Enshrouded - Pro Tips To Master Every Combat Playstyle

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combat is an essential part of any Survival game but enshrouded infuses the experience with action and adventure game Concepts that make the combat even more important in this video we're looking at every play style and sharing our Pro tips for overcoming any obstacle so for starters let's level set myself livid Schmo and Nas the entire Legacy team has been playing and shrouded a lot and the team decided early on that we would each lean into a different combat style livid chose to focus on Magic Schmo on ranged and I stuck with melee with nas somewhere in the middle the goal was to make sure we could deliver the best tips possible After experiencing the systems in their totality boy did we learn a few things you might know a lot of this but never underestimate the power of a few pointers because one of them might save your life and ultimately your time for starters I'd highly recommend you watch our best skills to get early video not only do we point out some Mission critical skills like double jump but we also walk you through each play play style and highlight the best skills to consider it's an important Baseline in what we call the Synergy between the combat and your character's progression and it's essential to your success within the game you also need to consider which armor matches your preferred play style the blacksmith crafts melee armor the hunter crafts ranged armor and The Alchemist crafts magic armor as you unlock new items to craft really pay attention to the Buffs each piece brings to the table there are no set bonuses in the game at the time of making this video so mixing and matching is on the table if you're looking to build your character a certain way so let's dive in with melee combat this is my area of experience and the option I think most players will explore at some point during their time with ins shrouded first let's talk about weapon types and desired weapon Buffs at the most basic level you have one-handed weapons and two-handed weapons if you look at the items tool tip you'll see that a melee weapon has three standard damage types cutting piercing and blunt enemies all have different resistances to these typ types of damage so it's worthwhile having a combination of weapons with different damage Types on hand there's also the chance you could find a weapon with poison fire ice shroud or shock damage these are Elemental effects that further increase your damage capabilities for example this acid Cleaver deals cutting and poison damage when fighting enemies you'll notice that with each hit some scrolling combat text will appear and that'll be your indication whether the attack you're using is effective or not if you see the word effective then some aspect of your weapon is dealing higher than average damage if you see resisted then some aspect of your weapon is dealing lower than average damage because weapons can have multiple damage types as seen here with this wailing blade a unique weapon we show you how to get in our early Game Gear guide it can be tough to know exactly what type of damage is strong or weak so you'll have to do some trial and error to really hone in on what's effective with some of the number stuff out of the way let's jump into the action here's the first thing you need to know about melee combat stamina is is king and the best way to get stamina is by having a rested buff you can most easily get this by building a base and making sure you have some sort of furniture inside this increases the Comfort level thus extending the rested buff if you don't have the rested buff don't go exploring it's as simple as that the amount of time you will waste having to wait for your stamina to recharge and the disadvantage you'll have in combat just isn't worth it you'll also want to make sure you have the right food Buffs for your play style not just any food buff but the right ones if you're melee focused then you'll need some cooked meat this increases your Constitution which gives you plus 50 Health per Point you'll also want food that increases your other supporting stats once you've unlocked the farmer I recommend you start creating chamomile tea which gives you passive Health regeneration and increases your endurance by two giving you plus 20 to stamina the other food I recommend early on is hazelnuts which are easy to find in revelwood just look for these trees here and you can grab a handful with each interaction with each use you'll get plus three to strength which equates to+ 15 melee damage so let's get down to brass tacks being a melee player means being up in the thick of the action and the most important thing you need to know how to do is block and Parry yes it's a bit boring but it certainly beats eating the dirt like with most Parry systems timing is everything and in shrouded does have a KN indicator for when you should Parry most enemy attacks not all but most will glow with a bit of an indication it's time to Parry this is a great way to get your bearing with the system but after a few dozen reps I have no doubt you'll be a Parry machine and won't need the indication with each successful Parry you'll add to the enemy's stun bar seen here under their health bar once filled the enemy will become overpowered and incapacitated and if you spec into merciless attack you can kill them that much quicker I also want to point out that at any time an enemy is blocking you should be laying in with attacks the more you attack during a block the more stun damage you do a combination of pares and attacks during a block will ultimately net you the same result an overpowered enemy and that my friends is the single best way to kill any foe in the game if you're not confident in your ability to Parry that's fine just block with a good Shield proper Buffs and the right equipment mainly a melee focused set of armor you can essentially hold down the block button and not take any damage if this is your preferred style then it's a game of cat and mouse block incoming damage then when the enemy is done weave in your own offense but don't get greedy land a few attacks and then bring the shield back up this is the safest