Episode 117 - Boxing the Dobre Brothers

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what's up guys welcome to TMZ podcasts this is actually last week's episode if you want today's episode that'll be on our patreon right now you can get it a week early if you contribute its patreon calm slash tiny meet gang so thanks if you do that and if not enjoyed this one who's yeah this is good for a change having these guys stare stare at us while we do this yeah oh that's another they perform New Year's Eve yeah we're at the in New York City yeah NYC oh yeah and they announce the new album they did didn't know about that no what the [ __ ] dude come on I thought you had the biggest an account on Twitter what are you doing I mean low-key I do I mean like I don't know exactly what's happening right now happy new year I know it's the seventh or eighth but did the last episode was after New Year it was but you know yeah I guess how long can you say that [ __ ] I think half I think halfway halfway yeah yeah I think you say it all the way that's a June yeah yeah I would agree but then you can start saying it for the next year you can yeah so technically it's a year round phrase when that fly whenever you want all year go for it we give you permission I just immediately always go to sex what saying that during sexy girls box and then just Happy New Year [Laughter] good tidings we had a good come bit in a while so you know you run it back give me that calm bit Brett what's up man what day is it Wednesday Wednesday yep it's Wednesday I don't know I lost all track of time all right I'm too tired man trying to potty train this dog is like the hardest [ __ ] thing I've ever done in my entire life word so can tell me more about consuming my life I got to skip that part it sucks yeah it's just not they just I don't know man you got to take them outside every hour mmm and then on top of that you have to watch them yeah every second of the day you just make sure they don't start circling yeah so it's just been like non-stop you just eyes on the [ __ ] dog the whole day and it just you know I love him but I hate him yeah yeah no I'm kidding I don't hate him you got that um you got the new dog dad stare that's what that is yeah exactly you know like a husband has like their first kid yeah I'm into work like they're just eyes hey uh David are you are you all right Liam you okay you're all right man yes you know the kid just up again up again oh yeah bro that the first one of baby is like miserable yeah like loneliness recently new nephew [ __ ] like that first month the two were just like I don't know they never said that doesn't look on their face yeah so it's exciting he's like yeah peas here they're like he's [ __ ] here all right worst [ __ ] decision we've ever made I it's funny cuz you like flip-flop between obviously he's not human baby but like you flip-flop between like why the [ __ ] did we do this yeah and like this is the best thing that's ever happened mm-hmm cuz he like brings so much joy but then the then the frustration that comes like there's 20 minutes later you know I'm saying when you take him outside to pee and he stands there and just looks at you for like 20 minutes yeah 20 minutes I've stood outside and to be like I know you have to go I know your [ __ ] schedule I know that you're holding it right now for whatever reason and then I bring him inside any pisses right now Susie hits the ground he just pisses and I'm like I have you gotten him to pee outside at all yeah yeah he's like he's getting better at it like he probably has like two accidents a day now okay but it's still and he'll be good like all day and then all of a sudden like 8:00 p.m. comes around and he just turns into this [ __ ] nightmare that's just barking at us non-stop and it's crazy that's awesome yeah he's a little [ __ ] nice dude yeah so that's what I'm dealing with but um I've been still managing to like edit and stuff I'm still like managing to fit work in there okay which is good it's not like totally consuming and it's nice to like share the responsibility a little bit with Kelsey yeah yeah that's that new baby [ __ ] right there yeah I got to skip all that yeah that took my son out of orphan mm-hmm I was like hey bro you potty-trained though yeah now daddy's here you can come home yeah you can come crash with me for yeah yeah it's cool totally cool all right yeah all he's only had like two three accidents and you know I was it was my fault so I just you know I never put outside of that you know what's funny is we were trying to teach him to piss on a little wee-wee pad yeah but like a little grass mat or a balcony and that [ __ ] would not do it like I think I said this before but we did everything we we gathered his piss and cups and poured it yeah everything that we do that - yeah nothing he just wouldn't I smeared his [ __ ] on my face yeah just you know when he looked at my face he would see the [ __ ] on there and then he be tempted to go I've done everything dude everything I drank his piss nice kid I peed it back out onto the mat I peed his piss back drank his piss and peed it back out onto the mat and and nothing yeah nothing nothing man so Iran Iran excuse me yo hot take that's just [ __ ] up didn't ya did is masked out dude no no here's the bit ready there everyone wants us to talk about World War three so imagine McConaughey I'm trying to pull up this reddit thread I had a I had a few ones this weekend I was like whoa I got to get off this site why what's right Oh re d di t oh no they have an app for it okay I don't really know I guess it's a website I guess so oh yeah on the net yeah on the net I didn't know that I just huh I just downloaded this app like a page yeah whole web page okay yeah tons of other pages gotcha it's crazy but you know what I watched this weekend it's [ __ ] hereditary movie no no but I watched don't [ __ ] with cats oh the first episode and a half yeah yes creeped me out mm-hmm mm-hmm oh man I felt like awful mm-hmm he's [ __ ] [ __ ] up dude and and and you know even crazier a reddit mod sniffed him out on reddit no way he was posting on reddit it's doing the exact same [ __ ] that he does in the documentary like responding to posts of himself it's [ __ ] weird oh my god he there's the the creepiest [ __ ] is he has a interview on exclusive jail interview on YouTube and it's him responding to Google Voice to text and it's like him holding a recording in his [ __ ] prison cell wait what so it's like it's a recording that he's made yeah and it's like he's typed these questions in the Google Translate or like Google text-to-speech and sounds like this fake British woman would be like how do you feel about the current better though and then it's him speaking back to it