Enshrouded Tips | How to Reading Alcove

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all right welcome back in so we are here in the prw public research world this is the hollow Hall that I have built for the public resource world to house The Collector this guy right here and I'm going to show you today how to make this cool little reading Al Cove uh I started out just this is stuff was placeholder over here and you got your nice tall window and I turned it into this and I'm going to show you what I did today because there is a few tricks there are a few tricks I need to learn words uh that oops I should probably turn my head back on uh that uh you're going to learn how to do today so we're take all this out cuz we don't need it anymore we are going to get rid of some of this nope not all of it helps if I hit the right buttons dang really hitting wrong buttons it's got to come down one more all right so we're bring this down this is all superflous uh for you because you will have made this on your own so now we have the basic structure of it what we need for this build you need two cryp standing torches it doesn't really matter if you use a different type but that's just what I'm going to use the large Crypt sideboard now this is all stuff that Alden The New Guy The Collector dude crafts uh so you have to actually find the crafting recipe when you're in the dungeons he'll then craft things and there you go and contrary to belief this is not actually put on a wall this stands on the floor you'll need two Crypt chairs uh candle wanted some swag to put on things some books to put on the shelves whatever you like there we are going to start with that guy so what I want to do is just roughly Center it doesn't have to be exactly perfect but I don't what I do not want is I don't want it sinking inside I don't want any part of it in I want it to stand out on its own like that so now we're going to go to chairs and this is what I'm going to show you so if you look at this chair do you see right above my hammer the square bit and look at the square bit on the edge of that sideboard we are going to use that to our advantage so we go right there and I'm going to sink it in until the square on the front of that is hidden just like that as if by Magic where' my other chair go right back up here and it looks like once you're done it looks like it's just part of it as if it was all always there pretty darn cool now in fortunately someone's going to ask no you cannot sit down in it once you do this clipping it into another piece for bades you from being able to sit in it so it's just for looks at this point you know it is what it is all right so now on to these and look how the feet are we're going to use hold R and twist until we have a straight line you see right there straight line I'm going to put it up here now I need to roughly Center the middle the the one sticking out on the left but also I want the two legs right in about the center of the post at the edge but I don't want any the legs sticking out so we're do about like that and then I'm going to turn it the other way is that straight or I miss it looks like looks straight all right so we're come over here fight with the camera a little bit find our sweet spot like that you're like wow that's really bright yes it is at the moment but we're going to fix that so now since I used the red marble coming down let me use the red marble again and I'm going to eclipse the candleabra the the light if you will but as you can see it still sticks out and it's really really really bright that's cuz we need to go out a little bit further actually I did that wrong I used the other one I did I need to use the other material so that it matches better I don't like using all the exact same material everywhere I like to mix them up that way it gives a little bit of uh differentiating between the material types and it doesn't look like just one monolith of material come up here because I can't see what I'm doings come on now there you go sometimes this this block yep of course I did it wrong this Block's a little bit annoying cuz though it it bulks itself out and becomes kind of a pain so now we've got the basic structure of it right you've got your support columns if you will obviously they're not but they look that way and we come up here now one thing I didn't show you there is light backligh this thing it's up there I put backlight up there but I put it one block up to give or sorry to hide it from your view so we're going to take this warm block and we're going to come up one need a little bit deeper what not that deep come on now deeper but on the same level there we go deeper and on the same level that's exactly the way we want it so we want it to actually stick up one so now if we look up we've got this really gorgeous uh back lighting that is not visible so now I'm going to take this and I'm going to do One Singular shelf across here and this is just to tie it in so that we have the same look coming down it comes across even though you can't see it it's just one of those things that in my brain it works a little better we're going to come out all the way across excuse me my bra I had a brain fart for a minute so now we have the plinth the the front section nice and chunky but we still have this light that's visible if you were to come down this stairs you would see the light that's unsightly I don't like it we're going to get rid of that now so just the edge where it has the light I'm going to bring it out another block High we're not going to go all the way in we're just going to the edge because I want this window to be a feature I don't want to hide the window I just want to hide the block so now if we look you see over there you've got a lower down section same over here and we got this nice smoke coming up that seems cool and ominous so now we have the basis formed of all of that and it's really just decoration at this point oh I for there's one other thing you can use and that's this thing right here that weirdly enough seems to be duplicating in my inventory so this side's The Wider side I'll go ahead I'm not going to make these exactly the same uh in fact I will do this let's do this about like maybe that because I don't want each Al Cove to be identical I want there to be some difference between them in fact let's see how much difference we want to do I can dig that just give it a little bit of a different look than that one is I like it so now let's start doing some books now on the other one I covered the entire bottom shelf and actually after doing so I didn't really like it there is a problem with doing this the way I am it's really hard to get anything back like trying to get down there and reach just one book type yeah good luck with that I don't think these fit in this one if I remember right they do but not easily put that there so let's go to let's go to number six we'll put a couple of these books we're going to put some other things on these shelves too maybe we'll turn a book it's going to be be in there little strange looking and let's put on I can dig that put that over there we've got these like ear looking deals we're going to put one down here I'm going put one over here maybe we'll stick one up at the top and then we got some bottles going to put a little bit of this around maybe put one of those there I kind of like that that type and stick another bottle down here and I think we'll put a couple couple bottles in here like we're just storing some up go back to six and now we're out okay we'll put a smaller one in front that'll work it'll look nice what what's Bob Ross say there's there's no uh there's no mistakes just happy accidents dude Bob Ross is the goat oh it's not going me do this with this thing in the way all right we'll come back to you buddy so we're just going to do a couple of these bad boys I think we'll just put another one right there that looks good and then what else do we have ah let's just go actually I know what I can do let's go grab one of the books where you just have them sitting on the floor think I got a stack of that somewhere yep there it is and we'll grab something else just in case this little jewelry box thing the idea when you're doing um decoration you want it to look messy it's not supposed to be perfect it's not supposed to be just sitting here and every everything is just absolute perfection you want things to be all disheveled and lived in if you will so now that is a good spot for this bad boy I like that and what do we get what was the last thing number five I bet we could find a little happy little spot for this guy maybe he's big I think that'll work couple different sites there oh now we got to put this guy back back so now that I put some books there let's kind of do him like a like a Yonder and there you have it great little Nook that you can build yourself you can put your chairs set them into the side table set your lamps to look like columns as part of it and just make sure if you're doing it just you know make them a little bit different don't have them exactly the same on both sides that way now I I will have this more updated version down the road I mean I got a lot of work to do as you can see there's a hell of a lot of work still to do but I'll I'll get this as I do slowly update everything uh the most reason iteration is up to having the Mana leech wand and staff and I put them up here I did this yesterday they're right here so these instead of having Health leech have Mana leech so that is the most recent iteration of the version 3.3 and this will be up pretty soon I really like these these these have a really cool look and it just it just adds so much to this makes it so much more livable all right thanks for watching guys
Channel: DeLindsay Gaming
Views: 480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: letsplay, survival, basebuilder, base builder, keengames, keen games, kengames, enshrouded, inshrouded, shrouded, enshrouded tips, inshrouded tips, crafting, howto, how to, tutorial, base, building, decorations, furniture, reading, library, alcove, nook
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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