Enshrouded 15 ESSENTIAL Tips & Tricks You Want To Know to Thrive, Not Just Survive!

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as red is filled with surprises and you would be surprised how much you didn't knew about them yet in the past couple weeks I've spent over 60 hours exploring the Early Access build I found some amazing survival hacks you want to know about for any Adventures ahead ladies and gentlemen welcome to the channel my name is foram and in today's guide I'm going to share 15 essential survival hacks you want to know about to not survive but thrive in and shrouded from breaking into houses and quick travel repair hacks to Healing like crazy and op gear farming these are only some of the many tips and tricks covered in today's guide so what are we waiting for let's get right to it you might be surprised how easy it is to break into houses in unshrouded even when you run out of metal scraps to make your own lock picks you can simply take out your pickaxe and swing a couple times at the walls right next to the locked door as this can break the barrier between you and the sweet treasure inside the house if you're pick swings make heavy sounds like breaking metal stone or wood you can break the walls well if you hear a weaker Sandy sound that means a fortunately it's not definitely be sure to use this method on many different locations as you would be surprised how many of them you can break into but what about digging a tunnel all the way to the top of the road to The Pillars of Creation as this one allows you to easily access pretty much everything the world of shrouded has in store for you easily cover hundreds of meters of distance with your Glide to not only spot but also map important points of interests you want to know about as quick as possible this is going to become even more efficient when you have a glider on steroids the standard glider is pretty decent when it comes down to covering certain distances while if you upgrade it all this is going to become so much easier while your redit also pick up the double jump in your talents as well as the updraft this combo will make closing gaps so much easier even with very little height difference es now that we've reached this town why not talk about my absolute favorite snack in the game honey oh honey this is such an amazing one to get your hands on and farm as much as possible during your adventures as it comes with an insane stamina recharge bonus it lasts for three full minutes and literally is your stamina recharge on steroids eating this snack will make chopping down trees and mining ore so much easier trust me guys you want to have this with you at all times which can be farmed a lot in Willow crush a pretty small town to the southwest of the ancient Spire revelwood the next one in line I like to call the valheim portal as all valheim veterans out there know that if you bring a portal with you during your adventures this is going to make quick travel to your base so much easier if you mine a couple stones and build a secondary third or maybe fourth flame altar as this will instantly place a checkpoint on the world which you can use to Quick travel back to your base quickly repair your gear here stock up an ammo and also do a little bit of resting for that Comfort bonus a crazy tip about comfort in a second but let's travel back to the location and talk about another one to basically repair wherever you are crafting a workbench is not that expensive so why not bring one on your adventures you can instantly repair your gear and pick it up afterwards so you don't have to leave it behind keep it in your inventory at all times the next one I like to call fortnite bridging don't ask me why but this one is pretty op as well I mean if you're having difficulties scaling terrain especially get on top of cliffs this one can help you big time slap down a flame Shrine then take out your workbench and make a couple of those stone blocks now you can make your staircase to Heaven easily reach much higher places especially if you combine it with a glider trick I gave you earlier another trick pretty op and I think it's going to be patched pretty soon so not worth talking about too much is simply spam click your jump and deploying your glider easily scale Cliffs and mountain tops without having to deploy a flame Shrine if you lost a lot of HP or just got back from a corpse run you're probably going to have to patch up yourself heal up a lot of HP this can be pretty challenging if you don't have the appropriate gear for it like rings with health regeneration that's why I recommend you to always have a stack of purple berries and bandages at your disposal as the combination of these is literally healing on steroids the purple berries come with plus two Health regeneration while the bandage heals 4% of your maximum HP every second for 10 before we move on to the next hack I'm pretty sure many of you guys are looking forward to playing and shrouded on a server together with friends this is where I can help you out as I happen to be partnered with G portal and I can give you a pretty sweet discount on their servers I've been using their services for many years now for my own Community servers for volheim V Rising rust but now also and shrouded they offer a competitive price for literally hundreds of of Game servers worldwide grab a nice discount with my G portal ref Link in the description not only will you support your own wallet with it but also the channel so GG I'm going to warry you guys about this one as I find it's pretty overpowered but guilty of charge I've been using this one a little