but it's like recorded through a mic so it sounds like it's a recorded interview but he's playing it like through I don't I don't know through what but the footage is like a handheld visual of an image of him and it's just like the cameras like has this like subtle shake to it so he's clearly just holding the phone as it's plenty it's [ __ ] up dude what the [ __ ] yeah I hate it I hate it yeah that's [ __ ] when he came into the radio station was like I'm getting death threats because everyone thinks I'm linked with this serial killer and it's weird [ __ ] narrative that he made up that no one gives a [ __ ] about but that he like desperately needs people to believe I felt some sort of like creepiness in my stomach that I haven't felt in forever yeah yeah birudo yeah so you know but you know what's funny about that [ __ ] is that like you were telling me the whole [ __ ] about how like they were they saw the vacuum in the video and all the stuff so overly dramatic well they spend like 45 minutes being i triangulated the vacuum and i i saw that he had these plugs in the room and there was these vacuums and then they get a message from some random guy that's like by the way the guy's name is luka Malkin back yeah and they're like why do you just spend 30 minutes telling me about these people's investigative work that served no purpose at all they're looking at [ __ ] in the picture being like that's an American vacuum and then someone hits him I was like by the way this is the guy to the editing it in that [ __ ] is so it's like it's so funny because it is like takes the other dumbest [ __ ] and makes it so intense and by the end of it you're like what the [ __ ] did I just get freaked out over a vacuum for 30 what the [ __ ] it's like kinda like respect like to the editor yeah yeah they're like alright we have about 30 minutes of footage yeah but we promised a for episode concept so how could you stretch this out he's like I got this leave it to me cuz I don't know what I can do he's like no you think the serial killers scary that's not the scary part dawg yeah you ever thought about the bag you ever seen that bedspread that Wolf's bedspread I've seen that on ebay before wouldn't wait can we get an interview with that chick who was clearly just like a forum mod yeah get an interview with her yeah really just keep asking her stupid [ __ ] questions about what she contributed to this investigation because in the end it was nothing no no no it's it starts that way wait till episodes three and four okay because in Episode two when there's the footage of the casino I'm like yeah yeah I'll just wait okay okay I was gripped I always I could not believe it I got the end of it I was like I gotta watch more Queens that was [ __ ] that's what I'm saying that we needed some bleach my bleach sorry hereditary what dog that movie had me crying laughing I've never seen it what is it it's like it was like a horror ish flick horror movie it was directed by the guy did mid-summer okay oh yeah his first one yeah yeah yeah that one suppose really supposed to be really good it's great I loved it but what I mean there I'm like I must be a sick person I don't know and not really but I don't want to spoil it but there were scenes in there that legitimately had me like like [ __ ] like beyond tears like I wasn't even making a sound I was laughing so hard I kept like re-enacting some part of it and Elena's like dude if you don't [ __ ] stop that like cuz she was so freaked out by the movie the thing I will say is there's like this dollhouse theme and what's creepy about it is granted I was [ __ ] on an edible but he frames shots like a dollhouse it feels very like like 2d so it like starts to [ __ ] with you a little bit like you start to really get to feel like oh what like Annie and like the way the opening shot like sets you up it just I don't know like look make [ __ ] creepier okay and he like leans into scary [ __ ] that's obvious after like five seconds it's like something is in the room and then you go oh god but it's all like natural [ __ ] in like a house so when you finish the movie you start looking at your own place and you're like well this is [ __ ] up hmm it's carries it yeah was though yeah you should watch that so it is scary yeah it got me but it also had me dying laughing is it scarier than midsummer it's almost scary I mean it was like like uh unnerving yeah like it's like haunting oh yeah no no right here is like straight up like a [ __ ] yeah okay okay yeah but it's dope because it's not your classic sort of like you know [ __ ] yeah yeah it's not like that okay I'm like Freddy vs. Jason [ __ ] yeah okay though I love a good jump scare that [ __ ] is [ __ ] whoa then the sound of the little girl makes is that is that in hereditary yeah okay that [ __ ] little girl so scary they could they it's a good question you know little kids in general yeah they all like they know but it's always the girl with the hair and standing there with all into pigtails [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah it is it I don't know why maybe because it's supposed to be like an innocent thing mm-hmm and then in that context it's like why is this guy don't know I want to I want to show or a movie that's just happy like I want a [ __ ] another show like Entourage other makes you feel good just something that's easy to watch fun to watch something that's just like you're not a mix interior not a [ __ ] murder documentary not a scarring horror film yeah not some not a superhero [ __ ] movie that's all there is right now you watch ad astra the Brad Pitt no I don't like space hmm I don't [ __ ] with space at all never have spaces whack bro it is well explained to me I was bases why it sucks because it there's no you can't I'm good right here yeah can't breathe up there it seriously freaks me out like even just thinking about space really freaks me out yeah I don't know why I get like really [ __ ] dope like I remember one of my one of my friend's dad's like for a while had tickets to go on Virgin Galactic oh hell what friend do you have that has tickets for that don't I got friends in high places oh yeah clearly I'm kidding I'm kidding but he just like knew someone who knew someone who knew who knew what what's-his-face [ __ ] yeah virgin guy yeah oh the virgin guy Skippy Skippy yeah let's give you like you want to go to Space Age and my pizza car yeah if you kiss me one I don't think it was pity he didn't we could talk with it our name our bonus episode this month we could talk about his channel yeah okay sure people I get tweets all the time like every week of people being like you know skip has a YouTube channel yes yeah we know oh yeah we know yeah in those people I challenge you to dive deeper you