Manny Talks About Being A Father, Future Music & UTR Secrets!! - What's Good Podcast Ep114

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yo what's up guys and welcome back to the what's good podcast today we have the man the myth the legend the daddy the daddy say father the father the father the father okay we have manny the father makes you sound like some sort of mob bust you know i thought you could be sorry i'm sitting yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i saw it as a wrestler for some reason when you said the father russell russell maybe they're like you know you come out with you know in one of the the monk outfits and then you rip it off and you're in like one of them this is almost tiny weird i was trying to turn it into a wrestling not like some erotic film yeah anyway i've not seen you in ages yeah i haven't seen it i haven't seen you in a long time no i feel bad but this is going to happen a lot it's a two-way it's a two-way thing yeah so you have to feel confident exactly it's a two-way thing so you don't have to feel bad because it's also me yeah so i should feel bad as well we should hang out more we should but you're a dad now i know you're soon i'm just estimating oh no reddit he's been married for time yeah yeah you're next i am that's right quick so we can like at least like one year two years yeah yeah yeah it's good i'm excited laura's just getting like so mad every day now just wants kids she's just like oh come on baby every day it's mad actually i had the same experience to be honest i actually can't believe that you're dead i know this is it's mad it just life comes at you fast i feel like i did i've always wanted it but never seen it coming you feel like you know you feel like you're not going to meet someone whatever i thought i'd be single and just die like alone because like you need to be compatible with the people that you're meeting and to get to that stage where you go this is the person i want to be with the rest of my life then you need to hit that stage it's not easy especially in the social media world that's true yeah i mean yeah i guess you just know don't you that's why like it can come fast because you don't know until you know yeah because i you know i i found myself i found myself just like doing stuff and saying stuff that i wouldn't say with anyone else yeah yeah what does that mean let's not talk about it keep this one clean you know we talked about the other day we were talking about top five people yeah manny's in mine i think sick oh but like you're not here you're one of the that fades fades away for a bit like you we don't talk for a little bit and then the second i see a message i'm like man you're sick that is when you know your best friend like when like when you don't have to talk every day you're still like when you meet obviously yeah but that's what it is because life happens you're on doing your own thing you're doing your own thing i'm doing my own thing like people get busy as well i've never been that kind of guy to get offended when people like oh sorry i can't make it like you've got your own thing to do yeah yeah that's why i yeah if people don't reply to a message as well john i get i i literally it's fair enough yeah what are you doing something are you gonna take john through this waste of time he gets really angry if i don't reply so he's like you could have checked your phone and i'm like bro i got stuff yeah last week on the podcast and one of the top comments we should we should get uh john and mike we definitely should we definitely shouldn't yeah i might delete that comment if you didn't know by the way john's a horrible human being i mean i've met john a few times and um has ever been kind to you yeah a little bit yeah no don't john put the gun down [Laughter] um what was it what's it been like do you know what like it's just it doesn't feel real i feel like i'm living in a simulation so i'm looking at this kid and i know a lot of people like on the comments when i posted the picture that maybe not yours that'd be too white someone said who's going to tell him i was like that's crazy also insulting yeah yeah yeah no but like literally just looking and seeing him i'm just thinking what like this is a life and some days when i'm tired i think i'm responsible for you like stop crying like i have to be responsible for you for the rest of my life and that is i think the mad thing i feel like i almost got down in a way because i was like that's scary that's a lot of pressure responsibility yeah but i feel like i'm capable of being a good father dang that's how i said father yeah oh yeah daddy daddy sounds cringy it's been ruined yeah it's been ruined so the worst thing about it i see on your insta story all the time is the tv shows yeah do you know what i'm saying because sometimes i want to watch them dancing vegetables yeah dancing vegetables and things i did see this yeah it's cool for two minutes and then it's like okay chill but he's just there like it's like brainwashing it like yeah these characters do you know what a funny thing actually i was trying to get him to laugh and like react because babies they're just like trying to calibrate yeah understand the world just trying to get them to laugh try and try and nothing works i start brushing my teeth one morning [Laughter] it's so surreal still it's not sunken do you like before the baby do you have like uh late nights do you stay up late yeah did you have a look at the time schedule okay that's why you played he play warzone until like play war zone late play games late but you know what it's also alex's fault she blames me when he's not sleeping at night i say no when i go to stream and do whatever no one tells you to stay up and wait for me go to bed yeah but you know like it's just all over the place i don't know if he's gonna get a routine and if he doesn't i apologize well that's what i feel like i'm almost like people people say obviously you don't have much sleep when you're a baby but i'm always like i never sleep anyway i'm always up late so i'm thinking i'm just making music and then like no it's a different sort of thing is it is it sorry for the beads it's just it's a different sort of thing honestly like when you want to sleep they most likely don't want you to they they find it at the time so put them down then just everything everything flavoring everywhere and i'm just thinking like bro i'm tired now i've streamed for four or five hours i just want to go to bed but you can't because you have to make sure that yeah it's okay yeah at every moment have you said his name online yes okay yes so you can yeah okay i can't say his name okay okay man i didn't want to i didn't want to be like i didn't want to be like the podcast is the first place you said everyone wanted me to name him bowling junior i said guys there's a series this is where youtube and life separate okay but um nah i feel like i really like the name yeah it's nice yeah when i'm really ignorant with this stuff okay when does a baby say their first word normally like rough i have no idea but he's doing stuff early like he's trying to stand up and stuff and thinking yo like don't be so mutant relax starts flying yeah he's growing rapidly he was chugging down milk and he was waiting like like i was thinking bro like i know i want my child to be taller than me but i'm saying i already didn't know yeah yeah not that much taller he's growing so quick it's scary what if you could choose what his first words what word is what would it be oh definitely not fifa everyone keeps on going i bet he's going to say no guys no um yeah father what would you choose [Music] because you said that right it's going to be a mum that's going to be the first word because you said that yeah i know i feel like he's going to be a mummy's boy but he's going to want stuff from me yeah go to your mum yeah let's see what she's getting is it is it going to be a project in bappe is it still projecting bappy he missed oh true it's true in it like is that still the name project bowling gully yeah i saw your instagram yeah is it happening yeah but do you know what like i feel like i want to learn from my parents as well like your parents always want well for you but like i don't think forcing them into science is good you invite me you have to let them enjoy it invite me over and i'll be there i'll be the mean football coach yeah that's that's totally fine yeah but i guess you could you can like um you can put them on that path and then if they don't do it of course because the thing is with a lot of people growing up these days they don't have a direction that they're going towards they don't have time to distract them and that's why some people do get into trouble yeah so i think putting them into hobbies and sciences even if it is badminton that may not be i may not i may not come to the games but you know yeah yeah never know yeah if it's curly like she'll come to watch but curling would be dope too yeah i mean him and be the sound like yes oh yeah every time come on i definitely would want him to play football but i would protect him from the things that i experienced that i didn't enjoy you know you know i'm talking about all that you're not he's not getting benched we are gonna we're gonna butt heads gaffer yeah yeah that's my son that's when you gotta become the coach you know that happened to me one time my dad was so unhappy with like um my team when i was younger they just benched me and like parents have come up with me why isn't many starting wise they couldn't give an answer my dad one time just dragged me during the game he's like nope we're going he's like i'm not going we're not coming back dad why'd you do that yeah you're playing all positions but yeah that actually happened madness mad so i was gonna ask something and i've forgotten what it was now um thank you for question i i i just make you want to have a kid no not like the way you eventually yes but not right now yeah but i think the not right now thing because i said i won't learn two years and here we are it's not two years probably about yeah but two years ahead of schedule basically yeah um but i don't think you're ever going to be ready for it i don't think in terms of financials and this that like you just adjust yeah they do you do that's the thing you're not gonna be like oh in two years i'm gonna be ready for it but you might maybe be more prepared a little bit but i think for me it's purely because sidemen takes up so much time and right now we're actually adding to it like we're actually like yeah we're going to do some we're doing another thing yeah and another thing i'm like once those have settled then that's never as you said you have to just kind of like you you you adapt yeah you will adapt it's not going anywhere like i haven't got less busy i just had to adjust yeah i mean i'm not saying you know like oh i'll have a kid once the sidemen are done i mean i'm trying for you i am trying wait what i'm trying to yeah sorry you're trying to get me to have a kid i need father friends [Laughter] you need any friends to come over and play cribbage with what's that that's card game i have no idea that it's all people playing well how'd you play that good like it's like cards yeah it's like playing cards and then you have a little board and you move the pieces depending on your hands and it sounds awful sounds absolutely it's old people game it's actually quite fun that's that doesn't sound funny but you know blackjack it's their own that's a better game snap do you know it's a really good game dominoes it's elite how'd you play that again you have to match the number up right before then i have to match four okay but there's obviously two numbers yeah yeah so you can put either one yeah yeah usually when i get nominated i just do like the uh you know just flick them when you fall down to get a margarita [Music] that's what i thought he was going with it so yeah so moving on i don't i don't wanna i don't feel like you know we don't wanna talk about malacca all day we could do it we could yeah but i feel like you probably talk about non-stop yeah and you're like i want to talk about something else for once yeah go into my stream how's being a dad it's like i've answered it five times today already