Enshrouded - 0.7 Updated S-TIER PALADIN Build To TANK All Content! ULTIMATE COOP Tank & Healer BUILD

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hello mod here in today's video I want to show you a tank support based Paladin build for enshrouded you heard correct this time it's going to be a group Focus build you're here to protect heal and burn everything with holy Vengeance because you are the light incarnate well at least that's the plan but the game does not support this type of play style so we are just going to be more of a leech tank with a ton of party utility given the nature of this build I'm not going to show you big numbers but instead showcase their protective and restorative abilities in a bit more detail you do deal damage but not even close to the amount of a dedicated damage dealer in a party naturally this build focuses on group play and the amount of utility the Paladin brings to group play is just incredible you will constantly spawn orbs with spells that restore not only Health but also mana and stamina to everyone picking them up your water Aura is also constantly going to heal everyone in its radius and the town perk will make sure that you are the prime target for any attack addition we focus around blocking and pairing attacks to disrupt Enemy Lines you will constantly be in close combat even if you heal cast to in noas or throw some fire and ice balls around if you happen to be in need of range attacks however your primary source of damage is going to be your party and of course your melee weapons which will regularly heal you on a percentage based chance nothing will be able to get through your steel hardened magic enhanced holy blast ABS deflecting damage foes and hose alike you are the bull workk of light now if you like what I do and want to support me make sure to leave a like comment and subscribe if you have not already I cover all sorts of RPG speed strategy see or arpg on this channel in the form of extensive guides so thank you very much for supporting me and let's dive into the light first let's have a look at the attributes for this build and how to progress your character we're going to start with a deep dive into Constitution to increase our health pool this will ensure you can take a hit and divert all attention to yourself the Divine being next up is intelligence to not only boost your spell damage but also enable your healing through your water AA spells and perks you pick up in the skill tree this is your primary role in the game next we're going to look into the melee side of things flashing out our mid game through strength all of those stats will be balanced around the same amount but in the early game you are going to live off of Base damage as a note you have 114 points at your disposal to distribute in the skill tree next up is the equipment and I'm going to start with the Rings first so we're going to use the Ring of ancient because we are basically using all the stats it provides except the dexterity it now works so all of those stats apply next we are going to look at the Ring of endless life giving you a 6% chance to reach 100% of the damage you deal this ring can be easily farmed in this specific location here is the spawn here is my home base so the game tells you to build a base here and then after crossing the fog you will find the custom marker here here is a tower up in this Tower is a chest this chest is a very high chance to provide provide you with rings including the Ring of endless Life The Ring of the Ancients can be found in the endgame zones so this one is a rare drop but after a while you should be able to get this one as for the other equipment Shield of light the best shield for this class it provides you with a ton of block and a ton of Perry power and for the staff we are going to look at Shepherd's lightning this specific staff is something I just farmed up in a chest so in any endgame chest you can find this item I'm not going to use the shroud we which is currently still bucked it can reach 35 if this is a legacy version if it is not a legacy version it Stacks at 25 plus five levels so level 30 it does provide you with a ton of magic damage so with this one you will be able to out damage basically any staff but we are going to focus on Mana regeneration or Mana recovery it also provides you with crit damage and crit chance so this is a great alternative all the gameplay you see is with this staff I'm not going to use the P sta anymore for the helmet we're going to pick up the soldier helmet our primary source of damage is going to be Mele damage so we want to pick something for the helmet that provides us with M Critical Strike chance for the chest we want something with as much health as possible as well as stamina stamina is important for this class specifically because blocks consume stamina your attacks consume stamina you want to run you want to jump all of which consume stamina so we want to have as much as possible and we also have the soldier chest plate this has the the same stats as the radiant Paladin chest plate however this one the radiant chest plate has more physical resistance and more magical resistance so it's a strictly better chest Al it looks fire on a paladin so we're going to pick it for our gloves we're going to pick the guard of the north gloves why because we are going to use melee damage and Magic damage and its case both we also want to utilize a two-handed weapon so we have kind of a bad choice for glove most of the gloves in the game provide you only with one-handed M damage not with M damage so I opted for the guard of the north gloves for the trousers we pick the radiant Paladin trousers providing you with health regeneration and health we can also find the eag trousers