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hello mod here in today's video I want to show you an incredible super busted Paladin build for un shrouded you're here to protect heal and burn everything and everyone a new one through Holy Light flames of Vengeance and some puke the amount of utility this build brings to the group play is also just incredible you will constantly spawn orbs that restore not only Health but also mana and stamina to everyone that picks them up your water Aura constantly heals everyone on its radius and your taunt perk will make sure that you are the prime target for enemy attacks but that's not all fire combined with multilayer spellcasting and a ton of crit will make sure to proc electric tenderers around you zapping enemies for your sheer presence on a battlefield the power of this build is just incredibly busted you will Breeze through the game nothing can stop you through your steel hardened magic enhanced holy blessed ABS deflecting damage H and foes alike you are the level 30 wizard everyone talks about well actually you are only level 25 but that's beyond the point sniping flying haters with your burning passion and repe telling that what is unwanted with just your holy Visage on a stick is immensely satisfying now I'm sure you will see a mod to modify the poisonous carpet to be more in line with what a paladin would use maybe a wholly consecrated ground would fit well hopefully in the future now there is just one problem with this build Mobility given the limited amount of 114 points we get access to we cannot just spend them on the convenient double jumps or boosts during flight this limits Us in some capacity but we can modify the build for single player Fun by omitting the tound ability in favor of a more reliable Mobility kit you can also weaken your strikes with melee combat to gain access to double jump next let's have a look at the attribute points for this build and how to progress your character we're going to start with a deep dive into Constitution and your tanking capacity this will ensure that you can take a hit and divert attention to yourself the Divine being next up is intelligence to not boost your spell power but also your brain well actually you're boosting your water ARA which can stack with other water Aras so you can play in a group with other paladins bringing Justice to absolutely everyone next we're going to look into the me side of things flashing out our mid game through strength we do not get access to the most powerful spells until later making oneand combat and tanking for your party the top priority afterwards we're going to boost our magic capabilities a little bit further with intelligence to flash out our divine magic but we can also swap those two so you can boost your magic capabilities first and then boost your strength capabilities as a note you have 114 points at your disposal to distribute in a skill tree so keep that in mind if you do not have this at the very end you missed some shroud roots or an Alexi well a shroud rout gives you one skill point per and an Alexi well gives you three next up let's have a look at the weapons we as a paladin want to also look like a paladin so we're going to obviously use a shield of light and we can combine this one with two very nice blades we have the ice blade and the light forged ax both of which can be found in both farming spots I have shown in my videos this means at level 25 chests can drop those weapons you will be able to find a light forged a with another name which is located right near the volcano I will show you real quick so right here at the sof and Caravan but that axe does not show your Shield next up a wants well joking because paladins do not use WS we are not Heretics right so what we're going to use is a holy Divine staff which lets us produce spells you can find this rout weer following my best staff video wait but spells spells cost Mana how do we optain infinite Mana through the Ring of opacity you can farm this one through the video also down below you just need to reset this Ser you can grab two so that's our ring we're going to use two rings of rapacity now before you mention this one but this one got fixed or will be fixed in the future now we can work around this by picking up blood magic which is basically the same thing just a little bit different so you're going to lose constantly Health but we also going to heal so sneak peek whats what is going to fix the Ring of rapacity otherwise we basically do not need other weapons next up for the glider we going to use the ghost glider which is the fastest glider in the game you can find this one also in the temple which is right at the bottom right corner here's the sun Temple climb this one and you will be able to obtain this glider for the Rings ring of vacity if you do not have this ring you can use the Ring of endless life which can also be found in tier one golden chests here is one right here at the custom marker here's the spawn point the C Vault so you just need to cross here is a tower climb this one and get the ring Farm it it's very common you can also find better rings than this one but this one is sufficient for now we deal a ton of hits so this one will proc quite regularly proing this one will leech the whole all damage you dealt in one go so you have a 3% chance to Le 100% of the damage you deal an alternative to this ring specifically is going to be the plus one to all stats ring which I also found but it doesn't work so this one the Ring of ancients right here has plus one to dexterity strength Constitution Spirit andur intelligence however this one doesn't work currently so when we equip this bring in our character screen you will see that our attributes do not change we have 11 Constitution eight Spirit five endurance and so on and so forth and when we unequip this ring for example another ring of opacity we will see that our stats do not change so sadly this ring is not good but later on this ring will become really really good once you get a fix for this one and we get a fix for this one now as for the armor because this one looks incredibly cool we're going