Enshrouded Guide - Unlock All Spires - Revelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes Desert!

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this is a walkthrough guide on how to unlock every single fast travel Spire location step by step in enshrouded so you can access the Springland Spire the revelwood forest Spire then the Nomad Highland spire and finally the Kindle was Spire I'll show you how to do each one step by step it's actually really simple but before you follow this guide you will need to get the following items a pickaxe an extra flame alter you will need the advanced glider to get to the final Spire in the Kindle waste now if you don't have the advanced glider yet there's a guide on how to unlock it in the description below and I will also let you know if and when you need to upgrade your flame alter now you obviously start the game in the cinder Vault and I'm going to assume that you've already unlocked the first fast travel point which is directly northwest of lkeep over the broken bridge just here at the ancient Spire springlands fast travel point this is where our guide is going to begin since you can literally see it from where you start the game so from the ancient Spire springlands fast travel point we're going to want to fly directly north to the ancient bolt of the farmer which you can literally see directly to the north over there so let's go ahead and fly to that location and if you find this video helpful at all please consider leaving a like on it now when you land you'll see a Crossroads over here and just going to carry on up the Crossroad straight towards the ancient Vault of the farmer in the distance there just follow the path and you literally can't miss it and then you're going to climb up using your double jump and we unlock our first checkpoint now from the ancient Vault of the farmer we're going to want to follow this Cliff around to the right and then go directly north to Willow Crush so this is the farmer's Vault we're going to go to the right here and then we're going to follow this mountain around to the left hand side using our Glide and just carry on going to the North and then just to the left here you'll see some fallen leaves and you can actually just walk up to the left and you'll see there's a little pathway here that follows on up the cliff so let's take this pathway upwards going to take this pathway and on the left here you're going to see there's another checkpoint that we can unlock right here and then we're going to go right to the north again and we're going to follow this Stone path now all the way to Willow Crush which I already showed you on the map now this is the entrance to Willow Crush so we're right here on the map now Willow crush is just here and we're going to go straight on here until we reach the level three shroud so let's just go through the entrance and we're going to want to Bear to the right here go underneath here and then to the right of the big Wind Mill thing and then just carry on going and we will ignore all the enemies by doing this now just to the left you're actually going to see a bridge covered in some shroud and we're going to walk over to this Bridge here and just stand here now this area will be deadly shroud unless you upgrade your flame alter to level three it is just about possible to Sprint through this or even fly over it but I'd not recommend it cuz you'll need to do this anyway later you can find a guide on how to level up your flame alter and where to find every single material needed in the description below but once it's done you can actually just go ahead and jump through that's the only bit of shroud you can actually almost run through it anyway but we're just going to run past these enemies here and we're just going to carry on going north through this little town and then just hop through there and they're all going to get stuck behind it like that unless they run around the outside they're getting smarter so we've now just crossed over that bridge we're on the other side here and now we want to go northeast past the carpentry Camp down here until we get to the ancient Spire revelwood fast travel point so you can see there's a tent right up to the north there with another Bandit we're going to go right until we get to this like Cliff Edge don't jump off the cliff we're just going to like follow it around to the right hand side and you can Harvest loads of rare materials as you go cuz you've probably never picked them up before you will see some highle BS there you can literally run past every enemy in the game though so I wouldn't actually worry about it now once you get just here on the map to the right of the carpentry C where you can see the drop off down there and the cliff continues on the left we're actually going to use our glider now so we're going to go ahead and double jump and keep this cliff on our left hand side just follow it around basically you can use the um the updraft ability as well just land here then just drop down like so and now we've reached the bottom of the rwood spire and if you just run round to the left you can just get to the top of it you have to run all the way around to the north the northern side though to and you will unlock the revelwood Fast Travel point so now you've unlocked the ancient Spire revelwood what we going to do is unlock the next Spire which is all the way to the east the ancient Spire of The Nomad Highlands over here so there's a bit tricky to actually get this one a bit more stuff involved now be aware that to progress to The Nomad Highlands you will need to upgrade your flame alar to level four and again there's a guide on where to get all the materials to do that linked below essentially starting from the revwood Fast Travel point we're firstly going to put a wayo on the right hand side here because we want to Glide from here to here and then we're going to follow this Cliff all the way down and around all the way to the side here until we get to here where there's a big mountain in front of you so looking directly east from the rwood Fast Travel point we can actually go ahead and double jump up here just to get a bit more High I want to fly over the Shroud to the east let's go ahead and double jump and then we're just going to start gliding to our Waypoint location and if you guys are finding this video helpful so far please do drop a like it took me a while to sort of make the sort of optimal path I'm not going to lie is possible to do this at level one as well maybe I'll make another guide on how to do that but um it's it's this is like the optimal way to do it playing the game normally so look here we are we've made it we can use the updraft ability we can just