Episode 115 - Obsessed with You

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what's up guys welcome to TMZ podcasts this is actually last week's episode if you want today's episode that'll be on our patreon right now you can get it a week early if you contribute its patreon calm slash tiny meet gang so thanks if you do that and if not enjoyed this one who's I'm good are you good um I'm okay are you good yeah I'm dumb doing well man how you doing I'm all right are you good yeah I'm good what's good with you nothing just looking at the application screen share window on discord oh cool yeah mostly wait first of all I just want to give a big everyone a big up welcome back to the podcast I'm your host Cody joined by my host Noelle merry Christmas to you alright I'll probably turn auto-tune off now probably or maybe I'll just keep it on no please no why not [ __ ] gay we always joked about doing podcast and now it's gonna happen dude okay I'm [ __ ] gay I don't hear you with auto-tune to you do you hear yourself yeah okay first of all so first thing for first thing I just want to wish everyone I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas yeah and Merry Christmas I also want to wish everyone a Happy New Year as well because that's coming up in a few days if you want to spend the New Year's Eve with us then you can join us see where we'll be doing a show and we're very excited for it so if you're in the DMV area come join us for that show tiny wing tour calm and yeah boo boys I'd say I'd recommend just pulling the half up to be honest I'd definitely say pull up you definitely ought to pull up like a Huggies diaper pull up pull up yep and then I think first of all we should just get right into this Troy Becker stuff away by the way uh Suki this weekend yeah it's right back here let's go wait this weekend yeah what day Sunday could be easier does not D does not know which day no I know it's there you know which day you're just kind of you're gonna he's gonna drop it on them yeah I just want it to pop up and you go huh it's here that's what I want okay well fair enough yeah all right Troy becquer becquer okay so if you don't know who this kid is I don't really know no sorry yeah Paul Zimmer okay this is the original kit Paul Zimmer no I mean let me let me navigate back here go to this kid's Instagram Paul Zimmer okay I guess he was a musically guy I don't really know for sure I know Danny I think he's done a couple videos on this guy I think he's just kind of one of these musically dudes that just was a look a little bit off you know yeah just like something weird about him anyway so it's like this guy Paul that's what's weird about him super weird dude no Paul Zimmer is the guy that's the original guy okay he's so he's got eight hundred and forty eight thousand followers on Instagram so I'm guessing like he's pretty big on tik-tok right I may be just looking like a pretty boy I guess okay so I guess now what he's done this is what I've picked up okay since musically died I guess now he's trying to rebrand himself as an actor but I'm guessing came to the conclusion that his musically passed and stuff would be kind of a burden you know on his new path in Hollywood and so what he's doing now is he he basically like cloned himself he's now going as Troy he's claiming there's a kid named Roy Becker who's an actor and who's 14 or something basically Paul has claimed that this Troy kid looks exactly like him now keep in mind they are the same person Paul is saying is weirdest kid Troy looks exactly like me he's like a younger sexier version of me I'm reading this this is the caption mm-hmm I don't even use social media anymore but had to post this ha ha ha okay and tags tags and Troy becquer IG I'm gonna I'm gonna do a quick a wider explaining here I'm gonna just switch over to the window in my [ __ ] actually no yeah there you go you got it Nate you're not Nate's gonna have to do some magic here magic it's alright okay it's alright go ahead continue okay and then the next post is is another post from Paul promoting Troy Becker and what why do you bring up that video the next pose can you do waitwait talk for a second about how cool Sookie's gonna be while I set up this this the scene for us so we can do this hold on okay okay guys the [ __ ] victory or else grab that one cut that Paul Zimmer did because this is the [ __ ] ultimate victory royale right here yeah alright I gotta talk Nate through this bit all right Nate so you're gonna have to put Kody and I in this little box these are notes for the editor guys you this is what this is what you get the TMZ podcast you get to be part of the production process as well as the listening part it's that much fun okay hold on but also you know we're trying to do we're trying to basically do a reaction a reaction video across the [ __ ] country in two separate parts of the country no it's across the country all right and boom I got him on scream scream scream I can't talk alright we got everything okay yeah we're good courtesy of me the streamer okay go hit that second post all right hold on hold on so this is this is the post everybody this is the post with Paul and Troy so just so I have this right Paul is the real one Troy is the clone I have to say two things first of all he's the kid buu of musically stars he's cloned himself he took one eye this guy how old were savant see how old he actually is Paul Zimmer he he is kid buu down to lying about the age part the other thing exactly the other thing is I feel like he took a page out of like Venezuelan baseball players like when they when they come to America and they're like yeah I'm only 18 and they're like 30 just cracking [ __ ] crazy crazy homerun numbers and you're like you said you're eight teams again I'm 18 I'm 18 you gotta respect that man age is just a number they're just trying to get a fresh start you know dude he's Paul simmers 24 and this Troy Becker kid is supposed to be 14 dog is fully done puberty dude like twice by now and you're gonna try and revert back to a 14 year old this is I mean we'll just get into the Troy Becker Instagram after but hit that second pose yeah you mean the you mean the video or the other video you can see