So I Gave Enshrouded Another Try..

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so like this wand ising Ridiculous by the way like I upgraded it and now I am [ __ ] balling look at this damage bro I lit that [ __ ] up in like a second you see that it's [ __ ] insane okay and I'm thinking maybe I just jump down and glide over there okay there we go let me look around in here oh I probably should use this too the pickaxe I don't know if I really should do these that much not sure if it's worth it why is bit rate super bad uh I don't know if it is um are there any rats in here no it seems like there's not I think it's probably whenever I'm moving around it's bad but yeah it's disappointing to see people who um uh what do you call it who get so fixated around like uh World issues and it like gets them to like kind of just like completely ignore their own like real life and like just fixate on that instead I see a lot of people that do that nowadays and um I think it's like a form of like coping uh where it's like I can't really do anything about like my own life or I don't want to or for whatever reason like they're just not and so instead of that okay so there is a second four for this uh so like instead of that they're going and uh you know trying to turn this into like some kind of like larger oh [ __ ] let me just kill this thing okay there we go nice all right look at that one tapped suck a [ __ ] dick okay it seems like there's nothing really in here uh yeah there's like nothing here I'm just going to break a few things and then go back outside yeah nothing out here and is there a way to go up to the top the second level let me see if there is um it's like maybe up there ah I don't really think it's worth it to be honest like we've got so many other places to to go anyway that it's like why why invest into that okay I think I got that Shrine oh [ __ ] that's a big one okay let's go over here location above um what's this damn that I got my ass okay I don't see anything over here some hobo Wizardry a little bit Yeah I wonder if I should try to mine this let's see if there's anything in the middle of it no just these stupid ass mushroom things who cares about that no it's over here yeah the wand is really strong like I I went and I respect my character just to make the wand even better ooh that's a big boy bro is that supposed to be a Yeti what a joke wow bro he got lit the [ __ ] up okay let's go up this way then oh you got a talent that makes those dudes allies really oh there's another Yeti right there it's a Chewbacca oh oh oh oh wait ice bolt oh oh it's a spell at that like it's actually so easy bro this world is huge there been people that have put 100 hours into this game and they say they're not finished I'll go over here and kill these guys too I love this game it's a great game my enjoyment of the game went up a lot whenever I upgraded my wand and now it does three times the damage that it did before the game became a lot more fun can I open this oh I can oh wow this like a secret room what the [ __ ] oh God okay [Music] H okay this seemed to be kind of a waste of time honestly but that's pretty cool okay um well we'll go up a little bit farther then does this work on Steam deck I don't know oh it's a shaman what's he going to do die is there any bad boys here yeah easiest game of my life can I break this looks like I can't I'm not really GNA try to like break everything I'm just going to go for like a general cursory just exploration cuz I feel like most of the time like I don't really get that many cool crazy things outside of like the big chests so I think we should just focus on mainly getting the big chests and then going from there and also like because I'm so thorough with like the way I explore things I usually end up being overleveled anyway so I'm not that worried about it maybe over there anything over there no seems like there's not okay so this is the new let me see how much this does for damage okay always good to know all right oh oh we'll break these two this can drop good stuff like in these little pots do you ever see yourself visiting Canada maybe we'll see what happens I'm not much of a traveler as I've said before I just don't really enjoy it ooh a chest oh there's three that I have to do what a [ __ ] hopefully I get a good staff or like a wand or something like that I wonder how I get over there I'm going to look around first before I leave all right I see one right there H how could I possibly get over there so maybe I have to jump from here and then jump from there okay got it that was cool I'm going to let my uh my stamina build up again oops okay and we've got two doors open and oh it's right there can I hit it there I can okay and now we open the chest and we can get this 14 damage ice damage um I don't think this is very good I'm not going to use it it's not good I'm specked already into fire damage and I think fire damage is more effective against