Cody Ko - H3 Podcast #211

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Im fukkin ded

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 60 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/retrogreq πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I like the fact they got Cody on, he's the perfect guest for the show. However, I wish they went into even more detail while comparing their video making processes and I also wish this episode was a little longer!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 31 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/owenpoconnell πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great interview but they've got to get my boy Noel Miller on for a tag team pod next time

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NewFreezer18 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Keem’s gonna say Hila got mad at Ethan last episode so now she’s not in this one 🀣

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HorrorComedy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

dan losing his shit in the background has been one of my favorite aspects of the podcasts recently. Adds so much I love it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Spenerwill πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

They definitely talked about poop a lot

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FlyersKJM πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Good episode. I've never seen Cody's videos but seems like a cool dude

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/phullofit1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The way Dan and I reacted the exact same way when Cody said he has a buddy that wipes from the front. This is one of the funniest episodes of the pod

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/meerkatsandfrogs πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Man GERD sucks all jokes aside. Sucks that Ethan can't find a lot of relief. I had it when I was at my heaviest and found the only thing that actually helped me deal with it/not feel like shit was to lose the weight. Lost probably 30ish pounds and felt better.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BokuNoStrength πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
welcome everybody back to the h3 podcast uh number 27 podcast in the usa 5.5 on wiki feed uh with us today is cody ko cody do you have a wiki page i don't know let's find out i've never looked yeah can you look well let's look right now i mean so do you know what wikifeed is yeah i know what it is yeah and i gotta say oh am i on there really good rating bro real no way you have a 4.9 you have a 4.9 out of five yeah but i have what i have a 5.5 out of five yeah dude you have a better than perfect yes deep rating they they somehow made the website so you can transcend a perfect score but there's a lot you have like three feet or something my no my dick is tiny dude um you should really look here there's a lot of pictures of your feet i will say that these fetishes are really easy to uh impress you know what i mean yeah yeah like the standards aren't that high no i don't know i'm really self-conscious about my feet because i oh wow oh my god i see that's the one so this is what you see how much that's what i'm talking about i took that picture on tuesday this tuesday and i was gonna post it to my story and then i showed it to kelsey and i was like my feet are in it like i really have really bad feet and i was like do they look bad in this picture and she said no no they look fine and so i posted it and then every single dm response i got was either small feet or disgusting feet every single one yes like like 50 of them every night granted my feet do look pretty small no they look totally normal bro i gotta i gotta be here and support you and i i gotta just ride for you and tell you that your feet those are 4.9 feet thank you man you got to feel good about that rating if you have feet issues yeah i mean that means a lot good for you bro well i'm glad to start off on a happy note here yeah but i do have to confess something to you what i brought you here under false pretense no what is it this is actually an intervention about you being a cyberbully yeah [Music] yeah um actually dude do you have ptsd from being blitzed by jake paul that looked really stressful um i think i'm i've gotten i've gotten over it i think i've it's you know weather the storm um you know he's doing his thing i'm doing my thing i'm sure maybe he still doesn't like me i don't i mean i don't know i i'm just i honestly i want to go back on jeff's show mm-hmm i i was thinking it'd be it'd be a funny like sequel if i went back on because we have like beef now it's fake beef but it's like real beef at the same time oh i haven't been following that so um well no it's just like from the fact that he ambushed me right you know i gotta say if i was you i'd be a little pissed because it's like jake came out hot and heavy but it wasn't just jake it was like everybody all the sudden was like yeah you know he he sometimes if you made a video about me i'd be gutted and all these guys are like it's like a straight up intervention bro i felt like it was just not cool and i disagree with them by the way too i don't think your shit's mean-spirited oh thank you i appreciate that um yeah i mean yeah so i was like you're saying i should have been pissed at jeff i would i would have you're a much better person than i am apparently i would have been a little pissed like dude what the [ __ ] you know afterwards i was like because i was telling people and they were like you should probably be like pissed at him and i was like because we had been hiking that day we went on a nice hike together wow and then before shooting the show and i was like we're going to go on a hike i'm going to get a haircut it's going to be a great day and and so we went on the hike and it was great and i felt good and then we sat down for the haircut and that happened but i was just like oh but we did go on a hike together earlier so i can't be that mad because it was a nice hike and then people were like you should probably be pretty mad and then i mean like i think that it turned out kind of funny like the whole situation for sure turned out pretty pretty funny and so i wasn't that mad but then now i'm kind of fake mad and so i kind of want to go on a show again and be like don't ambush me again yeah i wonder if there's someone else he could have in the closet to ambush you different people at first he told me he said we were trying to get lele pawns to come in and she said yes and then her manager someone said no you shouldn't do that and so she was like okay fine if only jake had handlers that smart yeah but it was actually it was the greatest uh reverse card ever because i remember he when he posted his video trying to slam on you dude that's like got a 99 dislike and uh and yeah i think it worked out pretty well for you but actually are you following the jake paul news because like for example it just came out that he owes two million dollars in federal taxes is that true i saw that but i didn't know if it was true or not you know what i don't know if it's true or not either it was kind of a tabloidy paper yeah a little bit how would you ever know how much money someone owes to the irs that's a really good question uh but i wouldn't be surprised like does the irs talk to the press yeah i don't think so like you won't [ __ ] believe us i got a juicy one for you guys yeah be like hey dude jake paul did you guys does he owe you guys any money yeah for that [ __ ] guy yeah yeah um so how are you dude how are you dealing with everything you've got a show you've got the uh the real the real bros excuse me that cough is gonna [ __ ] end me dude are you all right yeah i'm fine i just have acid reflux but i feel like it's ruining our show because i can't stop coughing is it because of is it like why do you get that is it natural my buddy has it is because he eats things that his body doesn't react well to but he likes he likes them so he sometimes he eats i haven't eaten i intentionally didn't even eat anything today because i didn't want to inflame it so i'm on i'm running on amp you're fat you're fasting yeah i'm fasting for you but uh it's not working is it natural um i don't know is incest natural i guess that's a bigger question because i've got all these because i mean i don't know is it because i've got all these neurological [ __ ] diseases from being like purebred ashkenazi jew okay and so like they all are inbred so i don't know is incest natural that's a question for you so you're saying it it's from incest mm-hmm the acid reflux my tourette syndrome and my g-a-d they call it which is g-a-d no not g-a-d it's a g-g-r-e-m i think what is it called when you guys look it up i think it's g-e-r-d right g-e gerd gerd astro esophageal reflux disease that's what i've got gerd that's a pretty apt name for that i'm sorry you got any like diseases [Laughter] um i don't have any diseases damn yeah so [ __ ] lucky yeah i know i think i don't know yeah i'm pretty good as of now but i'm getting now i'm i'm about to turn 30 and i just i'm feeling myself physically breaking down a little bit but you seem fake that's not a disease i mean it's just aging yeah i definitely feel it yeah um so you're working on the show you got your youtube channel you're touring you've got the podcast how is covid hitting you because it seems like it would affect a lot of the stuff that you work on regularly yeah i mean it so for real bros they had to stop shooting because we needed basically two these two shots that we couldn't get once coveted hit and so that show stopped and then we just filmed it again like a month ago and so the episodes will resume in like a week um for youtube honestly like staying home like at the beginning of it staying home all day every day all i did was write videos and shoot them and so i was posting way more frequently because it was like the only thing that i could focus on um and then yeah for the podcast it's been fine i don't know mentally like i i we had to postpone the tour uh till the summer and then till next summer so that was you know kind of you know a bummer but uh it kind of felt good just to stay in la and not go anywhere yeah for a while i've never like not traveled you know or like been on a plane or something um for like longer you know two months or whatever so it's been it's been fine just staying here um that's so privileged bro i know well i mean like just for work too you know i set you up dude i know i asked you and then i dunked them it's just you know even like traveling for work or whatever it's just i used to do it all the time and now just staying in one place yeah i hate traveling man i i don't think i could