because the internet does normally find one thing and then just stick on that the whole time so it's a massive thing like the first thing but this is no one saw it coming i mean i did when you told me yeah of course like i knew like i was so skeptical i was like do we put this out there if i don't if i'm out shopping that's what i was gonna ask okay how do you feel about like family vlogging channels and like i think it's cool if that's what you wanna do but for me i don't to put my family in that direction because i think like you know of youtube when you start to do you start assigning for fun initially when you have to do it every day and you have that obligation it's not no longer okay okay change change from family vlogging channel to involving your family in stuff so it's not it's still yours so say your main channel so you start doing more like challenges and stuff like that and you might do like um nick 2018 i remember he did a vlog where he literally just took his son ethan like toy shopping and it's like the channel is still him and fifa but he did that one vlog as like a one-off i don't know i think for me the more you expose them the more you're dragging them into the world that i've been used to for years which i mean but like i don't know i i don't really talk to people about this a lot but generally like sometimes i just don't want to go out because i don't want to have to deal with eyes on me or people just coming up all the time and some people go oh that's sick like people can't see but some days you just don't feel like it yeah and like say alex might want to go out and stuff like that but i'll just kind of be like if i'm with my family on with alex like i want to kind of be left alone and just enjoy those moments because i'm already what you want me to be whatever mine like when i get to real life be respectful and give me my sort of space um so sometimes i just don't want to go out and stuff so i feel like something is it fair to do that to them yeah no let them like be more accessible to everyone because there's obviously like loads of people do it where you know they'll put their kid in a video or two but it's not i don't i wouldn't say like basic around them the one thing i'm definitely going to do though is film everything my kid does not to put online yeah but to then give it to them yeah and to give them when they're older so much fun like watching back like old family videos with your family but then one thing i always hate is like oh dad why did you not continue filming they were stopped before it's like oh look at this two minute clip i'm like nah i make it like 10th i think that's why we are definitely blessed in this generation because our parents are taking it yeah yeah you know those pictures and yeah the camcorders where it's like all grainy i know this is a very minor position to be in but chris has all his sunday league games from when he was a kid or something like that that's something that eats me up because i used to tear it up and like it was on video cassettes and stuff but yeah back in those days you run out of tape you record something over it yeah i don't know where it's gone and i just feel like i wish i could have shown that to my son but i still have like sunday league thing but i'm not as good as i was back then yeah i didn't see that you don't have like your prime yeah my prime we have old family videos right where it's just us and then it comes onto like top of the pops what like why did you choose that instead like i can't believe it stuff like that like watching the video and it turns to england paraguay yeah that's one thing i need to definitely make sure yeah like that's if they're you know leaning towards football yeah i think it's very good to like if they're trash documentary yeah i'm just put the camera i'm just of the opinion that you you don't have to post everything and show everyone everything and i feel like when you do family vlogging channels and stuff the more you show the more they want to know they never get enough yeah like even when i announced the baby everyone's like what's his name what's his name how do you know i've picked a name yet yeah chill like give me some time what are you tempted to troll with her name like what do you know like when you do that people stick with it sticks it's just it's true we've called him baby i guess it's tough as well at least you show the show the kid as well because sometimes if you don't show anything yeah that's not gonna be one of the words because they wanna yeah in the past this guy looked like give him a little bit but not enough yeah yeah i feel like i can post them but yeah this podcast is sponsored by expressvpn and obviously as we 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streaming more on twitch yeah how is that all going it's good enjoying it yeah i enjoy streaming i feel like youtube got to the point where it's tedious in terms of recording edit recorded edit recording that was all it was but i feel like twitch has given me a new lease of life in terms of just trying to enjoy games again and most of the time i don't care what viewers i get or whatever like i'll stream with the boys and just have a laugh because it makes it less work and more fun yeah that's why when people come to mushrooms why aren't you streaming fifa i'll say because i don't want to yeah and they're asking for an august as well yeah 22 you catch me you're a big point spender on fifa how much did you do the last one bro you did like a million this is when people see it from that's the weird angle to see it from i mean i know i see it as an investment i mean i spend a i spend lots on points yeah but you do it in one go that lasts you fifa i do it in one go because that's what the people want to see when the people go right i'm not even going to show the number this year because i just i feel like all those articles and people trying to drag me into saying that yeah i'm encouraging gambling i literally say in every pack opening do not spend your money on pets look at what i'm doing yeah but that yes if you think that's the side of it as well like you are doing it so people don't have to at the same time yeah like it is it is a good valid point as well because that's why josh got put in an article about it yes and it was literally like how he was uh like endorsing it yeah endorsing gambling yeah and they literally use the clip where he's saying like yeah don't do this i'm doing this so you don't have to and obviously yeah it's our job it's a weird thing because i don't want it to be like our ea thing are you telling people not to spend money on their game but i just know that a lot of people out there spend money on what they shouldn't really spend money on or can't afford to spend money on when you look at 15 pounds for a 125k pack it's what it works 15 or 20 pounds yeah like for for a pack where you can get an 83 as your best player yeah yeah i'll see you you guys are filming it for content as well so there's always that there you are you're recouping it you're doing this where when i open the pack and i'm not doing it for anything i feel so bad i'm like why haven't you just done that yeah it's like it's just such a weird day like you need a shower yeah yeah that's why it's good at it you load the points in one go because the worst part is when you buy points right and it runs out and you're like especially how it works i was like so 125k pack it's two and a half thousand points right but you get you the most you can buy is twelve thousand okay so you open four and you're left with two thousand points and you're like they do that you're on purpose yeah i'll just load up again now i've got you know this many there you open the menu and you're like i only need like 100 more points but you know you're going to go to the match yeah yeah they got you man yeah yeah it's not i'm not looking forward to it i don't even know if i'm going to do another series like i most likely just play whatever i'll run out of i'll run out of content otherwise i've heard they're doing a career mode where you can create a club and stuff from non-league sign oh so something like that anyway well i'm definitely going to do more big brother clubs yeah that's another series that's not an invite or you're in the you were in one of the series already i've been into you're in the very original one right yeah that one never really finished so i don't i don't count that one okay but then you were in the first series and then there's second series just finished we still got to do the thing where we played season one versus season two right i wanted to do that but i could barely organize this one series that was nine youtubers trying to get nine other youtubers yeah trying to play those who want to want to play play they just say like anyone who wants to join and join if not then don't it's just not going to happen is it like that's a lot i reckon we win though season two would be season one for sure there's no way season two is being seen one well it was um i'm trying to the wizard the wizard we were a good team we literally lost one game in the whole series yeah that's because the dead dots are playing now that was that was like that was like six weeks in or something like that yeah and it was chip's fault yeah yeah yeah yeah sorry can we if we do the season one versus season two can we not invite chip he's there for a jolly offending yeah do you think he was but he was very funny i was brought there oh yeah so youtube as well you said it's getting a bit dry yeah i think you know like we have conversations about this from time to time but i've been doing similar thing for ages it works sometimes it's fun sometimes it's not fun just like anything um but i feel like i have a new direction that i want to slowly take not even take my channel in i'll still do all the fifa stuff if it's working whatever but i want to do different things that have more meaning than just like like interviews that sort of stuff like bigger bigger things bigger videos bigger one-off videos because i feel like i'm talking to you about that you did one with a french traveler yes yeah and i remember saying i remember messaging you that day being like that was sick yeah and like you should definitely do more and you're like yeah i want to and you almost had a you had a footballer that you were like lined up that was so funny and i know this is amazing that it's happened how it has obviously you saw the jj stuff the hesky and that remember i told you i was planning to do a video i was gonna say pesky about all the stuff with jj and the song and how it affected him i don't think we really touched on that but when i saw the i actually booked it we were meant to film the day before we meant to film heskey was like i thought it was in manchester wherever he lives i was like i've booked a place in london this that sort of scrapped it and i've tried to hold on to the booking and stuff but it's money wasted now so i think that video that idea is still there because the yeah i i would like to do it uh if you're still down to do it i'm sure you're here i'm sure he watches yeah you know it was amazing when someone send it to him yeah i mean that's true yo isn't it saying it to ask you guys you know it's even like you this is the best thing jj's album thing there's one bit heskey was there and he sat he sat on this table against the wall and i talked to randolph and i literally clock i'm like randolph is here in front of me husky's there i'm like randolph the the creator of pesky time is a yard away from heskey and like you could say get a photo didn't you but i was like he definitely ain't gonna know who i am and if he does he'll definitely hate me um but i meant it as a fan yeah so he said you should go to him large can i get a picture as a fan and then that picture will obviously like bang online but do you know what's mad though with that like when we were doing the wembley cup where jj was on my team huskies yeah i he walked in to the dressing room shaking everyone's hands and he went past changes like not you oh and then he went back to him he's like now joking that's like okay proper call with everything and i think it takes a big man to do that because a lot of people would have held a grudge because what happened literally brainwashed