry giving us enough confidence to take out the smaller finally we're able to outspeed it and use icy win to take it out wow we almost lost a Pokemon because I was being dumb first hardcore Nuzlocke for you this is when the challenge really starts to pick up because now we have to go against cloth the Stony Cliff Titan a rock type we're required to do it with the level cap of level at so we immediately Terra civilized into a normal type and we just Spam charm I'm not letting this Pokemon have the chance to take me down we use icy win and whoa we do a [ __ ] ton of damage the next term we're able to avoid the claw boss attack and take them out without icy win wow I was not expecting to go that way Mr ice having a normal type terasolization is really saving us right now it's not over yet you know Titans have two rounds the next round we decided to wrestle us into our normal type and spam charm again but they start using rock smash lowering my defense which is a really big problem we decided to stay in and use icy when lowering their speed then swapping the sneeze as they use block on me sheldu uses water gun dropping them to their anger shell increasing all of their stats and lowering their defense we're able to out speed it and take it down with a low kick and we managed to take down the rock Titan without losing a single Pokemon despite us only using ice types these types look a lot more promising than I was anticipating this raises the level cap to level 21 and were forced to go against the dark type team star base good thing I caught three Pokemon before this because it requires three Pokemon for you to participate our Pokemon are really strong right now despite that I was shaking in my boots team star bases are the most annoying thing to go against and they have this op car that has so much health and has the ability to knock out your Pokemon easily we gotta go against giokomo his dark type Pokemon he sends out a pawn yard as we outspeed him and use snowscape he uses metal claw and we eat it up as we use Swift I don't know why we're using Swift but we are we knocked him down to half HP as we decide to swap the sneeze the Sneasel we take a metal claw oh that does a lot of damage but we take them out with a low kick the very next turn the snow is still up next the Scar mobile comes out they decide the metal sound as we locate taking them down 40 but I didn't want to die so I swapped the fridge and terrazolized into a dragon type trying to get as much damage as possible on this thing we take a wicked twerk eater Citrus Berry and dragon tell it it does a decent amount but it only has a half HP a lot of her Pokemon are thrilled they do not have a lot of HP and we're trying to survive we use another dragon tail doing another 20 to win but we're forced to swap back to sneeze Wicked torque is a dark type so we're able to resist the move that comes out we eat our Citrus Berry in low kick and we're able to take out the Star mobile without losing a single Pokemon oh raising the level cap to level 24 and giving us the ability to keep on pushing this challenge just keeps getting more and more difficult taking the whole entire turn just to get the snow up is very risky this is when I decided to go back to the snowy mountains and catch a Snover of course we would have to do the process again of breeding it getting the Pokemon egg you get the point after a little bit of time we were able to get a level one Snover and we decided to name them big snow Snover has snow warning which means when snowver comes out in battle it gives all of the ice Types on the field a 50 physical boost that is very useful now up next we gotta go and get some electric gym so having a grass type is gonna be pretty useful we made a lot of progress and I'm surprised we even made it this far into the run it only took nine attempts but let's go ahead and take a rest you can't forget about me what the hell why are you in my dreams well because you know I'm the hardcore Pokemon especially you shitty ice type Pokemon why are you in my dreams ah I almost forgot we gotta go against the Moda she is a rival she has an arsenal a strong Pokemon that we constantly have to be able to beat and going against her during this challenge is so terrifying she literally popped into my brain while I was sleeping and it was considered a nightmare alright alright welcome to the midpoint of the video recently I've partnered with card Trader a trading card website that allows you to receive and sell your favorite trading cards with free shipping car trader has Pokemon cards Yu-Gi-Oh cards even Magic the Gathering they also give you the ability to have a vault that keeps your collection of Pokemon cards in a safe distribution area on standby ready whenever you want to have them shipped to you or you can just instantly receive them it's up to you clicking the link in the description or the pin comment will send you to a link to sign up where you'll receive free credits for any purchase you want to make if you're interested in getting into trading cards maybe even getting into a Pokemon card collection you can even purchase sealed packs or just buy your favorite Pokemon cards all right personally it's an awesome site that I've been able to enjoy it and if you're enjoying the video so far why not subscribe oh and don't forget to hit that like as you can probably see this video took 40 hours to do so I would definitely appreciate it anyways now back to the video before we can take on the Electric Gym we have to go against the motor you ready for this [ __ ] that dream was real by the way I was in that [ __ ] oh hell no she starts the battle with her Rock Run I'm absolutely terrified of this thing so I decided to rationalize into a normal type and utilize this move much shot we're able to take it out into one hit all thanks to Mr Ice's modest nature palming now comes out and we're able to out speed it and take it out with a mud shot and finally her fire Croc comes out and to rationalizes into a fire type this Pokemon has the ability to destroy everybody on my team we outspeed and used mudshot doing 40 of his HP as they oh they just use yawn nice we're a bit odd speed at the very next turn and take it out in one shot with a high roll just like that we survived namoda that's not the last we've seen of her we can't even reject her battles if we want to you're damn right you can't the game would be way too easy if you didn't have to go against me shut up anyways it's time to take on the electric type gym leader iono has a team of very strong Pokemon water out comes out as we send out Mr rice we have speed it and use icy win and credit I don't think it mattered but we take it out in one hit next belly bolt comes out this thing is an absolute beast and it's very very bulky I decided to just use charm as they spark me and they paralyzed me thanks they start spamming water gun as we charm them again trying to get their attack as low as possible the next turn we swap the fridge as they keep water gunning then I just Spam leer as they water gun me over and over again trying to get their defense as low as possible because this Pokemon has the ability electromorphia which means if you hit it with anything its electric type moves get boosted I'm not playing that I to rationalize into a dragon type and use dragon tail we're able to take out one shot as he takes me down the 25 HP which kind of sucks but I wasn't taking the