ever take this podcast on the road just because i just the touring is such a such a schlep dude yeah yeah no it's it's pretty rough sometimes i mean it's a lot of fun yeah it is a great experience it is yeah it really is amazing like performing um but it weighs on you like there's some just living on a bus for a month at a time it's like by the end you're like i just [ __ ] go home right like the second one we did i got home and this is like you know a month i hadn't been home in a month and i opened my front door and at some point during the month my my toy like my sewage sewage system backed up oh [ __ ] so my entire apartment was filled with like human [ __ ] the whole thing no like two inches thick oh was it your [ __ ] or like everyone's [ __ ] i mean i think it was a decent amount of mine yeah because i recognized the smell a little bit you know you're like oh what is that okay oh that's [ __ ] horrific yeah sorry sorry if that's no that's fine i'm just i'm just that's a horrible way to come home so then i had to we had to you know call servpro to come clean it up and then they had to redo the floors i had to throw everything out because everything it touches is black water so when it dries it releases bacteria into the air so then i had to make a giant insurance claim for like all the stuff it destroyed so i was living in a hotel for like a month when i got back from not being home for a month sucked wow dude how much stuff did you lose to bla by the way black water is a hell of a name gets me every time i hear that like uh it's not enough that it's covered in [ __ ] it's black water bro yeah so it's kind of like your apartment burning down you lost a lot of stuff yes because like it it dripped into my office so like all the cords i have on the ground and everything and my computer's on the ground like it touched basically everything yeah you you got to throw that out once it touches i was yeah so it wasn't wasn't a fun situation so um dude we had a little bit of a beef do you remember about tai lopez there wasn't a beef there was like hella beef for a minute dude it was a beef i like having beef with people so yeah it was a beef well yeah you pissed at you yeah i was pissed at you bro you were pissing me dude i was so angry no i'm kidding but um what i was going to ask is that you seem to be a part of this new wave of like commentary channels is more wholesome than the traditional sense is that a conscious decision you make to kind of to uh try to be probably less toxic than what's out there or is it kind of just naturally what you like to make um although jake paul would disagree but yeah exactly am i naturally i think naturally i'm a cyber bully at heart right right right no i think yeah i think it's just this i don't know i feel like maybe when i started and i was trying to emulate the con like you know i don't know i i was maybe a little bit more mean-spirited because i really just wanted to make fun of things and then as you get older it's like that's not what it's almost like negative energy is is actually pretty bad and people don't really respond to that and it doesn't really get you that far um and i really don't want to like tear things apart and roast things as much as people think i do it's just some things are just funny and you just point out that it's funny but then it's even funnier to go meet up with that person and see what he's really like you know you ever hear from someone you've made a video about other than like jake paul like i wonder about how the uh the the christian girls against uh thinking about boys they don't yeah they don't like us what is the name of their group a girl defined yeah girl defined yeah so have they responded at all to your commentary yeah they they posted they didn't like respond on youtube but they posted this thing on their website that was like um it was like an ad for their tour or their book or something like that i forget what it was but it said it said with 20 million views on youtube it's our biggest video to date the only problem is we didn't make it and it's in reference to our video and then i don't know if i forget what it says afterwards it goes on about how we suck they never refer to us though by name and so they've definitely like they don't like us that's a shame yeah i mean i feel like you got that one i feel like it's fair though well i mean dude it's gotta like there's no way that either of you guys could have expected that that video would have got because that video now has like over 20 million views yeah and those girls have just got i mean they got [Music] dude you just jesus christ the [ __ ] out of them i mean it was crazy yeah we didn't know it was going to be that popular yeah like at the time that was like one of the first ones we did i think the first that's cringes yeah and like i don't even think i had a million subscribers i think they had more really i didn't realize they're a big channel well god bless them i think maybe i'm not sure but i know that like their videos like the ones that we responded to like the how to dress modestly at the at the pool and stuff like that when they were like you know like wear a parka at the pool yeah the summer like those ones had hundreds of thousands of views because people would watch them and be like this is ridiculous oh okay so you you guys weren't the first by the way congratulations on five billion uh subscribers thank you five trillion five trillion excuse me yeah how is uh i mean your channel's been growing a lot lately dude how's it uh how's that feeling man i mean it feels [ __ ] sick yeah it's dope right yeah man like i'm rich now oh yeah you guys it's no but it's it's awesome i mean i don't i haven't posted as much as i'd like to in the last couple months but like at the start of covet i was posting a lot and everything was going well and then and then i started focusing on other things and it just feels like i want to do too much sometimes so it's like you can't yeah i feel that it's hard it's hard to like i can't prioritize things you know did you do your fans get angry when you don't post people like tweet me and they're like okay what's up yeah where's videos yeah where are the videos so what are you working on how do we justify your disappearance okay i'm posting this video tomorrow that i've been working on for like a month and a half same sort of thing well when's this gonna go out this will go up uh on monday right there okay yeah so yeah so i can talk about it because it'll be up already it's um i did the same sort of thing i i met i made one of the that's cringe episodes we did with this guy named darman you've never seen his videos he does like inspirational like uh sketches that he teaches people lessons um and so we did that scrims on him and then i did a follow-up video on on him because he gets like he gets like hundreds of millions of views on on i think overall between youtube and facebook he's about to hit nine billion views or something like that whoa or four billion like it's in the billions though it's an absurd amount of views and he's growing this into like a legitimate company he's now opening like a uh i actually i don't know if i could talk about that and you've got inside he does these sketches and i've made fun of them twice and so and then he dm'd me and was like oh your video was really funny and i was thinking i was like how could i you know how could i make this more of a positive thing where where i try to like figure out what it takes to create one of these and so i dm'd him and i called him and i told him i was like i want to write one i want to write one of these sketches see if i can do it and if you like it you produce it and i'll even be in it and i want to see if i can get like tens of millions of views too writing like you right and and he was like sure let's go for it and so i did it and then we worked together on the script and i just learned a ton of about like why he writes the way he writes like they're all really simple like overly simple very cliche but it's because he has a lot of like international people that don't speak english and a lot of like six-year-olds their moms will like make them watch the videos because it teaches them good lessons and so it's like a lot of stuff that i didn't consider and so i learned a lot by writing this and then i went and shot it and met with the guy who directs them edits them and everything and then it came out on his channel last friday and so the rest of the video is me like reacting to the final sketch wow wait how did i wha what's the name of his channel darman darman yeah d-h-a-r-m-a-n-n i gotta see this worldwide uh let's see oh wait that's not this is some random [ __ ] oh good yeah let's see the cody coho uh i want to see this inspirational [ __ ] oh yeah dude we are inspiring the world 1.9 million views go watch in a few months i'll be the head chef of this kitchen yeah i want to be head chef too but come on man it's our first day on the job give it time i don't have time i want it now i can't tell which one's the hero jake you can't cook eggs on high heat good eggs have to be cooked slowly otherwise they'll be dry look the faster i cook these eggs the more customers i can feed oh this guy's going way too fast i get it but that fast and to be done fast some things require patience so can you show me the channel uh ian because i do his face go to his facebook page oh see yeah this is the kind of guy that would crush on facebook facebook's a while look at this like look at his top most popular uploads they have like like 14 million 12 million 10 million wow 9 million dude i'm always i'm always amazed at like uh the kind of content i find that i just didn't even know existed there's so many huge channels and personalities on the internet yeah same and and yeah that's that's one of the things too is like peeling back the or figuring out like what goes on underneath the surface like i went to his channel i was like this guy gets so many views just assuming it was this one guy making these videos just for the views and i met him and he has like an entire production team yeah he does his videos months in advance like he posts one every two days and he he's writing the ones that he's gonna post in like six months like it's an entire uh you know like process that he has and he really [ __ ] cares about like teaching people good lessons he's like a really genuine dude wow that's so interesting his intentions so going there and going through this whole process like you might it must have been turned all of your assumptions kind of backwards about the guy yeah 100 100 so we got to go get you to spend a day with jake paul maybe see if that turns around your assumptions i wonder if that would entrench them or turn them around i would do that yeah i would do that i just feel like i don't know i feel like maybe he would