bit myself as well but also covered in my ultimate beginners guide which you can find in the top right of the screen by the way if you're new to the game just a little bit Northeast of the starter area you can basically jump down with your glider this will bring you to a small Watchtower right in the middle of the Mist which actually isn't in the Mist inside the building you will find a treasure chest which you can very easily pick up if your base is close to it after that you can simply use your grappling hook to get upstairs and quick travel back to your base even better if you're the server owner or simply playing single player return to the main menu restart your server and revisit the location as right now all the loot will be respawned you can take that chest once again again rinse and repeat this farming method to basically get your hands on a ton of items for this method it's important to know about the Shroud quick travel this is normally not possible while in the Shroud but if you keep your eyes open for those gray dots on the map or simply gain some height Advantage you will simply get out of it and then you actually can use the quick travel to get to your base if you combine the two methods you'll be able to infinitely farm for runes and basically upgrades for your character as if you visit a blacksmith in your base this is where you can enhance your equipment all the trash loot you come across you simply Salvage this for runes which in return give you some pretty sweet upgrades on any equipment with slots you come across before you salvage anything though it's very important you focus on Raw damage as this is going to make your character a lot more powerful I picked up an epic bow earlier of level three with seven power which does look pretty cool with those four upgrade slots but if we upgraded a couple times we only have 10 power well if we look at my Forest Longbow without any upgrades this one already comes with 21 power which is more than double the amount and if we upgrade that it's actually going to scale much higher so be sure to focus on Raw damage numbers as these are going to make a big difference in terms of dealing damage did you know you can also home Jack places or simply take them for yourself well this is also something I only came across after many hours of playtime if you find a pretty sweet house what you can do is opening the door or using my breaking in method which I talked about earlier but if you place a flame Shrine inside you can basically dismantle all the stuff inside which in other words will give you a ton of free resources so you don't have to chop down trees or whatever to get these materials some houses in the game like the blue goblet Tavern are actually beautiful so why not just settle down right here pick up some sweet treasure and do some resting near the camp fire I'm sure you will absolutely love this for your early game Adventures since we're talking about cool points of interest you can visit why not make this even more efficient by upgrading your glider game why not build a tower right next to your base with a couple grappling hook attachments so you can gain Heights deploy your glider to reach distant lands I've been using this for a while right now to easily farm for resources around my base with all the different landmarks which are around it if you want me to make a base tour video by the way be sure to let me know in the comments down below but let me give you one more tip inside the base for some gut tier Comfort by default it's only going to be possible to have like 5 10 minutes of resting but what if I told you you can easily reach over 30 minutes more than half an hour of comfort which in other games was pretty tedious to do well just visit the carpenter as right here you can find all sorts of comfort upgrades so be sure to pick up every single one of them this stupid lamp right here for example example already comes with plus five after placing it we go from 32 to 35 minutes of bonus why not also make this beautiful stone lavatory while you're at it I'm sure this lady is going to love it here we go 39 minutes you can already have 5 minutes for free by the way if you pick up the well rested Talent as one of the first which I think is very much recommended but there you have it 15 Essentials you want to know about to make your adventures and this routed so much easier some of them tips and tricks while I think others are definitely hacks which you should be using at all times if you enjoyed the content be sure to hit that like button already very much appreciate and yeah grab a nice discount with my G portal ref Link in the description if you want to join Discord you can find it right there as well right now though it's 400 a.m. out if you're new to the channel be sure to subscribe as a lot more is coming your way but I want to thank you for watching I'll check you in the next one take care peace [Music]
Channel: 04AM
Views: 56,540
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Keywords: 04AM, Enshrouded, Enshrouded Early Access, Keen Games, Enshrouded gameplay, Enshrouded review, enshrouded 60 hour review, enshrouded is massive, enshrouded, enshrouded pc, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded need to know, survival game, valheim, enshrouded guide, enshrouded 2024, enshrouded early access, zelda, enshrouded tips & tricks, enshrouded tips and tricks, enshrouded building tips, enshrouded building, enshrouded magic, enshrouded things you need to know
Id: HUd2ydnhT7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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