I ranked every Pokémon Type Competitively

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I ranked every single type in Pokemon again I made the same video three years ago but things have changed enough to Warrant a redo since then I've either gotten smarter gotten Dumber or maybe just a lot of things have changed many types got better in scarlet and violet bug unfortunately was not one of them POG was the worst type in sword and shield and it's the worst type in scarlet and violet here's why bug can only hit three types for super effective damage and they're all metal tier type psychic grass and dark to make things worse a bug is resisted by seven types the most of any type in the game defensively a bug is a little bit better it has three weaknesses and three resistances it's one of only three types in the entire game that resist ground which is a pretty big deal sadly this isn't enough to save it from dead last on our list before we go any further I'd like to take a moment to introduce you to today's sponsor Guardian tales for the Nintendo switch Guardian tails is a free adventure RPG with a pixel art style reminiscent of your favorite Classic jrpgs this game is tons of fun and filled with homages to dozens of beloved video games anime movies TV and pop culture in general there's so many support characters and weapons to choose from each weapon has its own use making combat more strategic and fun better yet starting December 27th and going through January 10th you can get 10 free summons to use in battle every day with a Max of 50 summons overall oh and did I mention the game itself is free it's wild because there's so much to do you can even get a load of side content too PVP Guild an entire floating island to customize however you'd like as for the main story you'll have dungeons to explore sophisticated puzzles to solve and even Pathways that lead to treasures and hidden story the world map features various themes such as fantasy Snowy Mountain Desert Academy and dust in time for the holidays Christmas but no matter where you are the unique story and gameplay is sure to keep you hooked click the link in my description below to get your journey started today thanks again to Guardian tales for sponsoring the video here's where the changes from my last list start previously I've said a couple times that ice is the second worst type in the game in scarlet and violet that slot instead goes to normal normal is weird actually ironically normal is an abnormal type compared to most of the other types it has no resistances only one weakness one immunity two types that resist it and one type that's immune to it previously I ranked normal a fair bit higher but I think I might have been wrong in doing so many normal type Pokemon are good yes but it's because they tend to have higher stats and better move pools than other Pokemon to compensate for the fact that their type sucks the normal type in most cases doesn't do anything for your Pokemon having resistances is a pretty big deal in competitive Pokemon as is hitting your opponents for super effective damage normal can be okay on a dual type Pokemon to give you that nice immunity to ghosts but other than that it's really underwhelming number 16 goes to poison I gotta be honest I'm personally just a little bit poison pilled I first really think it's a bit better than it looks but the fair and somewhat objective ranking for it is right here on this list poison does a couple of things well it only has two weaknesses plus it gets five resistances one of which is to Ferry which is a notoriously difficult type to switch into offensively poison has some problems it can hit grass and fairy type pokemon for super effective damage and hitting fairy is a really big deal but it's resisted by poison ground rock and ghost and steel types are immune to poison type attacks okay I have to address the elephant in the room part of the reason my list is so different this time around is because I made it specifically for scarlet and violet scarlet and Violet's main mechanic is to rasterization just like how flying types were better in sword and shield because of how strong Max Airstream was each type and Scarlet and violet will use terrestrialization to varying degrees of success this video isn't about the best Terror types I've actually already made that video but basically how good each Terror type is also a affects how good each individual type is to put it simply pretend we lived in a world where like every Pokemon wanted to use Terra normal ghost type pokemon would be ranked lower and the world that we do live in is that steel is without a doubt by far the best Terra type as such anything that matches up positively against steel gets bonus points for our list and anything that struggles against it gets knocked down with that in mind I could not put poison higher than the bottom three because again steel types are immune to it number 15 goes to rock rock isn't a bad type but it's certainly not a good one rock is weak to Grass ground water fighting and steel all of which are fairly common it resists normal flying fire and poison but only fire and maybe flying are somewhat common offensively Rock does a bit better hitting fire flying bug and ice for super effective damage and only resisted by Steel fighting and ground now Rock's