try i don't know you know i don't know if he would be into it yeah i almost fee do you ever almost fall shane dawson already did that right yeah shane did that but he was trying to prove that he was a sociopath so i'm not exactly sure he went there with an open mind right dan can you turn cody up a little bit i almost feel bad for jake sometimes like living in the shadow of his brother the dude just like he just got raided by the fbi i mean damn that's pretty wild and nobody knows why right yeah i've been producing the guns or something it wasn't the guns they went in they found the guns there and they had to take them out to secure the perimeter but uh part of me that's why people watch man they like that you know i had a kill button last episode i don't know why my gerd has been going crazy my jewelry and i had a kill button usually ela's with me and um so i kept killing the butt the mic and coughing like super [ __ ] loud getting into it like because i couldn't i thought nobody could hear but ela's sitting right here and it was worse yeah no her mic wasn't muted so it was like the worst episode ever people were just like i can't watch this [ __ ] ethan is always [ __ ] coughing yeah people get really mad when we eat into the mic i've never i've never minded that sound like hearing someone chew um but it really pisses people off like really bad i don't eat that i can't believe you [ __ ] did this again like i'm in my car and you guys just won't stop drinking and eating into the mic and it's so disrespectful and it's like i'm just trying to eat some nuts you know yeah i have the same reaction i i'm with you 100 i don't really i'm not bothered by the sound but people get very angry too when we do that and um have you stopped or you're just saying [ __ ] it i'm gonna eat we i stop but you know when i get a little hungry what are you gonna do yeah and i need a little eat away from the mic i try i go yeah but then i you know usually the last final chew will be a into the mic you have to give it you just have to let them know yeah yeah yeah yeah dude i learned this about you that i a thing i didn't know not that i don't know what to do i i'm sorry like i've been trying everything i can to fix this issue i thought it was coffee i stopped drinking coffee i didn't [ __ ] drink any coffee okay that's a big sacrifice uh oh and i was like oh maybe it's oatmeal i've been eating just plain [ __ ] oatmeal in the morning like the most depressing breakfast you can imagine okay cut out the plain oatmeal here i am with a glass of water so i don't know what to do to the people i mean i'm on medicine yeah have you tried like pepcid or something dude i take sh i take [ __ ] omaprazol dude i take the serious [ __ ] i take a pill every morning i take a bill every morning ian that reduces the amount of fluid in my [ __ ] acid in my stomach man and like i still ca i still can't stop so i don't know maybe this business isn't for me does that mess with your bowel movements at all no my bowel movements have been really clean lately thanks for asking that's good that's good how was your bowel movements in general cody i'd like to know mine have been pretty clean this week this week i've been eating well i actually stopped coffee too two weeks ago why because it it like i don't know i have i have weird anxiety but it's like super physical like hold on just popped up like i get really weird physical anxiety symptoms like i can't feel my limbs and it's just weird oh wow when i drink coffee in the morning it used to start i used to like just kick it off at like 10 a.m i would just feel anxious all day and i just think about make my heart rate go up and i don't know my trip my like you know my threshold now is way lower for some reason when i'm like worried about a whole bunch of [ __ ] i get really anxious and then like it just anything will kick it off and coffee every single day i was just feeling like [ __ ] so i stopped i've been drinking tea does it help it's yeah i think so is it caffeine because it's the caffeine right i think it's the caffeine yeah you drinking caffeine-free tea caffeine yeah it's just like yeah yeah uh but about your bowel movements like pretty good pretty clean pretty clean yeah yeah so coffee used to like you know well it would clean me out every morning but now you're a little more backed up now backed up but it's like more solid you know that's good this i would i would change i would take a rig like a good solid valve movement over a regular bowel movement yeah every time yeah yeah and when you're wiping uh uh do you use a wet one do you have a bidet what what's going on i um i'll just take take a poop and then just jump straight into the shower no i'm kidding i was ah dude there's people that do that i know my my buddy my buddy wipes from the front yeah i do that i'm not kidding you don't do that you don't swear to god i wipe from the front you pick like what do you do well it makes sense to me i i cut my balls and dick [Music] so obviously i don't want to get poop on it then just go from the back no because i've been doing this my whole life it doesn't i can't go from the back you don't understand once you i've been going from the front if i go from the back it's like i feel like i'm just leaving [ __ ] everywhere you can't get a proper clean but these but so you do you stand when you wipe or do you literally just lean off to the side and see i don't see the leaning seems so ridiculous i don't have to leave he goes in cupping your own dick and balls well i'm not getting [ __ ] on it i mean leanings like a whole activity i mean it's like you're getting it just like this that's it okay so say you're in a public restroom god forbid it happens to all of us you're gonna risk touching the bull with your hand to lean over and wipe your ass like i don't have to touch the ball when i wipe from the front oh i see yeah but it's like your wrist and it's like yeah i guess that's true i've never really thought of that before also i feel like also do you look at the toilet paper after you wipe so just some maybe if it's like the last one to make sure okay because i look at everyone and i feel like if i was wiping from the side i wouldn't be able to look at it because how are you going to pull out a shitty you can pull it what do you mean because you look at it like you finish and then you look at it when it's already down i see if you pull out a shitty square from the side it's going to get on your thigh it's going to get on the toilet i mean no it's not i'm saying it on myself it's dangerous it seems like a dangerous maneuver use baby wipes this is this is great i don't but i have before and it really is something magical you just use straight dry toilet paper yeah i do that's [ __ ] crazy yeah i feel like america is third world and as far as wiping is concerned i mean the fact that you don't use baby wipes or bidet it means that you have [ __ ] all over your [ __ ] like there's no way you could properly clean your [ __ ] with just paper oh yeah dude i go i dig no i dude you ever went with your [ __ ] there's red you know yeah you what i know that's how you know you're done wiping is when your [ __ ] bleed that's gotta be really hard i remember we my buddy and i like backpacked through thailand and and some places there it's just like a hose you just spray your [ __ ] that's crazy it's like a little gun it's like a little like you know we use for gardening it's like one of those did you get no toilet paper or anything you just and then you pull your pants up with just a wet ass your whole ass and what did you find like an hour later how did you feel did you feel like they're like it was all good kind of itchy i don't know like because that means just poop in your butt if it's itchy well not that i'm talking about the cheeks like i get this weird thing where if i go in a pool or something i think it's because my butt's like kind of hairy yeah i've got that when i come out of the pool and i dry and then i just sit i'm sitting around i'll get itchy cheeks oh just the cheeks yeah huh i i want to know if anyone else gets that or that maybe that's my disease yeah itchy cheek syndrome itchy cheeks yeah i get that too i know what you're talking about yeah you do okay oh i've never felt itchy cheeks before yeah no it sucks because there's no like curing it it's just you can't you can't scratch the itch it's just like stays there oh that sounds horrible well i will tell you in defense of front wipers uh we've conducted a survey because i like to say you know where there's two kinds of people in this world and they and they don't even know about each other i for example assumed everybody wiped from the front people from the back all assume people away from the back we conducted a survey i believe it was like 40 of people wiped from the front so it's much more of us out there than you know wow 40 dude that's actually kind of unbelievable we did the survey it was like 40 right dan uh yeah uh i was shocked i am a back wiper myself and um that's why i started laughing so hard as soon as you said of course i wiped from the back because i was like oh here we go yeah we had it i mean there was like a whole month dedicated to this great debate we have okay gotcha but you know you can always i don't know the front thing is weird to me well i can i get that but it's just the way it's just who i am as a person and frankly the fact that you would even try to discriminate or to make me feel bad for who i was born as is is [ __ ] up i respect it will you try it no you know what's funny bert uh there's comedian bert crusher who we've had on the show a couple of times yeah and in his new comedy special he was talking about wiping and he made this gesture on stage like this yeah like just like like from walls and and and then i immediately dabbed him i'm like your front wiper bro i know exactly what that was and he's like yeah 60 of the audience is like what the [ __ ] would did he just do yeah it's awesome but i do recommend you because i know you're doing well in life now you've got a lot of stuff going on you're doing good god bless get a bidet okay is it is it really that good i mean i don't like changing i don't use toilet paper so you just it what is it it just automatically does it you don't got to touch anything you know well there's a button on the side okay you can control the pressure the aim although this thing's like got ai it always hits the [ __ ] there's some dude in japan it has [ __ ] detection there's one dude in japan who's just looking at millions of [ __ ] programming you think it's a one dude yeah it's just one guy who's [ __ ] super traumatized um it's got just got buttons you can do like oscillation you can do pulses uh the seat is warm the water is warm and it just power washes your [ __ ] and it sounds like a bougie-ass toilet and it also has