Enshrouded Tips | Kitchens

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all right welcome back in So kitchens now I'm not going to go over everything here I'm actually going to link a video in the comments of the person who figured out some of these items here especially this storage cabinet that uses toilets which is fantastic I'm not going to reproduce it I didn't create it I'll link to his video you can watch his and see how to do it jet Maul or something like that uh anyways what I am here to show you is that so I was asked to come up with a pantry idea I mean besides just having a small room with bookshelves that you stack plates on I came up with this now this uses the carved wooden nightstand is the only nightstand that you can actually stack items inside of all the rest of them have a fake drawer and all that stuff you can't do anything with so I'm going to show you how we do that I'm also going to show you how I did this bad boy this is the Alchemy Station but it looks like part of a kitchen and it looks absolutely fantastic like this and then one additional thing I'm going to show you with that bad boy right there and something I think people Overlook a lot when they're doing kitchens so we'll be right back with you in a moment we're going to go to my testing area all right now here in the test area we are going to build this to Showcase how you can do this kitchen orientation now so you are going to actually need two layers deep on the wall uh for one portion of it so let's just pick a spot let's go there and let's go there we're just going to use this just as an aside so I'm going to go up to the brick and put that as my second layer all right that's fine and over here we're not going to go all the way over because we're actually going to do it this way so for the the pantry type thing what am I doing one and two there you go you only need two so you need two wide it can be the two deep that's fine it's a total of four if you count the column on both sides and then you need I want to say it's eight high so let's make sure we're eight High one three four five six seven and eight so I don't actually want to clip right there you would have it clipped on top of that I'm not going to do it at this moment cuz I'm just going to show you what we're doing here so the reason you need this too deep is we are going to sink this Alchemy Station literally into it and if we only had one deep it would stick through the back side so we're going to come like this and I'm going to go until it's about like that I I like having the back wall I don't need it to be all the way there and I can see it push through when I did that so maybe be right there oh that's coming through a little bit let's try this again see if I can I can't do it that way all right so let's have just this one little ball maybe that's a some salt and pepper mix right there there you go close enough there's a tiny tiny little bit but it also kind of looks like these little Nubs that stick out so go in until the little Salt and Pepper bottle it's not really Salt and Pepper bottle but until that looks out and this is perfect for a kitchen so now we're going to take our nightstands we're going to fit them here right in between and I'm going to go in until either you can do it so you have just a little bit out or you can do it till it's flush let's just go ahead and do it till it's flush you can you can stack two of them before you need to get up on something this is kind of one of the difficulties of this game is trying to figure out when you're perfectly vertical I think that works so an easy way for those that don't know how to do just do that just do a two block vertical and it gives you a place stand on so I'm I'm using the verticals to align it and then I'm coming until I just pop the uh front edge in and that should give me a pretty straight line and it does this one I might need to go up a little bit higher but let's see if I can do it without going up any higher right there that's a little bit far back but we will go ahead and deal with it for right now back to this get rid of that bad boy I lied I'll need that back what am I doing let's go back into that we got to put plates on it so we're going to put something that's really visible up top actually I do need to go higher for this one so plates are such a pain to stack and actually get them to where it's vertically you got you got to go way further back than what it looks like like see where it's just slightly clipping into the wood in the back that's kind of what you have to do six is the maximum that you can go so we'll go ahead and put all six in this one and wow I did a pretty good job getting those vertical not too shabby we can still keep this and go to the next one uh let's do cups for this one cups it really only fits about four it's it's pretty difficult to get any more than four in there I'm sure you can clip them and get more in but I don't like having them clipped so I'm just going to do it with the four so we so you're looking at the back here until that just clips into the wood just a hair and that's how you can if you're not stacked on a table stack him on table is a nightmare on this one let's stop with four let's make it look like we've used some of these and then we're going to go to some what have I got here bronze cup bronze cup now this has a handle so this one what I'm going to do is I'm going to turn it so it's a a slight diagonal this would be the same thing if you work at a bar the same thing you're doing uh I used to run a bar in my olden days is um the same thing you're doing on shelves because if you spine them straight out they don't quite fit but if you turn it just a little bit they work really good so then the last thing we're going to do and this one I'm going to probably should have done it when we did it but that's okay let's do it see we want that spot one two I think it's three all right so we're going to grab this one this is the stone fireplace it has the same comfort as the real crappy one that you can build right off the bat yeah it was good that works so we're going to come in right about I'm going to let it stick out just a little bit it's okay if it sticks out a little bit I can dig that just fine and now we're going to take the kettle now you can do it so that the kettle legs are visible ible but I don't think it's really that necessary to have the kettle eggs visible I want to go up a little bit higher on the height on that though so we're going to place it up top and I'm going to go back into this go up like that so this actually looks like you'd have a kettle of stew or something right up there exactly like what you would if you had a Stone Hearth because the Top's going to be nice and hot and You' of course you'd have it with the legs but I think it works great it looks the part I think this looks the part very well of an open shelving and I love the look of this it's just unfortunate that it doesn't operate as a food prep it just looks really good in a kitchen all right thanks for watching everybody
Channel: DeLindsay Gaming
Views: 2,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: letsplay, survival, basebuilder, base builder, keengames, keen games, kengames, enshrouded, inshrouded, shrouded, enshrouded tips, inshrouded tips, crafting, howto, how to, tutorial, base, building, decorations, kitchen, pantry
Id: jP9uIsQV1_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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