haven't looked hard enough yeah yeah you wouldn't be that excited to tweet about it if you looked hard enough yeah doesn't take didn't take much yeah and that's all i'ma say all right anyway yeah it's face don't [ __ ] with it at all so I don't like watching space movies so he knew the Virgin guy oh yeah right and so he had tickets to go and you know I was supposed to happen like 10 years ago the first the first flight I'm pretty sure and now I think it's actually happening oh my but I remember like him telling me that and I was like why in great earth would you ever leave to go to the moon right no I think you just go into like orbit first I can I come back or something like that I've been worse are you hit not orbit but you hit like high enough where that's why out of the ozone what if buddy just [ __ ] like chips it and just goes over a little bit oops that's what I'm sayin just oh and then you're [ __ ] wait I hit the thing - ah it wouldn't be fast you just wake up oh hold on it's just kind of catch why are we going higher it's a weird I'm I'm not sure we get killed by a trash can floating in space [Laughter] 100,000 miles an hour looking like giant like one of those were those like teddy bear toys it was like height be [ __ ] giant one of those things floating through the air just imagine like an old school like Oscar the Grouch trash yeah just hurtling through space shatters that's why I don't [ __ ] with it hold on no it's not hold on it's just gotta yeah it does know sometimes you gotta hit though is that coming towards us hey what's up you're on the podcast yes sir is it urgent Gary okay well okay we'll call you after bye does that does that stay in urgent yeah sure yeah sure but is that ass for good yeah I think you know but yeah yeah you should check it out man it's it's interesting it's one of the more fun space movies I feel like I've watched okay in a minute there enough no fun space movies but interstellar was fun did I watch that one [ __ ] oh what's the stupid Bruce Willis [ __ ] maybe I watched it fifth element is fun no the one with Edie No what's what's the guy's name I'll still go down what's the Ben Affleck movie drilling an asteroid bro this dude is doing everything and the anything in photos right there on the lesbian army get it oh yeah Armageddon Ben Affleck is doing anything and everything in Hollywood and people just going on Google what's that Ben Affleck spaces from 1998 what's this space movies is the [ __ ] town directed and stars in one of the best movies ever wait a minute hon that's the guy from the space movies like you guys have a [ __ ] kid [ __ ] kidding you doesn't have a DVD player yeah anything new in your house now we just watched the space movie on the airplane and in the house we're gonna say what's the one with a search Ed Norton hmm the Ed Norton space no no not Edna Orton what's his [ __ ] name yeah yep yep the guy yeah yeah it search that if you're just listening it's a we're just googling girl [ __ ] what's his [ __ ] name the guy with the spaceman analyze that row as Paul V yeah there you go he's in what code is really like having a aneurysm right now cuz I can't think of anything else that he's in but he's in a rock well Sam Rockwell [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] you space movie moon let's go moon let's go I actually like this one oh all right okay fair this is a good movie look really good he's great Sam Rockwell great actor broke all the space movies all time come on bro Martian was dope Martian was good I liked okay gravity was cool I liked that movie oh it was interstellar the one with Sandra Bullock no that's gravity interstellar the Chris Nolan one with with our boy I've seen all of these except for with ad astra with our [ __ ] boy the man Oh Oh Mattie Mekons yeah when you're going into space yeah yeah I've seen this mmm interstellar is just I watched that Star Wars on the flight home from DC yeah which one the red one yeah thank ya the last Jedi I saw no one that's one with kylo Ren yeah the shirtless meme I finally saw that finally yeah how'd it feel to get caught up it's like six years later I didn't eat well I mean so I he turned around and that's and I was like woah dude is thick and then I remember the oh this is a meme that's why yeah why there's maybe a thick boy he's a thick boy he's got some girth yeah seriously he's built like a he's built like a trashcan he's a really nice dude they ever watch like an interview with him or yeah yeah you heard how he walked out on the interview because they were buying that clip respect dawg yeah respect that you just that's it is cold to do performance like that and be like I never want to see it again it's fine I agree there's a director thinks it's good it's good yeah no I see the movie nope that's fine does he like not even go to the premiere or like I don't think he uh yeah I don't think he watches the film so how does he know if his if what he did is good I mean maybe he watches parts of it or I don't know I mean Johnny Depp was like that Depp supposedly never watched any of the pirate movies you know he's like he has that classic thing on late night where he's like you know I'm gonna do the job and then then it's done and I don't watch the movies cuz then he's up there like the character or something or like him in character huh he just doesn't want to see it huh which is the most like listen I just take a [ __ ] on like you enjoying it seriously you're like oh yeah what it's just a [ __ ] job for you yeah this is my life every night i watch movies i watch this basement i watch his space movies there's a ben affleck guy on the virgin guy you didn't richard branson like got into the [ __ ] like a [ __ ] aerospace just commercial airline industry like how long they gave it to him that way why did he call company virgin then cuz it started as a virgin atlantic the [ __ ] uh I mean even music even then no I know but he had to call the company virgin at one point yeah do you imagine that [ __ ] he's just like there at the [ __ ] industry whatever and they're like oh look he's like how everyone Richard Branson yeah we know you're the virgin guy very funny can we please move on hey what's up virgin uni airplanes this year to fly you and your boys around cuz you don't have sex yeah that's not what I would like to touch on today nobody touches on you because you're a virgin right so grow up virgin virgin nine guys from Boeing in suits verge it's like literally a billionaire get a little the virgin guy yeah ro um Star Wars yeah bro yeah brawl you like you like my suck your [ __ ] dick bro yeah bro in case you guys didn't know that's uh that's my crowd work from Boston those girls from Boston yeah bro like when I [ __ ] use two hands give you a [ __ ] [ __ ] that's not even in Boston accent hey Mugsy hey Mugsy you like it when I suck your dick hey mugs you like it when I [ __ ] spit on your dick when I give you the pepper grinder I'm still on this like space movie run dude Total Recall that's a great space movie okay oh no okay okay do you have something to say well I just wanted to quickly think we only have one sponsor today so I just want to quickly thank them about it and that is if I may start doing that now it is any second stitch fix stitch fixed listen guys not all clothes are fit for everyone okay with stitch fix your personal stylist will send you clothing that makes you look your best less one-size-fits-all more this fits your style 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I can't hit it together I don't know how he would to Gaza Gaza that is dude it is together nailed it you really Wow for like a morning talk show and pitch us like not at all who we are yeah to impressionist comedians they have toured Asia for various puppeteering and and impressionist acts and we get up there too we talk for missing well they're really bad in presentations you do something for us and rose up there like [Music] who am i what are doing this together yeah you might recognize this guy hello I am Arnold pumping the iron who's that I was like correct I don't know Billy Bob Thornton here right classic sign of a bad impression is when you have to tell the person who you are I recognize this one my name is Scarlett Johansson and I'm in various movies such as Marvel titles Wow Wow that one was good I really want us to get booked for his shitty morning talk show and yeah ruin it yeah like commit to the bit like we did at the streamys but something painting even more painful when we get there yeah but like in the green room and [ __ ] we're really like yeah yeah yeah totally I was never a super normal yeah yeah completely on the camera turns on we're here with Cody Cohen well Miller I'm Stewie Stewie Griffin actually well he really sounds like Stewie Stewie Griffin can't believe he's going to do this for the whole show they're like I'm not doing anything either I'm Arnold - now he's meeting him we are Ahnold together you don't even owe back to Stewie where's the fat man see I [ __ ] hate people morning talk shows I just feel like they deserve it I feel like they deserve getting [ __ ] with yeah especially those two [ __ ] wine moms that always have terrible opinions like Bradley Jackson breath yeah [ __ ] whatever those stupid names are here let's find this on the show I watched parts of it I finally finished it and yeah I finally finished it I actually would like to know other people's thoughts on that yeah if you've if you saw the last episode blow up the comments but without spoiling it yeah cuz I'm curious the last episode is [ __ ] pretty intense is it I was talking about these [ __ ] Kathie Lee and Kathie Lee and Hoda yeah what are they on there they're on ambien ativan hahaha they're on various [ __ ] substances but all they do is get wasted on morning TV and get and act like [ __ ] oh they actually drink in the morning uh I mean I don't know if they ever show it but they seem like they're [ __ ] wasted every time lake let him go to YouTube Kathleen Hoda Kathleen and Hoda Kathie Lee here's one our Terms of Service have has been Bill Nye its Stewie again there was it Kathie Lee Gifford is it this one it's going hell yeah hell it down but of course they're to prefix it with earth hold it is across the street at the shop at NBC Studios in 30 rock Jota is a weird [ __ ] the Planetary Society and author of Jack and the geniuses a genius himself mr. Bill Nye every subtle area science the interaction let's see all right okay we've got some big Bill Nye fans out here what's your name Antoinette are there big Bill Nye these are these Bill Nyes groupies yeah eight it's like eight like [ __ ] just supermodels yeah we're big yeah you know they uh they just don't think you know who Candice she's a firecracker yeah she's uh you know I tried to I try to let her off easy with she can't get enough of the bill she can't get enough knowledge if you know what I mean always looking for more hyung we have we have great chemistry when we get to mixin it's dynamite South Jersey just what would take you a pot what would it take to be a big Bill Nye fan the largest snowflake on record had a reported diameter of oh wait are these are these snowflake diameters or Bill's dick size because if so see if it's the latter see I just I went to [ __ ] largest snowflake on record I don't know if the libs have a big enough measuring tape yeah yeah d blue haired girls ding bills is 15 inches wide this is sequoia tree that is so ridiculous dumbass okay okay okay I don't know if you heard of the first time where she won the [ __ ] book anyways bro she she won Hoda's book oh that's wack but she's a big Bill Nye fan yeah so condescending dude we got something big bill and I fans here alright so ances big bill night question for my book and she gets [ __ ] stoked because she got a whole yeah you better be a big Hoda fan was in Montana someplace in the 1870s Ohno I measured it against my massive massive long my massive Bill Nye car yeah that would be a big snowflake this [ __ ] sucks dude who would ever watch this it's you saw that you saw her visibly get tired look at this look at this look at this she doesn't like that he's talking breaks them up you know it's okay oh my god repeats repeats repeats and gets bigger oh my god this sucks dude don't disrespect the bill you're gonna win I feel lucky for you all right ready when you drop you see her son in the back no lips and that smile what's happening there's a line as a cartoon when you drop this item into a glass of freshly poured champagne it will bounce up and down continuously you you [ __ ] should know this because you always drinking yeah is it a raisin a peanut or a carrot ask your son that guy's on the horn with that he can't wait [ __ ] you wrong is because there's best Bills shooter right there oh yeah you know you saw them being dicks they are you don't want to play games yeah exactly be shut the [ __ ] up is it a weed a book read a book you dumb [ __ ] science I don't want this [ __ ] trash book so the answer is raisins I can't see I can't see him get disrespected alright yeah yeah it's wack you know what we should turn on turn on my boy Tyler I sent you a link no I sent you a link on our you lobby Tyler no I've sent the telegram like it's a tweet Oh oh this this oh yeah we're gonna love this so this is the kid yeah that I did the video about his ticked is tick-tock like self tape auditions they does what is the boy yeah Tyler this is those the boy and so he drops it he dropped a new heater on us and this one's World