everyone to think that was actually a bad player but it actually was a really good yeah yeah yeah really good hold up striker and he got a couple goals as well so that happens a lot like someone has a bad game and the memes go on and then they they're forever like set as like yeah but it's even fifa yeah like yeah you don't even have to create a meme around someone like for example i think lewandowski someone like that yeah he's rated so highly yeah but i think he's underrated so much because no one can use him in fifa because he's too slow yeah ultimately you look at them and you just go okay who's good on fifa yeah and that's that's your that is the better players in the world and it doesn't matter because it's it's completely to the matter of how the game is yeah if you're fast and strong you're the best around the world yeah exactly that but i think his hype was like 50 due to fifa 50 century to he's called a couple goals yeah that's true it's crazy but that's that's what it doesn't to be honest a lot of what we've done in people coming in playing fifa we've influenced a lot of people and we haven't realized like the whole bowling golly thing yeah bro i see that everywhere it's crazy that's actually mad i feel like it's almost like another husky situation i think i hope he doesn't mind me saying bullying because it's one of his names but yeah if people are now using that as the preference but you're also making his brand bigger yeah and in a good way yeah like you are literally saying like he's amazing yeah you're not doing what happened i think it's a positive message as well you can do a lot of things but you can't stop the shine it means nothing and it means something at the same time exactly there's bar that's a bar you should use that yeah see that i'm getting better yeah yeah yeah okay so this episode is also sponsored by hbo max whether you're looking for a guilty pleasure reality show serious drama or want that new spin on a classic like gossip girl reboot hbo max is creating premium content that has a little something for everyone feed your fandom with titan season 3 or the same day premiere of the suicide squad or catch up on the hottest newest shows like euphoria and generation like i've personally been watching a lot of rick and morty so uh i mean it's sick pickle rick little old little old that but it still counts 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and a half there there's that back and forth but we've got some stuff hopefully releasing something soon i'm not gonna say how soon but hopefully soon how many songs do you reckon you have like ready done yeah not not 100 just like pretty much there yeah i don't know we're gonna say this one okay let me just say more than three okay damn okay because toby did that stream to on twitch he was like playing a lot of stuff in the background well he did one as well where you two were actually in the studio yeah he made a oh i think he did one the other day where he was playing beats that youtube done stuff on but yeah what's that okay yeah i was the one who's in the studio yeah yeah and you did one with a there's the naruto yeah yeah yeah but we haven't done anything to that one that's a hard beat that was i literally but now the music stuff is like it's almost another escape but it's also hard because we've destined for greatness none of us expected it to do that well i wasn't actually like like sure that wasn't what you thought originally you thought like i said it's track we're gonna do something cool but not like it blew up like mad yeah like it's weird because toby's always like yeah let's do the music let's do the music music like yeah because he likes music a lot he's always like music yeah nah man i'm not telling that stuff i don't like that i don't like doing stuff i'm not good at sort of thing yeah and how do you play football i don't know to be honest matt because walking football with barclays no yeah like he's been pushing on me to do music music music music and then he's like come studio so we went studio on time um i'm playing some beats playing some beats i was like i like this one i like this one then i'm just done it like two three hours just wrote in this that like listened change stuff this that yeah and it was it's a therapeutic experience like just to go in there just even listening to instrumentals it makes you think like everything going in your life and then just put that into a song yeah but i think it came out to be a lot better than we thought it'd be i said when you're dropping i was like i might do a meal views that's what i said to toby now what's on now [Music] it's crazy and it's like literally we dropped it midnight 7th of feb and it's funny because actually what happened it's a funny story that's what i like about podcast you can let a little bit out yeah people wouldn't really know um but destin for greatness is dropping uh it's like two minutes to midnight and toby was like manny come let's go do insta live this that like so we go to the front room to do into the live streams dropping go check out the two in this set and um toby goes to me he's like yeah like i think they should do all right i was caught up in it go back to talk to my girlfriend now fiance and uh she went to me she's just staring at me asking are you staring at me for like are you happy song just dropped it's like oh crap it's your birthday and i don't i didn't do it intentionally but it was actually funny yeah we dropped it on her birthday that's just true just happened to be that and um yeah so what do you celebrate now on on that day do you celebrate your songs um but yeah now that happened and we dropped the song i went to the cinema next day i promised you'd been like maybe 12 hours no more than 12 hours less than 24 hours anyway hey yo i heard the song sick finger i'm thinking bro like the song just dropped yeah walking through westfield sometimes be hearing that i'm like what hearing it on the radio people tweeting it to me everyone like concierge downstairs was like hey that song you did was sick the message was so positive like just that must give you so much confidence so to do more right surely yes or no because that's kind of like one of my and i'm out it's not really like i feel that but not like i'm saying because that did well there's now pressure to perform again want that sort of thing so i'm going to always remind people when you're cussing how i sound on the song remember it's not my first thing yeah i'm a tenth so allow me and then furthermore i probably don't care because i told you already like so would you expect manny doesn't sound like this anything manny sounds too basic yes cause it's not my thing yeah i just do it because yeah yeah it's still bigger than what they've done i feel like toby is like always gonna veer towards music now like i feel like because he doesn't upload as much as he did i feel like he's gonna slowly obviously sidemen as well but he's gonna slowly veer towards music because he's always he seems to always whenever i ask him what you're doing he's always like oh i think we're in studio i'm going to studio or doing something there's also a detox so if he's going through soundcloud he's feeling some type of way i'm sure he'll go to the studio listen to beats and this stuff but like i can't stop saying this that um but um yeah no it's just he's not even said like oh yeah i want to do bear music and stuff like that yeah he just genuinely enjoys it and i feel like when you've been doing youtube and stuff for a while sometimes you do want to find that new thing to distract you from that mostly you guys do a lot of shoots sometimes i think yeah that's long people why aren't you going to be in the side when i say because i'm not waking up every day and jump in water that i can't swim in so yeah you guys do a lot for sure yeah you guys do a lot and i just pick up yourselves man still inspiring you guys are part of the reason why i still work very hard i'm just going to say that not even to be a begging that like what they do and like it's groundbreaking so now because they keep breaking records as well because you get to a point where it's like i'm in a good spot now and they go do something you're like oh i got to work harder it's partly because of them as well that i can't sit down and eat because i've been in their videos sometimes i think man you're not even that big time people come up to you oh you've been in simon's video that's that's why harry hates us harry's literally just like you love you've given me money but at what cost i'm taking away all my freedom i can't go wakeboarding now but like yeah it's sick and that's some of the stuff that still pushes me yeah i mean i like to try and transfer that energy to a lot of my friends so i try and put them on in anything because a lot of people do like jobs and stuff that they don't want to do and sometimes i tweet about saying like if you're not doing what you do want to do try and find a way to do it yeah and people go oh it's not that easy you're a youtuber you just had it easy as that no actually i dropped out of uni with nothing to fall back on yeah and i took a gamble and it's paid off yeah and at that point as well if anyone does try to use the like oh toby was you know toby was doing it blah blah at that point when you dropped out toby wasn't like when i started toby wasn't big time that's what i mean it wasn't like six cave uh exact subs so it wasn't a case of you know oh you were you couldn't handle it yeah yeah yeah like you actually yeah yeah you could have it's true you got like make your own like destiny you know yeah yeah yeah just go and go like toby's never the only thing that i'd say toby's really helped me with was when i first started he said this how to edit cut cut this blah blah i'd check his stuff and sort of see how i did it and model it around it sometimes but i'd always have my own ideas always do yeah i mean but that's that's like that's just learning really yeah that's the crafting i think objective stuff so yeah that you have to do whereas like your actual creation and your like your goals is is you or it's always going to be you yeah you know i think that people i'm ah toby made you and this that glad he did i mean otherwise i'd be stuck in the office but actually no i wouldn't i wouldn't say where i am but yeah no um i think it's a good thing and even like we did a lot of videos together but it's like i know you wouldn't do a video of someone that isn't authentic and doesn't feel normal to you yeah so so um yeah like whenever you'd shout me you're like i'll be like oh let's do a video it's not like oh i want to do a video and get it it was just yeah it worked for both yeah that's what it's like in the entire like uk scene is what i feel like no one ever thinks that it's like oh can you do this for me it's just like that's all film yeah we all do stuff together that's what it used to be like like that right i don't feel like it is anymore like it's still in certain circles and it's like for me stories right yeah but that's almost like i mean we don't feel much together that's not this this yeah but this isn't mine or yours this is ours yeah but if i did come to you like yes no matter what yeah yeah and same vice versa but like i find it a rare thing when for example i was watching calyx's video today and it's got theo chip chris friezy and lauren and i was like this is weird to see like this is almost like a big video because no one does it anymore yeah you've got five other people in it yeah but in the old like back in old youtube i could go yeah you want to do crossbar challenge cool that's nice yeah yeah yeah yeah we'll just go do you know and then woodwork you notice it actually as the years went on it went from nine to five to three and there's just three of us giving the ball a goal yeah just missing all the shots that's jokes it's hard to like football videos now uh impossible i want to do them but my feet can't hack shooting on the astro all the time i mean like nice grass astro just kills my ankles man but the videos just they they have to be like leveled up now they've got to take a while like so i was filming one with chris yesterday which i told you about that's uh you know he's he's already done one shoot for it on his own then he's done yesterday's shoot