a dryer oh so it like oh see that's what i was wondering is it sprays and then that's my problem with the with the gun it was that it was just my ass would just stay wet well but this dries it too yeah it's got a drier bro it's like a hand dryer on your ass although it's like a full like wash cycle for your ass yeah it's called a toto there's like these japanese uh toilets hotel yeah i'll look into that but traditionally uh they just have like a a side like a hand towel that you kind of just draw your ass off with which is a little nasty i agree a little bit yeah but that's what it is man and i think it's you a real i mean it changed my life i gotta look into that your your girlfriend is a uh school teacher right yeah she teaches preschool is it i find it bizarre that she's still doing that because she has a successful youtube channel she really likes it she likes she's just a good person yeah she wants to know but she loves kids she went to school for it she's really good at it and um yeah she just like genuinely likes teaching kids wow and she really like you know she like all the kids that she teaches and stuff like that she's like friends with their parents and um it's more than just a show up and teach them their colors it's like you really like form a bond with the family and stuff like that and so she loves it so she and her boss is like one of her best friends and so how was uh how was everything during covent how was it teaching kids over zoom she had to do it over zoom for a while and like they're right they're actually it's funny i i like to have memorized her like routine because they sing the same songs and stuff like that every morning and so now i know all the songs and um but they're really good on zoom like one time she was late to a zoom and she like popped in and they were just all talking all these like three-year-olds oh that's so cute like no parents nothing just like what what are you what's that doll and they were just chatting and they get it they totally get zoom they understand how to unmute themselves how to mute themselves which is kind of scary that's wild yeah yeah um but yeah it it works and now she's got to go i think she's got to go in again or something like i think they're opening pretty soon so now they all have all these masks that have like a clear plastic thing over your mouth oh on dude that seems like fabric around it so it's like [ __ ] it looks like a mask almost like it was like a halloween mask or something like that but so you can connect with the children more so they can see you smile and stuff like that but it just ends up looking kind of weird are you guys scared i mean it seems too soon to be going back to school i i i don't know yeah yeah i'm a little bit worried but um especially if you get covet or i mean if any of you get ko kova god forbid like it [ __ ] up everything you're working on i'm assuming you've got this tv show you've got uh like like if me and ela each of us get covered there's just so it affects so much it's just terrifying yeah it is horrifying um but i mean there's nothing she can do like if they need her in the thing she's gotta go or just not work there i guess which is like a lot of people's predicament right now it's either work or i don't know work or die work or die yeah pretty much which sucks but there's a lot of universities that have opened and they're it seems like they're all within like two weeks just closing because there's an outbreak which is inevitable was it alabama or something like that had a shocking rise in cases yeah like 500 in a week or something like that yeah after opening and i keep hearing the same stories it's like i went to college on the first day nobody was social distancing everybody's partying and nobody gives a [ __ ] i mean i don't know how you ask freshmen in college to not party no that's like they're gonna do it yeah it's not even gonna [ __ ] do it yeah it's not even their fault dude and even if they show up in mass you get a couple of uh natty natty lights in them oh yeah and then all bets are all inhibitions yeah wind it's like my my my like one of my good friends i went to college with him he just dropped off his little sister there because she's a freshman now and he was like dude the the um restrictions are insane it's like you can't have more than two like you know they're they're tracking everyone coming in and out of the dorms you can't have more than two people in your room and all this [ __ ] no parties if you get caught having a party you get expelled like right away wow and but in my mind i'm like this is not gonna stop them no nothing will stop them nothing will stop them dude there's a label party at whatever expense yeah no yeah for sure i mean that's why you go to college i'm thinking back in my freshman year very little studying was done that was low on the priority of why you go to college yeah yeah my freshman year was a [ __ ] show dude looking back i'm all you know i actually failed out of college one uh on my like my third year i had to go uh attend community college and come back no way yeah i'm a five-year superstar wow he did a victory lap i'm surprised i made it man how was your did you make it through call you're probably a good student right i was a good so i went to um i was a good student ninth tenth grade and then i went to something was something that's called a sports school because i was a diver a competitive like springboard diver and so we were competing a lot and we would practice twice a day and so i went to this special school so basically the school was designed for alpine skiers because like where i'm from there's a lot of alpine skiers that go to the olympics and stuff like that they train in europe all winter basically so they need a school that they can do online that wasn't a thing at that point like online high school and so this school was basically designed for these students where we could do most of our stuff online and we would only have to come to come to class you know when we needed to like to show up in person and so i just didn't go like ever and so 11th and 12th grade i just [ __ ] off i didn't do like i i you know i treated it like it was a joke and i graduated and i went to duke i got recruited there so i got in because i was on the diving team wow and so i went from not giving a [ __ ] to going to one of the best schools and like it was awful i took a class called the biology of dinosaurs supposedly the easiest class i do and i got a d yeah like every athlete was in that class and they all got a's and i got a d how do you even study the the biology of dinosaurs they're like you just have to memorize dinosaurs they're like dudes we don't know they're just [ __ ] bones yeah yeah no just to show you pictures it was like a class for children it was like they showed you pictures of these old dinosaurs you said memorize the names of them and i would and i almost failed that well hang on did you graduate yeah i did oh good for you so you made it i graduated i got a degree in computer science so i ended up okay but i that's always that's always what i wanted to do is computer science and then halfway through i almost failed out of that major and so i read i had to reconsider whether i even wanted to do it or not and then i kept going and studying harder dude how do you even get into springboard diving like as a kid how do you how do you find a i was just hobby like that i was 10 and my friend would just hit me up and he was like i'm going to take this learn to dive class do you want to join me it's like i don't know it sounds kind of stupid but sure because it was like flips sounds kind of fun yeah i was like i'll flip off do a front flip sure i'll do that and so i did it once and i was just like hooked and then i got competitive he ended up quitting and then yeah i stayed like all my best friends and everything from from uh from home like we're on the diving team we were like a family you're probably then you're probably super jacked back then yeah hell yeah yeah i'm not gonna i'm not gonna be humble about that i was yolked yeah i mean i've seen those guys dude they're [ __ ] but you would think like you just want to be how do you how do you get yourself aerodynamic dude in that case like what is the regiment the exercise regiment to try to make that little dip right that's what it's all about is that little little dip yeah it's called a rip oh it's called a rip i was super gross yeah you're really close actually um you just like a lot of lifting a lot of stretching like you'd be super flexible right so like i used to be able to you know put my i used to be able to sit with straight legs and put my head in my knees um yeah and it says a lot of repetition honestly something like diving is a lot of muscle memory and just training your body to do the same thing so that you can do it under pressure because that's one of the things is you train all your hardest dives and then when you're in a competition you have to do you get one shot at each one of your hardest dives and in between each dive you have to wait for everyone else to go so you get cold and then you have to warm up again and then you have one shot in front of the judges to do that dive so it's like training your mind basically it's like golf you ever get nauseous waiting i used to swim in high school and i don't know there was this phenomenon where we all got super nauseous before we played water polo before a game yeah yeah i get that all the time it was so weird i was just puking all the time that's how i recall my freshman year high school because i was just i would get so overwhelmingly nauseous i once actually did he puked in the pool well almost i i was able to puke on the side of the pool god bless god bless man it's close man yeah i i would get really i would get really nervous before competitions and then i would you know poop and vomit stuff like that oh yeah all the good things yeah at the same time ever at the same time no never you know you never know i mean yeah you side wipers got all kinds of tricks up your sleeve you ever you went anywhere awards were you good at it i was pretty good i i came uh i think i came eighth at olympic trials wow that's crazy and then and then i qualified for olympic trials again in 2012 but didn't go because started a job and stuff like that you're like [ __ ] deal but on the team at duke there were two like legitimate olympians that meddled and they were like holy [ __ ] like unbelievably better than me so that was pretty cool training with them and diving with them every day that's pretty dope so there is that like distinction between like metal olympians where you're like wow these guys are insane yeah ian just uh found a video of cody oh yeah throw that up yes let me see that little twink hot ass dip body [Laughter] you ever okay let's see what we got here which one