Episode 120 - My Butthole is a Hotspot

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what's up guys welcome to TMZ podcasts this is actually last week's episode if you want today's episode that'll be on our patreon right now you can get it a week early if you contribute its patreon calm slash tiny meet gang so thanks if you do that and if not enjoyed this one who's you see that uh you see that juice world died with 2000 unreleased songs whoa mm whoa that's like what what what are you - three times a day something like that yeah yeah let me kiss here I just won in freestyle all of them yeah it's insane that crazy imagine like going to the studio and just having a library a library of 2,000 songs where you just Beck let's finish this one today you know the label just rubbing their hands together like oh yeah I know that was the whole article is that like noon there's some certainly his team's like contemplating an album come on man I don't even listen that little peep [ __ ] cuz I'm like this [ __ ] just stop it that [ __ ] I know and and the and the X stuff to it just kind of feels like they're just milking it yes it's wrong we're just trying to yeah there's you know like Tupac died look at those album sales yeah he's still killing it and it stays after that [ __ ] sleep apnea kicking my ass bro kicking my ass so what happened I didn't sleep and I can't get into rim so just wake up every day feeling like I didn't sleep at all let's say yeah but why is this all of a sudden a thing it's just been getting worse like recently so I'm just like trying to fix it and he heard the nerve and that now it's this yeah but I'm one thing that's the other thing you know but this one will be easy once I do the sleep study gonna get a CPAP my dad got a CPAP and he was fine mmm so he's like he's like urging me cuz he's like I waited forever like you and after he in the CPAP he's like I'm an idiot CPAP sounds like a really like intrusive procedure yeah yeah doesn't it like I'll get it sleep in us for a CPAP they do doctor CPAP me last night yeah they're gonna they're gonna just give me a little spanking on the bum bum and that's a CPAP yeah we'll see PO so BTS new world tour and this is on the heels of their new album map of the soul snap I don't know if we talked about this last time but yeah that's why I ready to move the tour guys no I just want to quickly talk about that double XL article you're just browsing Oh Briana ASAP Rocky are apparently dating yeah that's the news guys you know that means rihanna is [ __ ] to do some weak-ass drug with the week stroke game that means rihanna right now is getting [ __ ] worse than i could [ __ ] her that's every aisle eight fifteen year old boy on tick-tock right now damn so i have a chance so have a chance I love all the people that were like you know trying to clown ASAP for that video only a stroke as bad as like it's [ __ ] ASAP rocky dude everything v girl he [ __ ] that daya that guy is [ __ ] beautiful not that good stream yeah what the [ __ ] probably just stand there you vote a girl is not ever gonna like walk away from [ __ ] hate that rocky and complain that it was bad it's gonna the sentence is gonna go it was bad but I [ __ ] ASAP Rocky yeah and it's like grin here to here he looked good yeah cuz he looking back to like this drug is terrible but and this is him smiling yeah virtually I can I could do this you think he [ __ ] with like a sick ass fit on he just pulls his dick through the fly and I mean definitely yeah yeah definitely Julie take off his jeans yeah it's got some crazy [ __ ] a VVS rhinestone Jean said you know it looks like it's bedazzled you gotta think like eighty percent of those kids or whoever was like yo a sob rocky stroke game we they're saying that as they're like [ __ ] their flashlights yeah it should trash honey way better we had a I don't even know if husband we had eliris conversation about flashlights yesterday or two days ago we did yeah we did that yesterday I don't even know those two days those two days ago yeah the longest music session we've ever had oh man two days ago and we should talk about you know first of all thank you everyone who listened to broke this yeah yeah I mean it's like the reception has been fantastic I'm that's a majority of people really enjoy it it's at some times that two million streams now that's what that's what rappers say after they put out it hit what the vast majority of people seem to really enjoy that and the reception is fantastic that's what young Doug says puts that out the reception is fantastic no but I mean like people seem to be diggin it and I mean two million two million streams is gonna hit in like an hour that's in five days that's crazy and the vegetables on wild four or something yeah that is crazy man I mean it's more than I ever thought like you know this is now doubled the first week of walkman walkman hit a million in a week yeah and if you uh you know shout out to hip hop heads we get it yeah come on think we're trash we get it I just like I think it's so funny that there's this personal vendetta against us I think it's pretty [ __ ] hilarious it's like man who gives a [ __ ] forum I know I've no it's cuz they're good they're good they're good moderators they take their job seriously yeah you're right you're right and that's good we can't ya can't do that ya know they tell you they tell ya we're working hard they're working are not to be fair I get it they're they they're passionate about it that's fair but I mean like the petty I commend the level of peteus hilarious honestly [ __ ] label is his trash some of the comments in there were funny interesting a lot of positives one of the funny couple of funny negative comments and I don't actually know this is unread it so this is on YouTube someone said what a sellout move this is obviously a cash grab and I thought yeah that was so great yeah and it hit me that like doing the SeatGeek bit at the and it hit me like oh [ __ ] ads usually have a connotation of like making a shitload of money no but we that was the whole punchline what the punchline was that they paid for the music video that implies with there was no cash on top we need a [ __ ] fee for that yeah that's what yeah that's so I think that's one thing I thought at least for the people who listened to us my guess would be interested to know yeah that's the irony the whole video is that we couldn't afford it yeah where we needed a brand sponsor to afford the videos so the irony is that weirdo broke [ __ ] because we had to find getting money for that music video was the hardest thing oh my [ __ ] god and it happened in the week before shooting yeah we had to like scrambled to find money basically mmm yeah and I've never I don't think we should say the budget but no no no it was a lot of [ __ ] money it's the most we've ever done yeah um yeah like I I'm very grateful that see geek oh yeah you know as much as like david dobrik [ __ ] everything and and whatever you think of sikhi they're a really [ __ ] open-minded company in terms of working with creators yeah and like yeah I know you know shut it - taeeun from sea geek but he really is like totally 100% on board with with what we're doing and what other people are doing and he's like however you want to promote us like yeah I'll make it happen and so like that you know that's a whole that all that whole commercial was was that was none of their input we we did that yeah we came up with that and and they were like yeah sure do it not only that [ __ ] you know without saying numbers so they