Enshrouded Cribs | Bridge Troll Base is COMPLETE!!

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all right welcome back in everyone this is going to be the long form content of my Bridge Troll build it is complete this is what I submitted for the contest I'm going to put uh timestamps down below because I'm going to do a lot I've got this Tower I've got the mine underground I've got that whole tower that whole tower that tower that Tower I mean it's a lot and the bral bridge deck it's a lot to go through I'm going to show you all the things all the secret entrances everywhere I'm also going to link in the description my Twitter post for the contest entry unfortunately I am one of many i w I am a new Twitter user because I only got Twitter for this contest this is also affecting people who have not posted on Twitter for over 30 days our videos are not being shown to the public at all like at all you can go there if you have the link which I will put down below but otherwise nobody can see it Kean can't see it this ruu 5 guy can't see it so I basically entered the contest for nothing uh so this video will hopefully be a reason to get maybe a few of you watching this to uh go there share it like it retweet it whatever you whatever you need to do to try to I don't know Force the Twitter algorithm to do something anyways let's get on with this build like I said time Stamps will D pay down below so we come in this is one of six now six total technically seven but six entrances all secret into the uh Bridge Troll base so I did add a uh saw bench saw horse table saw excuse me into the wall next to this which is the uh beehive smoker it looks much better as far as the operational mechanisms for the quote crane added some uh storage items in here to to make flesh it out a little better I did go ahead and add storage up here I went and just put made items I mean that makes sense this this was where the the whole thing started before they built the bridge they started with this mine right next to it which makes sense you dig out all the material right where you're going to do it put this nice uh accent here running up to highlight the light and then for those who have not seen it we have a secret up here I don't know if you want call this one a secret entrance it kind of is uh but it would not be easy to land up here to be able to enter from this secret space so watch out for Bloom but you get one hell of a view from up here you can just come up here sit down and one hell of a view all right let's go back down let's get down the fast way and not to kill ourselves all right let's go down into the mine so added a little deck here for storage because I did put a bathroom in finally it's a very simple bathroom it is just the workers's bathroom so they don't need a lot they do their business and get back to work just flesh this out a little bit more made a little bit more storage for it look like they were actually doing their work down here and then we're coming to the mine the mine is now finished and it is one wonderful I think it turned out absolutely fantastic built a better version of my crane down here that I think looks much nicer also did the uh table saw right here fleshed it out a little bit makes it look nice and we have the Flora has started to retake now you got to figure this is hundreds of years since they dug this mine out built the bridge everything so where they actually went went down first is uh recovering its own own land back it's even tearing up this little bit here you know got a little nasty up here where they were taking uh blocks of stone out we still have some blocks sitting around we have this cool uh mushroom growing up out of the stone wall that was a little difficult to get done but it worked some pieces of stone that haven't been taken out get the uh not the block go to this it is called oh I don't have any on me the luminescent growth got a well down here that which would have served them originally that is the boundary this is the full 160 me well 80 MERS this direction from where the flame alter is let's go back to this so it's not bugging us I really like how this turned out uh I was able to place it now if you place the fences down where the ground is uneven that's how you can get it to kind of tilt and do funny things and it looks great I I think it really turned out well it looks like this luminescent growth is exploding out of here even got some melium growing changing the the uh Tower yeah I I think it turned out really nice that was kind of a weird thing there but nice nice big mine I really like how it ended up I could still go this way a little bit but not very much uh it and the reason it's in trout right there is because that's almost to the full and trout now that direction I could go quite some distance I was just like n it's big enough that I think it serves its purpose then you have this way I I kept planning some of the um uh azir russula around to just give it a little bit more kind of fleshed out this a little bit chunked it with a a pickaxe so it wasn't so straight make it look like you know hey they were going that direction and the Luminous grow just took over added a new ventilation shaft if you can kind of see how far below the ground we are we're pretty far but we're also pretty high up it's about 10 15 M up this was that big open room I just put a wall here and figure this is where the workers were when they were originally here before the bridge was actually completed and before obviously the base was built into it now we have another secret entrance here which is open and it shouldn't have been open but I know why it's open so if you come down the path from that you come over here and you had this you know this is part of like your basic torial area I didn't I decided not to fully flesh this out as a uh Corey but you kind of still get the idea that it it was a portion of Corey I added this tree works great looks like looks the part right there on the hill added these bushes to hide it but you can't really see this anyway and it's one of these works out really well come down in here we got another ventilation tube here where if I carefully angle you can see the bridge there we go get a little bit of bridge view and of course this one was opened like cuz I just did my walkth through but you would come in here and this is the first technically the second tower but this is the first main tower that's in the gorge so these ladders don't go anywhere because we can't lean a ladder so they're basically they're stored here this is your storage area and you have the bathroom room that is for the ladies there's is the first living quarters as we go up uh nice tiled floor this is the highly polished stone block and they have a fireplace of course nice lighting just very cozy small space though man it was put in a bathroom in a hallway