Best Starter Pokemon to Pick in Every Game

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- Greetings fans! Michael here and most people choose their favorite starter when playing through a Pokémon game, because you can beat any Pokémon game with any starter because all of them are reasonably strong. Heck, you can solo any Pokémon game with just your starter because you'll end up super over leveled. But while you can pick any starter that you want, the reality is that in every game, there is one particular starter that makes the game easier than it would be if you chose the other two, based on how well it matches up against the big plot battles of the game. I thought it would be fun to go through every single main series game and figure out which starter Pokémon is the best pick in each of them, based on how well it matches up against that particular region's gym leader, Elite Four member, evil team, and other big important story battles. So don't forget to subscribe to my channel 'cause I'm getting really close to one million subs, and let's start with generation one: Pokémon Red and Blue. Where your starter choices are, of course, Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle. They're all lovely Pokémon, but the best one of them to pick, will be revealed after I quickly thank the sponsor of this video, Castle Clash. Castle Clash is one of the best mobile strategy games published by IGG. It includes tons of gameplay features such as tower defense, city-building, and hero development. It's even better than Clash of Clans with its large selection of troops to choose from, well crafted building designs and much more diverse features. Castle Clash is a game that you can play anywhere at any time and in any way you want. If you want to play peacefully, take your time and gradually train your troops. As you progress, you can cultivate your heroes and build your fortress to be impenetrable. In the event you feel like battling and want to smash thousands of troops, you can raid your enemies and destroy their territories. They also just added a new Tower Defense mode, which is a super fun way to play a classic game type upgraded for Castle Clash, where you can defend against waves of unruly monsters. So go download Castle Clash using the link in the description below and once you have, you'll be offered an in-game gift pack that's worth 100 bucks. Thanks again to Castle Clash for sponsoring and thanks to you viewers for watching and supporting the channel. Alright now that I've covered that, the best starter to pick in Red and Blue is hands down, by a mile, Bulbasaur. One of the biggest reasons that Bulbasaur is the best starter for Red and Blue is that it can single-handedly take out the first two gym leaders. Vine Whip is super effective against all of Brock's Pokémon and all of Misty's Pokémon. Meanwhile Squirtle is good against Brock but mutually resisted against Misty, while Charmander is weak to both of them. When deciding the best starter, the early game match ups are the most important in my opinion because your options for team members are far more limited and your starter's already gonna be your strongest Pokémon from the get go. If you wanna beat Brock but don't have Bulbasaur or Squirtle you have to go out of your way to find a Mankey that has a fighting move or maybe a Nidoran with Double Kick as well. If you wanna have super effective damage against Misty and didn't pick Bulbasaur, you have to find a Pikachu in Viridian Forest which is really rare, or you have to go out of your way to find grass type, north of Cerulean. It's kind of annoying to have to do this, especially if you don't intend to keep those Pokémon on your team for the rest of the time. Having Bulbasaur just allows you to easily beat those gym leaders immediately. Now, the importance of what starter you pick does down the further into the game you get because you get more access to more good Pokémon as you go along. However, Venusaur still continues to perform well throughout the rest of the game, not just the beginning. It resists the electric moves of Lieutenant Surge, which is nice if your ground type Pokémon goes down. It does not do well offensively against Erica or Koga but its poison typing prevents their Pokémon from poisoning it, which is a nice bonus. It's not good against Sabrina or Blaine, but like I said, by that time in the game, you've had access to other Pokémon that are good against them for a while. And lastly it matches up well against Giovanni, not just the gym battle with him, but the other two battles against him from earlier in the game. While his Nidos aren't weak to grass, they can't really touch Venusaur. But it doesn't stop there, I think it's the best starter for taking on The Elite Four, at the very least, it's definitely the best starter for taking on Lorelei. This may surprise you because