they get they gave us an amount and we gave us a bag they gave us a bag we're still short we were still short yeah yeah and we still had the source other money from other places which I cannot disclose at this time yeah angel investors angels yeah truly angels because they came in and be like 11th [ __ ] hour and shot to Aden for dealing with all the madness because he kept sending me estimates and I'm like dude you know that we got to come down here we got to come down here this is it's gonna be you know is there any way to do this so I think it's worth knowing for some people like for that whole car that middle section where Kody and I are in that hot rod that is car [ __ ] just so you guys know is some of the most expensive [ __ ] from a production standpoint we had to dedicate a whole we had it it's insane we did that video on one day for the most for for starters we didn't we didn't day and a half but I guess I don't technically count that half the I mean you have to count because most of it was the at the half day was doing the ad which thank [ __ ] we did that yeah you know but also the car the car took three hours yeah three hours yeah for 15 seconds yeah because they had to build a [ __ ] mount yeah yeah outside of the car yeah hang the camera yeah the car rig takes like an hour and a half and we had some we had some good [ __ ] we had a great that we had a great team for that those guys are not [ __ ] they were not amateurs um they were able to build that [ __ ] fast and break it down fast you know fast is relative but mounting it to that hot rod was tough yeah I was like the hood and [ __ ] was all it's just a weird shape and I remember them like looking at it and Neema being like you guys gonna be able to do this and they're kind of like yeah we should be able to but you know whatever um yes so that was one funny comment I thought that people thought we made like this insane amount of money on that video and we didn't know I also in that same vein there were a couple comments actually more than a couple I read like a solid handful of comments that were like what the [ __ ] is this dude half this video is an ad or half this music video as an ad yeah no it's not it's not the music video is a separate just turn it off yeah then it's 100% a music video and 0% yeah yeah yeah you can we stuck the ad in the middle of the music yeah then I would be totally understandable understanding of you being pissed but it's not it's after you can just it's kind of funny to sit through and I have an and then be like [ __ ] yeah like you got duped wait it's over that's it dude they [ __ ] with me I had no idea that was an ad the whole time I didn't get that was a [ __ ] bad oh that's yeah that's funny um a lot but a lot of positive comments which now it like I said the vast majority yeah of comments were overwhelmingly positive yes which is super dope I'll put put this into perspective we had almost doubled the budget for that music video that we did for Sookie so from people trying to give me that Sookie was missing plot lines and said I didn't have any [ __ ] money to make that film alright give me a break um one guy just had to take a stab at Sookie in the [ __ ] reddit comments oh yeah yeah little guy picking apart my lyrics too and I was like dude half the [ __ ] posts on here what like oh that what do you know what do you when I know I'm no we're not like we're like real we're not like real rappers but like famous decks post something you're not gonna go through his genius and be like what the [ __ ] does this mean this is looking for it no that was another um those one that got me someone said they clearly have ghost writers no [ __ ] you man [ __ ] you that had me chuckling yeah that's kind of a good that's a good hate comment no no that's great I took that as a comment that is a compliment I'm like Danny these are good enough that we had to hire someone yeah that's great me I'll take that hell yeah Quinn Miller was in the studio with us yeah exactly you know after after his whole situation with Drake who who was a who was rice gums ghostwriter oh what's that dude's name um wooden like something like gun rapper I forget what his name was how long oh come on I got this thing called the Internet hold on price come Coast rapper ghost writer ghost writer you wrote ghost rapper I'm not here my brain is [ __ ] off uh who the hell who died huh but no like I wanted I keep wanting to say that he's the number 22 is in his name but it's not um dis god this guy that's what it was yeah you know whatever um anyway anyway yeah then there was like the majority of calm or like the no then there was a bunch of comments being like oh wow this isn't a joke anymore this isn't this the humor subtle man does it have to be like you slap my penis on her pizza sometimes it's fun to go in and just not right about like a grander concept like we spend I mean [ __ ] dude we went to the studio the other day and we're hammering home this we're trying to nail down this constant content of the song taking us [ __ ] forever it is to come up with like a a broader thing and sometimes that's not fun sometimes we would want to just go in and write stupid lyrics yeah and you know the way that beat happened was he started making it yeah it was weird and cool and so we just started writing just yeah random [ __ ] I mean we needed up beating that and we're like it sounds cool didn't even end up finishing it all we had on after the first session was we just had the first eight bars and then we had the chorus and then make that chorus is interesting too because like you had put down the first four and oh sorry guys it's the my mixtape it's good letting enough time pass that it doesn't appear like you have a new bit and then you go to the old go yeah yeah that's good I couldn't think of a new way yeah that's good yeah and then [ __ ] and then I don't know where I got the idea to just like like chop the [ __ ] chorus uh-huh just to go mad a broke [ __ ] like woah oh yeah yeah that was sick I don't know where that came from and then I don't know the yeah that that was that was fun but like that walk man short Kings use supers in the sessions like they were all kind of had that same vibe where it was like we're just having fun yeah you know just going in and like putting [ __ ] down yeah you know and I think with broke [ __ ] were just lay low this just make like some of the the lines funny but yeah it's not going for this Brander thing cuz we went in for that grander thing two days ago not only wasn't that fun it just turned out bad yeah yeah you're just like well I mean not to say that that's not a bad thing or not to say that that's a bad thing because sometimes that ends up being yeah great like I've and other she likes I think I still think stinky money is great and some like that mhm that also has like a yeah bigger bigger bigger theme yeah but I think in terms of like you know um I think going with subtleties like solid like the other [ __ ] we worked on the second track we did on Monday that's got a lot of potential I sent it to one person and he was like uh he was like damn so y'all like really stepping away from satire and when I told him the premise he goes oh [ __ ] yes really I was it was exactly listen again yeah it was exactly what we wanted [ __ ] yeah so that one that one I'm really happy I'm really excited to do this odd was like this is it like insanely good yeah yeah that that is like that's gonna be great um yeah so that one i'm hype for that one is is dope and and so it's not to say like i think some