Enshrouded Tips | [TESTING] Ectoplasm "Stained Glass" Block Pt2

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all right welcome back in so we're going to do a little bit of an extension of the test of seeing how the E plasm block works against other blocks in line had a question uh on uh the Youtube channel to find out if I play here let's go to this back side be easier to see if I placed a block separate so one wide and then something else next to it does it still the the 12 offenders which is technically 15 or technically 16 because of this guy here Castle block uh the reason I didn't put Castle block into the uh like honorable mentions is these little bulbous nodes right here they do that all the time Windows Doors has nothing to do with the ectoplasm block it always does that so I just count it as part of its char arm I guess anyway um to see if I did One Singular block and then One Singular block of something else if it would still do it and it it does so you can see I have the new Green luminescent Block next to the ectoplasm block and it still does the left side works the top works the right doesn't the bottom doesn't that person brought up that it's probably a cated issue where as um it's coded so that the top right above my horns the left is coated a certain way and the bottom and the right is coded a certain way and maybe they just didn't add the same parameters to these 12 uh block types so but then I found something else out all 12 of the offenders I've got them all right here none of them are affected by the ceiling so if you want to do a ceiling you can use any block you wish if you want to put them in line again I I've stated before I don't like placing blocks in line this is what I would prefer if I'm going to do a block so we've got this red marble block cuz this is red marble here this is the way I prefer to do the the quote stained glass I think it looks better but this once again you know I don't know what you have in plan for your building maybe you need to put them in line for some reason this is how I do stained glass and I think it looks Superior whether it's this ceiling or this wall over here this one where it's one back that's how I prefer to do it I think it looks better but again maybe you have some design aesthetic you need it to be in line the ceiling it didn't matter on any of them it didn't change any effect whatsoever uh it looks great on the ceilings so be to your heart's content using any of the blocks to do on the ceiling but if you are going to do it on the wall these 12 that I showed you yesterday right in here I'll go through them just quickly you can pause if you need to these 12 on the wall do not work they have that weird left side Works top Works B right side doesn't bottom doesn't all right thanks for watching everyone
Channel: DeLindsay Gaming
Views: 386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: letsplay, survival, basebuilder, base builder, keengames, keen games, kengames, enshrouded, inshrouded, shrouded, enshrouded tips, inshrouded tips, crafting, howto, how to, tutorial, base, building, decorations, furniture, stained glass, ectoplasm, ectoplasm block
Id: o_Cv8WfLX5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 30sec (210 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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