War three themed World War three themed naturally I mean as as you do it's yes everyone's talking about right now so you know that's what art is about it's it's about you know providing commentary on and and shedding light I guess on other sides of certain issues or you know making people think a different way from what they normally think about things that are trending so Tyler here provides his commentary on World War three I'm gonna have to offer up my insane a p.m. right here you're doing what I just got a you're type of nice entertain the people enter in our accounting yeah and so this one I almost think that he's [ __ ] with with us at this point I really do because this one he goes he go this just watch it it felt like a bit he goes hard I need to talk to you first things first here's the carnations your favorite flower flower flower flower cuz carnations is a favorite flower yeah I wanna I want to go on tick-tock and be like just do the exact dialogue I brought these for you it's your favorite flower a carnation I have a draft letter as well it's like in between Arnold and [ __ ] and so that's all I know Sylvester is easy yeah sending me to World War 3 two world wars first of all he says is she like he's gonna vomit like it doesn't even seem like crying too many World War three sent me to work with there's enemy [Music] Oh miss leopard shirt dog the earrings like first of all he's dressed like he's dressed like Jota right now he should be on the Kathie Lee show this one too he's acting like he ate like the last dab on hot wings rubbing his eyes and like clinching his oh god [ __ ] you Sean I'm gonna World War 3 dude imagine I just imagine like a boys getting actually drafted for the war Oh Roy be Arab what [ __ ] dude this [ __ ] sucks [ __ ] sucks dude I got drafted for World War 3 they're sending me home [ __ ] world war 3 it's so wack you know they've just [ __ ] morning that [ __ ] all the way up until boot camp oh yeah definitely yeah I got drafted better send me nudes now before it's too late yeah you might want to [ __ ] a future war hero Oh God that made me feel bad you don't want to miss out yeah purple hearts you Center perfect because you know I'm going to war saying your Purple Hearts cuz you know I'm a bat I love [ __ ] that's why I'm a vet well damn guess I'm leaving tomorrow [ __ ] straight to Iran I'll call you I ran I'll never run from you you should be I ran cuz you got I ran in all around my brain for you damn they said I can't wear these cross earrings to the war to World War 3 imagine dude imagine all getting the [ __ ] military cut did way it's super house war it's wacky it's super hard to center part my hair just they grow a little one down the middle that's the military boy cut it's just a faint [ __ ] hair split down the middle it's like a budding mohawk and they just push it to the shed yeah I do shit's [ __ ] just [ __ ] up drill sergeant on my ass bro well let me keep my [ __ ] [ __ ] that [ __ ] cross earring dog I bet they just yanked that [ __ ] out give me 20 I mean bro people in the military be making trailers and [ __ ] so they're not told that's true I guess they're not that far off not that far off man all right keep going with this I'm a soldier now this part I shouldn't cry I'll see you in six months yeah this problem on dude that's where so so disrespectful this word feels like a bit like it has to be a bit yeah the part where he puts on a skateboard helmet has to be a bit yeah yeah and then he yeah - attention true say wait you're leaving now right now mmm - attention here's the thing bro so I look at this I like and I talk about this a little bit on stream last night but you know like you know when you have a flashback - what the [ __ ] you know when you have a flashback - like doing something embarrassing and it could have been something minor maybe personal you ever get one of those like maybe something reminds you something you oh god I used to do blah blah blah you know I used to be into that I used to wear those clothes or whatever like as a easy example right yeah you looking like some I don't know some shitty haircut yeah yeah oh my ears be [ __ ] yeah and you have like that little moment over you're like [ __ ] yeah you know shake it off huh I can't believe this whatever he's that's this for this kid when he's like 25 you know collecting some [ __ ] at a printer at his [ __ ] desk job if someone's gonna be like everyone a World War 4 and he's a cow [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah yeah well the problem is now it's like immortalized forever yeah in so many different ways yeah going in a job interview what'd you say Tyler wait a minute hold on Tyler yep yeah yeah that's me yeah that was me Oh Oh drafted I thought you went to war your helmet the problem like what I'm saying is like even if tick tock dies this video will forever live on duck yeah doctor fan account Twitter account like ever like there's so many duplications now and it's crazy no I dude it's gonna be there it'll be on I funny I funny - yeah 23 oh yeah [ __ ] 4 just i funny 180 180 p meme account just all the time yeah yeah compress 60 times and he'll try to you know he's gonna try to move on and do something respectable it's the same [ __ ] you know for ya like wait a minute this is you and it's just three pixels but you can see somebody doing this he's like god dammit saying that's me that's me brother I'm going to World War three I got a shout-out Joe real quick he's had a funny tweet Oh slapstick oh yeah wife pudding wedding ring in a glass of water to clean it you remember I have that work sleepover tonight right me watching Iger on Twitch for their personality yeah will do [Music] [Laughter] well I had a I had a straight manic moment on twitch last night I don't know it feels a good thing what happened the dude I was so my [ __ ] nerve was hurting so I strength I standing up I just stood up I was just talking to the camera nice our just going nuts okay it was like it was the weirdest thing I think I've ever done in my life I ended this dream and I was like what the [ __ ] was that what was it what we're talking about just like all kinds of [ __ ] I was just like shooting from the hip just talking to the chat just being crazy you know I guess one of highlighted some girl was like yeah I went to my ex who cheated on me a year ago and I went back to him and he cheated on me again I just didn't even miss a beat I was like you [ __ ] idiot started just clowning her I'm like you knew it and you left his house he was like pulling up your pants walking in your shoes laughing like it's like I bought these shoes and he and even noticed when he just told me to take them off his dick and I did that and now I'm leaving oh yeah that's sad I said and