basically and then we come up here and we are coming up to the ladies uh quarters first so the farmer over here you can see she's got flowery type uh pictures she has flowers all over this little bed right here and there's a lot of them I packed them in there as tight as I could get them and then you've got the uh Huntress and it makes sense how her she's got all animals maybe she's hunting them she's got a trophy they've got their own fireplace just very cozy hard to fit all this this in there but very cozy little storage there little window to peek in or ventilation however you want to call it so we're going to come up here and this is the area for the uh Carpenter this is a very scal down version of my saw horse I couldn't fit the whole saw horse in here so I just did a really short one but he's kind of short too so why not right and then these bad boys I love these I've got a video up it hasn't shown yet it's live um I've been separating my videos by every two days uh tomorrow I get on a plane and I move again so it's probably going to be a week after this it's probably going to be a week before I can upload again so I went ahead and Spam made a bunch of videos and I'll be setting them every two days so hopefully there won't be much of a gap like there was in early January but yeah he's got his own bathroom in here and what I did with this uh this counts uh not the bed but this sink that table uh quite a few of it is sunk down into the ground a little bit I used I don't have it on me um I used a shelf put I I chunked out some of the pieces some of the floor then put a shelf in to where the Shelf was just submerged a little bit then place the item on it and I'm going to show you more examples of that later to bring it down to his more smaller statue and I thought that was a cute idea but this is a super super cute little room for him then we come up here we've got him with a his little eating space here with this guy the reason there's flames in there is because there's two of that wall torch in there and then I just scooted this thing in and it works perfect I've got the uh Blue luminescent Block kind of highlighting the back of these uh trophies cuz this is the huntress Lair and she has more animal posters has all the tools she needs all of her trophies very well designed for her and then the CRM to laem the most important NPC The Alchemist so we've got the spiral stair up here we have a an Engle Nook this Engle Nook goes to another secret entrance this one's dodgy watch out for Bloom woo cuz it throws you right out onto this this deck but if I close this up you you can't really see it it's I built it directly into there and it it did very well looks good looks the part come in here close it and then just go right back down works out pretty well so nice Hearth in here uh it says 68 I should be 6 9 but for some reason something's bugging and I can't get that last Point uh for 69 but yeah he he's got a lot of really cool stuff including another uh privacy screen I built this four poster bed I put the screens in from the backside by doing this uh I have a video on this up I'll show you real quick so you take this and you come down like that then you go inside this and you put the uh the picture frames from the inside and then you can do that here with this as well and if you can see the the banner is hanging in the center of the wood because I faced it off of this metal block that I put on the outside versus hanging it against it looks really really good uh also used a uh see that is the mahog um I don't remember which one that is up there as a headboard I sunk that down one into it now that cubby could be a window if you had the space for it but I didn't hear but he has everything he needs he even has some floating candles cuz I don't know why we espouse that the uh Alchemist is a wizard but we all we all have the same thoughts that he must be a wizard so we're going to go up here this is the atrium or the balcony we've got lots and lots of plants up here plants in in pots plants in bathtubs just plants everywhere scarecrow chilling out it's funny too it looks like his hand is leaning over the edge of that stone I swear I didn't do that on purpose but that's how it ended up and I love it and now for the kitchen this is so cool looking I did the same thing with this fire by setting the bra one block down I did a little too many I put four of them should probably only put two but that's okay it's just a really really bright fire and this set of cabinets uh is a design by K mol H used toilets it's fantastic this is also another design these posts right here are this they're standing torches they're one down and then you replace the tile and they're covered by that top and it looks like beams holding it up fantastic this is the Alchemy Station that I sunk into the wall that looks like a proper Kettle being hung there I got a little Pantry section here for dishes that I used the one and only nightstand I think it's called carved nightstand uh that you can use to stack things inside of course I put a uh shower embedded into the wall and stuck the sink on it and it looks perfect like like that would be the water spout coming down for the sink works out very very nicely got a cactus for some reason I just decided I wanted a cactus I guess so we have a cactus and then we have this bad boy I I did try to make the uh like the the mouse the The Mickey Mouse one but it it it didn't come out quite the same so some of you have seen this some of you haven't but we've got the uh very nice cute cozy library that it in itself is a secret which is open because I did just the video you can drop down here come up through this secret passage very cool indeed and Pixel Perfect when this shuts that is as Pixel Perfect as I could get it it's a yeah this is a lot there's got to be a better way to stack books man because it's a lot a lot used the highly polished Stone over the castle block to make it look like a uh like a marble banister and I also did it up top I dropped down the ceiling over this to Cozy it up but kept it kept it high during the walkway and I just think that works out very nicely so this is where you come in and I put a really tall bronze thing here that it just really pops with that color workbench is right here you can pop in we have a secret passage here this is not an entrance you can't actually get into this and this is scary it feels like you're going to fall over but you can't actually fall out I've tested it a bunch of times here's my very uh fun stuff oh you didn't see that nothing to see here move along so this is your main storage I haven't moved every everything over yet but all of your mats your food your building blocks all the stuff I use to flesh out the Interiors EXT EXT ra clothing you know just all that stuff we're going to come down here to this I love this so the way I had