is he i can't tell that's me on the right oh you look yeah you look yolked bro i wasn't [ __ ] around dude i was jacked yeah i mean you're you're serious oh dude damn dude your splash was way smaller than the other homies i noticed that that's my homie brandon shout out to brandon so this is this was nationals and in winnipeg ontario winnipeg ontario when in look at that posture farting oh dude you are really good at that and we won this but because we were the only people that competed in synchronized oh you won there was no competition there was nobody we were the only ones we would get out dry off and then go up and do the next manitoba like you guys are canadian so so how is this working you guys are on a team you're synchronizing yeah yeah and you got the gold we got the gold one out of one yep yeah we killed it smashed it i'm just is this is this something oh that was a bad one wait is this on repeat am i watching the same thing no it's okay it's still going see there that was the score at the end it was just our names that's awesome right you ever like uh is it dangerous i feel like i've seen a lot of people get injured like that if you're too close to the dive board knock your head on it and stuff like that yeah i've seen some pretty gnarly [ __ ] like i've seen tons of people hit their heads on the boards their hands their fingers i saw one girl uh one time she was on my team she did she was on 10 meters like the highest one and she was doing front three and a half so like front three flips to a dive and she like slipped because like when you're in the air you like keep track of where you are but she slipped out of her like tuck and so as soon as you do that you like lose where you are and so she face planted in the water and her her hairline was bleeding and her like her eyelid like it was messed up she had a concussion oh my goodness that poor was out for a while that's scary that you could actually just get that injured hit in the water yeah it's it's brutal i gotta tell you i think i'm too much of a [ __ ] to even do what you did there i i'm terrified to do any of that [ __ ] i'll get used to it though you work up to it and then once you do it enough it's just normal but it's like it is all muscle memory so as soon as you stop for like when i stopped it was like two weeks later i used to be able to do like a backflip on the ground and stuff like that two three weeks later of not doing that stuff and this is your body just forgets because like your intuition is to not land on your head because your body's trying to protect your head and so you got to train yourself not to do that and then if you don't do it for a while it's just you just forget how so you can't do that kind of stuff anymore no oh man no way yeah dude this surprised me you made that app i'd cap that yep huge app on the app store back in the day was it like 2012 somewhere somewhere around that yeah 2012 it was a m you put an image up and then you you kind of programmed this app where it puts a caption on it yeah do you got like four million downloads in like four months yeah it was pretty wild and then you sold it yeah are you ready no no it sounds like one of those big-ass sales i sold it for like i think i don't even know if i can say this but i think it was like a hundred grand oh but 50 grand cash 50 grand stock in this company that that i sold it to because i worked for them for two years afterwards and they were a startup they were like 12 people or something i see and that's how i got a job out of college because i was diving so much and i had competitions and stuff all my friends were like already interviewing because they do you know at schools they do like the career fair so you meet the companies and then they go out you know they interview you out and wherever they are and i just couldn't do that [ __ ] because i i was diving and so i was had no job lined up for after college i wanted to be in the states but i needed a job because i can't just be here i need a visa and so i wrote this app just like by chance because i wanted to teach myself how to make iphone stuff that's how i did it because i knew that was like more of like a marketable skill if i could like everyone was doing apps at that time so i was like if i can write an app then someone's going to hire me to write their app and so i wrote that app as like a project and it went like super viral and this company that i sold it to did like a mobile ad sdk so like they were the technology that when you're playing a game and an ad for another game popped up that was their technology and so they would plug that into like a ton of different apps they needed a lot of traffic that's like how an you know mobile ad network would succeed and so with my app they were like we can just buy this app that has the most amount of traffic and pump this these ads in it basically and so my first job was for them was writing another one called i'd cap that two and actually no my first job for them was making the paid version because it was a free app that i made they bought it i moved to palo alto and wrote the paid version and right away we released it and it made like 200 grand oh that's [ __ ] [ __ ] god yeah i could have just done that on my own yeah but that's pretty s dude i have to tell you i think you know we started this conversation by talking about this guy who makes these motivational videos it sounds like you've you've succeeded at everything you've done cody you should be making motivational videos what what are you doing dude you think i should just should i just go to like vegas and just give talks i would tell tell me what the [ __ ] do i need what am i doing wrong bro motivational speeches yeah no you're killing it too well no but i feel like i feel like i could use some motivating so you want me to give you advice yeah what's your please um my advice is you gotta it all starts when you wipe from the side oh no i can't go i can't walk that path that's where it all starts man i can't walk that path i'm telling you once you do that it's enlightenment you know be cool i'd like to see like a list of most successful front wipers that'd be [ __ ] cool as well if forbes should do that richard obama's what if lincoln i bet obama might be a front wiper you don't know like who knows man you never know yeah i bet he yeah i don't know i would like to see that honestly i really would i i do feel like generally i don't know if you know who burke christian is but he's like a total [ __ ] slob uh i feel like only slobs and [ __ ] losers wipe from the front [Laughter] well which which of you guys wiped from the front i know one of you guys admit to it ian was the i do yeah okay i mean i'll take ian he seems pretty i mean it's all about the the if you hook you hook in and you don't deal with any problems it's the angle yeah you don't cup your own [ __ ] you hold no you kind of go around no see that's risky sorry dude yeah mine did so i gotta make sure it's out of the way my dick oh i guess i just put through i throw it over my thigh yeah that's what i usually do i just toss it over my shoulder ethan actually converted me to the wiping he does whoa i didn't we talked about this zach you're such a simp jesus we talked about this like a year ago no no i remember a comment of somebody being like yo i started wiping from the front and it changed my life i didn't know you got converted zach yeah of course you gotta lift the balls and go man so tell cody the benefits of wiping from the front because he's ah oh my god so you went from you went from back to front yeah yeah yeah tell them why it's easier you know it's i think it's cleaner to tell you the truth i get a good clean dude yeah you know i like to look in your butt i like to look what's on uh the baby wipe sometimes that's the big difference between the front and side is the look because i look at every wipe why do you look at every single one well the first one is has the most you data want to get rid of the first one like i mean there's there's a few there's a couple reasons to look at your wipes one is to glean information and the other one is to make sure you're clean so i feel like you're doing the second part but not doing the first part i see doc does that make sense do you look at your poop in the toilet maybe in the to like when i'm done i'd stand up and look yeah or down i'll catch a glance yeah i'm curious i'll sneak up oh i mean there's important things i'm serious there's you want to know you want to know that if if that your poop looks healthy that's true actually yeah it's important uh to know that kind of stuff yeah and if it remember there was a big faction of like stand wipers too yeah yeah those people are long gone well your cheeks get pushed together so i just don't understand how you could possibly get adequate wipe stand yeah that seems like it would do a weird like you know like a rorschach painting or whatever it's called right well you know um sometimes you sometimes like you're out of toilet paper and you have to stand and reach and i feel like i'm always smushing my [ __ ] together when i have to stand up and get toilet paper so the fact that you would willingly stand shocked it doesn't make that doesn't make any sense any sense no it doesn't i put my legs up like this i sit i lean back on the toilet and i put my legs like this dude you're pretty flexible still i'll say no dude i'm not nothing compared to what i used to be um i used to be limber um yeah [Music] [Laughter] dude how do you prepare for your videos because when i watch them it has a certain quality uh it looks effortless but how much preparation goes into them it kind of depends on which which ones like uh the that's cringes with with me and noel we would just sit down and just do them like all of them are just like nothing planned because i think one shot net multiple shots taken multiple shots like takes i guess no it would just be like it would just we just do it for an hour just run through the video and make as many jokes as possible maybe if we like talked over each other we'd be like all right let's take that again um if like someone said something funny but those are totally off the cuff and then for like most of mine that i do by myself i'll like write them lightly and then i'll leave but it's kind of changed now now i'll leave a lot of room for [ __ ] around and because i like when i watch my own videos and they don't seem scripted and so i'll leave a lot of room for like me just messing around does it get frustrating though when you're like when you leave that space and then you feel like on the spot you're having a hard time filling it what do you mean like maybe sometimes if you leave open space and you're like i'm gonna make some jokes here when you oh yeah and you're like oh this isn't funny this isn't working yeah you know it's also like it's sometimes