Enshrouded - Top 10 Most Requested New Features & Systems

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[Music] and shrouded has seen a steady rise in its player base since launch and now with hundreds of thousands of players exploring Ember Vil every day it begs the question what do players want to see next lucky for us the team behind the game thought that through and thanks to a handy suggest a feature system we can see what changes the future could hold for this popular and promising Early Access Survival game one thing is clear the number one thing players want in in shrouded is player-based Quest progression currently quests are tied to the world and this doesn't always feel good if you're the player in your group of friends that doesn't have as much time to play while not the most engaging system the quest lines that unlock the various crafting stations for each NPC are Central to the game's progression and missing out on those steps does feel like you missed a major piece of the game's intended path is it nice to get stations for free thanks to your friends sure but the fact that only one instance of an NPC can be summoned across the whole world does restrict groups of friends who might want to build multiple bases as the number one requested feature again voted on by the community it's obviously something that's on the team's radar so much so this is the only feature marked as planned which means they're actively working on a solution they even gave us a small glimpse into what this could look like moving forward in a recent steam blog post the team shared that they are now exploring ways to implement the following options for player based Quest progression they want to offer an option to be able to personally complete every Quest they want to improve the quest log to better communicate the state of each quest in terms of servers versus personal progression and they did point out that they've already reduced the respawn timers to 30 minutes so it is possible to defeat a boss again or to destroy a shroud route within a group setting clearly there is more to come all right moving on to hopes and dreams territory the next nine features are the most voted on new features and systems but have not been marked as planned by the developers which means they could or could not happen in the future we just don't know coming in as the second most requested feature weather is clearly something the community wants I think it's speaks to the potential we all see in the world of enshrouded I can't be the only one that has been blown away by the size of the map I was genuinely surprised at how big and rich the world felt even in its Early Access State weather like another feature we'll talk about that made the list is something that layers on top of the details the team has already woven in to Ember Veil from an adventure player's point of view weather further creates a sense of immersion and amplifies the act of exploring various parts of the world from a builder's perspective there is a level of Vibes that you just can't quantify building a cozy hole and then sitting inside and listening to the rain outside needless to say the world is ripe for a weather feature and clearly the community agrees a more gameplay Centric request life skill progression clocks in as the third most requested feature on the list in this context life skills refers to everything Gathering and crafting related for example as you chop down trees you would gain skills in wood cutting as you chop more trees down and progress that skill further your proficiency gets higher and that would in turn unlock different things what those things are really doesn't matter at this point but it's the act of essentially doing tasks to get better at tasks that clearly is appealing to a wider base of players I do think this has a lot of Promise in a game like inh shrouded for starters there's a wide variety of things to do from fighting and mining to chopping and planting and the longer into Early Access we get the more things there will be to do by creating a life skill system you're essentially creating a structure for players to do what they like and be rewarded for their efforts minmax players will grind until every skill is maxed out but more casual players will do what they enjoy and see benefits for those efforts I could see this being a lot of fun especially if the team gets creative with the proficiency rewards there's a lot they could do from a gameplay perspective like making a a process more efficient the more skilled you are but there's also a ton they could do to reward players for less impactful more collectible type things for example maxing out your wood cutting skill could unlock a golden axe skin it's things like that I can imagine being a driver of a lot of casual fun in my mind it's one of the more flexible systems one I hope the devs seriously consider because there are a lot of different directions I could see it going the next requested feature seems so obvious in retrospect but before I give it away let me ask you this question what's one major environmental feature in shrouded is missing think about it for a second it's water the number four requested feature is something every Survival game has and now that I've had the chance to think about it it's so obviously missing from this game from both a gameplay and aesthetic perspective water is something that would not only bring so much life to the game but also open up so many possibilities for future content in systems something like a water power irrigation system to make crops grow faster or even a windmill to eventually create power for your base the possibilities are endless plus we can't forget the real reason water belongs in enshrouded The Vibes imagine an underground cave city with a river cutting right through the center of it in that regard it's another massive tool in a builder's kit and opens up a world of possibilities to me this is a no-brainer but I have to imagine the game's holistic engine and the voxal nature of the world design really POS some serious technical challenges which is why it's not something already implemented I love this next feature request and not just because I'm a huge fan of Harvest Moon and stardew Valley but because it makes a ton of sense with the current state of the game once you unlock the farmer NPC and can start cultivating your own Farm it's pretty hard to stop in fact there are already plenty of memes online showcasing just how many plants are needed for some of the endgame recipes I'm looking at you flax well how about taking that a step further with livestock and farm animals with neutral creatures already integrated into each Zone it wouldn't take much for the team to give players a way to capture and contain those beasts back at base it's even a good tie in with progression which on multiple occasions requires copious amounts of leather fur and Bones to byproducts of neutral animals not only that but having a steady supply of meat means keeping that fantastic Constitution buff for hours on end without worrying about running out I don't know this one just makes a lot of sense to me and gives the team freedom to expand into something like mounts later on if they so choose and if they really wanted to lock in the