she is an ice type specialist and Venusaur is weak to ice. While Venusaur may not be great defensively against Lorelei, it is great off offensively, since four of her five Pokémon are weak to Grass. It's especially good against Slowbro because while it's a psychic type and Venusaur is weak to psychic, Slowbro doesn't have an attacking psychic type move. Meanwhile Charizard is only good against Jynx, and while Blastoise is the best starter defensively for this fight, it can't touch her Pokémon offensively. Then comes Bruno, and Venusaur again does well. It easily decimates his two Onix, and it resists the fighting type attacks of his other Pokémon. The only one that's a bit scary is Hitmonchan with ice punch. Meanwhile Charizard isn't any good because it doesn't get any flying type moves in Red and Blue and is of course weak to the Onix. And Blastoise, while it's good against the Onix, just like Venusaur, does not resist the attacks of his other Pokémon. Venusaur unfortunately can't really touch Agatha or Lance, I mean it can't be poisoned by Agatha's Pokémon but she tends to go mostly for sleep over poison and then against your rival, Venusaur fares about as well as all the other starters do because your rivals team is balanced. In the end, Venusaur overall does way better against more big plot battles, especially the early ones than the other two starters. So to me, that makes it hands down the easiest choice for the best starter in Red and Blue. Next up is Pokémon yellow and this entry is a fast one because you don't get a choice in starter. Your starter is Pikachu, it's the best starter and the worst starter because it's the only starter. Moving on to generation two, it's now time for Pokémon gold, silver, and crystal. Where your options are Chikorita, Cyndaquil, and Totodile. And I think the best starter to pick of these three, is Cyndaquil. First off, I will address Chikorita, which is far and away the worst choice of the three. It is weak to the first two gym battles. Remember how I said the earliest gym battles are kinda the most important ones? So that's really bad but it doesn't get much better after that. The only gym battle Pokémon that Meganium has a super effective move for, that it is also now weak to in return, are Pryce's Seel and Chuck's Poliwrath. That's it. Every other gym battle either resists grass or is neutral against it so Meganium is just not viable in a Johto playthrough. I mean it's not really Meganium's fault, I mean maybe it'd be better if it had a dual type but it's already at a big disadvantage because Johto didn't repeat any gym type from Kanto and the three types that grass is strong against, rock, water and ground, all had their gyms in Kanto. Speaking of Kanto, I'm not taking that into account for determining the best starter in a Johto game because those gyms are post-game. You're gonna have a complete team by that point so your choice in starter matters very little once you've gotten to Kanto. As for the remaining two, I'm giving Cyndaquil the edge here because while Totodile is neutral to almost every gym, Cyndaquil is strong against some of them. The two of them fair about equally against Falkner but Cyndaquil excels against Bugsy. Quilava is a bit worse against Whitney since rollout is super effective against it, but every starter is gonna struggle against Whitney, it's frickin' Whitney. Just use the in-game trade Machop, that's how you beat Whitney. Don't use a starter. Then they're both neutral against Morty, but Feraligatr is slightly better against Chuck because it's not weak to Poliwrath. Typhlosion excels against Jasmine though, being strong against her entire team. While Feraligatr is only good against Steelix. Typhlosion is also better against Pryce, because while his Pokémon all have types strong against Fire, none of them have attacks for those types. That means both Feraligatr and Typhlosion beat Piloswine but Typhlosion hits his other two neutrally, while Feraligatr is resisted. Then they both stink against Clair, but come on, every starter stinks against Clair. So Typhlosion completely bodies two gyms one of which is one of the first two gyms, while Feraligatr is only offensively good against a few select gym Pokémon. But Typhlosion's advantages don't end there. Because it's also good against other story battles that Feraligatr isn't as good against. One example are the battle against your rival. None of the starters are super effective against his Golbat, Gengar, Alakazam or his own starter but Typhlosion is good against his Sneasel and Magneton, two Pokémon he has for a very large percentage of the game. As for the Pokémon league, Typhlosion is strong against two of Will's Pokémon, three of Koga's, and one of Karen's. That totals to six different Pokémon within the league. Feraligatr is only strong against three and Meganium is only strong against