my screen share right yeah looking at it yeah no not that one I mean on Paul Zimmer's Instagram Oh copy copy alright so yeah we're still like this this is [ __ ] man it's [ __ ] up dude okay yeah kid that seconds right there no no I meant the second from the first one yeah oh boy here we go I'm telling so this is his second post promoting this new identity he has dude well first let's [ __ ] with his hair what is that a wig is that a wig why is that why is the hairline I'm why his I'm like down here loot it down to his his head maybe he's [ __ ] like 15 he's actually bald he really has no idea what fourteen-year-old doesn't know what tick tock is I know that's the what kid right now is like I don't know something called tick tock Amish Amish kids no they probably even know what that is okay so it gets [ __ ] weirder man so then go to the third post hey it's Paul Zimmer this is probably gonna this is probably gonna be my last social post ever I must say that I am very grateful for social media and I have had such a fun time using all these different social platforms and having the opportunity to entertain millions of people for many years with this being said I have come to a place in my life where being in the spotlight and being an entertainer is no longer my passion although it deeply saddens me to leave so bluntly especially that so many of you have watched me for so many years dude how long was this kid I'm [ __ ] musically for dude he this is it was around for like eight months dude this [ __ ] is like an Academy Award level man it's he talks like he's Morgan Freeman I know I didn't want to leave my social media pages just sitting to die dot dot dot so I have decided to give my social media accounts to Troy Becker IG because he is one of the dopest people I know and he is literally my younger twin my much younger twin I believe Troy is 15 or 16 years old hahaha grind buggy I know that Troy Becker IG is busy filming his TV show and a movie but I hope he spent some time on here to bring joy to y'all thank you all so much for supporting me I am sending all of my love to each and every one of you each and each and every one of you everyone is there because I'm in the stream chair I just got to give it a quick look to camera hold on do it hit him with hit him with it did you do it did you do it okay good now I'm genuine this is this is [ __ ] this is a bizarre man alright so now next post okay wait still still on Paul Zimmer next post Dylan Paul Zimmer next post this is this is [ __ ] up dude what kind of weird hey it's Roy Becker it feels weird we don't know who who's that youtubers everyone thought was kidnapped marina Joyce yeah yeah yeah marina Joyce yeah yeah him and marina Joyce are part of some larger conspiracy where they got like lobotomized and you know we oh not that I brush pants are super tight bro yeah I know there's just too much [ __ ] detail there hey it's Troy oh now it's Troy knots the 15 year old yeah you read this one so you're looking at child porn that's what you're looking at right I know yeah exactly hey it's Troy Becker it feels weird posting this on here haha I'm sweating emoji that's how I read those emojis as you all know from Paul Zimmer's last post no longer uses social media and decided to give me social media account because we've become great friends and we look quite similar I must admit can't believe this [ __ ] my Instagram is Troy Becker IG Paul has asked me to also post on here and to spread love and joy I am honored to have this opportunity to reach so many amazing people want to thank you I have so many big things coming my TV and a movie show I am working on but I will make time to spread love all over social media for you bro he's gonna be a call leader like give him a couple years bro dude this is so scary legitimately this is if what if this is a big joke it was like what if it's a bit the hairline again dude what is going on wait well next the next most the hey it's Troy Becker IG wishing you all a Merry Christmas and then in parentheses still feels so weird posting on this account haha I just want to still make it clear that it's this is weird that I'm doing this but it's absolutely not when I count and I'm Troy Becker and I'm not Paul Zimmer at all and it's and this is Troy Becker here I'm 15 and I'm an actor all I say is this dude okay hairline here very normal hairline here oh he's combing it across the front yeah he's doing yeah alright he's he's stapling his bangs to his forehead alright yeah let's go to Troy Becker IG yep love this action shot right here up you love sports did you know wait wait wait go to the very first the very first pose his first one ever and read that caption blessed to be filming my TV show the best part about all of this Torrey Becker's [ __ ] is that he keeps going on about his TV showing his movie that he's filming right and then he'll post clips of him of like from the TV show or or the movie or whatever and he'll say this scene with crying emojis like this scene killed me and it's just someone filming him some other random person with a DSLR it's not even mics or anything the audio is so shitty he's trying to pass it off like it's a real [ __ ] TV show dude alright you know you know what creeps me out about this and this is just this is actually great timing so hold up I'm gonna switch screens here for a second so everyone's been talking about this [ __ ] on Netflix [ __ ] don't [ __ ] with cats goddammit yeah yeah my just [ __ ] the screen oh hold on what's the deal with that show alright so it's a it's a documentary and if you're from Canada I think the story isn't that interesting because you've probably you're very familiar with it but it's about this kid and I'm blanking on his name it's about Luca what is his stupid shitty name he's a piece of [ __ ] and I have no [ __ ] Luka Magnotta okay here's what's creepy about this Troy Becker thing so this kid Luka Magnotta he basically murdered cats like kittens it and he like he made two videos and these people on Facebook and I'm super super abbreviating this whole story you should watch the documentary it's [ __ ] up dude but basically these just regular people on Facebook look at this and go this is [ __ ] up and