i i'll feel a lot bit like if i feel on that's never a problem if i'm filming i'm like the energy is great and i love what i'm talking about then i never really run to run it into that issue it's kind of like when i don't feel that great or i you know the thing that i'm watching isn't that funny or whatever then i'm i'm feels like i'm pulling teeth sometimes it is kind of a bad feeling do bail and i'll see the edited version and i'll uh do i bail on it yeah have you ever bail on a video like a couple times yes when i just know it's not gonna be funny at all and i'm like this is pointless i'm just doing this to put up a video do do you find do you get depressed by that are you just able to move on i get depressed when i don't have like ideas and i don't feel funny like if i'm not posting for a while i'm like i should be but i just i don't feel inspired and then i go through other moments where i have too many ideas i kind of hate that i wish i was more consistent like how the [ __ ] does pewdiepie do it every single day it's disturbing every day he's got a new video and it's fresh and he's totally seems sane it's very disturbing to me that he's able to do seven videos a week sometimes more it seems like yeah it's it's he's got a superpower i mean there's nobody else that can do what he does it's it's ridiculous but my problem was like i think the the biggest reason i stopped making videos is that i was having trouble finding good content right to to talk about yeah and then i would find one or you could you kind of get desperate so i'd find one be like oh this is good and then when i would get down to record i'd be like oh this isn't good this isn't funny yeah this is awful and it was just this horrible cycle of like not i just felt like nothing you get into this pits where it's just like i don't know i felt like i would get into a rut where it's like nothing works for so long that i just i just don't even want to do it anymore yeah yeah no i i i agree i mean it's funny people will ask us like where do another that's cringe do you know that's cringe because we haven't done one for like a year now and i think that we did like the ones that we were doing when we before we stopped doing them like right before we stopped they were good but they weren't as good as the ones that people really love like the met like the girl defined one in the maddie smokes one and like reflecting back i feel like we got really really lucky with those videos because we're only as good as the video is you know because you watch that video alone it's already hilarious and then all we're doing is you know making as many jokes as we can and like we hit something special but there just isn't a lot of media like that right yeah it's it's right i i feel the same way about some of my early videos like i would sit down and react to them off the cuff with no planning yeah and it was like you know i mean you can't find pranks in the hood anymore that kind of gold just does isn't on the internet yeah yeah pranks in the [ __ ] hood bro yeah there's a lot of it on tick tock but right but even because you can do that on tick tock now you can take the video and react to it on tick tock and that's its own little ecosystem it's not the same what do you make of tick tock you're you're from vine do you think tick tock has what it takes to succeed where vine failed yeah yeah that's a phenomenal i think if trump like lets it stay it's going to be around for a long ass time i feel like what is it about this there is a behemoth like they do no matter they will not fail like they they poured billions of dollars already into just you know being recognized as uh like you know at the beginning when it was musically and then it was first tick-tock like they were pouring money into marketing it just to like shoehorn it into uh pop culture and now they did that they spent the money they made it this big ass thing and they won't let it fail i feel like it's already the biggest social media app in the world i think right now dude i gotta get on in the states for sure i gotta figure it out yeah no it's it's it's ridiculous and um actually um a b who's with us his girlfriend or his wife sorry who's on tick tock uh they started rolling out this this program where people are getting paid on tick tock now yeah me too i just made three bucks three [ __ ] bucks yeah i just looked right how are the rates look at this [ __ ] yeah you're doing pretty good on tick tock i got to get on talk bro i'm that's i'm doing tick tock that's it let me see that [ __ ] let it focus if i can't see it i don't believe it okay hold on let me turn on the brightness let's see if that come on baby sorry dude i don't believe it oh three seconds wait a moment baby wait hold on you didn't tell me 375. 375. yep so what's the rate how many views because you get a lot of views it doesn't seem like a very good rate it doesn't tell me how many views i got for that day it just tells me how much money i made on the 24th of august but i think the cpms are really low i think well but yeah what i heard they did is they just put up like a billion dollars of their own money yeah because it's not they're not paying out but i guess they're working on some kind of ad rev share right now which that's what i mean is that like you know when vine was kind of struggling and people were leaving and stuff they were like well there's nothing we can do we can't pay them tick tock's like oh no we just paid them yeah we'll pay him oh oh you guys are leaving here's three billion dollars yeah and so so there's no reason why anyone wouldn't do it right now like so the so what happened with vine is that they're just like dude we're putting all this effort in and we're not we're just not making a living and and ultimately people started leaving vine is that what happened yeah just people started not using it like even the audience it just started i think i honestly i think a big part of it was instagram video i think that stole a lot of traffic away from vine and then it didn't seem like people were using it i feel like it was kind of a self-fulfilling thing where it just seemed dead so it's kind of it feels kind of like snapchat to me right now if it feels dead like no one uses it i don't know yeah that's saying [ __ ] he does but um yeah yeah it was kind of weird i would notice that my videos just get less views and less comments and it just feels like huh people just weren't using people weren't talking about it i didn't see them on twitter as much and so twitter eventually was like this is just like a resource suck and it's and it's not worth it so they shut it down so you're pretty active on tick tock do you like the platform i'm not that i don't post that much because i don't know i don't know what to post i don't know even how i'm bad at it i'm just people like someone tweeted me there oh a while ago they were like man it's such a shame that cody's tick tocks are cringy oh like [ __ ] why would you do well come on they are kind of though when i watch them i'm like damn dude but tick tocks how by the very nature of what tick tock is it's kind of inherently cringy right it's like hard to even make content that isn't a little bit cringy yeah i mean i there's a lot of good [ __ ] on there now like there's a lot of stuff that me and kelsey genuinely laugh at but i just don't know how to make it yeah huh i got to use my kid in some way i got to exploit my son i think yeah that would definitely work i got to exploit my son more yeah definitely yeah you have a yeah you have a baby he's cute you should be using that child he's just starting to talk i mean i'm i'm leaving a lot of money at the table you guys could be the new ace family yeah the gerd family [Laughter] oh man yeah i gotta get a tick i'm just curiou because it's like i feel so out of the loop i just i don't want to ever feel like this old out of touch [ __ ] was like oh but you know what it's so there's this crazy phenomenon i've noticed on tick tock is that there's a lot of old people on there making crazy ass old people tick tocks and i and i can't figure it out so i guess it can't be that hard no yeah like senior citizens you're talking about yeah where they like key out the background and they're doing karaoke it's awesome yep i just saw one yesterday that like went viral that was really funny we have in common uh we talk about other youtubers me and you and i know that you kind of like for example j station is is one that you focused a lot on and my question for you is who is like your favorite kind of classic meme youtuber when i say that i mean like j station soflo you know yeah ethan bradberry favorite meme um just like a living meme you know yeah i mean i think maddie smokes was pretty good because we we he's just a funny kid man we did that video and then we we we were touring in vancouver where he's from and he came out to the show because we wanted to bring him on stage and surprise the audience that he was there and so we were like okay you gotta come to the back and you gotta you know we'll sneak you in so nobody sees you and so he finally comes to the green room like a little bit late and we're like where were you at and he was like oh i was just taking pictures outside with everyone once with the line to get in the venue he just was walking by the line it was just taking pictures there and we're like you [ __ ] you ruined it um like he's just hilarious and his friend his friend his name is liam and by the time you're in the green room the kid the kid's like 18. he had drank like four beers which is ripping this vape thing that he had like just ripping it and was doing tricks and everything like he just was in it was like we were watching a live video you know yeah it was hilarious and he's just funny like he's a funny funny dude i used to play fortnite with him all the time oh uh that's very wholesome yeah i love when the when the meme like for example with ethan bradbury we're like dogs now dude are you sure dude he's my homie like that guy would kill someone for me i'm sure of it wait i saw i saw you played like a ban like a video that he did or something oh the the forbidden one he's talking about yeah it was like he like did something about covet or yeah we we were like because i love ethan's whole vibe and i was like dude do a man on the street for me this was like right when kovitz started to hit and i was like go ask people in new york about covet and then a couple days later he sends me this video of him like he's like hey what do you think about covet i have it and [ __ ] like that and i was like ethan not only can i not show this you'll get arrested if i show this like you will literally get arrested oh my god so he took it as like oh i should go do a prank video i think that's just the language that they speak right you know i was like just go ask people about kovid