two. With all of these advantages, Typhlosion is definitely the best starter for Pokémon gold, silver, and crystal. But that's mainly thanks to its typing. Remember how I said that no gym types were repeated from Kanto to Johto, well grass is good against rock, water and ground and water is good against rock, round and fire. And those four types all got gyms in Kanto. Meanwhile fire is good against bug, ice, steel and grass and only grass got a gym in Kanto and the other three types got gyms in Johto. So Typhlosion was just advantaged by it's typing from the start. Now onto generation three and first I will real quick cover FireRed and LeafGreen, the remakes of the original Kanto games. And unsurprisingly, the best starter remains the same. It's still Bulbasaur. All of the big plot battles remain the same, pretty much and the only real change of note is that Charizard actually has flying type attacking options now, but that really only helps its viability against Bruno Now for the Hoenn games, those being Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. Where your starter choice is between Treecko, Torchic, and Mudkip. It was a bit trickier to decide the best starter here because of the version differences between the three games. Depending on which one you're playing, you'll fight a different evil team a different number of times and the champion changes between Emerald and the other two. However, after analyzing all the different options between the different versions. I still think the best starter is the same throughout all three games. In my opinion that best starter is Mudkip. The primary reason I think it's the best starter is because it is strong against three of the first four gyms and it's not weak to the fourth one. Mudkip and Marshtomp is strong against Roxanne, Wattson, and Flannery, while being neutral against Brawly. And remember, the earlier gym battles matter more to me because your team options are more limited. So it being good against three against of the first four is incredible. Past that it's good against yet another gym, that being Tate & Liza, along with being strong against Team Magma's Numels and Camerupts, plus two-thirds of Steven's team. Therefore in Rudy, it's far and away the best option because you fight Team Magma and Steven. It's still good in the other ones too though because in Sapphire, yeah you fight Team Aqua but you still fight Steven. In Emerald Steven is replace by Wallace which Swampert can't do much to offensively, but you fight Maxie three times as much as you fight Archie. As an added bonus, Swampert gets ice type coverage that the other starters do not, which gives it some powerful moves against Winona and Drake. Which, while they're not stab attacks, it'll still come in handy. As for the other two, Sceptile has super effective damage against three gyms, but struggles if you're facing off against Team Magma rather than Aqua. It is a bit better in Emerald though, because it's also good against Wallace. Blaziken is strong against three gyms, all of which are in the first five. It's also the best starter for the league due to being strong against both Sydney and Glacia, plus decent against some of Steven's Pokémon, but it struggles against both evil teams since it's weak to both Camerupt and Sharpedo. So clearly they all have benefits, so I don't think any starter performs severely badly compared to the other ones like like Meganium in the Johto games. However with Mudkip being good against three of the first four gyms, plus another gym after that and basically an entire evil team and champion, that's really good. So it's definitely the best one in my opinion. Moving on to generation four, I will again real quick cover the remakes first, those being HeartGold and SoulSilver. And, much like with the last remakes, the best starter remains unchanged because most of the big plot battles remain unchanged. So the best starter is again, Cyndaquil. The only real detriment Cyndaquil has in these new games is that Pryce's Piloswine gets a Ground type move now, but Typhlosion is still much faster than Piloswine so it's probably just gonna OHKO with a flamethrower anyways. Now for the Sinnoh games, those being diamond, pearl, and platinum, where the options are Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup. I will say upfront, that Piplup is definitely the worst starter because Empoleon is ugly. I'm kidding. I mean I'm not kidding it is ugly but that's not the reason it's the worst. Piplup is the worst starter because it's strong against the fewest number of gyms, that being three. Which is more than I can say for some other starters in some other games but it's still less than the other two Sinnoh starters. It's strong against Roark, but then not good against any other gyms until Byron, and while it's good against Steelix and Bastiodon, it's weak to Magneton. It's