relationships with the other types is nothing to write home about but it does have one unique attribute that makes it better than the types blow it the sandstorm weather effect damages all Pokemon at the end of each turn for 1 16 of their Total Health except if they're Rock ground or Steel type importantly it also gives all rock type Pokemon a 50 boost to their special defense stat this is a huge benefit for rock types and helps it overcome at least some of its shortcomings earning it a better spot than it would otherwise have number 14 is psychic last time I made this video I put psychic in the a tier I would like to apologize I am now a certified psychic type hater and I have no idea how I could have ranked it so high anyway let's talk about what psychic does it has three weaknesses and only two resistances offensively it hits poison and fighting types for super effective damage and is resisted by Steel and psychic types also dark types are immune to it what I finally realized is that psychic is basically just glorified normal you barely hit any Pokemon for super effective damage and you only get two resistances many psychic type Pokemon are good because because of their stats or their move pool or maybe they're a dual type who appreciate the extra coverage the type itself however isn't doing you any favors so I'm putting it far lower than last time number 13 is flying just like psychic I did put this one in the eight tier last time but sword and shield had Max Airstream so that wasn't just me being dumb you might be surprised to see flying this low but let me explain flying is weak to rock electric and Ice resist grass bug and fighting and is immune to ground the types flying as weak two are more common than the ones it resists but the immunity to ground is really nice offensively flying kinda sucks it only hits bug grass and fighting for super effective damage and rock steel and electric all resistant frankly this is just a bad offensive spread the reason many flying types have done so well over the years is that they're all flying dual types who just use flying as a free ground immunity Zapdos Gyarados Charizard glarion Moltres Salamence Rayquaza Landorus T thunderous these are all flying dual types flying is nice as a secondary type but does doesn't really hold up on its own I know you've been waiting for it number 12 finally goes to ice it's definitely improved in generation 9 but not enough to crack top 10. previously I ranked ice as the second worst type in the game but I'm going out on a limb and putting it much higher this time around first let's talk about his match-up spread defensively it sucks I'm not gonna sugarcoat it ice only resists ice which must be some kind of sick joke created by Pikachu after a snow day forced him to stay home and actually play with his kids for once on top of having only one resistance ice has four weaknesses the fire fighting steel and rock offensively ice is much stronger hitting flying grass ground and dragon types for super effective damage and being resisted by steel ice fire and water now this matchup spread as a whole is bad so why is ice this High there's two reasons first ice is the type that benefits the most from terrestrialization because terastalization allows you to keep your offensive matchups while changing your defensive ones ice has terrible defensive release relationships and pretty good offensive ones so it's the perfect type to take advantage of terrestrialization second reason is that ice types finally received a buff in generation 9 thanks to snow replacing hail now instead of dealing a little bit of damage at the end of each turn like Sandstorm does snow instead makes all ice type Pokemon 50 physically bulkier with these two changes generation 9 might finally see ice types getting some play Hey really quick before we continue with the rest of the list I just wanted to take a second and ask you to please consider subscribing we've upped our video output by about eight times what it was for most of the last year and in order to do this we had to bring out a bunch of extra people and so any support that you all can show the channel just helps me do bigger projects and more videos we're getting really close to a million subscribers which is frankly a milestone that I never thought that I would hit and I really need your help to get there so even if you think you're subscribed already I'd appreciate you just taking a second to double check number 11 goes to Grass my experience is that most people seem to think that grass is a much worse type than it actually is it's actually a really solid middle of the pack type here's why grass has four resistances and five weaknesses but to be fair two of those weaknesses are to bug and poison two of the worst offensive types the types that grass does resist water ground electric and grass are all pretty common so it ends up feeling like grass resists a lot more types than it actually does offensively grass Only Hits three types for super effective damage and is resisted by seven which is tied for bug by the most types that resist it to be fair the three types of grass does hit are very valuable grass types also have a secondary benefit they're immune to powder moves powder moves like sleep powder Spore and rage powder are all used a lot in competitive Pokemon being