with four of us and in that he also had uh like a ball launcher drone yeah operator he's got another he's got another day shoot for it and that's all being put into one so it's like you can't just go do kick about woodwork challenge yeah with three of us if you look at the views on that stuff back then it's out that's what i mean i did two touch in the garden my brother 500k let me try that now see if it gets five one of joshua josh's one of his most used videos i don't know if it is most is a volley crossbar challenge i think it is it's out of focus and the uh iso or whatever it is is set so high that you can't make out the crossbar and it's on like 10 mil yeah but back then people it was about the content of the video not the title or something because you're saying now the levels are going up and you have to do all these extra things whereas what people were drawn to in the old videos was just like everyone chilling like playing football together so like if you did it now you might think like i know you gotta raise your levels but what they really enjoy is just like the well that's why the charity matches did so well as well because people are favorite creators all in the same place playing football what the hell yeah yeah this podcast is also sponsored by skillshare the online learning community is offering our listeners a free trial of premium membership witness your own transformation as you turn small steps into giant leaps with skillshare's online classes there are so many fascinating classes on skillshare on topics including you can find like graphic design you can find thumbnail creation you can find editing you can find how to use a camera so maybe you can come take over john's job which would be great yeah honestly we'll pay you whatever you want yeah well uh randolph actually took a class yes i've recently obviously you guys know ace grading we launched that we're doing something called the ace labels where it's like it's like a custom label i want to actually do my own a stable for for the for the card so i've been using um jaron vogel's digital illustrator course so you can learn to use procreate on the ipad laura uses actually so she can give me some tips as well i need to take a class on djing i literally have a dj set satin yeah you do you need to do that yeah yeah well with skillshare practice makes progress advancing towards a goal is achievable with short lessons hands-on projects and classes designed for real life do something today you couldn't do yesterday skillshare helps you move your creative journey forward without putting life on hold their short classes are a perfect fit for your busy routine you'll create real projects and get the support of fellow creators so you can accomplish real growth explore your creativity at what's good where our listeners get a free trial of premium memberships that's two weeks free at what's good geez yeah so go to what's good to get a free trial of skillshare's premium membership boom let's go i'm back to the podcast is there a reason talking to football you didn't play in clash creators um i feel like early in the year i got shouted for it yeah but i was kind of like i knew i was expecting a kid so i was kind of like i'm not committing to anything yeah and i missed out on a lot of work in the build up to that because i was like not committing to it and even if the money was good not coming into it i like i just didn't know when or where like i was supposed to go to champions league semi-final and final couldn't go you know because it's just too close and i was like i am not missing the birth of my child yeah for a brand yeah yeah yeah i caught like maybe 10 minutes of it here and there it seemed decent like it seemed like it went pretty well yeah yeah so it was kind of a a good test to see how much people wanted to see a charity match yeah but they did a different style i don't know if you saw that yeah it's like loads of teams just it was four teams and it was a 20 minute horse these two played then these two played and the winners played in the final that was it but the losers also had a penalty shootout to get third or fourth oh that's pretty sick that was yeah but i know a few people were kind of like oh you guys should incorporate that yeah as well i don't know because people a lot of people don't like change yeah people you see in one match well i think that i think they want more though as well like one all the bullet of war matches and i know like the walk up and stuff you slap one match to the final but you do have the the like the build up of the group stage everything so they haven't like their tournament kind of like aspect to it really helps a lot it also makes it exciting as well because you don't know what's going to happen whereas like you did a what like a 90 minutes it's so much build up and then when it's done it's done where it's like but do you know what i think the waiting around and stuff is where it kills it for me yeah i can't i used to hate tournaments when i was younger it's quite it was quite smooth theirs was quite smooth until the final but someone always has to wait so i'm saying yeah your muscles yeah yeah yeah the first two teams have to wait yeah 40 to an hour it's like a big big thing whereas when you do little ones it's kind of like it's like i don't know it's annoying as well because just when you get into a game and stuff has ended yeah like it happened at the wembley cup wembley cup touching that happened at the wembley cup when i was like oh roll i can get to play steven gerrard this is like the biggest thing ever for me it's like okay go into the game playing can't really get into the game it's not really going we're getting packed by hashtag whatever start to get into the game subs for toby come back on start to get into the stuff for toby yeah like i literally remember one of the last things i did was flick a nice pass around the corner to i was like yeah you can pass it back to me but i was like okay i'm about to get subbed oh man and it's just like i i couldn't stand that you know yeah i get that well i'm trying to i don't know if you've i've said it multiple times but i'm trying to do like my own smaller charity matches but everyone has always said oh you don't want the idea to get stale but i want to do like one to three thousand seater stadiums and do a charity match just for my charity yeah my brothers yeah um and maybe not live stream it so it stays exclusive yeah because if you live streaming i think it would get boring yeah you'd have i wanted like three or four a year yeah and everyone would get a bit bored but it would be like yeah i just invite whoever wants to play can play it wouldn't it's not a sidemen versus thingy it's literally you know three of the sidemen might play yeah some of them maybe sometimes all of them do sometimes none of them do yeah yeah more i'd literally just go like yeah the team's like i might pull them out of a hat do a video on that yeah i'd record it put it on my own channel and give all that money to the chat find out the teams on the day that'd be quite good yeah you may maybe you should incorporate bigger other clubs into well the way i i wanted to try and do it but i don't know how it would work logistically imagine fans vote fans are the managers basically yeah half like subs and stuff yeah so you're literally like uh who should come off now and you just have a poll of everyone yeah i know that would be so trolly you do that and then it's this okay it would be it could you get so entertaining many steps on the picture but you're like yeah you'd work stuff out like that you'd go like okay whoever's last whoever's just come on can't be subbed off yeah yeah and you know whoever's subbed off has to come back on yeah you have someone just there with polls right and they can judge it so they can they can decide who actually is available to be polled so if this one hasn't been subbed then they can't be part of it yeah that's what like that would be quite sick and it'd be very interactive but then i'd have to stream it which would make the event yeah and lose it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's true i think it'd be just so sick to do four times a year a really exclusive event you've got two thousand people if they're there they can enjoy it yeah you gotta be there i'll be square yeah and then it's like a you know it's a nice smaller event mm-hmm that money gets cherry do it again and again yeah no i think that's a good idea you'll be down yes thanks you'd be invited every time so would you this is why i'm the best for one friend simon because i invite you to events exactly all right great thought we had more than that um i can't remember what else i was going to talk about i've got a question for you when are you going to get back into sunday league oh simon still play for youtube i watch every ucr video yeah and i just think to myself you are so much better without me but do you know what you can't say you're not no you know you don't know what i i know what you're talking about right you know they didn't lose until you played no no as in when i played that was a different season okay this season they didn't lose yeah the standard of our league this season wasn't like like one of the best teams dropped out and it sort of like dipped it because they would have been battling us it would have made the games harder through the whole thing one team like the guy who has a weird comb over haircut no we never we've never lost to them really yeah we've never lost them we lost to winning town yeah they've drawn like when i played when i played it was a struggle against them no and then i watched you lot and it's like they're one of the easy opponents no like we've never lost them they're always like they're up for it like i know exactly well one of them has this just he's a weird comb over dude it's so he's a nice guy though he seemed nice i played them so much that we get to know them it's like three teams it is literally i only played i probably played a total of eight get seven six games utr something like that yeah i'm pretty certain every single game was against one of two teams they come with a guy that was one of them and then there was one other and i'd be like then i'd watch the video and i'd be like oh who are you playing this week he's ah then and i'm like so even the cups in that certain teams will just go through certain teams will go out in the lower leagues and stuff yeah cause everyone's got lives all right so you can't always yeah and what happens a lot of times even when a new team joins you find out two weeks later dropped out you lost the points for beating them you're like well then guess what to play spring every week um but no like i think this year it would be more competitive we were going to switch leagues and try and go to sc don's league which had been which would have been crazy competitive but a couple of things were running through my mind a lot of people ah yeah you're not good enough you're um what do you call it scared in this step i was like no the thing is a lot of people already play on saturdays if we go into that league a lot of them already play on saturdays but it makes it like saturdays so why would people want to play two saturday games yeah so i don't know the intensity is high gotta keep it high everyone's going to want to win pride and i thought that i don't know so we're half and half we did want to start a new challenge we found out in order to do that we'd have to go two leagues below and then come back up and then people were like nah actually that's actually long so what we're going to do is we'll play in our league there's newer teams in our league now and london cup's the biggest sunday league cup yeah there is we got to the third knockout round and we lost on penns in a game that we should have won which was unfortunate otherwise we go on and then we can start making a better name for ourselves but same time for me it's just a bit of fun like it's not yeah it's supposed to be a bit of fun and i don't want to suck that out from everyone obviously the team's gotten better and stuff but i'm still trying to like keep some of the regular faces around because i don't want it to be like and that's why i'm starting to try and be like i actually need to play more you do