then the best part was is that you got in your [ __ ] Mini Cooper clown car drove away she's like I actually drive him any Cooper got her got her like yes it probably had a whap sided wheel with a horn I just I'm getting a fixie I swear [Laughter] anyways dude this so I I bought this dude's book and I'm gonna read it and I'll have to report back but this it okay this dude was on our uddi T this is what I wanted to bring up former Special Agent this name is awesome Bruce Sackman nice that's a hard [ __ ] name Sackman he's got a sack on him for sure doors kicked down oh [ __ ] it's Bruce the segments here the shitty investigates is terrifying dude so he I wrote this book on medical professionals who murdered patients at VA hospitals so specifically veterans and he goes on to say like it's still a thing and they have like cases like recent cases that are just like intense one look the most recent one in Germany a nurse killed over 100 patients yeah oh wait old people yeah hey so I so the the book is called behind the murder curtain and I want to read this [ __ ] I'm like it's only like 260 pages I just have to know more yeah what the [ __ ] well you found this on reddit what that was an honest question I was honestly asking you how did we start talking about this yeah this is one of the links that you were talking about at the beginning okay this is what I wanted to bring up earlier and read it as a web page right no that's that's great I love books like that yeah well I mean I don't know I just got finished talking about how I want a happy [ __ ] in my life right now but I don't think a book is a little bit easier because it's not so like visual in your face they don't have to like you know if that is a documentary they're gonna show the people and it's gonna be really real yeah and all the people contributed to the investigation you know like people on Facebook yeah I love the dirt like how they were just going right back yeah I just love how they talk about that mundane [ __ ] like it's so intense or like so we took the video and we parse it out and we're going frame by frame I'm like you can just do that in the video player like anyone would have done this yeah anybody you can just you can just scrub through yeah you don't have to break it down into the [ __ ] yeah we know we exported it frame by frame so we could go and then I see the pack of cigarettes there's a surgeon general's warning on the side Surgeon General is American [Music] waiting for someone to be like cool mmm good work here's the thing you're gonna watch that bro I can't wait I can't believe these [ __ ] oh cool yeah I coulda did what that's how it's gonna be for you okay huh I don't even want to keep going dude I III do but it just it made me feel some type of way yeah you do and then you don't you do theirs wait who the [ __ ] that what a [ __ ] parakeet I made like a country beat yesterday hey country I made a country B kid tray away real quick you just gonna bump it you ever done that oh I don't play beats on the pot in a while it's called my horse [Music] yeah yeah singing some country [ __ ] over I got my boots on I just I think I'm just saying a little baby do you yeah the guitar is like to to country to me that's why all it's all I can hear now I hear [ __ ] give me some auto-tune that bars country yeah there you go doing chin-ups I'm doing chin-ups it's a tailgate yeah there you go chin-ups at the tailgate that's the new one oh yeah that was a party the best meat I've ever made I think channel to the tailgate I want to do that now I'm glad to tailgate doing chin-ups I'm at the crawfish boil that's not really burpees I'm trying to bring my forehead I'm trying to bring my forehead to the tow hitch yeah I'm a god-loving man cuz I don't say words like me i TCH hello nice how about this one oh no no don't spoil that don't spoil those those are oh yeah they're spoiling wait okay so I had to read this it was like yeah it's like a copypasta for the [ __ ] Brazilian I was crying titled I love wrecking you angry young guys mid 30s five-year blue belt here I have kids in a comfy life currently texting this post while taking a huge dump in my office toilet I've acquired some mega dad strength over the past couple years the happiness from having a family and a sick job makes you stronger than any amount of training I don't compete nor do I want to but I love kicking younger dudes asses during training you little chicken shits think you're so tough with your ti your tic-tac abs Papa doors overly groomed beards it brings me great pleasure when I loosen up my joints weekly by twisting you into a pretzel you're no match for the ultimate alphas in the room they're relaxed dads who use you as warm up or cool down between wrestling's with other relaxed dads that's got to be ashtag dude finishing up this stuff excited to kick some of your asses tonight then go home and bang my wife it can't be real it's funny though cuz there are two thousand percent dudes like we used to grapple with this [ __ ] oh this [ __ ] was an [ __ ] I'm not gonna say his name and we [ __ ] we just sit there and we're like we know this dude like just be hitting mad slurs at home just tell my boys would always feel real uncomfortable like they're like I don't know that was just feels like a weird like power struggle when food is grappling with me but yeah that was this thing the end dad in the gym was fine well [ __ ] you guys up like he'd like you'd like finish like a round with his dude and he'd look at you'd be like could you [ __ ] take it really is we all paid 30 bucks a month to be here dude relax like dude get off my back yeah weird you feel it yeah you feel that yeah you feel me squeezing you you know what I always wanted to say tell your son to take a shower he'd bring his son to grab his boy smiled like yeah yeah get your get instill some hygiene values on your [ __ ] children yeah are you yeah bring yours yeah yeah yeah I got a bone to pick with you brother you're [ __ ] sweaty ass kid tell him to take a [ __ ] shower once sorry stairs god that was a flashback right there yeah jujitsu dish just jiu-jitsu jiu-jitsu just [ __ ] two things bring it up again I'm chillin dude this boat needs to be one of my business classes this dude was yoked I mention him before we talked about grappling one day cuz he wore his [ __ ] gay to [ __ ] to the lecture no way he shows up in his gay like right from know though he's gonna go oh no gonna go roll he's like dis dude bro you want to have all wide this fool was wide like shoulders legitimately as big as my head like huge tanned his [ __ ] just like a man's man he's just like he's like sitting in the gate and I just kind of chuckle and I would say guac outta class and like and what's up man I'm like you roll