they take it upon themselves to try to figure out who he is so they create like a little group and and they kind of yeah they kind of get in touch with like some like popular like TV show like this but these like guys in New York that [ __ ] go bully people out of animal abuse like hey what the [ __ ] you doing to the [ __ ] dog give us the [ __ ] dog and so it's getting all this attention and then they randomly get a message from like a burner account that says hey the person you're looking for is Luka Magnotta and they look up this kid Luca and he's got all these weird audition tapes on YouTube and all these goofy photoshopped pictures of his face on like people doing like rich people [ __ ] and they're they they're kind of following him along as he he posts a couple videos of him murdering cats and then they're like dude he's gonna move on to a person and lo and behold he moved on to a person and he [ __ ] uploaded the video of him killing that person and what so what creeps me out about the whole thing is that this kid was just like I'm not saying Paul Zimmer is gonna [ __ ] murder somebody but it creeps me out that he's got this weird elaborate scheme to get attention it's like kind of the same level as this kid Luca it in that like it's it's it's a very weird way of putting attention on yourself damn yeah yeah damn and by the way that that the murder itself is not even like not even the the full like gamut of that story it is [ __ ] it is wild what that kid did and and the type like this like oh man you you have to see it if none of you have seen it watch it I was reading that it was getting I was reading that it was getting some heat because people are like this is exactly what he would have wanted he would have wanted everyone on Netflix watching a documentary about him yeah yeah and but and and to that point the girl the lady who kind of jumped on the whole thing at the end she is like sort of really broken up and and I think she's like crying she's like I feel guilt because I feel like I gave him what he wanted and I'm a catalyst for the murder of this innocent person and I feel responsible follow because he murdered the person when he already know P already knew that people were like kind of looking into him yeah and like paying attention to his moves and and trying to figure him out you know she hath dark that's luck and so she looks the camera and she goes are are weak complicit or like yeah are we complicit are we complicit you watching this documentary are you complicit and am I telling you about it or we complicit do we keep talking about this or do we just turn it off and then that's where the documentary ends okay so they address that they do yeah they definitely do oh I see huh I mean I mean like I'm busy in jail now yeah B's a piece of [ __ ] man like he's like he's so he's all smiles about it he has quotes about being like oh yeah it's like a big summer camp it's like going to college I'll [ __ ] that dude yeah I like I died I hope he dies man I that's this [ __ ] up and I don't wish death on anyone I'm not even wishing it on him per se but he just I think he deserves a lot worse than he got because he just doesn't seem to give a [ __ ] so you're saying Paul Zimmer could potentially be the next I mean I don't I don't know this is this is just weird this is weird they know it's [ __ ] it's weird to do it in just out in the open like this and act like it's not 100% obvious what he's doing he can't possibly think anyone is actually falling for this [ __ ] can he I mean that that's what I don't get is why this like is it a bit is it it doesn't seem like a bit like the look in his eyes is mega Hollow I did open up blob that uh that Joker picture honest I'm looking at that [ __ ] right now no I hate that I loved I loved some of the comments after we reviewed that someone said Joker the Joker was the most over acted overrated piece of [ __ ] I saw that open up that so let's look at his like monologue real quick and then we'll stop talking about Freud back because he's just a 15 year old trying to make it in Hollywood you know he is this or we to like pick on him like we are yeah who are we to roast a 15 year old truck exactly dude a 15 year old Venezuelan baseball player well this audio is [ __ ] do you think you get a [ __ ] lav mic at least if you're trying to play this off like it's a real movie also this lens is soft as [ __ ] do it I don't get a sharper lens only it's just filmed iPhone portrait mode Becky damn his nail that he nailed the sorry go ahead he nailed the what no the what well he nailed the you know teen drama you know this is what they care about hanging out and being on their phones and you know when those two worlds collide sometimes it can lead to a little bit of tension and as you know as Paul has sorry Troy has found out here Becky might be more interested in in her phone than she is their connection I love thing I love the mat bars on a 16:9 shot just completely cropping out the top of his head and framing out his hand this feels very TV as far as I'm concerned exactly I mean that was definitely a stylistic choice by the DP for sure sorry his short film yeah alright let's live this right out man I can't wait till I run into him you know in an audition room and you're like oh oh Troy Troy what's up dude and he's like yeah because I'm 15 this role is gonna be hard for the production because I can only be on set for about four hours so technically a minor [ __ ] my light died damn it Becky you can talk to him you know that right thus [ __ ] empty hollow eyeballs you can talk into that [ __ ] it's wild bro he looks dead inside what the [ __ ] like like this picture there looks like zero happiness in his [ __ ] well he's trying to play off this he's trying to produce his like bully-ish innocent look I think right this is this to read the caption for that picture too I love seeing people smile it always makes me smile too dude that's not a smile at all [Laughter] you're [ __ ] stone-faced that's a dead pan maybe there's a little maybe the corners are turned up a little bit that's a joker smile right there now the Joker smile is I'm by the way I'm sorry for everyone watching on YouTube my light just died unfortunately