78 Pokémon Who've Had Their Designs CHANGED Over Time

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so one of my favorite things to talk about on the channel are the development of the Pokemon games themselves I love getting into the nitty-gritty of Pokemon game development and looking at the progression of how Pokemon games change over time to the point where they eventually release and one of my favorite topics of discussion within this realm is that of cut Pokemon Pokemon who were considered to be in the games at one point but for one reason or another were scrapped altogether and while today's topic of discussion isn't exactly like that it is somewhat similar and is just as interesting nonetheless and that would be the idea of Pokemon whose designs have changed over time you might not be aware of it but there are actually a lot of Pokemon out there whose design started out as something different than what they are in their current form some of them were changed from their beta to final forms and some of them were even altered after their official release this is an extremely fascinating and interesting topic to go over so I am super excited to cover it with you guys but before we do that I'd like to give a huge shout out and thank you to the sponsor of today's video nord pass brought to you by the cybersecurity experts who built Nord VPN Nord pass is a new generation password manager where security meets simplicity online passwords are super important when it comes to protecting your information so much so that it's recommended that every site you use have a different password which can easily get very hard to keep track of that's where Nord Paz comes in however as it will not only remember any and all passwords you use but it can also generate super secure passwords which it will also remember keep track of credit card info to make online shopping super convenient and even recognize a suspicious website so you don't give your info to the wrong people they also offer 24/7 customer support with apps for iOS Android and desktop so if you want to make using the internet way more convenient and secure for yourself while also supporting the channel at the same time you can use my referral link in the description and the coupon code hoops at checkout to get 50% off plus one extra month for free which comes out to only two dollars and 49 cents a month so be sure to check that out and thank you again to Nord Paz for sponsoring this video all right so back to the Pokemon we are going to be covering a whopping 78 of them who have had their designs changed at one point or another I'm going to be going in generational order but aside from that the Pokemon are gonna be in no particular order themselves and starting things off we have Charmander who originally back during the days of generation 1 had some small spikes on its back before eventually having these removed in later generations many of these subtle post-release changes will be just like this but they're still really interesting considering it occurred after the games and the designs of the pokemon were already officially released the poster child for this sort of thing though has got to be none other than the mascot of the franchise itself Pikachu who famously got skinnier and skinnier as time went on it started off as really chubby but nowadays in generation 8 it is a little more fit probably due to the fact that it is the mascot of the franchise however chunky Pikachu did in fact make a return to the Pokemon franchise and sword and shield in the form of Giganta mechs Pikachu to the surprise and delight of Pokemon fans everywhere next up is Lapras and as one of the very first Pokemon ever made Lapras went through a number of different changes here it is seen in a very early stage where it lacks the head curls or ear curls if you will on the top of its head but then later on in its official release design it actually had some fangs to it that it does not have in its current form so very interesting to see one of the most iconic Pokemon ever go through so many iterations moving on though we have Vaporeon and the change that was made to Vaporeon has to do with the fins that it originally had on the backs of its legs that it no longer does in its current em you in its original sprite work is much more fetus II for a lack of a better term than it is in its current design this could have been intentional due to the fact that Mew is the ancestor of all Pokemon and thankfully they did update its design because in this form it kind of looks a little bit creepy another fun one from Kanto is Poliwhirl because originally in the days of Gen 1 Poliwhirl actually had fingers whereas currently it does not have any fingers whatsoever aside from its thumbs and speaking of fingers another Pokemon who had its fingers altered from Gen 1 to now is mr. mine because originally mr. mime had 4 fingers whereas currently it actually has 5 a small change to Wigglytuff that can be seen from gen 1 to now is the fact that its underbelly in the days of Gen 1 ended underneath its mouth whereas in its current design it actually completely covers and eclipses its mouth altogether one of the more well known ones in this category is coughing because in coffins original Gen 1 sprite work its skull and bones designed that it carries actually sits on its forehead as opposed to its stomach underneath its mouth like in its current design Moltres is another one whose design has changed from the days of generation 1 because as you can see in its gen 1 sprite its wings are much more solid if you will and lack the flames that the wings do have on the current Moltres design moving on though we have Jigglypuff or what was at one point one of the original concepts for a balloon Pokemon that jigglypuff ultimately became this guy was known as burundi and it obviously took the much more basic traditional approach to a balloon Pokemon that could have also inspired drifloon in generation 4 as well here we have an early design of Ivysaur from the beta of Pokemon red and green and I think it's safe to say the one that we actually got in the final is much much better same thing goes for this early design of wheedle this is obviously a very early very basic design but it does have some differences to what ended up in the final game next up we have an early design for Sparrow it's obviously a basic much more plump version of the Pokemon but still an interesting difference to what we got in the final product