people you know to be fair i think some people you know they enjoy the you know very obvious comedic you know music and that's not going away yeah you know I just think we're trying to so it's like we went that way for a while and then we're gone the other way where it's like it's maybe too subtle and we're just trying to find that like you know in the middle feel yeah it's like you know because we still want it to be you know listenable I'm like mo that's that's the most important goal is yeah have it be fun to listen to like yeah music that's too comedic it's like you turn it on yeah I get the point and then you don't listen again yeah and we don't we don't want it to be that like we want it to be something that you can enjoy many times and I think we're getting better at doing that yeah definitely some of the stuff I don't know some stuff they were making recently I feel like it actually has some replay value to it but one thing I do want to talk about and I'm sorry if this gets like a little bit too serious or whatever well is like is the so shout out to the guy the Billboard guy that interviewed us oh yeah cuz he was great that yeah first of all that guy was awesome he that followed our careers forever yeah I don't know if you guys read that interview was really good let me get his name yeah get his name real quick he was great so he's like followed us for a long time so all of his questions were super like informed and we ended up having like a great just discussion like it felt was like a conversation about like where we're at what we're doing and all this stuff I'm gonna [ __ ] his last name up Ryan oh man I'm gonna just spell it out de f he fre ITA s yeah you go look him up um anyway continue but he had this great question that I don't think I included in the interview but he was basically like because you guys you know because you're you know a little bit of your claim to fame right now is this series called that's cringe mmm like do you find it hard to try new things yeah and learn new things because that like inherently is kind of cringy mhm and you know there were a couple people that commented on the broke [ __ ] video being like wow this is super crunch like right right and someone was like it's genius oh you guys make fun of other people so that you can you can do [ __ ] like this and people are like too scared to make fun of you or something like that I'm like Tam it's definitely not the point and what we're trying to do but I feel like that's a weird does I feel like it is kind of no I've been thinking about that a lot recently like what what it like you know it is pretty [ __ ] he's easy to sit at our computers and like come up with jokes and stuff like that right but later you know then we're trying to get money and trying to put on these larger Oya you know projects yeah it's like that's way harder but to me that's like people who go to a comedy show and then they completely missed the point of your joke and then they walk out like blabbering like that moment in like bill birnes [ __ ] special where he's like saying he's like discussing like you know I think it was something related to like like the me to movement and then some some dude in the audience he like bill says to the audience he invokes a response from the audience and there's one guy in the audience says like this [ __ ] bonehead thing and then burns like what the [ __ ] he's like no that's not what I said he's you see what I deal with yeah you know so it's not it's not that we're burb what I'm saying is I felt like when we do that's cringe we're like it was just like a loose title but we're trying to like you know kind of clown on very obvious like ridiculous [ __ ] yeah you know what I mean like we weren't clowning Matty because he was trying to make videos about vaping per se were laughing at the like the whole set up like I think it was more endearing that these four kids are trying to hotbox a car yeah and you can't do that with a vape yeah you know that's what's funny yeah yeah and then like you know mark McGrath admits there like that moment of him screaming who sugar gay is ridiculous yeah yeah I don't I don't think I think to me is people like because I saw some of that and people saying like oh you should do that's cringe on yourselves it's like no I think if anything we're just underscoring like it's okay to like try new [ __ ] and if it comes out weird whatever man yeah yeah it's like yeah like you tree we laugh at [ __ ] was like we can let if it ourselves you know like and and and maybe and maybe we will maybe in two years we'll be like yeah that's cringe on yeah on the Brooke fridge video knows I thought you know at one thing I feel like is that I think for some people um maybe just because and in - you know be fair to them I think like maybe visually it's easy to believe that oh now we take ourselves seriously cuz in the video we don't do anything that's obviously funny yeah the nearside shining the bald dudes heads yeah it's and it but it's like it's a lot of subtlety like I could see how that moment could like escape someone and they go what is that yeah like what is this supposed to be they don't get it it's just like supposed to be a funny thing like that would never happen yeah you know and maybe like the eyebrow piercing and stuff like to them that's not funny it's like people like legit thought that we were dressed up like lucky boys that like to look cool yes yeah yeah I think a lot of people thought like oh they're trying to be something and I was like no we were like trying to be crazy and weird yeah that's what I told oh my god what's our wardrobe designer I'm gonna forget her name oh she was great though yeah oh man I feel so guilty she's in that she's in the YouTube description yeah she's in like she's in the credits go look right she killed it mmm a sequined pants everyone I wanted those lanes do it I felt like a [ __ ] star and this apparel really I think it's a bit of it's it's fine if some maybe it escaped some people I I really think that that's good sometimes yeah yeah cuz like it what it's gonna open up like this type of [ __ ] right where we can look at ourselves go yeah man is this is this us being too much of this or yeah I think it lets you reflect yeah but I think that's the biggest thing is that we're not afraid to like reflect on it yeah yeah then we can shoot a video like that and I think we'll we have the capacity to be like yeah those a little you know yeah yeah I mean go back watch the keep your dick fat video yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that videos like but it's funny is that we funny but it's like oh man yeah trying a little bit hard yeah yes rough yeah I think it's like we're trying oh yeah we're doing way too much yeah yeah but whatever you know yeah I mean you gotta you gotta do that [ __ ] to grow you know I think there are some I think I mean I think with anything I think some people consume humour and or what you know what I would describe as humor and I think they use it as a device to sort of like you know they secretly like hate other [ __ ] or like you know they kind of like you know they want to feel like they're sort of superior and like make fun of other people kind of thing there's this this person exists across comedy in all respects you know and like they they misinterpret like like that's cringe for being like yeah [ __ ] that guy yeah yeah that's true yeah this [ __ ] loser it's like a collar good comments like you know all the time when I do videos and people are like dude you're like you're soft now