so it's gonna be a little bit dark for the last half of the podcast you're just gonna put you're just gonna [ __ ] Luka Magnotta the rest of this [ __ ] let's not do that let's not make him a term yeah yeah Paul Zimmerman that's what he wants this is Emma Nader this is so strange yep why do this with the dog face that's what I don't get is a serious both it's gotta be a bad dude it's got to be a bit this is gonna get him into SNL yeah you know this is his like digital audition pretty much this whole fake persona it's wild absolutely wild Wow all right I love this scene this one play stop it stop it is it done no more is it done damn bro yeah this is I hope he's all right man I really hope he's okay yeah it is a little bit it's a little bit worrisome it kind of seems like something like you know wait can you hear that the TV in the background no okay it's fine it kind of seems like something really drastic that you do when you're kind of in a bad place you know like he was like not things weren't going well for him in Hollywood or something so he field he felt like he had to make this big of a shift yeah yeah the whole thing just it feels [ __ ] up yeah so strange dude yep anyways what what's this you found the you house on Zillow with you this man did somebody sent me this this is crazy that's actually it isn't it I don't I don't want to Doc's the the address hold on hold on oh all right I'm switching back over so this is apparently the house from the you video to you that scrunge do you know by the l.o.v.e thing in the back I mean the whole thing I don't know I don't know the person who sent it to me swears this is the house that LOV thing um is pretty distinct right yeah it is and that little garden is like pretty [ __ ] similar is this not the the golden light kids and I get though I'm taking it out wait I think it might be dude I think this is it who found this [ __ ] how did they find this um I don't know damn this is wild it's a million bucks 1.1 million it's a depent gets into paying at canyon we can say that I'm into banger yeah this looks like it holy [ __ ] so they were renting a 1.1 million dollar house 1,900 square feet [ __ ] Topanga oh yeah they got a studio as well look at that poppin bro damn dude that's crazy they're [ __ ] killing it clearly tan there's a studio in there too should we buy this place yes buy it man's put it's already got a podcast studio built into it we put all our chips on this one let's go bankrupt for this [ __ ] house as the ultimate ultimate just comes full circle and we move into the [ __ ] you house that's art dude that's art Roy Becker move right there [ __ ] insane or just just our last or we blog ourselves just drinking so much Rose a-and just uh just in straitjackets hey guys walking back and forth on the ground I know this is the tiny meat gang podcast but actually we found our younger 10 year old brothers who want to run the podcast now they're they're actually 10 years old and they love celery dude it's just is that's just going fair enough the idea of lying about your age onset being like [ __ ] so clearly a 35 year old man and then demanding like your teacher has to come to set and you have to leave after six hours and you haven't had your mandatory three hour break and said I mean it's definitely illegal right yeah like let's say he actually got a gig he's gonna have to like to say his real age ya know that's what I mean is if you're as like a miner you have to bring a teacher to set you can't kid just be out of school just making your movie you know hi miss Wilson yeah today I'll get back to my geometry homework later this is my teacher you guys she's such a stickler it's this boy who's like also 24 just routine yeah they're like you're mrs. Wilson that's me yep mrs. Wilson I'm a teacher [ __ ] off white t-shirt yeah mrs. Wilson dude I'm here to teach Paul I mean Troy [ __ ] [ __ ] my bad dude later when you're wrapped on when you're wrapped I'm gonna teach you Pythagoras theorem you know that are you ready not I mean miss Wilson's coming through the [Music] with the math pack that like literally it's like a math package you know there's a there's a bigger picture to all this um you know and big pictures are part of business you know and and so people once that come on sorry my video died I had to restart it there you go you've gone well look you know seeing the big picture is part of business right right and that's how you achieve success you know cuz there are big picture people that bring those dreams into reality you know okay and if you're a freelancer or run your own business okay I'm gonna have to you kind of have to see both right you kind of have to be the business and see the big picture nice work so if you need help with the day-to-day honey book has tools excellent job to get everything outstanding outstanding [Laughter] that was impressive dude bridging Troy Becker to our fantastic strong have me gone honey book honey book is an online business management tool that organizes your client communications booking contracts and invoices all in one place I'm just doing it well no it's perfect for freelancers entrepreneurs or small business owners that want to consolidate services they already use like QuickBooks Google suite excel and MailChimp with honey book you can automate your busy work they have easy-to-use templates for email proposals brochures and invoices and they also have a signatures and built-in automation to save you time and get you paid faster and right now honey book is offering our listeners 50% off when you visit honey book.com slash tiny payment is flexible and this promotion applies whether you pay monthly or annually go to honey book.com slash tiny for 50% off your first year that's honey book.com slash tiny oh my god row you're going to just leave that in the patreon episode because Jesus holy see what's what the thing about this whole Troy Packard thing here is that you know he's seeing the big picture and that's important when you're running business that's my three point jumper for this episode that was my from the perimeter right there wait when did we do the bonus episode was that after Christmas I think no was I was right before is there before yeah