chance Luxio now comes out and he intimidates me I decided to stay in to kick the bite almost die in Dragon toe but this was probably a mistake and I probably should stop using dragon tail Miss magius comes I decide to swap into Mr ice as Miss Maggie is to rationalizes into an electric type and uses hex on my Mr ice that had a status move on it oh my goodness we survived though next we swap to sneeze not getting any damage on this thing but we use foul play on it doing 25 on it as it confused raymie the next turn we're able to out speed it and break through the confusion and crit it taking it down to 10 HP although we outspeed us miss Maggie is we're confused if we hit ourselves we'd lose sneeze I took the chance broke through the confusion and used Foul Play to beat the Miss maggots lexio comes out and we decide to use big snow utilizing a snow warning knowing that we'll have a physical boost as they use spark we're resistant to Electric but the first Spark they use paralyzes that in the Luxio decides to use bike the first turn we get paralyzed the next turn they use bite influence me the next turn they use bite and we break through and we use trailblaze but we had to hit him one more time in order to win the battle we can't swap into anyone they used by taking me down the 7 HP but we managed to break through the Flinch hacks into paralyzed two used trailblaze and take down the Luxio oh my goodness combination of most of my Pokemon being level 25 above the level cap meaning we couldn't even use them it is a miracle that we managed to take down Iona without losing a single Pokemon that Flinch hacks was so scummy at the end he managed to get the badge though as you can see ice type Pokemon they pack a punch all right but this really hard to utilize them all the time because they're just frail we increase the level cap to level 27 and man I hate the progression of these games next we gotta go against the fire type team star base I hate these things this is going to be one of the hardest challenges that we have to overcome after destroying the lechonk that was guarding the gate we had to go against mellow she sends out torco as we send out fridge we immediately terrazolize into a dragon type being able to resist the flame wheel on torko that comes out but because this torko has drought it doesn't even matter matter we're able to resist the flame wheel that comes out and use our ability thermal exchange every time we get hit by a fire type move our attack goes up but it doesn't even matter the torko uses clear smog the very next turn negating all of our attack boost we're down half of our health and we gotta go against the Starmobile we decided to get rid of that annoying Sun by sending out big snow now all of my ice type Pokemon on the field have a 50 physical boost the next turn we swap to Mr ice and use mudshot we're able to dodge to overheat that the Star mobile does but this Starmobile has an annoying ability speed boost Starmobile is faster than all of my team the very next turn we swap the fridge knowing that we're resistant and we had a citrus bear we eat it and the special attack lowers the very next turn we're able to utilize that thermal exchange and use a dragon tail raising her attack almost taking it out but they keep on getting speed boost none of my Pokemon on the field are faster than this thing the next turn we're able to eat another thermal exchange getting out down to 13 HP as we use another boosted dragon tail to almost take it out but now we're in the predicament if we stay in with fridge it's gonna die switching to another Pokemon essentially means that the Starmobile gets two turns to attack it what do we do we're definitely gonna lose a Pokemon here but what Pokemon should we lose I didn't know what to do here I decided to swap into sneeze I have to use blazing torque and they burn me oh no but luckily we have a citrus Berry which means we eat the Citrus Berry then take the burn damage we survived but if we stay in now we just die what are we going to do I swapped the big snow knowing that if we get hit it's Horton's effective hoping that it used a physical move and we could utilize the snow warning but big snow is four times weak to fire and we lose big snow the very next turn we decide to swap to Mr ice they use overheat and we Dodge it holy smokes we should have lost we outspeed and use much shot to beat the Star mobile oh my goodness we managed to get past the fire type star base but we lost big snow in the process we were definitely going to lose a Pokemon going against this and big snow was definitely going to be a big asset on our team that we just lost despite this loss we decided to push on we raised the level cap to 28 and we decided to go back to the snowy mountains to get another Pokemon to replace big snow we found a Corral that was level 37 we managed to catch it then I found out that you needed a ice stone to evolve this we couldn't even use it then I noticed this here in Coronado this guy wants to give us a snom which is a bug ice type Pokemon just for flabebe so I decided to go catch a Floyd and trade him one after completing this trade we get a snob name snows a lot it was a bashful nature and ultimately snob is going to be able to turn into a frost ma a very very strong Pokemon there's only one condition to evolving this we have to take it out on dates so we go into the city eat at fancy restaurants and try your hardest to have a really good date with the snom hey um I just wanted to say that you look very beautiful tonight you know we had a lot of fun tonight would you consider having another date with me another time ah just like that it worked all we had to do was score the second date on snows a lot and it evolves into Frost moth look objects aside all we had to do was uh raise his happiness so we decided to just eat a bunch of food and yet again it's time to go against another Titan Pokemon that has the ability to destroy my whole entire team we gotta go against the Alaskan bull worm from SpongeBob and if you watch that episode you know this thing is ferocious we use Mr icing to immediately terrazolize into a normal type and use charm as it wraps me so I decided to use icy win to lower its speed since his spammy headbutt then I try to use mudshot and I forgot about disability Earth eater which means it's immune to ground type moves not only that it heals it this is very problematic I try to get another attack off but it just wasn't working so knowing that rap traps us inside of the battle we decide to swap we swapped the season oh my God we almost die holy crap I had no choice to put the swap back to Mr ice you Swift and spam charm on it then I decided to swap the Snows a lot is able to eat his attack and we decide to use infestation infestation is a bug type move but it does Chip damage every single turn it uses rap on me forcing me to stay in here but we decide to keep using infestation we get dropped down to 9 HP and just like that we lose nose a lot I couldn't even swap if I wanted to this thing is so freaking strong we almost take him down we swapped the fridge but I was just in shock I couldn't believe I spent all this time with snows a lot getting to know them having deep conversations eating good food with it just for it to die in the first battle I was angry we decided to use Avalanche with fridge taking two iron Tails but ultimately taking down the steel Titan making it run away looking