Enshrouded Rake Guide & Tips - IT'S ACTUALLY USEFUL!

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greetings Flame born we are gathered here today at the church at Woodard to celebrate the rake a vastly misunderstood tool it's actually quite powerful let's take a look the game builds the rake as a decent tool to level hilly ground I would argue it's an extremely good tool for that we're going to talk about the two basic functions of the rake before we get into two hidden features that make it very powerful as you can see the terrain here is quite Messy as we move the camera around we can see that these two blue concentric circles adjust to the altitude once we select an altitude that we desire to level the terrain to we click and hold left click from there we can see as we move the camera around the altitude of the blue circles is locked in in this can often be quick to do but once again we chose sort of a messy spot and the more adjustment that is required the longer you may need to hold the button we're also free to move the player so I've been holding the entire time and the height of the blue circles has remained consistent and as we'll see in just a moment The Rake is actually capable of adjusting the altitude quite a bit good morning Ember Vil all right that is function number one for function number two we come to the sheer face let's say that we desired to make this a more gradual slope as can be seen in the lower right hand corner if we hold the r key and then scroll the mouse wheel we adjust the angle at which we see our blue concentric circles so if we wanted this to be a more gradual slope we would set the desired angle once again click and hold we're locked in we're free to move the character free to move the camera and we just reduce that sheer face to a gradual slope those are what I would call the two standard functions of the ray now why is this tool overpowered let's get into it you can see in my inventory I have one of each of Three Special terrain types there's Farm soil uh which increases the growing speed of plants dirt road block which reduces stamina consumption while sprinting and flower soil which is pretty all three of these uh terrain types can be found here at Woodard we can see Farm soil right there dirt road right there and flower soil right over there one needs to Simply uh swing the pickaxe a couple times and uh some will end up in your inventory now if we pull out our hammer and go to the terrain tool we can see on the right we're able to select uh these types of terrain so we're going to spend our one flower soil to place some uh pretty flowers here if we uh then switch back to our rake lock in the altitude we're also locking in the terrain type so despite the fact that we have zero flower soil in our inventory we're able to spread the peace and love here now when we place the terrain block we increase the altitude here and from that high altitude we copied the High Altitude everywhere we spread the flowers we also copied the terrain type from a high altitude to a low altitude relatively if we then go back down to the lower altitude click and hold to grab that we can see that we do not copy the terrain type but rather only the altitude so the terrain type remains how we had it with the pretty flowers here but we just lowered it back to our leveled altitude here if we once again pull out our hammer and select the dirt road block we can do things similarly spread the roads far and wide you can see in the upper left hand corner I have the on the road buff and we if we look at the character screen status details we can see that this reduces stamina consumption while sprinting so that is element one of how the rake is quote overpowered before we talk about the last powerful feature of the rake I hope I can count on you to spread the gospel of the rake by clicking the like button also on this channel we do lots of Val speedruns valheim perade death playthroughs and recently we've been streaming and shrouded with a focus on combat and progression hopefully with some occasional humor as well give me your bus money consider dropping a sub all right and lastly we pull out the hammer Place some Farm soil we can once again spread it free of charge with the rake uh we're spreading both the altitude and the terrain type to lower altitudes here we only had one in our inventory we're getting this free of charge uh however the last manner in which the rake is somewhat overpowered is that if we once again pull out our pickaxe we can just mine Farm soil and we emerge with more than when we started and then simply click and hold with the rake to replace it all right folks there you have it often misunderstood Tool The Rake actually quite powerful enjoy your roads enjoy your pretty flowers and enjoy your free Farm soil thanks for watching take care
Channel: ThreadMenace
Views: 135,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valheim, speedrun, valheim speedrun, hardcore, valheim hardcore, playthough, valheim playthrough, valheim lets play, valheim let's play, unshrouded, hoe, enshrouded hoe, enshrouded terrain, enshrouded level, enshrouded level ground, enshrouded farm soil, enshrouded soil, enshrouded flower soil, enshrouded, enshrouded rake
Id: J446JjJYe2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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