next up we have meows and meows actually benefited from the exact same thing that Pikachu did where it got much more slim over time this is kind of interesting given the fact that Meowth is basically the cat and mouse counterpart to pikachu as the mouse pokemon but yeah back in the day it barely had any legs at all just feet whereas now it's much more sleek and slim comparatively next up is another very early design this time for Clefairy and let's just say it's got a very basic and somewhat unpolished look to it with a lack of a lot of the defining features that make up the design of Clefairy that we know today when it comes to poliwag it really doesn't change all that much however it does in its final version have a much more distinct and defined tale a very interesting early design for Poliwrath actually shows that it has a crown on the top of its head we're obviously it does not in the final however this likely inspired its branched evolution in generation 2 politoed who evolves with the use of the Kings Rock this Pokemon if you can call it that is actually believe it or not a very very early version of seal it might not look like seal at all but it actually shares the exact same name showing that this is where seal originated in the red and green beta yet another very very early version of a Kanto Pokemon this time comes in the form of dragon air you don't really have a whole lot of difference going for it but you can see some things in this design that are not present or are altered in the final version when it comes to Blastoise it's design was also changed a little bit as well because as you can see in this sketch from the early Pokemon slash capsule monster days Blastoise is seen here without its signature cannons another well-known one in this category is kikuna because back during the early days of generation 1 kikuna actually had a pair of small stubby arms that it does not have in its current design going from generation 1 to generation 2 we start first with hitmontop and him on top definitely had an evolution in its design to say the least it started off looking like this before it was even technically a hitmontop at all and then later in the gold and silver beta demo it looked like something that more closely resembles its final design but still very very different at the same time Merrill was one of the very first generation to Pokemon that was ever publicly revealed but even it went through some design changes before it was officially released as originally it was pink and also didn't have some of the distinct features that its final version has hoppip was also another Pokemon that was shown earlier on indie gold and silver beta demo and while it does look somewhat similar to its final version there are also some key differences as well girafarig actually had a very key change to its design as originally in its beta form it actually had a second whole head on the back half of its body as opposed to the Chain Chomp like mouth that we see in its final form Ampharos also saw some changes from beta to final mostly having to do with the coloration and the patterns on its body it didn't really have any of the red orbs that it does in its final and it also lacked the white underbelly that we see in its final version bellossom is another famous one in this category because originally it had darker skin to match that of the rest of the oddish family to which it belongs however this was later altered to avoid any potential claims of it being a racist stereotype due to the overall appearance of the rest of its design Tyranitar is another pokemon from generation 2 whose design was changed slightly from beta to final however an interesting thing about Tyranitar is that its design actually originated as an original character as opposed to a Pokemon that can Sugimori drew specifically for the cover of a magazine straight out of the pokemon gold and silver beta demo is the early design for bayleaf which obviously changed a ton by the time it officially came out and I think it's safe to say that was for a good whoo dude is another generation to Pokemon whose design changed slightly from beta to final no longer having these spots on its face or the patterns on its back that it does in its beta version its evolution Noctowl though actually changed pretty heavily as in its beta design compared to its final it looks much more like a combination of Pidgeotto and who toot as opposed to what we see in the final Noctowl design Mantine also changed slightly as well having more of a tail in its final version as well as having some different markings on its back meanwhile Pichu changed pretty drastically from beta to final going from a very round boy to just basically a smaller version of Pikachu I dare say however that I like the beta version just a little bit better there were actually a bunch of baby Pokemon who saw changes from beta to final in generation 2 and another one of those is cleffa clevis final design is basically a more basic less polished version of the final but still interesting nonetheless the same thing goes for the beta version of a Glee buffs design as well overall just a more basic less polished version of its final counterpart Quagsire changed very very slightly from its beta designed to file but if you compare it with the final version there are some differences that you can tell when you compare the two side-by-side Arya dose changed pretty significantly from its beta 2 final going from a more traditional spider like Pokemon that looks like just a bigger version of spinarak to a more original design that it can call its own fan peas design was also pretty close to its final version but once again as with other Pokemon on this list just lacked some of the polish that the final version of its design has politoed in its beta form actually looked much more like that of a traditional frog or toad than it does in its final version in my opinion its final version looks much more Pokemon like and is overall a much more well-designed character much like Arya DOS the original version of Lady Anne was basically a bigger version of its pre evolution ladybug in the version it got a much more original design and changed pretty significantly from its beta counterpart remoraid x' design was pretty similar from beta to final as you can see here however as you can also see it's body underwent some pretty key changes upon the completion of its final design the same can be said for its evolution octillery as well