at our team oh it's sad we almost lost everybody and unfortunately we have to put snows a lot in the gone box which is very sad and I'm forced to go against the steel Titan I didn't know what to do but I knew having Arvin on my team would give me a little bit of the advantage and we decided to use leer on the steel Titan as Arvin SuperSonics it the next turn we decide to use low kick and holy crap we almost kill it and this is what I get through the realization wow I probably wouldn't have lost a single Pokemon if I decided to use snowscape and use low kick on this twice so we kind of lost nose a lot for no reason that being said we raised the level cap to 30 and we progress unfortunately we've lost two Pokemon at this point and I go to the ice mountains looking for another Pokemon we could use to replace our snows a lot I know it's really sad during my way up the mountain I found that ice stone on the ground this is exactly what we needed in order to evolve our Pokemon brawler that we got a little bit ago into a crab ominous immediately replacing snows a lot this is the ice fighting type with some really good offensive moves and on top of that it's a final evolution which means the stats is an increase in a massive amount while we're here we decided to catch a bergmite and since the level cap has increased to 30 we don't have to breed any more Pokey we decided to name it Mighty while we were still here we decided to catch another ice type Pokemon snow run and name them snowball planning to make this Pokemon a lately but it's level 37 right now so we can't use it after doing all that we're able to take on kofu kofu is not a pushover so we start the battle with sneeze and we use foul play on the Volusia doing super effective damage for some reason there's a sandstorm so the sandstorm takes them out the same turn next we decide to swap into mighty and curse as what trio comes out it had buzz me but doesn't do that much damage we decide to use recover and they use water poles which negates all of my booze we decided just use bite we take damage from the sandstorm and we're kind of forced to swap so I decided to swap into brawler they use water pulse and we eat it up the next term what trio uses head bud and flinches me out speeds me again but we're able to break through and brick break them uh Professor beats I had to rationalize brawler which means we just wasted our terrazolization which sucks the next turn we decided to swap into Mr rise as kofu's crab ometable comes out we decide to use charm on Mr ice and out speed the crab vomitable lowering its attack as it uses rock smash lowering my defense but it doesn't matter we decided to swap into fridge as we take a rock smash lowering our defense and dragon tail it out speeds me as I use another dragon tail on it and it gets another defense drop the following turn I decide to use by oh gosh we get outsped and die to a rock smash I was thinking that we were faster than crabomitable but because we were using dragon tail we just had negative priority but I miscalculated Gravely and we lost fridge fortunately we're able to use sneeze one of the fastest Pokemon in the game to out speed didn't use a foul play to take it out but unfortunately we lost fridge due to negligence this is her third death in The Run we have to put fridge into the gone box this is a very sad moment beating kofu raises a level cap to level 32 fortunately right after this we're able to go to Porter marinara and use the Ultra Ball to catch a roto it's under the level cap so we're able to use it and we decided to name this rodum fresh but to watch that's not an ice type Pokemon how are you gonna use that on your team well well well I'm pretty sure you're very familiar with Rotom forms in this game they give you the ability to win an auction to get the Rotom catalog which gives you the ability to change rotom's forms isn't that freaking awesome we're able to evolve fresh into its refrigerator form which means it's an electric ice type with levitate don't get me wrong no one can replace fridge but Frisch is definitely an awesome Pokemon to have and you see we do have some decent Pokemon on our team granted they're not all in their full Evolutions but we can change that a little bit first thing I decided to do is evolve Sneasel into weibow and finally since we gathered up some money we're able to buy some EV training items for all of our Pokemon we decided to take this time to max out all of our Pokemon's EVS mainly because we're gonna need all the EVS we could possibly get in order to take on the next team star base the poison type knowing this I decided to clear the quest so I can put earthquake on my brawler and fly to the bottom of the map so we can just beat up a bunch of baby Pokemon to increase our Eevees and beat up a couple little kids in the process how do Eevee training items work every time you defeat a Pokemon it doesn't matter what level it is what Eevee's it yelled if you're using these Eevee items it gives you the maximum amount of EVS you can get for defeating a Pokemon despite is only beating up a bunch of level fives and sixes we're getting the maximum amount of evils we can get pretty cool right comparing our Pokemon as much as possible we finally take on the poison team star base we decide to utilize some items in order to give our Pokemon the highest Advantage we could get we decided to put a Muscle Band on brawler I'm never melting ice on Mr ice Leftovers on Mighty and a magnet on Fresh we send out brawler on their stunt tank and we immediately use earthquake the out speed me and use toxic all thanks for a Muscle Band were able to take out the stunt tank in one turn with earthquakes River Room comes out and it's a steel poison type which means they're four times weak to ground knowing that this is a Steel type it's rationalize into a fighting type eating their RNA using earthquake the very next turn and we're able to take them out now we're down to 51 HP and there's a toxic out muck comes out but we decided to swap it to sneeze and we leer them knowing that muck has lower physical defense we just utilize Foul Play doing that two times to take them out sneeze is about to get knocked out so this is when I decided to swap into mighty as they spin out which is super effective which really sucks but we're able to get leftovers recovery the next turn as they use spin out and lower their speed harshly we decide to use recover the combination of recover and leftovers is making us stay in the game Mighty is just really slow so we just have to keep spamming recover we only have two recovers left but we decided to take another spin out and heal ourselves gaining all the way to 58 HP we're kind of backed up into a corner we decide to use curse Mighty has a lot of Defense we're hoping that we survive and we do with 2hp we're able to get the recover off we're covering 50 over HP recovering another six percent and we decide to just use Avalanche we're able to do 30 to them but they have the ability toxic Derbies which puts spikes on her team but were able to get another Avalanche off taking them down to 30 they're almost taken out we're able to swap into Frisch which is neutral against steel and since they have levitate we do not get hit by the spikes we're able to outspeed at the very next turn with Thunderbolt and take it out just like that we beat the poison team star base oh man if I didn't strategize even just a