Christmas Eve Christmas Eve bonus app how's your Christmas it was good how's yours man do you guys cool presents uh yeah I [ __ ] came up dude yeah yeah you know our listeners also get a gift right now and that is the gift of a comfortable [ __ ] and that's why this episode is sponsored by my undies not to be undies my undies that I'm wearing right now and this dirty pair of musty undies you can get this pair on depop free with the promo code my musty [ __ ] first one the first one to enter it gets my free musty underwear this podcast brought to you by my musty [ __ ] I got a I secured the dog camera that one's pretty good that won't be good until until I'm like blasting like cher or something in the apartment by myself you know just just [ __ ] banging out to that I want it I wanted to get the one that's like the little robot that could like shoot the treats out and [ __ ] but I know Ollie would just like bark and punch it and try to fight it yeah you try to beat it up I think you can use true I think you can give treats from the one I got I think I don't know I feel like it's good it might be like more of an anxiety inducer more than anything because like when you see your dog doing some weird [ __ ] you can't really like you can like talk to it through the machine but you're not home so I feel like then I just beg all [ __ ] I gotta get home but I'm out I'm an hour away my nightmare is like I always thought like if you buy one of those like imagine you just like bang and you're like just sitting somewhere you're like an hour away what's the dog doing and you just see like a bag of Hershey's chocolate just like rolled over open that's saying you're like oh no [ __ ] just screaming through the [ __ ] microphone trying to get its attention yeah keep it away yeah yeah [ __ ] it [ __ ] I think about it yeah good boy come over here good boy just spamming the treat loss or [Laughter] come on come on I wonder how hard the shoots fire out and just gets jammed it doesn't do [ __ ] yeah yeah cool dog cam what else what else I got some t-shirts which I know bout her master class I got a yep yep I bought some Troy Becker merch yeah Troy Becker's merch is just like a it's like um like a scene holder you know it's like a nice it's like a nice leather book for holding your all your scenes for all your auditions and for when you're trying to memorize lines for your TV shows and your movies Oh weird I just got like a piece of plastic and it said wrap around your face who's that from but that was from Troy you just hold it around your face and let it let it suffocate you nice cool yeah yeah you get to choose when you don't use it though yeah what do you get [ __ ] did I get I don't even like ask for much I'm big on I'm good like god you're big on I'm good yeah like like I'm gonna get you it's alright I don't I'm fine I don't want yeah but it's also cool like my parents got me Tim Hortons coffee which is like I don't know it's just cool [ __ ] that you wouldn't think about that like in two weeks yeah yeah I'm I'm happy I have this yeah that's the home and that stuff I appreciate if I feel like it you know doesn't break your bank in any way and it's just like a cool unique like oh like Elena's mom got us this this like thing the - it's like some rubber plastic tool that is used to just scrape dry food off a dish so if you dish I didn't even know that was real and I was like super geeked about that yeah that shit's [ __ ] cool man yeah you know that's or even [ __ ] like like I had mentioned I was like out of hair [ __ ] and I just like wasn't going to the barber to get more and Kelsey like got me that for Christmas and I was like this is awesome saves me so much time and at least for me cuz she knows I hate just doing errands like that yeah yeah that's why it was that's why prime now is dangerous man yeah that's true but I will say this I always just put in the one massive order on on prime now I haven't been to a grocery store I went to the grocery store for the first time in like six months the other day I that was an accomplishment for me that was my gift to me this year not having to go to the [ __ ] grocery store yeah that's a good resolution so but I'm not like I'll just go chill it trader joe's on him buy anything I'll just relax there just hang out there's like a vibe there's no chairs actually sod usually just walk around done check out the product and what's new you know what they brought in over the last couple weeks Joe's is fine because it's a it's a walkable distance it's a it's a healthy size Ralph's and those bigger ones that [ __ ] pisses me off because you they just put everything in a big-ass zigzag to just get you going around in there like a goddamn maze I hate that [ __ ] yeah how much dude yeah well everyone's one with Walmart and [ __ ] Secaucus yeah that [ __ ] Walmart is huge it's huge I hadn't been to a Walmart in forever and we got in there and you're like I [ __ ] hate this it's just a firehouse I'm like yeah really really is like Walmart you just go in there to work there that's why they hire employees because they're just as [ __ ] lost as you suck my own ass real quick okay my own ass yeah what I can't believe it's done man like what believe it's done Sookie yeah I can't believe it's done yeah that's Congrats that's huge that's huge actually no that's great are you pumped yeah you know it's I think the weirdest [ __ ] I'm gonna do a little video about it like announcing it I think the weirdest thing is like when you know first of all if you're I know some people listen to this they go I want to make a short film to don't do it alone hire everyone do not do it alone that is my biggest [ __ ] piece of advice that hold doing it by yourself [ __ ] it's a myth whenever you see an actor and it says directed by them as well very rarely is it actually them you know unless it's like Ben Affleck or the Softee brothers but other than that it's a myth that you don't want to do it all that's that's all I got to say unless it's like the only thing you're doing for months at a time yes yeah if it's the only thing you're focused on sure go for it I was very fortunate to not have that you know what I mean like things for us it gone really well so