more things and so I just don't really think it's worth using that item and also it has 14 base damage and its upgrades only give me increases to protection rather than increases to damage so I'm just not seeing it okay yeah I don't know what what do you guys think you guys picking up what I'm putting down there true yeah disappointing right cuz I was really hoping we get something good maybe we will but just not that ooh okay uh I hit full inventory so let me just go ahead and see what I can throw away uh we're going to go ahead and get rid of these uh we will go ahead and this is epic I'm just thinking like I guess I'm going to yeah I actually am going to salvage it okay um we're going to delete these we're going to delete the dirt uh we'll also delete um the Twigs okay that's enough for now okay I got more Twigs oh oh this is the guy Alaskan scree where is she Flint Arrow where'd she go maybe up here I don't see any of this oh oh bro I was just running around spamming F what the [ __ ] she's already at the base okay break these oh wow ooh oh wow it's a piece of [ __ ] I don't need that okay I don't need to go in here um is there a drop down that's beneficial there it looks like there's not what about something on top of this it looks as though there's nothing up there okay there was an area like Midway down that I didn't explore so I'm going to go over there I want to go take a look at it uh where did I come from I came from like in here and then oh yeah yeah yeah yeah okay and then I was this way I go down no no no I went it was this way that I didn't go okay oh oh naturally there's a turkey leg there okay so I feel like we kind of just did it didn't we ancient Vault Carpenter okay um teleport back to base yeah I'm thinking that too yeah let's go back to base is UPG gring up an item will have more impact than a rare item in the long run yeah but both of the items are but the item is bad like the upgrades are bad too okay so okay manual crafting and I thought I could craft new stuff oh maybe I have to drop her um how do I add in PCS again summon the hunter summoning staff that's right where is it oh I know where it is wait was it a that box no there it is make sure I put all this stuff away I have kind of a stupid way of doing inventory I have an incredibly stupid way of of doing inventory actually okay and I can cook that later ice bolt I don't really care about that okay oops hit the wrong button okay let's put Alaskan over here got him nice driving together finding salt Mark a location for Gathering salt I already did that oh wow oh a drawing rack animal resin torch Scout set um okay uh so I guess I need to have a dry rack wood logs and string take okay we need plant fiber as usual animal fur uh where's string I guess I'll do torn quoth as well if I need bones I'll have it if I need wood I'll have it there's some string right there I don't know if I need the spores but I might hopefully soon I'll be able to craft from my inventory and that'll save so much time it's really annoying not being able to do that okay and enhancing equipment can I even enhance this I can't because it's full okay so dry rack let's craft uh I'm going to craft two of these racks actually and I'll put them outside with the other crafting materials okay and then we'll do another one too craft a purple Berry why the [ __ ] would I give a [ __ ] about a purple Berry what about dried fur animal fur Okay so we've got animal fur Okay so let let's cut this in half um how can I cut this in half right click split stack right okay okay let's get that salt okay um make sure there's no more salt that I haven't missed out on it looks like there's not no okay we're good so now we'll go back and put the salt in here where' the other salt go there it is and changing recipe over to dried fur okay good and that will take six minutes and then what's this I have to do Hunters alive Pera drive on sh lands okay upgrade alter I can't do that strengthen the flame I don't have enough Sparks and I don't have a scavenger matron head and I don't need to reset my skill points and I'm going to go ahead and sleep okay [Music] okay so some of this done now okay nice at least I'll have some dried fur all right and let me see what do I need to craft with that I need four okay and that's eight more slots for my backpack that's really good I'm debating whether it's worth waiting what do you guys think oh actually yeah it's definitely worth waiting I I misjudged what this was yeah it's going to take literally seconds okay I'll just cut down a tree or two while I wait does this game have slaves and Cat girls it doesn't bad game but by the way you're going to need lots of salt it's okay uh I found a place on my map that had a lot of salt and so I can just go over there you don't have Carpenter yeah I'm going to go get him uh I have um I found where this guy was going to be The Alchemist so it's like I'm not sure I I mean I could go over and get the