little bit during that we would have lost a Pokemon so I'm realizing there's a lot of strategizing that is required for you to make sure that you don't lose a single poke we don't have unlimited Pokemon so we have to make sure we're doing everything we can to keep these conquering a feat like that without losing a single Pokemon is a really good sign now the level cap has increased to level 36. as we have to go to madali and take on the normal type gym leader Larry if you played this game you know this guy is a beast yeah he may look very normal but his Pokemon Pack-a-Punch we decided to start the battle with brawler as Kamala comes out we decided to rationalize into a fighting tight and use brick break as the Kamala uses yawn on you we're able to take out the Kamala in one hit dang brawler has good attack done and sparse comes out and glares me which negates the yawn but paralyzes us ultimately we're able to Quick him and take him out in one hit now the strapter comes out and they have antimony but it doesn't matter because we have hyper cut which means our attack cannot get lowered the Raptor to rationalizes into a normal type and out speeds me with aerial Ace which is super effective but we're able to take that and use reversal to take out the strapter in one hit and just like that we beat Larry on our first attempt not even switching Pokemon damn what the hell that dude Larry ass let's go boys we're finding our strive oh my gosh we have to go against the motor like I said she's the hardcore Pokemon Nuzlocke Ender although these battles are not required in the main game they're required for us because if we lose a single battle we lose the whole entire run she starts to battle where like a rock as we stay in with brawler and just use brick break the one shot her Goomy comes out and I decide to swap at the sneeze so we can use home claws as they use Dragon pulse on me which doesn't do that much damage they use Dragon Balls again and grid me okay and use Dragon Balls again and takes me down to 21 but Pomo comes out next so all that boosting was for nothing we swap into brawler and we're able to out speed the Palmer with the earthquake now Skelly Rich comes out hey you think this [ __ ] is over here the mono terrazolizes into a fire type which is very detrimental to my team I terrazolize into a fighting type and she uses torch song we survive and we use earthquake but we do not take it out torch song raises their special attack which means I can't even swap into a Pokemon mainly because she's using a fire type Pokemon that's terasolize anybody who swaps into this is gonna die so looks like I had to come to the conclusion of sacking brawler I didn't want to do it I didn't want to do it I didn't want to do it I sat here in the menu contemplating what I could possibly do to not lose brawler or any Pokemon but like I said nimona is a freaking Beast she just does too much damage so we let brawler go down unfortunately but the very next term we're able to swap the fresh and use Thunderbolt to take out the Skelly Ridge winning the battle but losing brawler in the process Mighty evolves into an avalog but now we have to put brawler in the gone box brawler we only had the ability to do two battles with you and you you were a huge asset to our team especially winning the last gym badge without you it would have been hell I thank you for your contribution it's very sad we spend a lot of time together we made a lot of strives unfortunately we've lost some some of our Pokemon that we love but I definitely think we deserve a break let's lie down what no no not me having a nightmare again witty what what is pity doing in my dream you have no idea but you're gonna have to face me in something really bad is gonna happen what what are you talking about why are you in my nightmare oh you'll see in due time to watch it in new time oh oh my gosh what is up with me having these nightmares oh the level cap has increased to level 42 which means we can use snowball but it kind of sucks because crime orbitable was one of the best Pokemon we could have at the stage especially considering that a lot of My Pokemon to rationalization forms are ice which doesn't really help me him having a fighting type to rationalization gave me the ability to take moves I couldn't normally take but it's time to Evie train and level up all of our Pokemon to around the level cap eating ham sandwiches battling chances to accelerate the process a little bit while coming back I accidentally encountered a sunflora and it has double edge what the heck oh my God snowball almost dies oh oh my goodness I was tempted to just hit run but I knew snow run is very slow so I decided to use a poke doll to get out of this encounter oh my goodness we almost lost snowball while training exactly a level 42 snowball evolves into ukulele and they have a plus special attack nature unfortunately you have a minus speed nature now we gotta go against the Ghost Gym we decided to send out sneeze and Mr ice bayonet tries to use Sucker Punch as we immediately snow skate we use foul play to take out the bayonet and we get slashed by mimikyu taking out the bayonet gives our Pokemon a boost on all their offensive stats in the very next turn we able to Foul Play The Hound Stone and use icy win breaking the disguise on mimikyu and lowering his speed in the process we use foul play in a toxicity almost seeking it out as it uses discharge and Mr ice is able to dodge if we almost go down to it but the very next term we're able to use icy win and take out both of the Pokemon in the field winning us the gym badge and our team was coming together we were able to utilize a lot of the ice type Pokemon that were nice mountains a lot of them and if worst came the worst we had a lot more to get so things were looking up you know if doomsday was to happen and all of my ice type Pokemon died but before leaving the icy mountains again we decided to catch a beer and name them float oh and say hi to fribble that's the frost last we caught earlier the level cap is now level 44 and we're forced to go against the Earth Titan in Pokemon Violet this Titan is iron threads I still type Pokemon I decided to utilize rotom's electric tracelization to rationalize into an electro type and use blizzard taking it out in one shot all thanks to the never melting ice we decided to put on him for the second round we decided to do the same thing and take it out in one hit with Arvin using a fire thing taking it out in the progression of Pokemon scarlet and violet were forced to go to alfornata so we can take on the psychic gym I don't even know you can get to this location without climbing going through this cave gives you access to alfornado without even climbing anything so that's good to know I'm only saying that if you didn't know that before we take on the psychic gym leader we have to go against the mode again you ready to do this [ __ ] to YG no Mona don't talk to me don't talk to me man you killed brawler you Brawlers in the box right now we're not friends I decided to rationalize into an electric type with Frisch and use a thunderbolt to take out the black and rock Sligo comes out and I know this is special defensive so I decided to use both switch and swap into float we're able to take two dragon pulses and use a icicle crash to take it down at one hit Palm it comes out we decided to swap into mighty knowing that this is a physical Beast it