Enshrouded Tips | How to bury Furniture into walls

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all right welcome back in everyone so today uh we're doing the video I talked about before and that is to show you how I figured out how to sync things into a rock face um it is not going to work if you're doing it into a placed block wall it needs to be something uh that is terrain material and you'll understand why once we start trying it but it actually looks pretty cool and still functions you know I mean obviously the bucket doesn't do us any good in the wall but it looks cool that way and then I can I don't want to show you the secret there's another thing we're going to try and that's that skull you see on number three down there um I was able to get it in the secrets area and you I don't know that many people even noticed it but uh we're going to go back over to my other test world and I'm going to show you oh well we're going to attempt to make it work because full stop this isn't very easy it's one of those things that kind of happy accident if you will as I was working on that section there and I'm like oh well that's kind of cool and then I'm like yeah what else can I do and I just kept working on it until I figured out cool stuff so this spot over here is really nice because this is something the devs left here I have not uh terraformed this section in at all I just stopped right there and so I think it'd be a good test for us to try to do it so first let's try this uh chest I have right there number four so normally when you take and you put a chest in you'll chunk out a double block you'll stick your chest in and everything's happy move on with your life if you try to do it into stone you get some interesting results so we're going to double block chunk it out and you see how it even just it really did a weird thing and this is the whole point behind this is it just yeah it it just does weird stuff so we're going to get this we're going to face it the right way and let's see if I can even get it to work because okay so it works there but I don't think it's going to stick out far enough it's maybe is it going to do any kind of angle for me it's not giving me any angle whatsoever we'll go ahead and place it I think uh let's see let's sync it in right there so the idea is you you you put it in and then you are going to go into this you're going to hit Y so now we have a chest that is sunk into the wall now this isn't that impressive cuz it didn't do any kind of angle and this is why I say this is is not not easy to do so another way you can try it is do single come on and I want to do single back come on there so I have another point to get to no don't sit down okay ah there we go yeah see see see this is what I'm talking about it's really weird it's like sometimes it wants to do it and sometimes it doesn't want to do it like there I'm I'm angled forward if you look it's angled forward so that would be a cool way to do it but let's see what else we can get here I kind of like this this janky angle right here let's see if I can get it into the hill some more and get the janky angle it doesn't look like it so I think we're just going to have to settle like that we're going to hit Y 3 times I believe well I mean that's still really good so you've got a little bit of an angle on it and the chest still works and it just looks like it's now part of the Hillside and it works exactly like we were hoping it to so let's try out again let's go into this and let's see what we can do with this bucket so for the bucket it doesn't need to go in as far I'm just going to do one and this is how how you can find out how a lot of stuff works so this is ground but if you notice see how it Chang ches all kinds of different shapes angles and everything this is I don't know uh someone mentioned on on one of my videos the uh showing people how to think about things this is this is literally what I do I will constantly move items over surfaces like this like I could have this going into the to that right there and it gives my base a different look it makes it more interesting because I'm doing something that isn't normal it's not the standard oh place a bucket like that oh I'll turn the bucket like that it gives a different angles well that's how I figured out how to do this so now we've got our one hole and we want this to kind of stick out some but I but I need it to be buried in there let's uh turn it so it's a little more interesting and let's see what this comes up with I mean that works that that did exactly what we were expecting to do it is buried Maybe not buried quite as much as I would like it to be but it does work it does function so now the thing I did in the hidden space in the the the uh uh secret area in the 3.3 is uh this one's a nice flat surface so I buried some of these skulls into it and then I put a that um fencing material that big grate in front of it so it looked like there were skulls in the wall like maybe uh the uh The Collector guy that's just where he buried all all the dead bodies and all that stuff he's been experimenting on so with this it's the same thing I'm going to take out one piece we're going to go in here and what I'm trying to do is to get weird different angles like normally you wouldn't have a kind of 45 angle on it right I mean even that's still a little odd and then if I'm careful maybe I can get it to it doesn't look like it's going to do okay so let's try Okay so it was straight that way let's try like well let's see how that ends up I have a feeling that's going to cover the whole thing so same thing I'm just going to hit Y I mean sort of it's a little much I would say that's covering it a little too much so let's try replacing that so I didn't really like that placement very well so let's try I think that's going to stick out too far man it looks doesn't look like I have a lot of option in this one well let's try from this side try like what I also don't want is I don't want the backing of it showing cuz I think that's going to ruin the illusion well that's even worse so like I said it's It's Tricky getting this just the way you want it let's try all right we'll try we'll try it sticking out I have a feeling it's going to be too far but we're going to try it I mean I don't hate it I don't like that you can see the fire the idea would be you just have the skull a portion of the skull sticking out but this gives you another idea for you especially if you're building CPS someone on the uh what was it the the screenshot and photo uh Channel and Discord was like man I really wish I knew how to build Crips better I'm like just go take pictures of the ones Keen built they're really cool Queen's tomb is awesome uh but this gives you a really good option uh to use and what I like about this one versus just the skull candle is this one projects out from the wall so since this gives you a little bit of of outward projection it gives you a way to uh put this into a spot better let's see what we can let's see okay that looks like it's a nice weird spot weird angle U probably not not weird enough though same thing I mean eh it's a different angle it's a different little thing thing normally when you put these your option is straight that way straight that way so it does give you more option to place things and then you just kind of have to play around with it trying to get it into the wall how you like it make it look oh think of um think of a pirates cave right and it's been there for years or centuries even and you've come in and you found the booty and it's in the P cave but it's there's been cave-ins and mudslides and all kinds of stuff over the years and this is the kind of thing you would see half buried into the wall all right thanks for watching everyone
Channel: DeLindsay Gaming
Views: 306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: letsplay, survival, basebuilder, base builder, keengames, keen games, kengames, enshrouded, inshrouded, shrouded, enshrouded tips, inshrouded tips, crafting, howto, how to, tutorial, base, building, decorations, furniture
Id: uA9lzncdfNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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