in the same chest in the bottom right corner of the map and those Eagle Eye trousers have some benefits mainly they're better split in physical and magical resistance and more importantly more stamina and Sprint speed so we have faster we can maneuver better and we can block more the Sprint speed is quite decent so also think about that it's I think 20 to 30% more movement speed and for the boots we're going to pick the Elder boots we do consume some Mana so we want to have some Mana regeneration four I found to be enough because we want to heal up we want to use low Mana cost spells so we don't actually need to use as much Mana regeneration on the build as you would think we need and the Mana regeneration delay is also great so you regenerate Mana much faster and you're going to boost your magical resistance instead of your physical resistance which we are lacking now for the spells for group healing you have the chain heel spell my character is currently bucked and did not obtain the Eternal chain heel version of the spell I just cannot unlock it so I'm going to provide you only with the chain heel spell here I also do not have another player on the battlefield currently so I cannot showcase this spell you can only target friendly players with this one this one is a heal for group now the channel heal is a little bit weird it heals You For Less sometimes it's very inconsistent sometimes it heals you for 100 sometimes it only heals you for 68 so the spell is just weird but if you want to use the spell you need to go into a defensive position so for example on the well or on the rooftop of some building so enemies cannot reach you because when you are going to channel this heal it channels fast but those blobs fly behind you those are very slow if you run away they will disappear and not heal you so you need to stand still block get the heal off it's a little bit tricky but that's how you do it for your other spells the ice bolt spell creates a patch of ice on the ground the fire spell creates basically just damage so you can use your ice patch and then your fire spell to get a little bit of AOE damage going however your Mana is going to not recover as fast after this one so I do not advise using those if you're not facing flyer enemies for the Turnal light burst you can use this onea in groups of enemies the AOE is pretty small but if you use it in a group of enemies you can spawn a ton of orbs that you can use to heal recover resources and so on and so forth so I highly advise using the Turnal light burst although it looks sick because we are Paladin the only light spell in the game TR lightning is specifically versus flyer enemies the ones with the sickles that are going to throw sickles at you use chel lightning on them because it's the only option you have to deal with them they are absurdly overtuned they deal a ton of damage but are extremely weak versus this type of damage then you have shroud meteor I personally don't like using it on the Paladin it's slow it doesn't provide you with much damage and well actually the fireball is better if you do not scale shroud damage acid B you should never use those spells are basically that they deal no damage they provide you with nothing they are just garbage they over Nerf them next let's go over the weapons we have the L for ax for fire damage the ice blade for ice damage the deep root ax for burst damage and the bronze sword for cutting damage if one of our other swords is not going to work and we basically lose all the durability on them so we switch to the bronze sword because it's neutral basically enemies that are resistant to ice you're going to use the fire ax enemies that are resistant to fire you're going to use the ice sword both of which can be farmed in this specific Temple right at the bottom right corner and you can Farm the chest in basically 5 Seconds by destroying the window then you have to deep root ax basically any ax works this is used for jumping attacks and AOE damage and for execution so after you get someone to the execute phase so when they have no stamina bar and you can press e to execute them you can switch to a different weapon and get a damage boost so with the 200 ax you're going to deal a little bit more damage however it is not as significant as you might think it's around 200 to 300 damage so if you're quick you can switch the weapon to get more damage off when you're going to fight enemies you want to hit them two times with one attack and then block you can also time your parries with this one to get them to stagger to execute them otherwise when you're going to see those toxic enemies that run at you very very fast hit them two times try to isolate them and block their attacks you should have enough stamina to do this and you should never take damage from them if you do it right however if there are two of them run the build is not fit for them they are completely overtuned and will rip you new one if you do not use your environment to your advantage you cannot turn your back to enemies because otherwise your block is not going to work but it ships away your stamina and durability on your shield and those enemies the toxic enemies deal a ton of damage they are very fast they're extremely annoying to deal with and with this build specifically you need to kite them to a location it's not going to get you stuck after the Patch there is a lot of ground clutter that gets you stuck so for example on this location you can go here here use your Eternal heal to get back to full and now when you fight them and they're isolated you can deal with them like that you should have more than enough stamina you can Parry them the fly enemies are a bit annoying but nothing that you cannot deal with now those enemies