EVERY Rock Type Pokemon MOVE Explained! | Gnoggin

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have you ever been hit by a rock flying through the air it hurts and have you ever tripped and fell on a rock that also hurts and that is how rock-type pokémon moves work thanks for watching but really I assume since you clicked this video you want some details well in that case let's go over every single rock-type pokémon move and explain what it does and how it do you know the moves that start with the word rock in the name are probably the easiest to explain so let's start there rock throw is just that the user grabs a rock from the battlefield and throws it it's described as a small rock so probably just rock you know slightly bigger than a fist maybe the size of a ball it's a very basic attack some pokemons grab rocks off the ground for ax and others like many rock types are able to generate rocks through magical powers or perhaps use rocks that are a part of themselves there's a lot of possibilities with rock types rock blast is basically an upgrade of rock throw some Pokemon using this move throw the boulders with great force while others launch them they blast them forward with rock manipulation elemental magic stuff rockslide is another upgrade to rock throw now an entire avalanche of stones ranging in size from pebbles to small boulders is poured upon the opponents all of these hits in such rapid succession explains why there is a chance of causing clinching it's pretty straightforward rock tune throws multiple large rocks all around the opponent trapping it and making the battle area more complicated for it overall dealing damage and lowering your opponent's speed it's a lot harder to run around super fast when there's all these big rocks everywhere in your path and then we have rock wrecker also known as rock cannon in Japanese the user launches a massive Boulder at its foe dealing massive damage no really massive damage but I mean clearly have you ever had a massive Boulder thrown at you here's a car being crushed by a boulder and this isn't even that big of a boulder it hurts and obviously it takes a lot of power to move and then throw such a large boulder so the Pokemon using it has to rest the following turn and rock polish brings us to our first scientific explanation this move has only naturally learned by rock-type pokémon and steelix the idea is that the user polishes itself to greatly raise its speed steps this is to do with the way air resistance and drag works if you compare old blocky bumpy cars to the newer sleeker sporty-er cars of today the aerodynamics almost slice the air and some even use this air to benefit the car rather than being an obstacle for it in a way we polished the car's design in the case of rocks by defaults mini rocks are bumpy sharp and have rough hard edges but compare that to a river rock after several decades of water flowing around it it's caused for the rock to be eroded or polished into a sleeker curvier Rock now it's much more aerodynamic and some people use rock tumblers and polishers to manually polish rocks quickly creating decorative rocks commonly seen in fish tanks and hippie healing stores all in all these rocks move through the air easier than rough typical gross rocks so similarly the rock-type pokémon with a rough body of rock wears down and polishes its hard edges to reduce its drag thus speeding it up and those were the rock type moves with the word rock in the name rock polish was fun so next let's explain the rest of the status type rock type moves like Wyatt guard which is learned by significantly more non-rock Pokemon than by rock Pokemon when used the user protects itself and its allies from wide-ranging attacks meaning attacks that hit more than one Pokemon in a 2v2 or 3v3 battle so moves like earthquake and surf will be blocked now that doesn't exactly scream rock type does it rocks can be big I suppose and most of the Pokemon that can learn this move naturally are big and wide themselves mostly in other languages I'll call it wide guard too so while this is a rather weak reason I suppose it's rock type because rocks can be wide and rocks are very defensive in fact defense is the highest stat on average for rock-type pokémon so wide guard it's rock type I mean it's what we make sea walls and stone walls out of blocks the surf alrighty then now stealth rock makes much more sense for a rock type move and should have been in the previous category the user gathers or creates sharp stones and scatters them around to the opponent's side of the battlefield so now when a new Pokemon enters the battlefield it hurts sandstorm creates a sandstorm this does make the question are the rocky and ground a pokemon that know this move capable of controlling the wind - or rather are they just using their rock powers to move a bunch of sand all around the air simulating a sandstorm but the wind isn't technically there mm what a curious question that we'll have to explore in another video shameless plug here whenever we get around to making that anyway a Pokemon uses sandstorm now there's a sandstorm and being in a sandstorm sucks if you really aren't prepared for it sand is terrible it's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere and so it does tiny bits of damage each turn to all non-rock steel or grounds type Pokemon make sense as their bodies are hard enough to resist the storm at least for a short while sandstorms normally really beat down hard on stones and smoothing them out eroding them away and such but I guess that's over the course of decades and centuries not 5 turns in a Pokemon battle a Cell a rock that also has rock in the name I'm bad at this this is the signature move of liken rock specifically the midday and dusk forms this move is simple the user like in Rock does a fast and smashes into the opponent's it's like a quick attack but he uses the rocks on its neck to tackle them so it rock-type damage head smash is just past the pokemon smashes its head into the opponent at full force not holding back this deals massive damage but also causes terrible damage to the user I mean you just smashed your head into another mod of course it hurts this move is likely rock tight because all the pokemon that can learn the move are either rock type or have a skulls that could be as hard as rock it's the same logic with loads of Pokemon running metal cloth they have claws that are as hard and sharp as metal without actually being metal same idea skulls as hard as rock without actually being rock stone edge stabs the opponent with sharp stone edges rocks especially when broken tends to get sharp edges capable of causing some serious damage hence why lots of ancient weapons and tools used sharpened stones as their heads having such a sharp object be used in the attack