while pretty similar to the final version its beta form is where you can see its tank inspirations much more clearly tie rope changed pretty significantly from its beta to final version going from a bear like creature to the more humanoid form that we see in the final games skip loom has a very similar change to what its pre evolution hoppip also had where it's pretty similar to the final but there are some key differences as well and the same thing also goes for its final evolution jumpluff Smoochum actually underwent a much needed change from its beta to final version as its beta is basically just a mini version of jinx whereas its final version is much more original the opposite could arguably be said though for elekid as its original beta design is not only a lot different compared to the final but it in and of itself is also really unique and also really cute as well beta Magby is a lot like beta jinx in that it's basically just a mini version of its evolution however it does obviously change from its beta to its final design however I feel like I like the beta version of Magby just a little bit more meanwhile deli birds design only changed a little bit from beta to final basically making it a little less obvious that the Pokemon is inspired by Santa Claus and pretty much the exact same thing goes for murkrow as well where it's only a slight change but most likely due to the fact that they wanted to make its inspirations just a little more subtle when it comes to Blissey though from its beta design to its final design it basically just got a whole lot better looking and that's all I'm gonna say about that the interesting thing about scissors beta design compared to its final is that it's basically just a green version of scizor with cycler head instead of its own nevertheless though it is a pretty interesting change from the final version hound our is one that only changed a little bit but nevertheless still worth noting and still pretty interesting on the other hand though porygon 2 is a Pokemon that changed a lot it is basically unrecognizable from its final version carrying none of the same traits whatsoever I believe they were going with the idea of spheres to represent the increased count of polygons that this Pokemon has hence its name but obviously it took a much different form than it ultimately did in the final version Kingdra is another one that changed over time going from something that looks like a more basic evolution to Sidra in its beta form to something a little more suave in its final design now we finally reach the legendary beasts and boy oh boy did they change a lot starting with raikou we have its beta design which is way different to its final design and even in its final design it actually changed after it was officially released because if we look at its original Gen 2 sprite its design particularly in the head area is a little bit different to what we currently have today and while Entei by comparison was for sure finalized by the time gold and silver officially came out its beta version meanwhile much like raikou absolutely did not resemble the final in any way shape or form and the same exact thing goes for suicune as well and as I said when this design was first leaked it looks like something straight out of Full Metal Alchemist if you know what I mean moving on from the legendary beasts though next up we have Sneasel and Sneasel actually changed quite drastically from its beta to final design in its beta it basically is a basic weasel Pokemon whereas in its final design it is a much more stylized more Pokemon esque if you will version of that same idea we also have access to a very primitive version of a pom where you can see that all of the bits and pieces are there but obviously it underwent a lot of further development before making it into the cute cuddly purple monkey that we know and loved a finally moving on from generation 2 we now move into generation 3 with some early designs of Torchic in one of the designs we can see Torchic with some floppy ear like things on its head and in another one of the designs we can see Torchic with the bottom half of its body looking like an a it seems like Torchic was close to its final design in these concepts but obviously underwent some further changes before reaching its final design next up we actually have two Pokemon Latios and Blaziken who originally were combined to form one pokemon all together in this early piece of concept art for pokemon ruby and sapphire we can see a pokemon that is literally the combination of Blaziken and latias it's unknown what this pokemons original purpose was or why it was essentially two Pokemon put together but obviously both halves of this single pokemon made it into the final game as their own pokemon and obviously they both underwent some further changes in order to do so we also have access to some early designs of Treecko and while in these designs it pretty much resembles the Pokemon we got in the final generation three games there are also some key differences in terms of head size in terms of body shape and in terms of ornamentation as well as we can see some leaves on its wrists that were removed for the final design obviously but can be seen as a matter of fact in the final design of its evolution Grovyle the next Pokemon on our list is Sharpedo and this actually takes us back to the days of generation 2 because in the pokemon gold and silver beta demo there was a Pokemon that was cut from those games that heavily resembles the look of Sharpedo and was most likely reworked into the shark Pokemon that we know and love from generation of three moving on to generation 4 but also going back to generation 2 at the same time because that golden silver beta demo was just a goldmine of information we actually have an early design for Leafeon now this early design does appear in the gold and silver based demo which confirms that Leafeon was originally intended for generation 2 but obviously officially debuted in generation for and if we compare the two designs side-by-side you can obviously see some change over time we also have some early looks at shallows and gastro Don that seemed to combine their East Sea and West sea variations now in terms of this version of the Pokemon we only have access to the back sprites but it's very plain to see that there was some significant change from this version of the Pokemon to the final it's also worth noting that according to interviews with junichi