you're soft you used to rip into do and I know those are just like the dudes that yeah yeah they just want to look and just like call they just want to see like people bully other people and they're not really looking for a wit or anything like that yeah you know and I think I think people forget like we clown the girl in the you video that's because he was selling of a period face mask recipe it's like that's why we made fun of her it's like that's ridiculous bro and it's not that I didn't feel the need to defend it was sometimes I feel like they need to clarify like our intention yeah you know yeah that's fair you know and even the only one where I felt like we were truly like all right this is like come on was like the girl define girls yeah that's the only one where I felt like we actually felt some type of way about the message they were sending yeah you know and that when I will double down on and being like now they didn't that whole realm of what they were trying to put out deserved a [ __ ] on other side yes yeah some kind of counterpoint yep yeah yeah that's fair crazy-ass unrealistic expectations mmm look at your own marriage [ __ ] sorry people still send me that [ __ ] video it's rough I still haven't really watched it is it the engagement story one is that what it is or I saw some sent me a clip of them like it was like a recent video between them and it's just like it's [ __ ] oh yeah anyway so you know anyway yeah so go go enjoy the video enjoy the song we hope that you guys like it yeah I mean and and here's the thing I think that I want a lot of people that knows that music is still like we're still trying to make it fun right so we're gonna try some [ __ ] we we we have something that we're sitting on right now that is so [ __ ] left I don't even want to hype it up but I think I can definitively say it's very left what like the one one one okay yeah okay yeah that song is very different anything you've ever done yeah you know yeah and that one's gonna be a risk but I think it'll be fun yeah it's a banger though yeah it's genuinely like we're proud of that one so I think it's a saucy this don't guys don't freak out don't some people I think feel like it's like the end you know yeah the hell having this [ __ ] panic attack like they're never gonna make an obviously comedic song it's like no we will that's the great part is like we can do songs I broke [ __ ] then we can come out with a [ __ ] you know sitar based valid about you know having [ __ ] outdated I would erectile disfunction yeah there's a lot we this is our base ballad you know I would shred that would yeah with the auto-tune on yeah oh my god yeah I love that comment Cody didn't sound like a microwave oh yeah that's great we got to do a song just called microwave yeah yeah - that's just full auto-tune blast we just like take the song and visit like visually put it in a microwave yeah yeah and just you know take it out and play it yeah yeah that's a lot it sounds like yeah the whole thing she's about pizza rolls yeah yeah I do yeah I do want to say that I'm glad people dug my voice on this on this song yeah II didn't know the only person I sent it to was like yeah I don't like your voice on the song and I was like god damn but I think people like that so I don't want this to come across like I don't want anything to come across like complaining or even like like sort of [ __ ] sort of self-important like artistry [ __ ] it's like I just say we care like we do care like that's well that's why we read comments yeah hair yeah you know we don't [ __ ] we're not up there like you know we don't put out what we don't put out they don't like it they could suck off [ __ ] dicks it's like now that's the antithesis to what put us here oh yeah hundred percent I always remember like people you know like the people that like God made fun of the most on vine they were always like you know big on those haters are gonna hate dude yeah I'm just gonna keep killing it and the haters will keep hating yeah it's like at a certain point it's like you have more haters than you have fans mm-hmm that has to mean something negative that okay all it takes is for you to read some of them maybe or like looking I mean just step back and like look at what you've been doing yeah they're saying and be like okay maybe I'll shift some some some things you know yeah I never want us to become the type of people that are like [ __ ] it broke [ __ ] is a hit no listen to it yeah [ __ ] dude yeah yes haters are still listening to the song right which means we get money here and then that's it as toxic as [ __ ] yeah it's the fastest way to burn your career I think if anything I want to say thanks everyone like who listens to it and [ __ ] with it because I think you just it helps us it gives just give us a little more confidence to be like all right like we can try new things yeah you know and I appreciate a lot of people being open to hey yeah I could I could feel that in like the you know the vast majority of the comments I like it it meant a lot that people were like oh man like this isn't this isn't obviously funny but I like this you know and and and I and I 1000% appreciate feedback like oh damn Cody like I like this like I like your voice here and I like you without auto-tune yeah that's like the best thing you can ask oh yeah a hundred percent you know 100 percent I even appreciate comments where people are like yeah you know I wasn't feeling this one but then they like they list it out it's like I appreciate that way more than [ __ ] yeah you guys are [ __ ] sellout yeah that's a brainless comment even think about what was going yet this just just just leave man you'd even like watch yeah you know what the [ __ ] is this half of this is a [ __ ] act just listens to a whole podcast you're like three minutes of that was a [ __ ] ad what the [ __ ] I just got it underwear advertise to me for a minute dude by two guys oh ah dude I feel weird right now if I had more energy I was gonna hit a hill dude what the [ __ ] but I can't what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I can never scream like this um dude some one of the guys on reddit said my web be creepin on the ten I'm feeling weird again he's like what is this a pedophile joke no do you think the ten is a highway freeway that we drive on all the [ __ ] time how do you not know the ten in LA is that I mean I guess I would I wouldn't no no no not like five in Iowa you [ __ ] [ __ ] but my wit be creepin on the ten you should have said the five yeah yeah actually the double-damn you should respond to that comment and double down yeah actually no I was referring to the freeway but I had a five-year-old in my car and I'm creeping on a five-year-old on the ten and I'm feeling weird again and I'm feeling weird again it's because I get anxiety every single time I'm all on that road yeah that's not that no no it's just abstract that's [ __ ] poetry baby and it's just abstracted maybe it's not dope but who cares it sounds sick yeah all right enough sucking around dick yeah yeah it's just I'm there I'm enough I know it just in general I just want to say thank you all it does mean a lot to us that's why we're harping on it yeah yeah because we care well I mean yet to you know in our defenses I think we needed to have a conversation like this because this is the longest we've sat on a song the longest we've worked on a song and the most we've worked on a video yeah yeah oh I was and the longest we've sat on a video as well like we you know we started this song what [ __ ] last