immune to them is one of the major benefits of using a grass type Pokemon by the way remember earlier when I talked about how good tara steel was well we are so far eight types into our list and thus far every single type we've talked about is resisted by Steel um yeah let me know in the comments where you think it's gonna land on this list well it's not number 10 10. that belongs to our first type that can actually hit Steel fighting fighting is a solid type with resistances to bug dark and rock and weaknesses to Flying psychic and fairy this is okay but in my opinion the offense is really where fighting shines even though five types resist it and ghost is immune fighting is able to hit 5 types for super effective damage including the very hard to hit normal dark and steel I think fighting is a great example of quality over quantity when it comes to tight matchups you could look at this matchup spread and think that fighting looks a little unimpressive but the devil's in the details it's not always about the raw number number nine oh God I have to do this I know I have to but I'm afraid I'm so afraid okay number nine is Dragon I know I know but hear me out I used to think the dragon was one of the best types in the game but I changed I see the truth dragon is nowhere near as good as I thought it has three weaknesses to Dragon ice and fairy and four resistances to water fire electric and grass defensively this is actually pretty good offensively though it is terrible it can only hit other dragon types for super effective damage deal resists it and fairies are immune the reason why I used to think dragon types were good is because there are so many good Dragon type Pokemon but the thing is these dragons are so strong because dragon is so bad that game free can afford to give them a ton of stats it's not their type that makes them strong it's their stats also yes I know that thematically it makes the most sense for dragon types to be the strongest I'm not saying Dragon type Pokemon are bad by any means I'm just saying it's not the type that's the reason that they find themselves at the top of so many people's best Pokemon lists number eight is dark dark in my opinion is kind of the perfected version of normal and psychic it doesn't have a ton of interaction with the other types but it has enough to still be valuable dark has three weaknesses two resistances and an immunity this is okay defensively you would like more resistances but having an immunity is nice and being weak to only three types one of which isn't common at all is also pretty good offensively dark can only hit two types for super effective damage and is resisted by three this is by no means great but being resisted by only three types means you're able to hit the vast majority of the type chart for neutral damage the reason that dark is above dragon has to do with the major benefit of the typing dark types are immune to all moves affected by prankster one of the best abilities in the game now being immune to just one type of move from one specific ability might not sound very useful but trust me it is alright this is where we start getting into the cream of the crop I kind of feel bad that I can't put this one Higher but number seven goes to electric electric is a good type it's only weak to ground and has resistances to Electric Steel and flying offensively it only hits flying and water types for super effective damage and is resisted by Electric grass and dragon with ground types being immune it's worth noting that the ability to hit water types for super effective damage is a pretty big deal water is only weak to grass and electric and electric is by far the better of those two the main reason electric is so good is because it only has one weakness while also having several resistances it's a good Standalone type but as a dual type it almost always only makes a Pokemon stronger number six so remember earlier when I said that I might be letting my own biases affect my rankings well I was working on this list with my friends Marcus and Justin and we were talking about what makes fairy such a good type I told them it was my number one type last generation because it has an immunity and only two weaknesses plus it's great at hitting things for neutral damage hearing this Justin thinks for a second and then blows my mind hey isn't that basically the same thing as ghost I was like oh yeah so number six is Ghost but maybe it should be higher I don't know basically most Ghost type Pokemon have pretty garbage stats so we don't tend to think of the type as a whole is strong but it is pretty similar to fairy anyway let's talk about what makes ghosts so good ghost only has two weaknesses ghost and dark while it's only two resistances are to bug and poison again two of the worst types in the game Ghost is the only type in the game to have not one but two immunities to normal and fighting offensively ghost is only able to hit ghost and psychic types for super effective damage but only two types can handle it defensively dark which resists it and normal which is immune put simply the two immunities limited weaknesses and limited types that resist it make ghost one of the best types in the game leading us into the top five is ground ground is one of the best offensive types in the game but let's start by talking