to use the Elder hat this one has a plus 15 magical Critical Strike chance we want as much magical Critical Strike chance as possible Critical Strike damage is also really nice to have then we have the radiant Paladin chest plate which has health and stamina and the highest physical damage resistance the game has to offer then we have the ELD gloves which has a magic damage multiplier most of our damage is Magic damage so that's really really nice the 9% increased damage against magic FES does not currently work so this one can be good later once they fix it but currently it doesn't apply to any damage we deal then we have the Eagle Eye trousers which have a plus one Sprint speed modifier so it increases our Mobility it is one of the best pants you can pick basically best in slot and then we have the Spell binder boots those give us Health regeneration and stamina regener generation you can alternatively use some other boots for example the Elder boots to increase our Mana regeneration even further or the eagle a boots for more stamina regeneration alternatively the radiant Paladin boots are also really nice with physical resistance so you have quite a few options all those items are farmable in level 25 chests but you need to farm them in the corner here so there is this line every chest beneath the line right in this Zone can contain those items both of my Farms are very well suited to farm those items now I want to show you an improvement to the previous Farm you can just run up to this window then hit this window two times with the pickaxe run inside and loot the chest then reset the server and you can farm this chest in basically just 5 Seconds really really nice for farming armor this chest specifically can contain the Elder set the Eagle Eye set and the radiant Paladin set we can also find the shield of light as well as the ice blade and the light forged ax next up let's have a look at the spells for spells we have multiple options here for most of the game you're going to use your fireballs so those are your regular casts with the Rings we can fire them constantly we basically never run out of Mana once we spawn our spirit orbs we can GA them and recover Mana even faster our bread and butter spell in the end game is going to be the acid carpet we can cast the spell on top of each other to increase the damage a little bit with this tree we see the orbs spawning so when we run inside the orbs we see a ton of healing so every single Critical Strike will spawn those orbs all around the combat area and all of you can pick those up then we have have the light burst spell this one is incredible for tanking so it is a quick cast and you can then afterwards block hits this spell can technically stun lock enemies so if you're standing in front of an enemy like this three for example I hate trees ineffective but there will be stun locked and they spawn also the orbs because we can cretic we cannot get to the orbs but you know what I mean for some range enemies we want to use the lightning Channel ability so this one targets an enemy and then we blast him with disability so I will show you a little bit of gameplay how this one looks we can use this one to combat range FES but we are a paladin so we're going to use the Eternal Fireball right afterwards we have the Unholy magic the rout meteor this one spawns meteors in front of us targeting every single enemy it is basically hit scan and it will Rip the ground apart it is a very very strong ability and very very very strong in terms of damage but our other space are more convenient to use and basically do the job just fine so we don't use them and lastly we have our Channel heal and our chain heal the heal Channel spell does have an internal version the chain heal does not at least I haven't found a way to craft it or obtain it through basically every single Vault I found the vault in the tier 2 zone so you can find a catacomb Vault right around here but this one did not contain the spell now as for the move set I have shown you the Spells that's basically it if you're tanking you want to keep your Shield risen in between you can attack with a light attack and then cancel this one with the shield so the attacks are very very fast so you can block basically every single hit with just attacks in between for the Spells when you're tanking you can use your light blast spell and then switch to tanking relatively fast so the enemy will be stun locked for the duration of the spell so you can get your Shield out in time your other spells need to be used while kiting then afterwards why are we using the light forged a and the ice blade because some enemies are resistant to fire damage and some are resistant to ice damage and we want to use either fire a or the ice blade depending on the effectiveness we need to deal damage to tank because enemies will not attack just because we are standing around we need to deal some kind of damage next let's look at the skill tree we're going to start with the tanking tree Constitution here shiny plates and heavy plates Constitution tower for 10% less physical damage taken we don't want to use Warden because 15% magic damage might sound like a lot but there is very little enemies that deal magical damage especially early on so those are wasted points next up we pick up in strength and then Nemesis and Arch Enemy this will enable us to to enemies and draw attention to us Prime being then we pick up the the Earth Aura this will reduce the damage taken by every single player that's inside the aura we're going to pick up the evasion attack then battle heal for critical strikes healing us 5% of our Max Health then we pick up Spirit bloodletting this will enable us to spawn blood orbs or healing orbs or man orbs whatever around the target with a 50% chance on a Critical Strike with our magical weapons those can be gathered by basically every single player so also your mates you will spawn a ton of them and this is the first supportive ability next up we pick up absorb then BL with the emergency blink to get out of stunts then healer healer two intelligence water Aura and Waters of life we flash this