way to deal damage especially against tougher enemies if you're a more aggressive player then Things become more about dodging than anything else fighting enemies doesn't always require a roll in fact because Ed's AI is well less than great you can often just sidestep enemy attacks and keep wailing on them you should take every opportunity no matter your spec to attack enemies from behind because they will take more damage this can be Amplified further with some skills but even at a base level attacking from behind gives you a plus 10% damage increase if you're playing solo this is much harder to do but it's almost impossible if you keep rolling away from enemies constantly you'll learn which enemies you can and can't sidestep around so again it's a bit of trial and error and that goes a long way I also want to point out that there's nothing wrong with a stick and move strategy when it comes to melee combat especially early on again taking advantage of enemy AI is nothing new in games and in the case of enshrouded forcing enemies to constantly relocate is a huge part of having some early game success not only does this give you a little breathing room when you need to heal or regain stamina but it also resets the animation of the enemy so they have to move and come to you before they can attack again it's another game of cat and mouse which is not unheard of when enemy AI isn't great let's slide over to range combat this is the play style that Schmo spent the most time with and truthfully it's one of the most effective if you're accurate at this point in the game's Early Access development there's only one type of bow but don't let that stop you from exploring this aspect of combat first and foremost we have to understand the stats that boost this play style dexterity is your primary damage enhancer and for each point in that stat you'll gain plus 5% range damage you'll also want to focus on critical hit damage bows have the unique ability to head shot or skillshot as it's called in the game most enemies have a weak point usually the head and if you manage to land your shots then you'll deal more damage having higher crit damage means the times that you'll hit those weak points and crit will result in massive damage unlike melee weapons the bow itself doesn't deal a specific type of damage but depending on the Rarity they do have important bonuses one of my favorite early game weapons is the Fel Commander bow which when leveled up has great bonuses that synergize perfectly with a full range build that being said when it comes to the type of damage you deal when using a ranged weapon you'll need to look at arrows at first you'll be able to craft wooden arrows these deal piercing damage and they're nothing more than a sharpened stick but once you unlock the hunter NPC and more materials you can create a wide array of projectiles you'll notice that as your options expand each Arrow deals different types of damage most are piercing but also some have cutting and even poison damage depending on how far you've progressed eventually you'll be able to make special arrows as well which give you even more flexibility during combat and exploration ultimately you're going to want the best arrows you can craft that is a no-brainer and my simple tip here is to make sure you never and I repeat never stop collecting quigs because if you're a ranged player you're going to need a ton of them it's rare that a survival game requires you to continue collecting such a basic resource even dozens of hours into the game but here we are as far as food is concerned you're going to want anything that increases dexterity such as the vegetable puree this is unlocked once you've rescued the farmer NPC have built the fireplace in your base and looted a a forest beat within revelwood sounds complicated but any old dexterity food will do as always you just want the best option possible remember for every point in dexterity you're gaining a 5% increase in range damage now unfortunately you can't stack dexterity Buffs which would be ideal but the game doesn't allow you to do that that being said it's still worthwhile to increase your endurance in Constitution there's nothing wrong with having more HP and more stamina even if those two things aren't a major factor in ranged gameplay now with a solid foundation it's time to get into the ranged action gameplay isn't that complicated you just want to make sure you have the right Buffs and a healthy supply of arrows you can take talents like Eagle Eye if you want that extra Zoom when you hold down the right Mouse button but I honestly don't find it necessary the key during combat is identifying the weak spot on an enemy every enemy is different and as a rang Focus player your job is to deal the most damage possible and that means exploiting the enemy's biggest weaknesses you can deal backstab St damage with range weapons so if you're playing in a group this is just as good as finding the weak spot just keep your head on a swivel it's very possible that enemies will shift their attention to different members of the group and that could mean you my biggest tip however when it comes to range combat is to use the terrain to your advantage there is so much verticality within and shrouded that it's easy to jump onto a roof of a house or even some terrain elements and completely negate the threat of an enemy from your perch land a few well-placed range shots and that's one less enemy you have to deal with don't be a hero there is no reason to fight in melee if all of your skill points are in range trees so run away establish some distance between you and your enemies and let the Arrows fly finally I want to talk about magic it's an absolute blast to use and something livid has been exploring for the majority of his time with the game one of the coolest aspects of enshrouded is that you can use wands which act as standard weapons as well as stabs which are more specialized the combination is powerful and is enhanced drastically if you build around their strengths just like with melee and ranged weapons you need to know how to build your character in this case intelligence is the most important stat as each point grants you plus 5% magic damage intelligence