sort of Follow The Cliff Edge along here to the east so you can see We've Come From Here flown over here we're currently at this Cliff we're just going to follow it all the way around you can also eat these strawberries for St as well and you're going to come to another little flame Shrine here which you can grab drop off point off the cliff here and we can actually use this to go ahead and fly along the cliff Edge once again just carry on going and here we've got to forong Frontier which is a bandit Camp you can see we're just here on the map now I'd recommend just avoiding this Bandit Camp so we're going to come up the hill here and we're just going to go around it like like so and now we're on the other side of the Bandit camp and we're just going to continue heading east along the cliff Edge you can see we're now just here on the map and we're going to Glide over to this Waypoint just here straight ahead of us past this little village you can just walk through the Shroud here so literally all we've done from the ancient Spire revelwood is fly to here and then walk all the way along this Cliff along the edge of this Cliff until we reach around here and now you guys are going to see there's a giant underground cave which is basically the entrance to the Nomad Highlands which you can see above it there's like a desert arid terrain there so we're going to go ahead and jump off this cliff and we're now halfway there to The Nomad Highlands we're right here on the map you can see underneath this cave system so what we're going to do is go into this shroud and there's a pathway that we can follow through the Shroud and then we're going to come out of the other side and walk to this ancient Obelisk map so from here directly east is where we're going essentially so if I literally Point directly east that's the way we're going so let's go ahead and glide into the Shroud and use updraft and literally just go directly east just ignore the enemies in here by the way and now we're in shrouded just going to carry on going east though and I've literally ended up on the pathway just go directly east and you can use shroud survival flast just to give you extra time in the uh shroud if you've not upgraded your alar all the way yet you will be able to get the green mint mushrooms here though which are used to get the higher level Mage Armor and Hunter armor sets and you will eventually rejoin that path going east if we just carry on going directly that direction and once you do rejoin the path you're going to end up at the Shroud well but you're going to want to go to the right of that just again carry on going east we don't want to fight the enemies at The Elixir well or give them our attention and we're still going east and we once again rejoin that path and now we are going to follow the path through the mushrooms here through the Mushroom Kingdom and eventually you'll get to a crossroad and you're going to want to take the leftand path cuz now we are located just here on the map so we came from here all the way over to here and we're quite close to coming up the hill to that ancient Obelisk now so again just follow the path and now we've come out of the Shroud and there's some enemies here to greet us they look very friendly they're very cuddly Bears so the ancient obelisk is located up there if you want to grab it but we're going to carry on heading Southeast just along the path and now you're going to reach umber Hollow and we going to carry on running we're going to go over this little Stone Fence thing and if you look on the east side you're going to see a cliff covered in Shroud there we're currently right here on the map we came south from the ancient Obelisk and now we're at vodka cave Passage we want to go through here cuz that's going to allow us to get up this cliff and then we're going to go North to unlock the ancient Spire of the nid highlands now we're going to run through this shroud ignore the enemies in here again now we're going to run through this shroud and you're just going to keep sort of looping around it's kind of like a Helter Skelter all the way up to the top they just sort of keep on the pathway and you can avoid all these bare enemies oh and then we're out at the top here and we're on top of the cliff and you can just continue to to follow this path and it leads you directly towards the Nomad Highlands spire and now we're going north to the ancient Spire of The Nomad Highlands you don't really need the path at this point you can just walk directly towards it and just to the left you can get up the cliff here here we are the ancient Spire of The Nomad Highlands and obviously I'm going to cut out the part where you get to the top I'm pretty sure you guys are smart enough to do that yourself but there's obviously a checkpoint before you do it so we go so now we've unlocked the ancient Spire of the nomed Highlands so the next one we need to unlock is located in the southwest doesn't look too far away it's here the ancient Spire of the Kinder was now this one is a lot more difficult to unlock I'm going to show you how to do it step by step now it's also very important that you get the following skills firstly the updraft ability which lets you jump while using a glider to get a height boost and secondly just over over here the double jump ability which allows you to jump a second time when you're airball and remember that you can reset your skill points just for 10 runes so starting at the Spire of The Nomad Highlands we're going to want to fly or Glide Southwest all the way down here until you get to like this sort of bulber shaped area just here so we're currently going to head Southeast uh let's go ahead and jump up here again and then we can go ahead and glide towards that area that basically looks like a desert this is the first time you can get sand by the way and we've also got the updraft ability as well which is going to allow us to travel a little bit much further it is actually crucial that you have this to get to the next Spire but instead of going through that cave on the left we're actually going to want to come off to the South here before we go into the cave so come off the path to the South and through here we go straight on you can actually climb up this mountain like so and then just climb up the mountain and then we just want to carry on heading south we're located just here on the map now so you can see we went from there and now we're just over here we climbed up this little bit of mountain and now we're going to head around this rock face to the right hand side all the way over here so we're just avoiding the Scorpion and stuff there just in case you're not high enough level to deal with it you can see I've just