specifically when you wait for the right timing and they attack you you can Parry them this will not miate the damage for some odd reason but it will increase their stagger bar and if you're going to deal with multiple enemies you want to use your Fireballs you want to use your ice bolts to slow enemies kite them a little bit better and that's about what you're going to do and you are pretty damn tanky so when you are at low Health you're going to attack multiple enemies and heal back up so you are a leech tank basically at this point you can ignore most of the damage the game rowed you next let's take a look at the skill tree we're going to start with mercyless attack as well as power Perry so we obtain the parry and we obtain the merciless attack you're going to push Constitution shiny plates evasion Attack Battle heal battle heal will provide you with a 5% chance to Lee you also have your evasion attack now and then we're going to pick up Spirit absorb to get Mana back snap to get Mana back on your mercil attack Soul Leach can be pretty decent you can pick this one up but 15 m is pretty low so so your Mage need to stand in close range to get a benefit from this one I personally don't find this one to be worth it so I didn't pick it now you have bloodletting so on magical weapon attacks meaning basically own your spells you get a 50% chance on a critical hit spawn to health Mana or stamina orbs does replenish 10% of the respective resource so a pretty good deal you also get life burst so whenever you kill something with a magical weapon you restore three times your intelligence is Health then we get Arcane deflections on a uccessful Parry we get 20 Mana back that's our Mana recovery on this build we pick up blink and emergency blink so when we are stunned we can just blink away next we're going to expand our group utility with heavy plates so we take less damage Constitution Tower strength Nemesis so this is our to and the arc Nemesis so our improved T we go with strength and Earth ARA so our mates get 10% less damage taken then we pick up healer healer 2 intelligence and water or as well as Waters of life and then we flash out our intelligence with points here here here and here after we pick up healing revive so healing revive is pretty decent when our mates get crippled we can pick them up this is basically the whole utility for this character it takes a few points to get here but after you get here you can pick up stuff like Spirit here Counter Strike so you can deflect damage can pick up quick charge to get your spells up and running another point of intelligence we pick up the jump attack here with with the double jump so a lot of utility for the character and then last you we pick up Constitution Warriors Path the slasher butcher veteran for more crit strike chance Swift blades for more attack speed with our blades and we pick up Constitution here and here you can shift around a few things especially in the Utility side of things if you're playing solo you need to town if you are playing with a group but don't need a Healer specifically you can omit the water RS action and pick them later switch them around with the warrior path and Swift blades you can pick up the double jump earlier as well as the jump attack if you prefer this play style or if you prefer to have the quick charge on staffs you can pick this one up earlier each specific section of the tree brings something to the table that you going to utilize so that's something to keep in mind now and we can further optimize this build through a variety of Buffs and consumables first get your comfort up and running to not run out of stamina a very important stat for this character next consume some juicy meat early chunks of wor meat later on game meat to improve your health Constitution next use some berries early to get Access to Health Region dry them up to increase the duration your character will be able to boost strength and intelligence at the same time due to how Food Works intelligence uses mushrooms of any kind and strengths obtained through grilled corn and later hazelnuts consume alexir for Hefty boost to damage Scrolls to increases even further and a variety of other options for light more stamina and of course healing through stamina potions and bandages those can be crafted in Mass at The Alchemist by combining water berries and mushrooms pick those up whenever you can for the end game you're going to slap on some great meat followed by the vine soup and finish it up with delicious hazelnuts for a boost to strength there is no plus four or plus five vegie based strength food I am aware of so that's why we go with the good old nuts alternatively you can go with stamina food to get your breath back faster this is very useful for tanking now this THS up the video if you liked what you saw make sure to like comment and subscribe if you have not already you can also support me some more by joining the channel membership which will allow me to keep making videos so thank you very much for watching and see you next time time bye
Channel: Mordarim
Views: 3,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded best weapon, enshrouded legendary weapons, enshrouded legendary weapon location, enshrouded best build, enshrouded magic build, enshrouded mage, melee build, sword and board build, enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded guide, enshrouded combat guide, guide, gameplay, weapon, best, best build, build, warrior, mordarim, paladin, paladin build, enshrouded paladin, enshrouded tank, enshrouded coop build, enshrouded healer build, healer, tank, mage, coop, multiplayer, coop build
Id: zIPxygqx7e0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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