about its defenses it's weak to water ice and grass which isn't great but it also wasn't terrible it could be worse it resists poison and rock and while poison isn't very common and rock type attacks are everywhere importantly it's immune to Electric which is really good because electric type attacks feel like they are everywhere but you already know that these defensive relationships aren't the reason why ground is this High Ground hits five types for super effective damage including electric steel poison and fire all of which are relatively hard to hit better yet only bug grass and flying can take ground type attacks and Bug as you know isn't the best ground is so good that grass and flying types tend to perform better just because they match up well against it there are also a ton of good ground type attacks so ground type Pokemon never find themselves hurting for offensive choices number four oh boy this is gonna be ugly number four is fairy the type I formally ranked at number one I am bumping down three places here's why Barry does a lot of things well it only has two weaknesses one of which is to poison and the other is to steal which also isn't that common of an offensive type it also resists a bug fighting and dark while being immune to Dragon offensively it hits fighting dark and dragon for super effective damage while only poisoned fire and steel resist it this was and is an incredible spread against the rest of the types and it didn't change in generation 9. so why is fairy so much lower it all comes back to Terra steel more Pokemon than ever are going to be Steel type which is bad enough on its own but there's more more Steel type Pokemon also means that fire is better than ever and both steel and fire resist Ferry I just can't in good conscience put Ferry any higher knowing full well that pretty much every Pokemon that's weak to Ferry will be running Terrace steel to counter it oh how the mighty have fallen we're into the top three now our third best type goes to water because it's incredibly well balanced it's only weak to Grass an electric and it resists fire water ice and steel offensively it is ground rock and fire types for super effective damage while grass water and dragon types resistant I was torn on whether water should be number two or number three on this list but I ultimately just hiding to number three because water types got a huge Nerf in scarlet and violet the attack scald used to be given to pretty much every water type Pokemon and it was a really good reliable water type attack that most water type Pokemon use in scarlet and violet scald is now only given to Volcanion meaning many water type Pokemon lost their best and most reliable water type attack water is still a great type but this Nerf pushed it out of the top too our runner-up slot goes to fire this is the best the fire type has ever been and although it's in part due to how good Terra steel is that's not the only reason fire is a surprisingly well-balanced type with way better defenses than you might expect while it is weak to water Rock and ground it also resists fire grass bug steel ice and fairy offensively Fire Hits grass bug steel and Ice types for super effective damage and is resisted by fire water dragon and rock fire types also have the benefit of the harsh sunlight condition powering up their fire type attacks and weakening water type attacks in contrast to water types who are now struggling to scrounge up good attacks fire types have an overabundance with moves such as flamethrower overheat fire blast and heat wave to name a few Fire's role as a well-rounded type with positive matchups against both steel and Ferry earned at the number two slot on our list gee I wonder what number one is it could be anything just kidding oh we've been talking about it all video it is steel this type is truly absurd steel has three weaknesses to fire fighting and ground how many resistances do you think it has six seven certainly not eight deal has 10 resistances and an immunity earlier I mentioned how terastalization allows you to keep your offensive benefits while giving up your defensive ones maybe now you can see why steel is the clear winner out of all the Terra types offensively steel isn't amazing but it also isn't bad it hits Rock ice and importantly Ferry for super effective damage it's resisted by fire water electric and of course Steel in my opinion steel as a type will Define the game in scarlet and Violet and I'm really curious to see what counter play if any players discover was there anything you disagreed with on this list let me know in the comments thanks for watching
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 655,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, twitch, pokemon nuzlocke, nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke, smallant, ludwig, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, alpharad, wolfeyvgc, purplecliffe, pm7, pokemen7, mandjtv, shiny pokemon, pokemon scarlet, pokemon violet, scarlet, violet, scarlet and violet, fuecoco, quaxly, sprigatito, I ranked every type, pokemon type ranking, pokemon tier list, best pokemon type, worst pokemon type, pokemon type tier list, wolfeyvgc type
Id: _SCz1fwhnJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 01 2023
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