The Surprising Truth About Enshrouded Base Building

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are you guys tired of living in a square mud Shack that looks horrible and is just not very cozy what if I told you that you guys can live in almost any of the beautiful buildings and locations all over the map this is true and not only can you take over these locations but there's some really good reasons to do so and in this video I'll be explaining how to do this why you should consider doing this yourself and provide you with some of my favorite locations that you guys should take over that is going to instantly increase the quality of your base sound good okay let's get get started so I guess this really depends on how long you have been playing this game individually I know some of my viewers are brand new to this game you know you've just picked up the game and you're trying it out for the first time and I know some of you have been playing this actually longer than I have which is totally cool but I figured it's worth mentioning that yeah you can actually build a base pretty much anywhere on the map now I say pretty much anywhere because there are a couple of locations that you cannot build right I think those are like really significant kind of quest areas or whatever boss locations things like that that but when it comes to like these smaller settlements or locations you can definitely build there all you have to do is clear out the enemies in the area and you can place down your flame and boom now that's your home and what's really cool about this is once you've placed down that flame and you know made this area yours now the enemies are not going to be spawning there anymore and I guess the only downside to that is if you for example decided to make an area your base that has a mini boss spawning there then you're not going to be able to kill that boss anymore so long as your base is at that location also any chests that you can loot that are inside of your base area those are not going to be able to be respawned as well so you won't be able to use those so why would you do this right a game like this is it almost seems like it's incentivizing you to build right so why would you go to an area and you know take out all the building aspect of the game well there's a couple of reasons maybe you just suck at making really cool bases I know I fall under that one and it doesn't help that whoever made this game the buildings in this game were just really cool looking so it just makes sense to take over something and you know have a really cool house another really good reason is that if you take over an area you don't have to use as much materials and I guess spend as much time building now just because you take over an area doesn't mean that you just don't build right there's going to be some locations that are kind of like ruined or in disrepair that yeah you're going to need to do some cleaning up and make some modifications and actually making some improvements to the buildings could be really fun too and there could be some pretty cool like roleplay reasons as well I feel like this would probably take a really long time to do but for me I really think the idea of going over to all these different settlements and taking them over as bases and then slowly repairing them and making them you know look really nice again is actually kind of cool this would be obviously the idea that my character is kind of coming into this area you know fighting the bad guys and slowly kind of like trying to repair the world again and I'm sure many of you have found out by now but once you guys have maxed out the building range on your flame yeah it literally covers an entire settlement so as long as you place your flame in the dead center of a settlement you're not going to have to worry about um you know having one building kind of clipped out it pretty much covers every single one so actually taking over one of these locations is really simple all you have to do is clear out all the enemies nearby and then once that's done you guys can place your flame on the ground now if there's still enemies in the area it's not going to let you do that it's just going to tell you there's you know enemies nearby so you're just going to have to go hunt them down and and clear them out once that's done you guys can set up that as your base so this first place that I want to show you guys is one that I still use and that is the blue goblet Tavern the quickest way to reach this location is by flying from the Ravel wood ancient spire and heading west eventually you'll come to this amazing location and man this building is just really cool the outside doesn't do it justice but once you go inside it is amazing so if you guys are looking for a really cool place to live in this location is perfect and there's plenty of room on the outside to plant crops to and this next location is called rattle beak you guys can fly to this one from The Nomad Highlands ancient spire and Head West now Anakin might not like this place it's coarse rough and irritating but you sure will after you check it out this location has multiple buildings perfect for housing each of your NPC companions pre-built plots for planting crops and a really cool indoor outdoor Tavern now this location is also near a lot of different resources so in my opinion I think it is one of the most perfect locations to put up a base if you guys want to have a really cool kind of like Farmstead but that is going to be it for today if you guys enjoyed this video be sure to hit that like button and subscribe to the channel before you go let me know in the comments section what your thoughts are on this have you guys found any cool locations to build a base share with us your findings because I love to discover cool new locations and thanks again for watching I'm still solo and I'll see you guys later
Channel: StillSolo
Views: 182,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enshrouded, enshrouded base building, enshrouded building, enshrouded building tips, enshrouded building ideas, enshrouded building guide, enshrouded guide, enshrouded gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 44sec (284 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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