also synergizes with the various auras that magic users have access to Via the skill tree something like water Aura which heals a group passively over time is enhanced further the more points you have in intelligence the same could be said for radiant Aura which damages all enemies within a radius that damage is based on how many points point you have in intelligence a secondary stat you'll want to consider is Spirit which increases your Mana pool by 20 for each point sadly this doesn't increase your Mana regen just your maximum Mana which is still decent you also can't underestimate Constitution if you're building for Magic the armor you'll have access to is much less protective than that of say melee Focus players so having more Constitution and thus a bigger Health pool could save your life as we discussed before food is also a big factor here and you do have a few extra ra options early on you'll find these Azor rasula scattered around the revelwood cook them up and boom plus three intelligence for 25 minutes you'll also want to pick some a rolling flowers and then start growing them back at your base in a little garden one flower will net you 10 seedlings which you can plant and cultivate for a huge stockpile of spirit food once you reach the Nomad Highlands and you can collect eggs you can make boiled eggs at the farmer which gives you an insane plus three to stamina recharge Plus plus three to health regen and plus two to Mana recharge all for 40 minutes now let's talk about weapons because things are a bit different here in the magic world first you'll need a wand and you'll want one that gives the best stats possible that's given a good wand has high attack speed high overcharge value which dictates the percentage of your wand's attacks dealing random spikes of higher damage and additional damage based on whatever element you're focusing on certain enemies are weak to fire ice shock Etc and knowing which are weak to what and having the appropriate Elemental wand ready to go is key to your success for instance the fuzzy bear enemies the vuka are weak to fire with a fire wand and the right Firebase skills these Mel in just a few hits there are two skill nodes you should always take if you plan on using wands and both are in the battle mage tree wand Master gives you a 30% chance to fire a second projectile this means 30% of the time you'll be doing double damage and there sting which increases the wand's damage by 20% as long as you keep dealing repeated damage to a Target wands for the most part keep you locked in place but you can slowly s side step while continuing to cast you can also get around this by bunny hopping while attacking this will cancel your wand animation almost entirely and allow you to move in any direction either towards or away from threats we do fully expect this to be patched so it's also best to get comfortable with periodically Dodge rolling or parrying enemies with a solid Shield which you can equi while using a wand when a wand just won't cut it you can pull out your staff this is a powerful Mana dependent weapon that pairs perfectly with the wand and Magic related skills if you're planning on building out the ultimate Mage then consider these skills Unity allows your wand attacks to have a 24% chance to recover two Mana per hit in a longer fight this can seriously add up and give you a nearly infinite supply of Mana one of the big downsides of your staff is your slow cast time but again this can be mitigated by a whopping 50% via the Quick Charge skill allowing you to cast more often the staff also limits your Mobility but you can slowly sidestep and while you can employ the same Bunny Hop technique as the wand using it with the staff just isn't as effective in our opinion using a quick swap to pull out your staff and cast a spell is the best use scenario personally we don't run around with the staff truly equipped as we find it to be more situational unlike the wand which has no Mana or even stamina cost to use the staff requires not only Mana but quote unquote ammunition for each specific spell at least early on these can all be crafted at The Alchemist once you've unlocked him and the materials required to make the spell The Alchemist can also craft Eternal versions of these spells that cost a lot of resources but allow your staff to have infinite charges of that specific spell and there is one for each spell in the game these Eternal spells cost a bit more Mana to cast but they deal more damage and you'll never have to worry about running out of charges again much like with range damage your goal when dealing magic damage should be to keep a healthy distance between you and your enemies use the terrain to your advantage and avoid fighting in close proximity to the danger remember you can easily change spells on the Fly and as we talked about before enemies will have different weaknesses and resistances so plan accordingly you won't have access to Eternal spells until much later in the game but there is an early Alchemist quest which gives you access to Eternal ice bolt which is a good place to start so there you have it some advice for each play style hopefully you can take what we said apply it to your gaml and push deeper into the game that being said enshrouded is tough and if you want some more useful tips and tricks check out this video here where we share even more from our time with the game my name is Kodiak and from everyone here at Legacy gaming thanks for watching and play [Music] 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Channel: Legacy Gaming
Views: 69,071
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Keywords: Legacy Gaming, enshrouded, enshrouded combat, enshrouded guide, enshrouded early access, enshrouded pro tips, enshrouded tips and tricks, enshrouded combat guide, enshrouded magic guide, enshrouded ranged guide, enshrouded melee guide, enshrouded gameplay guide, enshrouded magic, enshrouded ranged build, enshrouded melee build, enshrouded magic build, enshrouded combat gameplay, enshrouded early access guide, enshrouded early access tips, enshrouded beginners guide
Id: eT1YG_vgc0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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