because i think you're everything you do is interesting and oh my god that's oh that's horrible yeah no it was horrible i was horrified i mean i didn't even show it i just played the audio because um because i don't want him to get arrested i mean i i don't know what to say i mean but but the only thing i can say in his defense is that it was at the new york wasn't even shut down yeah yeah so it was like in the early days serious it was yeah people were getting a little spooked yeah but uh yeah so yeah i'm trying to think of who else i don't um i mean maddie smokes was just the ultimate i feel like because he was such a meme yeah how was your time with tai lopez you it was funny because i don't know what it was like tai lopez i guess he was trying to do some pr or something he's kind of off the radar now poor tai i know it's so funny like last week i was sitting there i was like i wonder just randomly i wonder what the [ __ ] is up with tai lopez and i go to his instagram and he said that himself he's like yeah you know i've been off social media for the year but now i'm buying all these companies just what i i just bought pier 1 imports yeah i read that what the [ __ ] he bought like four literally bought people on an important brick and mortar franchises he's a scammer right like he's gonna flip them and i i don't know i still don't really weird going on there i still have no idea but say that again what was that knowledge oh knowledge right yeah i couldn't tell if that was keemstar or my garage yeah i'm glad you have that queued up any anything else zach you want to hit us with no knowledge yeah yeah how was your time with him because mine was super weird mine was like super weird because he brought lawyers to mine did he do that to you yeah he did yeah he brought that dude the same guy was there yeah weird sketch like i feel like he's not actually a lawyer oh i got mad lawyer vibes from him you got lawyer vibes from that dude yeah i i got like like what's the lawyer from breaking bad he like a fixer yeah sal goodman saul goodman oh like a duck that's the lives i got like well the entrance help me break the law yeah and in truth i don't think any like honest-to-god reputable lawyer would be like yeah sure i'll come to your house and eavesdrop on some youtuber at 9 00 p.m yeah yeah it was really yeah it was but he lied he lied to me about it he was like oh sorry i'm just having a meeting right now and i was like why is this guy five feet behind us all the time yeah he followed you right he followed us too so he listened to everything we said what the [ __ ] oh no i so i looked up i i looked up his house his house that we went to the bet you went to you went to the same one right we had the koi pond and everything so koi pong i don't know you walk right you walk in there's like a huge gravel entrance and then there's like a huge courtyard in the middle with a long swimming pool and then the back there's a gym yes yes yeah yeah yeah in the front there's a co like when soon as you go in the front door there's like a koi pond in the middle of the oh you're right or whatever yeah yeah um right i saw that on zillow i think last week or the week before it's 27 million dollars that house it's for sale right now i gotta tell you i figured that was a more expensive house that house was fine i mean it's in like the most expensive neighborhood in beverly hills yeah i mean it it's also like not it's like nine bed 13 bath or something like that it's wild but i mean i feel like that's pretty expensive 27 million bucks yeah that's up that is up there for some reason i thought it was more i don't know why i was very impressed by that house it's a it's like a compound yeah it's a compound like the pool and then the gym in the back upstairs there's like a dojo mm-hmm it's like a fighting mask like that yeah but it was i mean i saw him like we did that video and then like two months later i was walking through the venice canals and there's this like house there that has this giant open like area downstairs like at ground level and i looked in there was someone like teaching like a court like he had a giant you know like piece of piece of paper thing yeah and he's like writing on it i was like is someone teaching a course in there and he was like live streaming himself and i looked over at tai lopez and he was like cody oh my god and we just exchanged hellos and then left and i was like that was bizarre he's still doing his thing with the board and everything yeah renting houses and like renting airbnbs in venice and doing that and then leaving do you find it so bizarre the thing he does with models where he like he always has models around and he pays people on twitter to guess their ethnicity do you follow that he always does this thing he goes if you can guess her ethnicity i'll give you a hundred bucks that's bizarre yeah i always found that really weird anyway listen i want to um in closing kind of i have some videos that are classics here that that i'm hoping you haven't seen okay and i want to get your take my first favorite one here is the uh it's just a dude taking a poop in a bathroom stall and something happens okay and uh this is this is probably my favorite video so i think ian's gonna cue it up here for us there it is world star you know it's good you feel that tension the suspense is killing me i love this [ __ ] [Music] [Music] it's awesome what so so here's the question i always ask okay by the way that that's obviously like not the first time that's happened my guy was like smiling he was like smirking i guess he i guess he's got some fetish for smelling poo or or maybe just wanted to i mean but who says sorry just tell me who says sorry is it the guy pooping or the guy on the floor he's like what they were calling your whole time right there he was like he kind of did a little laugh and he smirked a little bit i love him he wants to be caught he's like yeah i'm down here and then the guys are recording i'm recording you and he's like oh [ __ ] okay sorry yeah don't show my face sorry so wait wait sorry i'm so sorry because i feel like the guy recording says sorry and i think that's hilarious he's like sorry i stopped you then yeah didn't mean to invade your privacy by filming you he's like what are you doing here he's like huh uh ian hi hit me with the so the sorry moment because i still have not resolved who says sorry it's definitely the guy on the floor no it's not i've been calling you the whole time he's racial oh sorry i swear it's the guy [ __ ] says sorry i don't yeah i don't see the the the the peeking guy's mouth and it sounds like the guy on the toilet he says sorry it's awesome sorry sorry maybe it is i mean he's like sorry i fooled your plan i think it was just so awkward you know what to say like sorry bro sorry a little poop smeller not today didn't mean to [ __ ] up your day but sorry dog it's just a little uncomfortable for me it's kind of a compliment really isn't it that somebody's willing to sneak under the stall to smell your poop yeah i guess he's like you have chick-fil-a today hmm you frown or you you wipe it from the side yeah what if you just yeah what if he's just doing research for the front wipers hey leave your first swipe on the floor for me would you yeah okay um the next one that was a good video right yeah that was great yeah some of my favorites thank you for saying that uh garth brooks facebook have you seen that no oh yes yes yes yes yes yes go ahead ian so let me give you some uh pretense here oh my god so garth brooks back in the day i guess facebook was relatively new he posted on his facebook page one video and then he disappeared this was the one video okay yeah go ahead well i guess it's official we're now on facebook i really wasn't sure about this at the start but then a friend of mine said something that just made all kinds of sense she said think of it more as a conversation i like that but i'm already finding out on my own so it's wiping the walls out between you and me and i really like that it allows us into each other's worlds or i guess in my case the hotel room when i think about things i want to post i want to post cool stuff slick stuff neat stuff but most stuff i'm gonna post is gonna be raw stuff like this this is just who i am so if this is truly a conversation then i say let the conversation begin oh my god it feels like a matthew mcconaughey video dude yes oh my god he has the same cadence of speaking it i felt like i was watching an audition tape like i feel like he's done that 50 times in the mirror exactly cool stuff needs to have slick stuff if it's tearing down the walls between me and you i say let the conversation begin and then you just never post it again i like that no he bounced that's [ __ ] awesome yeah um it's the it's one of the best videos ever because it's supposed to be so candid but it's all obviously scripted so script and uh i like that i don't really like that pretty like conversation i like that actually i think garth is one of my favorite memes because gerd brooks gerd i call him garf g-a-r-f garf-bros yeah he's alleged not really like that little absolute legend move not posting ever again just being like i'm gonna post not only am i gonna post slick stuff i'm going to post neat stuff but mostly it's going to be raw stuff but actually it's going to be nothing yeah well i think he got just totally memed on into oblivion because people are like garf this what is this have you seen matthew mcconaughey's like recent videos oh yeah i'm taking [ __ ] about his book green light well we've been taught we've been following oh don't get me started on that it's so funny i've been doing a lot of research on that right you have the green light i've been compiling all of his quotes from instagram for like nine months do you have anything so good to us yeah i've got them in like a folder shoot it's like i pre-ordered it look because it this one i i pondered this for so long it was this quote it says you'd better be different not sorry huh and i'm like really makes you think doesn't you'd better be different comma not sorry i think he's saying you better be different not sorry or here's another one uh do it because you want to not because they don't wow wait wait that's that one's [ __ ] my brain up do it because they it's almost like he's just trying to put [ __ ] together that makes as little sense as possible do it because you want to not because they don't i mean what could that possibly apply to your parents like if you like porn and trying to piss your parents off like if you do porn i can't think of anything else they don't want don't do it because they don't want you to do it i know they don't want they don't want to do it they don't want to do it they'll be like they don't want to i'm i shouldn't find motivation in like i shouldn't i shouldn't want to