I couldn't focus on it a hundred percent yeah right dragged it out but you know the definitely now so sitting on it and like doing all the music videos we've done and like even the most recent one it's like I can spot all these things like damn if we just hired like this person or whatever I was chuckling I mean I messaged you this but I was chuckling it it wasn't comically bad but like it was pretty bad how small the crew was I can't even believe that they it came together with that small of a crew pretty yeah we and I just the last thing I'll say that's like film [ __ ] but so we had Tom's the gaffer he had one guy below him who was a swing he's a swinger it's crazy [ __ ] how is that relevant at all in fact he and his wife they decided anyways he was sucking him and [ __ ] his wife the whole time no we had we had a GN a swing so he would help with the electric team or he'd help with electric and then grip and we had one key grip and then one guy below him so it was just the four of them dude that for that final scene we set up like a twenty by DIF like 20 feet by 20 feet and it was just two of them doing that and like yeah it just like which is how long somehow they [ __ ] did it in like an hour which I choose this Christ you know that plus lights and and whatever I mean it was just it's just not enough people but not by any stretch think about just one guy running back and forth from a truck grabbing C stands like just one not three not four just one [ __ ] dude that's tough yeah and some of those days were [ __ ] chaos like we were understaffed by at least ten people I I can't [ __ ] believe we we did that [ __ ] it is so I'm I'm more hyped now like looking at just how small and and how insane it was that we were able to pull that [ __ ] off its yes yeah so I'm happy anyway no that's great I mean it's a good story too you think it's good that you can it's good that you can I mean like it's a good like it's a good like learning experience is good that you can be on set now with like what we're shooting recently and then you can look back and be like man I can't believe that we made that mistake or that oh you did it with this little people or whatever I'll never do that again blah blah blah I mean that's what it takes mm-hmm yeah oh man and just like it was like the whole thing was just raw like trying to make a movie type of hustle and having everything so many shots were just like like stolen or like you know the go like there are a bunch of inserts that I negotiated all the location reps I convinced them all to just let me come out for free and I was like whoa will he be there for an hour and we stood there for like two like two and a half and they're like you said you're only gonna be like an hour I'm like yeah yeah just we just need a I like I [ __ ] I finessed the homeowner for this one specific insert of a sprinkler I wasn't getting him to like turn it on and off on and off on I shake his hand I'm like yeah dude I'm totally gonna send you the movie and like I don't like I'm never gonna talk to that guy again I'll demo you a couple bucks I'll hit your venmo buy a coffee I think I told this story but like with the permit you have to put up no parking signs within a certain time window and if you don't it [ __ ] invalidates your permit and I didn't know that until like a couple hours before like the period I don't know how that fell off in communication so I had to like dude I had to drive to Glendale at like 2:00 o'clock I had to get it up by like 3:15 or something okay from the [ __ ] west side I'm like oh god I'm not gonna make it and I get there and I my tailor meets me with the signs and we didn't have [ __ ] string to like hang it up okay like he just found like this random like plastic wire that we just like I don't know what the [ __ ] and we tie it up and then the location owner was like oh yeah sometimes the cops and they see that they won't mark it as valid because it has to be like a specific type of rope what yeah yeah and he's like you might want to stay here and so Taylor had to stay there until the cops showed up just prepared to be like hey can you please like not [ __ ] us and he said the cop came up looked at it and then like he just kind of like shot him a look kind of like I think as if to be like I know that string sucks but imma let it go and then he just poked away Jesus it was something like that I can't remember at this point but yeah I mean what kind of like what kind of act what kind of person actually would be like wait wait a minute wait a minute yeah you never know dude this isn't high high [ __ ] fiber whatever high fiber high fine I bring this is low fructose string what the [ __ ] going on here are have you talked to Taylor and kale or they pump that is coming out oh yeah yeah definitely everybody's hyped Tom's hype every way so I'll cruise like hell yeah I died is crazy because for one scene like some extras just brought an extra brought her mom and her sister and they were laterally can we just be a part of it we weren't against it we're like yeah sure yeah I guess more people the better yeah but I I was scrambling because they they were like yeah we don't mind doing it if like we can just get thrown into the credits I'm like sure and I like and Taylor were like did you write their names down he's like oh just guess just guess Susan Anna pearl oppenents station station like this weird ass names you know what we'll just hit a gender-neutral name station how about that yeah and that way I'm guessing it's janeth it's janeth right with the th and her mom denieth Jimmy Jimmy Jonathan Geneva Jonathan genève Jonathan genève baby so I don't know I'm a little bit scared to put it out but [ __ ] it man it's you know nah man you should be proud of it it says I have to like get my mind out of that like you got it you got to do one do a better one and ya do it put it up on to the next one yeah on to the next yeah well it will be on to the next cuz within a few weeks we'll have don't talk about that yeah you need to go the bonus episode to find out about that one yeah [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] that's info for free [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] alright um what