carpenter or I could get the Alchemist wait where did the carpenter wait what the [ __ ] what's this [ __ ] doing the [ __ ] out of here okay anyway we'll just get the uh get both get Carpenter first I'm going to get The Alchemist first actually no I'll go get the carpenter let's go do that okay and we got both of those oops magic chest or major convenience yeah I'm starting to starting to think the same thing okay so we're going to craft the backpack and how does this work back pack okay so I equip it to my character and now my backpack is bigger okay pretty [ __ ] simple ooh radiant Aura I'm feeling very good about I'm getting that right now that's like massive okay and radiant Aura is a trap okay well I guess I'll find out why uh I can just Respec if it's problematic uh it seems like it's something that's good so if it's not then I will uh I I will get rid of it okay let's put all these away I'll keep that if I want to eat it okay good and so I think we need to go back over to where the carpenter is let's just go over there I mean [ __ ] I think that's the best idea right yeah we just go do it a goat he died for a good cause it was for my enjoyment okay so I have to Glide all the way over there I think I can do that let's do it ooh I'm not going to make it ooh ooh okay I'm just going to run let's kill that got you [ __ ] oh my God that's really annoying that's so stupid I've got to run back now I didn't even see that okay um Let Me Wait Till where I get rested so a pink St yeah I I hate I hate things like that I just feel like I got cheated you know okay we'll glide back try to get our stuff it's glowing red uh yeah I mean but like what what am I supposed to know right okay let's see if I can get my stuff back here there it is I just have to like I mean I don't know I think that's like cheesy as [ __ ] okay um let me kill these guys Jesus [ __ ] okay that guy's Dead all right uh I just have to look down man got him okay I'm out of that I still need to get all the way over there I think I just Glide over there [ __ ] okay kind of scary but we made it and we'll recover our health over time so I'm not too worried keep going this way I just took the Bridge wait there's a bridge oh is that it I think that's it I'm going to go over there wait what the [ __ ] is this oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh wow there's a whole mine in here I don't really need a lot of Flintstone okay it doesn't actually save time where the fanmade souls game for man Bonnie uh yeah I will look at that uh I don't know what it is I haven't been usually I just look at things that are posted on like my Reddit and so if it wasn't then I might not have seen it um if he made a game i' I'd play it for sure what the hell oh it's a special bad area I'm afraid there could be like Monsters That Could mob me man I'm getting a little intimidated maybe I should go over here cuz it says it's like question marks here I want to see what this is oh [ __ ] why am I why is there Combat music oh that's why level seven holy [ __ ] Jesus [ __ ] there's more okay got him let me get down below this uh how do I get up there right there got him suck a dick nice big loot big loot a rock just what I needed okay what about up here it sure seems like I'm supposed to go up here I guess I I I mean I might as well break these right we're going to a highle area Man level seven oh oh [ __ ] oh this is the ancient Vault M five nice oh I think I'm dead done I can't get away from them how much stamina do I left yeah I just okay um that sucks okay I guess I just have to stay out and uh no AOE spell well I just assumed that I'd be able to get back up to top not that I would be like body blocked by that stuff I'm just going to wait and kill them all from up here I mean that's that's clearly the that that's clearly the play right I mean it's not like this is hard it's just stupid okay um uh I think I just have to go down there and fight him is this what I think it is die [ __ ] there we go okay good I'm going to be real like that was that was kind of stressful man yeah let me destroy this too I'm just I'm thinking like is it worth it for me to go back and like reset my uh my [ __ ] on this I I feel like I probably should right yeah I'm going to go ahead and do it I think I was able to go up here and then it went away [Music] yeah yeah that Gauntlet was rough make sure I get my health back too okay oh did the spawners respawn I think they did I'm going to run away so they probably won't aggro onto me oh what the [ __ ] okay that one's dead okay that one's dead too all right let's go ahead and get some more health regen and I can't go down there I can't go over there and I'm on a timer what's this okay nice oh no not this [ __ ] again my wand's going to break um kind of hard to know what to do here dig it okay oh what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yeah holy [ __ ] I found it I was like there's no way that's what it is but it