then strong against Candice thanks to its Steel typing, but after that it's really only strong against Bertha and Flint, and Bertha's risky since Empoleon is weak to Ground. Meanwhile Turtwig and Chimchar are good against four gyms each. Assuming you make it a Monferno before taking on the first gym, the Chimchar line is good against Roark, Gardenia, Byron, and Candice. Turtwig is good against Roark, Wake, Byron, and Volkner. They're also both good against one Elite Four member each, Aaron for Infernape and Bertha for Torterra, while also being good against two of Cynthia's Pokémon in Platinum. Infernape is good against two in diamond and pearl, while Torterra is good against three because she has a Gastrodon. They seem to be pretty balanced, but I think I have to give the edge to Chimchar. Two of Chimchar's good gym matchups are in the first four and they're actually the very first two. Which, like with Bulbasaur, is a big deal. Meanwhile Torterra, two of it's are in the first four in Diamond and Pearl but only one is in the first four in Platinum because Wake got moved to be the fifth gym. Also, some of Turtwig's advantages aren't as good as they might seem at first. Against Wake, only two of his three Pokémon are weak to grass, and two of them carry ice moves which decimate Torterra. Also while Torterra's Earthquake is good against Team Galactic's myriad of poison types, it doesn't get earthquake until it's a Torterra meaning up until that point it's really weak to all those poison types. Infernape also has the advantage of being fast and not having a four-times weakness, so because it can out-speed opponents, it's more likely to take them out before it can take them out. Whereas Torterra, if the opponent has a stray ice move it could be in trouble. Additionally you fight a ton of Bronzor in this game because pretty much every galactic admin has one and Infernape excels against them because they have levitate so Torterra can't hit them with Earchquake. Infernape also has an extremely wide move pool which benefits in giving it a lot more coverage than the other two starters. So, with all of that in mind Infernape / Chimchar is the best Sinnoh starter. Now on to generation five, and I'll start with black and white, because black two and white two have very different gyms so they could result in a different best starter. The options for your starter in all four of the games are Snivy, Tepig, and Oshawott. For Black and White specifically, the best starter is definitely Tepig. Thanks to it gaining the fighting type upon evolution that gives it a lot more offensive advantages that the others other starters don't get because they remain pure typed. It's strong against Lenora's normal types and Burgh's bug types, two of the first three gyms, then later excels against Brycen. It also hits two of clay's three Pokémon super effectively, but that's more risky since they're good against it too. In the league it's very good against Grimmsley and can hit for of N's Pokémon and three of Ghetsis's for super effective damage. Additionally, Team Plasma tends to carry a lot of dark types, which Emboar, thanks to its fighting type handles with ease It's also strong against Cheren's Liepard and Bianca's Stoutland, the two Pokémon that they get first after their starters. So you'll be able to take advantage of that advantage for pretty much the entire playthrough. As for Snivy and Oshawott, they're really only good against one gym, that being Clay and even then they're only good against two of his Pokémon each, which Emboar is too. So because they have almost no advantages, while Emboar has quite a few, Emboar is clearly the best starter for Black and White. But what about Black two and White two? These games replaced the triplet's, Lenora's, and Brycen's gyms with Cheren's, Roxie's, and Marlon's. So is Emboar still the best starter? Yes, yes it is, but it's not as good as it was. If you get your Pignite to Level 17 to learn Arm Thrust, it crushes Cheren, but that is over-levelling a bit, so that gym is a maybe. While the matchup against Roxie's Koffing is neutral, Pignite crushes Whirlipede. It's good against Burgh like before, along with two of Clay's three Pokémon like before. Skyla now has a Skarmory that she didn't have before, which Emboar's fire attacks are good against but Eboar is also weak to Skarmory flying moves so it's kind of a fifty fifty like with Clay's Pokémon. After that though, it's not much use until the Elite Four with Grimmsley again. So Emboar went from being strong against three gyms for sure to one plus two iffy ones due to the leveling thing with Cheren and with Roxie it's only good against one of the two. However, all three of those gyms that it's at least maybe good against are the first three. Meanwhile Snivy is now weak to two of the first three, While Oshawott is in the same situation it