yeah um damn August August I started in August uh we saw we tracked it was like we tracked part of it in August and then we toured didn't we finish it when we came back in October yeah we did yeah we finished it in October no we finished it and then oh oh he was at that it was that it was in November yeah yeah yeah yes we finished it in mid-november and then I had to like bang out the treatment and and all that yeah and I was [ __ ] scared because so I I came up with the concept and and we we got pretty close to it which I'm really happy with but what scared me was uh at first I threw in the number of what I thought it was gonna cost and then and then when it got time I'm like oh wait [ __ ] if this turns out like horrible or they'll never let me do this again but I got I started getting like tons of anxiety like if I bomb this they're gonna be like well let's just hire another director yeah yeah we appreciate that you want to do this yeah no but yeah it's time to go to the big leagues know when we get a real director for you yeah so you know shot sanema to help for helping me in every way [ __ ] actualize this [ __ ] him and Aidan just in terms of like execution and I love Nima because he like knows what I'm going for yeah but I can have an active conversation with him like when I'm like you know blocking something out or saying like yo can we do it and he can like give me like a technical explanation of why it's not gonna work and he gives it to me like right away it's all duded it weirdly reminds me of like working in programming yeah like he always has like I just said I could he's like a [ __ ] he's like the docs for like a framework okay I feel like he gives me those types of answers there you go I was that for a compliment you're like human documentation in which is yeah but it's like the human version of Terms of Service yeah but he's like he just he like it it's [ __ ] dope because it like he'll be like you know it's not gonna look like that because this is net and like he can he kind of talks it because you know Niemann used to cut a lot like as an editor so he can you know whatever I'm talking too long about this um he's great he was great no no he's [ __ ] amazing yes but my my whole point with that is that like this is the longest we've ever like thought about something yes and so yeah you and sat on something and so when if came out mmm and you know include a Walkman video out of the water we had no idea it was gonna you know we thought about this so much we watched it so much it's like where the point was like we have no idea if this is cool we've no idea if it sounds cool looks cool whatever the [ __ ] and even from an editing standpoint that was like that that's when I really got the nerves because so we got the first pass shout out to Troy and then I sent him some notes then he put in those notes and then I wasn't feeling it and then we did another pass and I was like just I'm not not so then I stripped the whole thing down I do a cut yeah I do my own pass and I look at my own pass and I'm like yeah it's just it's not it's not [ __ ] there so then you know then NEMA sits down with me and it Nima's like yeah okay what if we tried the knee when I do a pass together and we're still like Isis [ __ ] it's just not hitting so we hit of Troy and well you sent us a project file and then we merge my cut with Nima's notes and then Troy's cuts on specific scenes and then like is this [ __ ] three person Frankenstein [ __ ] cuz then Troy and NEMA sat down with it and then they sent it to me and then I'm giving feedback so we have like a third session with the three of us essentially damn so it was like it was like six seven rounds and by that point I'm point and I'm looking at the whole thing with the [ __ ] colour you guys gangbanged it oh yeah guys wrench fraeno right brain on that cut right train on that movie you take it so you take a turn or you take a turn you take a turn but in the end I just I put Troy as the editor because he put up with like all my [ __ ] madness yeah it needs to be like [ __ ] whatever the [ __ ] so um yeah yeah I just I say all this to like highlight what you're saying because like so after sitting on the song for so long and then the video being that like as expensive as it was yeah and for that many editing passes Amaya oh my [ __ ] god you have no idea that day like when we put it out I'd like I just think it's like my whole life I just looked the other way yeah I just like close my phone yeah yeah I'm just not I don't even that's the best way to do it I think what it out and you just I did this same wall yeah I was looking at like the streams because yes Spotify app like shows you like live what the [ __ ] Islands that's what inspired me to go look yeah but I was just like I had the whole day I was just like oh boy yeah but I think it's you know it's it's appropriate at least when you put something out like this to at least like look at the feedback and then have a conversation where you like unpack things I kind of like a post-mortem you know did like yeah definitely frame how we're gonna like yeah call the future the neck so if we go with the record they were thinking of going with the next video oh man yeah I'm [ __ ] stuck that's gonna be hilarious that's good that one's gonna be definitely more obviously funny yet and that one I don't know the [ __ ] at that one paid for that one's gonna be money yeah it's it is that [ __ ] is terrifying dude not terrifying but it's like it I am man and so many things could have gone wrong that day yeah like that's the other thing with the whole with the video that I look at is so many things could have turned out bad mhm like the whole carwash setup that could have ended up being a bust and you just everything like getting you know shouted to the extras for like being able to pull off the weird [ __ ] that we wanted yeah and you know through our voice steve moore it came you know Mario's his Mario he's great he's got a good look Warren it's got a great look I want I want to use him again and the bald guy that I was polishing yeah and then hilarious go back guys and look at the short cut of like all the dudes arguing at the end look at the guy in like orange peeking over the cubicle that guy's [ __ ] face that guy's got a million-dollar smile yeah he's [ __ ] just like that he's did that on his own it was Melbourne be like oh my god dude yeah that's a funny thing I've ever seen hysterical man and also watch watching the clip or were rapping when they snap their heads yeah yeah that's funny once the guys in the background like yeah I forget what shot it is but yeah like I kind of wanted that element to be a little bit more obvious but I think it's better it's better when it's just like sort of subtle oh yeah the ball dudes like I would cue them to like look to look to camera like on the snares and stuff or like right before the transitions I want to give a big shout out to all the dudes that were in that scene yeah cuz we [ __ ] they had to come in like hours early and get their eyebrows like just [ __ ] doctored up yet it's a to mo and and her assistant I can do it I was like I don't want any eyebrows it's the weirdest requests I've yet to make and I thought it was so funny to be able to say that I don't want your eyebrows the funniest part was one of the guys at the end of the day he was like I'm keeping them like this you know Christmas party it's gonna be hilarious dude that I kind of [ __ ] with oh yeah kind of [ __ ] with you know what else I [ __ ] with hellofresh get mouth-watering seasonal