is oh my god dude that's crazy holy [ __ ] okay um well let me go back around the other side and make sure I didn't miss anything okay yeah I was thinking like should I dig it or not cuz that was the first thing I thought of and I was like oh there's no way I thought there was another pathway over here yeah yeah yeah this oh let me dig this one then oh what the oh it's a chest [ __ ] ass that's the last [ __ ] thing I need okay whatever and we got everything here okay I think now it's time for us to leave so we'll get out of the poison area and then after that we'll be able to teleport back over to the base this is a big dub bro the stamina for climbing is [ __ ] brutal can you show the axe uh no it's a piece of [ __ ] it's a piece of [ __ ] you just look at it you know it's a piece of [ __ ] you don't need to why would you want to look at a piece of [ __ ] um can I jump down there oh of course I can cuz I have a glider yeah also like I already have a legendary axe okay so let's go back to base then it would be really nice if I had gotten the highle wand but unfortunately I didn't okay so now let's get the summoning staff out again oh let me okay like this want this staff oh actually this is like way better okay okay I'm replacing my legendary axe okay um tab summoning staff okay the carpenter I'm going to put him right here there he is I through everything okay Kil lump of Clay Magic small magic chest oh that's really good oh that's big good that's really big good okay um I guess what I'll do is I can just make more boxes right oh where's this guy want equipment lost equipment chest need salvaging okay um I already have that I made that armor set where's uh where's storage maybe it's over here workbench storage Okay small chest I need nails and wood logs need charcoal [ __ ] I guess I'll put that away in there too I'll doal with the crafting stuff later I'm not going to worry about it too much right now let me put all this stuff away too cuz if I just have shroud cores I feel like I have more shroud cores too oh I don't because that's probably from like a higher level mob and so that's why I only have three right because they're probably from higher level equipment lost want to borrow it and finish it it's like where to find it okay out spinter shut up oh wow it's all the way over there holy [ __ ] okay well I guess we should get the Alchemist over there too right I feel like we should let's go get him flying witches dro the course I was running around and I saw this area and I thought to myself well I don't want to do this area off stream right because it's like one of the unlocks and so I haven't been playing cuz I was going to hold off on doing it o that dick sucker is causing me problems this will also this is actually really good because I get more metal scraps out of this like I give a [ __ ] bro like okay I kind of two hits like that is probably not that good okay um this looks like something I should mine but like no no it's just dirt never mind let me go over here first is this like a little a little base they have what's the dog doing what are you doing what an idiot what a stupid idiot there's a guy behind me too I can hear him okay and what's in the box Dick in the Box yeah we really have to do something about these metal scraps man like I don't know if I should really do um if I should really do like the damn bro what's he flying around for just a minute let me get him damn I had him and then he got out of my hand I didn't realize I didn't have my thumb on him he's back he responded let me get him damn bro like why are they so stupid isn't that incredible oh [ __ ] it's dark I was been paying attention Okay um I guess since it's dark can I just go to sleep and won't it pass time faster yeah it will is he tamed it's just a moth I don't know where the roach went yeah I I don't know where the hell he went let me let me go let him out cuz he's he's depressed [Music] I'll be right back all right we're good let's go back up here the monst just maed out the dungeon I mean he's chilling it's not a big deal it's just a moth bro like uh I'll go up this way what do you want [ __ ] you [ __ ] damn what a little [ __ ] oo I didn't notice that nice I got a bomb that's fine okay big loot yeah yeah we're chilling man I guess I'll go up there too all righty go up to the top how's the game so far um the game is a good game uh I like this game a lot as I said I I think that this game is a lot better than people give it kind of like credit for I guess so yeah I'm I'm very positive about this game what what was I mad for see they just get [ __ ] up man like they don't even have a chance like even even this loser over here actually thought he was going to get me not going to get me the [ __ ] out of here I need a lot of metal scraps I don't know how I can get metal [ __ ] [ __ ] got me bro like they [ __ ] got me they did kind of get me with that though right ooh let's go down I didn't even see this