to do this this is the stone nightstand I had to break down uh two blocks put a put a uh floor at the bottom from the bottom side sink that down if you look you can just tell it is the uh Stone nightstand but it fits perfectly so these are the palmwood chairs in order to get that like L shape you have to rotate twice so when I showed you the the stone benches like building The Grotto where it's a circle I rotate those once these have to be rotated twice so there is a little bit if you look on the back there the tips the corners are sticking out just a little bit but I think it's okay and and it really looks the part it looks very nice here is the amazing bathroom that everybody loves so much I love it too it wasn't much I could put underneath the altar but it really really is cozy you got the bathroom but in a higher standing height in the bath in the shower I mean higher standing height where the toilet is but then much lower down here bathtub right next to the windows it's just super super cozy I love it so we're going to go down again this is the uh deep storage so lots of extra stuff anything over the 5,000 I've got down here and yes this is all for me chunking out this thing it's a lot so another way to do a corner bench um it would have been better if I could have moved this one out a little bit and done them directly as a 90 but I couldn't because the bench is too long we'll come down here into the jail for those who haven't seen it this is the regular jail cell this is if you're not too bad you even have some books to read a little bit of storage over here plus the Jailer can look down at the hole this is the bad jail cell if you punch the king in the face or sleep with the queen or something like that you go to the hole and the hole just has a mat a floor mat and a bucket and that's all you get so probably shouldn't uh punch the king in the face or anything like that all right let's get back up here we will go over and visit the blacksmith by the way if I didn't point it out there is the farmer this there's a table embedded into the uh Stone you can just see one of the legs there this looks I actually love that look so this is the fan uh fancy Stone yeah yes fancy stone block which actually looks like wood at this point because it has to go one Higher to get that kind of uh uh milky tone to it and then I just used the window to plant some more food make sure we had plenty of food for the place another planter there merge two of the stone benches together to make a really nice long bench though you can't see it right now let's see if I can see it if I do this I put copper on the top yeah you can see a little bit for his vent Hood it's a proper functioning vent Hood it goes up uh doesn't go all the way to the outside but it does go up so he has a nice I took away I had in here originally a um magic one but that one looks better because it's got lots of metal and you know metal bits and all that stuff so now let's go over to where the blacksmith sleeps just put a couple candles here so this uh pathway wasn't super super dark a nice deep bench I wish we had like like pillows or some kind of thing this is what fancy Stone looks like if you go all the way with it it's a really nice look so blacksmith very simple accommodations I actually had it much more simple because I figured that's kind of how the blacksmith rolled is really simple but I'm like yeah but then people are going to be like bro you didn't finish it I'm like yes I did it's supposed to be that way so you get the idea nice and simple nothing fancy for him he's a he's a working man he just here here's old uh a whole bunch of mediums I have more than that and then we come up to uh a second deep storage but for larger items stuff we can't put inside things so we got a couple mailboxes in here stacked up uh chairs stacked Windows all kinds of goodies then we're going to go out to another secret entrance I did have I'm gon to have to put some light on this thing because I can't see what I'm doing wrong button I did have to change this slightly uh I had to clean this up a little bit and make the stairs go right down there instead of I had it coming through that wall right there uh because for some reason when I came back to finish this portion I couldn't get through right here it it wouldn't let me through at all and it wouldn't let me through down there either so now it has this kind of I'm going to turn my thing off now now it has an entrance here you still can't see it from out there so if you come out come down like you would to get this chest you can see that there's a fire in there but only because I did that for the video really I wouldn't normally have that get in there there we go it is more of a pain this way but it still works so we're coming down here and this is going to be the chapel I did finally find a way to do railings for this for those who have seen one of the videos before I think it turned out quite nicely I didn't come up with this idea someone else had this idea I don't remember who at this point but this is your Chapel look so the reason I didn't do anything more with this Tower is because I mean just look how much scaffolding is in this that scaffolding is like 30 m tall oh maybe that's a little bit much it's like 20 M tall and it goes way way down it goes down further than this I'm like man what am I even going to build in here with all this stuff so sunk some windows into the sides to give it some more interesting look imagine these bowls are like offerings back lit this uh giant uh cross here and it looks like I swear I didn't do this it looks like the uh I mean I I didn't put this scaffolding here it was I just gutted this thing and it just happened to be in the way that the cross sits it looks like the scaffolding is holding the cross together it's awesome little maybe prayer book or something a little rug to kneel and pray whatever you like we got some skulls and bones and stuff and that is it that is going to be the tour of the Bridge Troll build like I said I will place down in the uh discussion and the comment ments I'll pin the comment the link to the actual Twitter post so that hopefully Keen actually notices it because they retweet all the ones that they see but they're not seeing a bunch of ours all the new accounts and all the uh um inactive accounts all right guys thanks for watching I appreciate you
Channel: DeLindsay Gaming
Views: 2,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: letsplay, survival, basebuilder, base builder, keengames, keen games, kengames, enshrouded, inshrouded, shrouded, enshrouded tips, inshrouded tips, let's play, lets play, bridge, bridge troll, base, housing, cribs, secret base
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 49sec (1489 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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