recipes and pre 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10 free meals holy [ __ ] those actually cruise yeah that's hello fresh calm slash tiny meet 10 and code tiny meet ten for ten free meals including free shipping nice cool only one ad today it's good at the patreon people know there's only one ad on the public episode yeah that's great only one just one and it wasn't a funny one either yeah I don't want to hear that [ __ ] do we switch up in the humor I was enjoying this what just talking about all this [ __ ] it just made me feel good no me too maybe we're harping on it too long I don't know people like shut the [ __ ] up it wasn't that yeah it wasn't that big of a deal it was to us okay was it was it was a lot of um there's a lot of nerves yeah a lot of nerves oh yeah that's the one last thing I'll say yeah I want wanted to give a big shout out to all the the guys that played the [ __ ] ball dudes specifically when they were arguing they got in it yo yeah most of them were [ __ ] in it you should have heard this [ __ ] they were telling each other yeah it was like loud yeah they couldn't even hear a scream cut it just kept going and going yeah what was once a you shiny head they're just making fun of each other for being bald ya know one of late they said like couple the guys are getting like racial with each other okay they're just totally comfortable with it like you should night [ __ ] really black bastard I was like whoa what the [ __ ] dude that's [ __ ] up yeah but they were they were just like in it and like owner of that guy left and he was like that's kind of [ __ ] up yeah yeah I got in the card is it why do you say that yeah anyway you had been doing like a [ __ ] Lee or so just doing like some I don't even know what [ __ ] it just some big actor McConaughey okay you think you think makan ever watch away from a scene like man why did she do that to me that was a little weird probably not no probably not cuz they're in it once they're in it they're in it do you think when makan gets casted for sex scenes and if it's like a you know the actor on the other side and it's like so we're gonna you know we're gonna put on you know a nude colored underwear no you'll be protected appropriately do you think other actors go no no I have to we could just go for the real thing when they're what do you mean like when they're casted with McConaughey yeah to do so they're like yeah you know no you know what I'm totally comfortable I feel like he's comfortable we could just go totally we could actually do the deal yeah we could do the damn deed if you want we just do it for real yeah yeah we could badou for real yeah let's do let's do um penetration yeah let's do it comfortable with it no I think sign whatever forms I think we'll just keep I'm good let's do it matter of fact we could do multiple I'm down for whatever position - we could do multiple positions a matter of fact I'm not gonna do it unless he does do penetration how about that how about that wants to [ __ ] I'm not in um I'm speaking of [ __ ] let's get into some media here um relationship advice is that what this is no is it it's legal advice legal advice oh wait so we got legal advice no no we gotta come up with a new one um it's like a like Larry H Parker I'll fight for you like a [ __ ] Oh like um sleep apnea kicking my ass right like Knowland Co Associates yeah yeah yeah lawyers don't really have jingles though some of them do better call Saul Goodman and a jingle what was his I'm trying to think of one but I can't take the one don't let your situation don't let the wait shut up everyone shut up don't let the case get lethal call up Nolan co for your legal did you get covered with a bucket of poo then workers we can sue did you get covered in a bucket of poo we are the lawyers for you Nolan Co the [ __ ] experts we're cool we specialize in faeces related cases and farts yeah these farts and piss and last but not least piss double FP alright my butthole has been a location on books since 2012 and I can't get it removed oh no I wish this was fake but it's not the first thing you see when you type in my full name on Google is original posters butthole Wow this page was created in 2012 I was only 15 at the time I have reported it a million times even as friends to report it it's humiliating I tried requesting the name change of the page reported it for every option possible facebook says it doesn't violate terms tried claiming it as my business since at the bottom of the page it claims to be automatically generated off interest of the topic and not affiliated with the business which I don't understand how that happened and it wouldn't let me claim it it was never a business I was a child I feel so hopeless any advice would be appreciated I promise I'm not trolling and have proof if needed with my name obviously edited out location California TLDR de ok damn so as Miller and Kostas hits what is your professional legal opinion on this issue well first of all we're gonna have to discuss the retainer before we get into anything we need to know what our budget is here yeah and determine right cuz now you are on our time now yeah this is starting now starting no starting from when I started reading the post yes actually technically legal work and everyone listening to this is part of it as well yeah you've all signed up for them to be part of this case you know let me do a little Iraq here um out of [ __ ] what would you do what would you do I don't understand how how it how did it get up there someone just posted it um yeah yeah someone trolling that's a great that's a great way to bully someone create a just a fan page for their [ __ ] I mean like I feel like now it wouldn't work no wouldn't but it's been there for so long that somehow Eli cracked up SEO and it's indexed yeah he just got really unlucky mmm he or she whoever this is yeah they got very unlucky they got you know they say here's what they say time heals all yeah no it does not in this case it does not it makes it worse yeah yeah at time is here's my professional legal opinion uh-huh if it doesn't break Facebook's Terms of Service then there's really nothing you can do to get this down but what you could do is embrace it it's already a business page you start a butthole related business and I'm gonna suggest butt plugs here because butt plugs because we talked about that last time yeah it seems like it's relevant to this as well now why why not um you know no you should you should turn it into an anti [ __ ] bleaching movement your oh so like oh it's like a keep its net body acceptance yeah keep it natural okay yeah brace your butthole no matter what it looks like yeah no matter the shade mmm what I read whatever it is man that's you be you yeah yeah yeah it could be yeah could be pink yeah could be you know a little discolored yeah and whatever you've been doing uh-huh doesn't matter yeah do whatever yeah do whatever you want with your butthole as well butthole free the butthole that's a free to butthole it should be a free the butthole movement yeah someone said that off of my joke of only um only only dudes can wear the sexy cop outfits someone say oh man you gonna be disappointed when it actually happens I don't say no I'm not I'm beyond me thoroughly impressed yeah the boys showed up what's up mr. officer anyways in my professional legal opinion if it doesn't violate Terms of Service what I'm gonna say is we go to the next level this is a Supreme Court case mmm I think we have to take it to the higher powers escalate it yeah and you