Masuda that both cellos and gastro Don were going to be generation 3 Pokemon before they were ultimately held back for generation 4 and another generation for Pokemon that actually comes from the gold and silver beta demo is none other than mime jr. now obviously compared to its final design mime jr. looks very very different and once again just looks overall more fleshed out and better designed compared to its beta counterpart from the days of the generation 2 beta we actually have access to yet another early version of a generation form Pokemon and that would be licky licky now originally licky licky looked something like this which is definitely significantly different to what it looks like in the final game it's not really a more basic version of the Pokemon it's just a different version but overall it does look pretty similar to likho tongue so it was probably held back in generation 2 until it could be made into a proper evolution which ultimately happened in generation 4 in the form of licky licky now we move on to generation 5 but even as we move into the fifth generation of Pokemon we are still pulling from the days of generation 2 which just goes to show you how much was put into that generation specifically anyways from the early days of generation 2 we actually have a pokemon that was most likely reworked into Tortuga while not officially confirmed I think it is pretty obvious that these two Pokemon are in fact one in the same and obviously tortuga did undergo some evolution and some change in its design from its origins all the way back in generation 2 to its debut in generation 5 this next one we don't actually have any visuals for but it has been stated on record by Ken Sugimori that are rich the hydreigon family were originally going to be tanked like dragons instead of the mythical multi-headed like dragons that we see in the final product according to Sugimori these designs were scrapped at some point during the development of pokemon black and white but then were later brought back and reworked into the hi dragon family and a remnant of their original designs can actually be seen on hi dragon where you can see some tire treads that go down its tail and stomach which are an homage to its original design and concept as a tank like dragon next up is excadrill and while it might be a minor change compared to its final design in the very first instance in which it was seen it had more of a purpley body as opposed to a dark gray / black body and the markings on its body were mirrored compared to what they look like for its final design another couple of pokemon from generation 5 that we do not have an image for but we do have an interview from Sugimori stating that it was a thing our sock and throw according to Sugimori sock and throw originally had horns however this made them look too much like thunderous and tornadoes who at the time were also red and blue just like sock and throw and so in order to accommodate for this sock and throw were given their eyebrows instead of horns and tornadoes and thunderous were changed from red and blue to green and blue like we see in their final designs a piece of concept art also exists for a very very early version of sauce puck that does not even resemble at all the final design it does show it as somewhat of a grass-type like sauce puck is in the final game but nothing about sauce bucks key features are present in this design and this design also has features that were cut from the final as well yet another one we do not have an image for but we have an interview stating that it is the case is the Pokemon that I of course loved more than anyone else and that would be stunfisk that was a joke I actually really don't like stunfisk at all according to those Ken Sugimori interviews I referenced earlier stunfisk was actually originally more so based on a goose fish was actually blue in color and was water electric instead of ground electrics so obviously this guy had a major transformation from his beta to his final design and sadly for stunfisk it's actually way worse off in its final design than it would have been in its beta design in my opinion but luckily for it it got a goal Arian form which actually made it a heck of a lot cooler and the last Pokemon we're gonna be talking about in this video are actually a trio of Pokemon and that would be none other than the pop Leo family while not officially confirmed it is at least decently likely that the pop leo family owe their origins to none other than the gold and silver beta demo as in the gold and silver beta demo the water starter for those games and the entire line at that resembled the pot Leoline close enough to where it is possible that these guys inspired what we ultimately got for the water starter in the generation 7 games well there you have it everybody those were 78 Pokemon who have had their designs changed over time now I gotta admit that did take a little bit to cover but I feel like it was absolutely worth it because this stuff is so fascinating and I certainly hope you guys enjoyed it as well if you did be sure to leave the video alike and let me know what you think about all of this stuff in the comments below as well if you are new to the channel be sure to subscribe for more Pokemon content all the time and if you would like to support the channel further you can check out my Pokemon remixes on Spotify and check out my Pokemon Cardinal project if you haven't as both of those greatly helped me make videos like this for you guys every week with all of that being said though I'll be back on Tuesday with another video so be sure to hit that notification bell so you can know as soon as it goes live and with all of that being said I hope you know I love you guys very much and until the next one as always I will smell you guys later [Music]
Channel: HoopsandHipHop
Views: 179,998
Rating: 4.8541093 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, beta pokemon, cut pokemon, scrapped pokemon, pokemon design changes, pokemon red and green beta, pokemon gold and silver beta, pokemon beta demo, pokemon facts, pokemon trivia, pokemon history, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword and shield expansion, pokemon sword and shield dlc, gameplay, review, trailer, nintendo, Nintendo switch, hoopsandhiphop
Id: zxR7EisPlm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 28sec (1588 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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