Casual players all they'd have to do is give them the ability to change the captured animals names and figure out a breeding system because everyone would lose their mind over baby animals running around their base this next feature request doesn't surprise me in fact it's something I've talked about with livid during our Long play sessions with the game optional PVE e base raids there is something cozy and comforting about returning cure Basin and shrouded I absolutely don't deny that but on the flip side it's almost too peaceful when you return home as an option I think more hardcore survival players would be interested in some sort of PVE base raid mechanic the fact that the world is being consumed by the Shroud even gives the team the perfect excuse to set up random scenarios that have tons of built-in flexibility that plus the various factions in the game already offer Vari that's most definitely going to expand as Early Access continues to roll on just think about it for a second a wave of mist covers over your base obscuring visibility and then all of a sudden a wave of shroud enemies attack you and your team if playing in Co-op have to defend your base and if you're successful you receive some sort of loot stash filled with valuable resources I don't even think Destruction has to be the end goal for the bad guys the team could easily create a system where the Raiders goal is to capture one of your end PCS if they're successful in doing that you have to go rescue them from a random encampment somewhere around the map it's a low catastrophy way to still make sure there are real Stakes for failing to defend your home I think this would also give the team the opportunity to give Builders more flexibility as well with just how they create and defend their bases it might even mean the addition of defensive elements like towers and mountable in placements or it could simply just force players to think differently about how they lay out the base I do want to stress the sticking Point here that this would be an optional feature because simply put not everyone is going to want to deal with this but I do think it opens up a ton of interesting possibilities I don't think I need to go deeper on this next one locking in as the number seven most requested feature people just want to be able to use workstations and Supply them from their base storage if there's one thing I think we all hate it's survival games that aren't optimized for efficiency or at least ones that don't eventually let you upgrade to that efficiency level magic chess I totally get but for players to have to manually input all materials into a workstation rather than simply pull them while interacting with the workstation itself does seem like a bit of an oversight don't get me wrong we're all used to this from other games but there's definitely an opportunity for improvement even something small like making workstations pull from chest within a certain radius would be a step in the right direction the fact that the first true combat feature request comes in at number eight really puts into perspective how invested players are in the survival and Base building aspects of un shrouded even still combat is a huge aspect of the game and coming in as the top combat request is the ability to dual wield look I don't think it's a secret that in shrouded combat is simplistic so the more options that eventually come to the game the more diverse that offering is but I think the real reason why dual wielding is a top request is because the game gives you lots of options to be a sneaky Rogue but not the weapons to make that a reality there are full armor sets dedicated to backstabs and crits and skills that reduce the sound you make when walking around but you can't equip two swords big swing in a miss this is another no-brainer in my mind mainly because there's so much that's already supporting the play style yes it would require another set of combat animations but it's not like the animations were that robust to begin with not only that but once you do Implement a new weapon type the team now has a ton of freedom to create an entire new lineup of weapons for players to check out the ninth feature actually surprised me a bit a good chunk of players want difficulty options thinking through that a bit I think the sandbox nature of the game does lend itself to difficulty control but more in the way of Sliders and modifiers being able to increase or decrease enemy density or even resources scattered around the world would be something I could see playing very well within in shrouded structure you give players enough finite control and they'll do some cool things with their games and when you consider something like base raids that we t talked about before it's pretty clear how difficulty would interplay with other systems we're talking about in this video what I don't think ined would benefit from is the standard tier difficulty system enemies don't simply need to be padded with more HP there has to be more Nuance to that based on the player or group of players taking part in a server what I would love to see is more genuine mechanics from enemies that would really beef up the game's difficulty right now most enemies have one or two attack patterns and bosses pretty much follow that that same suit want to make your game truly a fun challenge to overcome think through enemy Ai and create encounters that actually test a player skills at combat taking the number 10 spot on the list today is a feature I absolutely would love to see an enshrouded roaming bosses and mini bosses I'll take it one step further and say i' love a system that's Dynamic that alerts you when something strange or mysterious is happening in the world you go investigate and lo and behold you're engaging with a boss right now exploration of poi is fun but the rest of the world could do with a bit of liveliness I think something like roaming bosses or groups of enemies that offer unique loot outside of the standard offering could absolutely be part of the equation to write that balance it could even tie into unique resources or crafting recipes to make it that much deeper and that's the list the top 10 features players across the unshrouded community want to see come to the game while these things are all nice they're all just ideas for now so if you want some real advice about the game as it actually is don't forget to check out our enshrouded guides already released on the channel my name is Kodiak and from everyone here at Legacy gaming thanks for watching and play [Music] on
Channel: Legacy Gaming
Views: 6,859
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Keywords: Legacy Gaming, enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded guide, enshrouded game, enshrouded tips, enshrouded review, enshrouded building, enshrouded tips and tricks, enshrouded beginners guide, enshrouded trailer, enshrouded base building, enshrouded update, enshrouded best build, enshrouded news, enshrouded new update, enshrouded new patch, enshrouded new game, enshrouded new content, enshrouded what to do, enshrouded what's next, enshrouded patch, news, info, update, patch
Id: gCiSv0Ame5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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