build out with one point intelligence here here and here then we grab the life burst ability so this one will then heal targets by three times our Intelligence on a kill water Aura combined with Waters of life will heal any Target in our range by two additional Health points per intelligence so per second so that's just Health Region so we are now tanking and healing our allies for basically just being here next up we are going to flash out our strength with Constitution here Warriors Path 10% more melee damage strength slasher buter because we deal cutting damage then we pick up veteran for 10% more crit strike chance then Swift blades and we pick up Constitution here and Constitution here to finish up our tanking side now those points can be spent at the very end so you don't need to spend them now if you prefer magic but I found this one to be more convenient in the mid game because they are less flyer enemies and if you're playing in a group you most likely have a dedicated Mage that wants to hit things with spells so you don't actually need to use your Fireballs right now you get the acid carpet a little bit later and that's what we are going to pick up next so Spirit then Counter Strike so when you receive a hit you have a 50% chance to deflect the damage then we pick up quick charge so our staff charge of time of our spells is 50% reduced around this time we should be able to gain the acid spell so the acid carpet so this node comes just in time then we pick up intelligence here this is the way Spirit arsonist pyromaniac radiant AA and sonara this will now damage enemies around us in a 10 m radius so passively we have a lot of intelligence so this one will deal a substantial amount of damage but not enough just yet we're going then to pick up intelligence wizard chain hit mass destruction and intelligence chain hit and mass destruction will then on a Critical Strike deal shock damage times our intelligence so we have two here and five here so seven damage per intelligence we have 12 intelligence so that's 84 damage around us basically every single enemy every time anything CR this includes the radiant AA this includes every single tick of our poison carpet this includes every burst of our light burst this includes every hit or Fireball so we are now entering their zone now if you prefer you can pick up this side of things first and the Mele and tanking side a little bit later so you're missing out on some strength and Constitution here your blades are not going to hit as hard but you will get access to this combo much earlier now if they fix the ring you're going to pick up blood magic for this we're going to drop one Constitution here one con tion here one intelligence here and one intelligence here because we need four points to pick this one if they fix this one and you're a solo player you're going to pick this one up by dropping Nemesis and Arc Nemesis if they do not fix this one we're going to drop strength Nemesis and Arc Nemesis for solo players and then pick up be gone one additional point in intelligence and then Terror on a Critical Strike with a spell so your poison carpet every single tick enemies will be stunned for 4 seconds so you can stun loock entire screens with your poison carpet this is incredibly strong and extremely busted so that's solo players you can also drop a few points here so the Swift blades for example and Constitution Constitution veteran butcher whatever so the mely side of things and then enhance this one with the terror abilities and pick up double jump instead so if you want to focus on more of the spell side of things but I want to keep both in the build feels a little bit better because sometimes you don't want to cast spells especially for crits are chasing you so you take out your weapon and whip them a new one with this one instead of casting a spell now we thir optim this build through a variety of Buffs and consumables first get your comfort up and running to not run out of stamina next consume some juicy meat early chunks of wolf meat lat down game meat improving your health through Constitution next up use berries early to get Access to Health Region and dry them to increase the duration your character will be able to boost strength in intelligence at the same time due to how Food Works for intelligence use mushrooms of any kind and strength is obtained for grd corn and later hazel nuts so you can use both consume elexir for Hefty boost in damage Scrolls to increase it even further specifically the magic damage and a variety of other options for light more stamina and of course healing through health potions bandages are also offered to you those can be crafted in Mass at The Alchemist by combining water berries and mushrooms so pick those up whenever you can for the end game we're going to slap on some meat wrap followed by some Divine soup and finished buy some delicious hazelnuts to boost our strength there is no plus four or plus five veggie based strength food I'm aware of so that's why we go with the good old nuts alternatively you can go with some stamina food to get your breath back faster now this thumbs up the video If you happen to enjoy make sure to drop a like if you have any questions or remarks make sure to comment down below you can also subscribe if you have not already make sure to join the channel membership to support me some more and check out my patreon forart or using my thumbnail so see you next time and bye
Channel: Mordarim
Views: 83,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded best weapon, enshrouded legendary weapons, enshrouded legendary weapon location, enshrouded best build, enshrouded magic, enshrouded magic build, enshrouded mage, melee build, sword and board build, spell build, enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded guide, enshrouded combat guide, guide, gameplay, weapon, best, best build, build, mage, warrior, mordarim, paladin, paladin build, enshrouded paladin, enshrouded tank, enshrouded coop build, enshrouded healer build, healer
Id: 7bFPdeUqii0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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