barely does any damage and it Sparks me I'm able to use Avalanche to take it out in one hit now Skelly Rich comes out this is when I decided to swap back to Rotom and use a magnet to rationalize boosted Thunderbolt to outspeed a Skelly Ridge and take it down to 80 it uses torch song but Rotom survives on two HP we could have lost rhodium there holy smokes luckily we're able to take out the Skelly Ridge and we survive another day without nimona destroying one of our Pokemon destroy the whole team no matter we wouldn't even be talking right now if you did I probably would have quit this video before we take on the psyche gym we're gonna have to do Simon says we have to play this game do it perfectly and then battle Pokemon using sneeze this is gonna be a breeze we're able to absolutely destroy most of these but what the oh God we have to go against a metachan which has fighting type all of my Pokemon are weak the fighting type to add insult to injury sneeze doesn't have that much defense and is four times weak to fighting uh uh we have the sack snowball oh my goodness I'm sorry snowball I'm so sorry the next term we're able to take out metachin with a freeze dry but yes you guys saw that correctly we lost snowball before we even started the gym battle too are you serious now we gotta go against tulip the psychic type gym leader you decide you sneeze on their fat net giraffe Pokemon and we decided to use home claws the first turn they decide to reflect which means I do half damage I decided to use this time to eat their crunch oh did I get a defense drop though and just use home claws it doesn't do that much damage but I decided to use another home claw and start using beat up beat up is a move that hits as much as the amount of Pokemon on your team so we're able to take out the giraffe in a couple hits and gardeval comes out dark is neutral to Gardevoir because it's a Fairy Type the reflect is still up but I decided to take the chance and use beat up hit it once twice three four and we take it out in five that was a high roll last one but now to reflect wears off Esparto uses quick attack oh we survive it and we take out the asparta in two hits as floor just comes out and terrazolizes into a psychic type they meet the same fate beating the second type gym leader not losing a single Pokemon raising the level cap to 48. fortunately a Glalie died without even getting any action really I was thinking this was going to be a Pokemon that we could utilize we spent so much time training him just for him to go down to a high jump kick it was nice having you on our team while the last of Glalie fortunately we can use Frost last to replace you and I feel so bad because if I was just a little bit more diligent and use Frost Less on my team anticipating for that meta champ to use high jump kick we could have avoided that easily but I just used the wrong Pokemon rest in peace we're almost done with the video I hate going home to go to sleep but we need our rest every time we gone home and gone to sleep we have a freaking horrible nightmare but I'm exhausted we have to go to sleep what is that Arvin what are those Pokemon he's going against those things look strong as [ __ ] you had the strong Joy to the world what the hell bro you know what I'm not going to sleep anymore I'm not going to sleep for the rest of the video you got me [ __ ] up we make it to the final gym and it's the ice Showdown hey little do you use ice type Pokemon too what you're a man oh my God dawagi don't do this again you did this [ __ ] four times in a row in every single video and you're gonna do it again oh hell no I'm gonna beat your ass and make sure you have to reset this whole entire run wasting the last 20 hours you spit just to get here yes we gotta go against Russia we immediately to rationalize into an electric type and use Thunderbolt with our Roto we still have the magnet on so we get a 20 boost on our special attack we're able to take down the frost moth and win hit let's just be thankful that it doesn't have a skills beer tick comes out you take a icicle crash but we're able to take it out the very next turn setian comes out and this thing is a big bulky Beast we decided to use Thunderbolt take it down to Red HP as they use ice spinner oh we're not an ice type anymore so that is neutral damage almost taking us out but we're able to out speed news will switch the very next turn and swap into sneeze while the ulterior comes out don't take this [ __ ] over though dude I got my ice steel why do you sound like that they to rationalize their ulterior until ice type as we use brick break doing 50 of their moon bass but we are special defensive we're about out speed at the very next turn and take it out with a brick break winning the gym badge just like that we gathered all eight of the gym badges but we're doing the whole entire game and I really have to say I'm really really thankful for Weavile being specially defensive enough to take that Moon blast because that could have been a catastrophe so I have to give a slight moment of silence to Weavile kiss in general was good to get some more Pokemon so we decided to encounter this Cloister it's level 55 so we can't use it at the moment but if you're familiar with Cloisters abilities it having skill link gives us the ability to do a lot the level cap is raised to 50 and I definitely felt like we needed some more Pokemon to utilize to be able to Pivot one Pokemon in particular that I knew was going to be a huge asset to our team for the end of the game that we couldn't get until now is Ice Cube we catch them and decide to name them QB QB has the ability iceface which means any physical attack for one turn acts as a substitute fortunately you can still get hit by special attacking that being said now it's time to take on Ortega the fairy types team start base owner we immediately start off with QB and you snow skate as the zoom roll uses charm on me QB has a roarville which acts as a double screen which means my whole entire team takes half damage zumro uses balance and paralyzes me which kind of sucks but it doesn't really matter because once QB loses his ice face it becomes one of the fastest Pokemon in the game despite us being paralyzed we're able to outspeed the zoom roll and take it out with a freeze drive to be fair zumro's very slow the snow goes away but we swapped the mighty as Wiggly tough comes out we're able to swap back to Mr ice and get the snowscape up so we can get some more physical bulk and take out Wiggly tough with a blizzard his next Pokemon comes out we just use blizzard two times to take it out now finally the Star mobile comes out and it has steel ruler thankfully for the snow stop being up we're able to resist it tickets move and use blizzard on it the next turn we decide to swap into mighty eat his attack while we get our leftovers decide to spam Avalanche slowly chipping it down and destroying the Starmobile defeating Ortega we're reaching the end of the game and we have to defeat the final Titan and we're able to defeat it with ease just utilizing ice cubes freeze dry and Ice face but this next part of the game was going to be very very hard we gotta go against the fighting type Starbase like I said before these star bases are no joke but we immediately swapped the QB and used snowscape the next turn Toxicroak uses poison jab as we get our auroraville up this is when we decided to swap the fribble as