come around that corner and I'm now over here heading east and you can see the Spire of the Kinder was in the distance there and now you're going to see some big dragon likee bird enemies you can pretty easily just avoid them and carry on running past them but obviously yeah make sure you do avoid them so now you're eventually going to get to this Bandit Camp right ahead of you and we're currently here from the ancient Spire in The Nomad Highlands we came all the way around then all the way to the East and now we're in this big sort of rocky area just above rittle Bush so we want to head to the southeast just around these things and then we're going to go to the right of this Bandit Camp just completely ignore the Bandit camp and then off that Cliff you're going to see a massive town right below you there's a bunch of enemies down there so do take care but we want to come on these Cliffs above just use the glider again to uh Sail on past carefree and you can see there's a bridge in the distance to the Northeast over there behind this town that we can use to get across this red area of shroud so let's go ahead and and jump off to the Northeast and head towards that bridge watch out for that big dragon boy and land on here jump off over here and head to this next Bridge there we go so we came from over here and now we're just here on the map crossing over the red shroud and we're going to continue now on this pathway all the way down to the back here so use your grappling hook to get across unless you're I don't know some crazy man can also pick up some higher level loot since we're in the Kindle waste now and we can uh follow the path line just follow the path that's what 90% of this guide is just carry on following that path go right though don't go left otherwise you've been LED astray you shall not pass into the Kinder West so just carry on going east and you'll see a bridge directly ahead of you going to carry on going under that bridge so now we pass under that that bridge we're just here on the map we're actually directly north from the ancient Spire of the Kindle waste and right here you're going to want to go south and then around to the side where you'll find Rose Shell burrow so the bridge is behind me that's East we're going to go south and just around the side here to the South we're going to find that location I mentioned just down here so we can go ahead and just fly off this Cliff we this is the location just here roell burrow but we actually want to go to the South that's the tower we're trying to get to so we want to climb up this Cliff here if I look on the map you can see I'm standing just here south of Rell burrow I want to climb up this Cliff the best way to do that is to bring a pickaxe and this is also where you get sandstone in the Kindle waste so you're going to look upwards just mine a couple of times like this and then just jump up and then do the same thing again and then just jump up you got the double jump so you know pretty easy for you just to kind of climb up this it's almost like a step terrain so it's it's very simple I'm sure you can do it and right at the top here you're going to see a ladder who put this there watch out for that massive explosive there's another ladder my God we're so lucky and we can get all the way to the top here look at that and now we have an amazing view so from here you're going to wait until this uh Dragon creature passes You by and then you're going to Glide Southwest to this other location and once you're here we can now make the jump all the way to the tower but before you do you're going to want to put a flame alter down like this now flame Alters can be crafted from anywhere using Stone but you can't mine Stone anywhere in the Kindle way so that's why you have to bring a flame alter with you or stone with you which I told you to do so you should have done that and that's in case we fail this next jump so from here we're basically going to jump you see the tower over there directly south over there so you're going to want to run Sprint and then jump and it looks like you're not going to make this but you need the updraft ability to make sure you do otherwise o you failed there you go you're going to updraft and we're going to make it just just down here so just run into the wall and you can like make your way up but even if you land on the bit below that you know you've got a pickaxe so you can just do what I showed you before and just mine your way up like a little staircase as you go and then you know you can just get to the top like that it's pretty easy so now we obviously head south you can see that giant Tower the Tower of the Kinder waste and this is actually the final Tower that's currently in Early Access I will make future videos when they add more content to the game and more Towers to access but this is the last one that you can actually gain access to the puzzle to get to the top is also extremely easy so you won't have any issues here we are the ancient Spire of the Kindle Wast and again there's a checkpoint inside so grab that so you don't die so there you go we've unlocked the Kindle waste fast travel point and if we look on the map you can access the entirety of the Kindle waste from this location including a legendary glider which is located here guide on how to get that in the description below it's the best glider in the entire game but the only other fast travel point we didn't mention is this one over here so this is the cindera where you start the game just to the Northeast you're going to find the ancient Spire low Meadows fast travel point now it's very easy to get here you just come from this fast travel point the springlands one and then you Glide all the way to the ancient Vault of the hunter here and then from the roof of this location you can just Glide across the Shroud here but I assume no one's struggling with that one the next best thing to do from here is to get the level 25 armor sets check out this video here on how to do that and I will see you there have a great day and goodbye
Channel: ESO
Views: 4,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded guide, enshrouded game, enshrouded walkthrough, enshrouded ancient spire, enshrouded, enshrouded unlock, enshrouded how to, enshrouded where to find, Springlands Spire, Revelwood Spire, kindlewastes, kindle wastes, nomad highlands, nomad highlands spire, kindlewastes spire, how to reach, location, revelwood, progress, walkthrough, guide, shroud, alter upgrade, deadly shroud, revelwood enshrouded, desert
Id: TiMrGTfy5S0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 4sec (1204 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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