oh [ __ ] oh I see what's going on it's only level three bow okay looking above nothing else here break this down too anything good in here no I just got more bombs uh can I I feel like I should be able to right soulless Unreal Engine asset flip you think you think that about this game yeah I I I certainly don't get that Vibe oh what's this all right what was that why is there two [ __ ] suckers here I don't know why they were there I have no idea okay let's open this one up nice oh so now I can make a shroud core you're right okay [ __ ] yeah we'll go up to the top too um no looks like there's nothing really here well [ __ ] I mean if we already did everything here salt mine location I guess we can go over to this right right yeah we might as well you're missing double jump um I know that I don't have double jump ooh o bro do we just ex like we had a new exploit um yeah I know that I don't have it I also don't feel like I need it oh what the [ __ ] who Let The Dogs Out get the [ __ ] out of here suggest I try it yeah but every investment that I have into the dogs is an investment I don't make into my damage and I feel like my damage is more important because like I I haven't really felt like I needed to use double jump right now and so why would I invest into an upgrade that isn't helping me o a crawly oh my God should I go get that one I want to go kill it I cut this [ __ ] right down I just cut him down I say no [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here get the [ __ ] out of here nope where's assault mine what any more of these [ __ ] looking to start trouble the [ __ ] out of here bro I'm just walking around like I don't even care what the [ __ ] they do I don't know how I feel about that uh that ability yeah I'm not sure how I feel about it you know like that uh that radiant Aura like I'm not saying it's bad but like [ __ ] I ain't saying it's good either there's another area that's assault mine that's like way better than this by the oh what the [ __ ] you guys see that ooh ooh Critter Nest I wonder what's in the Critter Nest could it be Critters after that last high level area like I'm not even afraid of this [ __ ] one's this going to die there it is yeah this wasn't [ __ ] uh I don't think I I do that do I I feel like I don't my wand's dead yeah it is but I'm also done with this area and all the mobs are dead too this isn't much of a critter nest there's only a little bit of Dick boys here and that was it all right let's get a little bit of the salt here I really like the way mining in this game works it feels good you agree this game is actually valheim on steroids this game has a lot of things that people wanted about valheim yeah um I can see why a lot of people compare it to valheim valheim definit definitely has been like kind of genre defining in a lot of ways because of just like how definitive the game was and so like now everybody is like oh this game's like valheim that game's like valheim I think that's a good thing I don't think it's bad at all I think it's good yeah there's much better places to get salt and I I think I need to figure out a way to like get a a better hammer it's a great game but the 60fps camera lock feels like trash I haven't even noticed that to be honest with you I if you had told me that this game ran at 120 FPS I would be like okay yeah it's like maybe it's not good that that's the case but it hasn't been bad to the ex ENT that I feel like it's uh it it's taken away from my enjoyment of the game like to me like everything to me matters like the the main thing to me that matters is like am I having fun playing the game like that's literally the only thing I care about and if I'm having fun playing the game then everything else is a is a waste of time to talk about like it literally doesn't matter I figured I'd get that just so I could do a little bit more farming before my weapon breaks guess well 44 T notice 60 FPS I don't know I mean I do but like I probably would notice it if I went from it like back and forth but I don't really worry about it that much think are funny how sales tax work the RN I bro school didn't teach [ __ ] there's just a lot of people that um really just aren't like super you know like it's it's kind of like a in a way it's kind of sad cuz like there's so many people that like just don't understand [ __ ] anything right and it's like you imagine like if you're a person that can't understand how percentages work think about how stressful that person's life is you know what I mean like bro this guy like is it's like he like everything in in it's like so stressful financial literacy is rather low I think that people just don't know how to do math like I I think that it's a and I I really mean this I think it's like a legitimate like really big problem that like there's such a big population of people that can't do math okay so now we're out of that and we can teleport back and get this guy math is so easy though