Enshrouded Tips | [TESTING] Ectoplasm "Stained Glass" Block

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all right welcome back in everyone today we're going to do a little bit different video uh I went and tested every single block type with this material right here the ectoplasm block to find out what we could or what we could not place in line into a wall and not have it Go all Jank and I'll explain what I mean by Jank it doesn't do it with the uh new blocks or sorry should say it is the new blocks that cause the problem and then there are total of 12 that also do the same thing so the new red marble and the New Hollow block Hollow Halls block red marble block what you notice is if you put the and this is ectoplasm Block it's the quote stained glass if you put it in line meaning you don't stick it one row back like this you put it in line with the block the other block whatever it is you're using you notice that this left side has the correct frame the right side it's missing and it's that way on all 12 of these blocks this one's missing a whole column this one has a row of blocks so does that one up left side nothing on the right side same here same here and this wood you've got a I don't know a a wood member running vertically nothing on the right this has the little little jut outs whereas this does not I don't know what the hell is going on with this why why really why what's happening bro and then palmwood and your wood do the same thing here's the interesting part it's flipped on the back I mean it's not flipped it's still the left side so whatever is going on with these 12 blocks the left side when you place the actop Block in line is correct meaning that is the correct position cuz if I were to take out this glass block you would notice that the frame is back so the frame is correct without the block there when I place the block there I'll just go a and do a double so it's faster the right side disappears and it does it for all 12 of these I'll show you the box real quick so it is rough wood wood refined wood the half timbered block unfortunately cuz it's such a gorgeous block palmwood roughly Cut Stone City wall block regular stone block desert city wall desert temple block and that's also a shame and then the two new ones holl hols and marble now I'm not counting ectoplasm because it is its own block so let's look at what does work work so as you might imagine all of the uh glow blocks work perfectly fine so you notice there's nothing different between the left and the right side it looks exactly the same same with all of the metal blocks and again this is kind of how you would expect because when you place this down it basically is a metal block you can hear the sound that you do when you place a metal block so it is basically the same thing now we get into your other uh this is first we have shroud wood and yes I know there's a weird thing up there but that has nothing to do with this that's just the block itself we have bone block and we have the uh well block now in my opinion well block looks like it's literally meant for this stained glass block it frames it perfectly it looks perfect it just yeah it fits in my opinion now I do want to say I would not normally place this block in line I would do it like this because I think it looks better it has a better appearance but I don't know maybe there's something you want to do with it there's some kind of pattern you're trying to get out of this and you need it to be in line and therefore This Test shows you what will and won't work so now we get into our Stone type blocks all of these work your Clays your uh this is the uh I I'll go through the whole list this is your um oh man Flint Flintstone Your Castle all of these guys work then we get into your more deserty your more Adobe look all of the the the Sandy ones work now one could argue okay but there's this tiny little bit sticking out there and it's not on the right so therefore debunked well you're not wrong but it looks so so close that I'm not that worried now I did two of the fancy block because I wanted you to see it in the Adobe the rammed earth type of look and inside of the even though this is Stone at the bottom it looks like wood you can see looks fantastic I mean it looks like it's meant to be there now again I wouldn't put it in line but it looks fine now here are two honorable mentions this is fancy stone and you notice did I call that fancy Stone this is fancy Stone um you notice there's that tiny little lip right there and there's no tiny little lip right here very similar to that block but I think the effect is so minimal that I don't really care I these two are honorable mentions this mycelium now mycelium does it full on uh you can see this left side has the stuff the right side does not have the stuff but here's my take on my ceum my seum is already a weird block to be begin with I mean look how you got mushrooms growing out on one side you got them coming out of the wall on this side if we go to the back it's all kinds of weird messed up so I think it's enough of a weird block to begin with that it doesn't matter that the ectoplasm block is kind of messing with it so in if you want to be technical it's 15 total blocks that it messes up cuz we got to count the these two and this one right here but we'll call all these honorable mentions so let's go over the list of what you can use so of course it's all the glow blocks including the new green luminescent and the new white or warm white luminescent block which is funny I don't know if the devs put this in because someone made a joke about it they actually made the they made this uh like a the card for it like you see right here but then change the color I don't think they call it a white uh warm white luminescent but I don't know they changed it to something El I think they just said warm luminescent and then all of a sudden we had it I'm like that's pretty cool anyway it's all the metals so iron bronze metal and copper it is only shroud wood there is no other wood that it works with you have rough Stone rough Flint stone both of the fried uh bricks and the rough Sandstone so your sand bricks you got Castle Stone refined Stone and weathered stone block now for your more Adobe like stuff you got refined Sandstone regular Sandstone Lim Stone and fancy stone block sorry fancy was the one and the highly polished I man I get those Mees mixed up now we got bone block and well block for the kind of other category well block is the one that I think it just it looks perfect like it's literally meant to be there and then our honorable mentions of Highly polished stone block and the mycelium overgrown and again this is using the ectoplasm block to make a stained glass window look so that was my uh my little foray into a test of naughtiness today and hopefully um the devs will figure out why these guys are all doing it and only on the left side like that one whereas all these guys it works just fine it's kind of weird that it only 12 of them technically 15 uh don't work but then all the rest do so I don't know what's going on there anyways thanks for watching everybody
Channel: DeLindsay Gaming
Views: 2,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: letsplay, survival, basebuilder, base builder, keengames, keen games, kengames, enshrouded, inshrouded, shrouded, enshrouded tips, inshrouded tips, crafting, howto, how to, tutorial, base, building, decorations, furniture, stained glass, ectoplasm, ectoplasm block
Id: gQRa6Hf39jk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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