because people do sub yourself one in like the 70th minute yeah what because i've been so busy of not keeping fit i said i'm not starting myself over people who deserve to be yeah they're playing regularly the team is ridiculous as well like i'm watching it i'm like they're i shouldn't play i shouldn't turn up because i'm gonna be the pity player which i never want to be you're really good their team is really good like really good i feel like sometimes i feel like i don't need me and stuff like that but you see how the game's going and sometimes someone's not in the mood to play their best or whatever yeah you're like goodness yeah or whatever is it closer to are you closer to the the games now than before when you lived in the old play old house probably further okay yeah and you always used to say that you know it's like so early yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you got it for it like you play it like 10 10 a.m kickoffs or something i'm 10 30. yeah like i'm waking 1930 meat yeah but it is it is good to like just meet up with the boys and just like it's a different vibe because a lot of people and i just say this a lot of people are going through loads during the week yeah like in their lives and this with family and work and when you come together on a sunday even though we have a level of seriousness to it we still haven't get away from like real life yeah yeah and it's an escape so it's just yeah the door is open it it does it just i can't play sunday league because there's dons in the league that take it too too serious were you playing that i don't know if you were playing that game there's a game where like um we were five one up or something like these guys have been fouling us the whole game you can watch it youtuber versus that's great uh they'll follow us the whole game i literally at one point this guy's running away from me just sort of like drag his shirt a little bit because i can be a little bit of an annoying character sometimes and he turns around to me calls me something which i won't repeat and um i was like oh yeah really just like hyping back to him a little bit just messing about he's like yeah so pass it to him pass it to him i'll take a red card to break his leg any day and i was like yeah yeah yeah i'll take a red card to break my leg and he did i said give me the ball said lads give me the ball he's like he's not gonna do anything i said you're gonna act like this now and after the game you're gonna laugh and shake my hand after the game laughed shook my hand oh he packed him 7-1 i don't think i was there for that game yeah no i played in one you take it seriously yeah there's so many you're getting kicked i mean admittedly i turned up i had my bright pink hair not a good start in sunday league but we played one where all of them started saying about they started like pointing out our cars and stuff and they were literally like like one of them literally looked at me and was like yes i saw your i think it was a range i was driving at that point it's like yeah i saw the nice range you drove in it'd be a shame if someone keep it and i was like yeah i was like it would be a shame for sure he literally like i remember he started using like homophobic slurs because i had pink hair he was it was yeah he was it was targeting a little bit and then the ref told him to stop and he literally just like threatened the ref the ref backed off i thought him off in the i think someone else got sent off but the guy didn't get sent off for like verbal yeah yeah it was just like he was literally i remember at one point he literally one of the guys got booked because he literally turned around and said he'll stab you not you he literally said to one of our players he was like i will stab you yeah and the ref was like yeah we'll give you a yellow some people are like that's like a yellow i don't know if you saw the one recently where one of our players heads got stomped on yes i'm surprised that no actual proper fight broke out i think it i think it happened too quick yeah like i mean when i'm watching just the first clip i didn't even see it yeah but then you show the replay and you show how bad it is yeah but obviously no one there sees the reason yeah i i was looking at his house like i saw he was just stumped on him then it all kicks off and whatever and like at that point i was like because they're a bit like edgy customers that don't mind that and a lot of people that turn up sunday league have nothing to lose if we hit someone if we attack someone if we get into beef it's kind of like it's a team of cameras it's the youtubers like we have a lot to lose so i say to the boys like i get it because they get us they foul us this that but you have to just try and block it out and i say that as someone who's been sent off once for head button does it annoy you when people do the standard thing of like say someone fouls you or tackles you you try a trick or something they yeah and they're like yeah put it out on youtube yeah oh no because i know you yeah they're like it's it is annoying but i just laugh at it like i remember when i was playing for tevye at rangers when i first started sunday league one of the guys comes in steam and tackle just cleans me up put it on youtube literally that's what he said and i was like whoa whoa whoa then another guy was like i missed a shot he's like you're gonna put that on youtube i was like yeah i will yes yes i will and i'll probably make a joke about myself yeah yeah and he was like oh yeah he's like i'll give you something to put on youtube i was like just shut up do you know who he played against recently uh on the other team they had cozy i'm famous catch me all over youtube yeah i remember him yeah he was on the other team mad he's a good guy you know yeah yeah i mean i've heard a lot of people say all sorts but i judge people based off my experiences with them i feel like that's the way to go and he was chatting like calm blah blah yeah i mean i had to drop the shoulder on him as well he tried it like i'm famous now i think i would have tried getting under his skin a little bit yeah and be like oh i don't catch you on youtube anymore this will be something yeah it's a sunday league's banter though like it's funny like even the last game of the season i'm rusty as hell but i took some dead shot i was in two minds what do i do with this i was like oh wait the ghost there let me kick it p roll it to the right and um one of the guys goes that's never been you that's never been you i was like oh yeah cool two minutes late he shanks a pass i said that's never it's that left foot that's what that first supposed to be good he was like nah nah watch me watch me next thing shanks went off the pitch i was like okay cool i was like you shouldn't have come for me these boys were laughing i was like what that's never been you so what is this is really random what's next what's next with is ut utr's just carrying on like you're staying in that league obviously yeah i'm stuck for where to take it because i think a lot of people want to compete with other youtube teams and stuff but i think sometimes the more competitive it gets the more boring it gets yeah everyone goes this is far too serious for youtube yeah yeah like when you're playing a sunday league team you want it competitive like yeah because no one knows the other team that's like that's like some anime something where it's like you know oh you have a like a match that's a struggle and the next one you know oh you won it yeah like your last one yeah your last game that's called like the streaks over or something yeah question mark yeah um like that that's interesting but when you're playing against uh like i use rebel because they're not yeah but if it's your team view rebel it's like okay ultimately we want to see the creators we know yeah and i feel like when you get that level it just becomes serious and you won't know any of the players yeah yeah like an actual football because everyone's trying to like say uh we're the best i've never cared to get drawn into that you know i mean never really been like people go oh like don's better than utr this better than utis that's nice someone has to be the best yeah yeah i mean like if it's you guys cool i'm not saying that we can't be the best or the best but i don't bother to get drawn into i've got so many other things kind of i've got a son why do i care every argument i've got a son that's what i'm like i don't even answer when people would chat and rubbish to me i've got some don't need this so sometimes i go through i've got a son you go change an app your son even if it's not relevant yeah yeah yeah just like ah the sky is green man no it's not i got something yeah yeah literally argue with me that's that's your answer to everything i said no no what's up it's a pretty good answer if you can like shine light on it so there's been a rumor recently going around that toby oh yeah he's fighting have you seen this do you know i saw someone came to my stream and said that toby's fans like what that's so cool i feel like i feel like i feel like i talk to toby more than you do these days isn't it you got a son but like i never heard anything about a fight and then i saw sank about coach rich saying yeah so he's posted so he's trained toby quite a bit and then he's put on his insta story quite a few stories about like toby's fighting this day blah blah blah like oh he's you know doing this he's doing this yeah and i i kind of saw it and i was like wait is this actually happening i haven't spoken to him about it because i've got some things in my mind uh but i was kind of like does he know that like we still have our mum like our mom is yeah she is not going to want him to fight yeah so i don't know who he's fighting i don't know if it's hype for something or what i don't know i mean i've tried fighting i think it's all cap yeah yeah because he's not said anything to me at all i feel like a son could bring up yeah my my viewer it was like either he what he is and he was not completely dead or it's a lie maybe if he is then you guys would know so i don't but i don't know coach rich seemed to be talking about it normally right in the u.s but unless he actually is having a fight but not like a fight he's maybe sparring against another youtuber at a certain date maybe just for a video yeah and it's not serious yeah and that's what it all boil down to people always ask me manny would you fight and this that's what am i fighting for that's what yeah right that's the one thing i can't stand from this whole youtube box i don't gain anything from it even if i do go and train for seven months ago and i see the lights run and i get knocked out what then what so you can mean me for those smiles yeah what does that mean unless they're you know if if they're gonna light you here's 10 mil to fight yeah i'll do it i'ma live my life until the fight get the 10 mil momo give it a good go that was good but even jj like he fights for a reason he's not just doing it for no reason like every fight with weller then with logan obviously he wants to he's been training but it's again there's a reason like the passion yeah to fight them and jake you only know about each other with fights is what i think anyone can win because it takes just one hit in the right place yeah i can and just the stuff of like when you see boxes and stuff go in four fights they're trained everything they get hit in the wrong place and their career is done like yeah it's not it's not work there's too much to lose yeah and even if there is money on the line i got offered money to do cage fight it's a cage fighting with what do you know [Music] he offered against khan yeah well no one got paid anyway so yeah yeah that's true yourself or keep up with random youtube drama stuff yeah unless i see it trending or someone talks yeah so recently literally like a few days ago there was another fight like you know slim no so slim fought against fouseytube a while ago okay and slim one okay was that when fousey everyone's like fousey got knocked out and there's that yeah like fousey literally didn't punch he stood up he stood like this and then punched him and then slim's been calling out deji and gibb for time slim had a fight fought against the child that just didn't fight back