Enshrouded Tips | How to make The Decimator!!

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all right welcome back in so I do know it's been a minute uh it's I actually was I missed the video two days ago uh because I'm working on this exactly what I'm inside right now now this is only a very small portion this is actually a secret area that I'm not going to show you where it is but it's inside of the hollow Hall that I built for public resource World version 3.3 that's what the the actual video I've been working on for 4 days is going to be about but I'm not done yet I made this thing and I thought it would be cool to show you how to make this thing cuz it's creepy and it's cool and I love it and I'm going to show you how to do it today and uh I don't know what this thing is but it's a head that eyeball follows you and it's also a machine that you can do things with and I'm going to show you how to make that today so we do have to head on mosy over to a different uh uh version of the game because I am on public resource world but I got to go over to my world so that I can show you what I built and we're going to build it for you today now this how you decorate is completely up to you do what do what you do uh you know yourself better than anyone else how to do some decorations and whatnot uh but I'm going to show you how to build the actual device so I set this up here and by the way having an extra wall is perfect for camera because for some reason Keen has decided they don't want to give us a camera I I don't know why but it's annoying anyways give us a free cam or anything all right so first thing I want to do is here in the center of the wall Let's Pretend This is my wall I'm going to place down four of a block I'm going to use the new block just because I'm going to use the new block and what that block is is red marble block and then there is the hollow Halls block I'm using both blocks today so what I need to do is I need to get this device this is let's look in here this is your ectoplasm press this is in the hollow halls in the dungeons that are around the world uh all of this stuff here is all new we're going to be using this Crypt book rest we're going to be using the trophy for the Cyclops why do I have two in my bag I don't know uh we're going to be using this specific brazer now could you use others maybe but this one actually works fantastically well uh CP candles maybe maybe not and then either of these wall torches it's completely uh optional on your part but I'm I'm going to do something here I need to get this up here to give me a sight line so I want to have this centered get it where I'm going to be putting it and I'm just going to move it back because I'm not actually burying it in the wall I just need a place marker because here's what I need to do is I need to get the tongue on the device on the machine to look like it's coming out of the mouth right between the teeth of the trophy so it's kind of kind of difficult to get the placement just right I think cuz I can't go all the way over I think up a tad I think that looks right so we're going to try that we're going to pick this guy back up and now this is why I use this wall because otherwise I can't see anything hello Keen I know you don't watch my videos cuz you're still mad at me but can you please give us a better camera for building thank you okay let's move on so I want this centered so you see the point down the below and it's coming down right on the center of those two pieces and then I want to try to get this the same as the one I just did which is kind of hard because if I follow the bottom jaw then the eye looks too tall if I follow the eye then the jaw looks too too low it's just kind of a kind of an eyeballing kind of thing here that's funny eyeballing yeah okay I didn't mean that but let's let's move on all right so we pick this guy up and now we're going to see how well we actually got this and so here's how I want to set this I don't want this skull showing I want his skull but a little part of it is okay I think the skull is too high so I can have a little bit of it come through let's get up here so that I get a better there you go kind of looks like a nose ring if I have just a touch of it come through like maybe right I don't want so much that the that it covers the eyeball I definitely don't want that I can dig that yeah yeah I think that works so it looks like he's got a little bit of a nose ring it's got the tongue that comes out by the way this is still usable so you can come in here and you can craft your different things even with this having a trophy head in its place which this trophy gives you a plus one Comfort it's kind of crappy for uh what you have to go through to get it all right but we're not finished yet because by itself It Isn't that cool and we are going to add some cool to it so we're going to come in here we're going to grab not that we're going to grab number four we're going to come right up to this block but I'm not going to go past the block and I'm going to chunk an entire two block deep out of this here's where I get my number six brazer and it doesn't matter if you turn it literally makes no difference so look at the two corners of the I don't know Stone lentil or whatever mantle that the bowl is sitting on and that's how how I want to put I want those two pieces coming right to the edge just like that right nice looks good so we're going to bring this back out we're going to hit Y and get rid of that now you could actually leave it like that because it does look pretty cool I think the bones work really well I think the round part looks really well and and you'd be fine right there now if you look real carefully there is fire coming out of this now where there was nothing before but we're going to take it just a step further and kind of give it a little bit of uh Jin qua so we're going to come out like this hey Mom I'm not going to do this corner now whichever corner you do it on where you do it on is completely up to you but I'm going to leave it like that we're going to call it number four here once again I'm going to come back and use my wall as my camera cancellor I'm going to hold R I'm going to turn this a little bit I think that looks good and all I want to do is I want to make sure these pointy feet part don't stick out so when I hit or when I put one piece in there I don't want those pieces stick out but I don't want it to cover the bowl either so we're kind of like kind of like there so it's not hitting the bowl and probably once I do this yeah I love it that works great now you can't really see what's going on here until I do this so we need a roof on this bad boy we'll go back to uh let's take X off we'll go back to the same material we're using already once again get my roof cuz you know uh problems all right so now you can see why I do it this way otherwise it's just a bowl there's nothing happens unless you have this LD it's the same thing as a fireplace that's literally what I'm doing here is a green fireplace although it doesn't act as a fireplace now the last option you can either choose something like this to to side it which I think look really well together I think the the uh kind of head skull on fire looks fantastic or if you don't like the yeah that's tricky there you go there the other option that you have is this it works really well too and this is actually brighter if I remember correctly I wouldn't say it's brighter I like the skulls better so choose what you wish on whether you want the skulls or not and then the very very very last step I actually have to remove the ceiling to do the last step and this is completely optional uh do it if you choose to do it don't do it it's completely up to you this is what I did inside that Hollow Hall as I got in there I chunked the ceiling up and then returned it so basically I'm just going to put skull candles in here fill as many of them up as I can which is either three or four it depends on how if it's being nice to you or not yeah three works for me good enough so we're going to come here we're going to get rid of this bad boy and then we're we're going to put our ceiling back and there you go so now the top even glows the bottom glows youve got some cool lights on the side obviously the one I did differently and you get this really cool look I don't know what you want to call this thing the decimator I don't know and you can do it in one block thickness so that's really cool all of what you get still functional all of what you get out of this just one small space and then decorate it to your choice thanks for watching
Channel: DeLindsay Gaming
Views: 1,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: letsplay, survival, basebuilder, base builder, keengames, keen games, kengames, enshrouded, inshrouded, shrouded, enshrouded tips, inshrouded tips, crafting, howto, how to, tutorial, base, building, decorations, furniture
Id: 5RgjzPcoygA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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