Toxicroak uses brick break but it doesn't affect me the next turn we're able to take a sucker punch and use psychic taking the toxic croak out the very next turn Lucario comes out and I know this Lucario is a special attacker so I decide to stay in we can knock down to three each people were able to outspeed the Lucario the very next turn and take it out annihilip comes out and this thing is going to be a big threat I decided to swap into mighty and I immediately decided to rationalize into an ice type and use Avalanche as they close combat and it barely does any damage we're able to Avalanche and take it out in one hit thank God for Mighty being a physical defensive Beast passing man comes out and uses close combat we're able to eat that but take it out the very next turn the Star mobile comes out and shift gears immediately I decide to use Avalanche thinking that I was going to attack me but it has stamina this is when I decided to switch my strategy completely auroraville wears off and we decide to immediately curse as they keep shift gearing for some reason the next turn they decide to use a combat torque and we survive with 26 HP and recover immediately and I took my chances and cursed the very next turn and they used shift gear again this kept going on and on and on eventually we got knocked down at 18 HP but we're able to recover that immediately unfortunately we take a combat torque and they paralyze me with only 67 HP remaining the next turn they decide to use shift gear and we get extremely lucky we recover take a combat torque again and Avalanche them down the fighting team star base without losing a single Pokemon everything had to go right for that to happen and I'm definitely grateful at this point the level cap is raised to 61 and we gotta start going against the end battles but since her level cap is level 61 you see him in a thumbnail we're going to go get a legendary Pokemon lifting all of these Stakes gives us the ability to encounter chimpow or shimpo I don't know which one it is we immediately start the battle use a quick Ball but it doesn't work this guy's Pokemon ability drops our physical defense by 50 just off rip we're able to utilize cuby's ice face to take a icicle crash and snowscape the very next turn giving us another ice face and raising our defense 50 the next turn they use sacred sword breaking our ice base again as we auroraville having their attack even more I immediately decided to throw Ultra Ball at it but it doesn't work so we decided to swap them Mighty because Mighty has a lot of defense and this is a physical attacker we wasted as many turns as we possibly can and decided to keep throwing timer balls at it eventually we caught and aimed our new Legendary Pokemon on our team power this thing is an absolute Beast now it's time to take on the Elite Four with all of our ice type Pokemon at this point in time we've lost 5 Pokemon and I hope not to increase that and we decided to put a light Clay on QB a never melting ice on Mr ice a magnet on a fridge a Muscle Band on power a white herb on koi and Leftovers on Mighty all of these items were going to give us the advantage we needed in order to win we immediately start to battle with QB and we use snow skate increasing our defense and the next turn putting an aurora Villa we're able to freeze dry the wish cash taking it out one hit next camera comes out we decide to swap into mighty as the fire blast but we Dodge and we earthquake geeked to take it out now dolphin comes out and I know this has rock type moves so I to rationalize into a dark type and use ice spinner on dawnfish anticipating it to use a sturdy ability if we did knock it down there we take the Stone Edge and we take down the dolphin Dugtrio comes out and power is a speedy Beast out speeding the Doug Trio taking it out in one hit clot sire comes out and teracolizes into a ground type and we outspeed it in one shot taking down the first member next we gotta go against one of the biggest problems in the Elite Four in a most concerning battle we're gonna have to deal with the Steel type Elite Four member we immediately used shell smash on the copper Raja knowing that we're neutral to Steel type moves and utilizing our white herb getting rid of all of our negative defects we take the heavy slam and we immediately terrazolize into a water type and waterfall of the kaparaja taking it out in one hit magnazone comes out now I was really thinking about switching but I just said [ __ ] it I know this magnet Zone has sturdy but I had to take the chance of flinch I used waterfall and they decide to use light screen for some reason I'm able to outspeed at the very next turn and take out the magnet zone I'm glad I didn't switch Carbonite comes out and we use ischool Spear and we land it skill link makes it so guaranteed to get five hit bronzon comes out and we take it out with one hit with waterfall and Tinker 10 finally comes out and to rationalize this into a Steel type and we're able to out speed it with a waterfall and take it out just like that it's not over yet now we gotta go against flying types we send out power and immediately ice spinner on the Tropius sir after comes out I know the strap has close combat we're four times weak to fighting so I decided to swap into QB we take the close combat without taking damage because of iceface and we outspeed at the very next turn because of Ice Space knowing that it's rationalize into an ice type and use freeze draw to take down the stir Raptor in one hit alteria now comes out I decided to use snowscape knowing that I was faster I was gonna get my ice face back but his flamethrower I forgot about that we're able to get the auroraville up the very next turn and use free stride to take out the altario oracorio comes out not wanting to take any more damage I decided to swap back the power but they use Teeter dance on me that's annoying but we break through the confusion and beat oricorio Flamingo comes out and this Flamingo has close combat because it's originally a fighting type I knew it's only a physical attacking Pokemon so I decided to swap into ice cube as its rationalizes into a flying type and use close combat on me like I said before knowing that we're one of the fastest Pokemon in the game with the ice face off I decided to use freeze dry to outspeed a flamingo and take it out of one hit QB is really coming in clutch I'm glad we got this Pokemon next we gotta go against all Dragon type we use power in immediately ice spinner to take out Northern in one hit Haxorus comes out and I ice spinner again because power's ability is freaking overpowered fortunately we level up power past the level cap so we can't use them anymore so we're forced to swap and QB we take a sledge bomb in auroraville we almost get knocked out thankfully they did not crit we swapped the Mr ice the reliable trainer yes he is a mark on him and we immediately blizzard Falafel comes out and flop was faster than me but we dodged the leech seed and take out Falafel and finally Bax caliber comes out Glaceon is not that fast backs caliber outspeeds us and uses brick break getting rid of my auroraville and we missed the blizzard this puts my whole entire team into danger I had no choice but to swap into mighty knowing that his physical defense is really high they use glaive rush and were able to take 80 HP points the next turn we take another Glade Rush tickets down to 30 HP oh my