and then adam saller had a fight got i mean i watched the fight i saw jj post tank about it on the story about i mean i watched it he got destroyed but it got given as a draw so now he's coming to london apparently and jj's agreed to fight him and that's in like 10 days or like a week or something like that is that being it's just a spa i think but they're both very much like you need to be humbled to each other oh really yeah well let's see yeah i'm i beg you let's just watch i know yeah please i need to watch that well i'm actually something right i didn't watch the whole event but you know slim right he's in the ring going off a give right but he he like walks off to the side and calls him out what's good there no you're not talking about that he walks off like yo give give i'm like you know he's not here right maybe he thought it was like one of the cameras maybe it was a camera yeah they didn't cut to it cameraman and the guy on the camera three was sleeping but yeah it just seems to just it's just going on and on like i don't know that is boxing i think because people are seeing the figures in it so everyone's trying to create hype yeah but i just feel like there's some where it's just like stopped but yeah the social glove thing like is it's weird now have you seen that what's going on with that well because you know the tick tock youtube event yeah so austin versus bryce yeah and all the others etc apparently like no one's been paid for that as well this so like it was video live what what video live and social gloves yeah and this they're suing austin austin and social gloves i think sued video live saying like no one's being paid i know something and then they're now suing austin or something like that but it's a hundred million dollars well yeah supposedly hundred million dollars and they're saying that austin came to and was like oh you're gonna get this many like pay-per-view buys something like three million pay-per-view buys 100k or something yeah but i'm thinking like has anyone ever got three million people before i don't think so maybe maybe the very very top one but like he said that there's no guarantee and they probably would have known that yeah yeah you can't i'mma start selling that idea to places oh yeah brands i'm like yo i'm like 100 million views yo man city let me just borrow your stadium i'm gonna get a hundred million views hundred million people man that stuff goes over my head as you can tell yeah i felt like you don't yeah i feel like you've always just yeah stay to the side that's what i mean like even when youtubers were beefing and stuff like when i first jumped on twitter i used to be the one just like getting at like a little my little youtube friends and just like cussing them or whatever but i was just like can't be asked yeah i mean yeah like the sidemen distracts and stuff i remember you reacted with your mates yeah to a load of them but that was in toby's video i didn't even react on my own channel yeah did you not react to one i didn't react to anything oh man i watched everyone else's reactions because in that point like there's a low period for like games and stuff but i just thought i don't want to build my following off of reactions and then people just go anyway so i was just kind of like well i'll just wait for it to ride out and a lot of people boom during that period but a lot of people also dipped after yeah and i didn't really want to do that oh yeah it was a proper like yeah the month after it was just sadness for everyone we're all sat there like yo this is i uploaded a video like reacting to harry's diss track on jj nine million views like stuff like that and then the next month i'm putting like work into a video and it's like yeah you know like a couple hundred thousand views yeah my place i think it just fit that feels horrible and it never even though you know it's coming yeah you might it's crazy that's one thing that i find with this like i always ask myself like if someone told me i'd do the numbers i do right now on youtube i would be like no way yeah you're waffling i remember one of the conversations i'll never forget i was in the old sideman has the very first one yeah and simon was like what sort of views do you do now it's like 600k views a month he was like a couple months you're gonna be doing that two to three mil blah blah and i was like yeah sure simon sure that'd be nice i'll get my own seidman house um yeah no like funny enough like couple months down the line maybe less than a year and everything just started picking up more and more and more so i always try and take my mind back to that stage where i wanted more so when i do see my views still doing better than what i was doing then i'm kind of i'm still grateful and that's why i'm in the stage where like if i'm gonna load pez upload football manager i don't care if it does bad views because he's like he's literally like his channel does this and it's literally like happy randolph sad randolph yeah you can't let the numbers control you i swear done that's why sometimes i step back from it all and i'm just like whatever man i don't have to do it though like i mean i i know that i shouldn't but it still does i know like it's not because like even now i'm not really uploading much right now because i know it's a dead period for gaming but sometimes you have to take that l period or that calm period but nothing's happening in order and just plan and then when you come back home with a boom before fifa 20 i literally studied two or three other youtubers like netbates and matthews like what these guys doing together they're consistently in a certain amount of you studied them and that was one of my best years on youtube then from there fifa 21 another like sick one because when you strategize and take a step back you can do so much better but when you're caught up in consistent i'm like oh no this needs to hit this you get down because it's not doing what you need it to yeah but you're not taking time to do what it needs to do to get to where it needs to be yeah it's going to be a good day tonight very good dad that wisdom is there man [Laughter] step back man what's what's next with like everything else everything else yeah just you manny what's next you know i just want to like get to a place where i feel at peace like and my whole life isn't just youtube i wanna sometimes i forget my name's emmanuel because no one calls me a manual there's many many many many and that's what i say to my friends some days i just don't want to be many like i want to be left alone i don't want to be held to many standards yeah you know like it worked against me as well it was really good yeah like it worked against me sometimes and go to a sign for a saturday club and they've already posted it before i know and i'm kind of like no like i don't want you guys to make a big thing about me just let me come in and play football for a while you know and that's why i was really hesitant i was like you know i can't bother with this but i really enjoy like the competitive nature of it but i don't want to be held to oh manny the youtube yeah you know it's the same thing happened with jazz when he went to billy ricky and i was like oh the guy from f2 signed he's going to run through the whole team no like yeah there's youtube videos not to say he's not a good player yeah so i sometimes i just i ask myself who even am i like am i just what these people want me to be all the time people come in to my stream sometimes and say like why aren't you doing this why don't you do that because i don't want to yeah oh like why aren't you replying because i'm playing my game right now yeah um there's a one that's very famous in my streams these days because i'm not streaming fifa and getting crazy views i'm streaming what i want and doing whatever views oh stream fell off like why are you streaming this low view as i said first of all number one where's your viewers and why are you watching me secondly if you can't fit in your living room it's fine i mean you can probably not even fit six people in your living room and you're coming in nice low views 49 is fine but um i'm just trying to take out look like that and not let numbers control me and not just be a youtuber now i want to be like a family i want to go out and do stuff yeah but that's where being who i am even if i was to quit today people are still gonna know my face and i say this i was having a conversation with my sister the other day and i was like it does get draining like wherever i go literally wherever i go i'll get recognized yeah like even the weirdest places i'm not even going to mention all of them on here but you'll be in the weirdest places thinking yeah i'm fine excuse me are you i went to toby carvery the guy serving me my stuff like you look like someone i said do i get that a lot did i get that a lot said i look like did we go to school together i said no he said you look like manny from the side man i said i'm not in the sideline i said i am many but it's like i just want to eat my food but it just is what i can't change my face the worst part is you're out about and even if like say no one like recognizes you you think they do or you you think like my life now that exactly that is the thing that comes with it and that's what makes me uncomfortable not that i hate people coming up to me but i just don't like the all eyes on me feeling and funny enough is so weird that i'm even doing youtube and in the line work because i'm such a keep to myself sort of person yeah it's like this is what toby says as well toby says this stuff a lot as well he's very much like youtube would not be the kind of thing i would i wouldn't have chosen to do now yeah to like yeah yeah because there's so much that comes with it that people don't like and that's why it's a weird things i don't like expressing myself online when i'm in a bad mood because when i do i know there's just a good amount of people that just won't get it and it stays they see the blue tick yeah yeah yeah so you see the blue tick and they think you're invincible so i remember one time i tweeted i was just going through i just wasn't feeling myself wasn't enjoying anything and i was like i just feel down blah blah blah and someone was like what do you mean man would you have to be down about you've got money you've got fame you've got your family they're all healthy i said how do you know my family's healthy yeah yeah i mean like you just assume everything you're a millionaire just how do you know i'm a millionaire how did you know that i didn't have 500k debt before i jumped into this did you no i don't know everyone just assumes everything and just thinks oh like we see you on the camera you're amazing like everything's okay but sometimes there's days where i just don't want to talk to anyone i don't want to turn on my stream i don't want to that's the thing as well i think because because the kind of videos that like we both made what all of us make you don't ever we're not like daily vloggers yeah where if you have a bad day you'll post a bad day yeah like you won't post a day like you won't you know do a voiceover et cetera like talking to camera of utr of a utr game yeah in a bad mood yeah you'll wait till you're in a good mood and dude there's times where i've literally had videos where i've had some news that i don't want to hear or something's got me mad i've gone on stream and i'll have the worst stream ever and to make it worse i might be playing fifa which will annoy me even more so guys i can't do this i got to be real with you i'm not feeling it right now and i look over my stream yeah yeah because i it comes across in two or three videos where i've looked at them you look like an absolute prick in that video because you came on with the wrong energy yeah and it's a it's a mad thing but everyone always expects you to be happy and just be like whoa like yeah yeah like look at me i make money and it's like well even if i do make money how much is going out as well there's a lot of responsibilities and there's a lot of things that i say three four years ago i was going through and it was so tough because i was making money but i felt like i couldn't admit i wasn't making money because there's so many things going on in my life yeah but i wouldn't