was before. It's just good against Clay and like neutral to almost everything else. Also Emboar also still has the advantage against the Team Plasma's dark types, plus it's good against Hugh's Bouffalant and can hit Iris's Hydreigon and Aggron really hard. So while it's definitely not as good as it was in Black and White, it's still better than the other two. Now onto Generation 6, and I will again get the remake out of the way first. Those being OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire where the best starter is again, Mudkip. The big plot battles remain mostly unchanged and all three starters do get mega evolutions but since that doesn't happen until about the sixth gym, I don't think those come into play a whole lot in regard to a particular starters viability. Mega Blaziken is definitely the best mega evolution but Marshtomp is still amazing against the first four gyms. In fact Swampert gets a huge buff in the fact that it can now use it's water tight moves on it's huge physical attack stat. So that makes it hit even harder than it did before, which is fantastic. Then comes X and Y. The best starter for these games is much harder to select than all the other games because you make two choices. You first choose a native Kalos starter, picking from Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie, then beat the first gym, but then you pick a Kanto starter in addition to that. This makes things tricky because if one particular starter type is better against the region as a whole, and then you look at each starter choice individually, you would end up picking two starters of the same type. Which would not lead to a balanced team. Therefore, I'm gonna tell you which starter combo is the best. Which Kalos starter and which Kanto starter make for the easiest playthrough together. It was really tough for me to decide this so if you disagree with this entry, I definitely understand. But the combinations I narrowed it down to were Fennekin and Bulbasaur versus Froakie and Charmander. The reason I selected these pairs is that I felt like the fire type was necessary. Fire is half-good against Viola, half-good against Grant, dominates Ramos and Wulfric, beats Valerie's Mawile and resists her other two, and beats two of Clemont's three Pokémon due to Heliolisk's Dry Skin. So of course the first fire option is Fennekin's and I chose Bulbasaur to be its partner because its offensive poison type attacks are really good against Valerie and Ramos. Yes those are battles that Fennekin was already good against, but the other option is Blastoise which is just not helpful in this game, it's good against Grant's Amaura and that's basically it. Charmander's partner would then be Froakie, because it's really good against Grant and is excellent against Olivia. Chespin unfortunately just is kinda underwhelming in most gym battles. Now to compare the pairs. So Fennekin and Froakie are evenly matched against Viola but Froakie is better against Grant. After that, they're both strong against about the same number of gym leaders and Elite Four members. So because of that, that might seem like I'm gonna pick Froakie as the better starter here because it's better in the early game gyms and as I've said I value that more. However, there are other factors that play here that make me select Fennekin and Bulbasaur as the best starter combo. And there a five reasons why I'm picking them over the others. Number one, they're better for Korrina. Braixen can hit Korrina with Psybeam even if it hasn't evolved yet, but you have to have Charizard to get the Flying coverage. Ivysaur also resists the fighting attacks, while Frogadier does not. Reason number two, Delphox is not weak to the electric type moves that Charizard is weak to which matters big against Clemont. Mega Charizard X fixes this, but you may be playing Y. Reason number three, if you are playing Y, Mega Charizard Y's Drought can harm your Greninja's effectiveness. Reason number four, having an offensive poison type attack to handle Fairies super early on thanks to Venoshock on Ivysaur is extremely helpful. And number fiver, while not having Greninja against Olympia means you don't have super effective offense against her, Delphox still resists her. Now for the Generation 7 Alola games, where the starter options are Rowlet, Litten, and Popplio. and I think the best starter is the same in sun, moon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon and that starter is Popplio. Popplio does alright against the Totem boss fights. It's good against the Raticate if you're playing Moon or Ultra Moon thanks to Disarming Voice, but it's neutral on the Gumshoos. It's neutral against the water trial, excels at the fire trial, does poorly in the grass and electric trials, is neutral in the ghost trial, and decimates the dragon trial. Incineroar fairs similarly well, swapping