goodness if he got a high road we would have died we managed to Avalanche to take out the back's caliber managing to be all before the members without losing a single Pokemon this challenge is nowhere near done if we lose a Pokemon it really puts us in a disadvantage we have tons of battles left as you can probably see in the duration of the video if anything we can't afford to lose any Pokemon we gotta go against the champion X we send out power and immediately use the night slash to take that asparta now Avila comes out this is the big threat mainly because this has body press I'm forced to swap in a QB to take the body press and I accidentally use Amnesia on QB oh my goodness taking the body's press head on almost taking me out but the next turn we're able to use snowscape increasing our defense getting her ice face back but losing it we had no choice but to switch to our own avalog but they decide to use earthquake for some reason we immediately use curse trying to get our attack and defense as high as possible as they decide to use Avalanche it's very weird I'm not complaining though we're able to get another curse up as a body press and it doesn't do that much damage mainly because snowscapes up I know this also so I'm utilizing all the turns to get as many curses up as possible until the snow runs out to the point where his body press barely does any damage at all but if he Crips me at any point we can lose Mighty knowing this I use recover maxing out my attack and defense even further finally using earthquake to take the Avila down to half finishing it off the very next turn King Gambit comes out and I know this is a physical attacker so I decide to use earthquake as a Stone Edge and at that crit we would have been in trouble but it didn't go go comes out and we use Avalanche as a horn leech taking them out one hit the loser comes out psycho Cuts me we eat it and earthquake them and finally glamora comes out and rationalizes into a rock type and use a sludge wave luckily we had enough HP to tank it and take out glamora just like that we beat the whole entire Elite Four without losing a single mod it's not over yet though we're almost done with the video but we have to finish the rest of the roads first we gotta go against the director we try sweeping with our we buy but his psychic monkey has Foul Play and he was abusing that he almost takes out my weave aisle eventually we just swapped the koi and we decided to Shell smash taking out his psychic monkey in one turn out speeding and taking out his Obama snow with rock blast out speeding and taking out his Gyarados with rock blast Terra civilizing into a water type taking out his Hound Doom with the waterfall and finally meowskara comes up knowing that I'm not an ice type anymore I was fearing I swap into QB and took a flower tray destroying my eyes but making me faster than the mios Garden I decided to use auroraville but this was a big mistake because flour crits every single turn which means it negates our auroraville being up and they're using a teracelized boosted flower trick our answer to that was to swat the mighty take all the damage and finish off the meowskara without losing a single Pokemon yes the order is very weird but now we have to go against Arvid Arvin has some decent Pokemon itiwaji my dad left a message for me he did it in video form I never found this video but it says watch this if you find it let's see what he said okay I don't give a [ __ ] about you and I want you out of my life so much that I built a time machine and I'm living in the future because I want to get the [ __ ] away from you don't even try to find me but whatever you do do not go to area zero I'm definitely not an epic you would not find me there trust me I'm not there damn Arvin it sounds like we gotta go to area zero my dad said not to go down there though nah I definitely think he needs you to go down there let's let's go down there okay after this Pokemon battle yes the Nuzlocke is not over we could lose even here we immediately start with koi in Shell's match as they body so oh my goodness they paralyze me which means I'm very slow we take them out in one hit as their toads cool comes out they earth power oh my God we only have three HP we survived but we land an icicle crash and take them out in one hit extra Rock Pokemon comes out and we swap the QB take their attack put the snow up get her eyes face up in auroraville immediately knowing that this was a rock type Pokemon I decided to swap to Mighty immediately Unfortunately they put rocks up so we take 25 of her HP they Stone Edge and we curse immediately while the snow is up and the Aurora bill is up the next turn we take a Stone Edge don't get crit fortunately and we earthquake them next turn they body press and we don't get crit and we take them out nice it's not over yet we got three more turns over auroraville left but this is a special attacker we decided to stay in an earthquake as a fire bus almost takes me out but we take them down to one HP come on man the next turn they fire blast but we managed to survive and we rationalize into an electric type and I'll speed them using Thunderbolt to take them out roarville wears off and they send out Cloister we outspeed The Cloister and take that off in one hit and finally their dog comes out we use Thunderbolt as they terrazolize into a dark type and oh my gosh the out speed me and use crunch taking out frizz oh my goodness fridge I thought you were faster than the stupid ass dog are you kidding me unfortunately Frisch is not faster than the stupid ass dog I don't know how but it is faster than me so we lost fresh one of the best Pokemon we've had on our team no damn well you're not faster than power you can't be and our ability makes your defense 50 less so we're able to One-Shot it with his sacred sword but unfortunately we lost Frisch a Pokemon that has held it down since the beginning finish off the path of Legends while we finish off our battle relationship with Frisch we have to put them in the gone box as you can see we have big snow Snow's a lot fridge brawler snowball and now fresh in the Box on a bright side we have three Pokemon in the box that we can use to pull out at any time and that's frivel float and sneeze now we have to beat Penny and nimona first we gotta go against Penny start with QB as they use Umbreon and we immediately snowscape then we get the Aurora Villa as they dark post me twice we then decide to swap the cool they don't have that good of special defense we're able to Shell Smash and this is when I just came oh post commentary I just realized them using baby doll eyes just got rid of my white herb which means we're minus special defense and defense at the time of recording I had no idea but I decided to stay in and take out the Umbreon then we waterfall take out the Jolteon and leave you Clarion comes out we decide to use waterfall to take that out as Vaporeon comes out and we use Rock blast as they use baby doll eyes a priority move to drop our attack we take them out and finally Sylveon comes out and Penny terosolize this into a fairy type we use waterfall and they survive on one HP as they use Shadow Ball and kill Coy here's a chance that we would have survived if we used our white herb on our shell smash but that made it so we lost koi the very next turn power is able to out speed Sylveon and take it out but just like that we lost koi we still have one