express that to people because i don't want to air out my dirty laundry and make it i mean i don't want everyone to know my business because sometimes it's embarrassing because you don't need to be online yeah it doesn't need to be online but everyone online thinks that it should be fine yeah and that's the thing is like am i two people i'm i'm two people without intending to be two people but i don't want everyone to know everything well that's why social media is so tough as well though because people who are going through like normal things like day and day out like struggling they think that like people online social media people don't go through those same things as well obviously we don't always want to like put that right because it's affecting us but then because they don't see it it's also dangerous for them because they think that oh everything's perfect yeah it's hard because how do you how do you change that you know because like i i don't want to post a video of me like going through something but then they don't know that i'm going through something so for example the start of this week i don't know what happened i don't know why i feel like i was overwhelmed with the realization of also like your father and just all the changes and trying to balance everything at once and i was just in the worst mood ever and i just i don't know if you guys saw it i tweeted i was like sometimes i don't know if i'm depressed yes or no or if i'm going through yeah or if i'm just going through a patch and i think tom replied and was like well if you don't know if you're depressed you're probably not you're probably just going and i was like well i i don't know that i've never died i can't diagnose myself really or and i i don't know it's not the right place to exactly that's what i'm saying but sometimes it's like if you don't then it's just you're in your own head and that's what twitter is you just express your thoughts well i feel like depression is such a difficult one as well because it it like implies and i've said i'm not sure like the actual definitions itself but like some days you can be really happy and sometimes you just you can feel like awful but because like there's a term for it you feel like you're not allowed to feel bad that on that specific day yeah they say it's like oh man my mother's pressed today but then tomorrow i'm happy with it it's not simple you can't be always happy and always impressed you have both yeah did you guys see that meme that went around on twitter a couple months ago where it's like i'll buy a stream and then the next thing's like the guy just with his head down once turned off and i was like that's the heap yeah because sometimes you feel like that you've given all your energy to the stream you have nothing left for you but it's a weird one because for a long time i've always been like i don't want to say that i'm depressed because it feels like if i say that i'll get stuck there but it's very good to do stuff like this where you can talk and vent out and just be open because if you don't do that you're in your own head there's days where i've just been like don't want to get out but you don't want to do anything yeah you know and there's so many things that will do that to you well some days you're supposed to like some days like you have to like just take it easy and just because you're a human you'd be down like like sometimes it's good to be to feel down as well because it gives you perspective whereas i'm you know so i used to have say i have a saying like i'm pride myself on it i have maximum three cries a year and now i look at myself and i think yeah yeah cry if you need to yeah yeah drake that's true though you have to have to have that like you have to add the lows really can you appreciate the highs like um when i went to play saturday football i was like yeah i'm going to get back in saturday football signed of a team called basildon decent standard and i was like yeah i want to get back into it first game uh came off the bench in the 90th minute literally about to score the winning goal as nil nil keep my head is right there keep his hand push the ball away everything changes next game come on last four minutes what can you do in the last four minutes and um next day after that was when i dislocated my shoulder after scoring a goal on sunday and it was like back to square one and in that moment i just felt down i was like what's the point yeah like every time i try to take a step forward get pushed back yeah i mean yeah i i don't know how to but you have to try and get out your head yeah as much as possible with i feel like youtube is one of the worst for that though yeah like i saw into calyx about it a while ago and he was like no i actually realized how our job is in terms of mentally it's like everyone obviously has their own thing they're going through as well but like as you said you only show positivity online so yeah no one's mad i wish i could switch it on and off because it's a good thing to have people like recognize what you do appreciate what you do i've had people cry to me and be like your videos saved me a hard time and that's the sort of stuff that keeps me going i've said to you a lot i don't know if i can do this again i don't know if i can do this for much longer and you said to me what were you going to do after that and i was like i don't know about if i'm doing this and i'm not happy sometimes yeah start of every year go can i do youtube for another year but i get i have periods where i really enjoy it and have periods where i don't and it's because life everything changes here and there and like yep there's so much to do with that isn't youtube so to balance it with youtube trying to be creative trying to get the numbers that you want you know but like like i said i'm trying to get into that position where i'm a place where i'm not chasing numbers because you chase numbers you just won't ever find satisfaction that's why i think like one of my happiest times on youtube was chasing numbers but it was all while it was going up quickly yeah but then the worst time i've had on youtube is when i've looked at numbers and it's going down yeah like that that time was literally you're not enjoying anything and it makes you want to post more videos to try and get back cater to yeah losing views and it doesn't work yeah so now i'm working harder to do worse well i always say to you and i always say to the guys like no discord i said simon worked so hard i said that guy needs to chill out i said you've done so well that you need to chill out because if you're working at the rate that you're working at you can only do that for so long yeah you need to like yeah take a step back but just keep doing it exactly you keep doing it because to an extent it's like once you're not content korean you don't know what to do yourself if you're not out enjoying yourself even if you enjoy yourself for a week you want to go back you're like itching to go back and like oh the numbers are going down it's because the numbers are controlling yeah yeah because you're like i can't take too long otherwise people forget about me numbers will dip you know but that's why i think in our positions where you are youtubers content creators you have to maximize it to the point where you're doing so well your money's working for you that you don't need to create content to make your money yeah and when you're at that point you can do content but you enjoy yeah yeah but that's what i keep saying to i can't remember if i said this too but i was like oh obviously everyone always says oh you know like jj when he was like 21 was like yeah i'm going to retire at 25. and we all went no you know we can do 25 retired like all your mates work yeah you're gonna get bored as hell you're gonna work i keep saying to myself like oh yeah i'll get to the point where you know i don't have to work but i just make videos when i want to make videos and that'll be the fun like i'll make a fun video i'll be like yeah i want to make that video so i'll do it yeah but then i keep thinking like when is that point because i feel like you're just never happy with never never ever yeah yeah but that's like one of the reasons you've been like so successful is because you do like uh you can get in your head a lot but then you work harder to make sure that you it's like at least a minute ago if you start dropping you work even harder to make sure that they they don't but then yeah i know that's really unhealthy it's so unhealthy but then at the end of the day that's you know you post so much and do so much that's also like why you've done so well yeah but that could make it even worse in your head it's weird though because if i ask you now how many times do you go on holiday that has nothing to do with work a year right and then and then right and then this is true someone will say to you that's gonna holiday you'll be like i'm not sure if i can commit to that yet he kicks them working exactly not watch this clip you talked about yesterday and i was like uh we're talking about barley yeah and um it's like a 14-hour flight or something and she was like oh you gotta go there for like two weeks yeah two weeks are you mad yeah i'm going for four days i think you should you should but do you know what as well like i asked myself this stuff like because every time we go on holiday gotta get videos ahead and wherever we put that pressure on ourselves but to an extent it's like what if you're working so hard where's the time to ever enjoy it yeah but i always look at it as like i'll enjoy it later yeah okay okay you know when it comes becomes real when you become ill can you work i mean i i have no no no it's like when you become ill like bed bound you're like you can't do anything you can't work so if you can do that then you can take two weeks off because if you have no choice then yeah but part of me is also like yeah i i work so that if i am ill i'm calm because i've already done the work no but then you're only catering for when you're not feeling good you have to make and do stuff to make yourself feel good you have to have time for holidays and breaks and no i agree with you but it's just one of those things like it's it's just ingrained in my head like when i was you know after the euros final like i was i was ill yeah like we missed a podcast yeah i think that's the first maybe the second time on my second channel i've missed two days in a row but that was that was illness but also top of the fact that like just so depressed because of england it just felt so yeah like i i didn't want to get better yeah yeah yeah yeah i was like just let me just horrible it just felt so bad yeah that's like the first time i started that channel 2013 or something that's the first time i've missed two days in a row even even like this even like to mr podcast now is a big thing isn't it because we've gotten such a rhythm with it there's like nine like 90 episodes in a row or something and then i missed that one get to 100 and take the pressure off no we missed it oh then we've done a hundred episodes over here who's what was it mine no it wasn't that's not your fault though was when i was ill okay well exactly and then what can you do okay you didn't get to 100 what then yeah but you have to get out your own head otherwise you're never going to get out the thing you're never going to enjoy what you're working for no i know i know but like if you go back and look at old videos even when i'm ill just make videos yeah there's so many videos where i'm literally like dying josh obviously he had to rest because it was so bad but there's times where he's like his voice is still gone i'm like he's started a stream yeah yeah like bro it's relaxed like take take the day well there's i think it was i don't know what it was i think it was i think it's punishment paul on the sideman channel like the recent video he did and there's one bit where i say something in it and my voice like at that point i'm like like that i literally say something to josh and i go and he goes he literally burst out laughing and i'm like i'm very ill but i'm like i can kind of you know how you can like almost the right word like you can suck it up and kind of put it on for 20 minutes yeah it was that and then it's like hey calm