sorry go ahead no no you're fine alright ah what all right all what well I'm just gonna say it see it's the end of the year should we talk about our New Year's resolutions yeah sure I don't know right yeah no you know we should do like what day is it damn we did let's talk about this actually we so last year we did a we did a best bits of the year compilation we did we did we haven't we haven't really done that ever shown any we haven't talked about doing one again for this year but we can just talk about one comes to mind immediately and that's the the the dude at the party with the feet looks good [ __ ] problem I think that's the hardest I've laughed on the bar I can't I can't remember anything I've fun being honest I can't remember any [ __ ] bits at all I started going through my notes I know I could find one the one that is not from this year with it I remember is talking about babies on American Idol like and like like [ __ ] ABS and like they can dance and [ __ ] well I don't remember that yeah I remember like saying like a baby winning America's Got Talent and it's just like it's like a ripped ass baby it's like two years old and the crowd is just going [ __ ] nuts just crazy oh my god a beautiful beautiful talent really now what'd you say your name is again Troy Becker he just not he's not a baby he just says he's a baby and everyone's like really you're too and he's like yeah I'm two years old Wow I'm - I'm - and I'm here to be a baby what's up Troy I'm - I'm a baby two years old and this is me singing something by Madonna we're all going through my notes hold on looks like I'm sucking my own dick on my camera hold on I'm going through my notes to see if I could find like an old bit I mean man my Notes app goes way the [ __ ] back okay can't read that no I mean no I mean it's been a it's been a great year but we you know a lot of it I realized I was writing I'm writing a video right now just going over like all the [ __ ] that happened in the last year it's and we just work away a lot oh yeah we weren't home like at all everything was just like and I think you know I think like focusing on the podcast or at least are like um you know like building off of older bits and stuff is like a little bit tough in that yes in it in that scenario you know yeah I mean I think next year we'll definitely hit it smarter yeah and I think like and I can't I don't want to I don't want to yeah I think we we have ideas on how when we go on the road how to make sure we hit the bonus episodes and we got we got some ideas on how our now like our next tour is is gonna be different and now we're gonna do things differently which I'm excited for I think that I think yeah that'll be a New Year's resolution is to make sure the podcast does not suffer as a result of us going on the road you know we did we did okay this year but I think next year it definitely has to be better and it will be I think all the things we have planned is gonna make it really really strong yep I agree I agree however that being said if you listen to TMG this year we appreciate you very much oh yeah yeah seriously big thank you I mean this year has been [ __ ] crazy [ __ ] record deal Walkman song with black bear just everything this has been I don't even know how the [ __ ] yeah it was a pretty crazy year honestly I think no but I think we should put our heads keep making [ __ ] yeah that's the key I mean that's what that's what I want to do yeah no no I think I think all our plans for next year I think are gonna be sick and I think we're gonna naturally just like this here well well naturally find ways into doing crazier [ __ ] and stuff that is beyond what we thought and yeah I think you actually get there and I think you know 2020 is a good year is gonna be a good year for everyone yeah well tech tweet at us your new year's resolutions we want to know oh yeah yeah or write them in the comments or in the comments here we actually want to read some at the show in DC yeah so bright if you're listening I guess patreon it would be right now so just list them in the comments on patreon if you've got any funny resolutions or anything at all actually just honest resolutions like mine for example is I want to I want to make more sound effects with my mouth in videos and stuff like when I you know make a joke go stuff like that or you know ain't no that one dude sorry I remembered a bit that I like what Bachelorette but WWF style oh yeah wait a minute that's Janet's music the [ __ ] away from him Bethenny fireworks bro you know what janeth enginee it's janeth engineid hi I'm Janet and it is chanise I watched Hobbes and Shaw oh yeah you know what man I okay this is like I actually had a newfound appreciation for met like super budget action films like that which is they have so much money the amount of coverage those guys can get is dope yeah they get everything guns reloading somebody blinking somebody sneezing this guy fighting over here like name a movie where you get you know what literally [ __ ] every character is doing is that cuz they have like 60 cameras oh yeah when you look at the credits it's like first unit second unit third unit fourth unit fit like they're all just really it yeah dude so getting [ __ ] all the time wow that's wild that's really cool that's why it's dope like imagine you shoot a scene and then you're like all right there's a fight scene but or like you're gonna jump off this building but we're gonna move you on to the love scene and there's just a guy who looks like you you know and a whole crew and a [ __ ] director and everything just gonna in action and they're grabbing that [ __ ] like filming at that level has to be so cush yeah I mean that's something Rock requires baby oh [ __ ] Rock brah that guy that guy's got it made there's there's a scene so there's a whole aspect to Hobbs and Shaw where they go to Samoa okay has all this like Samoan like just sort of value like Samoan values and family and all this [ __ ] like injected into the film is 2,000 percent the rock being like I want to go to my where my parents are from so I think you should film half the movie there and they were like yeah sure totally yeah will do and the writer write it into the movie