know real realistically this case is gonna take five years mmm and so we'll have to discuss the retainer for a five-year kid okay yeah yeah you know but that's the direction I think we should go okay yeah um and if we lose in the Supreme Court then I think we sue Facebook civilly yeah you know yes you're looking at like a ten year timeline so my professional opinion is that we're gonna have to discuss the retainer yeah yeah okay yeah that's a good professional opinion yeah yeah here's the thing you can sue for damages on this uh you can sue for butthole damages you can because this kind of ruins the reputation of you and your butthole that's the that's the important thing yeah is that this person is making a fool of you but they're also making a fool of your your anus chocolate starfish yeah and that's not cool yeah yeah your mud hole yeah stay away from the corn hole hmm come at me all you want leave my my balloon not yeah you do not speak ill of my balloon knot that is [ __ ] what else is like an [ __ ] balloon nut starfish my my southern kiss yeah yeah um that's [ __ ] that's message that's a funny one dude I'm man I would just have to apologize I'm sorry the sleep apnea beat my ass today oh [ __ ] I feel like ass I'm anyway sometimes you just got to go zombie mode yeah zombie mode that we should make that a song zombie mode for everyone on their corporate grind damn that's kind of a good idea yeah just [ __ ] with ya or if you're like too [ __ ] up yeah as I am B mode yeah you just [ __ ] we'll call the song goin goin whole Nate Diaz yeah yeah just walking forward yeah speaking of speaking of the fights but we've talked about the Connor fight we did that was last week yeah we did so um but JP's got a fight coming up this week and yeah I was about how I was watching buddy whoo-hoo he's fightin um unorthodox is what i'ma say how so uh I alert what yeah everything about him is like he's a awkward dude yeah physically awkward like as a boxer mmm it's like you know he's got the movement of your little brother being your ass he's got but he's pretty wild and like he's committed like he gets in the pocket like he wants like you want but you saw a video of him like I watched some arm fights yeah okay yeah between the two of them Jake definitely is more put together as a fighter right like he's like you know his jabs and so like as a fighter he looks tighter more composed this guy is a bit like [ __ ] he'll fight a dude like six five okay and just like you know March in under there leaning back throwing like like wild punches over top and connect and then like like he kind of like bounces out like a little [ __ ] look a little like Super Mario just looking like yeah but he lands shots and I'm like how it's like weird so I'd be curious to see cuz he likes he likes to put on pressure he likes to get in there like pepper you up so I'd be curious to see how you know this Jake with all one of his boxing matches how he deals with someone like in his [ __ ] is there no headgear for this one it's gonna be probably weight or whatever I don't know I'm not gonna watch it uh you know I'm I'm definitely not gonna say I'm gonna watch it yeah okay yeah I see yeah I said I'm not gonna watch it I'm definitely not gonna but watch it yeah as of today yeah yeah I might not I might not consider not watching it yeah I'm like I might not say that I'm not gonna like potentially watch it perhaps yeah yeah but I won't say that no what I'm not saying is that I won't potentially say that I'm gonna watch it so yeah we'll see how it goes you know go go to that video that I sent to the way to have telegram open or no oh I do not but you know what it can do what you know just google it actually yeah yeah I know what it is I mean it's an absolute heater of a video oh no um hold on oh ah man here we go coffee's running through me yeah I gotta say I gotta shut out the restaurant that we went to last night can I do that real quick sure funny if we ever win a massive award that's what we got to do and best comedy out of the year tiny meeting gang get up there yo I just want to give a quick shout-out to a genetic filet on Sunset Boulevard Asian Express on Slauson yo wok cane oh yeah big big shout out crush some orange chicken last night and actually heated it up before we came here and had the leftovers yeah it's not feeling good just want to say big shout out no big shout out to Troy Mac oh yeah yeah yeah I've always considered going there oh my god dude it was unbelievable that had been the best meal French people rolling over in their boy Mac and their mother yeah we met um no really was [ __ ] incredible it's so much fun eating like that it was like a five quarter five six course thing yeah it was more like eight courses because they had like little snacks yeah so much fun eating like that this all comes out fast it's not on the bad [ __ ] of waiting around for a meal figuring out what you want none of that [ __ ] you sit down food starts coming it's incredible yeah and you're like what's next yeah and then by the time you know it's like a hour and a half's gone by you're nice and all think about it yeah yeah I agree all right the box rowdy rich I have to play low this giant gay broadcasting from Jacksonville have to watch this guy a capella I mean I appoint a sexier sir good dark lips captain guess what he said by 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. I read all of your comments from Johnny live oh man yeah all right so just so few of you listening the context here is the old man in Jacksonville Florida sitting next to his karaoke machine and the video title is the Box rowdy rich so yeah this old man is about it to the box my rowdy rich he's a hundred and thirty six thousand likes yeah ready why is he doing this dude you know he just wants to be on you know he's alive now Johnny D is alive go go to his livestream go check the live stream oh man all right we're doing this just real quick I mean we're at the end anyway [Music] I don't all right hurry up cause we're gonna get copyrighted um is that what that was I don't know I don't he avoids it apparently in this video I don't know that's no oh boy oh boy have you not seen this no his eyes blue his he'll bro look like Daniel Craig from the bridge up from the eyelid kind of does I don't know who messed up my computer you alright alright do you see the you see the Bud Light ads that posted yeah they're so [ __ ] funny dude you smell hilarious genius so funny the spleen thing yeah such a great job it really is I was more into the physical comedy of him just like yanked all over the [ __ ] a convenience store that's it so I loved how sorry I was just talking on my spleen yeah love that you got any pretzels nailed that line I was talking at the Doritos commercial he did and Sosa is in the back oh yeah yeah yeah yeah oh wait real quick sidebar this [ __ ] is like how the box by roddy rich is made in seven minutes it's like no I've watched that fair you know yeah yes you can make that beat in seven minutes after other people spent hours making it I [ __ ] hate when people say that [ __ ] yo this beat was made in 30 seconds it wasn't no no no I don't think that's what they're saying no I think they're saying here here's how it was made I edited this down edited this now because obviously they didn't make it in seven minutes either it's like you can watch it how it's made in seven minutes I always interpret those as like it's look at this look how easy this beat is yeah so I make it in four minutes yeah yeah or you know it's like the other do from tick-tock