the fire and dragon trial advantages for the grass and electric ones, plus ghost against the non-Mimikyu Pokémon, while Decidueye does much worse than the other two. So Primarina and Incineroar fare pretty similarly against the Totem battles. But what makes Primarina much better than Incineroar in my opinion, is how it how it performs against the Kahunas. In which it has super effective attacks for all of them. Disarming Voice is good against Hala, Olivia's team is weak to water, Nanu's is weak to Fairy, and Hapu's is weak to water or Fairy with her Flygon. Primarina can single handedly beat all of them. Incineroar does a bit better against Team Skull, 'cause they tend to have a lot of poison types but you can't ignore that Primarina beats all of the Kahunas and does well in the Totem battles, it is the best starter in Alola, definitely. Next is let's go Pikachu and let's go Eevee, and like with the yellow version that they are based on, you do not get an option in starter. Let's go Pikachu you get Pikachu, let's go Eevee you get Eevee. So those two Pokémon are the best and worst starters because they are the only starters. And finally we have generation 8, Pokémon Sword and Shield, where the starter options are of course Scorbunny, Sobble and Grookey. I must say of all the games in all of the generations, I think these are the games where the starters are the most evenly matched. A big reason for that is the first three gyms are Grass, Fire and Water. And then the fourth gym is one that all of the starters match up neutrally against, so therefore all of them are good against exactly one of the first four gym battles. After the first four, Inteleon and Rillaboom do well against the Rock gym if you're in Sword, with Inteleon being better here since only half of Gordie's Pokémon are weak to grass. They're also both good against Raihan, since two of his four Pokémon are weak to grass and water. Cinderace does well in the Fairy gyms since it resists all the fairy attacks, and it dominates in the Shield-exclusive ice gym aside from the Lapras. It's not much help against Raihan, but it does really well against Rose. With all this in mind, I've decided that I think the best starter in Sword and Shield is Scorbunny. While it's only good against one of the first four gyms, just like the other two, the one it's good against is the very first one, where you have the fewest number of team options, so that's pretty nice. It's the only starter equipped to handle the Fairy gym so it gets an extra gym point there and in Shield, it's amazing in the Ice gym. And in Sword, it still can help out in the rock gym because it gets fighting type coverage. That fighting coverage can also come in handy against Raihan because two of his four Pokémon are weak to fighting. Also, being able to sweep through Rose's team which is not a gym battle, it might as well be counted one, is really impressive. It has four-times super effective hits for two of his five Pokémon and the other three are all weak to fire, that's really good. Cinderace also handles Hop's regularly-appearing Corviknight, plus his Dubwool and Snorlax thanks to fighting coverage, which also helps against Marnie. It's not that great in the Champion's Cup, but it can handle Leon's Mr. Rime and Aegislash. Also I think Pyro Ball is the best starter exclusive move because it's extremely strong, its Fire Blast but physical and stronger and 100% accurate. That's really good! So in my opinion, all three of the starters are good but Cinderace edges the other two out by a bit. So in the end, the best starters in generational/regional order are Bulbasaur, Cyndaquil, Mudkip, Chimchar, Tepig, Fennekin and Bulbasaur together, Popplio, and Scorbunny. Wow that's a lot of fire types. Thanks so much for watching and an extra special thanks to my patrons over on Patreon who are helping support me and the channel independent of the fluctuating YouTube ad revenue. If you wanna sign up and help support the channel and get some cool perks like early ad free videos in exchange, the link is in the description below. Also if you want to check out some more of my fun Pokémon content, I recommend these videos here, also don't forget to check out Castle Clash, thanks to them for sponsoring. All right that's all I have for now. So 'til next time, fans, gotta catch them all.
Channel: MandJTV
Views: 4,638,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Let's Go, New Pokemon games, New Pokemon, Top Pokemon, Pokemon Talk, MandJTV, MandJTV Pokevids, gaming, video games, nintendo switch, nintendo, pokemon, new games, family friendly, top 10, top 5, starter pokemon, starter pick, best starter, best starter pokemon
Id: LkM0Rjvcdhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 17sec (1757 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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