obviously he's like yeah bro ground always wins like I've mentioned to him a few days later I was like I like kind of subtly roasted him for wearing the key to class and he didn't pick up on it and you want to roll right now did I say I wasn't go rolling yeah you wanna roll yeah really it's rotted yeah is that like a wrestling term - I don't think so you want a pound you want a pound what you wanna [ __ ] right now let's go [ __ ] on the mats come on come [ __ ] me dude no not like that man I meant like roll you want to pound come on let's go pound I don't go to a boxing gym to say that [ __ ] Dawg want to pound for a round pound you for a round or what you want to slap huh you know slap Stinky's want to clap cheeks what's up let's go let's get to let's clap bro let's do it man it innit you want slide huh let's power touch come on you want slide through will slide through these arms will slide through my embrace what's up dude embrace me a DM Scarface from Street beefs you didn't hit me back no um he didn't leave me on red bra I'm a fan damn fan girl like yeah what's up what's up I make videos - how many videos do you want I would love to like you know collab please one time I just wanted to be like yeah dude come through and I just want to pull up to an event in full [ __ ] hunting camo and just I just want to blend in and just have people be like yo is that [ __ ] you gotta get a you need a pig neck tattoo [ __ ] no well like like revenge yeah like godson yeah yeah or no no no it no loyalty yeah there you go yeah yeah he has to because a statement with what's like it what's another word for like never back down that's a good phrase never back down is a good phrase fearless there you go yeah fearless yeah no well Osby alone it's on the fence just get him tapeworm get him dog taste punch him form looks like you insane I watched that fight again the other day just three B's had some heaters recently really they got a [ __ ] they got a cage so his last oven they did was in a cage no way yeah they upgraded yeah they upgraded well they had they had a couple dudes boxing in there and I just knew going in the fight I was like it's gonna be bad it's gonna be real bad and buddy got worked really worked there to cut him off they'd cut off the other dude there's like it's just it's alright yeah cuz it wasn't it was like a bad in between where dude wasn't strong enough to knock him out but he was strong enough to beat his ass dude just getting my you see the [ __ ] sweat coming off his head getting meat / meats left down getting his [ __ ] pulverized head jerked Jesus around yeah it's a good catch almost Street beef yeah well catch up on that as some people hit me over after mentioning it like thanks to just burn two hours legitimately annoyed like really what you never mentioned it I can't stop watching street piece gateway two hours of my life I'm a piece of Street beef yeah alright nice dude tiny Street beef beef we speaking of Street beef I want to call out a spit just like turn this [ __ ] in the WWF we got a kick off our boxing career with who who are you calling out yo dawg I think it's time I think it's time dude yeah I think it's just time bro okay it's time to fight michael reaves dude Michael Rehm for racial ambiguity dawg I feel like he's trying to come from my spot yeah so I want to box him like site in a cyber way though a cyber box cyber boxing that's what we got to start in VR dude maybe that's what I'll do with the Doughboy brothers a cyber bottle cyber box I'm cyber box them in there in there oh no this what I'll do I'll play you at your own mobile app doh break down whatever that's called let's face off I will play you in that and I will be you because I'm I've been playing it and it's I'm very good hey boys as as as Kody's formal coach mm-hmm you know I'll be coaching him for this fight and you said any weight class so we're doing 235 and we're do a heavy weight so get up to 235 I will get there fine yeah I have no problem eating you know what you know what I want raise the stakes see if you're really about 265 okay we're going to we're gonna super heavyweight let's do it super heavyweight class let's do it 265 I'm down I'm already eating yeah yeah and just to prove your power we're going with [ __ ] 128 ounce gloves all right and not no headgear double head double head gear all right cuz if you're super heavyweight you should be able to knock someone out at 265 pounds of the hundred 28 ounce gloves with a double head gear he said anyway class is that anyway class which is the funniest thing I think what's the lightest weight class 115 let's fight I won Christian Bale whatever movie just [ __ ] you just you just [ __ ] sneeze on each other and collapse dude loser wait bro let's go dawg not [ __ ] we're fighting 85 pounds dog toddler yeah haven't eaten in months come on come on one one round fight at 85 pounds yeah Fitz whoever can make it to the ring I was chuckling cuz it's like they've never ever seen a comedy special yeah that's always what I go to it's like you never seen stand-up yeah you never seen anyone make fun of someone but I know do you know what [ __ ] world dude but I mean like I you know I'm I'm all about positivity now yeah and kindness yeah that's what they kept going on about it's like where were you on this channel we started positivity and kindness and we like to do fun things and we make people smile that's what we do and if you don't agree with that I will beat the [ __ ] out I'll beat your [ __ ] ass at any [ __ ] weight it's like are you really about are they about kindness and [ __ ] like that no I feel like if that's what it'll be like a lot of like charities and giving to they really were about that spreading positivity not light so you'd be like donating to charities since I'm not like buying your girlfriend of a [ __ ] Lambo yeah Lambo videos and going to icebox and yeah and you know getting shirtless on camera yeah for literal [ __ ] eight-year-olds dude I filmed the video and I edited it and I'll put it up in the next couple days but like like reading their fans comments on my video it's so funny yeah cuz they're all like four years old but they're all like [ __ ] you you stupid [ __ ] and you're a [ __ ] and all this [ __ ] it's like no dude you realize your children fans are cussing me out mm how much positivity are you spreading yeah yeah it's just oh yeah someone sent me a screen cap of a hilarious comment which was yeah Doh Bray's you better treat him a lesson yeah yeah yeah there's like dog spell there's some great ones on there how like that's the fart the fart that's the fart bus for Pearl that's the that's the fart that's the I miss it that's the part that's funny to me is they're getting all animated and like it's like it's 9 year olds