please yeah did they did a bunch of filming in London and I just feel like that will stay them being like I'd like to spend home I'd like to be home for the first half of the shoot okay yeah well write the story around London and Samoa sure perfect those are easy to tie together yeah just perfect fly the whole [ __ ] crew to some oh no problem no problem boys yeah that's great they do insane [ __ ] in that movie it's like so much blowing [ __ ] up and it's not it's like a good movie it's not bad good good I mean my favorite movie is crank featuring Jason Statham so open sea crank is cool cuz it has like it has like a stylistic choice like there's like a strong theme to it like it's pretty cohesive like Hobbs and Shaw is like a vague you remember that it's part of the Fast and Furious franchise at the very end oh right I forgot about that even other than that you're just kind of like what the [ __ ] is this Idris Elba's in and he he crushes his character that dude is he's [ __ ] great yeah he's just a great actor I mean the three of them are solid you know I felt like I don't give the rock enough credit in terms of his acting [ __ ] act yeah I'm like I it's funny because those movies are not really movies they're just like they're their movies in that you're just there cuz you're a fan of one of the people and you just like to see them do their thing you know mm-hmm like people go to that see that movie and they just like the rock and he gets to say all that corny cheesy [ __ ] because that's not they want to see yeah they're just not they're not super into the whole Hobbs and Shaw storyline yeah they don't give a [ __ ] about whatever they're just like I will see the rock be huge in like yeah like semi witty [ __ ] I'm just pumped to watch the rock be real muscly for two hours yeah Tom for the rocks delts to be honest that [ __ ] he is massive yeah stupid yeah does the scene with Kevin Hart that is actually pretty funny because when knowing that they have like that relationship just seeing how that scene pans out is pretty amazing dude I did I did [ __ ] CrossFit today how'd you feel man are you vegan too it's yeah and I'm vegan now and I'm part of the CrossFit cult now I'm really believing it hundred percent it's so it was it was pretty wild man it was definitely hard again we see you always hear [ __ ] about CrossFit like online everyone rips on cross with people yeah it's just like a workout class that's like less produced oh so it's just like it's they just write some [ __ ] on a whiteboard they're like alright do that and you're like alright let's do it folks got it and then I do doubt that another another this is kind of funny yesterday I'm I'm at the gym and I climb onto this Stairmaster and I'm putting in one like my air pods and I put one in and I and I like kind of a a slip on the other one and it falls on the step and just falls inside the Stairmaster and I was like oh god damn it was this almost low-key mistake I just OH up oh [ __ ] there goes that tried to go down to maintenance and get a guy to come up and open the [ __ ] Stairmaster grit to get my [ __ ] air pod I felt like such an [ __ ] this is imagining that image like you standing there and everyone's like what the [ __ ] is going on the Stairmaster just like opening a [ __ ] basement trapdoor and then he just pulled out this tiny little white ear vise thing and he goes these are expensive don't want to lose these and I was like dude everyone on that floors look at me like what a [ __ ] dick dude it's okay yeah and then you like you look at it you like examine and you like most back to him like could yeah and he's like sure wipes it down is that good yeah that's perfect great well the dust on there you might get in that thanks so much maintenance boy thanks buddy thanks bud I hate the hard work there buddy oh that's regular in Canada in America that's offensive I'm baking America [ __ ] no no but I mean like I'm just saying like Canadians would do that hey thanks bud yeah thanks bud yeah yeah it's different if you say but but but thanks buddy [Laughter] [ __ ] hell man happy new year everyone if you want to spend the new year with us come to come to our show in DC you know and you know we really really want to invite people who can see the big picture yeah that's what's important here you know something else that helps you at the big let's Mosely musty balls is his musty balls Cody's musty balls can help you see the big picture mm-hmm his big taint that you lift up the ball zcj can take long paint wide taint no seriously thank you for listening this whole year ya hu let's keep let's keep crushing it yeah Nate let's go ahead and let's keep killing it baby crushing it dude nah man we we can't say thank you enough for [ __ ] everything coming to a live show listening to the podcast watching our [ __ ] videos you know donating on Twitch well whatever buying merged you guys show support in a lot of different [ __ ] forms and it it we don't we don't take it for granted man we really want to say thank you truly thank you thanks for a great 2019 and here's to a fantastic 2020 yeah we'll see you all in the new year but we were supposed to yeah we'll figure that out we'll figure out the schedule we got a I just want to say new year podcast episodes are gonna be off to a bang provide it knock on wood knock on wood right now everybody knock on wood if providers what provided you know what happens we have a date set and if we can all get in the room it's gonna be huge oh yeah right right right yeah it's gonna be huge yeah looking forward to it we've got some big plans big vision so big picture I'm Sam's looking forward to just killing it you know yeah I'm really stoked to just [ __ ] you know just boss it up you know yeah just bug it bossed up this year just boss it up yeah paying the cost to be the boss that's what I'm excited to do mmm-hmm amen all right [ __ ] see you new year all right guys nothing near peace peace
Channel: TMG Studios
Views: 386,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UqxPNo-7rNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 16sec (3976 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 02 2020
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