i hate that yeah like i i'd do it for football like play football and i'd done it for videos as well but i watched about the video and said why people are going sorry guys i'm ringing on like yeah i was just like what am i doing like postponing the video if they don't get a sunday league this week it's fine no one's going to hopefully no one's going to die there's nothing about youtube it doesn't allow you to take breaks that well if you take a week off it's hard to get back on that train again yeah but that's that's the dip but sometimes you have to accept that and where i'm trying to tell myself to accept i haven't up tomorrow's gonna make it a week i haven't uploaded before i say i've not uploaded for more never uploaded or not uploaded for more than a week and i kept that up until this baby yeah came around and it was like two weeks so now i've never not uploaded for two weeks but i see people that go away for three months four months and i think their channel's gone they come back and but you just have to be ready for the comments as well especially when you already have a following like for you especially i don't think if you went off the face of the earth for six months and said i'm taking a break it would work better in your favor because people go where's simon you come back yeah like jj jj's never gonna have that thing where he's not relevant yeah because he's you're too well known like you're too far gone yeah yeah if you come back your comeback's a big thing you're trending um yeah i mean my main channel is pretty much non-existent right now done like one video in the last month yeah but you had that period where we were talking you like oh um i'm running out of ideas for my main channel can't think of ideas for my main channel i was like yeah i don't blame you because you upload every day of course you can't find it like you upload every day of course you're gonna run out of ideas like and then you slowly got into thinking like you know i don't mind i'll focus on the gaming stuff and whatever and if my main channel suffers a little bit it's calm well then i started streaming a lot more on twitch as well yeah and i mean that that's what like youtube yeah you can't take a break really but you can because you can also get ahead yeah like you know we used to go on holiday film ahead yeah yeah i would go e3 or something and we would film 14 videos in the seven days before and that would be the week yeah whereas twitch you literally can't like you can't get ahead no yeah you could you know you can and you can't in a way because you could have days where you stream longer and days where you don't stream at all yeah but like going away for because obviously the way subs work in which you know i know realistically don't really care if i have this many subs or this many subs yeah because ultimately it's just you know you stream what you want and if you as long as your community is good calm but it's always a number that you look at yeah as like you know if you're if you're like a big stream or a small stream or something and proportionately you have a tiny amount of subs it's still it's still going to play on your mind a little bit yeah and then if you go away for a week all those subs from the previous month in those seven days all disappear yeah so if they're real they have auto renew on yeah but but they're not fake or gifts right yeah yeah they disappear like gifts disappear but then you're like oh people aren't leaving it's just the gifts of expiring yeah but normally like you know if you're if you streamed every single day you'd probably like you'd have days where you go up a bit more days where you're down a bit more but you'd average out whereas if you took a week off all those gifted subs disappear yeah and all the people who haven't resubbed haven't reset because you haven't streamed so it like goes down a lot yeah and it's just like that's again straight back to the numbers yeah numbers and i know i know matrix is ahead of its time i mean if you i support you a lot in like the first house second house etc i spoke about numbers non-stop like i could tell you i could tell you how many views i was doing every single day yeah and on both channels yeah now i don't even know what my main channel is at yeah ever and my second channel well that's kind of you're also a psychopath that has like five channels and i'm trying to run two at least three i'm thinking um [Music] you don't have to have anyone to look at the views but like i don't so i i only know how many my second channel does because when i upload a video you have to go and create a dashboard and i see it yeah and i'm still not sure i know roughly main channel any channels any other channels i have no idea sidemen main channel i know yeah and second seidman second channel i know only because people other people have oh yeah when i said about the channels i didn't even mention those two you have like five of your own sort of one and the cyberman channels and you still don't take a holiday no this is because there's so many i am simon's therapist right now yeah this isn't simon talk to me no honestly like you got to take time you've done too well not to enjoy it and just keep working like you're broke but that's why i wanna i want to get into a rhythm with like second channel where it like at the moment games are so dead yeah like there's no games out right now that are like like you know when among us was out we could literally play that i could play it for four hours with mates yeah and i'd be a week ahead yeah because it was just like that every game was every game everyone's up for it it's fun etc yeah now i'm struggling every day it's like what would you play and the main channel like i'd happily go away for a week and just make a vlog out of it and i know that's still turning a holiday into work yeah but a week's holiday it's my one video is not really working yeah no that's that's that's fine and i feel like in our job the problem is we are our brand we are our work that's the problem because you can't take time off and say oh someone else do it because regardless of if someone else edits it someone else does this it's your face so you have to be present in some way shape or form and that's the same thing for me with utr there's times where i haven't been able to put all my energy towards it but i am a big part of ut because i've started it it's my thing you know so it is tough because we are our work we're not like a brand that's just got loads of moving parts that doesn't need us you know it's turned into a proper therapy session nice it's it's a good podcast it's the deeper side sorry man i'm a deep person that's good that's good i'm not gonna lie i'm out of outer questions i'm just thinking about every life right now yeah i'm just i'm contemplating life do you have anything else you wanna talk about no i'm just gonna go and reassess everything i do i'm gonna go look at all my numbers have all the numbers written down for future not guys i think genuinely though i don't know i don't know if you guys read or not i don't read enough yeah i feel like after this week where i just had like a bad patch it's kind of like i need to read and listen to more positive things and then go from there yeah i read one book in that crazy challenge mike and i actually really enjoyed it but the thought of picking up a book and starting just it puts me up like i should do i need to i need those i know there are them those like 10 minute podcasts that are okay like yeah there's always there's loads of like really positive 10 minute podcasts i need one of them well i i used to listen to when i used to live back in nottingham i used to drive to the seven house like it's three and a half hour journey and that would literally be the exact length of like a joe rogan podcast and he speaks to some really cool people interesting people and i used to really enjoy that and that that's like a form of reading in a sentence like you're driving and you're all you're looking at is a road in the podcast you're just you're focusing on it fully and that's what reading it reading is reading is not just about like what what is in the paper it's more about you just like being like still and just dedicate what you're doing to that there anytime in the day or in a week to go and like read a book or listen to a podcast yeah but when i'm driving even now now i'm not driving to uh different areas for ace and stuff i'm like i'm i'm listening to podcasts and i'm like focusing on it and it's good to have that time where you put your energy in just like that a calm period like what i try and do in the mornings i don't even do it often enough and that's why i have those moments like i try and read a devotional i read like my bible have a positive quote and something to get me in the mood for the day and in the mood for the week and yeah it's just like that slow period and even if it's just chilling just like having an instrumental plane or something going for a spa or something exciting to just reset we don't have a reset or we have a reset button we keep it there yeah you just don't choose to yeah but another note life's great nice to see you guys yeah yeah yeah you too bro sorry i went to totally not again for another year now that's good i've been uh there's a thing popping my laptop here that's like your disc is almost full i think he's battering out of space so that's how long we've been on before um yeah the last like 10 minutes i've been looking at this expected at some point to just stop and i'm so conscious about it sorry guys well maybe that's a sign to stop yeah yeah might be well thank you very much for coming on it's really good to see you i still need to come visit yeah i know like oh my beautiful fiance my beautiful son and uncle simon yeah we've got a whole baby he's absent i'll be honest i've already said like me and tyler are going there so talia can hold the baby and me and manny can go kickball yeah fantastic man he gets also and that sounds very casual considering we were talking about playing past like kicking ball you've gone like yes you're passed away no way there's no way you're holding the baby right you're stuck there and she doesn't like you're gonna be really cautious but i promise if i can do it anyone can do it i think i might have by the way this has all come down from i don't know if i've ever held a baby before yeah i think i have though because in my head i think my mom took a picture of me holding my cousin as a baby but that would have been like yeah like when you were young as well yeah i feel like it has to be when you're older but i'm talking like 11 years ago not like 20 years ago okay okay so you're like you know what i think 22. i think but are you good but yes um it terrifies me i don't i don't want to i don't know that's why you'll be good at it though because you you know it's it's a lot of pressure but then you're right it terrified me like when the baby came out they're like do you want to hold them up now i don't know that sounds mad but i was like i don't feel ready for you yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you know like how everyone ultimately everyone has like a there's like slight things that people do differently or something like that yeah and someone about oh you have to hold a little bit more yeah well uh maybe soon i mean it's not gonna be on the internet so you'll never know um yeah i'll probably say to be fair i'll probably be like yeah but yeah thank you very much for coming on i appreciate it um thank you guys you're very close to 2 million subscribers as well i know so if we can somehow press the button yeah if we can somehow get everyone to go over to manny's channel in the description down below and subscribe come on feel free uh also check out the sponsors in the description and we'll see you guys next week yeah see thank you bro same time again yeah yeah therapy session i'm gonna guess over the lives that i can lie down on them hi manny new studios peace
Channel: What's Good Podcast
Views: 212,004
Rating: 4.9688182 out of 5
Keywords: whats good, miniminter, randolph, podcast
Id: T4BdcF_sn3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 50sec (5810 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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