well I think the problem is that people don't teach math in conjunction with logic because math is really logic right but people don't see it that way because it's not taught that way and it's not communicated that way with people so it's like you can say that people are stupid and like you're right but people also are made even stupider by uh o balazar Alchemist mortar Tower eternally magical ER turning learning an eternal spell O Okay so I can make health potions shroud survival flasks ice bolts okay that's interesting bug dust [Music] e is this a wand oh it's a staff okay wizard magical crit chance Mana plus 2% mag it's not really that much okay I feel like maybe I should upgrade this I don't really know if the staff is worth upgrading or not it's hard to say J talked about no gdkp yeah I did I thought it was a bad decision um I I know a lot of people don't like gdkp but I think that I I think it's a really bad precedent to set that blizzard just like instead of actually making the game like instead of actually like Banning people that are like doing things wrong uh or like breaking the rules they just take it out of the game and I just think that's really lazy and I think it sucks that like everybody now has to play a worse version of the game because of that Flint stone and Stone yeah I mean like gdkp I I think that fundamentally I have no problem with gdkp and I I don't see how you really could I don't I don't see how it's like fair that other people aren't allowed to play the game with gdkp like how can somebody think that like that's the like that's really the problem and not the blizzard just allowing people to uh uh to cheat in the game and get away with it cuz to me like that's what I think the real problem is I think it's the cheaters probably people stealing gold well that's something that like you just don't well then don't play with people that do that right like cuz you know under that logic you know you're going to go back to uh I'm just going to going to salvage a lot of these um that's my good wand not salvaging that one and I'm going to salvage the hatchet this is a pretty good bow 15 power versus my [Music] 10 I feel like maybe I should use this instead I'm just going to use this I'm going to disenchant these Okay it definitely incentivizes buying gold uh I think what incentivizes buying gold more is not Banning people for it I think you're right I mean it it definitely incentivizes buying gold but like I don't think the solution to that is to to take it out of the game I think it should be to ban the people that are buying gold it just seems like really unfair to me that that's like that that's the approach that blizzard wants to take where it's like now I I the player like I I feel like I'm getting punished now uh for something that I think is kind of unfair uh I'm going to just craft like a lot of these don't was yeah now that I have 50 nails that should help me a lot okay um it's almost oh it's past 5 uh I'm going to go to sleep yeah staff isn't worth it uh I I I don't know like I I probably should try it out and just like learn how to use it but I haven't done it yet because like if the staff has a resource that I have to use I feel like it's not really worth it see it says cast spell right and it's like so when like in what Universe would it ever be better to use the staff than the wand that like I think I should have the staff for like uh like let me see how much damage this ice bolt does for example like the staff functions like a a magic bow and arrow right where like you Craft Spells to use with the staff like I I I think that's how it works I don't know yeah okay so let me try to hit something with it I don't want to hit one of these cuz they try to run away maybe I just try to hit that 35 damage like and you compare that to this and I know this is a bad comparison in a lot of ways but it's 50 so it's like this has a faster rate of fire and so I'm thinking that the only time that the staff is useful is whenever I have AOE spells you get Eternal spells which are not consumed yeah and like maybe if I had something like that I would be more willing to use the staff but right now I don't have that so I'm not using it and also the wand doesn't cost Mana three resisted versus 50 weakness yeah but I also like yeah I mean you're right I mean yeah no no that's no you you that's true yeah I need more dirt where's a dirt but yeah anyway uh we had fun today got some stuff done I'm try to get on earlier tomorrow I got to figure out my car situation and then uh get back to the house anyway guys thank you all very much for watching I really appreciate it until next time boys peace see you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 265,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: u2lJOQwrMjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 43sec (4663 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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