more person to go against that has some very threatening Pokemon oh can we even do it at this point we finish off the Starfall path and it's time to take on the Mona if you did a hardcore Pokemon Nuzlocke you would definitely lose and that's why we didn't do that [ __ ] okay now you're just taunting me we have to beat nimona without losing a single Pokemon she immediately uses stoath Rock which means all of my Pokemon that comes out from now on is gonna take 25 you use No Escape and get the Aurora Villa we decide to Surf taking half of their HP as they use Stone Edge and thankfully do not get a crit if they did we would have died but we take them now Palma comes out and we decide to swap the frivel knowing that this Pokemon had close combat we decided to use draining kiss doing half of their HP gaining our HP back as they use a double shot and we're able to eat their move the very next turn we're able to out speed them and take out the Puma earthworm comes out I hate this thing it killed snows a lot we take a iron tail but we're able to eat a citrus Berry holy smokes in Boca knowing that we will take the next attack we eat the iron toe that comes out and we super power next then the sparse comes out and we decided to swap into power we take 25 of our HP when we swap in and we immediately decide to use sword stands they use hyperdrow and we survive it auroraville wears off so we have to go all in we use sacred sword and take out the duns bars Goodra comes out and we know Goodra doesn't have that much defense so we take it out with an ice spinner and finally Skelly Ridge comes out we decide to stay in and we immediately to rationalize into a dark type and use night slash as pneumono to rationalizes into a fire type but we outspeed it and use night slash to take it out of one hit wow damn to watch you actually did it just like that we beat most of the game but we have one more part of the game to go again all right Arvin are you ready to go to area zeros yeah I I don't even know why you wanted us to come down here well I mean your dad told us to I'm pretty sure he said yeah it doesn't matter so we make it to era zero and while we're here we encounter our iron bundles you already know I had to catch this thing and we make it all the way down to area zero all we have to do is press this button and I'm pretty sure we're going to be able to see arvin's Dad and Intruder alerts what the hell what is up whoa whoa what is up with these mechanical Pokemon trying to beat us up what the heck are we gonna do and what are they saying whatever we're able to take down all of these iron Pokemon with our Pure steel Sun DNA detected we must beat his ass whoa Arvin this is what I saw earlier what what are you talking about I had a dream about this oh my God that means the other part of my dream of being ruling the world is that gonna come true anyways we make it to this laboratory I know Arvin dad's actually here what the who the hell are you are you arvin's dad what the [ __ ] how do you know that uh you made a video oh my God I told that dumbass not to come here he brought you here uh yeah oh hell no you know what [ __ ] it I'm gonna go back to the future I'll make sure I never see that [ __ ] again no no no no no no you look look you have to take responsibility Arvin has been wanting to see you for years you just left him exactly I don't want that [ __ ] in my life you're gonna have to beat me oh my gosh okay whoa it looks like we have to beat arvin's dad who would have thought this would have happened and he is all mechanical Pokemon holy [ __ ] so we immediately start the battle with pure steel and we serve on iron moths oh my goodness Unfortunately they one shot me with fiery Dans holy smokes okay ripped up here still they don't want to lose any more Pokemon the next term we're able to swap the power and power's able to out speed it and take it out with one hit iron hands comes out next swap the Cutie knowing that this was only a physical attacker but they fake out and Flinch me fortunately we're super fast so we're able to snow escape and get our defense up the next turn we use auroraville as the drain punch it does not do that much damage the next turn we're able to freeze dry them and oh that really mattered we froze them we're able to swap the frivel and use psychic they survive one more hit but they're still frozen the snow stops and we take them down eyes iron Thorns now comes out and they immediately brick break fortunately we're able to use a four times effective earthquake on them to take them out but now our Aurora is off use flamethrower but were able to Avalanche to take him out we almost lost Mighty there Iron bundle comes out we decide to use recover all we lose Mighty oh my goodness this sucks I can't believe we lost them we swapped the power and we used sacred sword to take to take out the iron bundles finally iron Valiant comes out they use quart drive and their attack is heightened I know power is faster than this but I don't know if we have enough power to take it out I had no choice but the ice spinner and oh we don't take it out and just like that we lose power too oh my gosh we only have three Pokemon remaining I know QB without his ice faces faster than our value so I use freeze dry to take out the iron battle damn dawager you're strong as [ __ ] look I'll make a proposal to you how about you join me and we rule the world wait Dad is that you you are not this [ __ ] Dad I've been looking for you all my life oh hell no you know what I anticipated this to happen some DNA detected initializing self-destruct initializing self-destruct initialize myself this drug what the hell what's happening you see I anticipated you to do this if you did so happen to come down here I set this oh my God your dad is freaking crazy and on top of that I made it so you can't even see your Pokemon out this is okay well we gotta go against his dad again and we can't use any Pokemon so let's just run up and it doesn't let us but we can swap into far right on and you already know this battle is pretty much plot I mean I get knocked down the one HP but we don't die for some reason and the very next term we outspeed it gets a freaking boost ah we finished the whole entire video and unfortunately we have to box all the Pokemon we lost we lost 10 Pokemon big snow Snow's a lot fridge brawler snowball fresh koi pure steel Mighty and power fortunately we're able to keep Mr Ice Cube and frivel and it was an honor to present you guys my first hardcore Pokemon Nuzlocke I would definitely do a lot more this was a lot of fun and required a lot of strategy to do so I appreciate you guys tuning in this long if you enjoyed the video please make sure to like comment and subscribe I post videos just like this every week so make sure to hit that post notification Bell if you enjoyed the video like I said shiny video next week and that's it thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: Duwajii
Views: 174,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hardcore Nuzlocke Ice Types, Hardcore Nuzlocke Pokemon, Pokemon Nuzlocke, Hardcore Nuzlocke Ice Types Only, Ice Types only Hardcore Nuzlocke, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, Hardcore Nuzlocke Scarlet and Violet
Id: Uee7y4pRJtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 41sec (4121 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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