succeed because they don't want to succeed i should want to consider because i just want to succeed that doesn't make sense i don't think i've ever been motivated by that in my life i don't think that's the problem matthew's got an interesting brain there's just so many go ahead and i'm enjoying cool give me throw me a couple get them early so you don't have to get them often get them early so you don't have to get them often get them go and get them get what is what could that what does that mean better to get them because i get them early so you don't have to get them often but maybe maybe you know because you could probably want to get him multiple times right what is he getting i don't see the the the i don't see how the uh frequency of getting them affects the the punctuality of it what stage you adopt it yeah it doesn't seem to be a relation there get them early before it's gone yeah maybe to me there's yeah i don't know maybe it's like a like a yeah like you go to trader joe's in the morning and they have more [ __ ] get it early at least they don't have to get it off he's talking about like a big-ass bag of but here's the thing usually things you don't need to get often you don't need to get early like yeah you're like i'm gonna get this huge bag of popcorn you seen you know those huge bags it's like 50 pounds but yeah but those people are not rushing to get that stop that's true so it's more like get it the early part get them early so that you don't have to get it later that's what it should have been get it early so you don't have to get it later which is kind of explained in the first part though isn't that what getting it really does yes yeah i guess it's kind of yeah ian come let's let's uh this is my favorite one i think yeah this one's a real real mind mind bender uh when did guilt by deed turn into guilt by association turn into guilt by conversation whoa [Laughter] can you say it again when did guilt by deed is just doing something when did you just murdering someone turn into guilt by association turn into guilt by conversation so he's saying so he's saying so saying somebody kills someone that's a guilt by a deed literal act of crime turn into guilt by association so say let's say ian you killed someone and i know you that's guilt by association so they say well [ __ ] you turn into guilt by conversation i think that's just a way of his him commenting on like cancel culture yeah yeah but but he did it very elegantly elegantly very very roundabout in code you've seen his lincoln commercials i love that [ __ ] i think i think so he goes he has one where he goes uh he just goes he literally this is his only line he goes yeah i swear to god he just goes yeah i swear that's it it's awesome can you try to find that ian that's just just this gird acting he goes yeah yeah i like i actually like matthew though he's a good actor he he like this one you've seen the long branch in the pork cracklin video say again he's like you ever seen that you ever seen a video where he drinks some long branch and he eats a pork cracklin no she'll pop that up again i don't even know what you'd search to find it he's like in his hotel room and he's like can't sleep just winding down with a glass of long branch whiskey and a pork crackling i think he also long branch i think is his company right oh it's just a promo you see ryan reynolds sold his gin company for 600 million [ __ ] is with ryan reynolds and now six hundred million dollars didn't george colony pull that too he sold his [ __ ] for like a billion yeah the same company to the same company who's buying all these [ __ ] liquor companies for a billion dollars some behemoth i gotta start distilling vodka or some [ __ ] yeah the guy that made i just was reading about the guy that made white claw he's a beverage connoisseur he's been around he made mike's hard lemonade that was his first drink and now he's worth like multiple billions of dollars you know um you may i may uh teach you something here today we've debated this at great length and decided i was correct about all vodka being literally the same right dan did we decide i was correct well i mean i don't know if we decided it we found some research that seemed to indicate so all vodka is the same taste and is the same alcohol so what about like the distill or whatever but i swear when i drink gray goose it tastes better yeah but like so here's what i would tell you to do try this experiment next time you're drinking a nice vodka pour out the gray goose okay take that aside for yourself get the shittiest vodka you can find get that [ __ ] with the top comes off do i do this right now i'm already pretty drunk so yeah yeah whenever you're ready put in the shitty vodka into the grey goose bottle and see if anybody says anything okay i'll do that that's pretty sight is that a cycle because i used to drink aristocrat vodka in college remember that stuff aristocrat can you ever drink that yeah plastic handle costs like two dollars of course it would be the cheapest [ __ ] with the name like that and it's horrendous it's like hand sanitizer yeah it really tastes different right it does yeah yeah ian do you have anything for us to watch or should i move on to mobilitymary i couldn't find the um commercial you were talking about but one that's kind of funny oh you didn't find that huh this one's pretty good though yeah this is a classic that's a big bull that's a big bull yeah this [ __ ] makes me wonder what if he just eighteen hundred pounds and do whatever the heck i want something he's gonna run over a bunch of protesters think i can respect that i can respect that [Music] take the long way i like that i like that ah dude what the [ __ ] was that wait was that i like that that wasn't actually that was garth that was the sound okay okay that was good i like that dude i like that brands have just given up they're like [ __ ] it dude this we just gotta like like have you seen this johnny depp uh uh perfume commercial no you know what i'm talking about ian look for it these brands have just given up they're like dude i don't even know how to market this [ __ ] anymore it's a lincoln like how do we convince people to buy a lincoln uh i was just imagining the bull charging the car and it getting like totally [ __ ] up uh is this yeah this is it are we gonna get claims for this [ __ ] probably not this is a perfume commercial good luck ethan cause you're gonna [ __ ] need it garbage it's the same [ __ ] yeah it's the [ __ ] exactly yeah that's the same ball he's in every [Music] commercial it's something i can't see i can feel it yeah it's perfume bro he's crying confusion somebody's got to do a commercial like that but it's just for the animal like at the end it's just like buffalo buffalo meat paid for by the dairy farmers of america did i just hear zach defend that commercial you said that was badass uh yeah i think that's a badass commercial so does it make you want to buy the savage uh maybe oh zach come on man yeah i love johnny depp like i think he's a [ __ ] badass how do you how do you feel about the amber turd situation [ __ ] i don't even know what to think of that i just aside from you like bad isn't it she pooped in his bed apparently that's why they call her amber third she pooped in his bed yeah that was like they have they're having this huge lawsuit in england and one of the main uh pieces of evidence is that she's [ __ ] and pissed all over his house and so they have text messages of of uh of johnny depp texting with his friends saying amber turd took a huge stinker in my bed last night it's literally a real text message no way yeah amber turd wow yeah that's kind of funny that just goes to show you man that's kind of funny dudes are just the same like exactly you can you can be in a giant legal feud with your horrible ex-wife and she defecates in your bed and you come home and you're like paul andrew tur just took a big stinker yeah and it really just goes to [ __ ] it doesn't matter how rich and famous and successful you are oh we've got an article on it this is the poop that flushed johnny depp and amber heard's marriage away there's a picture oh my god oh no there's a photo this is news to me yo like that new photo of feces that depth says heard left yo i don't think we could show feces dude you guys got to blur this out oh no yo who dude you got to give me a poop warning it wasn't even it wasn't even a very good turd yeah it looked like she forced it out and just kind of wiped her ass with the sheets and it was her 30th birthday so do you think she like got too [ __ ] up and did it i think it was a spite turd from what i understand i've never been that angry especially on your [ __ ] birthday he's used pissed you literally well cody have we uh have we covered ground what what have we learned here today wiping stuff we talked a lot about poop yeah related things today thank you for having me man yeah thanks for coming on it's it's it's great to have you i mean you're you're uh a super funny dude super talented you should be a motivational speaker you've succeeded at everything in life diver app developer comedian uh cyberbully and uh well if i start doing motivational speeches yeah i'm up i'll yeah i want to be able to start yes no i'm not no i have nothing to say well you can hop on the end hey guys thanks for watching you learned a lot yeah and always remember white from the front right from the front that's the word the path to success always begins yeah well i'm very much looking forward to that new video you got on deck yeah i'm still i'm i hope people like it i really do it's a little bit it's different style i'm it's a little bit you know corny almost i use like background music and stuff like i really try to treat it like um you know kind of like a longer form oh i narrate it so it kind of feels more like a movie sort of and so how long is your film 22 minutes okay that's an episode yeah so hopefully people like it great man well i'd love to have you on again yeah i know thanks for having me check back movements and everything yeah i'd love to talk more about poop i'd actually love to have you on with your girlfriend that'd be fun yeah no we'd love to i love you guys too say hi to hila for me yeah well she's she uh is doing teddy fresh stuff oh okay got it she's a ceo now isn't it business yeah she's businesses doesn't sleep you know no well um cool be good god bless and uh wish you well man thank you guys appreciate it all right talk to you soon take care bye [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,041,523
Rating: 4.9087267 out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, cody ko, cody, tmg, tiny meat gang
Id: WOw64ZqbXIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 9sec (5649 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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