explains why it has a high critical hit chance you can do a lot of damage with a sharp stone compared to a rough one especially when you land it in just the rights but curiously the animations for this move show rocks coming out of the ground from just a beneath the opponent so it's likely the user using rock elemental magic to break them out from the ground right to beneath where their enemy stands Smackdown is another move that doesn't need to be rock type but it does work better than any other type I suppose the idea is that the user throws a stone or another projectile at their opponent I mean the in-game description even says or projectile because I mean froakie can naturally learn this move though we do suppose any Pokemon who just pick up a stone and throw it the thing that makes this move different from rock throw besides being able to throw more than just rocks is that the move is able to hit Pokemon that are high in the air like after using the move fly or bounce and if the Pokemon it hits is flying type or has levitate then they become grounded it knocks them out of the air essentially this Smackdown is raw then roll out roll out funny how this rock type moon is most famous for accused by a normal-type pokémon miltank in facts again most of the Pokemon I can learn this move aren't even rock type and it's by a pretty large margin too but the idea here is that the Pokemon takes the next 5 turns to roll around at the speed of sound it's got places to go gotta follow their rainbow but really though 5 turns of spinning and hitting the opponent each time it hits it raises in power and fun fact if you use defense curl right before using roll outs roll outs power is doubled essentially because the user is already prepped in their circular form they are ready to roll out why is it rock tight well basically because it's inspired by a boulder rolling down a hillside getting faster and faster and faster as it gains more and more momentum even more and more damage to the things as it continued the advancing [Music] rock slides with big boulders are no joke power gem is simple and its speciality is that it's like one of the only special rock type moves ever that's why you would use it the user uses the gem on its body to fire a beam of damaging light I suppose all gems are mystical and powerful in Pokemon notably some gems and crystals are famously capable of refracting light though usually those are carefully cut gems not raw gems like what are shown in the game Diamond storm is the signature move of diancie who is said to be able to take the carbon in the air and crush it between its hands to create diamonds Wow and with this move it does so a lot to whip up a storm of diamonds and hail them down upon the enemy which like any other kind of rock would hurt and ancient power has the user summon forth its power from the ancient world from within and it sends fossils and stones from the depths at its opponent and as its in-game description states this prehistoric move may boost all of the users stats so clearly something crazy is going on the user is like looking back at its prehistoric lineage and saying billions of years of natural selection will not lead to me losing this battle and so all of its stats get boosted it still loses anyway though because it's rock type but notably every pokemon that naturally learns this move is either a fossil Pokemon or has a connection to the ancient pokémon world things like they haven't changed much since then and also Togepi why does togepi learn it the heck I'll look into that later thar shot is exactly as it sounds the user shoots sticky tar at the target lowering their speed and making them weaker to fire attacks tar is a dark brown or black viscous liquid mean up of hydrocarbons and free carbons it can come from coal through destructive distillation which does explain this moves association with colossal car is extremely sticky and adds a lot of traction to anything it touches if it's also quite flammable it even melts if it gets too hot roads have tar as an ingredient and in some places roads melts it's bad and slows down anything that's on it the dang heat makes it all gooey and sticky again gross splintered storm shards is the signature Z move of Mike and Rock wherein it shatters the entire battleground into sharp rocks and uses all of them to strike its opponent at full force absolute pure out you - and since it just destroyed the arena any battlefield effects that were in place disappear this move is basically just a combination of a lot of the other moves but increased exponentially same with continental crush the generic rock type Z move wherein the user basically takes rocks from all around and combines them summoning a massive mountainous Boulder and then it just kind of lets it go it just drops on the opponent again it's the boulder thing boulders hurt man lots of crushing power it's pretty straightforward max Rock fall which is just continental crush again really but it also causes a sandstorm afterward so supposedly the rock shudders into sand upon meeting contact with the ground and now there's sand all up in the wind which is all because of the Dinan axing thing there's like a storm going around poking on so it's kicking up all that sand that the move just created and then G Mex vocalist is the signature Giganta Mex move of colossal we're in it it does basically the same thing as max rock fall except it also leaves hot coals all around the opponent's side of the battlefield so it does damage over the next few turns if only the Pokemon actually moved during the battles walking on hot coals is a classic way of well going over hot coals without them hurting it's the standing still on them that does damage yeah so all in all when you really break it down most rock type moves make perfect sense as they utilize rocks besides white guard that wants you to get out of here so I hope you enjoyed this video check out our merch store down below and check out the other videos in this series right here until next time never stop using your noggin and be sure to subscribe and stuff I haven't said that in like a year it seems click the bell hold on I skip that too [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 252,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, rock type pokemon, rock type, pokemon rock type, rock type moves, rock type pokemon moves, best rock type move, rock type move, rock type attack, lycanrock, coalossal, geodude, pokemon sword and shield, carkoal, rolycoly, pokemon sandstorm, why is sandstorm rock type, rock move, rock type explained, what is rock type, not rock type, rampardos, rock type z move, max rockfall pokemon, max rockfall, gigantamax coalossal
Id: bCzNNqEoUjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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