watching it and then when the other adults like look at this and go anyway what you want to I'll fight you in any weight class let's see if you could you you talk to talk now it's time to walk the talk yeah you know what focus say that who've never been in a fight yeah to someone whose crap before yeah dude it's time to walk them walk home funny in a fight if you've ever seen a fight in real life or been in a fight or any kind of like confrontation it's not like a film where it's like you want to [ __ ] maybe step up dude in high school it's like that you want a [ __ ] goat in take this outside what's up let's go bro let's go that's what I thought that's what I thought that's what I thought that's what I thought I know this should zoom in and that's why keep doing it that's what I thought BTS means that's what I thought you want to talk the talk dude it's time to walk the talk and then walk the long walk home it's like now I mean if you really want to [ __ ] you really want to do that [ __ ] yea you just see him in person you're like what's up is there a problem that's when it's real but don't do that no don't do that I don't want to fight I don't fight I'm a gentle giant you're a [ __ ] dude I'm not a [ __ ] you're right [ __ ] did you oh so you're gonna make fun of me but you don't wanna fight that's weird cuz usually when you make fun of someone you want to fight right know what that's that's the part that kills me is that they don't understand that like criticism doesn't mean like I mean I like I'm going back on like the videos that I've made on them because I'm like I'm like was I did I go over the top yeah what like the first one was the knock it off video yeah come on how could you take that as an insult yeah like I mean obviously I'm goofing on your [ __ ] song but like I made a stupid song too so like whatever yeah I think they just got sensitive they got in their feelings and they were like what and they pulled back their [ __ ] call over and like they're hearing they're like we're not whack yeah [ __ ] this fool let's get in our lamp oh it's getting hurt I'm trying to mix dobre and Lambo what's getting our brain braised lamb Lamborghini let's get in our lamb break and get the [ __ ] out of here it's getting our lamb braid truck to doe bragini yeah doe bragini dobra Guinea quick guys quick browse in the dub Ragini and their little [ __ ] leotards you [ __ ] wear leotards for con tam bruh it's like you you gotta be able to laugh at yourself a little bit you really do I don't know that's like that's literal circus [ __ ] that's funny yeah to anyone even someone who's working the circus right now is really yeah we attention I want them to go to my video and sort comments by newest and read the comments that their fans leave laughs not my video just just do that they're like just - they're like good good yeah we don't even gonna read them I'm glad to taste it Oh Bray army is on it yeah that's the funniest part we're about positivity dobre you saw the top comment on their video what I mean I was like remember be nice to the dobre army that's mad positive right yeah that's super super that's all about kindness yeah Army's are all about kindness and positivity yeah that's you know him army you know who says be nice to the army is America North Korea right like every every every world power said [ __ ] like that be nice to the army our [ __ ] sergeant was you know senior whatever the [ __ ] did that last night yeah that [ __ ] he said yeah your other people will be raising your children he says like whoa it's [ __ ] up dude but that's rum today you see Trump speech no this morning that dude is like sick he's got to be he's got to have something or like he's got to be on drugs or something I know people keep saying that but seriously it's like [ __ ] up why cuz it's like speech is all messed up and he like mmm he like feel just like short out in the middle of words and just say weird [ __ ] that's kind of crazy I want to be [ __ ] I want to I want to be on stage one day and just like at like 80 years old trying to get through a joke and everyone's like is this dude I mean every one of his speeches doing it just doing a bit like so I go to the store how do you feel you know about the the the sky like this it's gold I can't remember I can't remember why is my tongue going to the left wait I wish I could find this one hold on Tromp tripping oh yeah here Trump tripping adderall is trending on on Twitter right now cuz everyone's like he's got to be snorting adderall dude college kids like yeah dudes on adderall first sure yeah he's tweaked in full damn he just sounds like when you're high and you're afraid to speak yeah when you keep passing the water that I hate it's bizarre man it's [ __ ] bizarre anyways um I gotta go I gotta let my my dog out of the cage he's got remembered dog having the case yeah oh dude chill out getting horny on Main over here go dogs out that's that's a macaque that's McConnell are near itthere matthew mcconaughey level I need uh I got some pork cracklings with my name on them Oh everyone said that it'd be cool if you did was like a meme about him so yeah yeah I guess all that I saw that we [ __ ] that up I don't that was that no we didn't because even then doubling down that was the weirdest way to double down on a meme yeah that's still like it was like a fuck-boy dope it was still like definitely shoehorned yeah that joke if 2019 was it'd be a lot older if you live you did 2020 is gonna be a lot cooler if you do it's like it still doesn't really make sense everyone's like it's all these girls a woman it's a meme yeah he's yeah still doesn't translate it's a meme leave him alone leave him alone [ __ ] hot you can say whatever you wants especially to me all right I gotta go time eat or calm look at him TMG pod calm you know pee and poop hey man he does not know how to hold it yet I'm joking just some cold Minah [ __ ] deer dog ate [ __ ] him he could wait love you um guys take your dogs out the [ __ ] if you have forgot go do that if you're having a panic attack count backwards from 100 if if you're at work we love you and see you guys next week hey wait wait we got it we got a we got a knock on wood knock on wood we got some special in the works for next week everybody knock on wood knock on that [ __ ] wood before we go pray to your God just just wait just wait you see what we got in store and that's a couple weeks actually just [ __ ] wait yeah next two weeks next [ __ ] two weeks let's go let's go
Channel: TMG Studios
Views: 413,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C4fEpy5EiRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 47sec (4427 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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