how to rap like the baby in one minute I hate I hate those videos it's like I [ __ ] hate those it's like no wrote you can do that in a minute because another person did that already multiple times and then you listening to it a bunch of times yeah okay this is how they did it yeah it's like no [ __ ] by the way I know something always like you could talk about anything can you talk about that I farted to my mother yeah like nah yeah yeah yeah yeah look how to sound like the baby in one minute after ripping his entire cadence delivery and style of writing yeah by the way know someone's gonna call you I'm being like funny how Cody says it's cool to cringey yourself and then he [ __ ] look makes fun of that old guy and says what why is he doing that because he wants to he's like yeah yeah might as well get ahead of those good now all the comments are gonna be this is Cody and fifty boys or whatever hey look it's Cody right now no I just meant like I just meant yeah I mean I guess but like it no I just feel like it's kind of Abner abnormal for like a you know eighty year old to be like I'm gonna do karaoke online I don't I'm not hating the fact that he wants to do it and you know it is bro how he shouldn't be saying the n-word I don't know if that's what he did though okay I don't know if that's what he did again I didn't have headphones but I don't know if that's what he did um I think yeah he's just one of those innocent like you know so one of those innocent accounts dude where he's just oh look he games as well he's just keeping up with it man he's just he's just here with us he's just another dude on the Internet damn he does a lot of these videos yeah well that that hat is my boy Gus absolute ice-cold you know bros got a crazy upload schedule damn great oh you got you got bumping crying on there and he does the sunglasses he's got rocket League with Elijah Pepe Wow he's playing fortnight with Miss Helen okay I'm saying our boy our boys dreams two-streams man I mean like he streams games yeah on yeah so he's he's with it bro he's with it Jonny Helen he's just he's just a user like the rest of us yeah that's I mean yeah who am I to judge addicted to the Internet alright before we get out of here can I just mention one tick tock yeah let's do it and maybe leave it alone but I was just chuckling at this [ __ ] specific tick tock because my man in the back in his [ __ ] like football dad outfit yeah I was chuckling this is like should I do you even need sound for this now you know it's we're gonna yeah so if you just listening is this is a couple boys one of which i think is too old to be in this damn whoo hype house buddy on the right okay there only is like 22 or 23 em [ __ ] and everyone else is on the far right yeah they're twins so it's two guys I'm pretty sure are they yeah I think so or whatever someone understanding zhuzhing like his mid-20s and the high house is full of 15 year-olds and he's just in that [ __ ] doing this stuff doing body rolls and pump in the air now that being said ondrea's Lopez I know he just might have just dissed you a little bit but if you want to do a dance to broke [ __ ] yeah yeah go for it go for it dude like you know we're not gonna stop you in fact I think you're scared yeah I think you walked through it I think you're scared and you're afraid of doing a dance III didn't really bring this up I'm just chuckling in my man and his in his football dad outfit because look he should be playing sports he got the body movement of a athlete yeah this move is really funny yeah this move yeah like four four-four homies to sit around back okay and then we're gonna do yeah do the do the do the finger butterfly to the to the waist and then hit and then immediately is a body roll right after and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna walk towards the camera and smirk because you know you can tell but he likes to dance but it's just like it's just his body's not yeah it's not like doing what he wants it to do like in the end this ITT shirt you know and his his coach and coach Kyle outfit that [ __ ] is like it's just not this is not the kid that walks through the back - yeah that's how you know that's you know the hype house people are checked out oh yeah oh yeah yeah they're doing the body to do this all day today is [ __ ] this is their sixth hour of doing this yeah you girls are do behind the camera like that like the coach in the [ __ ] Netflix cheer show he's like yeah it's five six seven eight two people we removed the last two counts the body roll goes after the finger butterfly Jesus [ __ ] so you guys aren't listening to me why did they start with five it's only explaining that [ __ ] to me yeah why isn't it one two three four maybe it's like the ideas like you're gonna oh you start on one yeah but you could just go one two three four one two three four you could do that you could do that or you know two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve twelve and a half thirteen one just keep going yeah the [ __ ] yeah we should finish every podcast episode like this where we go alright [Laughter] I'll walk up the frame to turn it off yeah there it is there it is there it is hidden that [ __ ] I would just let this [ __ ] loop we give another loops I don't know whiners liners let's just do them right now to camera yo what up this is a tiny meet gang welcome back you're listening to Apple music it's gotta be on the phone Kyle's here too alright let's just wrap it up thanks for listening to the sleep apnea episode guys we are doing the bonus episode tomorrow yeah yeah and if you're um if you were body rolling along with us then we appreciate ya if your body rolling along in the comments you know feel free to throw us a few jazz fingers and shut up the coach Kyle yeah Celtic I love it I did not see that guy you didn't definitely don't know look at that little man I was saying that the dude on the right looks like the e boy version of the villain from the kind of look at this kid is Rex Ryan's nephew trying to do choreo you know who I'm talking about the fit is [ __ ] up already you know saying like he can't hit it I feel bad he got the you got the body role of a linebacker look at my God look there's one more time let it rip let it rip search this guy Crispin Crispin Glover oh boy well that's been Glover yeah sounds like a porn name oh yeah yeah yeah but yeah my picture with him with like parted hair yeah that one that one that I sent you this joint yeah yeah he does he does get that Crispin Glover look he really does man he boy version of that what Crispin Glover well no they are good dancers those of those two twins yeah yeah yeah that's that that's implied we don't got to give you know the real highlight is Rex Ryan's nephew that's all I really cared about in this in this scenario all right Joe thanks guys appreciate you yeah yeah thanks for [ __ ] with the new song we appreciate it and Tina conference and merch bonus episode this is the beginning of the comeback all right don't worry we getting caught up this year in a very cool way so oh that's good well she's got a nice notification from citizen that eight were injured in a massive high-rise fire oh nice yeah you definitely want to read that and they're not good now yeah all right guys all right thanks bye
Channel: TMG Studios
Views: 276,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EpUxwTwPO-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 23sec (4223 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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